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One World with Zain Asher

Israel Expands Ground Operation In Gaza; Mob Storms An Airport In Russia; Dozens Of Trucks In Egypt Carrying Aid Supplies Wait To Cross Into Gaza; FIFA Announces Banning Of Former Spanish Football Association President Luis Rubiales From All Football-Related Activities For Three Years; Tributes Continue To Pour In For Actor Matthew Perry; Female Israeli Soldier Released From Hamas Captivity. Aired 12-1p ET

Aired October 30, 2023 - 12:00   ET




BIANNA GOLODRYGA, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: Israel is expanding its ground operation in Gaza after a deadly weekend. "One World" starts right now. The

death toll in Gaza continues to soar as eight agencies warn of hunger and desperation. Also, terrifying scenes in Russia as a mob storms an airport

and vents its anger against Jews and Israeli travelers. Plus, in Egypt, dozens of trucks carrying aid supplies wait to cross into Gaza.

Hello, everyone, live from New York, I'm Bianna Golodryga. Zain is on assignment today. Welcome to "One World". Hamas appears to be stepping up

its propaganda campaign as Israel expands and escalates its assault on Gaza. The militant terror group has released a short video showing three

women who the IDF has confirmed are hostages.

Now, it comes as the IDF says its troops are carrying out an extended ground operation in Gaza that is only set to intensify. We are also seeing

another round of heavy airstrikes. The Israeli air force says that it has attacked about 600 terrorist targets in the last few days.

New video, meanwhile, shows an Israeli tank apparently firing on a passenger vehicle south of Gaza city. A military spokesperson told CNN that

Hamas uses civilian equipment inside of Gaza, while acknowledging that he didn't know who was inside the car.

Well, the death toll in Gaza is soaring, and the U.N. warns that amid the growing hunger and desperation there, civil order is now breaking down. The

Ministry of Health in Ramallah says that more than 8000 civilians have been killed in Gaza since the conflict began, including more than 3000 children.

Those numbers are drawn from sources inside of Gaza, which is controlled by Hamas.

One leading humanitarian organization says the number of children reported killed in Gaza has surpassed the annual number of children killed in armed

conflict globally since 2019. CNN's Salma Abdelaziz joins us now from London. And Salma, that is a sobering figure. This organization being saved

-- the children. What more we learning about the situation now in Gaza?

SALMA ABDELAZIZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It's a figure that is difficult to even wrap our minds around. Three thousand children killed in a matter of three

weeks. When you look at the images coming out of the Gaza strip, you are looking at near constant funerals. Families in anguish, horror, pain,

desperately trying to find refuge.

Now, Israel, of course, launched this military offensive after those heinous attacks on October 7th claimed the lives of 1400 people and

resulted in more than 200 being taken hostage inside Gaza. But the result of that, the second phase of this operation, as it is called by Prime

Minister Netanyahu is utter carnage and devastation on the ground.

We have a report to show you, what is taking place inside. But I want to start by warning our viewers, the images in here are graphic.


ABDELAZIZ (voice-over): This is what the so-called second stage of war looks like. Panic and suffocation inside northern Gaza's hospital,

terrified families and patients with nowhere to run. Air strikes nearby after the IDF told people here to flee south.

NEBAL FARSAKH, COMMUNICATION AND P.R. OFFICER, PALESTINE RED CRESCENT SOCIETY: We have over 400 patients who are inside the hospital. Many of

them are in the Intensive Care Unit. Evacuating them means killing them.

ABDELAZIZ (voice-over): The evacuation order called impossible by the World Health Organization and the U.N. both stressed hospitals and civilians must

be protected including some 12,000 displaced people sheltering inside Al- Quds hospital.

UNKNOWN (through translator): Tell us we are safe and we will leave the hospital, he says. There is no safe place in the south, not in the whole of

Gaza. Near constant airstrikes now pound the enclave while Israeli troops expand their ground operations.

The IDF insists it is eradicating Hamas. But on the ground, in this densely populated territory, utter devastation is the consequence. There are two

million people, half of them children, trapped here under bombardment and under siege.

This is revenge, a cowardly, races campaign, he says. We in this area, we are one family. We are kind people. Instead of waking up to the sound of

the call to prayer, we woke up to an airstrike. The anguish and horror inside Gaza, sparking mass demonstrations from New York City, to London, to

Rome, and calls for a ceasefire are growing louder.


U.N. members overwhelmingly voted for an immediate and sustained truce last week. But even as Palestinian families buried their youngest, more than

3000 children killed in three weeks, "Save The Children" said, citing Gaza's Hamas-controlled health authorities, amplifying the global outcry.

Prime Minister Netanyahu vows this is only the beginning.


ABDELAZIZ (on-camera): Now, there's another emergency meeting taking place at the U.N. today. This one was called for by the UAE -- by the United Arab

Emirates. Their hope, their goal, is to get a binding resolution. Last week's vote was nonbinding. Their hope is to get a binding resolution

imposing a ceasefire, essentially, on the ground.

Now, Israel is very, very unlikely to follow that. There is a spat between the United Nations

and Israel. But again, just think of the number of civilians we are talking about, who have lost their lives in a matter of days. That carnage, that

bloodshed, will continue to feed this global outrage.

GOLODRYGA: All right, Salma Abdelaziz, you've been covering it for us so thoroughly for us, thank you. Let's get more detail now about the situation

in Northern Gaza, where Israeli forces are pushing further into the enclave.

The Israeli military says its troops killed four senior Hamas operatives in its latest operation. And it says that it has thus far succeeded in using

drones and air power to foil Hamas attempts to hit back. And Israel claims it has destroyed a number of Hamas missile launch pads, as well as other

terrorist infrastructure.

Our Nic Robertson is in Sderot, Israel, near the border with Gaza. And Nic, obviously, this is an ambitious operation that Israel has launched, not

only targeting those launchpads, but obviously trying to get access to those tunnels. And there are over 1300 tunnels that Hamas has built inside

of Gaza.

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: Yeah, I think the aim is, with troops on the ground, it is to identify better where the locations

of those tunnels are. And, if possible, be able to extract hostages.

But it is a huge, huge reach. You need that accurate intelligence. You need to know, for example, what you are going to face, and how extensive that

tunnel is.

What the IDF is saying now is that they have increased their operations. They've put more troops inside of Gaza. They say that they are using the

troops to identify locations of terrorists, and then they are calling in air support to take out those locations.

And that's what we have heard all day. We've heard the planes flying around the overhead. You can see the contrails sort of flying lazy loops outside

of Gaza. And then you hear an explosion, a detonation from one of the missiles dropped from those fighter jets.

So, that's what we're seeing unfold on the ground, a cause for the civilians there is putting the much closer and much more in the line of


Potentially, the IDF has dropped leaflets over Gaza, telling people it is now a battle zone, a battle ground, telling them to leave and move to the

south. Indeed, journalist inside of Gaza caught on camera a tank firing of what looked like a civilian vehicle, very close range.

The IDF has said that they don't know who was in the vehicle and questioned whether the journalist could tell if it was terrorists or civilians in the


However, what we do know from talking to soldiers who are part of the 2014 incursion, they were told back then that when they went to Gaza because

civilians had been told to clear the area, that they would be in a battlefield.

And any targets that they saw, anything that they saw was either a terrorist or somebody affiliated with a terrorist. And for those soldiers

going in and then, they understood that whatever they saw was a potential threat, and they could fire. So, it does appear as if the rules of

engagement, this time, if not exactly the same, very very similar.

So, it does put civilians on the ground, close to those troops in danger, and hence, what we are seeing an increased effort, it appears, by the IDF

to warn people to leave. But for many of them, they don't know how to do it, they can't do it. So, the danger is perhaps now closer and even more

present than it was when it was just artillery and missiles.

GOLODRYGA: Yeah, and this has the world watching every single detail unfolding so quickly by the minute. And our Nic Robertson, we should also

note that Prime Minister Netanyahu is expecting a press conference -- to hold a press conference in the next hour. Of course, we'll be following all

of that for our viewers. Nic Robertson, in Sderot, thank you so much.

And we also want to bring you this very sad development following that October 7th Hamas terror attack in Israel. Israel's foreign affairs

ministry says a German Israeli woman who was kidnapped by Hamas -- there you see her, has been found dead. Shani Louk was attending the music

festival in Southern Israel when the militant -- a terrorist group attacked.


Israel's foreign ministry says she experienced, quote, "unfashionable horrors as she was tortured and paraded around Gaza by Hamas terrorists".

Louk was only 23 years old.

Well, up next on "One World", I will be sitting down and speaking with Israel's U.N. Ambassador as we discuss the threat that the Gaza conflict

could turn into a wider war. Plus, a U.S. politician appears in court in Hong Kong on firearms charges. We'll get details of the high-profile case, later this hour.


GOLODRYGA: Well, as global tensions spiral over the Israel-Hamas war, terrifying scenes played out in an airport in Russia's mostly Russian

region of Dagestan. Take a look.


GOLODRYGA: Just horrible scenes there. A mob stormed the airport, Sunday, as a flight from Israel arrived. The crowd held anti-Semitic signs and

forced their way onto the runway, causing the airport to close and temporarily divert flights. Clashes left at least ten people injured.

Moscow is placing the blame on quote, external interference.

CNN's Fred Pleitgen is in Berlin with more on the troubling scenes at that airport in Dagestan. And Fred, that was nothing short of a modern-day

pogrom in a country we should note where that word originated centuries ago. And it took authorities hours to take control of the situation. Give

us more detail on how this unfolded.

FRED PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yeah, I think you're absolutely right, Bianna. I think the authorities there certainly appeared

to have been caught by surprise.

And if you look at some of those scenes early on, as some of those protesters some of those people who then essentially conducted a hunt for

Jews and Israelis inside the tarmac of that airport -- on the tarmac of that airport inside the terminal building of that airport.

And outside the airport as well, they forced their way in through the security fairly easily at the beginning of that. You can see some of the

scenes right there on your screen, where you see some of the people there, forcing their way onto the tarmac of that airport.

Now, all of this was set off when a plane landed from Tel Aviv and there were rumors swirling around that area in Dagestan, in the capital of the

area of Dagestan that there were Israeli refugees wanting to go to Dagestan on board that aircraft. Now, when the protesters reached that aircraft,

they found that there was actually no one there anymore.


But they did apparently catch up with some of the people who had been on that flight. And that's where some of the really troubling scenes took

place where some of those passengers were surrounded by people, forced to show their I.D.s, where they were checked whether or not they were Jews,

where their phones were demanded to be seen, as well.

There was a bus that was stopped, with families, with children on it, as well. Obviously, some terrifying scenes there. One of the things, Bianna,

that we also saw on Russian media and on social media is that apparently, some of the folks who are involved in that also then later went to a hotel

in the area and went through that hotel room by room once again, searching for Jews.

And you're right. It did take the authorities a while to obviously come to terms with it. And from what we're seeing, apparently, they had to call in

reinforcements with helicopters, who then put soldiers on the ground there who fired in the air to finally get those people out of the airport


Needless to say, that all of this caused a big stir internationally. But of course, in Russia as well, there was some condemnation for the religious

leader of that area.

But we did hear from the Kremlin, as you pointed, out blaming external interference on Vladimir Putin is actually set to hold meeting with the

Security Council, right about now to talk about that matter. Bianna.

GOLODRYGA: It's just horrifying to hear people there speaking in Russian, asking where the Jews are, even saying they want to kill Jews. Just

unbelievable. Frederik Pleitgen, thank you. Well, while our focus has been on the Gaza Strip, if we cast our gaze elsewhere, there are numerous signs that this conflict could be spreading.

Have a look at this map that shows the skirmishes that have been happening along Israel's border with Lebanon where Hezbollah forces have been probing

at Israeli defenses. The black dots are Israeli communities where residents have been ordered to evacuate.

And if we look at the wider region as a whole, we see all of the places where U.S. forces have come under attack in Syria and Iraq, often with

drones. At least 21 U.S. service men have been injured in the attacks. Both Israel and the U.S. blame Iran for these incidents.

Iran says that it is not instructing groups to attack anyone, but it is well-known that Hezbollah and other armed groups in the region are

supported by Tehran. On Sunday, Iran's President warned that Israel's attacks in Gaza had gone too far. He said Israel had, quote, "crossed red

lines and was risking bringing other nations into the conflict".

I sat down with Iran's foreign minister in New York late last week, and I asked him about Tehran's role in all of this.


GOLODRYGA: Did Iran play any role, direct or indirect in the October 7th Hamas attack on


HOSSEIN AMIR-ABDOLLAHIAN (through translator): You know, what happened on the 7th of October in the occupied territories of Palestine -- it was a

decision that was made by the Palestinians alone. And since the country was occupied, they thought that it was a natural right to defend their own

territories, to carry out the operation. That was a totally Palestinian operation and decision.

GOLODRYGA: Iran wasn't attacked. Iran wasn't a party to this current crisis. So, why are you involved?

AMIR-ABDOLLAHIAN (through translator): We are not involved. Why is the U.S. so involved?

GOLODRYGA: The U.S. is protecting anally that was attacked, unprovoked.

AMIR-ABDOLLAHIAN (through translator): We are living there but the U.S. is not. On thousands of kilometers, it is a way. They are interfering in all

aspects of our region. We should ask the U.S. government. What are you doing in Iraq? Has the Syrian government invited you to have your military

bases there? Ask them.

What are you doing behind Netanyahu in a war with 7000 Palestinian children have been killed? Yeah, we do care about the national security in that

region but there are groups in the region. And they do things and they are responsible for their actions.


GOLODRYGA: I want to get Israel's response to all of this. Joining me now is Gilad Erdan, Israel's ambassador to the United Nations. Mr. Ambassador,

thanks so much for joining us.

So, I am assuming you just heard this interview, and as we have been reporting, Iran's proxies in the region, like Hezbollah and other

Palestinian terror groups are intensifying their attacks from Lebanon specifically. Has Israel been able to get any more concrete information or

intel about Iran's specific goal and their role in all of this?


GILAD ERDAN, ISRAELI AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED NATIONS: We have the information and the intelligence for many years, and there are no

disagreements between all intelligence agencies of ours -- the U.S. the U.K. and other western countries.

This guy that you interviewed, the foreign minister of Iran is lying through his teeth. He's a mass murderer. He represents a regime that

executes thousands of his own people that calls publicly for the annihilation of the state of Israel.

Obviously, you cannot expect him to say even one word that is truth because their expertise is to work under the radar. That's how they have been

working to support their terrorist proxies for many years. They try to avoid --


ERDAN: -- being sanctioned or being diplomatically isolated or being attacked militarily. They want to advance their true goal of annihilating

Isarel and world domination. But they don't want you to reveal their terrible genocidal plan of this.

GOLODRYGA: But just specifically on this issue related to the October 7th attack, and now subsequently what we may or may not be seeing from their

proxies, do you have any more concrete intel about their role specifically related to the October 7th incident and now in the aftermath? Because the

United States has yet to draw specific line, a direct line to Iran. Has Israel been able to do that?

ERDAN: No. We don't have direct intelligence that connect them to this -- that direct attack but we know that they trained the murderers of Hamas.

They know that they were sending them technologies, funding, everything. I mean and they are well-coordinated with them. We could see the meeting

between the foreign minister of Iran and the leaders of Hamas. I mean, it's not a secret that they are their proxies.

GOLODRYGA: And the foreign minister said as much to me that they have and will always continue to support Hamas and the plight of the Palestinian

cause as he said in an interview. I do want to move on to other news obviously because there are over 200 hostages that remain in Gaza and I

know that this is real priority obviously for the families, for the Israeli government, for the U.S. government, as well.

I'd like to get you to respond to Fox News which is reporting that a senior Israeli official visited Qatar on Saturday to discuss the release of the

captives. They had has some issues that stalled the conversations, quote, "due to technical disputes" but apparently, they're reporting that these

conversations have resumed. Can you confirm any of that?

ERDAN: No, I can confirm that Qatar is involved but I cannot confirm the specific details that you mentioned. I do want to add, Bianna, with your

permission, that it's important that your viewers know that the supreme leader of Iran -- the supreme leader praised the atrocities that were

committed by Hamas publicly on his Twitter account, two or three days after October 7th. He even attached a video of --

GOLODRYGA: Yeah, as did the foreign minister --

ERDAN: Yeah, sorry.

GOLODRYGA: -- as did the foreign minister and anybody can go on our website and find my interview with him where I pressed him about that and asked how

he could have called that a victory --

ERDAN: That's good.

GOLODRYGA: -- given the atrocities that were committed. Let me ask you about what is expected to happen over where you are at the United Nations.

The UAE is going to bring a binding resolution form other United Nation Security Council members for a quote, "immediate humanitarian pause in the

fighting in Gaza. And sources have told CNN that the draft in the text calls for immediate humanitarian truce and further humanitarian pauses.

UAE is the only Arab country that's part of the U.N. Security Council. It's also a country that has normalized relations with Israel recently. What is

your response to this news?

ERDAN: We oppose this draft resolution. We think that every ceasefire right now will only help Hamas to re-arm, regroup itself and our goal right now -

- we're not responding to the terror attack. We are exercising our self- defense by making sure that these atrocities cannot happen again and the only way to ensure it won't happen again is by eliminating Hamas' terror


So, any kind of ceasefire is a terrible mistake. I hope and we should all hope that the Security Council will be focused on first of all, condemning

Hamas and the atrocities that were committed by Hamas.


It's a disgrace for the U.N. The twenty-four days have passed since the October 7th massacre and still, the U.N. Security Council, none of the U.N.

bodies was able to unite to condemn the terrorists of Hamas for what they have done.

GOLODRYGA: Which is why one of the reasons the U.S. vetoed that resolution last week. Let me pick up though on what else we saw play out at the U.N.

last week and that was continued tension between you and the General Secretary following his comments where he condemned the Hamas attack. But

then went on to say that it didn't happen in a vacuum. You then called his resignation and refused to issue visas to U.N. representatives.

I'm just curious, in your views, specifically when it comes to revoking visas for U.N. representatives, given that this operation as Israeli

officials have said will extend for quite a period of time. Is that the most effective approach to this, given the growing humanitarian crisis? Who

else will be on the ground, I guess, is my question to you to make sure that those civilians get the aid that they need right now?

ERDAN: I believe -- since Israel is a law-abiding democracy, I believe, we will find a common ground with U.N. and U.N. agencies to supply the

humanitarian needs according to international law. I am still very frustrated because I think that the way the Secretary General responded and

the way he is functioning -- by the way he also met with open arms and smiled -- the mass murderer -- the foreign minister of Iran, the Secretary

General until now is not condemning Iran for supporting this, the slaughter of our civilians.

So, yes, I still call for his resignation and I still hope him to see doing his job by pressuring Hamas to release the hostages. And he's just -- you

know, he is saying empty words that are not accompanied by any deeds. And he is totally focused only on the humanitarian situation in Gaza, of the

people who are supporting the mass murder that Hamas committed.

So, yes, it's really frustrating and it's a disgrace to see how the Secretary General of the body that was established in the work of the

Holocaust to prevent atrocities. What are his priorities and how he responded to the massacre?

GOLODRYGA: Yeah, really, the focus obviously of this next operation is not only getting the humanitarian aid to those civilians in Gaza but remain

focused on bringing those hostages home, as well. Gilad Erdan, Israel's Ambassador to the United Nations, thank you for your time. We appreciate


ERDAN: Thank you for having me, Bianna.

GOLODRYGA: And coming up for us, trucks loaded with desperately needed aid for Gaza wait at Egypt's border as the U.N. says people there close to the

breaking point. We'll have details ahead.



GOLODRYGA: Welcome back to "One World", I'm Bianna Golodryga. A U.N relief director says the "Fabric of Society" in Gaza is starting to break down.

With supplies running low and much of Gaza reduced to rubble, the U.N. says hundreds of desperate Gaza residents broke into U.N. warehouses grabbing

essential items.

An Egyptian official earlier said 75 aid trucks carrying food, medicines and supplies were waiting to cross into Gaza. As CNN stringer at the Rafah

crossing says 26 of those trucks have now passed into Gaza. Even though they all have been making it through though, it will still only be a

fraction of the roughly 450 trucks that entered Gaza daily before the war.

Now, as with many wars, the most vulnerable in-depth bearing the brunt of pain, likely children and the elderly. The Israel-Hamas conflict is no

exception. In fact, the NGO "Save The Children" reports that the number of children killed in Gaza over the last three weeks surpasses the annual

number of children killed across all of the world's conflict zones since 2019.

Hospitals in Gaza are overwhelmed if and if they are still operational at all. That means children who are injured and babies just born may not get

the help they need to survive. Now, let's talk about the mental health effects, as well. Repeated exposure to traumatic events can interfere with

physical and mental development as well.

According to UNICEF, a 15-year-old in the Middle East has already lived through several major conflicts and even babies in the womb feel the trauma

experienced by the mother. That has led to an increased call for a sustained ceasefire to allow the injured to get medical help and allow

humanitarian aid to reach those in need and most of all, to stop the death toll from growing even further.

Time now for The Exchange and we're joined by Toby Fricker, spokesman for UNICEF who joins us from Amman, Jordan. Toby, thank you so much for the

time. Given everything that has taken place in just a matter of the last few days and the news from "Save The Children" with that really stark

headline, tell us what you're hearing from your staff that's there in Gaza, as well.

TOBY FRICKER, UNICEF SPOKESPERSON: Yeah, and I thank you. I mean, the staggering number of children who have been killed really is horrific. I

mean, we have staff in the Gaza Strip who we lost contact from for around 24 hours but thankfully, we're back in touch with everyone.

And we've heard from a colleague, Nezma (ph), she has a four-year-old and a seven-year-old girl. And she just spoke about the four-year-old who's so

traumatized that she's been ripping her hair out. She's been scratching her thighs until they bleed. She's been in such a state of horror and fear and

this is the result of what's going on.

But also then, when you think of the essential services that children need and everyone needs to live on like safe water, she's been struggling to

access safe water. They've been drinking salty water now for about 10 days and the children are saying you know mum why is this water so salty? I

can't drink it.

And they're dehydrated and they're suffering from diarrhea, as well. So, there's multiple issues that children are facing right now across the Gaza



GOLODRYGA: Walk us through how the aid that is there is being distributed because it was disturbing to see that video of residents there breaking

into U.N. warehouses and grabbing supplies. Can you talk to us about the structure of how aid can be distributed among those civilians right now?

FRICKER: Yeah, distributing aid while having active hostilities in such a densely populated area is always a massive challenge, for sure. You see the

desperation of families now in terms of the access to any life savings services is so hard to get to hospitals that need medical supplies.

So, we're trying -- provide supplies, trauma kits and other life-saving supplies to hospitals also as quickly as we can. We manage to get used to

have at least three trucks in with the group of trucks yesterday. So, things are moving, but it's tiny compared to the immense needs.

And it's important to remember that families, children, they're living in very, very densely populated areas now, in shelters where there's limited

access to safe water, where there are sanitation issues. So, there's a real risk of further disease outbreaks, as well.

GOLODRYGA: So, we hear from the Israelis that prior to Friday's expansion of their operation there, that they'd been dropping leaflets for those

civilians in the north to go south. Can you give us more insight into what life is like there in southern Gaza and are civilians able to get the aid

that they need?

FRICKER: Life is incredibly tough as we've heard from our colleagues on the ground. Your another colleague around, she's talking about feelings of

completely isolated from the outside world. You're completely removed and not knowing what to do, couldn't contact family, friends, say it's

horrific. The situation is really the situation is really horrific.

And people are moving -- there are your 1.4 million displaced people in a very, very small area already are now moving into shelters, finding schools

to go and live in. That's horrific because people are living so close together. That really raises the risk of all other issues here.

We've spoken to children who said, you know, I love my school. I just want to be in school. And now that they are being forced to be in the school

amongst many, many families who have been displaced across the Gaza Strip.

So, the situation isn't really perfect and while we are, there are some supplies going in, it's not enough and that's why we keep calling for this

immediate humanitarian access sustained so that we can get the numbers of supplies that we really need and that families and civilians need really to

alleviate some of the suffering.

GOLODRYGA: Yeah, the U.S. also calling for more aid to get there as quickly as possible. Friday evening, we saw the power cut in Gaza, and over the

weekend it had been reported that it had started to come back, including light and electricity and other much needed supplies and resources. Are you

seeing that, or is that being reported back to you from your staff?

FRICKER: You know, like I said, we've managed to get back in touch with some of our members across the Gaza Strip which is obviously very welcome

and I have massive relief for everyone. But there's still huge challenges.

I mean they basically looking after their own children trying to help their own children survive on the same time and trying to do that work trying to

provide services for children. So, in shelters for example, to try to provide some basic recreation services some play some activities provide

some normality despite everything that's going on around it.

GOLODRYGA: Yeah, it's, I mean, anytime you hear especially about the plight of children suffering, it is just heartbreaking. Toby, let me ask you,

because in terms of the hostages, more than 200 that are in Gaza right now, I know the Red Cross hasn't been able to have access to Hamas, to see them

and to visit them.

Have you heard anything along those lines either from UNICEF in terms of specifically we're talking about children? There are children held hostage,

as well, anything on that front?

FRICKER: Well, I mean, all I can say really is that we've been calling for a week or again immediate release also the hostages particularly children

which is a great violation. These children should be with their families. They should never be abducted in times of conflict.

And we keep calling for that. We also are calling for the immediate humanitarian ceasefire to stop the killing of children, to stop the maiming

of children and to increase access points to provide life-saving supplies, you know, as quickly as we can.

GOLODRYGA: Well, Toby Fricker, I know you are very busy there following the developments in Gaza. Please keep us posted on anything that you hear. And

we appreciate everything that you're doing. Thank you. Well, up next, fears for the father of soccer football star Luis Diaz, who has been kidnapped in

Colombia. The latest on the massive search operation.



GOLODRYGA: Welcome back. Let's take another look at the stories around the world. FIFA has announced that the former Spanish Football Association

President Luis Rubiales has been banned from all football-related activities for three years.

It's the latest in the fallout over his unwanted kiss on Spain star player Jennifer Hermoso after she helped lead her team to victory at the Women's

World Cup in August. The football world governing body says Rubiales was in breach of its disciplinary code. The ban covers all football-related

activities in national and international levels.

And a major search operation is underway in Colombia to find the father of football star Luis Diaz, who was kidnapped over the weekend. Diaz's mother

was also taken but later rescued. Colombian police say 130 officers are involved in the search, along with around 120 soldiers using drones and

helicopters. Diaz's club, Liverpool, of the English Premier League says the player's welfare was their immediate priority. Don Riddell from CNN Sport

World joins us now. Don, what more do we know about this rescue operation?

DON RIDDELL, CNN WORLD SPORT: Well, Colombia's national media says that Diaz's parents were kidnapped by armed men on motorcycles at a gas station

in the town of Barrancas. The director general of Colombia's National Police Force says they're offering a reward of more than $48,000 for

information leading to the rescue of Diaz's father.

As you say, 130 police officers are currently out there looking for him and you can only imagine the anguish that Luis Diaz must be feeling. Liverpool

say that he has returned to Colombia and will be away from the team indefinitely.

Diaz's teammate Diego Jota honored Diaz by lifting up his number seven jersey after scoring against Nottingham Forest on Sunday in the Premier

League. The Reds manager Jurgen Klopp said the team dedicated their 3-0 win to him adding that it was really difficult for the team just to get out

onto the pitch and play yesterday.


JURGEN KLOPP, LIVERPOOL MANAGER: How can you make a football game really important on a day like this? It's really difficult, I never struggled with

that in my life, it was always my safe place, sometimes my hiding, as a player or as a coach, you are allowed during these 90-odd minutes to focus

just on that, and it was impossible. It was absolutely impossible to do that.


So, it was clear we have to give the game an extra sense. And it was fighting for Lucho, and then the boys pulled out the shirt and I was not

100 percent prepared for that, to be honest. It was really touching but wonderful, as well.


RIDDELL: You know, just last year CNN actually spoke with Diaz's father who's also, according to Luis, about his humble beginnings. The region

surrounding Barrancas where he's from is one of the poorest in Colombia. It is unclear when Diaz will rejoin the team. Of course, the only focus for

him in the meantime is finding his dad and getting him home safely. Bianna.

GOLODRYGA: Absolutely. And we also mentioned Rubiales a moment ago. Was this an expected decision or did it come as somewhat of a surprise?

RIDDELL: Well, with football you never know and it's been fascinating following the Rubiales story because initially, the football establishment

kind of seemed to be standing by him and he just refused to step down from his position. But things have changed a lot in the last few weeks.

It is a pretty significant ban, to be honest. He's going to be on the sidelines for a while -- three years. Liverpool's world-governing body FIFA

said that Rubiales had been banned from all football related activities for three years.

I'm sure you remember the scandalous kiss that completely marred Spain's triumph at the Women's World Cup just a few months ago. The player, Jenny

Hemoso said that the kiss was not consensual. After intense criticism, Rubiales resigned as president of the Spanish Football Federation.

Last month, the team's manager, Jorge Wilder, was also fired. FIFA's disciplinary committee found that Rubiales had acted in breach of Article

13 of their disciplinary code. FIFA says the ban covers all football- related activities at national and international level, but that it is subject to a possible appeal before the FIFA Appeal Committee.

So, we'll see if there's any more twists and turns to come in this story, but certainly the Spanish women's football team just wanting to move on

from this and hopefully get the credit that they deserve because in the aftermath of winning that final against England, the whole thing was just

completely overshadowed by that scandal and it was just such a shame for the players.

GOLODRYGA: Yeah, hopefully they can take some time now to properly celebrate a well- deserved victory. Don Riddell, thank you. We want to

bring you this information just into CNN. Ten U.N. staff members have been killed in Gaza in just the last 72 hours. That is according to the U.N.

Relief Works Agency. That brings the total humanitarian operation in Gaza, sheltering more than half a number of U.N. staff killed, to 63 since

October 7th.

UNRWA now runs the largest million dollar over a million people there and taking care of them. Well, coming up, we say goodbye to one of Hollywood's

most talented actors, Matthew Perry as the tributes pour in.



GOLODRYGA: Tributes continue to pour in for actor Matthew Perry. The "Friends" star passed away Saturday at the age of 54. Sources tell the

"L.A. Times" he was found unresponsive in his hot tub. His family, fans, and colleagues are expressing their sadness over his passing, including the

creator of "Friends". They write, "We will always cherish the joy, the light, the blinding intelligence he brought to every moment, not just to

his work, but in life, as well."

CNN's Camila Bernal joins us from Los Angeles with a closer look at the legacy Matthew Perry leaves behind. And such tragic news over the weekend,

Camila, that, you know, the talent, the celebrity there, and obviously a lot of his own demons that had been haunting him that he'd been very vocal

about for many years. What more do we know about the expected toxicology report and what else you're hearing from authorities?

CAMILA BERNAL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Bianna. It might take some time. We do know right now that the medical examiner's office here in Los Angeles

County is still investigating and sources telling us that what they're waiting for is that toxicology report.

So, in the meantime, they have labeled the cause of death as deferred. And normally, to get a complete autopsy and toxicology report, it takes a

couple of weeks. So, essentially, patience is what we have to have.

In terms of what happened, the 911 call came out at 4:07 on Saturday and it was initially reported as a water rescue emergency. Then it was LAPD who

came in and categorized it as a death investigation.

And you mentioned the "L.A. Times" there reporting that he was found unresponsive in his hot tub. So, we'll have to wait for LAPD and for the

medical examiner to really piece together exactly what happened and how he died.

In the meantime, though, the family is releasing the statement saying that they are heartbroken by the tragic loss of their son and brother, saying

that he brought joy to the world, not just in his acting, but as a friend, and you mentioned his struggles.

Well, part of the reason that he said he shared those struggles was to be remembered as someone who helped people. He wanted to help others. He said

he wanted to be able to relate to talk to people and to help anybody he could, whether that be one on one or in a group.

He also, as he was promoting his memoir that was released in November of 2022, said he wanted to be remembered as someone who lived well, someone

who loved well, who was a seeker. Of course, so many of us know him as Chandler from "Friends" but he had many roles on TV and in movies.

And in "Friends" though, he was very close to his other cast mates. I mean, this was "Friends" on and off the screen. They famously negotiated their

contracts together. We have not heard from the cast of "Friends", so we're waiting to see if there's any reaction on that.

But definitely, many others in Hollywood reacting and talking about how much joy he brought to them, how much laughter and just how nice it was to

be around him and to watch him on "Friends" and on other shows. So, of course, many saying that this is a big loss for Hollywood and for all of

his fans, Bianna.

GOLODRYGA: And we are showing images of fans paying their respect in New York. Obviously, he lived in Los Angeles, but the hit show "Friends" was

based in New York. And so, there you see people paying respect, fans paying respect to some of the more landmark locations that had become so

synonymous with the show and familiar for viewers. Talk more about reaction, not just from Hollywood, but from his fans.

BERNAL: Well, look, so many fans loved the way that he was on "Friends". He was sarcastic. He was able to deliver the one-liners. It was his gestures,

the face, all of it, right? It was a show that was very captivating. And so, if you were around in the 90s and the early 2000s, a lot of people were

"Friends" fans.

And not only that, but right now you can still watch the replays. And so, there are many younger generations that are still watching "Friends" today

and falling in love with Chandler and the rest of the cast all over again.

So, that's part of the reason why you're getting that reaction. He was an integral part of "Friends" and so many people just happy to watch him. And

again, he just made so many people laugh through the show, which of course is thankfully something that he leaves behind.


And we can continue to watch his work and continue to let us have a couple more laughs even after his death.

GOLODRYGA: He made us all laugh and smile and he did it with such ease. That is pure talent. And our thoughts are with his family and friends right

now. Camila Bernal, thank you.

Well, CNN has just learned that a female Israeli soldier has been released from Hamas captivity. That is the word from the Israeli military, which

adds that the soldier was released during the military's ground operation in Gaza. Let's get more information from our Sam Kiley from London. This is

quite the development, Sam. What more do we know?

SAM KILEY, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, information is in fairly short supply here, but we know that according to the Israel Defense

Forces, Ori Megidish who is a Private, and therefore I think we could probably assume a national service soldier, but that's not confirmed, who

was kidnapped on October the 7th and dragged into the Gaza Strip, was discovered or rescued as a consequence of the expanded Israel ground

operation, Israeli ground operation into Gaza.

She was released yesterday, has been reunited with her family. The IDF published a picture of her with her family and that she's reported to be in

good health. Now, this is a very remarkable development because I think for two reasons. The first is that there was no yet reporting of some kind of

spectacular military or special forces operation to get her out if that was what unfolded. And also that she is in good health.

There has been very serious concerns that particularly IDF soldiers might be subjected to beatings or torture at the hands of Hamas extremists, but

clearly she has been able to be released and in good health, which is a very remarkable development. We, no doubt, will -- might hear more from the

IDF later on, but given that there are more than 200 hostages still in Gaza.

I think any revelations about how she was found, how she was released, to what extent the military would directly involve the intelligence operation

behind this -- these are all questions that we'll all ask, but I don't imagine the IDF will go into great detail, not yet.

GOLODRYGA: Yeah, remarkable development indeed, and as we reported earlier in the hour, we are expected, I believe, to hear from Prime Minister

Netanyahu in a press conference just any minute now. So, of course, we'll be focused on any additional information we learn about this rescue


And Sam, in our final few seconds here, I mean, this does go to show that the great task that Israel set out for not only in going after Hamas but

also saying that they would be focused on bringing back these hostages and at least one of those hostages appears rescued.

KILEY: Yeah, it will be seen undoubtedly as and it is a success for the Israel Defense Forces. It's a success no doubt that Bejamin Netanyahu, the

Israeli Prime Minister will trump it, particularly personally, because of course he's now coming under increasing pressure for his failures over this

whole business.

GOLODRYGA: We'll be covering it for all of our viewers at CNN as well when he does begin to speak. Sam Kiley, thank you so much for your reporting.

And that does it for this hour of a busy "One World". I'm Bianna Golodryga. Thank you so much for watching. Amanpour is next.