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Crime and Justice With Ashleigh Banfield

Versace`s Family Slams New TV Show; Woman Destroys $300K in Art on Date; Shocking Video; Dr. James Kaufman Has Been Charged Of Murdering His Wife After Five-And-A-Half Years; One More Thing. Aired 6-8p ET

Aired January 10, 2018 - 18:00   ET


[18:00:10] ASHLEIGH BANFIELD, HLN HOST: Good evening. I`m Ashleigh Banfield. It`s six o`clock Eastern. Here are your headlines tonight.

A group of thieves reportedly used axes to steal an estimated $5.4 million of jewels from a store at the Ritz Hotel in Paris. Police in France say

that three people were arrested at the scene but we`re hearing that two of the robbers are still on the run. Apparently, with the jewels.

Body discovered in Southern California in a park there was identified today as the University of Pennsylvania student who went missing last week. The

19-year-old boy named Blaze Bernstein. Police remain tight lipped about the condition of his body but they say this case is now being investigated

officially as a homicide.

Meantime, the man who put Jodi Arias behind bars for life has been accused of sharing information with two women who were covering the case. And he`s

been accused by none other than Jodi Arias herself.

But prosecutor Ron Martinez has beat the rap. He has been cleared of any ethics violations but Jodi remains behind bars, that of course, with the

murder of her ex-boyfriend.

Seven-Eleven stores across the country got a visit from immigration officials today aiming to hold store managers accountable for hiring

illegal workers. The agents went to 98 different stores and made 21 different arrests.

The Michigan teen that were accused of throwing rocks off a freeway overpass and killing a man are one step closer to going to trial with

mental competency exams requested for three of the boys who passed. All of the boys are charged as adults all of them charge with second-degree


And tonight, a disturbing story of teen suicide that may not be a suicide story at all, instead may be a tale of murder. Twenty-two- year Kailee

McMullen was a funny and beautiful Oklahoma High School cheerleader who went off to the Bible College and returned home to get a job as an EMT.

But home is where Kailee`s life would end. Because one early morning this summer her father called 911 saying Kailee she had shot herself. And to

make matters even more tragic he said she shot herself in the face.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Nine-one-one. What`s the location of your emergency? Name and phone number.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. What`s the problem there?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My daughter is shot.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Your daughter was shot?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. Just come to this address.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Sir, sir, do not hang up. Did she do it to herself?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. Is there any way she could still be alive?



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don`t know what to do.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK, sir. I`m trying to help you. Stay calm, OK?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Just come here.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Sir, they are on their way. You talking to me is not slowing them down. OK.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. Where is she shot at?




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. Can you see her breathing at all?



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is she cold or changing color, do you know?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don`t know. I just don`t know.


BANFIELD: But the officers who arrived on the scene said they found blood all over the kitchen. Though, it seemed like someone had tried to clean the

kitchen. They say it also seemed like the gun had been moved and staged near Kailee`s dead body in the living room. When police asked her dad about

it he said he didn`t know where the gun was, yet he himself was covered in blood.

And as it turns out police were not buying his story and now Ronald McMullen is behind bars and Ronald McMullen is accused of killing his

daughter Kailee.

As disturbing details emerge about what he may have done to her before that gun was ever even fired.

Scott Mitchell is the host of Mitchell Talks. He joins me live from Oklahoma city. Scott, the stories sound very disturbing. Where does his

story not add up for the police?

SCOTT MITCHELL, HOST, MITCHELL TALKS: Well, it`s interesting in this way, Ashleigh. First off, when you listen to the entire 911 tape which was

released he alternates between trying to cry and being calm but mostly, I`ll tell you one thing that doesn`t add up he keeps trying to get off the

phone like he`s ordering a pizza. And he does that several times.

But when the police get there, when first responders get there and by the way, at the end of that 911 tape it`s chilling when Kailee`s mother Karen

arrives home and finds the scene. That will just break your heart and chill you to the bone. He starts acting very erratical.


[18:05:08] BANFIELD: Well, let`s start with the first part what you said. Let`s start, Scott, with the first, you know, mention and that is that he

didn`t -- there was something about his demeanor on the phone on 911. Because I think a lot of people noticed that there was a range of emotions,

and if you listen really closely to his voice on the 911 call you may or may not be able to pick up some clues. Have a listen.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Put your ear next to her mouth can you feel or hear any breathing?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She`s gone. I`m telling you she`s gone. She`s not breathing.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. So you don`t think we should try CPR?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don`t know. I`m pushing on her chest I`m just telling you she`s gone.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. Do you know how to do CPR?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I just, I just don`t know what to do.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. Again they are on their way to help you, OK?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don`t know what to do. I think she`s gone.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you know what kind of gun it was, sir?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you know what caliber?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Thirty eight, .357.


BANFIELD: So he seems very matter of fact, Scott, about what kind of gun it was. He seems matter of fact that she`s gone. Look, any defense attorney

will tell you everybody grieves differently and unless you walk in the shoes of a man who has just seen his daughter kill herself you don`t know

how you might react. That`s what the defense attorney would say.

But Scott, there`s a lot to the forensics and the actual scene of the crime that`s seem off. Can you just sort of walk me through the highlights of

what the police have said is in the case against him.

MITCHELL: Well, first off, he moved Kailee`s body from the room from where the shooting occurred into another area of the house. Second, he`s taking a

towel and he`s wiping up blood. He`s doing all kind of odd things with that and he tells them when they get there and the cops immediately ask him what

he`s doing. They take the towel away and he tries to wipe up the blood with his hands.

And then it just gets more and more bizarre where at one point he goes outside, he lays on the ground, kicks in and starts trying to cover himself

with the (Inaudible) rubbing his feet on the ground trying to wipe the blood. You just have to wonder...


BANFIELD: That`s a very strange -- I mean, that`s just a very strange sequence of events, especially that last part that he`s outside rolling

around in the dirt. This is behavior hat, you know, understandably the police have call it erratic.

There was something else to that moment though, and I`m not sure that I have it just from, you know, from the court record. That he was apparently

trying to dig a hole. Do you know anything about the fact that he was trying to dig a hole while he was covering himself in a dirt outside during

this whole episode?

MITCHELL: No further evidence than what was in the affidavit. The affidavit just describes that he was apparently what he was doing while he

was working his shoes over in the dirt that he was burying himself down, trying to bury himself down.

So, he`s either lost all touch with reality, or it`s a grand acting job. The acting job on the phone if one wants to take it that way, is it

reminded me of Jerry Lundegaard from Fargo. I mean, just alternates between common just every day conversation and then trying to work up some tears is

very bizarre.

BANFIELD: So let`s give our audience some perspective of the night. Because Kailee Jo was out on a date and some of the evidence in the case so

far is that he was texting his daughter to come home. And that when she did come home sometime around 1 o`clock in the morning, he and his daughter

Kailee Jo were drinking, and smoking and playing with a gun he says to the police.

And then somehow he reached to get the gun away from her and the gun went off. So that`s his story to the police. But there are other stories that he

was very controlling. That he was apparently, according to text messages they got off of her phone. She`s been telling her friends for years that

she`s been sexually abused as a kid and that she`s been sexually abused by him in just the past four months. And that he had hit her.

And then a violent confrontation her mother had even used a gun to hold him off while Kailee Jo made an escape.

Now are all those facts disputed, are those -- are those going to be presented against him at trial? What do we know about that series of

disturbing facts?

MITCHELL: Well, there are, first off, the allegations of sexual abuse goes way back. They`ve been investigated by state authorities but there was no

findings in that particular case and she had been telling her friends.

[18:09:58] And then, Ashleigh, even more bizarre in the affidavit you see the police say there was at least five other weapons that were in the home

at the time, most of them were cocked, according to the affidavit.

So the gun play aspect of this is more bizarre. But again, there`s allegations of sexual abuse, there`s obviously has been some violence in

the home, when mom drew down and the dad to let her escape, and then ultimately, the final act which is a killing right there at the house. And

only two people know, only one person actually knows what happened because dad was the only one, dad being Ronald was the only person that`s alive

that witnessed what happened.

BANFIELD: All right. And mom came upon the scene and it is harrowing, you mentioned it off the top, Scott, a harrowing sounds in the background of

the 911 call when mom comes home.

I think she`s a nurse. She arrives on the scene. She tries to do CPR. And you can hear in the background the screams of a woman you can only imagine

has come upon her worse nightmare. Have a listen to this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My wife is a nurse. She`s performing CPR.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Your wife is doing CPR now?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. Is she -- is she going to be calm enough to do CPR, sir?



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I cannot hear you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If you can just keep an open line with me. OK?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`ll get off the phone. I can hear the sirens. My wife is here.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They will be here in a minute.


BANFIELD: And that was the end of the 911 call presumably by Ronald Lee McMullen`s hand hang up the phone. But you could hear his wife`s reaction

in the background. It`s just so disturbing thinking about what she had came across.

We should note that the gun in the case was found on a side table. Now that`s a very unusual place for a gun to be found if there is a suicide.

That`s very difficult. If there`s say a fight for the gun and it goes off. How does it end up on a side table? I think these are all things that will

be litigated in court.

And then as Scott Mitchell had mentioned the number of guns alone. They found four cocked guns in the vicinity of the kitchen and the living room.

And then, apparently, Ronald McMullen admitted to having 12 fully loaded weapons all around the home.

I want to bring in Bobby Chacon, he`s a retired FBI special agent. He joins me from Los Angeles. You got to admit that none of this looks good. I mean,

really none of it looks good for Ronald Lee McMullen. The history of sexual abuse if that can be proven out. The sequence of events the night of the

actual death.


BANFIELD: But there can be an explanation for a lot of the stuff as well. Can you see that or is it way too beyond the line on this one?

CHACON: Personally, I`m starting to see that it`s way too beyond because some of the physical evidence of the crime scene is not matching up to what

he says. I mean, we got a detective who testified at the preliminary hearing on Monday saying that from their forensic examination that the shot

had to come from 18 inches or further away.

Now with her body size, 11 and a half inches to 13 or 14 inches is the maximum that she could have shot herself in the face and it`s an alternate

theory where it`s either suicide or she accidentally shot herself in the face.

Well, I was -- I`m old enough to know that I was issued a revolver when I graduated from the FBI academy. Revolvers are very hard trigger pull. They

don`t go off by accident. Even if the gun is cocked and she hasn`t aimed it to herself and it`s away from your body you have to kind of lean into a

revolver out of the trigger pull. Even a cocked trigger pull on a revolver is very difficult. It`s very hard to imagine that that gun went off

accidentally by in her own hand. It`s...


BANFIELD: Now that you say that, now that you say that, I want our audience to take a look at this. So we go two show for a second. I want to

bring in Caroline Polisi, she is our defense attorney. And pick up something in your home that`s small enough that could be sort of like a

revolver. It doesn`t have to be an exact match. And then hold it 18 inches away, foot-and-a-half away from your face. And then aim it towards you and

now try to pull a trigger.

It is extraordinary. Am 18 inches away here, about that. Somewhere around 18 inches. It`s extraordinarily difficult. My wrist hurts. I`m sure that

the kick of the gun would set off the aim even if I were trying to pull it with my thumb which would get me a little more. Is that -- is that a

defense, is that an argument. Is that a prosecution in a lock? What is it?

CAROLINE POLISI, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Yes. From a legal perspective look forensics can tell us everything about exactly how this crime was committed

but it can rule out certain things. So, what that tells me right then and there is that we know, if anything, he lied on that 911 call.

[18:15:03] So, right there we have a lie because it couldn`t have been her that pulled the trigger. We know that from a forensic analysis. So that`s

going to be a key element to any prosecution in this case for sure.

BANFIELD: And if he was reaching for the gun there would be residue on his hands.

POLISI: Exactly. Exactly.

BANFIELD: So even if he has any sort of gunshot residue or any sticking on his hand or spatter that would make sense if he said he was reaching for

the gun. But it`s about whether she could actually pull the trigger into her own face. And I`m not buying anything about a suicide here because

women don`t shoot themselves in the face.

Look back. Look at all the empirical evidence you get your hands on. Google yourself until you`re sleep. It is really hard to find women who shoot

themselves in the face. All right. We`re going to leave that story there for a moment because 20 years after Gianni Versace was assassinated on the

marble steps of this Miami mansion, his family is speaking out, slamming a brand new TV serious that`s about to launch about his murder and they are

calling the whole thing a work of fiction.


BANFIELD: There are certain people in this world, certain families that go which one name and one name only. Versace is definitely at the head of the

pack. The fashion designer established and empire in Italy that dominated the runways and red carpets all over the world.

He was at the top of his game when at age 50 gunshots echoed from those marble steps at his multi-million dollar mansion on South Beach, that was

back in 1997. And the jaw-dropping crime stopped America in its tracks.

In large part, because of the serial killer who exploded into the headlines. And the mysterious chain of events that led up to that bloody



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Gianni Versace was murdered in broad daylight.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Fashion designer Gianni Versace has been shot death.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Police say they made a gruesome discovery.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My God. There`s blood everywhere. Please help me. Please.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Out on treats is a very extremely dangerous individual. A killer the likes of which we have not seen in some time.


BANFIELD: That murder scene became so famous that even Donald Trump tried to buy the Florida mansion. And from the people who brought you the Emmy

award-winning series "The People versus O.J. Simpson," now comes the drama from FX, the assassination of Gianni Versace. It follows the harrowing tale

of the maniacal killer who left a trail of bloody murder scene leading up to Versace`s shooting.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Before 9 a.m. fashion designer Gianni Versace was shot on the steps of his villa.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Pronounced Versace.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He was a creator. He was a genius. Everything you see around us, his house, his company, was his life. I will not allow that man

that nobody to kill my brother twice.


BANFIELD: Despite news reports that provide the backdrop for much of what is in the show, the Versace family is calling it a work of fiction leading

to the question what really happened when Gianni Versace was murdered and just what was the relationship between Versace and his killer?

Lisa France is a senior writer for CNN Money and media entertainment. She joins me live from Atlanta. So I guess that the biggest question, Lisa, is

what`s all the fuss about? What is getting in the crow of the Versace family here?

LISA FRANCE, ENTERTAINMENT WRITER, CNN: The family doesn`t like the book that this TV show is based on. You have to keep in mind that Gianni Versace

was so incredibly beloved. He was as big a star as the celebrities that he dressed and his family is protective of his legacy and they say that this

is a complete work of fiction what we`re going to see on TV when this premiers.

BANFIELD: So is there anything in particular? I mean, I know that the book, and by the way, the book was written by Maureen Orth.


BANFIELD: And she`s no slouch. When it comes to journalism she`s a powerhouse. She was Tim Russert`s wife. She interviewed Vladimir Putin, she

interviewed Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. She wrote investigative pieces including one on Woody Allen. She was a special correspondent for

Vanity Fair. She worked at Newsweek, contributing editor at Vogue, special correspondent for NBC News. A senior editor at New York -- I mean, I could

go on and on. But we`re not talking about some tabloid writer whose spat out a book here.

FRANCE: Right.

BANFIELD: Why is it so contentious and what exactly do they -- do we know exactly what is it they take issue with?

FRANCE: There are quite a few things that they take issue with. First of all, they say that they did not cooperate with this at all. They take issue

with how Versace relationship with Andrew Cunanan is portrayed, that it makes it seem like they had some relationship prior to the killing, and the

family says that`s never been proven. They don`t believe that that`s the case.

BANFIELD: Well, let me stop you -- let me stop you right there.


BANFIELD: I want you to go on but I just want to put a pin in this part. Newsweek also reported at the time or reported that the series suggests

Cunanan was one of Versace`s sexual conquest, and that Cunanan became obsessed with Versace. That was rife in the reporting back in the day.

[18:25:07] FRANCE: Right.

BANFIELD: Police described Cunanan as a, quote, "known male prostitute who service upscale clientele." And in interview with The Observer Antonio

D`Amico who was Versace`s boyfriend said that the killer and Versace never knew each other.

But Maureen Orth in her book said that she learned the two had met at a San Francisco nightclub back in 1990. What was it, Lisa, that made this such a

tale of sex and murder when nobody could ever really put a formal pin in whether Versace was connected to Andrew Cunanan sexually?

FRANCE: Because you want to have some type of connection. You don`t want to believe that this was just a lunatic who shot this man on the steps of

his mansion.

BANFIELD: He was a serial killer.

FRANCE: He was a serial killer. And everyone is looking for type of connection. And at the time, you know, tabloids were all over this because

how could you have a sexier story than, you know, a reported prostitute who hooks up with the most famous designer in the world.

And you know, but the family has always denied that this was the case. His boyfriend, his partner has denied that there was any type of hook up. And

you know, it`s just -- it`s just a matter of Maureen Orth stands by her reporting and the family says that it`s a complete work of fiction.

BANFIELD: And you know, 20 years or not, if you walk in the shoes of someone who lost a family member that pain doesn`t go away.

FRANCE: I know.

BANFIELD: And I think Donatella Versace herself articulated that well to the New York Times when she talked about her brother. She called him the

king of fashion. But she talked about him and about the pain about having to just sort of think and cope with what happened to him. Have a listen to

the way she put it and then think about back to the moment you just saw with Penelope Cruz portraying the sound bite.


DONATELLA VERSACE, GIANNI VERSACE`S SISTER: When my brother died, and the way he died, I had to show strength. I had to show, we`re going to do it.

Don`t worry. I was living my pain in public and I couldn`t show my pain to anybody. I was going home and cry with closing the room because I didn`t

the king of fashion, which he was. In that moment I lost my brother.


BANFIELD: Again, that interview to the New York Times. So, I just want to read if I can the formal statement that comes from -- it`s weird. I think

they call themselves the fashion house. But the house of Versace, the fashion house put out a formal statement about the upcoming program and

this is in part, it says, "As we have said, the Versace family has neither authorized nor had any involvement whatsoever in the forthcoming TV series

about the death of Mr. Gianni Versace which should only be considered as a work of fiction.

The company producing the series claims it is relying on a book by Maureen Orth but the Orth book itself is full of gossip and speculation. Orth never

received any information from the Versace family and she has no basis to make these claims about the intimate personal life of Gianni Versace or

other family members. Instead, in her effort to create a sensational story she presents second hand hearsay that`s full of contradictions."

To that end, Lisa, I want to get real clear here. I think there`s an allegations and you correct me if I`m wrong. I think there`s an allegation

that Gianni Versace was HIV positive. In Maureen Orth`s book I think she makes that allegation based on medical records that had been seen by

someone else.

FRANCE: Right.

BANFIELD: I think she also makes this allegation that there was this relationship. It is odd and you have to admit as a journalist, the first

thing we do is go to the source. Yet, the sources here say they were never ever consulted.

FRANCE: Right. That`s what the family is saying. And they are sticking by that. I mean, they are so strong about this. This is, keep in mind the

second statement that they put out in the past several days condemning this project. And Ryan Murphy one of the creators, of course he is standing

completely by the book. He says the book has been around for 20 years, it`s been extremely vetted and he believes in the journalism that was put forth.

And he also -- he also even points to the fact, he said that there`s a friendship between Penelope Cruz and Donatella Versace who she betrays in

this. Penelope Cruz backtracked that a little bit. She said she won`t exactly call it friendship but she has said that she spoke with Donatella

Versace prior to taking on the role but she doesn`t want to reveal what they talked about. But she, you know, she made it sound like Donatella

Versace gave her stamp of approval to this. So, you know.

BANFIELD: Let me bring in -- let me bring, if I can, Lazaro Quintana. He is a family friend of the Versace`s, he also witnessed Gianni Versace`s

murder aftermath. He joins me live from Miami. Lazaro, thank you so much for joining us tonight. I want to get your take on this upcoming docudrama.

I know it isn`t out yet. I know you haven`t seen it, but I know you also know what is in Maureen Orth`s book upon which this docu drama was based.

Do you take as grave issue with this upcoming work as the Versace family does?

LAZARO QUINTANA, VERSACE FAMILY FRIEND: I do have an issue with it. I don`t believe it`s correct. I`ve seen a few promos of the show coming up.

And I don`t believe that it is accurate. They have turned something so tragic for profit that is just not truthful. I think it`s basically


Like I said, I haven`t seen everything from the show itself, but just a couple of promos itself, has taken me to believe that they did not get any

accuracy as to exactly what happened that day.

BANFIELD: I can put up a -- I can put up a screen shot of Ricky Martin who plays Gianni Versace`s boyfriend at the time, Antonio D`Amico. If we can

put that up, I think you can probably speak very clearly to this one screen shot image from the upcoming film.

Not this one. If we can put up the image of Ricky Martin. It`s an image where he`s cradling the bloody body of Gianni Versace. I know that you were

there. You were getting ready for a tennis -- do we have the image? Can we put the image up?

QUINTANA: Correct. I was there.

BANFIELD: OK, I`m just going to hold it up right now. This is the image I`m talking about. But the fact is you were there in the mansion. You were

getting ready for a tennis game. And you heard the shots and ran out and chased after Andrew Cunanan. You actually chased after him.

QUINTANA: That is correct.

BANFIELD: So you would have witnessed this depicted moment. Is this depicted moment anything close -- there it is -- anything close to what you

actually saw?

QUINTANA: No. No. I was -- I ran out and I held Gianni and then Antonio followed and he grabbed him and he screamed, who did this, who did this.

And there was someone standing there at the gate pointing. And Antonio said to me, go get him. That`s when I --

BANFIELD: So Antonio did grab --

QUINTANA: -- I ran after.

BANFIELD: So Antonio did grab Gianni Versace as depicted in that photo. Rickey Martin is playing Antonio, Versace`s boyfriend.


BANFIELD: So is there an element of truth to that image then?

QUINTANA: To that image, yes.

BANFIELD: OK, so where do you -- where do you diverge from, say what Maureen Orth`s book depicted and presumably what the movie is going to

base, you know, it`s plot line on? What do you disagree with?

QUINTANA: I`m sorry.

BANFIELD: What do you disagree with? And I`m going to only have to go on the book because we don`t know what`s in the movie yet. We haven`t seen it.

It comes out next week. But where do you disagree with what`s depicted in the book? What in the book is wrong, in your opinion?

QUINTANA: Well, at least -- at least my part as to what happened and the fact that there`s speculation that Gianni was ill. That alone discredits

the family. She has done wrong.

BANFIELD: When you say ill with HIV?

QUINTANA: Yes. Correct. HIV.

BANFIELD: And what about the relationship that has been alleged between Versace and Andrew Cunanan, his killer?

QUINTANA: For the time being that I`ve known him, that name had never come up until the day of the actual murder.

BANFIELD: You never seen his face?

QUINTANA: Never. Never saw his face.

BANFIELD: Lazaro, if I can just --

QUINTANA: Did not know that name.

BANFIELD: I want to play -- the moment this happened, there was a call that went into 911. And I want to play that for a moment and ask you

something about it on the other side. Let`s have a listen.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice over): 911 emergency.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice over): Yes, emergency. 1116 Ocean Drive.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice over): 1116 Ocean Drive?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice over): Yes. A man has been shot. Please. Immediately. Please.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice over): OK. How did he get shot, sir?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice over): I don`t know. He just walked in front of his home. It`s Gianni Versace. He was entering his house.


BANFIELD: Lazaro, do you know who it was on that 911 call?

QUINTANA: I don`t. I don`t recall who made the 911 call. No.

BANFIELD: Well, you know, I hope that we can maybe meet again once the film comes out and make an honest assessment of it. In the meantime, I just

do want to show, if I can, a string of some of the actors who were portraying the real life players.

Penelope Cruz plays Donatella. They look pretty close although there`s definitely a difference.


BANFIELD: Darren Criss is portraying Andrew Cunanan and Edgar Ramirez here is playing Gianni Versace. If I can just get one comment from you, Lazaro,

at least, did they the characters right in the way they are depicting them by the actors they chose?


BANFIELD: Do you think they at least struck some kind of a chord there with resemblance? Lazaro, thank you for your time. I do appreciate it.

[18:35:00] QUINTANA: Pretty good resemblance.

BANFIELD: Thank you for that. We`re going to continue to watch that. It`s airing on FX a week tonight and so the jury is out until the jury can

actually come into the room.

A first date goes horribly wrong, leaving a multi-million dollar art collection in shambles. That art collection including two Andy Warhol

paintings, trashed. And then this beautiful young court reporter not in court for what she`s normally there for and facing the possibility of

prison for the rest of her life. We`re going to sort this one out in a minute.


BANFIELD: There`s nothing quite like a first date. It either will have fireworks and magical memories that you tell your grand kids about or it is

a disaster of epic proportions that you tell the police about.

And the date that Houston attorney hosted at his home was definitely the latter. And when I say epic proportions, we are not just talking harsh

words and some spilled milk here, we`re talking battle royale replete with valuable sculptures being smashed to pieces and rare Andy Warhol

masterpieces being sloshed with red wine.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Went out on a first date. She became heavily intoxicated. They returned to his home. He was too intoxicated. He wanted

her to leave.


BANFIELD: Now that the Warhols are destroyed, we are left with this piece of art. Hello. This is the mugshot of the lady in the story named Lindy Lou

Layman, who denies her destructive behavior on date night.

However, she is charged with felony criminal mischief and says the truth will come out in court, which is interesting because she spends a lot of

time in court. She`s a court reporter, or was, I don`t know if she still will be.

Kate Delaney is an investigative reporter and a syndicated radio host. She joins me live from Dallas. You are smiling, which is kind of what I was

doing when I first saw the headline. I thought, no, they can`t be real Andy Warhol paintings, they can`t be real $20,000 statues. It`s real, isn`t it?

KATE DELANEY, INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER: It`s real and it`s interesting because they could be worth, Ashleigh, up to half a million dollars

because, you know, art is in the eye of the beholder and right now the market for Andy Warhol paintings, I looked it up today, pretty high. So I

would say it probably leans towards the half a million plus.

BANFIELD: So, apparently it`s half a million per painting. And, you know, so far, the details that have come out are that two paintings were hit with

red wine which would take you up to a (INAUDIBLE). These are some of the examples of Warhol paintings and how much they`re worth.

The one on the left with the money signs is worth about a half million. The one on the right is worth $50 million. And if you think that`s a lot, Andy

Warhol paintings are actually worth even more, looking for the stat that I have on it, but I think the most expensive one was over $100 million.

I think the most -- here it is, $105.4 million. It was sold in 2013. It was a record for Andy Warhol painting. So, the fact that he says they are worth

half a million apiece, that doesn`t fly so far from reality. What does fly from reality is this whole picture I have in my mind of a first date going

so bad that this could have happened.

What`s the narrative? What is the lawyer with the $9 million mansion says happened with this beautiful first date?

DELANEY: Tony Buzbee just alleges that, listen, she was so intoxicated and I tried to get her into an Uber and I tried to do it a couple of times. And

then things went crazy. And he`s blaming it really on the booze and that she`s wild.

You mentioned the fact that, you know, she bonded out and who knows. She could go to jail for a long time. He`s saying that there could be drugs

involved and she has to do random drug testing as a result.

BANFIELD: He`s saying a lot. Here`s the reality. You can see former Texas Governor Rick Perry there. You saw a picture of Donald Trump. This guy,

Tony Buzbee, the person who is making the accusations that all of these expensive art got wrecked, he`s a big hitter. There he is with Don Jr.

He is this lawyer who represented Rick Perry in that abuse of power trial. The charges are dismissed. He held big fundraisers for Donald Trump during

the campaign. He got really mad about all those icky, you know, P word comments that came from the the buzz and dumped him, but then got back into

the inauguration and raised money for Donald Trump`s inauguration.

He`s with the Trumps in some fashion. He is certainly with former Texas Governor Rick Perry. And so he`s no slouch himself. He`s got a lot of

money. He has got really expensive close to $10 million house. What do we think is going to be the outcome here?

Is it David versus Goliath? She`s a court reporter, somehow a whole lot of money. Meanwhile, he has all the assets in the world. Is it really going to

be a big criminal case? Is it going to be more of a big civil case?

DELANEY: I talked to an attorney today who feels like it is going to be more of a civil case but that`s to be determined. He could go in that

direction where maybe it`s a little more criminal, but I honestly

[18:45:00] from the attorneys that I polled, they think it`s going to be more in the civil slant because of all the damages to the paintings.

BANFIELD: I`m sure she`s not liking these pictures. That mugshot was not too pretty even though she smiled. And here she is in the orange jumpsuit

with the rest of her friends behind her.

Her attorney, her defense attorney, had this to say because while all of Tony Buzbee, the guy on the date, all of his stories coming out, none of

her stories coming out, and this is why her attorney says so. Have a listen.


JUSTIN KEITER, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: The judge issued standard conditions and no contact order which we have no interest in having contact with Mr.

Buzbee. So, that`s fine with us.


BANFIELD: And that was it. That was it. Real quickly, I want to bring in Caroline Polisi, if I can. It might not be such a bad idea for him not to

start talking about this or is it because there`s a jury pool out there potentially that only knows one side of this first salacious date story.

CAROLINE POLISI, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Absolutely. If I am his defense attorney, I want to get jurors on that panel that have seen none of this

coverage even though we will see if he can even find such a jury.

But I think as in matters of the heart, Ashleigh, you and I both know from covering these stories that truth can be stranger than fiction. I think

there`s more to this story here and we will certainly hear it. We certainly were promised a news story. And it could be quite salacious.

BANFIELD: I want to see the evidence, not just because I love Andy Warhol. I want to see what an Andy Warhol looks like if it was really sloshed with

red wine. I mean, I think that`s a big tragedy in this whole story if two Andy Warhol masterpieces were destroyed. You know what? Let`s just sit on

this one for a bit. Caroline, thank you. Kate Delaney, thank you.

Surveillance video captures a couple of people chasing what looks to be a teenager around a Houston parking lot and then it gets really disturbing.

The kid gets shoved into the trunk of that car in the background. Is this a case of kids being kids? Is it a prank? Or is this kid really in danger?


BANFIELD: You hear law enforcement types say this all the time, if you see something, say something. That`s exactly what investigators say a witness

did after seeing a teenager being stuffed into the trunk of a car outside of a Popeye`s restaurant near Houston.

I want you to take a look at the surveillance video. You can see people running and chasing, kind of looks like teenagers messing around actually

in a parking lot. Looks like one of the kids is trying to evade the others and does it time and time again. But I want to point out he isn`t running

for help. Just seems to be going in circles.

Again, this really just looks like horseplay among some kids. But about 45 seconds into the video, things get weird. The two who were doing the

chasing actually succeed and they catch him. They grab him. And then they drag him over to that black car. Another person gets out and then they

stuff that kid into the trunk of the car.

Watch how this happens. Keep a close eye on the teenager being taken over there. After they stuff him in the trunk of the car, they drive off. And

that`s left a lot of people pretty confused and it`s left police looking for them, trying to figure out what was going on here. They want to know if

this was actually a prank or if this was a real and honest abduction.

Here`s a better look of the driver. He was in a black Toyota Corolla. Take a close look. It is not a greatest picture in the world but it is

something. Deputies believe everybody involved is somewhere between the ages of 12 and 20. They say there has been no reports of someone who is

gone missing, matching the description of the kid who was back in that trunk, but it is an odd story.

Caroline Polisi, defense attorney is still here. Look, if this was horseplay -- let me reverse this. If this is a real abduction, they are in

trouble if they are caught. If it`s not a real abduction and this is horseplay and they are found, are they in trouble?

POLISI: They absolutely could be. Remember, we`ve seen a lot of these swatting cases recently and there the charges are making a false alarm to

police investigators.

So if it turns out that they did this intentionally wanting to get sort of police on the case, absolutely they could be charged with some criminal

charges here because it`s a total misuse of police resources, they are out now looking for this young man. And so, yes, they face liability.

BANFIELD: And if it was just horseplay, then they are just dumb kids who shouldn`t have done this stuff. Lessons to be learned from watching TV at

night. All right, Caroline, thank you for that.

Coming up next, police say this guy`s smile scored him a $45,000 loan for dental work and it`s obvious, right? The only problem is he is not exactly

who he said he is, and now police are trying to track him down. Did he get the dental work? You`ll find out.


BANFIELD: One more thing for you tonight, police in Sugar Land, Texas are searching for a man they say used a fake I.D., a fake identity to secure a

$45,000 loan, of all things to pay for dental surgery and dental work, and you can see why. So the molds were made and the surgery was scheduled and

this fellow, he just did not show up.

And now the doctor`s office who just so happens to be the identity that he swiped as well as the police, they are all trying to track this fellow down

to get the money back. And no, he did not get the surgery. That we know of anyway.

A New Jersey radio talk show host is gunned down in her own home and now her husband is charged with her murder

[19:00:00] and charged with hiring a hit man to kill her, to protect his illegal drug business. The next hour of "Crime and Justice" starts right



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He didn`t want a divorce but lawyers say his beloved radio host wife --.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He was just an inspiration to everybody.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: -- was threatening to expose his secret hobby, dealing drugs.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: James Kaufman would essentially give free prescriptions for opioids.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So police say He hired a hit man to kill her.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The long term alliance between members of the (INAUDIBLE) motorcycle gang, they were (INAUDIBLE) have sustained multiple

gunshot wounds.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But he insists that he is innocent, even as the hit man is allegedly hired to kill him right back.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m not going to jail for this.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It was the last of a sick man`s murder.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The country was on edge. Where will this killer strike next?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And the killing that shocked the world.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Fashion designer Gianni Versace was gunned down outside his villa in Miami, South Beach.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This world has wasted me. Yet this world also made you, Mr. Versace.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But the family of the fashion king --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I will not allow anybody to kill my brother twice.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Say it`s nothing but a work of fiction. So what really happened in the assassination of Gianni Versace?

Talk about a pricey first date. He says she got so drunk she destroyed over a million dollars in artwork.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He believed she was too intoxicated (INAUDIBLE).

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Including valuable structures even Andy Warhol paintings. But she says there`s another side to this date from hell.

And the robbery suspect so brazen he tattooed his own Social Security number right across his face. So when that beacon blazing across the

headlines how is he still on the run?


BANFIELD: Good evening, everybody. I`m Ashleigh Banfield. Welcome to the second hour of CRIME AND JUSTICE.

Divorce can get messy real fast. But the mere threat of divorce rarely gets as messy as it did for one couple in New Jersey. James and April

Kaufman. He was a prominent physician. She a local radio host and they had it all including a spectacular estate in New Jersey. But April wanted

to split perhaps because her husband was allegedly selling illegal prescription drugs out of his practice. James for his part didn`t want a

divorce. So he allegedly came up with a whole different solution.


DAMON TYNER, ATLANTIC COUNTY PROSECUTOR: Through my information, I believe that April Kaufman had learned of the many unlawful and unlawful practices

that James Kaufman was utilizing his medical practice for. She threatened to use this as leverage to expose him to gain a favorable divorce

settlement. As a result this provided motivation for James Kaufman to have his wife killed.


BANFIELD: You heard right. Prosecutors say James enlisted the help of a motorcycle gang to hire a hit man. And April was soon shot dead in the

bedroom of this spectacular mansion. But James wasn`t charged with her murder until five and a half years later. And when officers showed up at

his office to deliver the warrant, the search warrant, they were met by James who was wielding a gun and threatening to kill himself and this

astonishing arrest was all captured on body cam.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, no, I`ll kill myself.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Come back. Coming back.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He is coming out. He is coming out.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: District 5. District 5 we have one at gunpoint. Dr. James Kaufman.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Put the gun down.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: 511, one at gunpoint, Dr. James Kaufman. He has a weapon.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Drop the gun. Drop the gun. Drop the gun. Drop the gun. Drop the gun. Drop the gun. Let`s talk. Sir, just drop the gun.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You are not under arrest.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don`t believe it. I`m not going to jail for this.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Sir, we just have a search warrant. That`s it. Put the weapon down.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Drop the weapon. Listen, let`s talk.

[19:05:00] UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m going to kill myself.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Drop the weapon. Listen, let`s talk. Listen, let`s talk.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The search warrant is right here by the bush. Right by the bush. It is a search warrant. It is a search warrant.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. Yes. I`m with the FBI. This is just a search warrant for medical stuff. Just chill out.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m not going to give.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You are not going to be arrested.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`re going to be searching a medical office. Look at the search warrant.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Put the weapon down and calm back down.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Dr. Kaufman please step out to the curb. Step to the curb. Put your hands at side right now slowly. Reach down and pull your

shirt up. Turn around, please. All right. Face your door. Face your door. Hands up as high as you can. (INAUDIBLE) can guarantee your safety.

Just be cooperative, please. Walk backwards. Keep walking backwards. Keep walking backwards, please. That`s right, curb.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Just watch the building to make sure there`s no one else still inside.


BANFIELD: And this is ultimately how he ended up, James Kaufman, his attorney says that his client was actually fearful at the time he was going

to be arrested for his wife`s murder but not because he was committing any crimes out of his practice. Not sure that`s a defense for waving a gun

around. But here we are seven months after that scene all played out and he has just been charged with, yes, his wife`s murder, April`s murder. He

is also been charged alongside a man prosecutors say helped plan the killing.

But the story gets even more bizarre because when you look at the charges against Mr. Kaufman`s co-defendant, you can see that someone may have

actually hired a hit man to takeout James Kaufman himself too. So the doctor that everyone is alleging hired a hit man to kill his wife it turned

out somewhere in that hiring practice, someone in that conspiracy allegedly hired a hit man to take him out too. And making this story all the more

messy is April`s adult daughter.


KIMBERLY PACK, VICTIM`S DAUGHTER: You can even make up these details and someone would believe it and this is my life.


BANFIELD: I want to bring in Claire Lowe and Erin Serpico, staff writers for press of Atlantic City. They have been working this story.

Claire, let me begin with you. The story almost sounds like a made for TV movie if not made for the big screen. Is it as complicated and as

salacious as it seems just on those face facts that I just unloaded?

CLAIRE LOWE, STAFF WRITER, THE PRESS OF ATLANTIC CITY: Just about. It`s pretty complicated. There`s a large web of people involved and different

stories and angles.

BANFIELD: Why has it taken so long, five and a half years to actually charge Dr. James Kaufman with his wife`s hit man ordered murder?

LOWE: I think that`s a question a lot of people in the community have. When April was first found murdered in her home, there was one prosecutor

and I think we have gone through three different prosecutors in that time up until the current prosecutor came into office in the spring. We haven`t

seen any action on it. No named suspects. Years went by and nobody had any clue what was going on with the investigation.

BANFIELD: So, Erin, the prosecutors say that the actual trigger man who killed Mrs. Kaufman, April Kaufman, they say his name was Francis

Mulholland. That he was the hit man that James Kaufman allegedly ordered to take out his wife. But he is dead. He overdosed. Did they get a bunch

of information out of him before he overdosed? Is there anything that he lent to this case before he died?

ERIN SERPICO, STAFF WRITER, THE PRESS OF ATLANTIC CITY: From what we are learning from prosecutors and from the investigation so far, it sounds like

we learned he was paid a sum of money for his duty but out of the whole plot has worked. We are still gathering details.

BANFIELD: And then what of the whole conspiracy, this motorcycle gang? I`m trying to put together a lot of very strange piece, very beautiful

property and a rich couple, and a radio show host, and then this motorcycle gang and hit men. What`s the connection between the motorcycle gang, the

Pagan motorcycle gang? I think they would prefer I call them a motorcycle club and Dr. Kaufman?

SERPICO: Yes. This is really the first time that we are hearing about this connection between the April Kaufman murder, the Pagan outlaw

motorcycle gang and the drug ring all running out of chronology medical office. And so we are learning that the brain leaders of the drug ring,

turned out to be one of the hit men who was working with Dr. Kaufman in this conspiracy to try to save the drug empire.

[19:10:23] BANFIELD: Well, you guys are good at what you do if you can keep all these moving parts in some kind of a narrative that makes sense.

Hold your thoughts for a moment. I want to bring in the Atlantic county prosecutor Damon Tyner who joins me now live. He is actually prosecuting

the James Kaufman case.

Thanks so much for joining me. I really appreciate you doing this. I guess the first question I have is five-and-a-half years to bring murder

charges against Dr. James Kaufman. Did it just take that long to put a pin in this case to the point of making that arrest and laying those murder

charges down or did you get some really great break in the last, you know, several months or years?

TYNER: Well, first of all, Ashleigh, thank you for having me on. I can only answer for the investigation as of March 15th, 2017. That was the

date that I was officially appointed to this position. And, unfortunately, I don`t have much information on the status of the investigation prior to

that date.

Upon coming into office, one of the first things I did was to ask my team of investigators and my lawyers which cases that they believe were most

solvable. They identified the Kaufman case as one that they believed could be solved if the assets were put behind it. And after I reviewed the case

I concurred and as a result we find ourselves here ten months later having made some major progress.

BANFIELD: So we got a juice injection. It got some extra -- some extra agents, a little bit of extra money for forensic testing. I`m trying to

figure out what it was that, you know, super charged the case that finally after that scene played out last year now we are hearing of actual murder

charges not just drug related charges, not just allegations that he was, you know, dealing drugs out of his medical practice, actual murder charges

that he hired a hit man to kill his wife. Can you tell me anything about what that super charged energized investigation yielded?

TYNER: Well, I think it was a couple of things. I think it was a fresh pair of eyes as a result of a different lead investigator. Not that the

other lead investigator was not successful. I just, I just think that the change in energy in the office, the change in leadership redirected our

priorities. And as a result of our working relationship with the local Atlantic City field office of the FBI, we were able to put together a case

that not only resulted in drug charges but also the murder charges that you mentioned.

BANFIELD: It`s so incredibly complicated, Mr. Tyner. I have trouble just sort of keeping it all together for this interview. But effectively, we

got allegations that Dr. Kaufman hired a hit man to kill April Kaufman. She is shot dead. Her killer overdoses. And then in the conspiracy of

those who were charged with trying to find that hit man, there`s someone who tried to hire a hit man to kill James Kaufman as well. Why did that


TYNER: Well let`s break it down like this. Because I really don`t think it`s as complicated as we made it out to be. It comes down to drugs, money

and greed. Very simply.

BANFIELD: I`ll tell you I can`t wait Mr. Tyner to get the court documents once you were able to release them. And I hope you are going to come back

and be able to talk to me a little bit more. But I do want to, if I can, I do want to pause for a minute because I want to bring in Kimberly Pack.

Kimberly Pack is April Kaufman`s daughter.

And Kimberly, there is no one who is more affected by, complicated or not, a murder case than family members. And I just want to ask you, what would

you like us to know about your mom, about that radio show host who show tragically lost her life? What do you want us to know about her?

PACK (on the phone): Good evening, Ashleigh. My mom was a vibrant, amazing, kind, selfless person. And through this all that is what I want

people to remember her by. She volunteered. She would give the shirt off her back to a complete stranger. Always willing to lend a helping hand to

somebody. And more importantly, never looked at anybody in a judging manner. If somebody needed a second chance in life, she was always the one

that working the down and say everybody deserved a second chance. And this is just a lot, as you can imagine.

[19:15:11] BANFIELD: I can`t imagine. But I want to just say if I can, Kimberly, the pictures we are showing of you and your mom, you are both

beautiful. Your mom was beautiful. She had an incredible life. She had incredible success. And I hope you have taken many lessons from her and

able to glean all the best of life and what it has to offer from her.

In the meantime, I do want to mention to our audience that Dr. James Kaufman is facing murder, conspiracy to commit murder and racketeering.

And this is only just beginning.

Twenty years after Gianni Versace was assassinated on the steps of his Miami Mansion, his family is now speaking out loud. And they are slamming

the producers of the new TV series about his murder. They are calling the whole thing a work of fiction.


[19:20:34] BANFIELD: There are certain people in this world, certain families that go by one name and one name only. The Versace is definitely

at the head of the pack. The fashion designer established an empire in Italy that dominated the runways and red carpets all over the world. He

was at the top of his game when at age 50 gun shots echoed from those marble steps at his multi-million dollar mansion in South Beach that was in

1997. And the jaw dropping crime stopped America in its tracks. In large part because of the serial killer who exploded into the headlines. And the

mysterious chain of events that led up to that bloody murder.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A man`s been shot.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Please. Immediately. Please.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Gianni Versace was murdered in broad daylight.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Fashion designer Gianni Versace has been shot death.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Police said they made a gruesome discovery.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My God. There is blood everywhere. Please help me! Please!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Out on the streets is a very extremely dangerous individual. A killer the likes of which we have not seen in some time.


BANFIELD: That murder scene became so famous that even Donald Trump tried to buy the Florida mansion. And from the people who brought you the Emmy

award-winning series the people versus O.J. Simpson, now comes the drama from FX, the assassination of Gianni Versace. It follows the harrowing

tale of a killer who left a trail of bloody murder scenes leading up to Versace`s shooting.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Charlie report 9:00 a.m. Fashion designer Gianni Versace was shot on the steps of his villa.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Pronounced Versace.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He was a creator. He was a genius. Everything you see around us, his house, his company, was his life. I won`t allow that

man let nobody to kill my brother twice.


BANFIELD: Despite news reports that provide the backdrop for much of what is in the show, the Versace family is calling it a work of fiction leading

to the question what really happened when Gianni Versace was murdered? And just what was the relationship between Versace and his killer?

Lisa France is a senior writer for CNN MONEY and media entertainment. She joins me live from Atlanta.

So I guess the biggest question, Lisa, is what`s all the fuss about? What is getting in the craw of the Versace family here?

LISA FRANCE, CNN ENTERTAINMENT WRITER: The family doesn`t like the book that this TV show is based on. You have to keep in mind Gianni Versace was

so incredibly beloved. He was as big a star as the celebrities he dressed. And his family is protective of his legacy. And they say this is a

complete work of fiction what we are going to see on TV when this premieres.

BANFIELD: So is there anything in particular? I mean, I know that the book, and by the way, the book was written by Maureen Orth.


BANFIELD: And she is no slouch. When it comes to journalism she is a powerhouse. She was Tim Russert`s wife. She interviewed Vladimir Putin.

She interviewed Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. She wrote investigative pieces including one on Woody Allen. She was a special correspondent for

"Vanity Fair." She worked at "Newsweek". Contributing editor at "Vogue." A special correspondent for NBC News. A senior editor - I mean, I can go

on and on. But we are not talking about some tabloid writer who sped out a book here. Why is it so contentious? And what exactly -- do we know

exactly what is it they take issue with?

FRANCE: There quite a few things that they take issue with. First of all, they say that they did not cooperate with this at all. They take issue

with how Versace`s relationship with Andrew Cunanan is portrayed. That it makes it seem like they had some relationship prior to the killing. And

the family says that`s never been proven. They don`t believe that that`s the case.

BANFIELD: But let me stop you right there. I want you to go on. But I just want to put up a pin in this part. "Newsweek" also reported at the

time or reported that the series suggests Cunanan was one of Versace`s sexual conquest. And that Cunanan became obsessed with Versace. That was

raised in the reporting back in the day.

[19:25:03] FRANCE: Right.

BANFIELD: Police described Cunanan as a quote "known male prostitute serviced upscale clientele." And in an interview with the observer,

Antonio D`Amico who was Versace boyfriend said that the killer and Versace never knew each other. But Maureen Orth, in her book said the she learned

the two had met at a San Francisco nightclub back in 1990. What was it, Lisa, that made this such a tale of sex and murder when nobody could ever

really put a formal pin in whether Versace was connected to Andrew Cunanan sexually?

FRANCE: Because you want to have some type of connection. You don`t want to believe that this was just a lunatic who shot this man on the steps of

his mansion.

BANFIELD: He was a serial killer.

FRANCE: He was a serial killer. Everyone is looking for some type of connection. And at the time, you know, tabloids were all over this because

how could you have a sexier story than, you know, a reported prostitute who hooks up with the most famous designer in the world. And you know -- but

the family has always denied that this was the case. His boyfriend, his partner has denied that there was any type of hook up. And you know, it`s

just a matter of Maureen Orth stands by her reporting and the family says that it`s a complete work of fiction.

BANFIELD: And you know, 20 years or not, if you walk in the shoes of someone who lost a family member that pain doesn`t go away. I think

Donatella Versace herself articulated that well to the "New York Times" when she talked about her brother. She called him the king of fashion.

But she talked about him and about the pain about having to just sort of think and cope with what happened to him. Have a listen to the way she put

it and then think back to the moment you just saw with Penelope Cruz portraying this sound bite.




BANFIELD: Again, that interview to the "New York Times."

So I just want to read if I can the formal statement that comes from -- it`s weird. They call themselves the fashion house. The house of Versace,

the fashion house put out a formal statement about the upcoming program. And this is in part. It says as we have said the Versace family has

neither authorized nor had any involvement whatsoever in the forthcoming TV series about the death of Mr. Gianni Versace which should be considered a

work of fiction. The company producing the series claims it`s relying on a book by Maureen Orth. But the Orth book itself is full of gossip and

speculation. Orth never received any information from the Versace family. And she has no basis to make these claims about the intimate personal life

of Gianni Versace or other family members. Instead, in her effort to create a sensational story, she presents second hand hearsay that`s full of


To that end, Lisa, I want to get real clear here. I think there is an allegation and correct me if I`m wrong. There`s an allegation that Gianni

Versace was HIV positive in Maureen Orth book. I think she makes that allegation based on medical records that had been seen by someone else.

FRANCE: Right.

BANFIELD: I think she also makes this allegation that there was this relationship. It is odd and you have to admit as a journalist, the first

thing we do is go to the source. Yet the sources here say they were never ever consulted.

FRANCE: Right. That`s what the family is saying. And they are sticking by that. I mean, they are so strong about this. Keep in mind the second

statement that they put out in the past several days condemning this project. And Ryan Murphy, one of the creators, of course, he is standing

completely by the book. He says the book has been around for 20 years. It has been extremely vetted. And he believes in the journalism that was put

forth. And he also even points to the fact, he said there`s a friendship between Penelope Cruz and Donatella Versace who she portrays in this.

Penelope Cruz backtracked that a little bit. She said she wouldn`t exactly call it a friendship but she have said that she spoke with Donatella

Versace prior to taking on the role. She doesn`t want to reveal what they talked about. But she -no, she made it sound that Donatella Versace gave

her stamp of approval to this.

BANFIELD: Let me bring in, if I can, Lazaro Quintana. He is a family friend of the Versace`s. He also witnessed Gianni Versace murder

aftermath. He joins me live from Miami.

Lazaro, thank you for joining us tonight. I want to get your take on this upcoming docudrama. I know it isn`t out yet. I know you haven`t seen it.

But I know you also know what is in Maureen Orth`s book upon which this docudrama was based. Do you take as grave issue with this upcoming work as

the Versace family does?

[19:30:00] And I don`t believe it`s correct. I have seen a few promos of the show coming up. And I don`t believe that it is -- it is accurate.

They have -- they have turned something so tragic for profit that is just not truthful. I think it`s basically fiction. I have, like I said, I

haven`t seen everything from the show itself, but just a couple of promos itself has taken me to believe that they did not get any accuracy as to

exactly what happened that day.

BANFIELD: Well, I can -- I can put up a -- I can put up a screenshot of Ricky Martin who plays Gianni Versace`s boyfriend at the time, Antonio

D`Amico. And if we can put that up, I think you can probably speak very clearly to this one screenshot image from the upcoming film. Not this one.

If we can put up the image of Ricky Martin. It`s an image where he`s cradling the bloody body of Gianni Versace. I know that you were there.

You were getting ready for a tennis -- I`m not -- do we have the image? Can we put the image up?

QUINTANA: Correct. I was there --

BANFIELD: I`ll hold it up. OK, I`m just going to hold it up right now. This is the image I`m talking about. But the fact is you were there in the

mansion. You were getting ready for a tennis game, and you would heard the shots and ran out and chased after Andrew Cunanan.

QUINTANA: That is --

BANFIELD: You actually chased after him.

QUINTANA: That is -- that is correct.

BANFIELD: So you would have witnessed this depicted moment. Is this depicted moment anything close -- there it is -- anything close to what you

actually saw?

QUINTANA: No. No. I was -- I ran out and I held Gianni and then Antonio followed and he grabbed him and he screamed who did this, who did this?

And there was somebody standing there at the gate pointing, and Antonio said to me go get him. So that`s when I went after --

BANFIELD: So Antonio did grab -- so Antonio did grab Gianni Versace as depicted in that photo, when Ricky Martin is playing Antonio --


BANFIELD: -- Versace`s boyfriend.


BANFIELD: So is there an element of truth to that image then?

QUINTANA: To that image, yes.

BANFIELD: OK. So where do you -- where do you diverge from say what Maureen Orth`s book depicted and presumably what the movie is going to

base? You know, plot-lined on. What do you disagree with?

QUINTANA: I`m sorry.

BANFIELD: What do you disagree with and I`m going to only have to go on the book because we don`t know what`s in the movie yet, we haven`t seen it.

It comes out next week. But where do you disagree with what`s depicted in the book? What in the book is wrong, in your opinion?

QUINTANA: Well, at least -- at least my part as to what happened and the fact that there`s speculations that Gianni was ill, that alone discredits

the family. She has done wrong by writing.

BANFIELD: When you say ill, you mean with HIV?

QUINTANA: Yes. Correct. HIV.

BANFIELD: And what about the relationship that has been alleged between Versace and Andrew Cunanan who`s killer?

QUINTANA: For the time being that I`ve -- that I`ve known him that name had never come up until the day of the actual murder. So, no.

BANFIELD: You`d never seen his face?



QUINTANA: Never saw his face. No mentioned of that name.

BANFIELD: Lazaro, if I can just -- I want to play -- the moment this happened there was a call that went into 911 and I want to play that for a

moment and ask you something about it on the other side. Let`s have a listen.


DISPATCHER: 911 emergency.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, emergency. 1116 Ocean Drive.

DISPATCHER: 1116 Ocean Drive?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, a man`s been shot. Please, immediately. Please.

DISPATCHER: OK. How did he get shot, sir?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don`t know. He just walked in front of his home. It`s Gianni Versace. He was entering his house.


BANFIELD: Lazaro, do you know who it was on that 911 call?

QUINTANA: I don`t. I don`t recall who made the 911 call. No.

BANFIELD: Well, you know, I hope that we can maybe meet again once the film comes out and make an honest assessment of it. In the meantime, I

just do want to show, if I can, a string of some of the actors who are portraying the real-life players. Penelope Cruz plays Donatella and it`s a

-- they look pretty close. Although, I mean there`s definitely a difference.


BANFIELD: Darren Criss is portraying Andrew Cunanan and Edgar Ramirez here is playing Versace. If I can just get one comment from you, Lazaro, at

least, did they get the characters right in the way they are depicting them by the actors they chose?

QUINTANA: Yes. That`s --

BANFIELD: You think they at least -- they at least struck some kind of a chord there with the resemblance. Lazaro, thank you for your time. I do

appreciate it. My thanks to --

QUINTANA: Pretty good resemblance.


QUINTANA: Pretty good resemblance.

[19:35:00] BANFIELD: -- as well. Thank you for that.

We`re going to continue to watch that. It`s airing on FX Week tonight and so the jury is out until the jury can actually come into the room.

A first date goes horribly wrong leaving a multi-million dollar art collection in shambles. That art collection including two Andy Warhol

paintings trashed and then this beautiful young court reporter not in court for what she`s normally there for and facing the possibility of prison for

the rest of her life. We`re going to sort this one out in a minute.


[19:40:24] BANFIELD: There`s nothing quite like a first date. It either use fireworks and magical memories that you tell your grandkids about, or

it is a disaster of epic proportions that you tell the police about. And the date that Houston attorney hosted at his home was definitely the

latter. And when I say epic proportions, we are not just talking harsh words and some spilled milk here, we`re talking Battle Royale replete with

valuable sculptures being smashed to pieces and rare Andy Warhol masterpieces being sloshed with red wine.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The defendant went out on a first date. She was -- became heavily intoxicated, where they return to his home. He believed she

was too intoxicated. He decided he wanted her to leave.


BANFIELD: Now, that the Warhols are destroyed we are left with this piece of art. Hello. This is the mug shot of the lady in this story named Lindy

Lou Layman who denies her destructive behavior on date night. However, she is charged with felony criminal mischief and says the truth will come out

in court. Which is interesting because she spends a lot of time in court. She`s a court reporter or was. I don`t know if she still will be.

Kate Delaney is an Investigative Reporter and a Syndicated Radio Host, she joins me live from Dallas. You are smiling which is kind of what I was

doing when I first saw the headline. I thought, no, they can`t be real Andy Warhol paintings. They can`t be real $20,000 statues. It`s real,

isn`t it?

KATE DELANEY, INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER AND SYNDICATED RADIO HOST: It`s real and it`s interesting because they could be worth actually up to half a

million dollars because, you know, art is in the eye of the beholder and right now the market for Andy Warhol paintings, I looked it up today,

pretty high. So I would say probably it leans toward a half a million plus.

BANFIELD: So, apparently, it`s half a million per painting, and the, you know, so far the details that have come out are that two paintings were hit

with red wine which would take you up to a milbo (ph). These are some of the examples of Warhol paintings and how much they`re worth. The one on

the left with the money signs, is worth about a half million. The one on the right is worth $50 million. And if you think that`s a lot, Andy Warhol

paintings are actually worth even more, looking for the stat that I have on it, but I think the most expensive one was 100 -- over $100 million. I

think the most -- there it is $105.4 million. It`s sold in 2013. It was a record for Andy Warhol paintings. So, the fact that he says they`re worth

half a million a piece that doesn`t fly so far from reality. What does fly from reality is this whole picture I have in my mind of a first date going

so bad that this could have happened. What`s the narrative? What is the lawyer with the $9 million mansion saying happened with this beautiful

first date?

DELANEY: Yes, Tony Buzbee just alleges that -- listen she was so intoxicated and I tried to get her into an Uber and I tried to do it a

couple of times, and then things went crazy and he`s blaming it really on the booze and that she`s wild. And you mentioned the fact that, you know,

she bonded out and who knows, she could go to jail for a long time. And he`s saying that there could be drugs involved and she has to do random

drug testing as a result.

BANFIELD: He`s saying a lot. Here`s the reality. You could see former Texas Governor, Rick Perry there. You saw a picture of Donald Trump. This

guy, Tony Buzbee, the person who`s making the accusations that all of his expensive art got wrecked, he`s a big hitter. There he is with Don Jr. He

is -- this lawyer who represented Rick Perry in that abuse of power trial. The charges were dismissed. He held big fundraisers for Donald Trump

during the campaign, and got really mad about all those icky, you know, P- word comments that came from the bus and then dumped him. But then back -- got in -- got back into the inauguration and raised money for Donald

Trump`s inauguration.

So he`s in with the Trumps in some fashion. He`s certainly in with the Texas -- former Texas Governor, Rick Perry, and so he`s no slouch himself.

He`s got a lot of money. He`s got really expensive -- close to $10 million house. What do we think is going to be the outcome here? Is it David

versus Goliath? Because she`s a court reporter, she doesn`t have a whole lot of money. Meanwhile, because all the assets in the world to take this

painting -- is it really going to be a big criminal case or is it going to be more of a big civil case?

DELANEY: I talked to an attorney today who feels like it`s going to be more of a civil case, but that`s to be determined. He could go in that

direction where maybe it`s a little more criminal, but I, honestly, from the attorneys that I polled, they think it`s going to be more in the civil

slant because of all the damages to the paintings.

[19:45:06] BANFIELD: I`m sure she`s not liking these pictures. That mug shot was not too pretty even though she smiled. And here she is in the

orange jumpsuit with the rest of her friends behind her. Her attorney, her defense attorney had this to say because while all of Tony Buzbee, the guy

on the date, all of his story is coming out, none of her story is coming out. And this is why her attorney says so. Have a listen.


JUSTIN KEITER, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: The judge issued standard conditions and no contact order which we have no interest in having contact with Mr.

Buzbee. So, that`s fine with us.


BANFIELD: And that was it. That was it. Real quickly, I want to bring in Caroline Polisi, if I can. It might not be such a bad idea for him not to

start talking about this or is it? Because there`s a jury pool out there potentially that only knows one side of this very salacious first date


CAROLINE POLISI, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Absolutely. And if I`m his defense attorney, I want to get jurors on that panel that have seen none of this

coverage even though we`ll see if he can even find such a jury. But I think as in matters of the heart, Ashleigh, you and I both know from

covering these stories that truth can be stranger than fiction. I think there`s more to this story here and we will certainly hear it. We

certainly were promised a new story. And it could be quite salacious.

BANFIELD: I want to see the evidence. Not just because I love Andy Warhol, I want to see what an Andy Warhol looks like if it was really

sloshed with red wine. I mean, I think that`s a big tragedy in this whole story if two Andy Warhol masterpieces were destroyed. But you know what?

Let`s just sit on this one for a bit. Caroline, thank you. Kate Delaney, thank you.

Surveillance video captures a couple of people chasing what looks to be a teenager around a Houston parking lot and then it gets really disturbing.

The kid gets shoved into the trunk of that car in the background. But is this a case of kids being kids? Is it a prank? Or is this kid really in



[19:51:44] BANFIELD: You hear law enforcement types say this all the time. If you see something, say something. And that`s exactly what investigators

say a witness did after seeing a teenager being stuffed into the trunk of a car outside of a Popeyes restaurant near Houston. I want you to take a

look at the surveillance video. You can see people running and chasing, kind of looks like teenagers messing around actually in a parking lot.

Looks like one of the kids is trying to evade the others and does it time and time again. But I want to point out he isn`t running for help. Just

he`s going in circles.

Again, this really just looks like horseplay among some kids. But about 45 seconds into the video things get weird. The two who are doing the chasing

actually succeed and they catch him. They grab him and then they drag him over to that black car. Another person gets out. And then they stuff the

kid into the trunk of that car. Watch how this happens. Keep a close eye on the teenager being taken over there. After they stuff him in the trunk

of the car, they drive off. And that`s left a lot of people pretty confused. And it`s left police looking for them, trying to figure out what

was going on here. They want to know if this was actually a prank or if this was a real and honest abduction.

Here`s a better look at the driver. He was in a black Toyota Corolla. Take a close look. Not the greatest picture in the world but it is

something. Deputies believe everybody involved is somewhere between the ages of 12 and 20. They say there`s been no reports of someone who`s gone

missing matching the description of the kid who was back in that trunk. But it is an odd story.

Caroline Polisi defense attorney is still here. OK, look. If this was a horseplay -- let me reverse it. If this is a real abduction, they`re in

trouble if they`re caught. If it`s not a real abduction and it`s horseplay and they`re found, are they in trouble?

POLISI: They absolutely could be. Remember, we`ve seen a lot of these swatting cases recently. And there, the charges, making a false alarm to

police investigators. So, if it turns out that they did this intentionally wanting to get sort of police on the case, absolutely, they could be --

they could be charged with some criminal charges here because it`s a total misuse of police resources. They`re out now looking for this young man.

And so, yes, they face liability.

BANFIELD: And if it was just horseplay, then they`re just dumb kids who shouldn`t have done this stuff. Lesson to be learned from watching T.V. at

night. All right, Caroline, thank you for that.

Coming up next, police say this guy`s smile scored him a $45,000 loan for dental work. And it`s obvious, right? The only problem is he is not

exactly who he said he is. And now police are trying to track him down. Did he get the dental work? You`ll find out.


[19:59:20] BANFIELD: Just "ONE MORE THING" for you tonight. Police in Sugarland, Texas, are searching for this man. Take a close look. They say

he used a fake I.D. to secure a $45,000 loan to pay for dental surgery and dental work. And the reason is self-evident. But after the molds were

made and the surgery was scheduled, he didn`t show up. And now, the doctor`s office, which just so happens to be the guy whose identity was

stolen, as long -- as well as the police, they are all now trying to find this fellow and get that $45,000 loan back. Can`t blame him for trying.

Thanks for watching, everybody. We`ll see you back here tomorrow night. 6:00 Eastern Time for CRIME & JUSTICE, "FORENSIC FILES" starts right now.