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Quest Means Business

Gaza's Water And Sewage Crisis; Under Scrutiny; Concerns Grow Over Lack Of Post-War Strategy; US Congress Passes Temporary Spending Bill; Father, Son Who Survived Oct. 7 Attacks Tell Their Story; Iceland Braces For Potential Volcanic Eruption; Rising Anti-Semitism On Social Media; Argentina's A.I. Election; U.S. And Mexican Presidents Meet On Final Day OF APEC Summit. Aired 3-4p ET

Aired November 17, 2023 - 15:00   ET



JULIA CHATTERLEY, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Israel says it allow two fuel tankers a day into Gaza for limited humanitarian need.

TikTok and X, once known as Twitter, face scrutiny about how they handle antisemitic content.

And authorities in Iceland brace for a potential volcanic eruption, how one town's residents are coping after fleeing their homes.

Live from New York, it's Friday, November 17th. I'm Julia Chatterley, in for Richard Quest, and this is QUEST MEANS BUSINESS.

Good evening once again. And tonight, the Israeli government says fuel tankers have entered Gaza after a UN expert warned the water system there

is close to collapse. The Israeli war cabinet says that the fuel will be used by UN agencies to operate water and sewage plants. Earlier in the day,

Israel was accused of using water as a weapon of war by a UN official.

Meanwhile, the body of a second Israeli hostage, Noa Marciano was found near Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza. Negotiations for the release of more

hostages are ongoing. And two Israeli officials say Hamas has demanded Israel stop flying surveillance drones over Gaza as part of any deal.

Jeremy Diamond is in Sderot for us tonight. Jeremy, much to discuss, but let's start with the fuel supplies. Clearly, the critics are going to say

this is nowhere near enough after weeks of asking for more fuel supplies and nothing coming. This does feel like a huge breakthrough.

JEREMY DIAMOND, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It is a breakthrough and it is also a major change in the Israeli position. We have watched now for -- since the

beginning of this war effectively that Israel has resisted sending fuel into Gaza even amid mounting not only international pressure but, in

particular, pressure from the United States for Israel to allow fuel into Gaza, which has been one of the main sources of the humanitarian crisis

there in terms of hospitals not being able to operate and also, as we're seeing now, in terms of the water and sewage system not functioning


And it is on that latter point that the Israeli officials finally decided to allow limited fuel in two trucks per day into the Gaza Strip, saying

that it's not because of humanitarian concerns really, but more making the argument that this is to ensure that the war can continue.

The country's National Security Advisor, Tzachi Hanegbi, saying very clearly that if there were outbreak of diseases as a result of these sewage

problems, for example, that that would force Israel to stop the war. And so, effectively, this allows them to check the humanitarian box, but also

to be able to ensure that there isn't some kind of outbreak of disease that would put their troops at risk as well.

Now, amid all of this, Israel is continuing its military operation. They say they have full control the northern part of the Gaza Strip. Although we

have watched in recent days as battles continue even in the northernmost part of the strip. And then, of course, there is this issue of Al-Shifa

Hospital, where Israeli officials say that they found a tunnel shaft on the complex of the Al-Shifa Hospital.

You can see a video of that tunnel shaft about 30 meters away from one of the hospital's main buildings. We have confirmed that location. But what we

can't independently confirm is the fact that this is indeed a Hamas tunnel shaft as Israel confirms.

And we also can't confirm that it leads to a broader massive underground complex that Hamas operates below the Al-Shifa Hospital, which is, of

course, the major claim that Israeli officials have been making for weeks now. And they are now saying that it could take days, if not weeks, for

them to confirm the full extent of Hamas' underground operation there.

CHATTERLEY: And part of understanding what Hamas is doing, perhaps even investigating where hostage movements might take place is the drones that

the IDF are employing in Gaza at this moment. Jeremy, I just wanted to get your take on the suggestion now that Hamas is part of those hostage

negotiations is asking for a suspension of drone use in Gaza. It's tough to see the IDF agreeing to that even if they agreed to some kind of temporary

ceasefire to allow those hostage negotiations to take place. It's a case of them operating blind.

DIAMOND: Yes, that's right. And, in fact, officials are saying that it is highly, highly unlikely that Israel would ever agree to those conditions.

And so that appears to be a nonstarter for the Israelis. We know, of course, that those drones are used for intelligence-gathering purposes, for

surveillance purposes and also, of course, to coordinate strikes on the Gaza Strip.


We have heard those buns (ph) whirring over us as we have been near the border with Gaza all night long. And that is the constant hum that people

inside Gaza hear as well.

I think at this point the parameters of these negotiations are mainly focusing on how long that ceasefire would last in exchange for exactly how

many of these women and children hostages. I think that is where the brunt of the discussions appears to be focused.

CHATTERLEY: Jeremy Diamond, for now, thank you so much for that.

Now, as Israel tighten its grip on northern Gaza, many experts are raising ongoing concerns over the apparent lack of a clear postwar strategy. Prime

Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said a Palestinian civilian government could run the enclave as long as it cooperates with Israel's security

needs. He's not provided concrete details of just how that might work.

US Congressman Seth Moulton served four tours of duty in Iraq. In a recent column, he said Israel needs a clear end game against Hamas or it will face

the same problems encountered by the US during its war on terror. And Representative Moulton joins us now.

Congressman, thank you so much for joining us on the show. I read your op- ed almost a month ago, and you recounted your experiences in the Iraq War, and you talked about your second Iraq tour, going back to recapture a city

that was already taken a year before. And the difference actually was the fighting was that more fierce, far more fierce than actually what was done

a year before. And I think you see echoes of that risk in what we're seeing in Gaza today and more.

REP. SETH MOULTON (D), MASSACHUSETTS: I do. I see a lot of echoes. You know, we went into Iraq thinking that our only job was the military task of

defeating the army. And we actually did that very quickly and effectively.

But we didn't have a political plan for the day after. And as a result, an insurgency came up, and it got better and better -- stronger and stronger,

more effective against us over the months. And so when we came down to Iraq in my second tour, the fighting was even fiercer than we saw during the


You know, what Israel is doing in Gaza runs the same risk. They got to realize this is not just a military operation against Hamas. It's

fundamentally a counterinsurgency operation where they got to convince the Palestinian people to accept a different political reality at the end of

the day.

CHATTERLEY: And this was the crucial part of the op-ed that you wrote, too. You described, at one point, a rescue of special forces team from a

school, and you managed to get them out including the injured. But then you had a choice of putting your own men's lives at risk to go in there and try

and take that. And the end result was you decided to destroy it.

And it came back to this idea of how do you talk to a population and say, look, as bad as Hamas was, the alternative now is better and rebuild trust

that's been devastated through the war period. And that's also a critical part of the future and the danger of what's taking place today.

MOULTON: That is absolutely right. It was the correct military decision in the midst of that fight to drop a bomb on this building, which was actually

a school.

Now, to be clear, we knew that there weren't any civilians in the school, so it was an effective way to take care of the insurgents. But we had to

have a plan to rebuild the school, otherwise, how could we convince the Iraqis that we had done a good thing? How could we convince them not to

join the insurgency, but instead to take part in a democratic future for the country?

That's exactly what Israel has to do. They can't just go in and leave Gaza a smoldering mess, destroying Gaza, killing a lot of innocent civilians in

the process. They have to have a plan to rebuild. They have to have a plan to give the Palestinians a political future that's different than Hamas.

And at the end of the day, it has to be an appealing enough plan for the Palestinians to choose that, to choose that different reality in the

future. And I'm not seeing enough of that from the Israelis thus far.

CHATTERLEY: All while dealing with as you found in Iraq an ongoing insurgency, which is likely to be the case in this example, too. And if the

Israelis want to continue to deal with that as they keep suggesting that they do, I didn't see any sign, particularly, of nations around. Never mind

the United States or Israel themselves talking about a solution that allows for that and the possibility of some kind of perhaps two-state solution in

the end.

I hear none of this discussion, Congressman. Agree or disagree?

MOULTON: Well, there's certainly discussion from America, from our advisers to the Israelis, but I don't hear enough of it coming from the

Israelis themselves.

Now let's be clear. Hamas is a barbaric terrorist organization. No one wants to live under that kind of government. They are not good to

Palestinians. They're using them as human shields. That's part of why so many Palestinian civilians have been killed in the Israeli assault.

So, Israel doesn't have to -- you know, Israel, you know, can present an alternative that's much better than Hamas without that much difficulty. In

some ways, the bar is pretty low. But they do need to show what that political alternative might be, and it has to be believable. It has to be

believable to the Palestinians. Ultimately, it has to be believable to Israelis as well.


That's why just saying in some two-state solution in the future isn't good enough because we've tried that for decades. It has to be a really robust

plan for a two-state solution that can actually work.

One of things I've called for is the serious involvement of other Arab nations in ensuring the future success of that two-state solution. But this

has to be front and center to the Israelis with their operation.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, and all parties have to believe it's possible to your point.

I want to talk about the temporary spending bill in the United States, fortunately kept the government open and functioning, but it didn't include

money for the Mexican border. It didn't include money for Ukraine. It also didn't include money for Israel either. What's the priority? What should be

the priority if we had to pick among those three things? And what's feasible, Congressman, in your mind?

MOULTON: Well, the reality is that they're all important.


MOULTON: And that's why we insisted on including them together in a funding package. We have to support Ukraine because that's sending a

message to autocrats all over the world that you can't get away with invading sovereign countries. We have to support Israel, our most important

ally in the Middle East. And we should have leverage over how they're actually conducting this fight as we've just discussed.

We also obviously need to strengthen our southern border. And there are more things that we need to do in America as well. We can't just take the

funding plan that we had for last year and pretend that it's going to be adequate for this new year with a whole host of new challenges.

But that's what we've done. We've just basically copy-and-pasted last year's budget into this year for the next couple of months. That's not

something that anyone in Congress should be proud of.

I voted for it because the only thing worse than that is a government shutdown. So we have avoided the shutdown, but we have a lot more work to

do to properly fund the US government and all of our priorities around the globe.

CHATTERLEY: Yes. Congressman Seth Moulton, sir, thank you so much for your time this evening.

Now, scores of Israeli families are dealing with heartbreak and still recovering are trying to recover from the horrifying terror attacks. Our

Nic Robertson talks to two survivors about their ordeal.


NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR (voice over): Uri and his father Yonathan are survivors of Hamas' brutal October 7th attacks.

They've taken refuge in Israel's seaside resort, Eilat.

Uri is 12 years old. He wanted to tell his story. He is the first child we have spoken with since Hamas' horrific brutal attacks.

ROBERTSON (on camera): How many people close to you are missing still?

(URI speaking in foreign language.)

YONATHAN, KIBBUTZ ATTACK SURVIVOR: Uri says around 20. Kibbutz Nir Oz suffered a really hard blow. A quarter of the kibbutz is either killed or


ROBERTSON (voice over): Their home was here in Nir Oz. Pre October 7th population, close to 400 people.

YONATHAN: We heard, like, a war outside our window, a war. They were shooting at houses -- RPG on houses, grenades on civilians. Nothing, we

didn't say anything. We kept quiet.

ROBERTSON (on camera): They were incredibly lucky to survive Hamas' brutal attack. The family was saved by this lock on the bomb shelter door. But one

of Uri's brothers, Yoav, was at a sleepover in another house on the kibbutz.

ROBERTSON (on camera): Were were you worried for your brother?

ROBERTSON (voice over): Uri nods.

YONATHAN: Very much. He was crying in the safe room because of that.

ROBERTSON (voice over): Hours later, it would be Uri watching his father cry.

YONATHAN: It was around, I guess, five at the afternoon, that was the first time we Yoav again, and I broke down.

ROBERTSON (voice over): They had all been rescued by soldiers, brought to the big kibbutz safe room, reunited after seemingly endless hours of

grueling separation.

YONATHAN: I collapsed. I broke down that moment. We said it was the first time that he saw me cry, that time.

ROBERTSON (on camera): It's a big thing to see your father cry.

(YONATHAN speaking in foreign language.)

(URI speaking in foreign language.)

(YONATHAN speaking in foreign language.)

ROBERTSON (on camera): How is your father doing now?

(URI speaking in foreign language.)

YONATHAN: He said that he thinks I'm okay. He doesn't see any worries on me. It's a good disguise, I guess.

ROBERTSON (voice over): When Palestinian Islamic Jihad released a hostage video of one of Uri's friends, they didn't show it to Uri to spare him the


YONATHAN: We don't want him to see also. It's more propaganda than anything else.


ROBERTSON (voice over): But they can't insulate him completely. Uri's best friend, Etan, is one of several close friends held hostage.

URI, KIBBUTZ ATTACK SURVIVOR: He's a very good friend. And we are playing soccer in the kibbutz.

ROBERTSON (on camera): What will you do when you see him again?

(URI speaking in foreign language.)

YONATHAN: He will run to hug him.

(URI speaking in foreign language.)

YONATHAN: And he hopes they'll come back soon.

ROBERTSON (voice over): Hamas' damaging impact far from over. Nic Robertson, CNN, Eilat, Israel.


CHATTERLEY: When we come back, on this seismic activity in Iceland, officials warn a volcanic eruption could be imminent. That's next.


CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to QUEST MEANS BUSINESS. Evacuees from a town in southern Iceland are slowly being allowed back to recover their belongings

as officials warn a nearby volcano could soon erupt. This footage over the area Friday shows the ground splitting due to seismic activity. Michael

Holmes has more.


MICHAEL HOLMES, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice over): A town on edge, steam seeps through large cracks in what used to be a main street in

Grindavik, Iceland. Residents say it's a hellish site. The ground hot and unstable, and there is a deserted and eerie feel since the town was

evacuated a week ago.

STEFAN VELEMIR, GRINDAVIK POLICE OFFICER: There is some volcanic activity going on, very high activity. So we had to take measures and evacuate the

whole town. The town of Grindavik is 3,800 people. And now there's no one living here, from 3,800 to zero.

HOLMES (voice over): Police have closed off the roads to the town. Geologists say a 15-kilometer river of underground magma is making its way

towards the sea and could erupt at any time.

Residents are lining up outside the barricades. No eruption yet means there's still time to retrieve a few belongings. Authorities are allowing a

handful of people back in at a time for just five minutes in their homes. Precious moments as the wait for what comes next stretches on.


PILOT EINAR DAGBJARTSSON, GRINDAVIK RESIDENT: It's like sleeping in a very boring movie, but you're stuck there. You can't get out. It's unreal. It's

hard to digest.

HOLMES (voice over): Experts say the area around Grindavik is still experiencing hundreds of earthquakes a day. That's a slight decrease from

the thousands of daily tremors in recent days. But seismologists say the threat is still imminent.

FREYSTEINN SIGMUNDSSON, GEOPHYSICIST: There is still a flow of new magma into this crack, and it is widening. And this is causing ground deformation

on the surface, both widening of (inaudible) per day, but also subsidence on vertical movements in the town of Grindavik causing a possibility for


HOLMES (voice over): And it's somewhere along that fissure geologists say a volcanic eruption could do extreme damage, with Grindavik at risk of

being completely destroyed. But for some residents waiting to retrieve their valuables, waiting for whatever the lava will do next, the damage is

already done.

ASGEIR ORN EMILSSON, GRINDAVIK RESIDENT: Yes, honest, I'm not that excited to go back there because I don't think we'll ever feel safe after knowing

what has happened there.

HOLMES (voice over): Michael Holmes, CNN.


CHATTERLEY: Armann Hoskuldsson is a volcanologist at the University of Iceland, and he joins us now. Sir, thank you so much for your time.

I think everybody remembers the volcanic eruption that we saw back in 2010 in the south of Ireland and -- Iceland, and there was the ice cap on the

top of a volcano that reacted with the magma. We saw that big ash cloud and it disrupted global aviation. This clearly isn't that. So can you explain

what's happening here and what the risks are?



HOSKULDSSON: . two (inaudible) eruption. Those (inaudible) was a kind of what we call a central volcano, a volcano similar to most of people think

about when they think about volcanos, this peaky mountains, high mountains.

Here, we are on a plate boundary. So we are on the separation of American plate and the Eurasian plate. And Iceland is sitting directly above this

plate boundary.

So when the tension of the tectonic -- these plates are moving apart and they don't, you know, open the cracks constantly, they stay very fixed for

several hundred years until they reach the limit of the tension of the rocks and then start to break.

And now we are actually in a period since the last time this happened in Iceland for 700 years. And so now we are splitting off the two plates. And

when we do that, it follows that magma comes up to the surface.

And in this case, what we are dealing with in Grindavik is my -- I should say nothing that we've seen before, so we -- because we've been building

this tension for 700 years. So things are happening very fast. We are seeing very, very fast movements of the crust when they split, and magma

just flows in into the cracks as we form them.

And so Grindavik now has suffered from tectonic movements, you know, land is spreading apart and sinking. And we still see that magma is coming into

this crack. So we would expect that we have an eruption within, you know, five, 10 days or something.



CHATTERLEY: Because that was going to be my next question, because I understand -- the way I understand it there, the magma -- the shallowest

point is around half a mile or so under the surface, and we're talking about what a nine-mile sheet, a dike, effectively, where the magma is

flowing in. How do you predict .


CHATTERLEY: . and how does science predict the scale of magma when it does come to the surface in an eruption that you're talking about if, indeed, we

do see it over the next five to 10 days? And then how do you predict whether or not there's going to be more?

HOSKULDSSON: Well, we do that with the surface have deformation, so we see how the surface is deformed due to the magma that's coming into the crust,

so when the (inaudible) occurs.

And then this case, we are talking about four, five kilometers. There we have an accumulation zone of magma. And when the magma comes in there, it

tilts up excess pressure, so the land start to lift.

And by measuring this very, very precisely, we can start to predict how much magma is coming in. And on the Friday evening, the event when the

crust broke, lots of magma came in.


And they have been accumulating magma for several days before. And that accumulation area fell down, so we know that it was deep pressurized

because magma went into the crack.

Now, we are seeing with a very precise GPS measurement that the ground is lifting up still on a very, very alarming speed.

CHATTERLEY: So this is the first time in 50 years where we've had this kind of activity near a population zone. And we talked about the poor

people of Grindavik that have evacuated and now are sort of quickly coming back to gather more belongings. And I guess, they've got a window of a

couple days before the real danger period begins, Armann.

To your point about, you know, the GPS and the ability to predict the science, do you have a sense of how much of this area might be covered by

magma is the danger here that the entire town disappears?

HOSKULDSSON: There is -- of course, there is a possibility. But currently, because the magma did not make it up to the surface on Friday, so we know

that it needs to build up higher pressure to come up to the surface.

And that is currently happening. And so we monitor that and we see if we -- basically, we can see that by how much the magma is lifting to the surface,

and that if we exceed the limit that was on Friday, we can expect the eruption. But, you know, to get a major eruption, we need to see quite a

lot of this.

And unfortunately, the older ground is moving. And we have very, very large area that is lifting up, indicating that .


HOSKULDSSON: . we are accumulating huge amount of magma at 4 to 5 kilometers there.

CHATTERLEY: Wow, our thoughts with everybody there. Armann, thank you so much for your wisdom this evening. Great to chat to you. I hope


HOSKULDSSON: My pleasure.

CHATTERLEY: Thank, you, sir .

HOSKULDSSON: Yes, thanks for inviting me.

CHATTERLEY: . at the University of Iceland.

Okay. When we return, social media companies under fire for a rise in antisemitic content on their platforms, but what action can and will be





CHATTERLEY: Hello. I'm Julia Chatterley. And there's more QUEST MEANS BUSINESS in just a moment when I'll speak to the former head of news at

Twitter about the rising anti-Semitism on social media.

And Argentinians are preparing to elect their next president. Why is being described though as the first A.I. election? But before that, the headlines

this hour.

Pacific leaders are meeting for the final day at the APEC Summit in California. U.S. President Joe Biden has held talks with his Mexican

counterpart on both Manuel Lopez Obrador. The two leaders discussed immigration and cracking down on fentanyl.

An embattled Representative George Santos may soon be out of a job. The House Ethics Chairman today put forward a motion to expel Santos from

office, who comes after a congressional report found his campaign had engaged in "uncharged and unlawful conduct." And Ukraine says Russian

shelling in Kherson has killed at least six people. And official says residential areas were hit including a medical facility gas stations and a

car wash. Ukraine liberated Kherson a year ago but it continues to come under Russian fire.

And in aviation first, North Atlantic Airways has landed a Boeing 787 Dreamliner on Antarctica. The plane carrying 45 scientists and 12 tons of

equipment touched down on a runway entirely sculpted from snow and ice. It's the first time such a -- such a large plane has made it to the frozen


Voters in Argentina will be heading to the polls this Sunday to choose the next president hoping the new leader will pull their country from his

economic crisis. The election is also drawing international attention because the candidates are using artificial intelligence to promote

themselves and attack each other. Stefano Pozzebon has all the details.


STEFANO POZZEBON, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voiceover): The finance minister running on the beach and the rhythm of chariots of fire. While his opponent

dresses him like a forest leader. Welcome to the presidential election of Argentina, where artificial intelligence as open new communication tools

for political teams are trying to spread their message and gain voters online. Supporters of both candidates running to become the next president.

The (INAUDIBLE) used A.I. to the point that the New York Times wondered whether Argentina's is the first A.I. election of our times.

HENRY AJDER, A.I. EXPERT: The Argentinian elections have shown one use case which isn't perhaps the one that people feared most. But it is one that

raises some interesting questions about the role of A.I. in political communications and whether they should be doing this kind of stuff. Even if

it's clearly fake and it's not intended to fool people. You could swap faces, click by click using an editing tool. Cloning someone's voice though

to make them say things they've never said.

Unless you've got the best impersonator on the planet in your office, that's obviously something that A.I. has really opened up.

POZZEBON: New research this week from Stanford University and the University of Chicago warns that A.I. could play a transformative role in

the U.S. presidential election next year. In particular, through deceptive relisted content called Deep Fake. While Argentina has not experienced

widespread use of deceptive A.I. technology, experts believe it will serve as a testing ground for how effective A.I.ees to swing voters intention and

how the technology will be used in the future.

The contest is closely watched around the region because it paints a far- right disrupter, Javier Milei against the finance minister and career politician Sergio Massa.


A win for Milei could mean a change of momentum for conservatives worldwide and decisively move Argentina to the right. Another way, this election

could transform Argentina for good will be on the ballot on Sunday. Right- wing candidate Javier Melei pledging to dollarized South America's second largest economy and shut down the Central Bank. Argentina is once again

battling record-high inflation and struggling to repay international debtors.

And the plan to switch currency has generated a debate among economic think tanks. The Cato Institute, for example, considers it the fastest way to

achieve the reforms Argentina so desperately needs.

JAVIER MILEI, ARGENTINA PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE (through translator): The choice is between inflation and stability between decadence and growth.

POZZZEBON: His opponent, Massa, proposing instead a national unity government to respond to economic challenges.

SERGIO MASSA, ARGENTINA PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE (through translator): A big change for Argentina. Let's build a great agreement through bilateral

policies, through dialogue and accords.

POZZEBON: Facing the worst economic crisis of the last 20 years, both men claiming to be the best person to look after the nation's finances. Assign

that to through artificial intelligence, or just common sense. It's the economy that wins the elections.

Stefano Pozzebon, CNN, Bogota.


CHATTERLEY: And just in to CNN, the wife of former President Jimmy Carter has become receiving hospice care. Rosalynn Carter's grandson said she is

spending time with her husband and their family. Jimmy Carter entered hospice care in February and celebrated his 99th birthday last month. For

more on this, let's go to chief medical correspondent Dr. Sandy Gupta. Dr. Sanjay, great to have you with us. What an incredible couple. 96, 99.

What do we know about her health and what the family is saying to us here?

DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: You know, the thing is, she's been in pretty remarkably good health for most of her life, Julia. It was

really in May of this year, just a few months ago, where she was diagnosed with dementia. We know former President Carter, as you mentioned, has been

in home hospice care since February. He had a history of cancer, as you may remember. But that's all we really know.

I mean, as old as they are in their late 90s, they have mostly been in pretty good health. Home hospice care is what we're talking about.

President Carter is in that now. Rosalynn Carter is going to be there as well, which basically means much of the medical care that you'd otherwise

get in a hospital or clinics, much of that can be done at home. It can cut down on the number of visits, you know, that you need to actually go to a

hospital or a clinic.

What it does not mean, Julia, and I think this is really important is that something is happening imminently. I think people hear hospice and they

immediately think this means the end is near. And it might mean that but, you know, Jimmy Carter has been in home hospice for, you know, nine months

now. So, we don't know specifically what triggered this. They haven't said much, you know, from the Carter center but we know that they will be

together at home receiving hospice care.

CHATTERLEY: Yes. 96, 99. I like the idea of them spending more time together and we'll leave it there. Amazing. Amazing couple.

GUPTA: You got it.

CHATTERLEY: Yes. Sanjay Gupta there. Thank you, sir. OK. In January, the Africa Cup of Nations is set to kick off the host country is looking at the

football tournament as a way to bolster economic opportunity. And that's our focus in today's Connecting Africa.


EDEM SPIO, HOST, AFRICA BUSINESS OF SPORT PODCAST: Countries, especially those in the Global North, love to use sports as a vehicle to show their

soft power, and also the ability to be big in the industry. We saw how Qatar really went above and beyond in hosting the 2022 World Cup. We've

seen how Australia has done a fantastic job this year as well. And events like the Afghan which is the flagship football event here in Africa really

positions any country with which is able to host it as a country that understands the importance of having sports in there, and also wants to be

a big, big name within sports here in Africa.

And we all know that Ivory Coast has been one of the very best things for a very long time. You and I have watched the likes of Didier Drogba, Arda

Turan, all the other stars do very well to -- in Ivory Coast hosting, their second (INAUDIBLE) they can really show to the world -- show to Africa

first that we understand sports, we want to develop sports and also show globally that we're getting ready for whatever sports especially football

events that are going to come through in the subsequent years.

STANISLAS ZEZE, CEO AND CHAIRMAN, BLOOMFIELD INVESTMENT CORPORATION: This type of actually event will draw a lot of people for more all over the



So, economically and diplomatically is an excellent opportunity for these countries to sell itself. The economic returns are going to be short term,

it's going to be long-term because a lot of people have heard about (INAUDIBLE) been here. So, they heard this country is a country with a lot

of opportunity. And this is the opportunity for them to come. And even if you lose the competition itself, you still win, because like I say, the

competition is something that is functional, you come you play, and people are happy and then they go.

But economically the fact that people came here and discovered this country, discover the opportunity, they will certainly come back and invest

and they will come and they see the attractiveness of this country. They will see the economic infrastructure, the people, whatever they will see

here will be something that has certainly start reflect on possibly of coming back.

NELSON ANDRADE, COUNTRY MANAGER, MOTA ENGIL: I think that the construction industry, which is the first pillar of what is the can. The second pillar

will be the hospitality, will be the event, but the first pillar is construction. It was construction that developed the regions of Korhogo, of

Bouake, Yamoussoukro. We engaged in building in bringing technical, technicians equipment machinery to build. We have a lot of men -- local

manpower depth. When we look at the future, they will -- we will leave a legacy of knowledge.


CHATTERLEY: And coming up. I'll speak to the former head of news at Twitter about the rise in anti-Semitism on social media. Stay with CNN.


CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to QUEST MEANS BUSINESS. TikTok is banning content relating to a letter written in 2002 to by Osama bin Laden. Dozens of users

have posted videos expressing sympathy for the terrorist and in the context of the United States present day support for Israel. The letter heavily

criticizes U.S. involvement in the Middle East and also contains anti- Semitic content. TikTok says the content violates its rules against supporting any form of terrorism without providing any data.

Though TikTok says the number of videos are "small" and says reports they are trending are inaccurate.


Vivian Schiller is the former global chair of news at Twitter and she joins us now from Maryland. Vivian, great to have you with us. The good news here

is that they're deciding to ban and remove the content. The bad news is, just because it doesn't achieve some relatively a peak, let's call it that

level of views or enough to make it go viral doesn't mean that people didn't see it, and also base opinions upon it without context.

VIVIAN SCHILLER, FORMER GLOBAL CHAIR OF NEWS, TWITTER: Right. So there's a -- there's a few things to unpack here. First of all, not any reference to

something that somebody might deem anti-Semitic is being taken down. They have, you know, they have sort of a line that needs to be crossed where

something is deemed a threat. So there's a lot of anti-Semitic content that is still up, depending on the wording.

So, this is -- so it's partial good news, I suppose. And, you know, I don't even know if I want to characterize it as good news. It's sort of like,

this is what we should expect.

CHATTERLEY: Well, they could have done nothing. I mean, that's all I'm saying. The good news is at least there's some attempt here. Yes.

SCHILLER: It's better than Twitter, now known as x.


SCHILLER: We can agree --

CHATTERLEY: I'm going there next. Yes. I mean, I agree with you. The bar is way too low. So, let's talk about -- let's talk about X actually. Because

what we've seen this week, and I'm being careful about the names that I mentioned, because there's all sorts of rumors going on Twitter, but IBM at

least, and I believe Lionsgate is the next one have suspended advertising on X. We -- specifically with regards to IBM, the reports were that the ads

were placed next to posts praising Hitler and Nazism.

And IBM said, we're not doing it. In this case, X came out and said, look, they didn't mean to do it. They weren't specifically placed there. I mean,

really? And the other thing said that they will be labeled sensitive material and then not being monetized. To me neither of those reasons or

any form of justification or excuse for adverts to be placed next to this kind of material. Why is it there?

SCHILLER: Of course not? Well, look, I think, even if we want to take them at their word, let's just stipulate for a second that they did not intend

for their biggest advertisers, the people that make a Twitter be able to stay in business. They did not intend them to be next to that content. The

problem is when Elon Musk took over a year ago, he decimated the staff and particularly they caught anyone that is paying attention to content

moderation or what is known on these platforms is trust and safety.

So, they literally don't have the staff to keep up with these things. Then beyond that, so yes, you do end up having blue chip advertisers like IBM

next to neo-Nazi content or just straight up Nazi content. And they don't want to have -- of course, they don't want their content next to it. This

is in addition, this is on top of the fact that that the owner of Twitter, Elon Musk himself, s advancing anti-Semitic memes and other hateful forms

of speech. It's not a -- it's a bad picture all-around of any advertising honestly.

CHATTERLEY: Yes. I was about to say there's a lot in there. And just for balance, I'll say that -- obviously X has said that hate speech and

extremism has actually fallen on the platform, despite the cuts in moderation teams as you mentioned. Obviously, several outside groups agree

with that. Care to weigh in since your time and what your gut feel is more extremism or less?

SCHILLER: On how you're -- how you're defining, you know, harmful or hate speech. You know, you can -- you can come up with different definitions and

find different measurements to make yourself look good. But we know for a fact, it is a fact that there is more -- there's fewer staff who are

monitoring content. We know that the blue checkmark, which used to identify that somebody was who they say they are, no matter what they said, at least

you know what they say they are.

The blue checkmarks which are now up ranked in the feed. A lot of those and there has been data behind this by outside research companies are some of

the worst propagators of this kind of hate speech. And of course, since October 7th, this is all just gotten so much more explosive.

CHATTERLEY: Yes. And to your point about Elon Musk himself, affirming liking content that has anti-Jewish said sentiment. Linda Yaccarino, of

course, who is the CEO of X has also tweeted saying, look, X has been extremely clear about our efforts to combat anti-Semitism and

discrimination. There's no place for it anywhere in the world. It's ugly and it's wrong. And you can see that at the end of that. So there's the

sort of a leadership challenge here on someone who has arguably one of the biggest platforms.

Elon Musk and his own CEO. I also want to ask you, though, about report in the Wall Street Journal earlier this week about Meta saying that they're

not going to restrict political ads that question the legitimacy of the results of the 2020 election.


But they will restrict content that suggests some form of illegitimacy or concerns about the 2024 election. I mean, the irony here is bonkers. But

they're actually taking a political stance in my view, because one could argue that that benefits the Republicans over the Democrats. How is this

OK, Vivian? Why is Congress not acting on all of these things? Because they're all different but the thread that ties them all is someone should

be acting to challenge this.

SCHILLER: Yes. Well, I wouldn't necessarily look to the U.S. Congress to come up with anything, any kind of form of legislation between now and

Election Day. They are trying to keep themselves in business. There was some, you know, there-- and then there was the President's executive order,

Biden's executive order last week which tried to put some guardrails on A.I. but executive orders are limited, and they really didn't address myths

and disinformation.

You know, are -- but the interesting thing and if we want to look at something hopeful, individual states and the global community are putting

in -- are putting in more stringent guidelines. So it may be that the European guidelines which the American tech companies need to abide by, if

even one European citizen is maybe looking at this content from the United States, which of course they are, or some of the state regulations that are

-- that are coming online might be able to support it, might be able to be some salvation.

And -- but don't forget, in addition to all of the issues that we had in 2020, we now have artificial intelligence coming online which can also

drive other forms of misleading content, particularly, very easily, fast, quick, widespread, targeted direct messaging to people. Audio calls that

could, you know, discourage someone from voting by saying there's violence at their -- at their voting place, you name it. So it's a bit of a mess.

And, you know, there's a lot of researchers and civil society groups that are trying to address this. And hopefully, that the tech companies will

step up as well.

CHATTERLEY: That's enough to keep our viewers awake tonight. Vivian, sorry. Sorry to scare everyone, but the realism of the situation needs to be

discussed. Vivian, great to chat to you. Thank you so much.


CHATTERLEY: Vivian Schiller.

SCHILLER: Thank you.

CHATTERLEY: Likewise. OK. Just into CNN. Sam Altman, the chief executive of OpenAI has been fired. The company behind ChatGPT announced his departure

in a statement. It said a review process found Atlman was not consistently candid in his communications with the board and that it no longer has

competence in his ability to lead the company. Wow. We'll be right back.



CHATTERLEY: It's the end of a big week in aviation that the Dubai air show with tens of billions of dollars in new orders announced. Richard Quest has

more on today's Think Big.


RICHARD QUEST, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR (on camera): The Triple 7x being put through its paces. I'll give you a bit of indigestion in first class.

The Dubai airshow brings together the airlines, the manufacturers and, of course, military and commercial. But all the airports for takeoff and

landing. Although they just lost their champagne.

QUEST (voiceover): Dubai's Airport has grown in leaps and bounds over the years. For the ninth consecutive year, it's now keeping its title as the

busiest travel hub in the world. Next year, 88 million passengers will fly through DXP. Dubai is made a specialty of what comes next. As I heard from

Paul Griffiths, the CEO of Dubai Airports.

PAUL GRIFFITHS, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, DUBAI AIRPORTS: We are 100 percent back to where we were pre-pandemic now. And we've still got room to grow,

probably another 20 to 30 million before we fully exhausted.

QUEST (on camera): Now when you say room to grow, do you mean runway capacity and airfield or passenger?

GRIFFITHS: Well, all of those things because unless you've got growth in all the categories of an airports you can't actually operate at any higher


QUEST (on camera): The reality is, can we keep building airports?

GRIFFITHS: The thing is, if you look around the world we've probably got enough airport capacity is just in the wrong place. We need to make this

sort of airport location agnostic and the efficiency of the road and rail options to get there needs to improve. And if you can get from a major hub

like DWC Al Maktoum International, to any city, you know, in Saudi or in Oman or across the UAE in minutes, then of course, the utility of that hub


QUEST (on camera): You and I've talked about this before the misery of the airport process. The opportunities that are co-written with (INAUDIBLE) of

digital biometric. We haven't really got there yet.

GRIFFITHS: Not yet. There's too many stakeholders involved, Richard. That's the problem and they're misaligned. And I think the problem we've got it's

a bit like bumping a shopping trolley across a load of railway track. Immigration and checking should be one process. What other products when

they've already got your money require you to say, are you sure you really want to take this journey? So, those processes have to be looked at from

the top down.

QUEST (on camera): The thought of you pushing a shopping trolley over railway lines is simply too precious.

GRIFFITHS: It would be a very supersonically aligned and beautifully designed shopping trolley. I can promise you that. And I probably push it

along the track not across them.

QUEST (on camera): Thank you.

GRIFFITHS: Pleasure.


CHATTERLEY: OK. And a quick look at the final trading session of the week across the United States. And that's the picture. It's actually a mixed

finish. The Dow recovering as you can see in what was a pretty choppy session but earlier losses then recovering in the afternoon session to

change just about unchanged after a bumper week. In fact the U.S. markets as yields pushed lower that providing a lot of support in particular to the

tech sector this week.

It's actually on track for its third straight week of gains. In fact, one of the biggest movers today, shares of Gap ending up 29 percent. The

fashion brand posted better than expected earnings. And I can give you a quick look at the Dow components too. Microsoft at the bottom amid the

shakeup at open A.I. Otherwise, Caterpillar in the lead and Chevron near the top. Oil in fact, also rising some four percent today after a sell off

sent U.S. crude into a bear market.

Wow. What a change in picture there. As you can see. I'm just looking at some of the underperformance here. Microsoft obviously given their interest

and investment interest in open A.I. Nike also losing a (INAUDIBLE) ground there. As you can see, in the end of the session. Some pharma stocks as

well as you can see there in the red. Amgen near the bottom. Procter and Gamble and UnitedHealth Group also losing some seven-tenths of one percent.

And a reminder I have some of the big breaking news this hour too.


Sam Altman as I mentioned, the chief executive of OpenAI has been fired. The company behind the ChatGPT announced his departure in a statement

earlier today. Suggesting that his conduct and his communications with the board not as they would have liked.

And that means it's the end of QUEST MEANS BUSINESS. The closing bell is ringing now on Wall Street. And "THE LEAD" with Jake Tapper starts now.