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Showbiz Tonight

Bullying in the NFL?; Did Charlie Sheen Violate Gag Order?; `PARTS UNKNOWN` Season Finale to Air Live from Vegas; Hollywood Fight Club: Josh Brolin, Guy Fieri, Chris Brown, Kanye West and Alec Baldwin Having Anger Management Issues; Pop Culture Panel Discuss Unusual Plastic Surgery, Fitness and Diet

Aired November 05, 2013 - 23:00   ET


A.J. HAMMER, HOST: Tonight on the "Top Ten Countdown," Hollywood Fight Club, big-time stars, big-time stars: Josh Brolin, Kanye West, Guy Fieri. What`s it going to take to get everyone to simmer down?

Marie Osmond gets a big confession off her chest after 30 years.


MARIE OSMOND, SINGER: When I did "Sound of Music," all they did was talk about the hills were alive. That`s all they saw were my boobs.


HAMMER: Why is Marie revealing all now? SBT starts right now.

I`m A.J. Hammer. So pleased to have my co-host, Nischelle Turner, from CNN`s "NEW DAY," entertainment correspondent, with us tonight.

NISCHELLE TURNER, CNN ENTERTAINMENT CORRESPONDENT, "NEW DAY": I am pleased to be here once again with you, A.J.

We are kicking off our "Top Ten Countdown" of today`s must-see, must-share stories with No. 10, the hard-hitting NFL being rocked today by new developments in a scandal involving bullying.

And we`re not talking schoolyard teen in here: 300-pound-plus Miami Dolphin, Richie Incognito, seen here on the left, has been suspended for allegedly tormenting his more junior 300-pound-plus teammate, Jonathan Martin. Now, the repeated harassment reportedly included threats and racial slurs against Martin that got so bad that Martin has taken a leave of absence from the team.

CNN contributor L.Z. Granderson is with us now from Chicago.

L.Z., the funny thing is Richie Incognito actually starred in a PSA urging Miami Dolphin -- Miami Dolphin fans to be respectful. So let`s watch this together.


RICHIE INCOGNITO, MIAMI DOLPHINS PLAYER: Hi, I`m Richie Incognito. On the field, players have called me overly aggressive. We greatly appreciate you guys being loud and proud for the dolphins. But please be respectful and civilized and be sure to follow the fan code of conduct.


HAMMER: Well, apparently Incognito wasn`t at all practicing what he preached, L.Z. Does that now seem like a joke to you?

L.Z. GRANDERSON, "SPORTS ILLUSTRATED" CORRESPONDENT: Well, you know, it`s important to remember that it is very true that he has a history of behaving badly. But he has been trying to rehab his image and rehab himself. He actually reached out to Ricky Martin not too long ago, the former running back who also dealt with some anxiety issues, as well, playing in the NFL to try to find ways not to come across as an angry player. And the NFL network, I think, actually did a piece on him on their Web site about how he`d turned over a new leaf.

So he had been trying to rehab himself. And unfortunately, it doesn`t seem as if it took.

HAMMER: No, not at all. Sports reporter Jackie Pepper also with us. She`s in Hollywood tonight, and she`s the founder of

Jackie, it almost seems a bit surreal to me. The NFL going after a player for being mean to a teammate.

JACKIE PEPPER, SPORTS REPORTER, PEPPERONSPORTS.COM: It shouldn`t seem surreal, because bullying takes place in all walks of life, whether it`s the playground with little children or the corporate world.

I spoke with three former NFL players, all of whom are of Richie`s generation, two of whom are Super Bowl winners. And they all said that, yes, there`s a constant battle with the veterans and the rookies. And that, you know, it doesn`t usually go beyond paying for meals, carrying pads off the practice field, and whatnot, and that it should have a big brother/little brother type of feel in nature.

All three of them said they had never seen anything like this, at least according to the alleged reports coming out about what has happened in Miami. But one of the players did say that he was often ridiculed as a rookie and because he fought back, it made it much, much, much worse. And he said that this whole Richie Incognito story with Jonathan Martin has made him revisit that time in his life, and he says he`s surprised he made it through without breaking.

HAMMER: It`s amazing and really sad what`s being alleged here. Richie Incognito allegedly hurled slurs at Jonathan Martin, who`s bi-racial, and ESPN is now reporting that Incognito left Martin a voice mail that begins with, "Hey, what`s up with, you half blank piece of blank." The voicemail reportedly ends with, "I`m going to slap your blank mouth. I`m going to slap your real mother across the face." And then he laughs. "Blank you. You`re still a rooky. I`ll kill you."

I mean, this is amazing, Nischelle. You used to be an NFL sideline reporter. Have you ever seen anything like this? And again, this is allegations and reports. But if this is true, this is horrific.

TURNER: Right. I`ve never seen anything like this. And there is this kind of different code of conduct in the NFL that not a lot of us understand, but like this, using racial slurs and going into threats, things like that, no, never seen anything like this. Although the NFL has been dealing with some racial issues this season already. One with Philadelphia Eagles` Riley Cooper.

HAMMER: This is over the top. And looking at the tale of the tape here. Incognito is 6`3", 329 pounds. Martin is 6`5", 312 pounds. So to me, they`re pretty evenly matched. A lot of people are wondering why Martin would take that kind of alleged abuse from Incognito.

GRANDERSON: That`s because we haven`t characterized what it really means to be bullied. We still think it means to be physically intimidated. That`s only part of the equation. But bullying really is a psychological thing. It`s about not feeling safe. It`s about not feeling welcome. It`s about feeling isolated.

And so it doesn`t really matter who`s bigger or smaller. What really matters is who psychologically is bigger or smaller or who psychologically feels as if they have the upper hand.

You can certainly have someone who`s smaller bully a larger person. We saw a video, remember, not too long ago on YouTube in which a bus monitor was being bullied by kids. Now, she was older and bigger than all the other kids, but because they ganged up on her, they bullied her. So it`s not just about physical.

TURNER: Yes. You know, I agree with you, L.Z. And I feel like we`re just getting the tip of the iceberg with this story here.

But let`s move on to our No. 9 must-see, must-share story. Charlie Sheen`s mouth has gotten him fired from his job and ridiculed. Now, could his mouth send him to jail?

Sheen is in a war with his ex-wife, Brooke Mueller, over the care of their young twins, Bob and Max. Now, TMZ reports that Brooke wants a court to declare Charlie in violation of a court gag order from going all Charlie Sheen in an interview with "TMZ Live." Now, he slams Brooke for her reported substance abuse problems and accuses her of being behind the boys` behavioral problems. But Sheen didn`t put it quite as diplomatically as I just did.


CHARLIE SHEEN, ACTOR: When they leave for the visits with her, they`re fine. And when they come back they`re -- they`re completely incorrigible, and they`re completely -- there`s no -- there`s no logic; there`s no rationale. They throw stuff at the girls. They kick the dogs. They attack Denise. It`s Jekyll and Hyde behavior that is a direct result from the visits at Brooke`s house. And she`s one of the most incompetent losers I`ve ever encountered ever.


TURNER: Well, those are strong words. And Darren Kavinoky joins us now from Hollywood. He`s a criminal defense lawyer and host of "Deadly Sins" on Investigation Discovery.

Darren, is this any way to conduct a child custody dispute?

DARREN KAVINOKY, HOST, INVESTIGATION DISCOVERY`S "DEADLY SINS": Well, look, I don`t think you need a law degree to figure out that, when you`re trying to convince a judge that you are the best parent because you are stable and rational and in charge of your emotions, that being on your best behavior can help. I think that`s kindergarten stuff.

But putting that aside, I believe this is well-intentioned but very poorly executed by Charlie. My sources are telling me that all of this stems from Charlie and Denise Richards really both being upset that the Department of Children and Family Services has dropped the ball and that they`re trying to push these kids through the system in a way that doesn`t have the best interests of the children in mind.

So I think we can characterize this as well-intentioned, poorly executed, not something that his lawyers would draw up in the war room, I assure you.

TURNER: You know, that`s interesting, because there have been reports, also, that Denise has been taking care of the boys while this whole custody battle has been going on.

But you know, that interview wasn`t enough. Charlie is turning up the heat even more. He tweeted this today, the photo of a grenade on a cake, and the caption includes a suggestion for his ex-wife that, well, I cannot repeat, so I`m going to leave it with that, but it ends up with "Why don`t you blow out this candle?"

Jackie, I want to ask you: Out of bounds here?

PEPPER: Completely. I mean, Charlie Sheen as a human being is out of bounds, and he`s been out of control for years. This is shameful.

I mean, if you think Brooke Mueller is bad, what does that make Charlie? If he thinks that nothing in his lifestyle has contributed to the dysfunction of his young children, then the guy is in a stage of denial that I would like to be in about some things in myself.

I think Denise Richards really is a saint in all of this. She has been caring for another woman`s children with her ex-husband, who she didn`t even get along with herself either. The fact that she`s the most stable person in all of this, and now she`s having trouble caring for those children because of the behavior, that`s -- it`s really a shame.

TURNER: You know, that`s interesting, that`s another way to look at. But I also want to listen to more of what Charlie told "TMZ Live." He said he`s willing to go to war over this. Listen to this.


SHEEN: I will exercise every resource at my disposal. I will -- I will empty my entire war chest, and if I can`t get it done, I know a guy who can.


KAVINOKY: All right, Darren, quickly, going to war? What do you think?

KAVINOKY: Yes. Well, you know, he`s said so much. He`s called the judge fat and dishonorable and lots of stuff coming out of Charlie Sheen`s mouth. The thing that`s interesting about this is now any decision that the judge makes is going to be looked at very carefully to make sure it`s not retaliatory for all the stuff Charlie said. So this may be so crazy it turns out to be brilliant.

TURNER: All right. Darren Kavinoky, Jackie Pepper, thank you very much.

HAMMER: It`s all a part of the "Hollywood Fight Club." What is up with all the big stars with their big egos throwing down in public? I`m talking about Kanye West, Josh Brolin, Guy Fieri. First rule of "Hollywood Fight Club," don`t fight. You`re a big-time star. Come on.

Plus, Marie Osmond gets a big confession off her chest.


OSMOND: When I did "Sound of Music," all they did was talk about the hills were alive. That`s all they saw were my boobs.


HAMMER: So why did she go under the knife? And will her answer be No. 1 on our countdown?

This is SBT on HLN.


HAMMER: Our "Top Ten Countdown" continues with No. 8. It is Anthony Bourdain`s world, Nischelle.

TURNER: And we`re just living in it, A.J. The season finale of "ANTHONY BOURDAIN`S PARTY UNKNOWN" is just days away. It airs this Sunday night at 9 p.m. on CNN. That`s followed by a special one-hour retrospective episode, "PARTS UNKNOWN, LAST BITE LIVE IN LAS VEGAS."

HAMMER: So I just went one-on-one with TV`s top foodie. I had to get his take on this season`s biggest moments and the finale`s surprises.


HAMMER: Anthony, it`s nice to see you, and congratulations on another fantastic season of "PARTS UNKNOWN."


HAMMER: I love the fact that you`re doing the finale live from Vegas on Sunday, but even more than that, I love that you`re doing it from this place, Atomic Liquors, a very historic place where -- you have to explain this to me -- people used to get together to watch nuclear test blasts from the roof?

BOURDAIN: Yes. Probably an ill-advised recreational activity. But I guess with enough alcohol, it seemed like a good idea.

HAMMER: Yes, can you imagine the drinking games you could come up with? "There`s another blast. Let`s do another shot." I think they`re onto something there.

We saw you in so many amazing places during Season 2 of "PARTS UNKNOWN" on CNN. And I particularly loved your visit to Tokyo. You got to take in quite the performance when you were there. Let`s watch that together.




HAMMER: I think my head would have exploded if I was watching that show. You genuinely seemed surprised by what was going on there, Anthony.

BOURDAIN: Breakdancing robots, girls on dinosaurs, dancing pandas, robot strippers. It was the greatest show in the history of entertainment. I mean, I -- I still can`t believe it.

HAMMER: I mean, you`ve got such a great gig. When else would you have gotten to see a show like that? Really?

BOURDAIN: Well, it`s one of the great things about Tokyo. It`s just layer upon layer upon layer of cool and sometimes disturbing stuff.

HAMMER: Yes, I would say we might have seen some of that in that show there.

Among the other terrific and exotic places you went to, Jerusalem, Copenhagen -- or do they prefer "Cope-en-hagg-en"?

BOURDAIN: Copenhagen, I think.

HAMMER: OK. South Africa. Now, on Sunday, before the live one-hour retrospective that you`re doing live from Vegas, you`re taking us to Detroit. Now I love Detroit, but it hardly feels exotic in the context of every place you`ve been. Why there?

BOURDAIN: Well, I mean, it`s really one of the great, great American cities, and what`s happened to it is, I think, sort of shocking. Very shocking. It`s -- you know, there`s a tendency for outsiders to go and look at what they call locally ruin porn and looking at all of these abandoned buildings, overgrown lots, waist-high grass in the center city.

It doesn`t take away from the outsized dreams, the incredible beauty, and just the really -- how cool and resilient and stubborn and funny, uniquely funny Detroiters are. You know, it takes a lot of heart and a lot of toughness to stick it out in Detroit.


BOURDAIN: And I hope we captured that.

HAMMER: Yes. Really well said. And the food, I mean, just watching it there, it just brings back such memories of any time I`ve been through that town. It`s so spectacular.

OK. You already have season three teed up, coming up on CNN. What`s the one place that you haven`t been able to sink your teeth into yet that you`re dying to get to?

BOURDAIN: I`m hoping to get into Iran. And I`ve heard a lot of -- you know, I`ve heard a lot of great things about the food and a lot of surprising things about what it`s like, every-day life with ordinary people is like in Iran. It`s something -- how ordinary people eat and live is something that I don`t think we see much of in Western media, and it`s something I`d like to explore.

HAMMER: Yes, that would be fascinating. Well, good look with the live show on Sunday. Live is always fun. Anthony Bourdain, always great to see you.

BOURDAIN: Thank you.


HAMMER: The season two finale of "PARTS UNKNOWN" is going to air Sunday night at 9 p.m. Eastern on CNN. Followed up by "PARTS UNKNOWN, LAST BITE," which will air live from Las Vegas at 10 p.m. Eastern, also on CNN.

Well, from the world`s best foods to some down-home wines, courtesy of the guys over at "Duck Dynasty."


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m a low-tech man in a high-tech world. I don`t even think you need a razor.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s real balanced. I don`t know much about wine. Give me a couple days, I`ll be an expert.


HAMMER: You know, I think if every reality housewife can has a wine, why not the Robertsons?

Plus, Blake Lively`s diet secrets. Who wouldn`t want to look like her, right? Well, you just might never want to see her beautiful face again after you find out what she does or does not eat. It`s a star food show down. What`s going to top the countdown?

Time now for the "SHOWBIZ BUZZ LIST." Here`s what SHOWBIZ TONIGHT staff is buzzing all about.

One of our favorite TV couples is back. "Mike and Molly" finally returns for Season 4 on CBS.

Apple junkies rejoice. The iPad air is now on sale. I ordered line today.

This is a must-have for your movie collection, the James Dean ultimate collector`s Blu-Ray set. It features the only three movies he ever made, "East of Eden," "Rebel Without a Cause," and "Giant."

Speaking of must-haves, this one, too. Mary J. Blige`s first Christmas album, "A Very Merry Christmas." Getting us into the holiday spirit here.

And the mighty avenger is back. "Thor: The Dark World" opens Friday.


TURNER: Our "Top Ten Countdown" roars on to No. 7, Katy Perry. Now, Katy charges ahead of Justin Bieber for Twitter domination.




TURNER: As of today, Katy she had just over 46 million, 600 thousand followers. Justin, though, is hanging tough. He`s got more than 46 million, 550,000 thousand.

I wonder if Katy`s top tour secrets, she says, no tweeting and drinking.

HAMMER: We`re moving right along with No. 6 on our COUNTDOWN, the power of a dog`s love. This is such a great story.

Tamara Keller is a big-time celebrity dog walking. Well, Oprah sing -- well, the Oprah Winfrey, is just a few of her famous veterans and Ben Affleck are among her clients.

Tomorrow is also a veteran of the Israeli-Army special services. So now she`s helping using a powerful law that only a four-legged friend can giveto help American war veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Being in a war zone is not anything you can explain to anyone. The most important thing for you is your safety and to quickly react, quickly deter anything that`s going to hurt you.

And when you come here and your daughter is surprising you and running to you, you`re going to react. Because it was feeling you, the same as dogs when they come from their -- their point of view. It`s completely different than our culture.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I was in my apartment, and I would hear noises and freak out.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I had really bad anger issues when I got out of the hospital.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I believe that the best way to receive is actually by giving. And I think the best way to learn what you need to learn is to teach it.

So when I take the veterans and the dogs through Operation Heroes and Hounds, I actually teach the veterans how to help dogs. By them learning how to teach the dogs life skills, they`re learning the life skills themselves.

The dogs are there to give them the honest and immediate feedback of how they come across. If they come across in a loving way or if they come across in an aloof or threatening way.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is one of the greatest opportunities that has happened for me. And being able to get a companion and someone to share my time with and take me away from all the medical stress and everything else has helped me out so much.


TURNER: I love this. You know, I know we both feel you can`t do enough for veterans.

HAMMER: No. And those dogs just make me smile. Next Monday, don`t miss stories of courage, Robin Meade`s looking at the inside world of service dogs specializing in service members with PTSD.


HAMMER: Right now, the "Top Ten Countdown," "Hollywood Fight Club." Josh Brolin reportedly swinging at a bouncer, Guy Fieri in a brawl with his hairdresser? Why are so many Hollywood heavyweights punching their way into the headlines?

SBT is entering the celebrity ring tonight to find out why stars are so darn angry right now.

Plus, are the "Duck Dynasty" boys going all yucky on us?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m a low-tech man in a high-tech world. I don`t think it even razor.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s real balanced.

I actually don`t know much about wine. You give me a couple days, I`ll be an expert.

HAMMER: Well, it may not be high-tech, but they may be getting high- faluting. Hold onto your beards. The "Duck Dynasty" family is leaving the swamps for Napa. Would you drink "Duck Dynasty" wine?

SBT continues right now.

Welcome back, thank you for watching, I`m A.J. Hammer along with Nischelle Turner, the entertainment correspondent for "NEW DAY" on CNN. And as we count down today`s hot ten, must-see, must-share stories of the day we are going to kick it off with number five.

TURNER: It is the Hollywood fight club. Yeah, Josh Brolin just joined the ranks of celebrities that are steaming mad. Now, he allegedly tried to punch out a boxer at a Santa Monica bar. And the fight club also includes Guy Fieri who just punched down his hairdresser, Chris Brown just arrested and accused of popping a fan in the nose. And Kanye West and Alec Baldwin with their in your face crusades against the paparazzi.

HAMMER: What is going on here? Well, to help us find out tonight, Charlamagne and Damien Lemon from the hit MTV series "Guy Court" - series "Guy Court" debuts on MTV 2 on Thursday. Guys are you ready for round one of the Hollywood fight club?

CHARLAMAGNE, STAR "GUY COURT" ON MTV 2: Absolutely. Let`s do it.


HAMMER: It is time to get out. What`s that?

DAMIEN LEMON, "GUY COURT" MTV 2: It debuts Wednesday.

HAMMER: It debuts Wednesday.



HAMMER: We must have this information correct. I don`t want to start any fights here.

Let`s take a look at Josh Brolin versus the bouncer. Kind of. Josh reportedly was so drunk he just tried to get to into a fight with a bouncer who told him to leave the bar at closing time. And then Josh ended up hugging things out with the guy in the end. Now, TMZ reported that Josh said he is done drinking for good. Charlamagne, will that get him to simmer down?

CHARLAMAGNE: Yes. Usually, if you stop drinking alcohol, it will cause you simmer down. I`ve been in the couple of drunken fights myself. But the thing I like about this, is like - it looks like he started off like he is an alcoholic and ended like he was on - or ecstasy, because he was all happy and hugging.

LEMON: It was all love.

CHARLAMAGNE: Yeah. It was all love. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So it`s like - if he popped a mile, it will make the drunk go away.

HAMMER: OK. Well, we`re not saying that`s what happened. You`re just saying .

LEMON: Just allegedly.

CHARLAMAGNE: Oh, yeah, allegedly. Allegedly.

HAMMER: Now, Damien, do you think he necessarily might have a propensity to fight and alcohol is not necessarily the key here?

LEMON: It depends. If he was drinking brown liquor and brown liquor is going to get you on that wave.


LEMON: Vodka to have you on the couch, you know, turned up - A brown liquor?


HAMMER: Where does tequila fall into the mix?

LEMON: Tequila is bathroom, you`re throwing up.


TURNER: Enough fighting, anybody. You are just chilling.

CHARLAMAGNE: You`re just chilling.

LEMON: It could be in g - gin will make you sin.


TURNER: Liquor will make you sicker and gin will make you sin.

All right, fellows, let`s listen to this - is it .

TURNER: That`s the ding of round two of the fight club. Let`s move on now to Guy Fieri versus his hairdresser. So, apparently Guy just got to this serious Bro with the dude who does this hair? All of this was caught on tape. This is what I love. Now, obviously, got into a brawl with the dude who does his hair. All of this was caught on tape. This is what I love. Now, obviously, Guy`s bleach blond hair that`s his signature, it`s important to him. But Damien, you know, I want to ask you, because you got a nice fade. Even though you`ve got a head on. I know this. What could get you angry enough to trade punches with the guy who lines you up or spikes your hair like in Guy`s case?

LEMON: I think it was a case of you know, he probably spilled peroxide in his eye yet again .


LEMON: And he told him, listen, next time you spill this peroxide in my eye I`m going to punch you in your face. And I think that`s what happened. I don`t play any games.


LEMON: My name is Guy.


TURNER: There you go. Guy don`t play with them.

LEMON: Not at all.

TURNER: You don`t mess with Guy. OK. Let`s move on to round three in the fight club. Chris Brown. I know. I`m trying to keep them up. But A.J., you know, we`ve got to do. Chris Brown versus the fan.


TURNER: This is what we`re talking about now. Chris is fighting an assault charge in D.C. pretty seriously for allegedly breaking a fan`s nose. Now he is going into rehab for anger management. Now, Charlamagne, we know about Chris. We know about his history.

CHARLAMAGNE: In the 2013 Bobby Brown.

TURNER: You know.

CHARLAMAGNE: I like to call him Bobby B.

TURNER: You know what. You know what.


TURNER: I`m thinking, though, maybe rehab has his fight club days over. What do you think?

CHARLAMAGNE: No, absolutely not. The only reason he wants to go into rehab now is because he is like trying to show the judge, he`s trying to show the judge - look, I`m trying to help myself, so the judge doesn`t throw him in jail, so they don`t make it a probation violation like it`s kind of a cheap lawyer almost, strategy.

I like Chris, but honestly, that`s a cheap blow.

TURNER: He has got the case that he can`t get right, doesn`t he?

CHARLAMAGNE: You don`t catch a DUI charge and then go to alcohol rehab.

HAMMER: So, there is not even a possibility in your mind that he`s doing this because of authentic reasons? Because he wants to .

CHARLAMAGNE: Absolutely not. Don`t let you get (INAUIDBLE). This is not the first time you have got in a fistfight with somebody.

LEMON: I`m waiting for somebody to think he actually is doing it for the right reasons.

TURNER: You`d be the nice guy ..

HAMMER: Chris will come out and say, of course, I did it for real.

LEMON: You know, Chris, it would be the first time I put speed on (INAUDIBLE). You should have made - put out a gospel album.

TURNER: You know what?

LEMON: He embraced the whole bad boy image.

TURNER: I`m not even laughing at that.

LEMON: And that`s what messed him up.

TURNER: I`m not even laughing at that.

HAMMER: So, we just hit the bell again.

TURNER: Yes, please.

HAMMER: Charles.

Round four on the Hollywood fight club. It`s Kanye versus the paparazzi. We have to have Kanye in here, of course.


HAMMER: But Kanye West is scheduled to be back in court again over those battery and grand theft charges from a straw down with a photographer. This happened outside of LAX. Now, you have got another outrageously successful star who is going at the Hollywood fight club on us. Damien, what do you think Kanye`s problem is? Break it down.

CHARLAMAGNE: Kim Kardashian. That`s his problem.

LEMON: Well, that could be. Kanye`s problem is Kanye.


LEMON: That he`s his all worst enemy.

CHARLAMAGNE: Absolutely.

HAMMER: Kanye gets in his own way. That`s why he is where he is right now.

TURNER: OK. But Charlamagne, you said Kim Kardashian. So, why do you think that?

CHARLAMAGNE: Because that`s not Kanye West anymore. That is Kanye Kardashian. Kanye West used to be a nice guy who used to really be about the people. Now this guy, just the self-serving narcissist. And I`m tired of hearing from him actually. I wish he would .

TURNER: Who wears a confederate flag jacket around?

CHARLAMAGNE: Exactly. I wish he would just shut the "F" up.


CHARLAMAGNE: And one minute he`s denouncing corporate America, then the next minute he`s on interviews and he wants (INAUDIBLE).


CHARLAMAGNE: Make up your mind.

HAMMER: But do we give him any credit for being so consistent in his pomposity?

LEMON: Consistent in his inconsistency.

CHARLAMAGNE: It`s contradictive.

LEMON: Absolutely.

HAMMER: By the way, I just caught that a little - a moment ago. Are we now referring to him strictly as .

LEMON: Kanye Kardashian.

CHARLAMAGNE: Absolutely.


LEMON: Kanye West is dead. Kanye Kardashian.

TURNER: Don`t forget that, A.J.


TURNER: He is changing his name legally, apparently.

HAMMER: Well, now, that will bring us to a final round. It is upon us. Here on the Hollywood fight club. And now we`ve got the founding father of the Hollywood fights. It`s Alec Baldwin taking on well, the world. I mean there are just too many scuffles and rants and fights in his history to tally with Alec. But now, I mean look at the guy - he seems to have found his Zen bliss with his wife who, of course, is a yoga instructor. So, are you convinced that he is finally trading in his boxing gloves for, perhaps, a nice baggy pair of yoga pants?

CHARLAMAGNE: No, he will fight with yoga pants, A.J.


CHARLAMAGNE: Listen. Alec .

TURNER: How is that going to look?

LEMON: Alec has angry dad patience. You know really, it doesn`t take too much for him to just swing off or at least let loose of series of expletives. Let you know what you stay.

CHARLAMAGNE: Yeah, and he is wearing baggy pants because he`s really Bruce Banner. So, when he hulks out he wears the baggy pants, when he turns into the Hulk, he can fit into the pants.

LEMON: Exactly.

TURNER: And he has been good. But listen, Alec doesn`t discriminate. He gets mad at everybody - everybody. His kids, his ex-wife, the paparazzi, the cops and then .

LEMON: He needs to be an MMA fighter. That`s what he needs.


HAMMER: I`m not - again, I`m not trying to make everybody out to be the nice guy, because this is the Hollywood fight club, but when I look at Alec, I`m looking at the past couple of months. Everything has been .

TURNER: Well, he`s a TV host now.

HAMMER: But he`s been chill.


TURNER: a little bit.

LEMON: You can`t be fighting every day. Sometimes you have got to let it just simmer for a minute and then explode yet again.

TURNER: So people know you real.

LEMON: Exactly.

TURNER: And you mean what you mean.

CHARLAMAGNE: You are not cliche.


CHARLAMAGNE: Be a normal, even makes the - I just got into fight again. Oh, the sky is blue, birds are flying.


CHARLAMAGNE: What else is .?

HAMMER: Like Rihanna taking her clothes off? Nobody pays any attention.

CHARLAMAGNE: Now, we all pay attention to that.


HAMMER: That was a test, gentlemen.

CHARLAMAGNE: Here you go.

HAMMER: All right, Charlamagne and Damien. Thank you both for being here. Great having you along. And you can catch them both on "Guy Court" on MTV 2 which debuts on .


HAMMER: Wednesday. All right. I`m exhausted. And down to the top four in tonight`s countdown. Will Blake Lively stunning diets top our list tonight? Super-slim Blake just revealed that she eats chocolate every day. And doesn`t even think about going to the gym. Trainer? What trainer? And I`m guessing these guys are (INAUDIBLE)


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m a low tech man in a high-tech world. I don`t even think you need a razor.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s real balanced. I say I don`t know much about wine. If you give me a couple of days, I`ll be an expert.


HAMMER: "The Duck Dynasty" family may be low tech, but they are about to get Haifa Luton, I believe. They are adding their own brand of wine. They are already huge dynasty, I`m telling you. We are not talking Moon shine here. So, will "Duck Dynasty" be note in number one on tonight`s countdown? We`re about to find out. This is SBT on HLN.


HAMMER: Heading to big number one tonight. The reveal of what is on top of our countdown. But first, we have to get to number four. And this is pretty stunning - a confession from Marie Osmond about having surgery to reduce the size of her breasts.

TURNER: Makes me just want to look down when you say that. Marie who is now 54 just revealed on the talk that she had the surgery when she was in her 20s. Watch this.


MARIE OSMOND: I had very large breasts. I had a breast reduction.


OSMOND: Yeah. My mother - I was my mother`s daughter.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How old were you?

OSMOND: I was in like 20-something. But when I did sound of music, all they did was talk about the hills were alive.


OSMOND: That`s all they saw were my boobs.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, how big were you?

OSMOND: I was like an E cup.

You know, women can get so big and you look like human zippers.


OSMOND: And honestly, I did it because my back hurt.

TURNER: I mean, who knew, right?



TURNER: Megan Meany, lifestyle pop culture expert, Amanda Seales from the H1`s best week ever here to say - OK. Megan, I`m going to start with you. I think it`s kind of great that she shared this with us. What do you think?

MEANY: I think, you know, step in the right direction. This is a new thing, women in the media trying to be more relatable. Julie Chen in the same show spoke about getting her eyes tweaked. So, she looks less Asian. That`s all good. It just cracks me up a little bit that, you know, we are hearing this statement from Marie Osmond`s mouth that hardly moves because of the injections she`s had there. So I`m sort of like, OK, good for you. You know, you are talking about the reducing the boob thing. But I`d love to hear more from Marie, like why all the stuff to your face?

TURNER: All right, Megan, shots fired. Amanda, finish it up!


SEALES: Well, more shots. You know, it`s unfortunate that this information usually comes up when there has been a career reduction. So, it`s like let me say something.

TURNER: Right.

SEALES: You know, to get people on board. But, I will say I have a friend who did have "E"s and she was like, you know, it was like carrying two backpacks with bowling balls every day to school.

HAMMER: I`m just sitting here.


HAMMER: I got nothing. I got nothing to add.


HAMMER: Just a fly on the wall.

TURNER: Latifah had that same thing, though. She had the breast reduction as well. Because she said it made her back hurts. Just like Marie .

MEANY: Absolutely. But is she kind of - was going on in the conversation saying, I don`t know why women want big boobs. I don`t know why women want their faces to look frozen.

HAMMER: I have a feeling she was very comfortable talking about it on "The Talk." Especially, as you say, with everything .

Let`s move on.


HAMMER: We cover that. Number three on our "Countdown" is Blake Lively`s secret to staying so hot looking. You may not believe it. She says she can eat whatever the heck she wants. She never has to watch the scale and she never exercises. Here is what she just told "Vogue Paris." She said "I`m lucky to have an active lifestyle. I`m always on the go. I don`t need to have a trainer or pay attention to what I eat. I can`t start my day without a cup of hot milk chocolate or finish without crunching a few dark chocolate squares. It`s good for my morale.


HAMMER: Megan, are you buying this? Or do you think she secretly runs like eight miles a day and does a 100,000 crunches.

MEANY: That was just annoying, because .


MEANY: A beautiful girl, hot Hollywood husband, hit show. I would like to think that she is chained to Tracy Anderson`s trampoline.


MEANY: And I`m not buying it. But I have one thing to say, she`s not going to be able to keep babies off the brain for long with that cutie- patutie Ryan Reynolds. So I got one thing to say, sister, when the kids come, things start slipping and sliding and she is going to be speed dialing Jillian Michaels, I think.


MEANY: She is going to go quickly from sequence to spandex. Your days are numbered. But good for you.


TURNER: But right now you are enjoying hot chocolate for breakfast.

I mean but she is also married, like you said, to one of the sexiest men in the world, Ryan Reynolds.

SEALES: Maybe that`s why she doesn`t need to do a lot of working out.

TURNER: But it gets better. She is also the global face of L`Oreal Paris and she is 26 years old. This is not fair. Amanda.

SEALES: What is she trying to tell us? That our lives are nothing? And that we really need to get it together.


MEANY: We have to start talking French now. You know, like oui-oui, I hate chocolate and I don`t exercise.

SEALES: She gets plenty of exercise. Plenty .


HAMMER: The only.

Megan, Amanda, please stay right here. We have more work to do, our big reveal of number one is coming up in just a moment. The top story on our countdown tonight.


HAMMER: We`re down to number two on our top ten countdown. Drew Barrymore just revealing why she decided to reveal that she is pregnant with baby number two.

TURNER: Yes, she`s already a mom with her 13-month daughter. And she tells "People" magazine. "Last time I never commented on it" and people just stopped me the entire time. So, yes, it`s happening. It`s true. I tried to keep it a secret for as long as possible. Now, life style and pop culture expert Megan Meany back with us, along with me, Amanda Seales from VH1-s "Best Week Ever." You know, I`m happy for her. But I also feel like I have to call us out, the media types that cover celebrities. Why couldn`t we let her have her moment and just let her keep her secret of her baby as long as she could?

MEANY: No it`s just not going to happen. It`s not - it`s not the modern world. So, you know what, there`s enough going on with your body you`re your emotions when you are pregnant. She clearly didn`t want to have a stressful pregnancy. So she decided on putting it out there early. And this is kind of a new Drew. You know, she is letting people know she is all about family. She has been very open in the press about her sort of rocky childhood. She`s not going to down that same path with her own kids in the showbiz spotlight. So, you know, I think that she is proclaiming lots of things right now. This is a new phase for her. And she has decided to be open with her fans, I guess, and I guess this is better than jumping in your car or holding your bag in front of your belly.

TURNER: You know, do you agree - Amanda, do you agree with Megan or do you agree with me that it`s the sign of the times or should we give herself a slap on the hand?

SEALES: I mean it`s a bit of both, right? Because it is a sign of the time, so sometimes we have got to check the times .


SEALES: You know, we`ve got to check it, because there is a lot of things that we have been seeing happening that people need like get called out on. But what I love Drew is that she is not your typical celebrity. You know, like - she hasn`t bought it to that. She`s let us name her a celebrity and not her pronounce herself that way, and I think it is really refreshing, and it`s needed at this time when everybody wants to be famous.

MEANY: Agree.

HAMMER: Well, and Megan, you mentioned the fact that she is not going to have her kids go down the same path that she did as a child star. How refreshing is that?

MEANY: Nice.

HAMMER: It works on her, she said this good for me. I appreciate it having a life. I don`t want that for my kids.

MEANY: Yeah, she did. She was very careful. She said I enjoyed my childhood. You know, she didn`t like go there on mom. You know.


MEANY: Yeah, she could have gone there, but she was cool about it. She is like - look, you know, I had some privileges, but she`s classy.

HAMMER: You guys have a glass handy? Speaking of classy? Or maybe I need a paper cup. Let`s get to our big reveal. It`s number one, on our top ten count down. A dynasty is about to spread its wings. Yes, the reality show kings of "Duck Dynasty" are adding this: wine making to their list of talents. Robertson family is teamed up with winemakers in Napa Valley to craft not one - oh no, three different bottles of wine called duck commander wines and they are all priced at under ten bucks a bottle. That`s right. It was Willie, by the way, who became fascinated with making wine on the show. Maybe you saw this. He even bought a winery back in season one without knowing how to make the stuff. Watch this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Cabernet sauvignon. Merlot. That`s pretty much the two that I know about. We were going to do a wine tasting at the end of the month.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You have a ways to go before you`re going to have something in the bottle.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I mean Jesus turned water into wine. How hard can it be?


HAMMER: Yeah. How hard can it be? Look at the label here, by the way. That is camouflage.

TURNER: I like that.

HAMMER: No, but think about it, right? They are on the label. What do you think? Will this be a hit among wine connoisseurs across the world?


SEALES: I mean this is an oxymoron. It`s like we`ve come to know wine to be a symbol of, you know, class and, you know, panache and high end. "Duck dynasty" is just completely the opposite of that. No, I mean and, you know, it` like - how do you - you know, when you do red wine you swish it around in your mouth. So, with this wine, do you like swish it around like tobacco? Like? How does that work?

HAMMER: I think they should build a little duck called "Into the Cork."


HAMMER: A duo-purpose cork.

MEANY: Branding.

HAMMER: On the bottom. I think it`s very important. Well, listen, this family, they have already made their mark in Hollywood, but they are going to have some serious competition when it comes to other Hollywood wine producers. May I run just a few? That are going to be competing for shelf space with Drew Barrymore has her own wine.


HAMMER: Bethany Frankel has her own wine.


HAMMER: Megan, how do you choose?

TURNER: Oh gosh. They are so yummy, all of them. Here`s how I feel about the Duck wine.


TURNER: It`s kind of like the razor and the apple. Like who is going under the four glasses that you pour for your friends, who is getting the mouthful of like, squirrel parts?

HAMMER: Megan, Amanda. Great having you both here. Thank you so much.

Well, I have another big reveal for you tonight.


HAMMER: But this is actually very, very cool. You`ve got to see this.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That you are the most important person in the universe. That`s you, right?



HAMMER: Yes, this is your first look at the upcoming "Lego" movie. I set Lego. This big screen epic is going to make the Lego set you played with as a kid look like a complete joke. Just get ready to see Hollywood`s incredible take on Lego Land. This is "SBT" on HLN.


HAMMER: I`m ready. Are you ready?


HAMMER: It`s time for our moment of awesomeness. And this is truly awesome. Tonight, can you believe they are making a Lego movie? They really had to -at some point. Who didn`t love Legos when they were a kid? And now there is a truly hilarious movie in the works. It`s been there with everyone`s favorite building blocks.

TURNER: You know, this makes your Lego set. I know you had .

HAMMER: I had a pretty severe Lego set.

TURNER: I know you had one. But it makes it look ridiculous in comparison. This movie is all of your favorite superheroes. It is got brilliant jokes and the best part of this all, it`s all made with the Lego people. Now, we have got your first look at what I think is the funniest preview of any movie this year. Yes. It`s as satisfying as the snap of putting two Legos together. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What is happening?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You`re the special. And the prophesy states that you are the most important person in the universe. That`s you, right?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, that`s me.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Everybody, I`m here.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Batman, awesome!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Who are you here to see?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m here to see your butt.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Pow, wham. First try.


TURNER: OK, first of all. I will just say this, I know I`m a big kid. So, give me this. Claymation. Nose movies are my favorite ever .

HAMMER: Legomation?


HAMMER: Did you play with Lego?

TURNER: I did! Of course!

HAMMER: What would you build?

TURNER: Well, I wasn`t good at it. A.J. I tried

HAMMER: What was your go to then?

TURNER: I only could do - you know how the Jenga things?


TURNER: That`s all I can do. I couldn`t make houses or cars or anything, yeah.

HAMMER: I did car - but they had square wheels. They didn`t go anywhere. It`s terrible.


TURNER: I loved it. And I love this, it`s going to be very, very, very funny.

HAMMER: Thanks for watching and catch "SBT" Monday through Thursday at 11:00 P.M. Eastern and Pacific, of course. HLN continues right now.