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Trump Eight Delegates From Nomination; Anaheim Police Warn Protesters Against Violence; Trump Holds California Rally This Afternoon; Trump Calls New Mexico Protesters Thugs; Trump Says New Mexico Governor Is Not Doing The Job; Warren Says Trump Is A Small, Insecure Money Grubber; Trump Event Secures $6 Million So Far; Expecting To Raise North Of A Billion Dollars; Internal Fighting In Trump Campaign; Department Audit Faults Clinton On E-Mails; Democrats Worry DNC Chair Is Too Toxic; Clinton E-mails; DNC Chair Controversy. Aired 1-1:30p ET

Aired May 25, 2016 - 13:00   ET


WOLF BLITZER, CNN ANCHOR: -- officially clinching the Republican presidential nomination. Trump is now just eight delegates away from the 1,237 he needs to officially seal the deal. His win in yesterday's Washington state primary puts him within striking distance of the nomination.

Protesters took to the streets outside a Trump rally in Albuquerque, New Mexico last night. Some threw rocks, set fires, jumped on police cars. The protests turned chaotic after demonstrators broke through police barricades and tried to storm the convention center. Trump was inside.

Trump holds a rally, by the way, less than two hours from now in Anaheim, California, followed by a big money fundraiser. The source tells CNN the event has already secured $6 million for the, quote, "Trump victory fund." Police issue a warning to protesters ahead of Donald Trump's rally today. They say there is no room, no room, for any violence.

Let's bring in our CNN Political Reporter Sara Murray and our CNN Correspondent Paul Vercammen. They're in Anaheim, California. Paul, we mentioned the warning from Anaheim police to protests. How are authorities there preparing for this Trump rally in the next few hours?

PAUL VERCAMMEN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, we'll show you right now because just as you were speaking, Wolf, we saw all of these officers mounted on horseback. At least two dozen of them lining up here. The officer in the lead clenched his fist and said, hold. And all of them prepared and got their horses right here in the line.

The people who are going to enter the rally, about 7,500 of them, are walking a metal gauntlet of barricades right here. You could see them coming in and so the officers are guarding them.

I should note, we've also seen motorcycle officers, many other officers, way off in the distance. If you look at those sheriff's deputies, Wolf, more preparations. Look on the back of one of the officer's belt. Those are the flex cuffs, the flexible handcuffs.

What they have warned everybody today is if there is any violence, blocking of traffic, destruction of property, there will be arrests. And quite a show for us, as we said, Wolf, just over to my right with all of these officers mounted on horseback.

Police will also tell you, one thing that might be playing in their favor today. This is a noon event. And they're glad for the fact that it's in the middle of the day -- Wolf.

BLITZER: I assume they're doing this, Paul, out of an abundance of caution, based on what happened last night.

VERCAMMEN: Wolf, they say they're mindful of what happened last night. But in talking to the police, they told me much more so they're preparing because of what happened in Orange County about a month ago in Costa Mesa when they had about, oh, 17 arrests. You had people stomping on cars. You had some rocket bottle throwing.

So, they said they have in mind what happened in New Mexico but they definitely wanted to have all of this fire power out here that you can see as a deterrent to anybody who might be thinking that they're going to take a protest and turn it violent -- Wolf.

BLITZER: As was the case last night in Albuquerque.

Sara, what do we expect at today's Trump rally? Set the stage. You're inside that event right now.

SARA MURRAY, CNN POLITICAL REPORTER: Well, Wolf, I think from the political side, we are waiting to see who Donald Trump's target de jour is going to be. He's been going off on Twitter against Senator Elizabeth Warren who, of course, has been very critical of Donald Trump.

But we've also seen Hillary Clinton seem to sort of be hitting her stride and targeting Donald Trump really more than anyone, at this point. And I think we're going to see, today, if he really focuses a lot of his attention, a lot of his sort of ire, on Hillary Clinton in his speech today.

And, of course, Wolf, the last thing we're going to be looking for is --- because he is campaigning in California, because his rhetoric has been so divisive, we're going to looking for any sign if there are protesters who actually make it in here to the venue. As we know in the past, those have been some of the most tense is when there are protesters who actually make it inside and within close proximity to Donald Trump supporters. So, we'll be looking for that today as well.

BLITZER: And what do we know, Sara, about the Trump Republican National Committee fundraiser later today, other than they've already suggested they've raised, what, $6 million?

MURRAY: That's right, Wolf. This is going to be Donald Trump's second big fund raising event. He had one last night in Albuquerque. But the one scheduled for tonight in Los Angeles, it's much larger. It's a higher dollar event. He's expecting to rake in somewhere between $5 million and $6 million. And it's at the home of a real estate investor here in L.A.

But the thing to remember, Wolf, is Donald Trump is far behind when it comes to fund raising. He has just built this organization in (INAUDIBLE) joint agreement with the RNC. And so, they're really playing catch-up in a lot of ways. Not to mention the fact that all of these super pacs keep sprouting up to support Donald Trump.

But donors can't really figure out which one they should be giving money to and who to trust. So, there are still some wrinkles to be ironed out, in terms of the Donald Trump finance organization.

BLITZER: All right, Sara, we're going to get back to you. Paul Vercammen, to you as well.

Donald Trump is battling three high-profile women right now, in addition to raising millions of dollars for Republicans and responding to protesters.

[13:05:05] Ed Brookover is a senior advisor for Trump's presidential campaign. Ed is joining us now. Ed, thanks very much for joining us.


BLITZER: The protests in Albuquerque last night, these anti-Trump protesters, were ugly, as you were probably watching on T.V. as all of us were. What can Donald Trump do to calm things down right now? Because the criticism is he's sort of incites this kind of reaction.

BROOKOVER: Well, I don't think that he does incite the kind of violence that took place last night. These protesters are free to protest but they're not free to riot. When they start attacking the policemen, when they start turning over cars, they start setting fires, they've crossed a line and have gone well beyond engaging in a political discourse.

BLITZER: And the rhetoric he uses, he calls them criminals, the protesters, that seems to create more protesters, if you will, because the anger is accelerating.

BROOKOVER: If they -- if they set fire, if they attack policemen, then they are criminals. They are breaking the law. The ones that are protesting peacefully, we -- they are part of America. That's OK. They can't cross the line.

BLITZER: All right, let's talk about what happened last night because he was rather blunt in that speech last night, Donald Trump, and going after the New Mexico governor, Suzanne Martinez, who is a Republican, --


BLITZER: -- head of the Republican Governor's Association. And I'll play a little clip of what he said. She was obviously not there. She has not endorsed him. And this, presumably, generated these comments from him.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We have to get your governor to get going. She's got to do a better job, OK? Your governor has got to do a better job. She's not doing the job. Hey, maybe I'll run for governor of New Mexico. I'll get this place going.

Syrian refugees are being relocated in large numbers to New Mexico. If I was governor, that wouldn't be happening.


BLITZER: All right, those are pretty strong words. Her spokesman issued a statement, a reaction, among other things, saying the governor will not be bullied into supporting a candidate until she is convinced that candidate will fight for New Mexicans.

Governor Martinez doesn't care about what Donald Trump says about her. She cares about what he says he will do to help New Mexicans. She didn't hear anything about that today.

So, here's the question. You're a long time political strategist. Why is he in a fight with a very popular Latina governor, a Republican, in New Mexico?

BROOKOVER: I don't know why she is not joining us. She -- what Donald Trump has said he's going to do is create jobs, is protect New Mexico from immigrants, was making New Mexican safe from ISIS and from other foreign entities. I think he has said what he'll do for New Mexico.

The Republican polls now -- the polls are now saying 85 percent of all Republicans are supporting Donald Trump. He's breaking even with independents. I think he is gathering the kind of support which suggest she should join them.

BLITZER: But there is an effort on his part. He's trying to bring in -- bring Republicans together, unite Republicans. She's an influential voice. He needs greater support from the Hispanic community. Why did he decide last night, of all nights, instead of just staying silent on her? She decided not to go -- she hasn't endorsed him, to go out there and say these words about her?

BROOKOVER: Well, this is a two-way --

BLITZER: He's actually -- here's the question. He's the presumptive Republican nominee now. He's not just the candidate running for the Republican nomination. Shouldn't he be at a higher level?

BROOKOVER: Well, I think he has been. But I also think it's a two- way street. I mean, he's the presumptive nominee. They should -- they should -- and I'm sure, at some point, they will get together and talk. But her not coming to the event was a little bit of a slight as well.

BLITZER: Yes, but doesn't that sort of aggravate the problem right now? The fact that he went out so publicly and criticized her?

BROOKOVER: I think -- well, she --

BLITZER: And then, she responded with those words. She didn't hear anything about that today, referring what he's going to do for New Mexicans.

BROOKOVER: I think we'll work away through with this as we have with other Republicans and I -- the party at the grassroots level is coming together.

BLITZER: Any progress in getting the speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, on board?

BROOKOVER: I think they had a good meeting -- a good initial meeting. I know staffs are continuing to talk about everything from the platform to how they can work together.

BLITZER: The other issue that's come up is the criticism he's now getting, not just from Hillary Clinton but from Elizabeth Warren, on the comment he made years ago that when there's a housing bubble, you know what, he could step in. He almost wanted that step-in and make some money during that downturn in the cost of housing. Listen to -- listen to what Elizabeth Warren, the Senator from Massachusetts, said.


SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN (D), MASSACHUSETTS: A small insecure money grubber who doesn't care who gets hurt so long as he makes a profit off it.


BLITZER: Those are powerful words. He's been in a fight with her on Twitter now for days.

BROOKOVER: I think she was putting some words in his mouth. He never said he didn't care who gets hurt. He said he'd get through to how to make money. As a matter of fact, she did too. She flipped houses and bought low and sold high during that same time period.

BLITZER: What about --

BROOKOVER: I think we need some creative thinking, by the way, on how to turn our economy around as we go forward.

[13:10:00] BLITZER: Is it appropriate he calls her Pocahontas?

BROOKOVER: I don't know if that's appropriate or not. You know, she did claim to be native American and we're --

BLITZER: She has a little --

BROOKOVER: -- unsure about that.

BLITZER: -- very little -- BROOKOVER: Yes.

BLITZER: -- native American ancestry.

BROOKOVER: So -- but maybe shall we say overstated her native American heritage?

BLITZER: Very little native. But then, to call her Pocahontas. That's, you know, --

BROOKOVER: That's part of Mr. Trump, the entertainer. And so, you know, he does draw attention to their differences by drawing attention in his own way.

BLITZER: So, what I hear you saying is what brought him this far, he's going to continue that, even though he's at a different stage right now. I mean, he could be president of the United States. He's still going to be a, quote, "entertainer?"

BROOKOVER: No, he's going to say things which are entertaining, maybe a better way of saying it. But what he's going to do is continue to draw attention to the kinds of problems that are facing us and draw the attention to the differences he has with those who are in power right now.

BLITZER: You heard Sara report on the fundraiser --


BLITZER: -- he's going to in Los Angeles later tonight, $5 million or $6 million. What happen -- every happened to Donald Trump's self- funding his campaign?

BROOKOVER: Well, I think, during the primary, it was appropriate. We all realized, when we moved forward to the general election, it was going to be a changed kind of campaign. Raising money is part of that change, working with the RNC. I mean, some of the names of our finance committee list are some of the very traditional names that have helped raise money for the Republican Party over the years.

BLITZER: How much are you going to try to raise?

BROOKOVER: I think, total, everything, we're looking north of a billion dollars.

BLITZER: North of a billion dollars.


BLITZER: And you think, between now and election day, you can raise a billion dollars?


BLITZER: You do. BROOKOVER: I do, yes. You know, the support's out there. In fact, there's some pent-up support. He's not asked for money until now. There's a lot of folks out there ready to give.

BLITZER: Will some of that money go to reimburse what he spent out of his own pocket to get the nomination?

BROOKOVER: I don't believe so. No, I've never heard that.

BLITZER: So, the $40 million or whatever he spent out of his own pocket, that's going to be -- that's not going to be reimbursed?

BROOKOVER: That's my understanding.

BLITZER: That's -- and what about these reports of internal feuding going on at the highest levels of the campaign between Paul Manafort, Corey Lewandowski? You've seen all those reports?

BROOKOVER: I see all those reports. I work with both of them. I don't see it. Maybe I'm missing something but I've not run into it.

BLITZER: Well, you worked directly with Paul Manafort.

BROOKOVER: Yes, I do. I report to Paul and I've known Corey for years.


BROOKOVER: And worked for Corey before Paul came on.

BLITZER: And do they have a good relationship?

BROOKOVER: I think so. Their offices are right next to each other. So, you know, if you think something was going on, that would be a little bit awkward.

BLITZER: All right. Ed Brookover, thanks very much for coming in.

BROOKOVER: Good seeing you again, Wolf. Thank you.

BLITZER: Appreciate it.

BROOKOVER: Sure thing.


Coming up, Hillary Clinton's e-mail scandal back in the headlines right now. The new report from the State Department inspector general says she violated policies while she was secretary of state.

Plus, too toxic? That's what some Democrats are wondering now about the chair of the Democratic National Committee, Debbie Wasserman- Schultz. Will they try to push her out? Our political panel is standing by with analysis.


[13:16:27] BLITZER: Take a look at this. Some live pictures coming in. This is a Hillary Clinton campaign event in Buena Park, California. Hillary Clinton has been appearing at several events in the states ahead of the June 7th California primary, less than two weeks from today. We'll be keeping an eye on the state. We'll bring you some of that event once she starts speaking. Stand by for that.

Also, here are some live pictures from Anaheim, California. Just a few miles from the Clinton rally. Donald Trump has a rally scheduled there. It's scheduled to start in less than two hours from now. The Anaheim police chief has already issued a warning to prospective protesters saying police will not tolerate any violence or disorder like was seen in the streets of Albuquerque, New Mexico, last night during the Trump event, outside the convention hall there.

Hillary Clinton met today over her e-mail - got a hit today over her e-mails. The State Department inspector general issuing a very long report that says Hillary Clinton broke the rules when she left the State Department by not turning over every department-related e-mail that was on her private server.

Let's go to our justice correspondent Evan Perez who is joining us.

Evan, update us on this new report. More than 80 pages. Got a copy of it right here. Office of Inspector General. Tell us the headlines. What it means, what it says about her, bottom line.

EVAN PEREZ, CNN JUSTICE REPORTER: Well, Wolf, this - the clear finding here from the inspector general is that Hillary Clinton did violate the State Department's rules at a minimum because she did not turn over her private - her e-mails, both the ones that she sent that were intended to be her public work as a public servant and her private e- mails before she left the State Department. The report says at a minimum Secretary Clinton should have surrendered all e-mails dealing with the department business before leaving government service. And in a sense - it essentially says that she was violating the Presidential Records Act.

We will note that the report does say that the State Department e-mail system has been a bit of a mess for years, going back to various other secretary - previous secretaries of state, and it also says that, you know, in essence, nobody really ever asked her or checked to make sure that these - that this system that she had set up, which is a private server in Chappaqua, New York, in her private home, really abided by these rules. It appears that, you know, she said that they had gotten some legal opinion that this was OK to do, but they could find - the inspector general found that they could find nobody who had ever approved this system.

We did get a statement from the Clinton campaign. I'll read a part of it to you. It says, "in reality, the inspector general documents just show how consistent her e-mail practices with those of other secretaries and senior officials at the State Department who also use personal e-mail. The report shows that problems with the State Department's electronics record systems were long standing and that there were no precedent for someone in her position having a State Department e-mail account until after the arrival of a successor. Contrary to false theories, advanced for some time now, the report notes that the use of her personal e-mail was known to officials within the State Department during her tenure and that there is no evidence of a successful breach of the secretary's server."

And that's a point that Brian found, the press secretary for the Clinton campaign, had been trying to make simply because there's lots of accusations from Republicans who have been investigating this that Clinton, that Secretary Clinton exposed, essentially, government secrets by using this private server, Wolf.

BLITZER: In the conclusion of the report, and I've gone through it, it's a long report, there is a line, I'll read it, "long standing systemic weaknesses related to electronic records and communications have existed within the office of the secretary that go well beyond the tenure of any one secretary of state." And as you correctly pointed out, they go through some of the problems that existed with earlier secretary of states.

[13:20:22] But one thing sort of jumped out at me. Other former secretaries did cooperate with the inspector general and were willing to do interviews with the inspector general who was appointed by President Obama. Is independent but appointed by President Obama. Why did Hillary Clinton herself and her top aides refuse to answer questions from the inspector general?

PEREZ: Well, Wolf, you know that this is still a matter that's under investigation by the Justice Department and the FBI. So that's one of the issues here. And the Clinton campaign has said that the secretary obviously publicly sat for a very public testimony before the Benghazi Committee, which, you know, had examined some of these issues. This is where this issue even began, as did some of her staff members. They all gave interviews and they provided information on this. And the inspector general was able to get access to that information. So they were able - they were cited in this report, wolf.

BLITZER: All right, Evan, thanks very much for that.

I want to talk about this, some of the other political headlines, with our two analysts right now. Dana Bash is with us. She's our chief political correspondent. David Gregory is our CNN political analyst, the host of "The David Gregory Show" podcast.

Guys, thanks very much.

This comes at an inconvenient time right now, this report from the inspector general. Not that there are any allegations of criminal wrongdoing in this report, but it is embarrassing.

DANA BASH, CNN CHIEF POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT: There's no convenient time for a report like this if you're running for president, especially running in a two-front war that she is right now against Bernie Sanders still and effectively against Donald Trump. It's not just embarrassing, it completely feeds the narrative of people who are running against her. That she doesn't follow the rules. That she thinks she's above the law. I mean Donald Trump calls her "crooked Hillary." He might be a lot of things, but he is a very good marketer. He sort of picks up on the thing that he believes is his opponent's biggest weakness and runs with it.

And the fact that she didn't actually give her e-mails over until almost two years after she was gone, and the fact that this report shows that she didn't, in fact, have, at least nothing that they could find, any legal approval or advice that this was OK to have her own server, those are just some examples that her opponents are going to take and run with.

BLITZER: And the fact that other secretaries of state, other senior State Department officials, apparently were also not going along with all the rules with electronic communications, Brian Fallon, the spokesman for the campaign, says, "Hillary Clinton's use of personal e-mail was not unique. She took steps that went much further than others to appropriately preserve and release her records."


BLITZER: But the criticism will come in?

GREGORY: Two important things for me to say on this. First is that my wife, Beth Wilkinson, represents several of Hillary Clinton's aides in the criminal investigation and other investigations related to the e- mail. So I want to disclose that.

BLITZER: She's a prominent D.C. attorney.

GREGORY: Yes, she is. And - but with regard to that, first of all, they will make the point there, as Brian Fallon did, this was known within the State Department. And this is politically complicated. What Dana says is really I think the key political point, which is the slowness with which they release this information and provided answers only made this worse. The kind of stubbornness in the Clinton team about how they were going to disseminate this information. It's also politically tricky because there is a - an FBI investigation, which they have not said is criminal, but an FBI investigation and other investigations of aides and Hillary Clinton as well that does feed the narrative and just keeps this management question going about her time as secretary of state.

BLITZER: Let's talk about Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the chair of the Democratic National Committee. You've been doing serious reporting on what's going on because we're getting all this, you know, these hints out there that there's frustration, anger. We know from the Bernie Sanders campaign there is. But what - what are you hearing, Dana?

BASH: That there's a lot of discussion about whether it is appropriate for Debbie Wasserman Schultz to stay in her job and to be there and to be the head of the party during the convention. And that's really what this is all about. There's discussions going on in the Senate cloak room. There have been for the past week or so. Mostly since you did the interview with Debbie Wasserman Schultz a week ago, Tuesday, a week ago yesterday, where she was really, really tough on Bernie Sanders. That just - she talked about adding fuel to the fire. She added a lot of fuel to the already very, very tense relationship that she has had with him because of the debate schedule and other things.

Having said all that, the senators, and even any member of Congress, certainly the leadership has influence, but it's not up to them whether or not she has her job.


BASH: And I've been communicating with some members of the DNC who say, you know, she cannot look like a sacrificial lamb. And she does have a significant amount of support also on Capitol Hill, but all - more importantly in the DNC.

[13:25:14] GREGORY: And to that point, I've got some additional reporting talking to senior Democrats who have said, look, the Clinton campaign went back last year and raised concerns to the White House, who appointed Debbie Wasserman Schultz as head of the DNC, about her, about her fundraising prowess and there was other distractions that they were concerned about. And the White House was frankly ambivalent about doing anything. They weren't inclined to push her out. And this is a political appointment.

So there has been some difficulty here, only exacerbating the fight, I think, with the Sanders camp. And so we'll see. I think some of you were commenting on this earlier today. Claire McCaskill, the senator from Missouri, indicating that Wasserman Schultz will have to make a choice about whether she stays on. There is - the room is open for her to step down, but she's also one who has her own base of support and may not take that que very easily.

BLITZER: Because what you hear from Bernie Sanders supporters is, if she's there at the convention in Philadelphia in July with the gavel in charge, if you will -

BASH: Right.

BLITZER: They're going to be booing, the Bernie Sanders -

BASH: Right.

BANFIELD: And that's going to be -

GREGORY: But, Wolf, what we also don't know - when we hear a lot of these kinds of noises too. Remember, there was all of this talk in 2008 about the party not being united and, you know, people who were rebelling against that and then the party still came together. It seems a little harder -

BLITZER: A lot will depend on Senator Sanders himself.

BASH: Right. Himself.


BLITZER: If he does what Hillary Clinton did when she lost eight years ago to then Senator Barack Obama and works aggressively to unite the party -

GREGORY: That's right.

BLITZER: If he does the same thing, you're right.

BASH: And that - and that's the key - the key point of this is that the Democrats who I've talked to, I've talked to senators and others, it's all about controlling the chaos. Uniting the party, but more importantly the flip side of that coin, it's not looking like a mess.

GREGORY: Right. They don't - they don't want this with the Republicans having this problem.

BASH: Exactly.

GREGORY: And, by the way, the Republicans, at the moment, seem to be, you know, falling in line, more or less. There's a lot of less, but -

BASH: Yes. And I just want to also add to what David was just saying at the reporting on, you know, people leaving the door open to her. Our stellar team running around Capitol Hill right now, Ted Barrett and Manu Raju, they talked to two leadership members -

BLITZER: Democratic leaders.

BASH: Democratic leadership members, Chuck Schumer, who's going to be the Senate Democratic leader when Harry Reid retires, and Debbie Stabenow, both declined to comment. Meaning, they didn't say she should leave, but they didn't say she should stay.


BLITZER: Not exactly a vote - not exactly a vote of - silence can be very telling.

Very quickly, why do you think Donald Trump, last night, went after the governor of New Mexico, Suzanna Martinez, in the way he did. She hasn't endorsed him. She didn't come to the event. But he was very critical of her publically. She's Hispanic, Latina. You would think that, you know, he would maybe step back and, you know, deal a little bit less assertively with her.

GREGORY: You know, what have we been talking about the last couple of times we've been together, loyalty. A kind of loyalty oath that Donald Trump expects from elected officials. And if he doesn't get it, then Trump is Trump and he lashes out. And he lashed out at her, not thinking about the wisdom of doing that, not thinking strategically, just anybody who gets in his way, he'll lash out. And he doesn't feel like he needs her support right now. Thinks he can do better among Hispanics without her. And can call the people rioting out there thugs, outside the rally. So, again, this is his instinct, which has carried him pretty far, but creates a lot of risk for his candidacy.

BLITZER: It's brought him - it's brought him this far. And the question is, is he going to maintain that strategy?


BLITZER: So far, he is.

BASH: So far he is. But it - this particular attack was quite risky, given where the party is now, given where he is now. He's not just trying to reach out to core primary voters. He's trying to be the president of the United States. And I completely agree with you, David, that this was Trump being angry and upset and annoyed and feeling like he was snubbed, which he was.


BASH: I mean she - she pointedly said that she had other things to do, that she didn't want to be with him. And she's not, you know, falling behind. And he is the nominee. So, you know, this is very personal, it's obvious.

BLITZER: She's the head of the National Republican Governors Association.


BLITZER: She's a Latina.


BLITZER: She's a popular woman in New Mexico, which is an important state, obviously. You think he would have held back a little bit, but that's not Donald Trump's style.



BLITZER: We'll see if that changes. Probably won't.

All right, guys, thanks very much.


BLITZER: The TSA, the Transportation Security Administration, on somewhat of an apology tour right now over those brutally long, ever growing security lines at major airports here in the United States. The head of the administration promises help is on the way. The small changes he hopes will get you to your gate a lot faster. That's coming up.

And take a look at this. Live pictures of the Hillary Clinton campaign event in Buena Park, California. We'll be keeping an eye on the stage. We'll bring you some of Hillary Clinton's speech once that begins.