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Nancy Grace

Incredible Animals to the Rescue

Aired December 25, 2006 - 20:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Tonight, incredible animals to the rescue. Real live pet detectives, true cases of dogs, cats, even pigs and birds using their skills to fight crime, crack cold cases, even save lives.
And tonight amazing animals and their stories from animal expert Jack Hanna of the Columbus, Ohio zoo.

gTonight`s story, a German shepherd dog digs a 20-foot tunnel through the snow to save her owners, carrying her elderly human mom on her back.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And the snow started to pile up, and I said, "Nolan, we can`t stand here. We`ll die. It`s now 9:30. It`s getting cold." It was very cold. Watching under the tree dig.

She takes her mouth and grabs my jacket, throws me on top of her. I roll over on her back. I said, "She wants us to follow." I said, "Keep crawling." Because she thought we were going to get out. It was quite a distance. And we get out and she pulls us out. We get on the back deck. We just got the back door open, and we fell inside with her. And laid there all night.


GRACE: Good evening, everybody. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us tonight.

And Paris Hilton, you may have a Chihuahua and a kinkajou, but I`ve got it all over you. I have a wild dingo dog with me right now here in the studio with me. Jack Hanna of the Columbus, Ohio Zoo.

Also, what a show. I love this show. Jack Hanna`s "Animal -- it`s " "Animal Adventures," right?


GRACE: I saw you picking up a snake and eating some crazy nuts from Africa. Here`s my baby.

HANNA: In Africa, it`s hard to get some good food sometimes. So I just eat whatever I can find. Leaves and nuts.

GRACE: Can you first tell me about the dingo?

HANNA: The dingo is one of the two wild dogs we have left in the world. You have the wild dogs of Australia, the dingo.

GRACE: This is not a wild dog.

HANNA: This one -- it will grow up to be. And then have you the wild dogs of African, the cape hunting dogs. Now, the dingo does go in packs, not as many as the wild dogs of Africa. But the dingo`s an animal that the aborigines 4,000 to 5,000 years ago.

GRACE: Four thousand years. What is her name?

HANNA: This one`s name is -- what`s its name? Megan. And this one, by the way...

GRACE: Megan.

HANNA: The aborigines about 4,000 or 5,000 years ago took the dingoes from the dens out in the wild. The men would bring them back, and the women would breast feed the dingoes. You might say why is that?

GRACE: Oh, it`s cold.

HANNA: Then the animal would learn to go back to the house after they made a kill of the kangaroos. So this was their hunting dog, the aborigines.

GRACE: So they would raise the dingo as their own.

HANNA: Exactly.

GRACE: Because all the aborigines had to hunt with were stones.

HANNA: Right. Because there were stones. There weren`t really spears or guns or anything back then.

GRACE: They`re cute.

HANNA: They are. But they`re not -- the dingo does not bark. It only howls. And they have a scent gland on the back of their tail when they grow up.

GRACE: They have what?

HANNA: A scent gland right on the back of their tail they mark their territory with. But you must remember that the dingoes are about 350, 400 purebred dingoes. Most of the dingoes you see today in Australia are inbred with domestic dogs.

GRACE: Is this one pure?

HANNA: Oh, yes. This is a purebred dingo, yes. This is from the Nabi Zoo. And Dewayne (ph) helps raise these up there.

GRACE: Joining me right now, in addition to Jack Hanna from the Columbus Zoo and "Jack Hanna Animal Adventures", Jane Velez-Mitchell with her special reporter, Cabo San Lucas, the doggie investigative reporters. Wait a minute, there`s three investigative reporters. Who`s the other one?

JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, CORRESPONDENT: This is Tina Lou. She`s a rescue who was given away when she was nine, because her owners had to move to an apartment that didn`t take dogs. So I rescued her, and now she belongs with me. An incredible, incredible dog. Both of these are. And that`s why I say, rescue a puppy from the pound.

GRACE: Jane, Jane, Jane, you`re here to report on an animal hero.


GRACE: Not on Cabo and Tina.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, these are my personal heroes because they protect me by barking and whining at home when danger comes by.

But I will tell you you`re absolutely right. We`re talking about 160- pound German Shepherd-timber wolf mix. To give you an idea, Cabo`s 12 pounds; Tina Lou is 100 -- is 50 pounds.

GRACE: You`re going to make it all about Cabo and Tina. You know what? Hold on. Take a listen to this.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And started to pile up, and the snow started to pile up, and I said, "Nolan, we can`t stand here. We`ll die. It`s now 9:30. It`s getting cold." It was very cold. Watching under the tree dig.

The whole thing, as we say in Hebrew, was beshet (ph), was planned. It was meant to be.

She takes her mouth and grabs my jacket, throws me on top of her. I roll over on her back. I said, "She wants us to follow." I said, "Keep crawling." Because she thought we were going to get out. It was quite a distance. And we get out and she pulls us out. We get on the back deck. We just got the back door open, and we fell inside with her. And laid there all night.


GRACE: So long story short, Jane, the dog, who was taken in, like yours, like my cat. And I`m a dog person, and I have this crazy cat that runs my life. They took the cat -- the dog in as a stray. And he ended up carrying his elderly human mom on her back. The dog carried the mom on the dog`s back all the way through this tunnel.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Absolutely, this is a hero dog. Not only that, this couple, both of them 81 years old, were both carried back through this tunnel that this German shepherd timber wolf mix created after they got trapped in the storm.

So the woman is on the back of the dog. And the husband is hanging on, and this 160-pound dog drags both of them back through this tunnel that the dog herself made, Shana the dog made back to their house, saving both of their lives.

GRACE: And they are 81-year-old seniors, totally, Jack Hanna, as Jane told us, snowed in. I forgot how deep. How deep did the snow get, Jane?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, what happened was in was in October. And they weren`t dressed for winter. They actually run a wildlife sanctuary. And they were out tending to their crows without coats, without a glove, and this freak snowstorm not only brought snow but it knocked down trees. So they were literally trapped in this sort of triangle of trees and snow. And that`s when the dog dug under the tree.

GRACE: That`s awesome. Incredible.

HANNA: These animals are something.

GRACE: Instinctively, Jack. You`ve seen so many wild animals. This dog knew how to save her owners.

HANNAHY: Well, we have Golden Retrievers and Golden Labs. And what they know about us is unbelievable. So even when we`re sick, when we`re leaving packing our bags, they`re there crying almost. And just like the dog over here. I don`t know if you saw the animal over here. You talk about animals helping animals.

GRACE: You know, you`re right. Let`s go over to Jeff Brosi and his dog Jasper. They are part of Canine Companions.

Jeff, thank you for being with us tonight. Explain Canine Companions.

Hi, Jasper.


Jasper is a mix between a Yellow Lab and a Golden Retriever. He`s a service dog from Canine Companions. They`re located in five different places around the United States. He`s here just to provide, to help people with disabilities and from all different aspects. You know, disability.

I have a spinal cord injury. And Jasper`s been part of my life now for about 3 1/2 years, and he`s been the best thing I`ve ever had.

HANNA: It`s amazing, Nancy. I know an organization, Canine Companions for Independence (ph). These animals can do anything. They can take -- if you go shopping, like he was injured in an automobile wreck. But if he goes shopping, he can take a bag of money, put it on the counter. The dog will put it in his mouth. He`ll put the change in there, bring it back down.

They have 50 something commands. It takes -- it`s almost $50,000 a dogs. But everything -- Canine Companions does not pay for dogs. They get them -- as he knows, get -- you apply for your dogs.

I met them 1979 by a man dropping his keys on the ground just like Jeff here. And show them what this dog will do if you drop something.

BROSI: Unfortunately, my hand function is very limited, so the dog -- I drop a lot of things, and the dog picks up everything. Just a simple thing like a remote.

Jasper, get it. That`s it. Come on.

Just the simple things like that, everyday life makes it so much easier just to, you know, survive and get around.

GRACE: Now, the dog, it takes $50,000 to train the dog.

HANNAHY: One dog.

GRACE: To train one dog. And how long did you have to wait to get Jasper?

BROSI: I waited almost two years to get the dog after I signed up.

HANNA: About 175 dogs a year is all -- is how many they can do since 1975. It`s an amazing organization. They turn on light switches. I`ve seen the, take the food out of the grocery bag, put the meat in the freezer.

GRACE: You`re kidding.

HANNA: Put the other stuff in the refrigerator. One man just wanted to watch a ball game, had a beer. The dog went and got that to him.

What these dogs can do is beyond -- it`s more that that, though, Nancy. It`s the companion. It`s people that used to take a lot of medicines. Jeff knows people that were depressed. This animal becomes part of their lives. They go off their medicines a lot of times. It becomes -- then they become independent like Jeff. They become independent and do...

GRACE: What does Jasper do for you?

BROSI: Simple things, from just opening and closing the door, from getting the mail to...

GRACE: Jasper can get the mail?



BROSI: Every time he goes through, he goes and gets the mail. He brings it to me. Just if I drop my keys to the street between, like, the car and the curb that I can`t reach things, he goes under there and gets it. Getting the phone if I needed it. If I`m in bed, he`ll get the remote if it falls on the floor instead of getting up.

GRACE: You know what? People with all their faculties don`t understand.

HANNA: Yes, right.

GRACE: My own brother-in-law is in a wheelchair. And the smallest thing can become the biggest thing.

HANNA: The biggest. Yes.

GRACE: Like you just said, dropping your keys in a spot where you can`t get them.

HANNA: Nancy, the puppies are raised by puppy raisers for a year and a half. Then they go, and then for six months, it`s a difficult training. And about 40 percent of them only make it. Then Jeff comes. And then for two weeks, they`re over there with their dogs...

GRACE: Who pays for it? Who pays the $50,000?

BROSI: All donations.

HANNA: It`s all donations.

GRACE: Now, OK. That -- Jeff, you and Jasper, please don`t move.

Now, this does not seem like the wild crazy baby eating dingo dog.

HANNA: No. It`s always -- somebody said that.

GRACE: He`s so cute. But I understand before we bring the fox out, we`ve got to take away the dingo.

HANNA: Yes, Suzie will come and get that.

GRACE: So would the fox eat the dingo?

HANNA: No, the fox is -- it`s just a baby dingo. The dingo might eat the fox if it was bigger. Here`s Suzie right here. She`ll take the dingo. I know you -- I know you don`t want to give it up but...

GRACE: You would not eat the fox.

HANNA: Suzie Rapp (ph) loves those dingoes as much as you love dingoes. She has two of them.

GRACE: Bye, Megan.

HANNA: That`s Sue.

GRACE: Fifty thousand dollars. Ouch.

HANNA: But you don`t -- the amount of time.

GRACE: Who pays for that, donations?

HANNA: I just got through with a fund-raiser, Canine Companions in Florida. There`s five different areas of the country.

GRACE: Can you put that up, Liz?

HANNA: It`s amazing.

GRACE: So the viewers can see the web site if they want to donate? Wait, never mind. There you go. Look at this. Look at this, Liz.

HANNA: Can she touch it?


HANNA: Just make sure. Foxes carry rabies. And it`s...

GRACE: Well, certainly do not bring a rabid...

HANNA: No, I would never do that.

GRACE: OK. He looks like he`s going to bite.

HANNA: No, no. These guys would tell you that. If it was in heat or something maybe. But it`s...

GRACE: And now, if I smell like a dingo, is it going to bite?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, she`ll be all right.

GRACE: I`m not a dingo.

HANNA: Nancy, you won`t believe this. In England alone, in England, there are two million fox in England. Can you imagine that? Just in down -- I`m sorry, in London. In London, England, two million foxes in London alone. This is a red fox. There`s a gray fox, red fox, arctic fox, all sorts of foxes.

GRACE: Can he sit there?

HANNA: He better hold him. Yes, yes.

GRACE: Well, he`s got time to -- OK.

HANNA: Foxes are -- have adapted to our environment, Nancy. All over this country. You wouldn`t believe it. Foxes also, we talk about what Jeff was talking about with his canine companion. Foxes...

GRACE: What would he do if he got on the table?

HANNA: He would just slide and slip a little bit. But remember something. They`re the most social creatures in the world. And this fox here. Want to show you another fox here behind you.

GRACE: Well, what is this one`s name? What is that one`s name?


GRACE: Sierra. Oh, oh.

HANNA: Now, this fox here.

GRACE: Oh, you`re beautiful.

HANNA: Isn`t this something. This is a fennec fox, Nancy.

GRACE: What`s that?

HANNA: The smallest fox in the world. This animal is full grown, about 6 years old.

GRACE: Can I hold him? Will he bite?

HANNA: I don`t know about...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He might squirm around.

GRACE: Let me just.

HANNA: No, I don`t think you can do that. He has to hold him.

GRACE: Like squirming with his teeth?

HANNA: He could, yes. Because this...

GRACE: You stay right there.

HANNA: This animal here loves scorpions. This animal here loves scorpions. This loves scorpions. And they...

GRACE: They love scorpions?

HANNA: Yes. They can pull the stinger out of the scorpion. They`re nocturnal. They`re an animal that lives in the Sahara Desert in Northern Africa, and they have big ears for one reason, to keep them cool. There`s blood vessels behind that ear like an elephant. And they keep them cool.

GRACE: Turn him to the side so the viewers can see. Look at that. He`s a little bitty thing.

HANNA: I think the neat thing, Nancy, because we`re talking about animals that help people, right? The fox -- come on with these two foxes here while we`re at it.


HANNA: Now Nancy, remember something, the fox is very social.

GRACE: Nice to meet you.

HANNA: They take care of the old. Thank you, Jerry. They take care of the old, the sick.

GRACE: If any of you people are thinking fur stole, get out, just get out. I wish you could see the whole floor here in the studio is full of people to meet Jack Hanna`s animals and Jasper and Jeff.

Are they going to have a fight?

HANNA: No. You can stand up, Dewayne (ph). Why don`t you stand up? They`re meeting each other.

GRACE: That one`s a very -- you have bad manners.

HANNA: This is an arctic fox. Look at the color of this animal.

GRACE: You`re going to have to go to etiquette classes.

HANNA: It`s wintertime right now, Nancy. Look at him. Look at the coat of this animal here. Now look at the coat. This is a different type of arctic fox from southern -- from more south of the tundra, all right?

GRACE: You stop that growling.

HANNA: South of the tundra, all right? The arctic fox...

GRACE: This one is south of tundra?

HANNA: This one`s south. That one`s way north. Remember, they have to be white for camouflage. And you know what they eat? The polar bears make a kill, these are the cleanup. Like a buzzard would clean up. These clean up after the polar bears.

GRACE: You little scavengers.

HANNA: You see that tail? That tail wraps around them when it gets real cold like way below zero.

GRACE: You see this thing? It`s thick. It`s super thick.

HANNA: That goes around the animal`s face. So when the temperature goes like 60 below zero or whatever, that animal goes into a ball and curls up like this.

GRACE: Jane Velez, can you believe that somebody would wear this around their neck, like a human?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: No. I mean, you know, what`s really tragic?

GRACE: I hate to get you all steamed up, but if you could just see this beautiful -- I wish you could see it, Jane. I wish you were here.


GRACE: It`s just beautiful. Even though one has very bad manners.

HANNA: This is from the Nabi Zoo, Jane. These animals are -- Tom gets all these animals from government people, the government people that hand them to him when people have them as pets when they`re little. And of course, it turns into disasters, as Jane knows.

GRACE: Having a pet like this turns into a disaster?

HANNA: Yes. Because they grow up. These animals can take your fingers or hand off. You know, any wild animal in most states, Nancy, is against the law to have them.

GRACE: You know something? Speaking of wild animals just reverting to their wild selves, what happened with Siegfried and Roy? Why did that happen?

HANNA: Well, my opinion is that he tripped and fell. And when you`re...

GRACE: Well, you are Jack Hanna, animal expert.

HANNA: Right. But when they go -- when a big tiger or something, you go below a cat, you`re below their level, that`s an automatic to go down, to go after that, whatever that is.

GRACE: Can you get a close up on this? Look at this little face. Look at that. Oh. You`re so beautiful.

HANNA: Again, a fox will take care of the sick, the old. They`ll take care of everybody first before they`ll feed themselves if they`re in good health.

GRACE: You mean within their own pack?

HANNA: Within their own pack.

GRACE: Now, about Siegfried and Roy, why did that happen?

HANNA: Because he fell over, he was below Siegfried or Roy, whatever. He was below him. And so tigers will go down automatically on anything that`s below them. You just always want to be above a predator especially.

GRACE: So even with all those years of living with humans, it doesn`t matter?

HANNA: No. It doesn`t matter. No.

GRACE: You need to go learn some manners.


GRACE: Animal detectives. Real life animals to the rescue. Birds, parrots, cats, dogs.

Take a look at this pet. What kind of a penguin is it?

HANNA: This is a jackass penguin. It`s not really a pet, though.

GRACE: I didn`t -- well...

HANNA: But -- right. But it`s a jackass penguin or a black-footed penguin...

GRACE: Can you bring him up?

HANNA: ... from South Africa. And Suzie raises these at the Columbus Zoo.

GRACE: Now why couldn`t he get near Jasper?

HANNA: Well, Jasper wouldn`t do anything, but the penguin would be quite -- quite inquisitive.

GRACE: You mean like he might peck -- peck the dog?

HANNA: Yes. But see, this is a penguin. You love penguins, right?

GRACE: I do. It`s my favorite bird.

HANNA: Sue`s favorite bird, too. But the penguin...

GRACE: You even have funny looking feet.

HANNA: This is a black-footed penguin. And remember something, 17 species of penguin. Only -- only four...

GRACE: Guys, I`m getting to pet a penguin. I never thought it could happen to me. Wait, wait, his little -- his wings feel like vinyl.


GRACE: Like a steering wheel. What a kick (ph).

HANNA: That`s -- they`re so fast in the water. That`s how they propel themselves and turn themselves. Remember, 17 species of penguin; only five of them cold weather, Nancy. This is a warm weather penguin from South Africa. Penguins live in the Galapagos Islands. Penguins live in South Africa. Penguins live in -- all over the place. But only five live in the cold climates down in Antarctic.

GRACE: Do you trim his -- do you trim his wing at all right there? It`s so perfectly symmetrical to swim with.

HANNA: Mother Nature makes these animals to where they adapt to their environment tremendously.

GRACE: And speaking of favorite birds, what about the hero parrot, Jane Velez?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Absolutely. A hero parrot in Pennsylvania named Sunshine was home alone -- Dad was at work -- when a robber burst in. This hero bit the robber on the hand.

GRACE: We have video of that, Liz?

There you go. There they are. Go ahead, Jane.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And also let out a huge squawk. That allowed authorities to pinpoint the time of the crime, and the bite allowed authorities to identify the robber.

GRACE: Isn`t it true that Sunshine the parrot was found all curled up in the laundry basket missing a lot of feathers, very bloody and wouldn`t sing for like three weeks, but now Sunshine is singing her repertoire of Cher songs?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Absolutely. She does Cher and also, Sunshine dances in the shower while doing Cher. So she is fully recuperated.

GRACE: I`ve just been attacked by a penguin. He actually kind of like gummed my finger. So you`re telling me about Sunshine the parrot who attacked Michael Deeter (ph). He had broken in. He got away with a camcorder and 100 bucks. But not before Sunshine the parrot attacked him. He bit him on the head?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: He bit him on the hand, and that allowed authorities to identify him once they arrested him. So, he actually was doing some detective work, as well.

GRACE: Wait. This parrot, I mean this penguin is extremely aggressive. I think you need to go to boot camp to calm down.

HANNA: You know something?


HANNA: You`ve got to remember something. That parrot she`s talking about could take your finger off. Those are macaw parrots. That`s what I tell people. If you want to get a parrot, you need a smaller one, because that thing is big.


GRACE: Will you come home with me? Come on home with me and catch a burglar?

HANNA: You`ve got a good bathtub?

GRACE: You`re beautiful.


GRACE: Welcome back. A pot belly saves a boy from a pit bull. Tonight, animal heroes, pets to the rescue.

Jane Velez, I`m about to meet a badger who is hissing at me. Could you just tell me the story about the pot bellied hero?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: OK. Daisy, 150-pound pot bellied pig, minding its own business. Little Jordan Jones playing in the yard. Suddenly, a pit bull from the neighbor`s comes charging at the boy.

Daisy intercepts and takes the hit from the pit bull, fighting to protect this little boy. And in fact, does protect the little boy. Ultimately, a vet is called. And they give him two cans of beer to medicate him.

HANNA: Two cans of beer.

GRACE: Guys, speaking of medicating with beer, this badger is hissing. It sounds like a possum. I`m afraid.

HANNA: You talk about -- you talk about pit bulls which are very powerful animals. You talk about powerful...

GRACE: I don`t like the way he`s looking at me.

HANNA: No, no. This is a badger, Nancy. People...

GRACE: Jane, you`re very close to being a hat.

HANNA: People never see badgers. Nancy, a lot of paint brushes back in years ago, that`s what they would use the badger fur.

GRACE: Can I touch anything?

HANNA: Just right here. You`ll feel this. Now you notice how he`s got a lot of flab? What happens is let`s say a predator comes. Let`s say somebody tries to attack a badger, like a wolf or something.

GRACE: Look at that stubble (ph).

HANNA: If they grab this animal, he`s got so much extra skin, he`ll squeal around and just bite that animal right in the head.

GRACE: Tell me about a badger. You said this is only the second show he`s ever been on.

HANNA: Right. No, no, second time we`ve ever used that badger. He`s at the Nabi Zoo where he`s used for education.

GRACE: The second show a badger has ever been?

HANNA: Yes. Yes.

GRACE: Any badger?

HANNA: This is the first badger I`ve ever even known. I mean, not known, but that Todd has.

GRACE: Why? Why is it so difficult?

HANNA: Because a badger, pound for pound, is a very aggressive animal, like a -- what`s that animal? The wolverine. Exactly. This animal digs a hole. You see those claws?

GRACE: I do.

HANNA: They can dig a hole so fast. They love to eat rattlesnakes, too, by the way. The only place a rattlesnake can get them is on the nose. It`s the only place they can hurt him, is on the nose.

GRACE: You know, Renee Rockwell, I know you`re there with your dog Didiot, spelled D-I-D-I-O-T. Hold him up a little bit. I can`t see him.

Bye-bye, badger. You`re hissing at me.

You know, some of the best witnesses I`ve ever had -- hey, Didiot -- were dog witnesses. Drug dogs.

RENEE ROCKWELL, ATTORNEY: Nancy, you know why these dogs were such good witnesses? Because they won`t lie. You have drug dogs. You have bomb dogs. You have epilepsy dogs. You have diabetes dogs.

GRACE: Cadaver dogs.


GRACE: Scent dogs, drug dogs. Go ahead.

ROCKWELL: It`s expensive to train these dogs, but Nancy, you don`t want to have a dog, a parrot or a pig testifying against you, because they don`t lie. They`ll tell it like it is.

GRACE: I`ve never brought a pig into court but it ain`t over yet, Renee.





UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The training, veterinary care, research and logistics facilities that support the Navy`s marine mammal program are located in and around San Diego Bay.

Our primary mission is to train marine mammals and people to participate as members of human-animal teams that perform a variety of missions in the open ocean that are of tremendous benefit to the United States and its allies.


GRACE: Animal heroes, pet detectives, saving human lives.

Here in the studio with me, Jack Hanna of the Columbus, Ohio, Zoo and animal -- wait, "Jack Hanna`s Animal Adventures", which I have been watching.

HANNA: "Adventures", right.

GRACE: I love it.

HANNA: It`s a lot of fun. Took 12 years.

GRACE: Is it 30 minutes?

HANNA: Yes. Every week.

GRACE: Because I saw two in a row.

HANNA: Oh, yes.

GRACE: And I couldn`t tell if it was all one big show or just a 30.

HANNA: No. Shows all over the world.

GRACE: Now, about the dolphins, that was secret until recently.

HANNA: Exactly. Out of my 290 shows, that was one of the most phenomenal shows I`ve ever done. Remember something, dolphins and sea lions.

The dolphins in 1960 were studied by scientists with the Navy to see how to build torpedoes. That worked OK, but what they found was how the -- how the dolphins are so sleek. And so they said, "Maybe we can do something with their sonar."

So sure enough, you see here that these animals have tremendous sonar. They located the mines, for example, in the bay there during the Vietnam War. Then of course, when September 11 happened, these animals, believe it or not, protected our coasts. Even our ports.

And now in Iraq...

GRADCE: Searching for weapons? (ph)

HANNA: Yes, and now in Iraq, they`re used -- they were used to get the ships in there into those bays to locate the mines. The dolphins -- the dolphins locate the mines. They go down. The sonar finds them. They send up -- as you see here, they send up a buoy. Then the divers can go in. The dolphins don`t get near the mine. Just maybe 50 yards or whatever. Puts the buoy there. Goes up to the surface. You follow me? That`s what the dolphins do.

The sea lions, you won`t believe this. The sea lions...

GRACE: They two of my favorite animals.

HANNA: They`re incredible. The sea lions have hearing that`s a low frequency hearing. They put me in the water out there in -- San Diego is where the center is, the center for these animal where they train them. About 100 are trained today. That`s all. About 100 of them. And the sea lion found me in dark water at night.

And they come up, the sea lion, like a bullet. He puts a clasp on your leg kike this, like a handcuff and then that`s tied to a rope. He goes out to the Navy seals and whoever out there, and they reel the terrorist or whoever it is in. Isn`t that amazing?

Then also what they do is their eyesight, they go 1,000 feet. That sea lion can go down 1,000 feet. It also can...

GRACE: It can see 1,000 feet?

HANNA: It can see, yes, because their eyesight is almost in the dark. Right.

GRACE: When I dive, after about 40 or 50 feet down, it`s very difficult to see sometimes.

HANNA: Impossible to see. But these animals, we think -- man thinks that they can build something to solve anything. But you`ll never build anything like a dolphin or a sea lion.

These folks out there in San Diego, where they train these animals, I have to take my hat off to them. And plus all that, these animals, when they get through working, what do they want to do? They go right back out.

In San Diego, they keep them in these huge large areas. And if they want to go out in the ocean, they open the doors up and go out in the ocean, and the animal comes back.

You see here...

GRACE: Let me ask you something. You said they train 100 a day.

HANNA: No, no, no. Only 100 now are trained in the world.

GRACE: Only 100 are trained in the world to do this?

HANNA: Yes. To do this.

GRACE: So they actually protected our coasts after 9/11? I did not know that.

HANNA: In Iraq, when our ships had to go into Iraq to bring supplies to the injured and stuff they had to go in there and sweep the bay for mines.

GRACE: Wait, wait, wait. Elizabeth just told me in my ear we`ve only six minutes left. And I believe I`m being rude to my new guests.

HANNA: You`re right. This is an armadillo.

GRACE: OK. This little bitty ball is a baby armadillo.

HANNA: A baby. Exactly.

GRACE: Do they bite?

HANNA: They don`t bite. You won`t believe this, but you know what? They bred on David Letterman`s desk. I`m not joking. They did. And this was the result.

GRACE: Don`t do that here. I`d have to have you arrested for public indecency.

HANNA: No, no.

GRACE: I don`t want to do that.

HANNA: They weren`t supposed to. We were having an armadillo race, but it didn`t happen.

GRACE: Well, they`re kind of scuttling around pretty quickly.

HANNA: Oh, yes. They...

GRACE: I never thought in my whole life I would get to hold an armadillo.

HANNA: Now the armadillo, years ago, did carry leprosy. Not these.

GRACE: Good to know.

HANNA: They don`t now. The only animal in the world to carry leprosy.

GRACE: And this is her baby?

HANNA: Yes. Very prehistoric. These animals go back...

GRACE: Can I look at her stomach -- her stomach?


GRACE: Do they get mad when you pick them up?


GRACE: I always wondered what was under there. I would do it like that, but I don`t think they`d like it.

HANNA: Remember, the nine-banded armadillo from this country and the hairy armadillo.

GRACE: Remember that hairy armadillo you brought that time?

HANNA: Oh, my gosh. That was...

GRACE: With the long hairs sticking out?

HANNA: That`s really prehistoric. This one here. This is Jared (ph) Miller`s. Look at that. Don`t touch this.

GRACE: What is this?

HANNA: These are poisonous right there. They`re little poison glands right there. They`re not glands; they`re teeth. This is a...

GRACE: He wouldn`t jump?

HANNA: No, this is a slow lorus. It`s called a slow lorus from Asia. Isn`t this animal unique? Look at this animal.

GRACE: I`m not sure. What is this?

HANNA: I don`t know what crimes he can solve, but I`ll tell you something, at nighttime, they`re nocturnal. They see very well at night. Look at that face. Isn`t that...

GRACE: Can`t touch him?

HANNA: No. You can touch just the fur on the back.

GRACE: No, that`s OK. OK. He`s not going to whip around and like bite me?

HANNA: What Jared (ph) has. This is an animal -- you talk about animals helping people?

GRACE: Wait. I don`t know enough about this one.

HANNA: This is a slow lorus.

GRACE: Those little hands look like exactly like a person`s. It`s even got little fingernails.

HANNA: Right. Jared (ph), what are those fingernails?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They`re fingernails on your fingers.

GRACE: It looks just -- it`s poisonous. Did they not tell you?


GRACE: I see...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Put your hand out like that, Nancy.

HANNA: He`ll reach -- he`ll reach with his hand.

GRACE: Not feeling good about this.

HANNA: He`ll reach with his hand.


HANNA: Look over here. Look over at Nancy. Look over here.

GRACE: Not working.

HANNA: No. He`s looking the wrong way.

GRACE: Hi, slow lorus. Hi. Please don`t bite me. OK, his mouth is getting really close.

HANNA: No. His head, he`ll grab it.

Jared (ph), he`s not going to grab it, is he?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, he`s too slow.

GRACE: Tell me about him. Why is he poisonous? Why is...

HANNA: What is it, Jared?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Protects the babies. They lick their babies and cover them with the poison.

GRACE: He`s not going to eat the blueberry.

HANNA: No, mealworms are what he really likes. Yes, he loves mealworms.

GRACE: He loves what?

HANNA: Mealworms.

GRACE: I`d rather feed him the blueberry.

HANNA: But these are Asian. They`re nocturnal. They`re very difficult to find in the wild.

GRACE: What would the bite do to a human?

HANNA: It wouldn`t kill you. No. Just like a bee sting. But you remember, if it`s a real small animal, it would be bad.

Now, this right here, Nancy, was used in the pet trade. This next animal was used in the pet trade. He won`t eat right now. I don`t want him to.

GRACE: OK. I don`t want to force feed him.

HANNA: But this is a little spider monkey. Now, Jared (ph) got this animal.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And he`ll just grip right on. There she goes.

GRACE: Oh, sweet.

HANNA: Now, see sweet but make sure, everybody at home understands, No. 1, it`s illegal to own them, No. 2, they carry diseases.

GRACE: Why is it illegal?

HANNA: It`s just illegal.

GRACE: Is it a him or her?

HANNA: Spider monkeys are threatened in most parts of Central and South America.

GRACE: Can you see her -- his face? His face?

HANNA: In the show here tonight, we`re going to talk about exotic animals and what happens when people do -- they end up in beautiful zoological parks like at the Columbus Zoo or other places like that. A lot of times we cannot take these animals, by the way.

GRACE: I don`t taste very good. You wouldn`t like it.

HANNA: We can`t take these animals if somebody has one as a pet and the law enforcement people come in there and say you have to get rid of him, because we have certain breeding policies, and also diseases.

GRACE: Why is it illegal to have a little spider monkey?

HANNA: Just because everyone wants a spider monkey.

GRACE: It wants to go somewhere.

HANNA: Everybody wants a monkey. Everybody wants a monkey, Nancy. And this is not (UNINTELLIGIBLE) at all. They`re not clean. They bite. They carry diseases.

GRACE: It looks very clean. Because you gave it a bath?

HANNA: No, no, most people don`t know how to care for animals like this. Because they are wild animals, and the best place for them is to be left in the wild unless they`re in a zoological situation where we teach people about animals.

GRACE: Can you turn it toward the camera? Can I give it -- I want to give it a banana. Don`t bite fingers. They don`t taste good.

HANNA: But the spider monkey, Nancy, is called that because they live in trees, all their lives in trees.

GRACE: Can get his -- is this a girl or boy?


GRACE: It`s sweet.

HANNA: Do you see -- did you see, Nancy, how their legs are very long like a spider, their arms?


HANNA: That`s why they call it spider monkey. They can swing 20, 40 feet in the trees.

GRACE: How did you meet your wife through a goat? You know, I don`t think she even exists.

HANNA: My wife`s here somewhere.

GRACE: You always talk about her, and nobody`s ever seen her.

HANNA: Somebody find my wife out there, Suzie. We`ll bring her on in a minute. My wife`s out there. We`ll find her somewhere. She doesn`t believe my wife exists.

GRACE: Remember the goat? You told me the story about the goat.

HANNA: Suzie`s not my wife. Suzie`s -- my other wife, Suzie. My other wife. Let me get this straight.

GRACE: You met her through a goat and she was a cheerleader. And you were...

HANNA: She was a cheerleader in college. And I took two donkeys to college, and she loved donkeys. That`s how we met.

GRACE: Oh, donkey, not goat.

Oh, it -- this monkey has -- wait a minute he went -- shh.

HANNA: Oh, no, no, he`s fine.


HANNA: She`s fine. There you go, Jared (ph). Take the little monkey. No, the monkey likes you, Jared (ph), not you.

GRACE: So back to trial work and pet witnesses. Renee, do you the last time I brought a dog witness into court to -- to find -- in front of the jury to find the cocaine that he found in the doper`s house? Do you remember that?

We started practicing with the dog at 6:30 in the morning. And the dog found the cocaine in five different hidden spots in the courtroom. I think they make the best witnesses.

ROCKWELL: They do, Nancy, because you can`t coach a dog. The jury knows that, that you`re not going to be able to coach the dog. And forget about it. It`s just like the parrot that bit the guy on the hand. The blood on the beak. That guy needs to cut a deal.

Good job.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There are 150 cats here. Nikita`s next door neighbor is another female lion, Serabi (ph). This is Toby, a cougar in heat.

Nearly every animal is here because their owners no longer wanted them.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`ve found carriers at our front gate before, a bobcat, some with a civet.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And nearly every animal is a by-product of a booming U.S. trade in exotic animals.


GRACE: Pet detectives, real life animal heroes that save human lives. And with me here on the set, in addition to Jane Velez-Mitchell and Renee Rockwell, Jack Hanna of Jack Hanna of "Jack Hanna`s Animal Adventures". He`s from the Columbus, Ohio, Zoo.

And who is this?

HANNA: This is a baby kangaroo.

GRACE: Please don`t rip my throat out.

HANNA: No, no. It`s a marsupial, obviously. And I know we`re talking about exotic pets. Some people have pets, but some people have done a pretty good job of raising these for zoological parks. I would not have one as a pet.

GRACE: Now wait a minute. Before you start the whole exotic pet ban, also with us tonight for the first time on air...

HANNA: They`ve never done this.

GRACE: ... the family of Jack Hanna. They really exist. This is Suzie. They met through a donkey. I`ll go no further. And these are your daughters, right?

HANNA: This is Suzanne here. She has four children. And this is Julie, my youngest daughter. And I have one daughter, Kathleen, that lives in England.

GRACE: It`s so great to meet you guys. I didn`t think you really existed.

OK, now...

HANNA: All right.

GRACE: ... the ban on exotic animals.

HANNA: Right. Right now, all the states have certain bans except for about 11 states. And the neat -- the thing is, Nancy, what we have to do is make sure that people...

GRACE: Is this an exotic animal?

HANNA: Yes, I would consider it an exotic animal.

GRACE: Why are her ears so big?

HANNA: Obviously, they have to hear with. Especially the kangaroo, because they rely on their speed.

GRACE: What kind of kangaroo is it?

HANNA: It`s a red kangaroo, the largest of the kangaroos. It`s raised in the pouch. The mother will kick the baby out prematurely while the next one`s coming in the pouch.

Here`s an example here, Nancy, of an animal that should never be a pet.

GRACE: No, wait, wait, wait. Do I have to lose the kangaroo?

HANNA: I would, yes. With this next one.

GRACE: What`s her name?

HANNA: This is Pogo.

GRACE: Bye, Pogo.

HANNA: This is from the Columbus Zoo.

GRACE: Bye, love. She`s so cute!

HANNA: This next animal -- you wonder why, Nancy, this next animal, you can see this right here.

GRACE: You don`t have a snake tonight, do you?

HANNA: No. This is a skull of the latest canine teeth on any cat in the world. This is a clouded leopard.

GRACE: Is he going to think I smell like an animal and bite me?

HANNA: No. He`ll be right there with Jo (ph). But look at this animal here, Nancy. This is what -- only 300 left in the world, Nancy, in the wild, we think in Asia. All right. The clouded leopard. That coat sells for -- that coat sells for $80,000 on the black market, $80,000.


HANNA: Yes. This animal has the longest canine teeth, as I said before -- you see the skull here -- of any cat in the world. Look at that. Eats monkeys and birds, lives about 90 percent of his life in trees.

GRACE: Look at these fangs.

HANNA: Isn`t that beautiful?

GRACE: Which one is...

HANNA: Do you want to sit up here? Do you want to sit up here? Come here. Come here. That`s a girl.

GRACE: Can I touch him?

HANNA: Aren`t they beautiful? Come here. That`s it. Come here. Come here.

GRACE: Oh, wow.

HANNA: Isn`t it gorgeous?

GRACE: Tell me about it.

HANNA: This animal here, Nancy, would go to the highest places, what it tries to do, as you can see there. But this animal here...

GRACE: How old is it?

HANNA: There are more of these animals in zoological parks than there are in the wild.

GRACE: There`s only 300 alive?

HANNA: Well, no. There`s more in zoological parks than in -- than in the wild. There`s about 300, we think, left in the -- in the wild. We`re not quite sure.

GRACE: You know what? You just come here. We can look -- the viewers can look at him with you. He`s eating your hair.


GRACE: You`re pretty. Don`t bite my throat out. OK?

HANNA: Aren`t they beautiful? It`s a gorgeous cat. They can`t growl.


HANNA: They just can`t. They have a slight -- you can see the whine. That`s just like lions and tigers can; this cat can`t.

They have a long tail for balance. They live, again, 90 percent of their lives in trees.

GRACE: Look at the tail.

HANNA: It`s gorgeous, isn`t it?

GRACE: The tail is long and beautiful.

HANNA: Helps him balance himself.

GRACE: So this animal`s pelt would be $80,000?

HANNA: Right. Exactly. It`s about almost, not quite full grown.

GRACE: Did you hear about the guy here in New York...

HANNA: Thank you, Jo (ph).


HANNA: Here`s another.

GRACE: I`m sitting on a wire -- that was raising a tiger, and what else was it, Liz, in his apartment? Ellie (ph)? You remember the guy.

HANNA: I remember that.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I remember the tiger. Yes.

GRACE: Was raising a giant, like...

HANNA: People don`t understand. These are -- these animals like tigers and lions as pets doesn`t work.

GRACE: I know what that is. I know what that is.

HANNA: This is a skunk. This is another animal, Nancy, that people cannot have as pets. Most states have a law against having it.

GRACE: Can I touch him?

HANNA: Well you can, yes.

Most people have a law against -- this is -- this is, obviously, an animal that was turned into them. So it was a pet. It`s a little skunk.

GRACE: You`re showing them his behind. Can you show them his little face?

HANNA: Remember, Nancy, why wouldn`t you have a skunk as a pet? Because they carry the rabies virus. All right?

GRACE: No, but because I thought that they would spray a stinky perfume.

HANNA: Right. But see, that`s not -- people have them descended. But you still cannot have these animals as pets. They bite, they carry diseases. And plus, it`s against the law in most states to take a native animal out of its natural habitat.

You find one of these animals in the wild, don`t ever go out and get it. Leave it alone and call somebody that knows what they`re doing.

GRACE: But this animal, what type of skunk is this?

HANNA: A striped skunk. Skunks are all over North America, because they`re having to adapt to our environment right now, Nancy.

Now here`s some animals here that people...

GRACE: Did you see where monkeys are taking over the big cities in India?


GRACE: Because their -- people have encroached on their terrain.

HANNA: On their terrain.

GRACE: They have nowhere else to go.

HANNA: Right.

GRACE: And they`re all over the street.

HANNA: You`re not allowed to hurt monkeys in Asia. You`re not allowed to hurt. Like even macaques, I don`t know what it would be.

Here`s another animal that you should...

GRACE: I specifically said no snakes. I`m sure I said no snakes.

HANNA: No, it`s not.

GRACE: Here is a snake.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is a Honduran milk snake.

GRACE: A what?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A Honduran milk snake.

HANNA: But these are animals, Nancy, you have to know what you`re doing with. And what he has is a Gila monster. Some people believe there`s a...

GRACE: Wait, wait. Wait, can you put his you tongue facing the other way, so I can touch him? Gross. Sorry. I just don`t have -- OK. His tongue is red.

HANNA: That`s all right. Thank you, Tom.

Some people, Nancy, try to have this sometimes, believe it or not. This is a poisonous animal. This is the Gila monster, and this is a neurotoxic poison, right?

GRACE: Why is he sitting here?

HANNA: Because he`s not -- this animal you really have to really be aggressive for it to bite you. You can touch it right back here. But never touch a Gila monster if you don`t know what you`re doing.

Look at this. Nancy, look at this. Look how nature made this. Look at the tail. The tail is like the head, similar.

GRACE: Very.

HANNA: So if a predator is trying to attack this he`ll turn his tail around as a last means of defense, and the predator will come up and grab the tail and pull the tail off and he`ll go run away.

GRACE: This is a Gila monster?

HANNA: Yes. You`ve always heard of Gila monsters.

GRACE: I`ve always heard of them.

HANNA: A lot -- that`s why I wanted to show him tonight. Because some people try to pick these up out in the desert. And you can never do that.

GRACE: Where does a Gila monster live?

HANNA: Out in the deserts. Our deserts out west.

GRACE: Jasper, are you enjoying this? With us still -- can you show Jasper?

HANNA: Can you imagine this dog -- you talk about a canine companion dog, Nancy. Look at this dog. Through all these animals, what we`ve done tonight...

GRACE: Totally well behaved.

HANNA: ... this dog has not moved. And that`s why you -- that`s why the training is so vital to these animals.

GRACE: OK. This guy`s tongue is scary. Did you see that?

HANNA: Well, that`s how he`s locating what he`s -- you know, he`s trying to smell you over here, probably. With his tongue.

GRACE: Tell me -- remember the turtle you brought that goes down the hall and...

HANNA: Yes, Lucky.

GRACE: ... another turn and then eats a tomato?

HANNA: That`s Lucky.

GRACE: How`s Lucky?

HANNA: He`s good. He`s only 30 years old. He`ll live another 75 years probably.

GRACE: Tell me what you do at the zoo.

HANNA: What I do? I clean cages. No, no. NO.

GRACE: What else?

HANNA: I helped start the zoo back in 1978. Not helped start it but was there as director of the zoo for many years. And then Jerry Born (ph) became the director. And I go there now to help promote the zoo, help plan new exhibits. I sit on the board.

So you know, the Columbus Zoo is one of the largest in North America. We`re very proud of it.

GRACE: I can`t wait to see it.

HANNA: It`s beautiful. You`ve got to come there and do a show.

GRACE: Before we -- before we go to break, let`s take a look at Jane Velez-Mitchell with Cabo and Tina. There they are.

And Renee Rockwell here with -- where is he -- Didiot.

Here`s the real king of the jungle. My crazy cat, Cocoa. He`s a witch`s cat, solid black, mean as a snake. I`m a dog person, but this cat has run my life for 14 years.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The exotic animal trade is second only to the drug trade in raw dollars. It`s literally billions of dollars are exchanged in the exotic animal trade.


GRACE: With us back is the wild dingo dog, Pete. FYI, you`re a little stinky. And a lemur.

HANNA: A lemur. Which you would never have as a pet.

GRACE: And a kinkajou, now famous for biting Paris Hilton.

HANNA: This animal -- yes, but this animal here back in the `60s almost became extinct because people tried to have them as a pet, Nancy. That`s why you cannot do that.

GRACE: Hold on. Ellie (ph), what about the man that had the giant animals here, speaking of banning exotic animals?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, that`s right. He had a 500-pound Bengal tiger and an alligator in his fifth floor apartment. He actually spent three and a half months in jail for that little...

GRACE: Five hundred-pound alligator.

HANNA: Could have killed somebody with it.

GRACE: And -- a 500-pound Bengal tiger and alligator in his apartment. Speaking of bans on exotic.

OK. Now, tell me about the lemur and the kinkajou.

HANNA: All right. The lemur is a very rare animal.

GRACE: But you need to turn it around so we can see his face.

The lemur is gorgeous.

HANNA: Yes. Beautiful animal.

GRACE: Got like three different colors of fur.

HANNA: Right. But you know...

GRACE: They`re not going to bite each other, are they?

HANNA: No, no.

GRACE: We`re going to have a "National Geo" moment.

HANNA: No, no. The lemur, Nancy, is from the isle of Madagascar. It`s going -- it`s going downhill very fast because of the loss of the rainforest.

GRACE: What`s that all about?

HANNA: She just -- no.

See there?

GRACE: Please don`t...

HANNA: That is a beautiful tail. This animal here is a kinkajou. Excuse me, Jared (ph). This animal here is a kinkajou.

GRACE: Why would you bite Paris Hilton?

HANNA: But this animal, that`s a perfect example. This was very much used in the pet trade back in the `60s.

GRACE: Beautiful.

HANNA: It`s a nocturnal animal. The rain forest from Central and South America. And no one should ever have this as a pet. It just doesn`t work.

GRACE: So how do we go about banning?

HANNA: We passed laws, which we`re trying to do now throughout the entire country.

GRACE: And you`re holding up a book?

HANNA: Right. This book is about Canine Companions, Dean Koontz (ph). It`s incredible. Tells the story about the canine companion, all the dogs throughout the country. It`s beautiful what these folks do.

GRACE: You know, these are -- no offense, these are the great -- no offense, Renee and Jane, but these are the greatest guests I`ve ever, ever had.

HANNA: Thank you very much.

GRACE: I would like to come visit you and your beautiful family.

HANNA: All right.

GRACE: See you at the zoo. I can`t wait.

We`ll stop, in all of our joy tonight, to remember Army Sergeant Michael Weidemann, 23, Newport, Rhode Island, killed in Iraq. An honor student specializing in automotive technology, he enlisted one month after graduation.

He`s survived by his grandma, Gertrude; sister, Katharine (ph); and two brothers, Edward and Benjamin.

Army Sergeant Michael Weidemann, American hero.

Thank you to all of our guests, but as always, thank you to you for being with us, inviting all of us and our pet heroes into your homes.

Nancy Grace, along with Jack Hanna, signing off for tonight. See you tomorrow night, 8 p.m. sharp Eastern. Until then, good night, friend.