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Israeli Forces Raid Missile Site in Gaza; Germany Vs. Argentina for the World Cup; Flight Diverted to Remote Island Due to Odor; Winter Fun in the Desert; John Walsh Launches New Show On CNN; World Cup Fever Still Alive in U.S.

Aired July 13, 2014 - 14:00   ET


FREDRICKA WHITFIELD, CNN ANCHOR: Are going unanswered as strikes continue from both sides.

Today, Israel dropped leaflets on Gaza warning residents to move away from Hamas sights to avoid airstrikes. Israel says its forces have already hit what it calls more than a thousand terror targets in Gaza, yet rockets from Gaza keep coming. More than 800 have been intercepted by Israel's Iron Dome and today they intercepted two more rockets over Tel Aviv. The Gaza health ministry says at least 168 people have died in Gaza, most of whom are civilians.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said today Hamas is to blame.


BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER (through translator): Who is hiding in the mosques? Hamas. Who is putting weapons under the hospitals? Hamas. Who is putting control centers in civilian residences and kindergartens? Hamas.

Hamas is using the residents of Gaza as a human shield.


WHITFIELD: Netanyahu also spoke to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry today. According to the State Department, Kerry condemned the attacks from Gaza and said Israel has a right to defend itself.

Earlier today, Israeli troops went in to Gaza to raid a missile launching site, according to an Israeli defense source.

Wolf Blitzer asked the spokesmen for the Israel Defense Forces about that.


LT. COL. PETER LERNER, ISRAELI DEFENSE FORCES SPOKESMAN: We utilize our special forces in order to do special missions. The site we attacked is deeply involved with the long range rockets that have been showering Tel Aviv, showering north of Tel Aviv, showering Jerusalem. So, we thought it was necessary to utilize special forces to carry out a special mission.

Indeed, they made their mission, they were able to succeed in their mission. There was impact and the conflict with terrorists there on the site. We have few scratches and grazes but nothing substantial.


LERNER: On the Israeli side. Palestinians, we had air support on site as well. And the Palestinian terrorists, they paid a heavier price.

BLITZER: So was this an isolated incident or will it be more as they say boots on the ground?

LERNER: We can expect this type of thing takes place. Below the radar, in and out, swift missions, quickly, concise, and very precise at what they're doing to get that added value to safeguard Israelis.

BLITZER: So, there will be more of these operations. What about tanks, armored personnel carriers, formal invasions of Gaza as occurred in the past?

LERNER: We're prepared for that possibility. I mean, it's not something we want do but in the past five or six days, we have the forces and indeed there's substantial force on the borders with Gaza and if the order is given we are prepared for that type of activity.

BLITZER: Was that the reason you're leaf-letting in Northern Gaza, telling folks get out? There's half a million people there. It's almost impossible they're going to all be able to escape. What is your goal here?

LERNER: Well, the area we've announced people to leave is much smaller than that. It's the town of Beit Lahia. And the reason being is because that has been a main staging point for rocket launching against Israel.

Now, there's a lot of Hamas deeply invested in that. There's obviously some sort of energetic Palestinian commando on the ground there that thinks he can launch rockets freely. We have to deal with that problem. And that is why we're suggesting for their own good, keep away from Hamas, move out of the town because we intend to target it.

BLITZER: But you know a lot of civilians, whether elderly, young people, they're not going to be able to leave.

LERNER: Well, we hope they abide by our advice. It's an absolute necessity. The terrorists that are launching rockets from Beit Lahia are putting the people of Beit Lahia at risk.

BLITZER: What is the time line? How much time do they have to get out?

LERNER: We -- the leaflets were released this morning and we announced our intentions to do so late last night. There is a timeline. Unfortunately, just the operational concerns, I can't point at the specific hour, but indeed we expect the people to leave.

BLITZER: Within hours? Could we say that many?

LERNER: I would say so.

BLITZER: So, within the next few hours so when you go into that Beit Lahia area, will it be tanks, will be armored personnel carriers? Will it be from the sea? What are you talking? Will it be a limited commando operation or much more robust military operation?

LERNER: I think we'll have to leave that for the operation itself.


WHITFIELD: And you heard Wolf say there, stuck in the middle of this deadly conflict, civilians, elderly, children, living in Gaza, caught between Hamas and Israel.

Ben Wedeman is for us now in Gaza City. And he's seen it all unfold.

Ben, what is the latest there?

BEN WEDEMAN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Fredricka, according to the United Nations, more than 10,000 people have already left that area of Beit Lahia, just to the north of here. I saw one of those leaflets that the Israelis were dropping, and in no certain terms it said, you must leave the area. We were there and we saw that leave they did.


WEDEMAN (voice-over): The clock is ticking. It's time to go. Israel ordered the inhabitants of this area in northern Gaza to leave by 2:00 p.m. Sunday. Hamas told them to stay put.

"I don't answer to them," says Ahmed, "I do what's best for us." He is sending his family to safer ground in Gaza City, relatively safer, that is, although he will stay behind. Luckily, he caught a taxi to take them away and not a moment too soon.

These children have heard the crash of shelling and airstrikes for days now. But it still terrifies them. This is the third time in the last five years, Ahmed's family has had to flee their home.

(on camera): Like almost everybody in this area, we're leaving, too. It's dangerous. There's shelling there.

There's some people staying behind basically to guard their houses. But as the men back there told me, 80 percent of the people in this area have already left and at this time, the deadline to leave ends in 35 minutes.

(voice-over): On the drive into Gaza City, empty streets and rubble from the Israeli airstrikes. By taxi or mostly by foot, the people fleeing the north are heading to United Nations' schools, more than 1,000 in this school alone. Food has yet to be provided. The only source of sustenance, a water


Um Jamaa and her family of 15 fled their home at 2:00 in the morning.

"We told the kids, get up, get up," she tells me. "We walked all the way here. This baby needs milk, but we don't have any. We have nothing. Not even safety."

There's little to do here but wait until the fighting stops and they can go back to their homes, if they're still there.


WEDEMAN: And, of course, it's important to stress that people can move from one part of Gaza to the other, but the Gaza Strip is closed. They can't go into Israel obviously, and the border to Egypt is only open to those with Egyptian or foreign passports -- Fredricka.

WHITFIELD: And then this evening, I mean, it looks awfully placid and quiet right now, but you describe what you're experiencing there tonight.

WEDEMAN: Yes. Right now at this particular moment, Fredricka, it is quiet, but just a little while ago, we saw outgoing rockets, we saw air strikes behind us. To the north we heard the steady pounding of naval bombardment on targets there. Of course, that's an ambulance in the background. Something happened not far from here.

WHITIFELD: In an instant, just that quickly, and just that easy.

All right. Thank you so much, Ben Wedeman. Be safe. Keep us posted there.

At the Vatican, the crisis in the Middle East took center stage at this morning's prayer service. Pope Francis called for a cease-fire between the two sides. He said, "I make a heartfelt appeal to all of you to not give up the prayer nor any effort to cease any hostility."

Back in June, if you recall, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli President Shimon Peres visited the Vatican to take part in a prayer service for peace.

By late today, we'll know of which team is the best in the world. Many say Argentina is arguably the single greatest team because of the single greatest player, Lionel Messi. But Germany is favored to win the World Cup. Which will it be?

And, brave doesn't begin to describe this young lady. A shot in a rampage that killed her parents and siblings. Hear what she said at her family's memorial service.


WHITFIELD: All right. Welcome back. A female tech exec at Yahoo! is being sued by another woman for

alleged sexual harassment. Software engineer Nan Shi claims her former boss, senior director of engineering, Maria Zhang, forced her into sex, promising a, quote, "bright future at Yahoo!"

CNN Money tech correspondent Laurie Segall back with us now.

OK. So, what is Yahoo's response on all of this and what are the details of this?

LAURIE SEGALL, CNN MONEY TECH CORRESPONDENT: Let me read you what they said. They said there's absolutely no basis or truth to the allegations against Maria. She's an exemplary Yahoo executive and we intend to fight vigorously to clear her name." And they will have to do so because if you look at this complaint,

it's pretty explicit, Fredricka. It says Maria forced her to have sex with her, even though she didn't want to. She said she would have a bright future at Yahoo! and if not there would be consequences.

So, obviously, some pretty intense details here and it also said that Nan had gone to Yahoo! and had complained and asked for a transfer, and they had said no and they later terminated the position.

I got on the phone with Nan's lawyer the other day and he was telling a little bit more about the that he said that they both worked at a startup that was acquired by Yahoo and they were going into temporary housing. Maria requested to stay with Nan and this is where the sexual harassment took place.

So, obviously, you know, this is a pretty explicit complaint if you look through that.

WHITFIELD: What about a response coming from the executive herself or is it strictly by way of Yahoo!?

SEGALL: Strictly by way of Yahoo! I will say, I reached specifically to the executive who did push me towards Yahoo, as you can imagine. But, you know, when we're looking at Silicon Valley, too, you know, this isn't the first time we've heard of this, Fredricka.

WHITFIELD: Really? So there's some sort of track record so to speak or there's a litany of very similar type of charges?

SEGALL: More so now than ever. I can't tell you how many times --

WHITFIELD: We're talking Silicon Valley.

SEGALL: Silicon Valley in general. In the last, I would say, year, there has been a lot of allegations of sexual harassment.

Now, I spoke to Nan's lawyer about this and he said he'd seen more cases about this because it's a predominantly male industry. And there's also a lot of money but this case is different because it's between two women and what Nan's lawyer, Matthew de Vega, said to me is he, when there's money and there's power, this kind of thing can happen and Silicon Valley is very different than other big corporations because it's very focused on perception and what Nan's lawyer said, instead of dealing this head on, they denied, denied, denied.

WHITFIELD: You're reporting today and yesterday very opening now about the world of Silicon Valley or at least allegations that are swirling that involved Silicon Valley that most people probably never thought about until this weekend. So, thanks to you. Very interesting case here. Appreciate it, Laurie.

All right. A mother's worst fear may soon become reality. Mexican police think they may have found the body of an American missing for the last six months. Harry Devert disappeared in a violent part of Mexico during a motor vehicle trip. In his last text to his girlfriend on January 25th, he said he was in a place, quote, "too dangerous for me to be."

His mother's attorney says Devert's motorcycle and some remains were found in a shallow grave. His mother is in Mexico to try to identify the body. Police are also running DNA tests.

And we're hearing from a brave young woman who survived a shooting rampage that killed the rest of her family. Fifteen-year-old Cassidy Stay, seen on the left side of the photo there, was released from the hospital on Friday. That's two days after police say her aunt's estranged husband stormed into her family's home and killed her parents and four younger siblings.

Stay suffered a fractured skull when a bullet grazed her head. She pretended to be dead until the suspect left and then she bravely called 911. When police arrived she told police the suspect was likely headed to her grandparents' house. Police found Ronald Lee Haskell near there. They arrested him after chase and a three-hour standoff. Stay spoke at her family's memorial service.

Here's her amazing story in her own words.


CASSIDY STAY, SHOOTING SURVIVOR: I'm really thankful for all of the people who have been praying for me and keeping me and my family in their thoughts and I'd like to thank all of the first responders, nurses and doctors that have taken care of me. I'm feeling a lot better and I'm on a very straightforward path to a full recovery.


ROGER LYONS, GRANDFATHER OF CASSIDY STAY: Today, we're so grateful to God to have Cassidy back from the hospital. Many of you have probably heard about her heroism in the news but we continue to be in awe how she was able to save us.

STAY: I really like Harry Potter, and the prisoner of Azkaban Dumbledore says happiness can be found even in the darkness of times, if only one -- if one only remembers to turn on the light.

LYONS: She had been shot and had witnessed the murder of her mother, father, and siblings. Still, she had the presence of mind to remain quiet and `to play dead. As soon as it was safe, despite the terrible things she must have seen, at that moment she called police and told them, we were in danger. Without her courage and quick thinking, we might be mourning the deaths of 20 -- yes, I said 20 -- people today, including myself and nearly all of our children and grandchildren.

STAY: I know that my mom, dad, Brian, Emily, Becca, and Zack are in a much better place and that i'll be able to see them again one day. Thank you all for coming and showing your support for me and my family. Stay strong.





WHITFIELD: OK. Enjoy that. That might be one of the last times you hear that fun little cha-cha intro because if you're a soccer fan, you've been aiming for this day for the last month.

Germany and Argentina face date with destiny when they meet in the World Cup final for the third time in history. Argentina's striker Lionel Messi is considered the best player of the world, but Germany considered the best team in this year's tournament is considered the clear favorite to win and probably the best basketball player in the world, LeBron James, was actually seen in Brazil waiting for the match.

This picture tweeted by FIFA's president. We're covering it all. Frederik Pleitgen is in Rio, Christina McFarlane is in Berlin, and Isa Soares is in Buenos Aires.

So, first to you, Frederik. Give us a flavor of the big match. How excited are the people?

FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It's interesting you talked about LeBron James, Fredricka, because he walked past us a few minutes ago. He said he was excited about the game. And when asked if he was rooting for Germany, he said absolutely. Those are the words out of his mouth.

I would say that the crowd here is about mixed. Even, there are many Argentineans, also Germans. Both sides, of course, cheering their team on.

What you can see behind me is that most people have actually already come into the stadium. The game is going to begin 35 minutes from now, but the atmosphere is just absolutely electric here. The fans chanting, the fans absolutely happy. Of course, also drinking a lot as well, although very responsibly from what I've seen so far.

You're absolutely right. The Germans probably have the best team in the tournament with some very good players and also they were the ones who very nearly only beat the United States in the last group game. So, it is a team from the U.S.'s group of death that has now made it to the final and that also showed just how well America performed here in this tournament.

So why don't we go over to Christina McFarlane? She can tell us all about what's going on in Berlin right now and in Germany.

CHRISTINA MACFARLENE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Thanks very much, Fred. We're here at the Brandenburg Gate, (INAUDIBLE) that runs through the heart of Berlin.

Let me step aside and show you the scene behind me. Thousands of fans have been cueing in nearly six or seven hours to get a glimpse of the victory in which they'll watch the World Cup final here tonight. There is a universal confidence among these fans that German will win this World Cup final. The fans say their fans have been the most consistent throughout this entire tournament, and after thrashing Brazil 7-1 in the semifinals, confidence is at an all-time high.

Germany haven't won the title for 24 years, but these fans are now ready and waiting to see their country take the title for the fourth time in history.

Now, we go live to my colleague Isa Soares who's in Argentina.

ISA SOARES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Thanks very much, Christina.

You've heard the sound. The team has just got, the Argentinean team have just come out and these people behind me have gone absolutely. They're so excited about this game. The whole city actually is on tense, so on edge, they're so worried that many of them are wearing the same clothes they wore in the first match. They're eating exactly the same thing.

They're so superstitious yet they're so confident the same time that this is theirs for the taking. They haven't won the World Cup in some 28 years but they will tell you they have the best striker in the world, Lionel Messi. This is his moment, this is the pinnacle for him. He knows this is the time for him to shine, to be considered among the greatest in the world.

Many say he doesn't match up the likes of Diego Maradona. This is his chance to prove. But he has been tweeting and positing on Facebook, this is the most important match of our lives. He knows. And the people around here know it.

But many telling me it will be 2-1 to Argentina. Only one said they will go to penalty. If they do, we've got Sergio Romero and his three goals have gone in. So really in safe hands for Argentina. Many here just want to get this match started, Fredricka.

WHITFIELD: I know. They can't wait. This is going to be very exciting. Thank you so much Isa, and Christina, and Frederik. To all of you, appreciate it. Happy World Cup day, final day.

All right. Also overseas, an all out ground war. Is it inevitable in Gaza? Our military analyst tells us why he thinks that would be a one-sided fight.


WHITFIELD: A plea from the United Nations for ceasefire in Gaza having no effect so far. The Gaza health ministry says 168 people have died so far in the conflict.

And now, for the first time in this conflict, Israeli forces are acknowledging they have crossed into Gaza. Sources tell CNN they raided a long-range missile site in an operation that lasted about an hour. Four Israeli soldiers were injured but they returned home.

Joining me now from New York is CNN military analyst, Lieutenant Colonel Rick Francona.

What is your view on this operation, the strategy to target -- particularly Israelis targeting specific locations in Gaza, even if it means there will be civilian casualties?

LT. COL. RICK FRANCONA (RET), CNN MILITARY ANALYST: Yes. This was a special operations raid. This is a well-trained highly, you know, effective unit. They went in from the sea, conducted their operation, and got out.

Now, they were met with resistance by the Palestinians, and they did take some casualties. So, it wasn't as clean as they would have liked it. But this is much more preferable to everybody than a full-scale land invasion of Gaza.

So, I think the Israelis really do not want to go in there unless they have to. So, if they can be e effective from the air, or using these small special ops raids, that's much preferable to both sides.

WHITFIELD: What you said is, they would prefer to avoid a full scale invasion of Gaza, but missiles are going from both sides. So it seems as though they're moving in that direction, that it's potentially the case that the ground forces will be part of this.

FRANCONA: Yes. It's almost spiralling to where there's like the point of no return. They've got 30,000 troops mobilized already. This creates a real problem for the Israeli economy. You can't take that many people out of the work force, put them in uniform and have them sit on the border for weeks. So I don't see them waiting that long. If they're going to go, they're going to go soon and they'll go big.

They'll go in, split the country, split Gaza, and roll up what they can. There'll be massive damage to the infrastructure. There will be a lot of civilian casualties. They'd like to avoid that, but Fred, I've got to tell you. It doesn't look good.

WHITFIELD: But before that, right now, is the use of missiles on both sides and there's been lots of discussion about the imbalance, the power of the missiles on the Gaza side, that it might be that they might be more powerful potentially on the Gaza side than the Israeli side even though you've got the dome to intercept. Is that a point of view you have? FRANCONA: You look at what the Palestinians are using. They've got rockets. They don't have any if missiles. None of them are guided. They're fired from population centers. They can go 100 miles and bring a 400-pound warhead. That's very significant. They can reach anywhere in Israel. The Israelis are very effective at knocking down some within certain areas, but they can't get them all.

They don't have enough interceptors to do that. On the other hand, the Israeli Air Force is bringing precision-guide ammunitions trying to hit targets where they can identify them. So for the Israelis it's a matter of finding what to strike. For the Palestinians, it's just getting enough missiles out there to hit something.

WHITFIELD: Do you see neighbors or other countries coming in to offer military support to either side potentially?

FRANCONA: I don't. Surprisingly the Egyptians have steps back from this. I don't see them involved diplomatically either, but the possibility of anyone else getting involved in this, I don't think. This will follow, I think, the same pattern we've seen in 2009, 2012. It will be short-lived. The Israelis will go in and try to get a certain objective and unfortunately, Fredricka, we'll be having this conversation two years from now.

WHITFIELD: All right, Lt. Colonel Rick Francona, thanks so much. Appreciate it.

All right, more than 300 people on board a United Airlines flight are safe but quite rattled after the plane was forced to make an emergency landing on a very tiny remote island in the Pacific Ocean. CNN's Alexandra Field describes the terrifying ordeal.


ALEXANDRA FIELD, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): An emergency landing for 348 people, cell phone video captures their arrival on the kind of island you don't usually visit.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Midway is not an island that has hotels and things. It's a diversion airport.

FIELD: The moments before touchdown, terrifying United Airlines passengers.

KAREN VON MERVELDT-GUEVARA, PASSENGER: We're all thinking of people at home and our own little one we had with us, we had a family next to us with a 3-year-old and a real tiny baby.

FIELD: Mechanical issues delayed United Airlines Flight 201 from the start after 3-1/2 hours it was cleared for takeoff. The plane left Honolulu and was headed to Guam, but three hours into the flight over the Pacific Ocean, the pilot was suddenly forced to reroute to a remote island because of a strong electrical odor.

DAVID SOUCIE, CNN SAFETY ANALYST: Anytime there is anything going on in an aircraft, it's abnormal, with smells, with smoke, anything of that nature particularly when you're halfway across the ocean, it's a great deal of a concern and it has to be responded to immediately.

FIELD: In order to make a last-minute landing on the island, aviation experts say the pilot would have had to dump fuel before reaching the runway. Passengers became more alarmed approaching the island because of turbulence.

GUEVARA: I think after the 40-foot drop it got really silent in the cabin. People prayed. We all prayed. I prayed. There is nothing wrong with that.

FIELD: Midway Island, known for the battle of Midway during World War II was once the home of a naval air station. Recently it's been used for other emergency landings including a Delta Airlines flight, which touchdown there in 2011. United Airlines says it's still investigating the mechanical issue that forced the pilot to divert.

DAVID SOUCIE, CNN SAFETY ANALYST: This smell would be a smell from a spark, a wire that had come loose, a wire that had arced against the frame of the aircraft. Something along those lines.

FIELD: The aircraft, a Boeing 777, is the same type of plane as the missing Malaysia Airlines flight and the same kind of plane that was involved in last summer's Asiana crash in San Francisco. The NTSB says that crash was caused by pilot error. Aviation experts consider the 777 among the safest planes.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's nice to step on land.

FIELD: United passengers spent seven hours inside a gymnasium on the island waiting for United to send in another plane after a harrowing ride.


WHITFIELD: Wow, harrowing indeed. Alexandra Field joining us live now from New York. What have we heard from United?

FIELD: Well, they've been looking into the issue. Right now, they say they have determined that there was some kind of problem with an equipment cooling fan. That's what they are telling us. They say the problem on board that plane has been fixed. The plane's actually returned to Hawaii. Next it will head back to San Francisco where, Fred, it will be put back into service.

WHITFIELD: All right, Alexandra Field, thanks so much for bringing that to us in New York.

All right, crime fighter, John Walsh, is back in the hunt for fugitives and he's bringing his search for justice to CNN. He tell me what it's like to constantly deal with the bad side of humanity.

But first as summer weather heats up, people are looking for ways to keep cool. In the deserts of Dubai, they get especially creative when it comes to beating the heat. Here's CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta, going snow skiing in the most unlikely of places in this "Travel Insider."


DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: I'm Dr. Sanjay Gupta and today I'd like to show you a different side of Dubai. Certainly it's a city known for their skyscrapers, beaches, and shopping, but Dubai also has lots of different types of activities including skiing. Yes, snow skiing.

I've never seen anything quite like this. Something quite intuitive about skiing indoors. As you can imagine they provide you with all the equipment you need including a helmet. As a neurosurgeon, I personally think this is the most important piece. Let's go.

Feels like the real thing. I'm going to give it a shot. There's something sort of unnatural about skiing in the middle of the desert, but I think the novelty of it makes it extraordinary, a lot of fun. Who would have thought I come all the way to the desert in Dubai and I get to go snow skiing? What a terrific day.




JOHN WALSH, CNN HOST, "THE HUNT": I'll always be the parent. I still have the heartache. I still have the rage. I've had years of justice. I know what it's like to be there waiting for answers and over the years I learned how do one thing really well and that's how to catch these bastards and bring them back to justice.

I know what it's like to be there waiting for answers and over the years I learned how do one thing really well and that's how to catch these bastards and bring them back to justice. I've become a manhunter. I'm out there looking for bad guys.


WHITFIELD: That's John Walsh. You know him as the former host of "America's Most Wanted" and now Walsh joins the CNN family with the new original series "THE HUNT." After his son, Adam, was brutally murdered, Walsh dedicated his life to fighting for victims' righting and as he said catching bad guys. Now Walsh is back on "THE HUNT." I asked him about his crime-fighting success and his future with CNN as he continues his "American Journey."


WALSH: We had a great run. I was on Fox for 25 years in prime time. We won a very rare Emmy for excellence in television, but I, the thing I'm the most proud of is besides the almost 1300 guys we caught around the world in 45 countries and 17 of those guys off the FBIs ten most wanted, we recovered 61 missing children alive, so it was a great run, but now, I'm teaming up with the worldwide reach and the credibility of CNN.

WHITFIELD: And what compels you now to host the show on CNN, casting an even bigger net in worldwide man hunts?

WALSH: Well, I tried to, I'm a brand new grandfather and I thought boy, I've been on the road most of my life. Maybe I'll take some time off, but I realized from different law enforcement agencies, my wife who is, we've been married today 43 years. She said you know, this is what you do well. You got to remember who the real victim was in Adam's abduction and terrible murder. He was the real victim, so, I'm saddled back up and I think CNN is the perfect partner because of their credibility and worldwide reach.

WHITFIELD: And people know about your story, your experience, your family's experience with your son being kidnapped and killed. Is there ever a case in which selecting cases for "THE HUNT," perhaps it hits a little too close to home for you?

WALSH: No, I -- you know, people ask me that question all the time. It doesn't have an effect on you when you deal consistently with the evil side of humanity. Men and women have to saddle up and do the right thing. Is it painful? Yes. Does it bring back old memories, open the wound sometimes? One thing I've gotten really good at man hunting. I was a hotel builder.

I never ever dreamed I would be on television, but I got good at this and I got the opportunity from Jeff Zucker, the president of CNN, he said, how would you like to saddle up and get back in the hunt? And that's what we call the show, "THE HUNT."

I hope people will help me catch these horrible guys. If it wasn't for the public, I know at least 1,300 horrible people would be still out there doing what they did. Molesting children, raping women, hurting people, serial killers. I hope people will tune in, help me catch these guys.


WHITFIELD: And we know people will. You don't want to miss "THE HUNT" with John Walsh. It premieres tonight at 9:00 p.m. Eastern right here on CNN.

All right, no one could have guessed what would happen when I interviewed Joan Rivers. Well, you know by now. She walked off the set and walked into a week's worth of fresh material.


WHITFIELD: What a week it's been. Perhaps you saw my 7-minute interview with comedian, Joan Rivers last weekend, which didn't end quite like I expected. She walked off the set and something else I didn't expect. The mileage that moment, hers, mine, ours, would get.


WHITFIELD: Joan Rivers, what a pleasure? You look so fabulous and I am so underdressed.

JOAN RIVERS, ACTRESS: You're not underdressed. It's hot. It's a steamy summer weekend. A nice way to put it.

WHITFIELD (voice-over): It started out as a nice light-hearted --

(on camera): What is it about this year 2013 that you focused on in this diary --

(voice-over): -- compliment filled interview.

(on camera): You have been, you know, a trailblazer in so many different ways.

(voice-over): With iconic comedian, Joan Rivers, out with her 12th book "Diary of a Mad Diva."

(on camera): For example you write this, "I'm back in L.A. for a minor cosmetic procedure.

RIVERS: We take it all that skin off the table and we made another a person that works right beside me. I am never lonely.

WHITFIELD (voice-over): Still lots of humor. Then the tone changed.

(on camera): Even with your fashion critiquing, while it's very mean in some ways.

RIVERS: It's not mean. It's not mean.

WHITFIELD: Really? It's not mean?

RIVERS: It's not mean. I tell the truth. I'm sure I say the same things that all of your viewers say to their friends sitting next to them on the couch.

WHITFIELD (voice-over): Just 4 minutes into the chat.

(on camera): Do you feel like there are boundaries ever, you know, even if it makes people uncomfortable?

RIVERS: Let me tell you.


RIVERS: Life is very tough and if you can make a joke to make something easier and funny, do it. If you can take something worse and make it funny, it's a vacation for a minute from horror.

WHITFIELD: And people love to laugh. Clearly people love you.

(voice-over): But there was no love and laughter in reminding her about the animal rights activist who crashed Rivers' New York book signing two days earlier.

(on camera): You knew that there will be probably be animal right activists --

RIVERS: You know, this whole interview is becoming a defensive interview.


RIVERS: Are you wearing leather shoes.


RIVERS: Shut up. You're wearing shoes.

WHITFIELD: I'm not an activist.

RIVERS: You're eating chicken. You're eating meat. I don't want to hear this nonsense.

WHITFIELD (voice-over): Interview over.

RIVERS: Stop it with and you do this and you're mean and you -- you are not the one to interview a person who does humor. Sorry.

WHITFIELD (on camera): Are we serious?

(voice-over): It was the beginning of something else. That walkout moment was everywhere. More than 14 million results from a Google search. Going viral, making headlines from the "Washington Post" all the way to Australia. The hypocrisy of a comedian who dishes but didn't take it. The news reporter who pushed buttons. Immediately fodder for jokes minutes after it went to air.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I said promise I won't walk off the set.

WHITFIELD (on camera): Thank you. I promise to keep it nice and amicable. I appreciate that. No shark bites for me.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You're not dealing with a comedian. I want Fredricka Whitfield to interview me. Where is she?

WHITFIELD (voice-over): And conjecture from the ladies on "The View."

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You guys are all comedians. If you guys to talk to Joan it's easy, you asking her the same questions.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We have to give her a break because the hot lights must have been melting her face off at that point.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It takes a lot for her to snap like that. And I having watched it, I just thought some of that -- I wouldn't -- you know, lighten up a little bit, Fredy.

WHITFIELD: To Joan Rivers herself helping to keep it alive on "Access Hollywood."

RIVERS: I think she should send us money because we put her on the map.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: At least a thank-you note or something.

WHITFIELD: And with David Letterman.

DAVID LETTERMAN: I watched it and it didn't seem to me like she was that tough on you.

RIVERS: She was asking negative questions.

LETTERMAN: Negative questions.

RIVERS: It's a funny book.

LETTERMAN: Talking about the book.

RIVERS: Talking about the book.

LETTERMAN: What kind of questions was she asking that were negative, you're wearing a fur coat?

RIVERS: You're wearing fur.

WHITFIELD: That moment between Rivers, the 81-year-old comedian, TV show host and entrepreneur and me, the news reporter.

LETTERMAN: This woman, this news anchor person.

RIVERS: Serious anchor person.

WHITFIELD: She wouldn't talk any further with me, but had lots of fun welcoming if not inviting this fresh material at every chance and along the way revealing something else that got under her skin during our chat.

RIVERS: How old are you?

WHITFIELD (on camera): I'm near 50. How about that?

RIVERS: Well, I'm sure you've about had your Botox.

WHITFIELD: I've had nothing yet.

RIVERS: Well, whatever.

WHITFIELD: Not that I don't need it. I'm a chicken.

RIVERS: You look good. She claimed that she had nothing. I don't like when a woman says to you, I've done nothing. They're 49 years old. They're talking through the part in their hair. They've done something. That ticked me off. The woman had hemorrhoids behind her ears. I mean, she's been pulled.

WHITFIELD (on camera): She thought that I was being dishonest and that's what made her mad. She said that on Letterman last night. You know what? It's the best compliment I can ever get, so that's OK, coming from you Joan Rivers.

(voice-over): Truth be told it's now right up there as one of the most talked about interviews ending abruptly with an exit. Now getting lots of laughs from the very comedian who didn't find any humor in it one week ago.

RIVERS: I walked off one show already this week.


WHITFIELD: All right, now let's hope we can put all that fun behind us. New week and new hope that the next time Miss Rivers and I connect there will be no mixed messages.

All right, meantime, we are just minutes away from another kind of fun, big fun at the World Cup final and Argentina's fans are revved up for the big game in Brazil. Here at home Americans are also excited about the showdown even though the U.S. of A. is no longer in it at least for the first place. We'll show you just how excited people are next.


MARTINA HINGIS, TENNIS PROFESSIONAL: As a 16, 17, 18-year-old, I was going through rebellion and had these mysteries. I think for me for the moment when I was there playing and winning, it was normal and natural. You didn't really have the time to almost enjoy the moment because there was the next tournament, next challenge, next opponent. I have a lot more time now to really enjoy it. Look back at the memories, you know, that I had.

ANNOUNCER: Your 2014 Sony doubles champion, Martina Hingis. Let's hear it for them, everybody.

HINGIS: To win a tournament like this, no, I didn't expect it. Standing there as a champion, it was a really nice feeling.


WHITFIELD: I'm going to miss that music. Germany and Argentina play for the World Cup championship in just a few moments and we all witnessed the support frenzied support Americans gave Team USA, right? Argentina fans are just as enthusiastic as their team gets ready to face off against the powerful Germans.

Our Richard Roth is in New York where World Cup fever is intensifying. Richard, who's the favorite there?

RICHARD ROTH, CNN CORRESPONDENT: There are supporters for both teams that are here. I have some Germany and Argentina fans. Who's going to win and why?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Germany. They're the more and complete better team.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Germany. They're the cuter team.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Argentina is going to shock the world today. Argentina and Messi, baby.

ROTH: Do you agree with that and why not? UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don't agree with that. Argentina has not impressed throughout this tournament.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Has Messi impressed you ever?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Nope. Not ever, ever, ever.

ROTH: This is the biggest sports match, one-game match that's held every four years. So there are people here out for a lovely Sunday afternoon, but others are here to intensely watch this match. Third meeting in the World Cup final between Argentina and Germany, formally when it was West Germany. They defeated them and Argentina beat them in 1986. Are you big fans of the World Cup? Were you pleased overall?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'd have preferred if USA had won. Actually I would have preferred Germany and Netherlands.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, I would prefer Germany and Netherlands.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It was an entertaining World Cup. Lots of goals.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I watched Brazil. It was insane, insane.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We're in the finals, so I couldn't ask for more.

ROTH: All right, Fredricka, we'll see if this match goes into extra time. I see a close match. Maybe a 1-0 or 1-1 with penalties.

WHITFIELD: I'm going to take your word for it. You know football. You know soccer. We've seen you in many a bar for the World Cup finals and matches. We're going to check back with you. We'll wait for the game to get under way and get the first goal. All right, thanks so much, Richard.

We've got much more in the NEWSROOM, and it all starts right now.

All right, hello again, everyone. I'm Fredricka Whitfield. The stories topping the news this hour. Gaza residents are being warned to get out to avoid this. The death toll is climbing in the Israel- Gaza conflict and now many are fleeing Gaza. We're there live with the latest next.