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Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees

Bush Arrives in Chile for APEC Summit; Mother's Deathbed Confession Leads to Gruesome Discovery

Aired November 19, 2004 - 19:00   ET



ANDERSON COOPER, HOST: Good evening. I'm Anderson Cooper in New York.
President Bush lands just moments ago in Santiago, Chile, for his first meeting with world leaders. But protesters meet him at the airport.

360 starts now.

Police beat down protesters as President Bush makes his first international trip since reelection.

Don't go there, Pete. Why did Bill Clinton lash out at Peter Jennings?

A mother's deathbed confession leads to a gruesome discovery, a murdered man found in a freezer.

They call him the butcher of South Beach, a Florida man arrested for performing sickening surgery on unwitting patients.

The controversial film "Kinsey" opens nationwide. Tonight, why some sex research is still taboo.

Naked newscaster, day of destruction, just how far will TV networks go to lure you in?

And searching for eternal youth. What superstar celebrities do to get the perfect face.

ANNOUNCER: Live from the CNN Broadcast Center in New York, this is ANDERSON COOPER 360.

COOPER: Well, good evening again.

President Bush has just landed in Santiago, Chile. Now, it's the first time the president has left the country since his reelection. That's the plane landing just a short time ago.

All day long, his reception committee has been, well, very vocal. Tens of thousands of protesters earlier today took to the streets in Santiago, and as you see, so did the police. Some signs called the president a murderer because of the war in Iraq. Others were there protesting economic globalization. The president is attending the APEC summit meeting of Asian and Pacific powers. And as we said, he just touched down a short time ago.

CNN's senior White House correspondent, John King, is already there.


JOHN KING, CNN SENIOR WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The president's first postelection international trip comes as the White House talks of staying the course, but even some allies say, with the new term should also come a new approach.

The top White House goal at the annual Asian Pacific summit in Chile this year, a unified front in the nuclear showdown with North Korea.

But Mr. Bush's partners in the so-called six-party talks -- China, Japan, South Korea, and Russia -- all to varying degrees suggest North Korea isn't the only obstacle to progress, and that Mr. Bush could offer security and other incentives.

LEE HAMILTON, WOODROW RESEARCH CENTER: All of them are urging the United States to get off the dime here and move forward on negotiations.

KING: APEC is an economic club by name, known for its colorful class photos. Security has dominated the agenda in recent years, especially since the 9/11 attacks. But some leaders want to refocus on pocketbook issues and put their stamp on Mr. Bush's second-term agenda.

AMB. WENDY SHERMAN, FORMER STATE DEPARTMENT COUNSELOR: We're going to see leaders turn to the American president and say, What about your budget deficit? What about the weak dollar? What about rising oil prices in the world?

KING: These summits are largely scripted, but will give Mr. Bush his first opportunity since winning reelection to meet face to face with many of his peers, including a few favorites. Japan's Koizumi, for example, was a staple of the Bush campaign speech.

GEORGE W. BUSH, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I didn't tell him I was going to tell you that Elvis is his favorite singer.

KING: Russia's Putin publicly endorsed a second Bush term, but Mr. Bush prefers to call the Russian leader Vladimir. But Moscow's announcement of a new nuclear weapon has some thinking it is past time for Mr. Bush to turn tougher with a leader critics say has turned too autocratic.

SHERMAN: The Bush administration has going to have to take the gloves off a little bit, and be a little more head-on about where President Putin is leading his country... KING: Mr. Bush is the focal point of summit protests, anger over the Iraq War adding to the more familiar APEC demonstrations, complaining global trade exploits the poor and the environment.


KING: But despite that anti-American sentiment on the street, White House officials say Mr. Bush comes here quite confident, fresh from what he views as a reelection mandate to pursue his policies and hopeful there can be progress on North Korea and other long-stalled issues now that other leaders know, like it or not, they'll be dealing with him for four more years, Anderson.

COOPER: John King in Santiago. Thanks, John.

I think I misspoke a moment ago. Protests, of course, took place earlier today. I did not mean to say that they had also taken place at the airport when the president arrived.

In Iraq, one military officer, speaking about the fighting in Falluja, told "The New York Times" today, quote, "We've broken the back of the insurgency."

Not everyone, however, is so optimistic. From a military standpoint, the fight has been won. In the process, however, a great many lives, and clearly also some hearts, may have been lost.

CNN's senior international correspondent Nic Robertson reports.


NIC ROBERTSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice- over): Among the dead of Falluja, the living look for loved ones, prayers offered as relatives find and commit their kin for burial, the living encouraged to continue the fight against Americans.

Inside Sunni mosques across Baghdad, the human cost of the Falluja offensive was publicly weighed during holy day prayers.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (through translator): What has happened has made our hearts bleed and filled our eyes with tears.

ROBERTSON: Strident anti-American sermons, characterizing the price clerics say should be paid.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): God take on Americans, God destroy their camps, God shake the ground under their feet, God make their children orphans, God make their wives widows.

ROBERTSON: Outside Baghdad's Abu Hanifa (ph) mosque, in an area long a bastion of Sunni resentment of U.S. forces, Iraqi national guard and U.S. troops clashed with Friday prayer-goers. Two Iraqis were killed and seven wounded, as, according to eyewitnesses, worshipers believe the mosque's preacher and two of his deputies were to be arrested. In the east of the city, within hours of the week's main prayers ending, killings resumed, five police killed as a suicide bomber plowed his explosive-laden Mercedes into their checkpoint.


COOPER: And Nic Robertson joins us now live from Baghdad.

Nic, seeing that sermon, how often does that occur? I mean, how common is it for an imam from inside the mosque to be preaching to kill Americans?

ROBERTSON: It's very reminiscent in some ways of listening to the preachers under Saddam Hussein. But it's very, it's been very strong today, noticeably strong. The prayer services going on much longer, much louder, coming out from the speakers in the mosques. And in the Sunni mosques, because many of the people who live in Falluja are Sunnis, the Sunni mosques in Baghdad, the preachers there have been very strong in their calls for attacks against the United States and for against U.S. troops.

Indeed, the government here just in the last few days arrested some imams in mosques in Mosul for doing something very similar.

COOPER: All right. We'll see what reaction there is to that. Nic Robertson, thanks very much, live from Baghdad.

Last night around this time, we turned to national security correspondent David Ensor for a report on some disturbing things that Secretary of State Colin Powell had to say about Iran's nuclear weapons program.

Well, again tonight, we turn to David Ensor, this time for a report on the questions now being asked about who told Mr. Powell what and why, and whether it's true.


DAVID ENSOR, CNN NATIONAL SECURITY CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Knowledgeable sources tell CNN there are questions about the reliability of the intelligence on Iran's nuclear program that Secretary of State Powell spoke of, but at the State Department, there is no backing down.

ADAM EMELI, STATE DEPARTMENT SPOKESMAN: The secretary did not misspeak. The secretary knows exactly what he was talking about.

COLIN POWELL, SECRETARY OF STATE: And I've seen some information, and the dissidents have put out more information, that suggests that the Iranians are also working on designs one would have to have for putting such a warhead into a missile.

ENSOR: The likely missile in question, a Shahab-3, tested in October by Iran.

U.S. officials are angered by a "Washington Post" article saying Powell's information came from an unvetted single source, a walk-in with more than 1,00 pages of Iranian drawings and technical documents, including a nuclear warhead design and modifications to enable Iranian ballistic missiles to deliver an atomic strike.

KENNETH POLLACK, BROOKINGS INSTITUTION: It makes collecting against Iran, it makes protecting this source, and it makes recruiting other sources infinitely harder, and this is a hard enough topic as it is.

ENSOR: The questions about Powell's comments on intelligence evoked memories of his testimony of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq at the U.N. before the war, weapons that have not been found.

The questions came after an Iranian opposition group, whose supporters demonstrated in Washington Friday, offered evidence, it said, that Iran is working on nuclear weapons at a newly discovered site, something Tehran hotly denies.


ENSOR: But Iran too is not helping matters. Western diplomats in Vienna Friday say that Iran is rushing to convert some yellowcake into uranium hexafluoride, used in making both nuclear power and nuclear bombs, prior to Monday, which is the day that Iran has promised it will suspend enrichment activities, Anderson.

COOPER: All right, David Ensor, thanks from Washington.

Condoleezza Rice underwent surgery. And that story tops our look at news cross-country.

In Washington, doctors say Rice is expected to be out of the hospital tomorrow, back on the job Monday, after successful surgery for noncancerous uterine fibroids.

In Los Angeles, another day, another lawsuit for Michael Jackson. Yes, there's another one. Now accused of not paying a nearly $180,000 bill for antiques. It's the second lawsuit for the pop singer this week. Tuesday, a former business associate and former porn producer sued Jackson for more than $3 million in loans and producing fees.

Lafayette, Georgia, now, a crematory operator pleads guilty to dumping 334 bodies that he was paid to cremate. There he is. Ray Brent Marsh, he gave the families cement dust instead of ashes. Today in court he apologized. Under the plea deal, Marsh will serve no more than 12 years behind bars.

Lake Ronkonkoma, New York, five teens arrested, accused of hurling a turkey at a car. Unbelievable. The 20-pound turkey smashed the windshield, hitting the driver, who has been hospitalized in critical condition with massive injuries to her face. Police say the teens allegedly stole a credit card to buy the turkey at a supermarket.

That's a look at stories right now cross-country. 360 next, a man they call the butcher of South Beach. A fake plastic surgeon busted in Florida after allegedly giving a male bodybuilder female breasts. How creepy is that?

Plus, Bill Clinton's tough words for the media as he tries to shape his legacy. That is definitely "raw politics.

Also tonight, Dr. Kinsey's sexual revolution, now a movie. How Americans have changed since he broke through the silence decades ago. Dr. Drew Pinsky joins us live.

All that ahead. First, let's take a look at your picks, the most popular stories right now on


COOPER: In Florida, a man accused of pretending to be a plastic surgeon filed a not-guilty plea in court today. Now, his operating room was in Miami Beach, which is certainly a city where people want to look good, and they go to great lengths to do so. But police say what this man's patients got was not treatment, it was torture.

CNN's John Zarrella reports.


JOHN ZARRELLA, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It's a medical procedure that brings new meaning to the word malpractice. Police say the plastic surgeon in this video, Renaldo Silvestri (ph), was only pretending to be a doctor. He gave the patient, a bodybuilder seeking a more muscular chest, tranquilizers meant for animals. And his choice of medical instrument? A kitchen spatula.

SPENCER ARONFIIELD, PATIENT'S ATTORNEY: When Mr. Bias (ph) finally woke up from this procedure, he had two full female breasts, and had to walk around that way for several months, until finally the female breasts could be removed.

ZARRELLA: Five years ago, allegations of Frankenstein-like surgeries by Silvestri rocked beauty-fixated Miami Beach. It wasn't that he was a bad doctor. Police say he wasn't a doctor at all. Police think Silvestri came from Cuba about a decade ago, and they think he may have served as a nurse in the Cuban army.

Before he could face trial, Silvestri disappeared. A tip led investigators to Central America, where they say he set up shop again.

ED MORENO, BUREAU OF DIPLOMATIC SECURITY: Mr. Silvestri was, in fact, practicing medicine in Belize, and also teaching at a local university medical, to medical students.

ZARRELLA: Police arrested Silvestri in Belize, training medical students how to pass U.S. medical entrance exams.

Extradited, he now awaits trial on charges of assault and practicing medicine without a license. For Miledi Pimienta, who says Silvestri mangled her breast implant operation, the emotional scars and desire to get even are still fresh.

MILEDI PIMIENTA, FORMER PATIENT (through translator): Personally, I'd love to give him breast implants.

ZARRELLA: Information about doctors is readily available with a quick call to a state hotline. Investigators say Silvestri's patients could have avoided the pain if they had only checked.

John Zarrella, CNN, Miami.


COOPER: Unbelievable.

Well, tonight, there is possibly some good news out of Sudan. And that is not a sentence I get to say very often.

Let's scan the globe in the uplink.

Nairobi, Kenya, a peace deal at a special meeting of the U.N. Security Council, the Sudanese government and rebel forces have signed a pledge for peace to end 21 years of civil war. It's hard to imagine, 21 years of war. Nearly 2 million people have died, mostly due to hunger and disease. The U.N. has called it the world's worst humanitarian crisis. Washington calls it genocide. Let's remember, peace on paper is one thing. Let's see what actually happens on the ground.

Paris, France, now, what exactly killed Yasser Arafat? There's a lot of speculation swirling around. We may soon know. Arafat's wife picked up his medical records and is deciding whether to release the information. Of course, that may mean we'll also perhaps never know. A week ago, Arafat, of course, was buried at his Ramallah compound.

Kabul, Afghanistan, now, the opium capital of the world. The U.N. says that Afghan opium cultivation has set a global record. Get this, it's up 64 percent this year. Afghanistan now produces 87 percent of the world's heroin, a business worth almost $3 billion a year.

And that's a quick look at the uplink.

360 next, it's like something out of a TV-movie, a mother on her deathbed makes a startling confession. But this is not a Hallmark moment. She confesses she's a killer and points police to a duct- taped freezer where her missing husband is stored.

Also tonight, President Bush picking party faithful for top posts, but is he just surrounding himself with yes-men and -women? Paul Begala and Tucker Carlson go 360 in the "CROSSFIRE."

And a little later, why did a news anchor strip? Could it be sweeps week? Tonight, we salute the tackiest and tawdriest sweep stunts ever. You won't believe some of the stuff.

And in a moment, today's 360 challenge. How closely have been following today's news? We'll find out.


COOPER: You know, in movies, deathbed confessions are teary-eyed affairs where parents who've been estranged from their kids tell them how much they've loved them all these years. That, of course, is the Hallmark version.

But from Somerville, Massachusetts, tonight, a deathbed confession of a very different kind. A woman in the last days of her life revealed that she was a murderer, and she told her stunned kids exactly where the body of their father was hidden.

CNN's Dan Lothian investigates.


DAN LOTHIAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The deathbed confession led authorities to this 400-unit storage facility in the Boston suburb of Somerville, and the discovery of an unplugged freezer sealed with duct tape, reeking from what was inside, a mummified body.

MARTHA COAKLEY, DISTRICT ATTORNEY: It was inside garbage bags. IT was also, within those garbage bags, wrapped in several layers of blanket and plastic, and had been tied.

LOTHIAN: Fifty-four-year-old Geraldine Kelly (ph), who lived in this building, confessed to her daughter just before dying of breast cancer last week, admitting to murdering her husband, John Kelly, about 14 years ago in California. Authorities say she shot him once in the head, stuffed his body in a freezer, then shipped it here after moving East six years ago.

COAKLEY: She believed she was a victim of domestic violence. And whether that's accurate, we just have no idea at this time.

LOTHIAN: This man, who frequently delivers packages to the storage facility, is shocked.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's crazy, it's nuts. Never seen anything like it.

LOTHIAN: In a statement, attorneys for Kelly's two adult children said in their late teens, they had become estranged from their parents, and several years later had been deceived by a lie that their father had been killed in a car accident and was buried in another state.

Geraldine's former bosses at this California motel, who also heard the tale of the accident, are stunned to learn the grim truth.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We just looked at each other and thought, Oh, my gosh, we couldn't believe that this could happen. LOTHIAN (on camera): An investigation is now under way to determine if Kelly had any help in her effort to store the body.

Dan Lothian, CNN, Boston.


COOPER: Just a bizarre case.

Martha Coakley is the district attorney for Middlesex County in Massachusetts investigating the deathbed confession. She joined me earlier from Watertown.

When you found the body, I mean, it was, it was in a locked refrigerator, I guess, with duct tape around it, but it wasn't plugged in. It wasn't a cold refrigerator.

COAKLEY: It wasn't, it hasn't been since 1998, but I'll note that when the medical examiners opened the wrapping, the body was very tightly wrapped in several layers of blanket and plastic. It had been really hermetically sealed, so that it was still in one piece, and there were -- we were able, for instance, to identify him partially from tattoos that we could still identify on his shoulder and arms.

COOPER: So, I mean, without getting too sort of "CSI" on you, the body was really mummified.

COAKLEY: Correct.

COOPER: What do you, what do we now know about what happened to this man?

COAKLEY: What we know is that, and what we believe is that he was killed by gunshot, one bullet to the back of his head, probably in 1991 or '92. His wife, who we believe fired that shot, indicated to her children that he had died in a car accident in Las Vegas. They had no reason to doubt that.

COOPER: Geraldine Kelly, her sister, she claimed she was a victim of domestic abuse, of domestic violence. Do you have any evidence to support that?

COAKLEY: Well, that's consistent with what the children had told us. We understand from them that in the late '80s, they, in fact, moved out of the household partly because of domestic violence reasons. We have no reason to doubt that there was a domestic violence situation between Geraldine Kelly, now deceased, and her husband, John.

COOPER: Do you know where the body was stored before it got put into self-storage?

COAKLEY: We don't. And that's part of the investigation. We're working with California authorities out of Ventura County, trying to track down that very piece of information. COOPER: I read a quote from the man who owns the plant at self- storage, where the body was found. He said, quote, "It's not every day that they find a dead body in one of my storage facilities. It just doesn't happen on a regular basis." That's sort of understatement of the year, I would think.

COAKLEY: It's a little bit of an understatement. I can't think of the last time we found a dead body in that storage facility.

COOPER: Deathbed confessions is this kind of thing you see in movies. How common is it, in your experience?

COAKLEY: That piece of it is pretty uncommon, in addition to the length of a body that's been hidden, and then a disclosure. It is -- I can't think of a recent case that has all of these characteristics in it.

COOPER: What do you still want to know that you don't know right now?

COAKLEY: Well, we certainly would like to know exactly when it occurred. Was there any assistance provided to Geraldine Kelly at the time? We've noted, obviously, taking a dead body by one person is always difficult, so there are those questions. But they may be for California, if that's where the jurisdiction lies.

We certainly want to pin down all the facts, and just determine how this occurred, but I think as a practical matter, we're fairly convinced that we know who killed John Kelly, and now we know how he died.

COOPER: Martha Coakley, appreciate you joining us. Thanks.

COAKLEY: Thank you.

COOPER: Don't go there, Pete. Why did Bill Clinton lash out at Peter Jennings?

The controversial film "Kinsey" opens nationwide. Tonight, why some sex research is still taboo.

And searching for eternal youth. What do superstar celebrities do to get the perfect face?

360 continues.


COOPER: In the next half hour on 360, President Bush's cabinet, is it becoming an echo chamber? He's picking the party faithful for top posts, but is he losing out on critical voices? We go 360 into the "CROSSFIRE" with Paul Begala and Tucker Carlson.

First, tonight's reset.

President Bush is in Chile. He arrived there just a short time ago for the 21-nation APEC summit this weekend. The summit will cover numerous issues, including the trade, the U.S. deficit, global security, and the North Korean nuclear threat. It's the president's first international trip since winning reelection.

At the U.N., a U.S.-led campaign to ban all cloning of human embryos was rejected today. The assembly has been divided on the issue, since it also pertains to stem cell research. It's considering an Italian declaration that's been called a compromise. The U.S. State Department says it is pleased the U.N. did not issue an endorsement of cloning.

In London, England, Prince William says he'd be willing to fight. The prince has told the British media that he'd be -- he'd want to be on the frontline if he were to serve in the British army, but he's not sure whether he will sign up. William's younger brother Harry will enroll at a military academy next year.

That's a quick look at our top stories.

You know, there was talk in the days following the election of reaching across the political aisle to bring Democrats into cabinet positions. And that may still happen. But so far, President Bush's announced picks are loyal aides. And some Democrats are concerned the new cabinet may resemble an echo chamber, where plenty of people say yes and no one says no.

Two perspectives tonight. I spoke earlier with "CROSSFIRE" hosts Paul Begala and Tucker Carlson.


COOPER: Tucker, I want to read something that former White House adviser David Gergen wrote in today's "New York Times." He says, quote: "In Mr. Bush's case, his administration has already shown ominous signs of groupthink in its handling of Iraq and the nation's finances. By closing down dissent and centralizing power in a few hands, he is acting as if he truly believes that he and his team have a perfect track record, that they know best and that they don't need any infusion of new heavyweights."

Do you think it's a dangerous strategy at this point to centralize power, to surround yourself with old allies too much?

TUCKER CARLSON, CO-HOST, "CROSSFIRE": Yeah, I mean, I think, you know, Gergen has a point. It is an administration that doesn't care for dissent. I mean, that's absolutely undeniably true. However, it's not necessarily good to have too much dissent, at least publicly.

I mean, let me give you an example I'm thinking of. The argument, the ongoing really war between the Department of Defense and the State Department that spread over the last four years probably wasn't good for the administration or for the country. It didn't resolve anything. The State Department lost, we went to war in Iraq anyway, and it probably made the executive branch less effective in, for instance, managing the occupation of Iraq. So look, the administration knows what it thinks, you can agree or disagree, but they can't be really criticized for hoping to implement their ideas in the most effective way, which is what they're trying to do.

COOPER: Paul, what about that? I mean, is it wrong to form a closely knit team?

PAUL BEGALA, CO-HOST, "CROSSFIRE": Look, the president has a perfect right after winning an election to put together whatever team he wants.

What I think is noteworthy is look at -- on the national security side -- the people who are leaving. They were the people who were more right than wrong about Iraq. Secretary Powell at State Department had grave reservations. He's leaving. Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld, at the Defense Department, they thought it was going to be a cakewalk, they're staying.

Over at the CIA, a lot of professional analysts and operatives there who were trying to warn the president about Iraq are being purged by this very political CIA director the president has put in there, Porter Goss, a former congressman, who 108 years ago served for five minutes in the CIA, and he's using that as a club really to drive out dissent.

So I think that's more a problem, is that there is a track record. Some people were right about the war, some were wrong. The ones who were right are getting fired.

CARLSON: And just for the sake of the historical record, if I can just correct a couple of things that Paul just said. For one thing, more than any other person, apart from George W. Bush himself, Colin Powell is responsible for us going to war in Iraq. His U.N. speech right before the war was absolutely crucial to the war effort. So look, if you're for the war, you're pleased with what Colin Powell did. If you're against the war, you're pretty angry at him, just for the record.

Second, the purpose of the -- the only purpose of the Central Intelligence Agency is to gather intelligence for the president. That's its job. That is its job, OK? That's its mandate. And so the idea that the CIA is working behind the scenes to undermine the president is ominous itself. That's bad. That's not what it's supposed to do. It's bad for the country.

BEGALA: It's wrong on both countries. First off, you're right actually about Colin Powell's speech, but he did express reservations about the war.

As for the CIA, no, the CIA's actual mandate says to advise policy makers plural, not just the president of the United States, and we ought to have a government of laws, and not of men. That is to say, if they think something is wrong, they have a duty and obligation to say so.

You know, general officers in the military, generals and admirals, have an obligation under the law to disagree with the commander in chief in public before Congress if they think the national security policy is wrong. I think people in the CIA, who do the same thing, are patriots and they are serving their country by trying to keep us out of a disastrous war.

COOPER: Spoken like a true Democrat. Paul Begala, thanks. Tucker Carlson, thanks.

CARLSON: Thanks.


COOPER: Two perspectives.

Well, today the public got their first chance to visit the Clinton presidential library. A woman from Florida was one of the first. She said people were especially interested in exhibits of the first family together. That's really not too surprising when you think about it. Bill Clinton's personal life has fascinated people for years, but tonight in "Raw Politics," an interesting glimpse of what he thinks about his personal life's impact on his legacy.


COOPER (voice-over): This is what President Bill Clinton would like to be remembered for, and this too. And even possibly this.

But don't talk to him about that.

BILL CLINTON, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I did not have sexual relations with that woman.

COOPER: When ABC's Peter Jennings suggested that historians partly viewed him as a president with low morals, Bill Clinton got really testy.

CLINTON: And I will go to my grave being at peace about it, and I don't really care what they think.

PETER JENNINGS, ABC NEWS: Oh, yes, you do.

CLINTON: They have no idea...

JENNINGS: No, excuse me, Mr. President, you can't -- I can feel it across the room.

CLINTON: No, no, I care...

JENNINGS: You feel it very deeply.

CLINTON: You don't want to go here, Peter. You don't want to go here. Not after what you people did, and the way you, your network, what you did with Kenneth Starr, the way your people repeated every little sleazy thing he leaked. No one has any idea what that's like. That's where I failed. You want to know where I failed? I really let it -- it hurt me.

COOPER: Bill Clinton is certainly not the first president to try to spin his legacy. Take Richard Nixon, who spent years trying to reframe his tenure in the aftermath of his resignation, or Jimmy Carter, who once out of office, went to great lengths to morph into a world peacemaker.

WILLIAM SCHNEIDER, CNN SR. POLITICAL ANALYST: In the end, historians respect presidents who got the job done, who were successful, who put together political coalitions that lasted. Getting the job done is the first priority. If you keep thinking about your legacy, it is going to distract you.

COOPER: Will history look kindly on Bill Clinton? It's probably too early to tell, but that may be why, like other recent former presidents, he's been so keen to set up his own library, perhaps hoping it might help cast a flattering light on his legacy of "Raw Politics."


COOPER: Coming up next on 360, why some sex research is still taboo? With the movie "Kinsey" opening in theaters, we look at why some are saying the research in sex should be off-limits.

Also tonight, young at all costs. The reality and the price tag behind the pursuit of youthful perfection.

And also ahead, newscaster naked? Details skimpy, but as we take TV sweeps gimmicks "Inside the Box."

And in a moment, today's 360 challenge. How closely have you been following today's news? Find out next.



LIAM NEESON, ACTOR: Who can tell me which part of the human body can enlarge 100 times? Miss?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm sure I don't know. And you have no right to ask me such a question in a mixed class.

NEESON: I was referring to the pupil of your eye, young lady. And I think I should tell you you're in for a terrible disappointment.


COOPER: I have no idea what he meant. For a bookish bow tie wearing academic, Alfred Kinsey sure knew a lot about sex. And at a time when the subject in America was strictly taboo.

His frank eye-opening research helped usher in a sexual revolution. And 50-years later, Hollywood is finally putting the story on film. Now Kinsey opens nationwide tonight. And it reminded us that his legacy remains really controversial. In fact, one TV station in New York announced today that it is refusing to air the promotion for the movie. CNN medical correspondent Elizabeth Cohen has more in the "Weekender."

(BEGIN VIDEOTAPE ELIZABETH COHEN, CNN MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: In the 1950s, Lucy and Ricki slept in separate beds. In the 1960s, Rob and Laura slept in separate beds. But now it's sex, sex, sex on a bed, in the water, on a swing, boy and girl, man and man. It seems nothing is out of bounds.

And sex researcher Alfred Kinsey can take some of credit for that. The new movie about Kinsey's life tells the story about this Indiana University researcher who helped get prudish America to start talking about sex.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There was no Dr. Phil, there was no Dr. Ruth no one had ever talked about these things before.

COHEN: Kinsey's work shocked 1950s America. He reported that half of all women had premarital sex. He tallied up how many masturbated, how many engaged in gay sex, acts people dared not even mention, let alone catalogue at that time.

Groups like the Family Research Council say Kinsey's books laid the groundwork for decades of social problems.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have him to thank, or rather to blame, in large part for the explosion of premarital sex, extramarital sex, unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, a whole range of pathologies.

COHEN: Others say his work was liberating.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There was a sense that maybe I'm not so odd or not so different. Maybe, you know, I'm OK.

COHEN: Kinsey died in 1956, but his institute remains today. And those who run it say even though much has changed in the past half-century, much has stayed the same.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think it's ironic that we're all bombarded with section images daily, and yet we still can't have serious conversations about sex.

COHEN: Researchers call for more sex education in schools. And they say it wasn't Kinsey who created these behaviors, he just made public what people were already doing in private. And that, by itself, was something of a sexual revolution. Elizabeth Cohen, CNN, Atlanta.


COOPER: Joining me from Los Angeles for more on Kinsey and the state of sex in America today is addiction specialist Dr. Drew Pinsky.

Dr. Drew, good too see you. Thanks for being with us.


COOPER: There's still a lot of discomfort when it comes to sex and sex research. Why do you think that is?

PINSKY: Well, you know, it's one of the things that reminds us about our evolutionary heritage. It's the one thing that really, sort of bestial that we do regularly. We have to eat, we have to reproduce, and it's hard to look at it. It doesn't fit with our sense of ourselves as a rational being. And naturally enough, we're kind of uncomfortable with that.

You got to realize, though, we live in a day and age when the biological and clinical examination of sexual behaviors, of sexual responsiveness is something that's pretty much mainstream right now. I mean, look, we live in a time when former presidential candidates are espousing the use of erectile dysfunction medication during prime- time. I mean, that's the result of biological research.

COOPER: Are there still areas of sex study, or sexual research that are still taboo?

PINSKY: You know, I think -- it's all uncomfortable. I don't know that it's taboo as long as it's done with scientific objectivity. The reality thought is, we need to look more at less of the biological and more of the emotional/spiritual aspects of sexuality, and that's something I think people are anxious to see move forward.

COOPER: You're well-known for the radio talk show that you started, sex talk show that you started in 1983. That was long before most people were even talking about this publicly.

PINSKY: Wow, where did you get that footage? That's about 1988 there, amazing.

COOPER: Yes. We like to dredge up old things.

PINSKY: I don't even have gray hair anymore. It was a lot different back then. In fact, I'll tell you why I started it. It was an accident that I started talking about this. It was 1983. And actually what I was encountering was unrestrained sexual activity and I was getting on the radio saying hey, people -- I knew what young people were doing and no one was talking to them. I said, you know, there's this thing called -- we hadn't even coined the term HIV, yet, but I knew that AIDS, we were calling it GRIDS, then, was coming. And I thought, we really have to look at the biological reality.

And you know, I know that Kinsey is getting blamed for a lot of behaviors we're seeing today, but the reality is we had antibiotics that made STDs no longer life-threatening, we had hormonal contraceptives that allowed people to get control over their reproductive capacities and that is really what unleashed these behaviors. And we're still trying to come to terms with what that means to us as human beings.

COOPER: You know, we like to look at things from all sides in this program. So I want to bring up sort of an alternative view on this. A lot of people worry that by studying certain sexual behaviors, we in fact, legitimatize them. I think the director of marriage and family studies for the Family Research Council, he said this. I'm going to quote it and put it on the screen.

"We know the formula for sexual health, which is sex within a monogamous life-long relationship. Studying permutations of it is an effort to change the sexual mores of the society, so that what most people consider deviant behaviors look more normal."

How do you respond to that?

PINSKY: I respond by saying, look, the idea in studies sexuality is to try to decide what's healthy. And it's not to try to encourage anything deviant. We're looking at the pathology, what is pathological and what is not and how to encourage people and promote sexual health. It's really about health versus not health. Not about deviancy versus no deviance, or encouraging deviancy. I think that's kind of silly.

We're trying to use scientific objectivity to look at the human experience. I think what we need to do, though, is look more at the emotional/spiritual aspects of it, because sex has become like a drug now in our society. Sex is just something people used to release and get arousal and to regulate their feeling states, when in fact it is something that really is meant in a healthy matter to grow out of an intimate relationship.

COOPER: Well, I think a lot of that may have to do with the growth of porn in America, but that's another subject, another time. Dr. Drew Pinsky, thanks for joining us.

PINSKY: Thank you.

COOPER: 360 next, eternal youth: young at all costs. A little high-tech deception can give celebrities the that look they want. The question is, is it right for you? We'll take a look.

Also tonight, this just in, a naked anchor on the nightly news. Ah, yes, it must be sweeps month. We'll take a look at that Inside the Box.


COOPER: Have you ever read those glossy magazines and ask yourself how do models and celebrities who should be aging just like everyone else remain looking so young for so long? Of course, they have tons of money and time, and they spend it on surgery, and exercise, and who are we kidding? More surgery.

But if you read those magazines wishing you could look that good, here's a secret -- they don't even look that good. They got a lot of help from the people behind the lens. CNN's Adaora Udoji takes a look as we conclude our special series "Eternal Youth."


ADAORA UDOJI, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Youthful beauty all around -- tall, thin and flawless. But not always natural, often created at cutting edge studios like New York City's Duggal. BOB SERPE, DUGGAL: We are changing quite a bit here. Your lips, your hair, your eyes, your shirt, and of course the cosmetic retouching on your face.

UDOJI: Using rapidly evolving technology, Bob Serpe took years off this reporter's face in just eight minutes. He's done it 10 years for movie stars, musicians, politicians, you name it. He's made them all look good for a price.

(on camera): Is anybody really perfect?

SERPE: No, but perfection sells, and imperfection is not going to sell.

UDOJI (voice-over): Heeding the message Americans are pursuing youthful perfection in record numbers, spending $42 billion a year on plastic surgery and antiaging products, says the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.

Author Jean Kilbourne says it fuels unrealistic expectations, especially for girls.

JEAN KILBOURNE, AUTHOR, "CAN'T BUY MY LOVE": There's enormous pressure on girls these days, starting very, very early, to achieve this absolutely impossible ideal, and to feel ashamed and guilty when they fail.

UDOJI: The reality is, even some celebrities, like Jamie Lee Curtis say, they can't live up to the image. She boldly made the point baring a soft belly and thighs in "More" magazine," the before picture.

Then the after. That's after professional makeup, hair, and the picture retouched.

JAMIE LEE CURTIS, ACTRESS: Understand that I, too, am just a regular person.

UDOJI: Still today, technology can create ever more seemingly realistic images that regular people will never match.

Adaora Udoji, CNN, New York.


COOPER: I'm actually 86.

That's what's happening on the newsstands. Have you noticed what's happened lately on your TV? You must have noticed. Shows have become a bit more intense this past month, with big stars, big thrills, and plenty of skin. Why? Well, it's that time of the year again when newscasters tell us that just about everything we eat or drink is probably filthy or lethal, and there are cures to almost anything, including ways to, well, stay young. Hmm, wait a minute.

It's the November sweeps period, a time when broadcast networks get a little crazy "Inside the Box."


COOPER (voice-over): Oh, no, tornadoes are turning Vegas upside down, Chicago is being shredded by a huge hurricane. Don't worry, it's not real. It's just November sweeps.

Sweeps, in case you don't know, are four months each year when local television stations use the ratings to set rates for commercial time. So they try to pump up the numbers, and the networks are happy to help.

How do they do it? Well, there's superstar stunt casting. Think Ray Liotta on "ER," or Alec Baldwin on "Las Vegas."

Then, of course, there are those very special episodes, like the perfectly timed return of "The O.C."

Some networks try to meander down memory lane.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's the "Dallas" reunion.

COOPER: I mean, who wouldn't want to catch up with the cast of "Dallas" 20 years on?

But for pure rating chutzpa, you can't beat local news. They get down and dirty to bring home the big Nielsen numbers. In Minneapolis this month, one station got up close and personal with hungry pigs. They were devouring leftover gourmet grub from the Mall of America. Hmm, grub.

They also chased down bogus builders and bad teachers. Another station took a trip to hooker alley, and still another uncovered UFOs.

But the 360 award for best, boldest, baddest sweeps stunt has got to go to Cleveland news anchor Sharon Reed. She reported on an art exhibit, stark naked. And no great surprise, it worked. The newscast received its highest rating ever.

The down side, besides the potential loss of Reed's credibility is the FCC wants to fine CBS, the station's parent network, more than half a million dollars. Which is really kind of a bargain when you consider that's what they paid for just a glimpse of Janet Jackson's breast.

So if you wonder why the Donald dumps an extra apprentice...


COOPER: ... or the "Desperate Housewives" are acting a bit more, well, desperate, take a look at the calendar. It must be sweeps month "Inside the Box."


COOPER: It's almost over. 360 next, some good news to send you into the weekend. If you're feeling old, maybe tired, believe me, it's nothing like it used to be. We'll take longevity to "The Nth Degree."

And on Monday, 41 years after the assassination of John F. Kennedy, we explore the conspiracy theories that continue to linger.

And here's a 360 challenge. Another look at tonight's questions. If you know news, log on to, click on the answer link to play.


COOPER: The answers to today's 360 challenge.

No. 1, the APEC summit meeting is being held in what South American city? Santiago.

Massachusetts woman who confessed to killing her husband 14 years ago stored his body in what? A freezer.

And the latest lawsuit filed against Michael Jackson accuses him of owing money for what? Antiques.

First person to answer all three correctly will be sent a shirt. Tune in tomorrow to find out if you're the one.

Last night's winner -- Chris Wulff of Ocala, Florida. Another 360 challenge, another chance to win on Monday.

Tonight, taking long life to "The Nth Degree.

We've spent a few minutes every night this week mulling over one facet or another of the great American quest for longevity. Do you mind the last thought on the subject? It's this: In a whole lot of ways, that quest has already been a success. No kidding.

Do you know what this number is? 47.3. It represents the life expectancy of the average American born in the year 1900.

Now, during the Roman Empire, the average lifetime was less than half that, 22 years. Hey, back in that day, you'd be middle-aged at 11, a geezer ready to head south with your gulf clubs at 19. By imperial Roman standards, at my current age, 37, I would be a tourist attraction, a grizzled ancient gray beard as old as (UNINTELLIGIBLE).

Do you remember the last of Shakespeare's seven ages of man? Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything? He may have been talking about a decrepit wretch of 32 or 33.

It's Friday. Just thought we'd remind you how much better off we are than we've ever been before.

Have a good weekend. Thanks for watching. Coming up next, "PAULA ZAHN NOW."


Aired November 19, 2004 - 19:00   ET
ANDERSON COOPER, HOST: Good evening. I'm Anderson Cooper in New York.
President Bush lands just moments ago in Santiago, Chile, for his first meeting with world leaders. But protesters meet him at the airport.

360 starts now.

Police beat down protesters as President Bush makes his first international trip since reelection.

Don't go there, Pete. Why did Bill Clinton lash out at Peter Jennings?

A mother's deathbed confession leads to a gruesome discovery, a murdered man found in a freezer.

They call him the butcher of South Beach, a Florida man arrested for performing sickening surgery on unwitting patients.

The controversial film "Kinsey" opens nationwide. Tonight, why some sex research is still taboo.

Naked newscaster, day of destruction, just how far will TV networks go to lure you in?

And searching for eternal youth. What superstar celebrities do to get the perfect face.

ANNOUNCER: Live from the CNN Broadcast Center in New York, this is ANDERSON COOPER 360.

COOPER: Well, good evening again.

President Bush has just landed in Santiago, Chile. Now, it's the first time the president has left the country since his reelection. That's the plane landing just a short time ago.

All day long, his reception committee has been, well, very vocal. Tens of thousands of protesters earlier today took to the streets in Santiago, and as you see, so did the police. Some signs called the president a murderer because of the war in Iraq. Others were there protesting economic globalization. The president is attending the APEC summit meeting of Asian and Pacific powers. And as we said, he just touched down a short time ago.

CNN's senior White House correspondent, John King, is already there.


JOHN KING, CNN SENIOR WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The president's first postelection international trip comes as the White House talks of staying the course, but even some allies say, with the new term should also come a new approach.

The top White House goal at the annual Asian Pacific summit in Chile this year, a unified front in the nuclear showdown with North Korea.

But Mr. Bush's partners in the so-called six-party talks -- China, Japan, South Korea, and Russia -- all to varying degrees suggest North Korea isn't the only obstacle to progress, and that Mr. Bush could offer security and other incentives.

LEE HAMILTON, WOODROW RESEARCH CENTER: All of them are urging the United States to get off the dime here and move forward on negotiations.

KING: APEC is an economic club by name, known for its colorful class photos. Security has dominated the agenda in recent years, especially since the 9/11 attacks. But some leaders want to refocus on pocketbook issues and put their stamp on Mr. Bush's second-term agenda.

AMB. WENDY SHERMAN, FORMER STATE DEPARTMENT COUNSELOR: We're going to see leaders turn to the American president and say, What about your budget deficit? What about the weak dollar? What about rising oil prices in the world?

KING: These summits are largely scripted, but will give Mr. Bush his first opportunity since winning reelection to meet face to face with many of his peers, including a few favorites. Japan's Koizumi, for example, was a staple of the Bush campaign speech.

GEORGE W. BUSH, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I didn't tell him I was going to tell you that Elvis is his favorite singer.

KING: Russia's Putin publicly endorsed a second Bush term, but Mr. Bush prefers to call the Russian leader Vladimir. But Moscow's announcement of a new nuclear weapon has some thinking it is past time for Mr. Bush to turn tougher with a leader critics say has turned too autocratic.

SHERMAN: The Bush administration has going to have to take the gloves off a little bit, and be a little more head-on about where President Putin is leading his country... KING: Mr. Bush is the focal point of summit protests, anger over the Iraq War adding to the more familiar APEC demonstrations, complaining global trade exploits the poor and the environment.


KING: But despite that anti-American sentiment on the street, White House officials say Mr. Bush comes here quite confident, fresh from what he views as a reelection mandate to pursue his policies and hopeful there can be progress on North Korea and other long-stalled issues now that other leaders know, like it or not, they'll be dealing with him for four more years, Anderson.

COOPER: John King in Santiago. Thanks, John.

I think I misspoke a moment ago. Protests, of course, took place earlier today. I did not mean to say that they had also taken place at the airport when the president arrived.

In Iraq, one military officer, speaking about the fighting in Falluja, told "The New York Times" today, quote, "We've broken the back of the insurgency."

Not everyone, however, is so optimistic. From a military standpoint, the fight has been won. In the process, however, a great many lives, and clearly also some hearts, may have been lost.

CNN's senior international correspondent Nic Robertson reports.


NIC ROBERTSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice- over): Among the dead of Falluja, the living look for loved ones, prayers offered as relatives find and commit their kin for burial, the living encouraged to continue the fight against Americans.

Inside Sunni mosques across Baghdad, the human cost of the Falluja offensive was publicly weighed during holy day prayers.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (through translator): What has happened has made our hearts bleed and filled our eyes with tears.

ROBERTSON: Strident anti-American sermons, characterizing the price clerics say should be paid.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): God take on Americans, God destroy their camps, God shake the ground under their feet, God make their children orphans, God make their wives widows.

ROBERTSON: Outside Baghdad's Abu Hanifa (ph) mosque, in an area long a bastion of Sunni resentment of U.S. forces, Iraqi national guard and U.S. troops clashed with Friday prayer-goers. Two Iraqis were killed and seven wounded, as, according to eyewitnesses, worshipers believe the mosque's preacher and two of his deputies were to be arrested. In the east of the city, within hours of the week's main prayers ending, killings resumed, five police killed as a suicide bomber plowed his explosive-laden Mercedes into their checkpoint.


COOPER: And Nic Robertson joins us now live from Baghdad.

Nic, seeing that sermon, how often does that occur? I mean, how common is it for an imam from inside the mosque to be preaching to kill Americans?

ROBERTSON: It's very reminiscent in some ways of listening to the preachers under Saddam Hussein. But it's very, it's been very strong today, noticeably strong. The prayer services going on much longer, much louder, coming out from the speakers in the mosques. And in the Sunni mosques, because many of the people who live in Falluja are Sunnis, the Sunni mosques in Baghdad, the preachers there have been very strong in their calls for attacks against the United States and for against U.S. troops.

Indeed, the government here just in the last few days arrested some imams in mosques in Mosul for doing something very similar.

COOPER: All right. We'll see what reaction there is to that. Nic Robertson, thanks very much, live from Baghdad.

Last night around this time, we turned to national security correspondent David Ensor for a report on some disturbing things that Secretary of State Colin Powell had to say about Iran's nuclear weapons program.

Well, again tonight, we turn to David Ensor, this time for a report on the questions now being asked about who told Mr. Powell what and why, and whether it's true.


DAVID ENSOR, CNN NATIONAL SECURITY CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Knowledgeable sources tell CNN there are questions about the reliability of the intelligence on Iran's nuclear program that Secretary of State Powell spoke of, but at the State Department, there is no backing down.

ADAM EMELI, STATE DEPARTMENT SPOKESMAN: The secretary did not misspeak. The secretary knows exactly what he was talking about.

COLIN POWELL, SECRETARY OF STATE: And I've seen some information, and the dissidents have put out more information, that suggests that the Iranians are also working on designs one would have to have for putting such a warhead into a missile.

ENSOR: The likely missile in question, a Shahab-3, tested in October by Iran.

U.S. officials are angered by a "Washington Post" article saying Powell's information came from an unvetted single source, a walk-in with more than 1,00 pages of Iranian drawings and technical documents, including a nuclear warhead design and modifications to enable Iranian ballistic missiles to deliver an atomic strike.

KENNETH POLLACK, BROOKINGS INSTITUTION: It makes collecting against Iran, it makes protecting this source, and it makes recruiting other sources infinitely harder, and this is a hard enough topic as it is.

ENSOR: The questions about Powell's comments on intelligence evoked memories of his testimony of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq at the U.N. before the war, weapons that have not been found.

The questions came after an Iranian opposition group, whose supporters demonstrated in Washington Friday, offered evidence, it said, that Iran is working on nuclear weapons at a newly discovered site, something Tehran hotly denies.


ENSOR: But Iran too is not helping matters. Western diplomats in Vienna Friday say that Iran is rushing to convert some yellowcake into uranium hexafluoride, used in making both nuclear power and nuclear bombs, prior to Monday, which is the day that Iran has promised it will suspend enrichment activities, Anderson.

COOPER: All right, David Ensor, thanks from Washington.

Condoleezza Rice underwent surgery. And that story tops our look at news cross-country.

In Washington, doctors say Rice is expected to be out of the hospital tomorrow, back on the job Monday, after successful surgery for noncancerous uterine fibroids.

In Los Angeles, another day, another lawsuit for Michael Jackson. Yes, there's another one. Now accused of not paying a nearly $180,000 bill for antiques. It's the second lawsuit for the pop singer this week. Tuesday, a former business associate and former porn producer sued Jackson for more than $3 million in loans and producing fees.

Lafayette, Georgia, now, a crematory operator pleads guilty to dumping 334 bodies that he was paid to cremate. There he is. Ray Brent Marsh, he gave the families cement dust instead of ashes. Today in court he apologized. Under the plea deal, Marsh will serve no more than 12 years behind bars.

Lake Ronkonkoma, New York, five teens arrested, accused of hurling a turkey at a car. Unbelievable. The 20-pound turkey smashed the windshield, hitting the driver, who has been hospitalized in critical condition with massive injuries to her face. Police say the teens allegedly stole a credit card to buy the turkey at a supermarket.

That's a look at stories right now cross-country. 360 next, a man they call the butcher of South Beach. A fake plastic surgeon busted in Florida after allegedly giving a male bodybuilder female breasts. How creepy is that?

Plus, Bill Clinton's tough words for the media as he tries to shape his legacy. That is definitely "raw politics.

Also tonight, Dr. Kinsey's sexual revolution, now a movie. How Americans have changed since he broke through the silence decades ago. Dr. Drew Pinsky joins us live.

All that ahead. First, let's take a look at your picks, the most popular stories right now on


COOPER: In Florida, a man accused of pretending to be a plastic surgeon filed a not-guilty plea in court today. Now, his operating room was in Miami Beach, which is certainly a city where people want to look good, and they go to great lengths to do so. But police say what this man's patients got was not treatment, it was torture.

CNN's John Zarrella reports.


JOHN ZARRELLA, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It's a medical procedure that brings new meaning to the word malpractice. Police say the plastic surgeon in this video, Renaldo Silvestri (ph), was only pretending to be a doctor. He gave the patient, a bodybuilder seeking a more muscular chest, tranquilizers meant for animals. And his choice of medical instrument? A kitchen spatula.

SPENCER ARONFIIELD, PATIENT'S ATTORNEY: When Mr. Bias (ph) finally woke up from this procedure, he had two full female breasts, and had to walk around that way for several months, until finally the female breasts could be removed.

ZARRELLA: Five years ago, allegations of Frankenstein-like surgeries by Silvestri rocked beauty-fixated Miami Beach. It wasn't that he was a bad doctor. Police say he wasn't a doctor at all. Police think Silvestri came from Cuba about a decade ago, and they think he may have served as a nurse in the Cuban army.

Before he could face trial, Silvestri disappeared. A tip led investigators to Central America, where they say he set up shop again.

ED MORENO, BUREAU OF DIPLOMATIC SECURITY: Mr. Silvestri was, in fact, practicing medicine in Belize, and also teaching at a local university medical, to medical students.

ZARRELLA: Police arrested Silvestri in Belize, training medical students how to pass U.S. medical entrance exams.

Extradited, he now awaits trial on charges of assault and practicing medicine without a license. For Miledi Pimienta, who says Silvestri mangled her breast implant operation, the emotional scars and desire to get even are still fresh.

MILEDI PIMIENTA, FORMER PATIENT (through translator): Personally, I'd love to give him breast implants.

ZARRELLA: Information about doctors is readily available with a quick call to a state hotline. Investigators say Silvestri's patients could have avoided the pain if they had only checked.

John Zarrella, CNN, Miami.


COOPER: Unbelievable.

Well, tonight, there is possibly some good news out of Sudan. And that is not a sentence I get to say very often.

Let's scan the globe in the uplink.

Nairobi, Kenya, a peace deal at a special meeting of the U.N. Security Council, the Sudanese government and rebel forces have signed a pledge for peace to end 21 years of civil war. It's hard to imagine, 21 years of war. Nearly 2 million people have died, mostly due to hunger and disease. The U.N. has called it the world's worst humanitarian crisis. Washington calls it genocide. Let's remember, peace on paper is one thing. Let's see what actually happens on the ground.

Paris, France, now, what exactly killed Yasser Arafat? There's a lot of speculation swirling around. We may soon know. Arafat's wife picked up his medical records and is deciding whether to release the information. Of course, that may mean we'll also perhaps never know. A week ago, Arafat, of course, was buried at his Ramallah compound.

Kabul, Afghanistan, now, the opium capital of the world. The U.N. says that Afghan opium cultivation has set a global record. Get this, it's up 64 percent this year. Afghanistan now produces 87 percent of the world's heroin, a business worth almost $3 billion a year.

And that's a quick look at the uplink.

360 next, it's like something out of a TV-movie, a mother on her deathbed makes a startling confession. But this is not a Hallmark moment. She confesses she's a killer and points police to a duct- taped freezer where her missing husband is stored.

Also tonight, President Bush picking party faithful for top posts, but is he just surrounding himself with yes-men and -women? Paul Begala and Tucker Carlson go 360 in the "CROSSFIRE."

And a little later, why did a news anchor strip? Could it be sweeps week? Tonight, we salute the tackiest and tawdriest sweep stunts ever. You won't believe some of the stuff.

And in a moment, today's 360 challenge. How closely have been following today's news? We'll find out.


COOPER: You know, in movies, deathbed confessions are teary-eyed affairs where parents who've been estranged from their kids tell them how much they've loved them all these years. That, of course, is the Hallmark version.

But from Somerville, Massachusetts, tonight, a deathbed confession of a very different kind. A woman in the last days of her life revealed that she was a murderer, and she told her stunned kids exactly where the body of their father was hidden.

CNN's Dan Lothian investigates.


DAN LOTHIAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The deathbed confession led authorities to this 400-unit storage facility in the Boston suburb of Somerville, and the discovery of an unplugged freezer sealed with duct tape, reeking from what was inside, a mummified body.

MARTHA COAKLEY, DISTRICT ATTORNEY: It was inside garbage bags. IT was also, within those garbage bags, wrapped in several layers of blanket and plastic, and had been tied.

LOTHIAN: Fifty-four-year-old Geraldine Kelly (ph), who lived in this building, confessed to her daughter just before dying of breast cancer last week, admitting to murdering her husband, John Kelly, about 14 years ago in California. Authorities say she shot him once in the head, stuffed his body in a freezer, then shipped it here after moving East six years ago.

COAKLEY: She believed she was a victim of domestic violence. And whether that's accurate, we just have no idea at this time.

LOTHIAN: This man, who frequently delivers packages to the storage facility, is shocked.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's crazy, it's nuts. Never seen anything like it.

LOTHIAN: In a statement, attorneys for Kelly's two adult children said in their late teens, they had become estranged from their parents, and several years later had been deceived by a lie that their father had been killed in a car accident and was buried in another state.

Geraldine's former bosses at this California motel, who also heard the tale of the accident, are stunned to learn the grim truth.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We just looked at each other and thought, Oh, my gosh, we couldn't believe that this could happen. LOTHIAN (on camera): An investigation is now under way to determine if Kelly had any help in her effort to store the body.

Dan Lothian, CNN, Boston.


COOPER: Just a bizarre case.

Martha Coakley is the district attorney for Middlesex County in Massachusetts investigating the deathbed confession. She joined me earlier from Watertown.

When you found the body, I mean, it was, it was in a locked refrigerator, I guess, with duct tape around it, but it wasn't plugged in. It wasn't a cold refrigerator.

COAKLEY: It wasn't, it hasn't been since 1998, but I'll note that when the medical examiners opened the wrapping, the body was very tightly wrapped in several layers of blanket and plastic. It had been really hermetically sealed, so that it was still in one piece, and there were -- we were able, for instance, to identify him partially from tattoos that we could still identify on his shoulder and arms.

COOPER: So, I mean, without getting too sort of "CSI" on you, the body was really mummified.

COAKLEY: Correct.

COOPER: What do you, what do we now know about what happened to this man?

COAKLEY: What we know is that, and what we believe is that he was killed by gunshot, one bullet to the back of his head, probably in 1991 or '92. His wife, who we believe fired that shot, indicated to her children that he had died in a car accident in Las Vegas. They had no reason to doubt that.

COOPER: Geraldine Kelly, her sister, she claimed she was a victim of domestic abuse, of domestic violence. Do you have any evidence to support that?

COAKLEY: Well, that's consistent with what the children had told us. We understand from them that in the late '80s, they, in fact, moved out of the household partly because of domestic violence reasons. We have no reason to doubt that there was a domestic violence situation between Geraldine Kelly, now deceased, and her husband, John.

COOPER: Do you know where the body was stored before it got put into self-storage?

COAKLEY: We don't. And that's part of the investigation. We're working with California authorities out of Ventura County, trying to track down that very piece of information. COOPER: I read a quote from the man who owns the plant at self- storage, where the body was found. He said, quote, "It's not every day that they find a dead body in one of my storage facilities. It just doesn't happen on a regular basis." That's sort of understatement of the year, I would think.

COAKLEY: It's a little bit of an understatement. I can't think of the last time we found a dead body in that storage facility.

COOPER: Deathbed confessions is this kind of thing you see in movies. How common is it, in your experience?

COAKLEY: That piece of it is pretty uncommon, in addition to the length of a body that's been hidden, and then a disclosure. It is -- I can't think of a recent case that has all of these characteristics in it.

COOPER: What do you still want to know that you don't know right now?

COAKLEY: Well, we certainly would like to know exactly when it occurred. Was there any assistance provided to Geraldine Kelly at the time? We've noted, obviously, taking a dead body by one person is always difficult, so there are those questions. But they may be for California, if that's where the jurisdiction lies.

We certainly want to pin down all the facts, and just determine how this occurred, but I think as a practical matter, we're fairly convinced that we know who killed John Kelly, and now we know how he died.

COOPER: Martha Coakley, appreciate you joining us. Thanks.

COAKLEY: Thank you.

COOPER: Don't go there, Pete. Why did Bill Clinton lash out at Peter Jennings?

The controversial film "Kinsey" opens nationwide. Tonight, why some sex research is still taboo.

And searching for eternal youth. What do superstar celebrities do to get the perfect face?

360 continues.


COOPER: In the next half hour on 360, President Bush's cabinet, is it becoming an echo chamber? He's picking the party faithful for top posts, but is he losing out on critical voices? We go 360 into the "CROSSFIRE" with Paul Begala and Tucker Carlson.

First, tonight's reset.

President Bush is in Chile. He arrived there just a short time ago for the 21-nation APEC summit this weekend. The summit will cover numerous issues, including the trade, the U.S. deficit, global security, and the North Korean nuclear threat. It's the president's first international trip since winning reelection.

At the U.N., a U.S.-led campaign to ban all cloning of human embryos was rejected today. The assembly has been divided on the issue, since it also pertains to stem cell research. It's considering an Italian declaration that's been called a compromise. The U.S. State Department says it is pleased the U.N. did not issue an endorsement of cloning.

In London, England, Prince William says he'd be willing to fight. The prince has told the British media that he'd be -- he'd want to be on the frontline if he were to serve in the British army, but he's not sure whether he will sign up. William's younger brother Harry will enroll at a military academy next year.

That's a quick look at our top stories.

You know, there was talk in the days following the election of reaching across the political aisle to bring Democrats into cabinet positions. And that may still happen. But so far, President Bush's announced picks are loyal aides. And some Democrats are concerned the new cabinet may resemble an echo chamber, where plenty of people say yes and no one says no.

Two perspectives tonight. I spoke earlier with "CROSSFIRE" hosts Paul Begala and Tucker Carlson.


COOPER: Tucker, I want to read something that former White House adviser David Gergen wrote in today's "New York Times." He says, quote: "In Mr. Bush's case, his administration has already shown ominous signs of groupthink in its handling of Iraq and the nation's finances. By closing down dissent and centralizing power in a few hands, he is acting as if he truly believes that he and his team have a perfect track record, that they know best and that they don't need any infusion of new heavyweights."

Do you think it's a dangerous strategy at this point to centralize power, to surround yourself with old allies too much?

TUCKER CARLSON, CO-HOST, "CROSSFIRE": Yeah, I mean, I think, you know, Gergen has a point. It is an administration that doesn't care for dissent. I mean, that's absolutely undeniably true. However, it's not necessarily good to have too much dissent, at least publicly.

I mean, let me give you an example I'm thinking of. The argument, the ongoing really war between the Department of Defense and the State Department that spread over the last four years probably wasn't good for the administration or for the country. It didn't resolve anything. The State Department lost, we went to war in Iraq anyway, and it probably made the executive branch less effective in, for instance, managing the occupation of Iraq. So look, the administration knows what it thinks, you can agree or disagree, but they can't be really criticized for hoping to implement their ideas in the most effective way, which is what they're trying to do.

COOPER: Paul, what about that? I mean, is it wrong to form a closely knit team?

PAUL BEGALA, CO-HOST, "CROSSFIRE": Look, the president has a perfect right after winning an election to put together whatever team he wants.

What I think is noteworthy is look at -- on the national security side -- the people who are leaving. They were the people who were more right than wrong about Iraq. Secretary Powell at State Department had grave reservations. He's leaving. Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld, at the Defense Department, they thought it was going to be a cakewalk, they're staying.

Over at the CIA, a lot of professional analysts and operatives there who were trying to warn the president about Iraq are being purged by this very political CIA director the president has put in there, Porter Goss, a former congressman, who 108 years ago served for five minutes in the CIA, and he's using that as a club really to drive out dissent.

So I think that's more a problem, is that there is a track record. Some people were right about the war, some were wrong. The ones who were right are getting fired.

CARLSON: And just for the sake of the historical record, if I can just correct a couple of things that Paul just said. For one thing, more than any other person, apart from George W. Bush himself, Colin Powell is responsible for us going to war in Iraq. His U.N. speech right before the war was absolutely crucial to the war effort. So look, if you're for the war, you're pleased with what Colin Powell did. If you're against the war, you're pretty angry at him, just for the record.

Second, the purpose of the -- the only purpose of the Central Intelligence Agency is to gather intelligence for the president. That's its job. That is its job, OK? That's its mandate. And so the idea that the CIA is working behind the scenes to undermine the president is ominous itself. That's bad. That's not what it's supposed to do. It's bad for the country.

BEGALA: It's wrong on both countries. First off, you're right actually about Colin Powell's speech, but he did express reservations about the war.

As for the CIA, no, the CIA's actual mandate says to advise policy makers plural, not just the president of the United States, and we ought to have a government of laws, and not of men. That is to say, if they think something is wrong, they have a duty and obligation to say so.

You know, general officers in the military, generals and admirals, have an obligation under the law to disagree with the commander in chief in public before Congress if they think the national security policy is wrong. I think people in the CIA, who do the same thing, are patriots and they are serving their country by trying to keep us out of a disastrous war.

COOPER: Spoken like a true Democrat. Paul Begala, thanks. Tucker Carlson, thanks.

CARLSON: Thanks.


COOPER: Two perspectives.

Well, today the public got their first chance to visit the Clinton presidential library. A woman from Florida was one of the first. She said people were especially interested in exhibits of the first family together. That's really not too surprising when you think about it. Bill Clinton's personal life has fascinated people for years, but tonight in "Raw Politics," an interesting glimpse of what he thinks about his personal life's impact on his legacy.


COOPER (voice-over): This is what President Bill Clinton would like to be remembered for, and this too. And even possibly this.

But don't talk to him about that.

BILL CLINTON, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I did not have sexual relations with that woman.

COOPER: When ABC's Peter Jennings suggested that historians partly viewed him as a president with low morals, Bill Clinton got really testy.

CLINTON: And I will go to my grave being at peace about it, and I don't really care what they think.

PETER JENNINGS, ABC NEWS: Oh, yes, you do.

CLINTON: They have no idea...

JENNINGS: No, excuse me, Mr. President, you can't -- I can feel it across the room.

CLINTON: No, no, I care...

JENNINGS: You feel it very deeply.

CLINTON: You don't want to go here, Peter. You don't want to go here. Not after what you people did, and the way you, your network, what you did with Kenneth Starr, the way your people repeated every little sleazy thing he leaked. No one has any idea what that's like. That's where I failed. You want to know where I failed? I really let it -- it hurt me.

COOPER: Bill Clinton is certainly not the first president to try to spin his legacy. Take Richard Nixon, who spent years trying to reframe his tenure in the aftermath of his resignation, or Jimmy Carter, who once out of office, went to great lengths to morph into a world peacemaker.

WILLIAM SCHNEIDER, CNN SR. POLITICAL ANALYST: In the end, historians respect presidents who got the job done, who were successful, who put together political coalitions that lasted. Getting the job done is the first priority. If you keep thinking about your legacy, it is going to distract you.

COOPER: Will history look kindly on Bill Clinton? It's probably too early to tell, but that may be why, like other recent former presidents, he's been so keen to set up his own library, perhaps hoping it might help cast a flattering light on his legacy of "Raw Politics."


COOPER: Coming up next on 360, why some sex research is still taboo? With the movie "Kinsey" opening in theaters, we look at why some are saying the research in sex should be off-limits.

Also tonight, young at all costs. The reality and the price tag behind the pursuit of youthful perfection.

And also ahead, newscaster naked? Details skimpy, but as we take TV sweeps gimmicks "Inside the Box."

And in a moment, today's 360 challenge. How closely have you been following today's news? Find out next.



LIAM NEESON, ACTOR: Who can tell me which part of the human body can enlarge 100 times? Miss?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm sure I don't know. And you have no right to ask me such a question in a mixed class.

NEESON: I was referring to the pupil of your eye, young lady. And I think I should tell you you're in for a terrible disappointment.


COOPER: I have no idea what he meant. For a bookish bow tie wearing academic, Alfred Kinsey sure knew a lot about sex. And at a time when the subject in America was strictly taboo.

His frank eye-opening research helped usher in a sexual revolution. And 50-years later, Hollywood is finally putting the story on film. Now Kinsey opens nationwide tonight. And it reminded us that his legacy remains really controversial. In fact, one TV station in New York announced today that it is refusing to air the promotion for the movie. CNN medical correspondent Elizabeth Cohen has more in the "Weekender."

(BEGIN VIDEOTAPE ELIZABETH COHEN, CNN MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: In the 1950s, Lucy and Ricki slept in separate beds. In the 1960s, Rob and Laura slept in separate beds. But now it's sex, sex, sex on a bed, in the water, on a swing, boy and girl, man and man. It seems nothing is out of bounds.

And sex researcher Alfred Kinsey can take some of credit for that. The new movie about Kinsey's life tells the story about this Indiana University researcher who helped get prudish America to start talking about sex.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There was no Dr. Phil, there was no Dr. Ruth no one had ever talked about these things before.

COHEN: Kinsey's work shocked 1950s America. He reported that half of all women had premarital sex. He tallied up how many masturbated, how many engaged in gay sex, acts people dared not even mention, let alone catalogue at that time.

Groups like the Family Research Council say Kinsey's books laid the groundwork for decades of social problems.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have him to thank, or rather to blame, in large part for the explosion of premarital sex, extramarital sex, unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, a whole range of pathologies.

COHEN: Others say his work was liberating.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There was a sense that maybe I'm not so odd or not so different. Maybe, you know, I'm OK.

COHEN: Kinsey died in 1956, but his institute remains today. And those who run it say even though much has changed in the past half-century, much has stayed the same.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think it's ironic that we're all bombarded with section images daily, and yet we still can't have serious conversations about sex.

COHEN: Researchers call for more sex education in schools. And they say it wasn't Kinsey who created these behaviors, he just made public what people were already doing in private. And that, by itself, was something of a sexual revolution. Elizabeth Cohen, CNN, Atlanta.


COOPER: Joining me from Los Angeles for more on Kinsey and the state of sex in America today is addiction specialist Dr. Drew Pinsky.

Dr. Drew, good too see you. Thanks for being with us.


COOPER: There's still a lot of discomfort when it comes to sex and sex research. Why do you think that is?

PINSKY: Well, you know, it's one of the things that reminds us about our evolutionary heritage. It's the one thing that really, sort of bestial that we do regularly. We have to eat, we have to reproduce, and it's hard to look at it. It doesn't fit with our sense of ourselves as a rational being. And naturally enough, we're kind of uncomfortable with that.

You got to realize, though, we live in a day and age when the biological and clinical examination of sexual behaviors, of sexual responsiveness is something that's pretty much mainstream right now. I mean, look, we live in a time when former presidential candidates are espousing the use of erectile dysfunction medication during prime- time. I mean, that's the result of biological research.

COOPER: Are there still areas of sex study, or sexual research that are still taboo?

PINSKY: You know, I think -- it's all uncomfortable. I don't know that it's taboo as long as it's done with scientific objectivity. The reality thought is, we need to look more at less of the biological and more of the emotional/spiritual aspects of sexuality, and that's something I think people are anxious to see move forward.

COOPER: You're well-known for the radio talk show that you started, sex talk show that you started in 1983. That was long before most people were even talking about this publicly.

PINSKY: Wow, where did you get that footage? That's about 1988 there, amazing.

COOPER: Yes. We like to dredge up old things.

PINSKY: I don't even have gray hair anymore. It was a lot different back then. In fact, I'll tell you why I started it. It was an accident that I started talking about this. It was 1983. And actually what I was encountering was unrestrained sexual activity and I was getting on the radio saying hey, people -- I knew what young people were doing and no one was talking to them. I said, you know, there's this thing called -- we hadn't even coined the term HIV, yet, but I knew that AIDS, we were calling it GRIDS, then, was coming. And I thought, we really have to look at the biological reality.

And you know, I know that Kinsey is getting blamed for a lot of behaviors we're seeing today, but the reality is we had antibiotics that made STDs no longer life-threatening, we had hormonal contraceptives that allowed people to get control over their reproductive capacities and that is really what unleashed these behaviors. And we're still trying to come to terms with what that means to us as human beings.

COOPER: You know, we like to look at things from all sides in this program. So I want to bring up sort of an alternative view on this. A lot of people worry that by studying certain sexual behaviors, we in fact, legitimatize them. I think the director of marriage and family studies for the Family Research Council, he said this. I'm going to quote it and put it on the screen.

"We know the formula for sexual health, which is sex within a monogamous life-long relationship. Studying permutations of it is an effort to change the sexual mores of the society, so that what most people consider deviant behaviors look more normal."

How do you respond to that?

PINSKY: I respond by saying, look, the idea in studies sexuality is to try to decide what's healthy. And it's not to try to encourage anything deviant. We're looking at the pathology, what is pathological and what is not and how to encourage people and promote sexual health. It's really about health versus not health. Not about deviancy versus no deviance, or encouraging deviancy. I think that's kind of silly.

We're trying to use scientific objectivity to look at the human experience. I think what we need to do, though, is look more at the emotional/spiritual aspects of it, because sex has become like a drug now in our society. Sex is just something people used to release and get arousal and to regulate their feeling states, when in fact it is something that really is meant in a healthy matter to grow out of an intimate relationship.

COOPER: Well, I think a lot of that may have to do with the growth of porn in America, but that's another subject, another time. Dr. Drew Pinsky, thanks for joining us.

PINSKY: Thank you.

COOPER: 360 next, eternal youth: young at all costs. A little high-tech deception can give celebrities the that look they want. The question is, is it right for you? We'll take a look.

Also tonight, this just in, a naked anchor on the nightly news. Ah, yes, it must be sweeps month. We'll take a look at that Inside the Box.


COOPER: Have you ever read those glossy magazines and ask yourself how do models and celebrities who should be aging just like everyone else remain looking so young for so long? Of course, they have tons of money and time, and they spend it on surgery, and exercise, and who are we kidding? More surgery.

But if you read those magazines wishing you could look that good, here's a secret -- they don't even look that good. They got a lot of help from the people behind the lens. CNN's Adaora Udoji takes a look as we conclude our special series "Eternal Youth."


ADAORA UDOJI, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Youthful beauty all around -- tall, thin and flawless. But not always natural, often created at cutting edge studios like New York City's Duggal. BOB SERPE, DUGGAL: We are changing quite a bit here. Your lips, your hair, your eyes, your shirt, and of course the cosmetic retouching on your face.

UDOJI: Using rapidly evolving technology, Bob Serpe took years off this reporter's face in just eight minutes. He's done it 10 years for movie stars, musicians, politicians, you name it. He's made them all look good for a price.

(on camera): Is anybody really perfect?

SERPE: No, but perfection sells, and imperfection is not going to sell.

UDOJI (voice-over): Heeding the message Americans are pursuing youthful perfection in record numbers, spending $42 billion a year on plastic surgery and antiaging products, says the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.

Author Jean Kilbourne says it fuels unrealistic expectations, especially for girls.

JEAN KILBOURNE, AUTHOR, "CAN'T BUY MY LOVE": There's enormous pressure on girls these days, starting very, very early, to achieve this absolutely impossible ideal, and to feel ashamed and guilty when they fail.

UDOJI: The reality is, even some celebrities, like Jamie Lee Curtis say, they can't live up to the image. She boldly made the point baring a soft belly and thighs in "More" magazine," the before picture.

Then the after. That's after professional makeup, hair, and the picture retouched.

JAMIE LEE CURTIS, ACTRESS: Understand that I, too, am just a regular person.

UDOJI: Still today, technology can create ever more seemingly realistic images that regular people will never match.

Adaora Udoji, CNN, New York.


COOPER: I'm actually 86.

That's what's happening on the newsstands. Have you noticed what's happened lately on your TV? You must have noticed. Shows have become a bit more intense this past month, with big stars, big thrills, and plenty of skin. Why? Well, it's that time of the year again when newscasters tell us that just about everything we eat or drink is probably filthy or lethal, and there are cures to almost anything, including ways to, well, stay young. Hmm, wait a minute.

It's the November sweeps period, a time when broadcast networks get a little crazy "Inside the Box."


COOPER (voice-over): Oh, no, tornadoes are turning Vegas upside down, Chicago is being shredded by a huge hurricane. Don't worry, it's not real. It's just November sweeps.

Sweeps, in case you don't know, are four months each year when local television stations use the ratings to set rates for commercial time. So they try to pump up the numbers, and the networks are happy to help.

How do they do it? Well, there's superstar stunt casting. Think Ray Liotta on "ER," or Alec Baldwin on "Las Vegas."

Then, of course, there are those very special episodes, like the perfectly timed return of "The O.C."

Some networks try to meander down memory lane.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's the "Dallas" reunion.

COOPER: I mean, who wouldn't want to catch up with the cast of "Dallas" 20 years on?

But for pure rating chutzpa, you can't beat local news. They get down and dirty to bring home the big Nielsen numbers. In Minneapolis this month, one station got up close and personal with hungry pigs. They were devouring leftover gourmet grub from the Mall of America. Hmm, grub.

They also chased down bogus builders and bad teachers. Another station took a trip to hooker alley, and still another uncovered UFOs.

But the 360 award for best, boldest, baddest sweeps stunt has got to go to Cleveland news anchor Sharon Reed. She reported on an art exhibit, stark naked. And no great surprise, it worked. The newscast received its highest rating ever.

The down side, besides the potential loss of Reed's credibility is the FCC wants to fine CBS, the station's parent network, more than half a million dollars. Which is really kind of a bargain when you consider that's what they paid for just a glimpse of Janet Jackson's breast.

So if you wonder why the Donald dumps an extra apprentice...


COOPER: ... or the "Desperate Housewives" are acting a bit more, well, desperate, take a look at the calendar. It must be sweeps month "Inside the Box."


COOPER: It's almost over. 360 next, some good news to send you into the weekend. If you're feeling old, maybe tired, believe me, it's nothing like it used to be. We'll take longevity to "The Nth Degree."

And on Monday, 41 years after the assassination of John F. Kennedy, we explore the conspiracy theories that continue to linger.

And here's a 360 challenge. Another look at tonight's questions. If you know news, log on to, click on the answer link to play.


COOPER: The answers to today's 360 challenge.

No. 1, the APEC summit meeting is being held in what South American city? Santiago.

Massachusetts woman who confessed to killing her husband 14 years ago stored his body in what? A freezer.

And the latest lawsuit filed against Michael Jackson accuses him of owing money for what? Antiques.

First person to answer all three correctly will be sent a shirt. Tune in tomorrow to find out if you're the one.

Last night's winner -- Chris Wulff of Ocala, Florida. Another 360 challenge, another chance to win on Monday.

Tonight, taking long life to "The Nth Degree.

We've spent a few minutes every night this week mulling over one facet or another of the great American quest for longevity. Do you mind the last thought on the subject? It's this: In a whole lot of ways, that quest has already been a success. No kidding.

Do you know what this number is? 47.3. It represents the life expectancy of the average American born in the year 1900.

Now, during the Roman Empire, the average lifetime was less than half that, 22 years. Hey, back in that day, you'd be middle-aged at 11, a geezer ready to head south with your gulf clubs at 19. By imperial Roman standards, at my current age, 37, I would be a tourist attraction, a grizzled ancient gray beard as old as (UNINTELLIGIBLE).

Do you remember the last of Shakespeare's seven ages of man? Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything? He may have been talking about a decrepit wretch of 32 or 33.

It's Friday. Just thought we'd remind you how much better off we are than we've ever been before.

Have a good weekend. Thanks for watching. Coming up next, "PAULA ZAHN NOW."