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Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees

Ovary Transplant; Michael Jackson Trial Update; Stowaway Tragedy; Michael Jackson Attorney Honors Gag Order; Men Held in Natalee Holloway Case; Faith-Based Dieting

Aired June 08, 2005 - 19:00   ET



ANDERSON COOPER, HOST: Good evening, everyone. A frenzy of statements from Michael Jackson's camp. Everyone is talking about who is talking. Can anyone of them be believed?
360 starts now.


COOPER (voice-over): Michael Jackson's jury deliberating his fate. Tonight, why so many are watching what the Jackson jurors are wearing. And what's the real deal on Jackson's financial future?

What happened to Natalee? Two suspects accused of murder, but where is she? Tonight, the latest from Aruba on the ongoing search for a missing American teen.

Is the milk you drink safe? Tonight we investigate why the government believes your milk may be an easy target for terror.

And can you lose weight by turning to God? Tonight, why so many are trying to shed pounds by gaining faith. It worked for this woman. Could it work for you?


ANNOUNCER: Live, from the CNN Broadcast Center in New York, this is ANDERSON COOPER 360.

COOPER: And good evening to you. Thanks for joining us.

We begin tonight with new developments in the Michael Jackson trial, although they weren't the kind of news we were expecting today. No verdict today. The jury is gone. Tomorrow, day five of deliberations begins.

But less than an hour ago, a surprising flurry of statements, first by Michael Jackson's attorney, then by his Web site, then by Michael Jackson's spokesperson.

CNN's Ted Rowlands is live outside the courthouse in Santa Maria, California.

Ted, try to sort it all out for us.

TED ROWLANDS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well we didn't know what to think, Anderson. The court said we are to expect a statement. Nobody knew what to think. And what we received was a statement from Thomas Mesereau, Michael Jackson's attorney, and it says -- quote -- "I have not authorized anyone to speak or hold any press conferences on behalf of Michael Jackson or his family. A gag order is in effect, which the defense team will continue to honor."

This seems to be in response to the fact that Jesse Jackson and Raymone Bain, one of Jackson's -- the Jackson family spokespersons, has been talking to the media, updating us on how Michael Jackson is doing. And specifically, we are told that this statement is a response to what Raymone Bain said late this afternoon.

Here's what she said.


QUESTION: Mesereau is very furious that you're even here, also furious at Reverend Jackson for showing up. He wants this thing buttoned up to make this as quiet and professional as possible. So why are you here when he in fact, I'm told, doesn't want you out here?

RAYMONE BAIN, MICHAEL JACKSON'S SPOKESWOMAN: If Mr. Mesereau didn't want me here, I wouldn't be here. So don't listen to so many rumors.

QUESTION: (OFF-MIKE) your presence?

BAIN: Yes, he is. I never speak to the media without talking to Tom Mesereau, because I understand, quite unlike many of you, that this is a serious situation. And so therefore, if I had not spoken to our team, I would not be here, as I have not done in the past.


ROWLANDS: Now late this afternoon, we received another statement from Raymone Bain, saying - quote -- "Mr. Mesereau is concerned there are unauthorized persons talking about the case, there have been a number of people speaking out of turn, passing out books and using the court as a forum."

Clearly the issue here is the gag order. Thomas Mesereau distancing himself from anybody. Talking to the media, Anderson, the headline today. The jury spent another full day -- the third day of deliberations, and still no verdict as to Michael Jackson's fate.


COOPER: Well, according to this gag order, I mean, is it OK -- if Mesereau has approved Michael Jackson's spokesperson to speak, is that a violation of the gag order?

ROWLANDS: Well, it is unclear and it would be up to the judge on a case-by-case basis. But clearly, Thomas Mesereau doesn't want to get into that. Thomas Mesereau would like it if nobody says anything until this jury comes back. And I think that is what is behind his statement today to distance himself at least from anybody saying anything about Michael Jackson, the family, or the case.

COOPER: All right. Ted Rowlands, appreciate it. Let's check in with the legal analyst, see what she has to think about this. Anne Bremner is a defense attorney who has been covering the trial since the beginning. She joins us now from Santa Maria.

Anne, thanks for being very much on the program. You know, we heard...


COOPER: We heard the statement from Raymone Bain. What do you make of it? She says Mr. Mesereau is concerned, there are unauthorized persons talking about the case. There have been a number of people speaking out of turn, passing out books and using the court as a forum. Is she allowed to speak or not?

BREMNER: She's not allowed to speak. That statement couldn't be more clear. "I have not authorized anyone to speak on behalf of Michael Jackson." That means anyone and everyone is included.

COOPER: So who is she?

BREMNER: That includes -- well, I think that she's probably got to check again because the statement speaks for itself and she is not authorized. You know, I'm trying to think to myself, what are we going to do tomorrow? I hope a verdict comes in because we've got everyone speaking for Michael Jackson. And that is what has filled our days out here. You know, Jesse Jackson, you know, Raymone Bain, people coming out and speaking for Michael Jackson. And Thomas Mesereau put his foot down and he says, no one can except for -- of course, he can.

COOPER: Because we -- when we heard this was coming out, we put a call in to Reverend Jackson. He agreed to appear on the program. Then as soon as statement was released, he backed out, said he had no comment. So is this -- how much of this is an attempt by Thomas Mesereau to just get all his ducks in a row, get nobody talking, get everything organized? And how much of it is him trying to distance himself in case this is a violation of the gag order?

BREMNER: I think it's both. I think it's absolutely both. And you know, keep in mind that some of the statements that have been made have dealt with the evidence in the case, i.e., that one of the searches in this case was like the Waco Branch Davidian raids. That there is -- race is a factor. You know, these are not statements that were made by Thomas Mesereau on behalf of Michael Jackson in the trial. And every time Thomas Mesereau stood to address a witness in this case, he said the following -- he would say, I am Thomas Mesereau, and I speak for Michael Jackson. And he does. And he's the only one who should.

COOPER: All right. Anne Bremner, we're going to speak to you a little bit later on tonight in the program, about half past the hour, about the jury and what we can learn possibly about what they're thinking. Meantime, on the island of Aruba, the search goes on for a vanished girl, for clues, for hope, for explanations. Eighteen-year- old Natalee Holloway of Alabama remains missing. She disappeared on Aruba on the 30th of May, and two local men remain in prison. They're accused of murder. Now they have not been charged, we should point out. They have not been charged. But an island judge today decided there's sufficient evidence against them to continue their imprisonment pending further investigation.

CNN's Karl Penhaul has been monitoring the search. He is on the island of Aruba. And he visited the mothers of the men being detained.


ANN JOHN, MOTHER OF SUSPECT MICKY JOHN: I say, lord, I cry unto thee.

KARL PENHAUL, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Ann John spends the day reading her Bible and watching the news. This image haunts her, the moment her 30-year-old son Micky was dragged handcuffed from the home they share on Aruba's eastern tip.

JOHN: If I saw him do it, I don't worry (INAUDIBLE). But I'm saying my son knows nothing, nothing, concerning this girl.

PENHAUL: Security guard Micky John and workmate Abraham Jones are accused of murder, manslaughter, and kidnapping in connection with the disappearance of teen Natalee Holloway. This is the picture mother Ann prefers to keep in her mind, happy at times a few Christmases ago.

JOHN: I know to myself, my son will never, will never, will never put himself in this kind of a situation.

PENHAUL: She says her son likes playing soccer, occasionally plays the slot machines at a local casino, but doesn't drink or smoke. Sitting out on a porch, Ann can't remember if her son went out the night Natalee disappeared.

Her other son, 10-year-old Jonathan (ph) still remembers the police squad burst into their home to arrest Micky last Sunday. They seized him around 7 a.m., rousting him from sleep, and confiscated items from his room. Ann hasn't felt up to going in there until now.

John was back in handcuffs again Wednesday after a judge ordered him and Jones to be held for eight more days while prosecutors gathered more evidence against them. Jones' mother, Cynthia, was outside the courtroom, though the hearing was eventually held at a police station.

CYNTHIA ROSALIE JONES, MOTHER OF SUSPECT ABRAHAM JONES: My son is innocent! And I will go down for it!

PENHAUL: Jones has a five-year-old daughter. His girlfriend, whose name is also Cynthia, says the couple went to a soul music festival on the night Natalee disappeared, then they went home together. CYNTHIA DE GRAF, GIRLFRIEND OF SUSPECT ABRAHAM JONES: He's always spending time with his daughter, with me. He's not going to do anything wrong to anyone. I don't know even why, why pick him?

PENHAUL: Micky John's mother believes she has the answer. Natalee had been staying in the glitzy west end of Aruba and was last seen with three young men from well-to-do families. John and Jones are from black immigrant families on the poorer industrial east end of the island dominated by white Dutch descendents.

JOHN: The problem is, and I will say it plain, they have a color question in Aruba. Because once you're black -- I'm in Aruba 26 years, I'm Aruban and I cannot and will not. They will call me (INAUDIBLE).

PENHAUL: There's another question, too. These men are accused of a killing, yet, so far, there's no public evidence to indicate that Natalee is dead.


PENHAUL: Significantly, too, Anderson, the FBI dive team that had been on the island has now left the island. They never in fact went into the water. They say they were never given an area pinpointed to where they can search. And Aruban search and rescue teams have not been on the job today. They say too that the government is no longer indicating where they can effectively search.


COOPER: Karl Penhaul, thanks very much. Coming up next on 360, is milk really vulnerable to a terrorist attack? We're going to look at the evidence and what's being done to protect what your kids are drinking.

Also ahead tonight, can you lose weight by turning to God? Find out why some people are trying to shed pounds by gaining faith. It worked for one woman, this woman. The question is, could it work for you?

Also a little bit later tonight, stowaways. Their desperate flight to a new life, hiding in the wheel well of a plane. It is hard to believe some people actually have survived the perilous journey in the wheel well. It's unbelievable. We'll take a look at how.

All that ahead, but first, your picks. The most popular stories on right now.


COOPER: Four men arrested in California. And the question is what, if any, link do they have to terrorists? The past and current imams of a mosque in Lodi were arrested on immigration charges, and two Americans were arrested as well, a father and son of Pakistani descent.

After repeatedly denying it, the son admitted he went to an al Qaeda training camp in Pakistan. And now he and his father are accused of lying about it. According the authorities, he says he was trained in how to kill Americans with a special emphasis on hospitals as targets and large food stores.

We wanted to investigate tonight how vulnerable the food supply really is. How hard would it be for terrorists to taint the things that we eat and we drink?

Tonight, CNN's Jeanne Meserve looks at something all of us drink, especially our kids - milk. Just how safe is it?


JEANNE MESERVE, CNN HOMELAND SECURITY CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Long before the sun is up, Jeff and Judy England are, milking their 120 cows. The Englands pay a lot of attention to the quality of their milk. But Jeff admits security is not a priority.

JEFF ENGLAND, DAIRY FARMER: We're probably not as secure as we think we are. Like everybody in the world, I guess if someone wants to get to us, they could.

MESERVE: He says that terrorists could, for instance, put toxin like botulism in the farm's milk tank, which is unsealed in an unlocked room.

(on camera): Essentially, someone could walk in here, climb up here, open the top, put something in?

ENGLAND: Yes. That could be done. Yes. I wouldn't want to be them if they were caught doing it, but it could be done.

MESERVE: But milk goes through many steps between heater and your table.

(voice-over): A tank truck picks it up to take it for processing. Some experts say terrorists could access the milk supply at this stage, too. But owner Jim Tessler (ph) doubts it. Tessler says seals on the tank would show any tampering.

Tank trucks take the milk to a processing plant where it's put in huge silos, mixing with milk from other farms. If one farm or one truck had been intentionally contaminated, it would spread right here.

After 9/11, the plant's owners decided to lock doors, secure air vents, and check employees' backgrounds. But is the milk absolutely safe?

JODY VONA, MAID DAIRY : It's obviously vulnerable. If somebody wanted to do something, they could probably get away with it, but I don't think any more than a strawberry patch or a potato field.

MESERVE: Tampering could also take place after the milk has processed, before it reaches consumers like school children. The milk is tested for bacteria and pesticide residues at several points, but never for bioterror agents. ROBERT BRACKETT, U.S. FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION: To be able to find a test for every single thing that could be added to a food would be not as good as actually building into the system the ability to prevent the contamination in the first place.

MESERVE: But the Food and Drug Administration security guidelines for the dairy industry are voluntary, not mandatory. And the agency has only three full-time employees devoted to food security.

The FDA is working on new tests to detect toxins and new processes to eliminate them and says the milk your children drink is safe, but admits security is never absolute.

For CNN's America bureau, Jeanne Meserve, Mount Airy, Maryland.


COOPER: Coming up next on 360, faith-based diets. Can a belief in God actually help you to lose weight? Find out why some people are turning to religion to try to shed those extra pounds. Part of our special series "Choose to Lose."

Also ahead tonight, another day, no verdict in the Michael Jackson trial. Is this is a bad sign for the pop star? And why are so many people talking about what the jurors are wearing? Find out.

Also a little later, a medical first in the U.S. could give hope to hundreds of women who can't have children. Our 360 M.D. Dr. Sanjay Gupta explains how an ovary transplant has made the impossible possible.


COOPER: Remember those old Hebrew National hot dog commercials where the guys says: "We answer to a higher authority"? Well, apparently now a number of dieters have taken that idea to heart. All this week in our series "Choose to Lose," we're looking at diets that have worked for some people.

Tonight CNN's Heidi Collins looks to see if God can really help you lose weight.


HEIDI COLLINS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): A call to worship. Millions of Americans turning to God to feed their faith and nourish their souls. Now, a growing number of people are looking to God to fill more than their hearts. They're looking to the almighty for weight loss.

From the looks of the bagels and cream cheese piled next to the holy water and rosary beads, you'd never know this is a diet meeting. Jackie Halgash is a registered nurse, a 51-year-old mother of three, and meets weekly with her sisters and other nurses to do "The Light Weigh", a faith-based weight loss program.

They read Bible passages.

JACKIE HALGASH, LOST 100 LBS ON "THE LIGHT WEIGH": "A broken and contrite heart, o God, thou will not despise." Short and sweet. I just think that I came to this program because I was broken. I felt I had nowhere to go, and I felt like I couldn't do it by myself.

COLLINS: And forget about Atkins and South Beach, instead of counting carbs, these dieters count their blessings.

JOAN CAHILL, LOST 55 LBS ON "THE LIGHT WEIGH": When I came to this program, I was a desperate person. I had no place to go but up. And "The Light Way" just showed me a promise of deeper faith, a fitter body. And it was a light shining in the darkness for me.

COLLINS: For Jackie, that darkness was 245 pounds. She tried every diet she knew and couldn't keep the weight off.

HALGASH: I was in the grocery store and I was shopping, and it hit me that there isn't anything in this whole grocery store -- I could fill my cart with all my favorite foods, and I wouldn't be satisfied. So what am I trying to satisfy?

COLLINS: Despite losing 60 pounds, she still felt fat.

HALGASH: I looked at myself from behind, and I thought, oh my God, you're such a pig, you're such a pig, you haven't changed at all.

COLLINS: Three years later, Jackie has changed. She lost 100 pounds. She credits "The Light Weigh" and its philosophy of not eating when you're sad or lonely or bored, only when you're hungry. It's a message reinforced by the program's videos.

SUZANNE FOWLER, FOUNDER, "THE LIGHT WEIGH": We have a need to be fed in other ways than food. God's word is nourishment to us.

COLLINS: Suzanne Fowler is the founder of "The Light Weigh." She went on her first diet in third grade, and watched her weight balloon after the birth of her sixth child.

FOWLER: The world's dieting had put me into a shortage mentality, which is what all dieting does to people. Food is either good or bad. They're either being good or bad. And so when this happens, it begins to control you.

Here we are with a restaurant portion, wow! This could feed an entire family.

COLLINS: Fowler has no medical credentials but dishes out advice. Her key point, only eat fist-sized portions at meal times. Go ahead, have doughnuts, but in moderation. There are no forbidden foods.

BONNIE TAUB-DIX, REGISTERED DIETITIAN: The problem with this unstructured eating could lead to frivolous eating where you're not really understanding what it is that you do physically need. And then you might wind up eating foods that are really not going to fuel your body the way that you should. COLLINS: A charge Fowler answers by saying when dieters are at peace with God, they don't need the junk food to fill the void.

FOWLER: God has designed the human body to crave what it needs. And that's how he's gotten us to get our nutrients.

COLLINS (on camera): Jackie and her sisters are among hundreds of thousands of Americans following faith-based diets. They have found success. But does everyone? Other religious dieters may be destined to fail if they go looking for weight-loss miracles.

MARIE GRIFFITH, PRINCETON UNIVERSITY: Failure really is about failing God. I mean, it can really be about not having the faith, not having the discipline, not being obedient enough to God. Are you going to hell if you can't lose the weight and keep it off?

COLLINS: Marie Griffith is a religion professor at Princeton University who has studied Bible-based diets. She worries some followers may think they're more lovable to God as a size six than 16.

But when Jackie gets on a scale now...

HALGASH: All right!

COLLINS: ... she's happy. She has kept few reminders of her fat days, just some old cotton pajamas.

(on camera): 3X?

HALGASH: Yes, that's a 3X, that like extra, extra, extra large. Yes. And the people in the know, know that's like a 24 to a 26.

COLLINS (voice-over): The real difference for her, Jackie says, is what she's achieved through prayer and sacrifice.

(on camera): You've lost 100 pounds?

HALGASH: Yes, I have. Yes. I've lost 100 pounds. Praise God. Thank you. Will I struggle? Yes. Never like before, but I'll struggle. But he'll keep me close because my heart is open and my mind is open. And I'm a different person than I was on the inside. That's why I'm never going to gain weight again.


COLLINS: Jackie is now wearing a size 10 to 12, that's down from a size 26. And it's exciting to her because now she can actually share clothes with her daughter. We should also tell you that we asked Suzanne Fowler, the founder of "The Light Weigh," if she has weight- loss statistics on her followers. In fact we couldn't find statistics on the success rates of any of the faith-based diets.

But I can tell you, Anderson, Fowler now has seven children. And you saw some of the pictures of her when she was really heavy. Well, now she's a size four. So she could say it, of course, has been working for her. COOPER: And the criticism of this is that -- the fear, I guess, is that if someone of faith fails on this diet, they view it not just as a failure of their diet, but a failure of their faith somehow?

COLLINS: Failure of God, that's right. And there's also another concern that we had from the woman who works at Princeton who has studied this so closely, that people start to focus a little bit too much on themselves and it becomes very narcissistic.

COOPER: All right. Well, Heidi Collin, thanks. Fascinating.

360 next, Michael Jackson's jury done for the day, but why are so many people talking about what they're wearing? Yes, they're talking about the jury's clothes. It has come to that, folks.

Also tonight, the real deal on Michael Jackson's money. How much is there? And what can he do to get out of debt? He's in a lot of debt.

Also ahead tonight, a medical first in the U.S. A woman gives birth after receiving an ovary transplant. See how this success story has given hope to millions of women out there.


COOPER: Yep, Britney loves you, Peter Pan rules. I even saw a picture of Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr. and Michael Jackson. Interesting perspective from his fans.

Tomorrow, the jurors begins day five of deliberations. The eight women, four men hold the fate of the singer in their hands. Now they're having a hard time, obviously, arriving at a verdict, four days and counting.

Defense attorney Ann Bremner has been following the case. She joins us tonight from Santa Maria. Anne, thanks for joining us again.

Look, first, briefly...

BREMNER: Thank you.

COOPER: ...before we talk about the jury, let's just talk about this flurry of press statements and releases that went out. Thomas Mesereau sent out a statement earlier today, just about an hour-and-a- half ago, saying essentially, no one else speaks for Michael Jackson. I've not authorized anyone to speak or hold any press conferences on behalf of Jackson or his family. A gag order is in effect, which the defense team will continue to honor.

This because a spokesperson earlier in the day said that she was talking with Mesereau's permission. So, was he trying to get cover for himself so that he's not in violation of the gag order?

BREMNER: Absolutely. And no one has violated the gag order in some time. There were some pretrial issues. And I think he's steady as he goes. That's part of it. But of course, also he doesn't want misfires out there in this "Twilight Zone" of the Jackson trial in the aftermath from people that don't speak for Michael Jackson. And maybe saying things that the jury would take to heart in a way that they would hurt Michael Jackson not help him.

COOPER: So is he talking about also, I guess, about the Reverend Jesse Jackson, who was our program yesterday. He was going to be on tonight, then he canceled once the statement came out.

BREMNER: Right, Jackson on Jackson. But which Jackson? You know, I mean, I think he was here for day three today. And of course, we had the press conference from Raymone Bain. And it's just -- you know, there's been all these statements from Michael Jackson, but they have not been authorized as of now by Tom Mesereau.

COOPER: Let's talk about the jury. They've been deliberating for about 20 hours now. They've gone home for the night. They're going to start again tomorrow morning. I've hear the longer the jury deliberates, the better it is for the prosecution.

Is that actually true?

BREMNER: It is. The way it goes is, a short deliberation can favor an acquittal, and a longer deliberation favors the prosecution and the finding of guilt. But then -- the finding of guilty. But then it kind of goes full circle, because if it goes too long, then it can go back to a not guilty or a hung jury. So, it's kind of an interesting dynamic, but that's kind of the conventional wisdom on the length of jury deliberations.

COOPER: You know, on some channels this is thing is being covered wall to wall around the clock. Frankly, I don't know how much there is really to talk about. And I don't know what these people talk about all day. But I heard someone talking what about the jurors were wearing. That yesterday, they were wearing jeans. Today, they seem to be more dressed up. And they were reading significance into that? Is there a significance to that?

BREMNER: You know, I think there is. You know, a lot of what's talked about on Jackson, even these 10 white doves that were released yesterday for 10 not guilty counts -- kind of the zany things out here -- you'd think, life doesn't imitate art, it imitates bad TV.

But that having been said, jurors dress up when they're ready to give a verdict, especially in a high-profile case where they may be on TV. And so they were dressed up this morning, some of them. And I think that that was noted as somewhat of significance, given that they were dressed way down yesterday in jeans.

And remember in the Peterson case, they had worn jeans for some number of days. The day they gave the verdict, they dressed up. I've seen it in my practice on a number of occasions. I've also seen them all dressed up in Mariners T-shirts -- you know, I'm from Seattle -- on opening day. So, keep that in mind.

But I think there is some significance.

COOPER: The jurors arrive in vans. We've seen that on television. They approach the courthouse. What do they see and what do they hear? I mean, do they see the signs? Do they hear all the shouting?

BREMNER: They come in behind the courthouse. All of the signs and the shouting and the doves are out front. And so what they come into, though, there's still a lot of press. There's satellite trucks everywhere. And there's fans back there. And the fans are told to stand aside, but they're still there in any event as these jurors file into the courtroom.

Interestingly, they have two white vans. Michael Jackson of course has the two black SUVs. So, it's kind of an interesting picture that you see with the sets of vans. But these jurors aren't influenced with fans yellowing or chanting Michael is innocent, fight, Michael, fight, et cetera. But they do see fans as they come into the jury room.

COOPER: The only thing that the -- they've only asked one question. What did they ask? And what do you make of it?

BREMNER: Well, all we know right now is that one question at 9:50 Monday morning and it was procedural. And there's been nothing since. And they've never asked for a read-back, which you can have in California -- read-back of testimony. They haven't asked to see illustrative exhibits -- the ones that don't come into the jury room. They haven't even asked for a thing.

They haven't even asked for a definition of words in those 98 pages of instructions. And those instructions kind of make your head spin, you know, when you hear them, because they are very convoluted.

So I think they're working hard. And they have an educated foreperson. He's got an advanced degree. And he's taking it seriously as are the rest of the members of the jury.

COOPER: Yeah, the sources tell CNN that the foreman is juror number two. He's a male, 63-years-old, retired high school counselor, two grown sons. He also has a graduate degree.

You've watched this jury. What did you notice about him?

BREMNER: I noticed that he was probably the most serious of all of them. They're a funny jury. And the judge is funny. And they all laugh at the same things. They heard comedians: George Lopez, Jamie Masada, Jay Leno. There was a lot of humor in this case. And so -- one time, one of the jurors laughed so hard, she cried, when the prosecutor tripped over a cord, not one, not two, but three times.

So -- but this juror is probably the most serious of all. He also took a lot of notes. And he paid a lot of attention. And he's -- you know, Santa Maria is a little bit of a cowboy town. And he loves western art. He's very much part of this valley. And this a common sense, I think, well-grounded jury in a common sense, well- grounded town. COOPER: Well, it keeps going on day by day. Anne Bremner, appreciate you joining us. Thanks very much.

BREMNER: My pleasure, thanks.

COOPER: Even if Michael Jackson is acquitted, his problem is certainly not going away time soon. His empire, financially speaking, is crumbling. He's $270 million in debt. He owes a reported $10 million in legal fees. And just today, the "Wall Street Journal" -- I don't know if you saw this -- front page, they said that money for the singer was so tight at one point that he actually worried about paying his electric bill.

CNN's Ali Velshi investigates Jackson's money trail.


ALI VELSHI, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Well Aly Bruner bought an old suitcase used by Sammy Davis Jr, he had no idea it would turn out to be a modern day treasure chest.

ALY BRUNER, MICHAEL JACKSON FAN: This glove was in a Ziplock bag. And I opened it up and my jaw hit the floor, because I knew what it was.

VELSHI: Bruner is a professional collector. He dug around and learned that the glove was a gift from Michael Jackson to Sammy Davis Jr. Last year, Bruner tried to cash in on Michael Jackson's popularity.

BRUNER: I originally put it on eBay for $3 million with the actual hope of it obtaining that type of a figure.

VELSHI: But bidders told Bruner no. So he dropped the price to just under $300,000. And when that didn't work, he cut it by 100 grand. Still, no bite.

BRUNER: A lot of buyers that are Michael Jackson fans, they're feeling remorse. They're feeling sorrow. Their hearts are being torn apart that they're not really in the market to buy anything.

VELSHI: Back in the day when the only thing bad about Jackson was this -- a glove like Bruner's became the most valuable piece of rock star clothing ever sold.


VELSHI: That's about $30,000.

(on camera): Aly Bruner is definitely a Michael Jackson fan, although he may have come about that in an unusual way one day when he opened the suitcase and found the glove inside. He knows that this glove has taken a financial hit,because of what Michael Jackson is going through right now. But he's not in a cash crunch like Michael Jackson is. And he is ready to wait to get the value for this glove that he wants. (voice-over): But it's not just the value of the glove that's at risk. Jackson's lenders say his entire fortune is at risk. He may have earned more than half a billion dollars over his career, but today, he's having trouble paying the bills.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He is not broke, because he is still asset- rich. He has assets that are valuable.

JACKSON: Those assets are music catalogs. Jackson owns half of Sony APT which controls 200,000 songs including most of Elvis' and the Beatle's hits. He also owns a catalog of his songs called MiJack. Whenever any of these songs play, Jackson makes money.

BRETT PULLEY, FORBES: MiJack is worth $150 million. Sony's publishing business is worth between $900 billion and $1 billion, 50 percent of which is Michael's

VELSHI: Add Neverland, estimated to be worth at least $25 million, and Jackson's assets come out to at least 600 million bucks. So why does he owe anyone anything? Because like so many of us, the King of Pop has a cash-flow problem.

No new hits meant no new sources of money. But the lavish spending continued. So Jackson started borrowing to finance his lifestyle. By 2000, he owed Bank of America a quarter of a billion dollars.

And he used his music catalog and his stake in all those Beatles and Elvis hits and collateral. The bank told CNN that as Jackson's situation worsened, it feared that Jackson might default. So to lower its risk, Bank of America did what banks typically do in similar situations, it sold the loans, in this case, to a hedge fund, a private investment group.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There was a point about, I don't know, five or six weeks ago when he missed a $300,000 payment

VELSHI: If Jackson continues to miss payments, the hedge fund could force him to sell his share of the music catalogs and pay off the loans. That would wipe out his income. And he still has some pretty big expenses, like his legal bills.

BRUNO DELGRANADO, MUSIC PRODUCER: Michael Jackson's legal fees have run north of $20 million in the last few years because of all the lawsuits that keep coming up and keep popping up every couple weeks.

VELSHI: Lawsuits filed by potential business partners, accountants, lawyers, former employees and concert promoters.

Speaking of suits, Jackson had more than 60 outfits made for the trial, never wearing the same one twice. Now, he's got to cut costs or he's got to figure out a way to make more money from what remains of his legend.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's going to be very hard for Michael Jackson to resurrect his career. It's impossible to recapture that. Nobody's done it before. If he can, it he will be the first, but it's close to impossible.

VELSHI: Back in Idaho, Aly Bruner's not worried about Michael Jackson's fortune, but he's hoping that the pop star's fame and name will help him cash in on his treasure.

BRUNER: Once the smoke clears, there will be a collector down the road that will cherish this the way it should be.

VELSHI: Ali Velshi, CNN, Chalice, Idaho.


COOPER: Man, he had 60 suits made for the trial? Wow, who knew?

360 next, some people would call it a miracle baby. Scientists say she is a medical first in the U.S. We'll ask 360 MD Sanjay Gupta why this little wonder is giving hope to millions of infertile women.

Also, ahead tonight, tragedy in the sky. A stowaway dies trying to make it into the U.S. This sort of thing has happened before. We'll take a look -- one of's most popular stories today.


COOPER: A medical report now about the way cutting-edge science can contribute to, well, to joy. This is a story about a pair of twins. One of whom knew all along she would never be able to have children, though her sister could. Now, thanks to a remarkable ovary tissue transplant, both women can. The sister who was once infertile is now a mother.

360 MD Sanjay Gupta is in Atlanta with more. A remarkable story, Sanjay.

SANJAY GUPTA, 360 MD: These the stories we like to tell, Anderson, a really remarkable story for sure, a story about two twins. As you mentioned -- on the right, there is Melanie Morgan. She's 25- years-old. She has three children. On the left is Stephanie Yarber. You just saw her there for a second. She's the new mom. And she never -- was told at the age of 14, she'd never be able to have children of her own, says she just stopped making eggs about that age, and essentially went into advanced menopause at a very early age.

As is often the case with infertile children -- infertile women -- she wanted to have children of her own. They tried everything. They tried IVF. They tried egg donation. They even had the eggs donated from the fertile sister to the infertile sister. Nothing seemed to work.

So they decided to do something that had never been done before. They went to a doctor and said, we're going to transplant some of the ovarian tissue from one sister, the fertile tissue, into the sister who was infertile. This is how it works. This is essentially what they did.

They actually -- you can see there, that's the ovary. They actually -- the sister on the left is the donor sister. They take just the outer layer of her ovary there and go ahead and transplant that into the recipient sister. Again, that's Stephanie, the infertile sister.

Now, what they found after doing that -- that was in April of last year -- just a few months later, she began to make eggs on her own for the first time in 10 years. Just a couple months after that, she became pregnant, and as you mentioned Anderson, it was just a couple days ago that she delivered a baby girl.

The first pictures of the baby girl, actually, we're just getting now. These are the pictures, just a couple days ago, the first child ever of an ovarian tissue transplant. You're looking at those pictures. It was an amazing moment, now doubt. This is how the new mom put it.


STEPHANIE YARBER, RECEIVED OVARIAN TRANSPLANT: She cried, and I cried. Yes, it was emotional for everybody in that room with us. You know, I had my mom, and my grandmother, and my sister and my husband, everybody cried.


GUPTA: A medical first, Anderson. That doesn't happen very often anymore. So, there you have it, there. That's the story of these two sisters.

COOPER: What does it mean for the millions of women out there who are infertile? I mean, does this open -- does this make everything possible?

GUPTA: I think it provides hope, certainly. You know, certainly these two were identical twins. That made it a lot easier for the transplant to work.

But a couple of things. As transplant techniques get better, it is possible one day -- and this is what doctors are talking about -- that you could actually have a stranger donate ovarian tissue to turn an otherwise infertile woman into a fertile woman. Or, as well, if a woman, for example, is going to undergo chemotherapy, she might be able to actually bank and store some of her own ovarian tissue and have it transplanted into herself later on. So, the possibilities are really endless here, Anderson.

COOPER: And it's just incredible. I'm so envious of you being a doctor if, you know, you can do, you know, you can be involved in this kind of stuff. It's just incredible.

GUPTA: It was incredible.

COOPER: Sanjay Gupta, thanks.

Coming up -- actually, let's check in with our buddy Erica Hill over at HEADLINE NEWS with the latest news about 12 to the hour. Hey, Erica.


We start off with news the U.S. may consider closing its prison camp at Guantanamo Bay. During an interview today on another network, President Bush was asked if he would shut down Gitmo. President Bush replied the administration is, in his words, "exploring all alternatives" on how to best protect Americans. The prison camp has come under fire lately amid reports that U.S. personnel there had mishandled the Koran.

On Capitol Hill, the Senate today confirming California Judge Janice Rogers Brown to a federal Appeals Court. Democrats had blocked Brown's nomination for two years by threatening filibusters, but a group of 14 moderate lawmakers ended the dispute last month.

In Miami Beach, Florida, sex offenders, you're not welcome. The city commission unanimously voted to bar offenders from living within 2,500 feet of schools, school bus stops, daycare centers, parks, or playgrounds. The measure is expected to keep sex offenders out of Miami Beach since almost every home there actually falls within the restricted area. The city's mayor proposed the measure in April after two young girls, Jessica Lunsford and Sarah Lundy, were killed elsewhere in Florida.

And Iron Mike Tyson, once again, prepping to enter the ring. Yesterday, the former heavyweight champ held an open training session as he gets ready to fight Kevin McBride on Saturday. Tyson has lost two of his last three bouts. McBride, meantime, has knocked out his last seven opponents. None of them, though, have been the ear-chewing tough guys like Tyson. So, we'll see how it goes.

COOPER: He looks in good shape. I can still take him, but...

HILL: You could totally take him, without question.

COOPER: Yes. Yes.

HILL: Good luck.

COOPER: Pencil-necked geek like myself.

Erica, thanks very much. See you again in about 30 minutes.

Coming up next on 360, a flight to America takes a horrific turn. A stowaway's remains fall from the wheel well of a plane. We've seen this tragedy before. Some have actually survived this kind of a trip, hiding out in the wheel well. We'll give you a unique angle on one of's most popular stories.


COOPER: It was an act of desperation that ended in death for a stowaway trying to enter the U.S. His remains fell from the sky over New York yesterday, after he hid inside the wheel well of a South African Airways jet bound for JFK International Airport. It's been one of the most popular stories all day on Rudy Bakhtiar is here to give us an angle on the story you won't see anywhere else.

RUDY BAKHTIAR, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Anderson, this woman just looks out in her backyard, sees a leg, a shoe -- I mean, the whole works. Imagine how desperate people need to feel to try to escape their countries and come to America. You know, it's not the first time someone has taken this kind of risk, but what's really remarkable is that some people have succeeded at this.


BAKHTIAR: According to the FAA, since 1947, 69 people on 59 different flights have attempted to stow away in a plane's wheel well. Only 15 -- that's fewer than 25 percent -- have survived. The youngest, only nine years old.

STEPHEN VERONNEAU, FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION: A great desire to leave unfortunate circumstances in their home country drives these people, out of desperation, to try to come to the United States.

BAKHTIAR: Most recently, in October of 2004, a Dominican man was found dead in the wheel well of an American Airlines flight from Miami to Detroit.

And in 2003, another body was found in the wheel well of a British Airways flight in New York, arriving from London.

Airlines are most vulnerable when they're on the tarmac, preparing for takeoff.

VERONNEAU: Sometimes, somebody will jump over a security fence and make their way to the aircraft before it begins further movement, and try to scramble up the landing gear area into one of the wheel wells.

BAKHTIAR: Conditions inside a wheel well are far from comfortable. Aircraft typically reach cruising level at around 35,000 feet, where oxygen is scarce.

Temperatures inside the wheel well, which isn't pressurized, can drop more than 30 degrees below zero. And if you can survive those conditions, there's the possibility of falling to your death when the wheels drop, or being crushed when the doors that protect the landing gear close.

Most stowaways on flights never make it to their destinations alive, but miraculously some have lived to tell about it. In 2000, a Tahitian man survived a seven-and-a-half-hour flight to Los Angeles in the wheel well of a Boeing 707. His body temperature was just 79 degrees when he was found; that's about six degrees colder than what's considered fatal. He was eventually repatriated to Tahiti.

But the fact that stowaways can enter restricted areas and actually board airplanes, points to major gaps in airport security. VERONNEAU: These people should not have access to these aircraft in any way, shape, or form. And we need to tighten the security procedures at airports worldwide, to prohibit this kind of opportunistic access to the aircraft.


BAKHTIAR: In yesterday's incident, South African Airways gave a statement saying that, "The flight landed" -- and I'm quoting here -- "with no impact on the passengers and crew." And the airline also said that, "they're working with the authorities to investigate how someone could have stowed away on this particular flight."

COOPER: Just such a sad story.

BAKHTIAR: Very, very sad.

COOPER: Rudy, thanks, very much.

Let's find out what is coming up at the top of the hour on PAULA ZAHN NOW. Hey, Paula.


Coming up, when your life hangs by a thread and seconds make a difference, a medevac chopper can be a life-saver. But for too many people, a ride in an air ambulance is the last ride of their lives, and now the feds want to know why.

Please join me at the top of the hour for the startling results of a CNN investigation.

COOPER: Look forward to that, Paula.

That's about three minutes from now.

We'll be right back.


COOPER: That's 360 for tonight. I'm Anderson Cooper. Thanks for watching.

CNN's primetime coverage continues now with Paula Zahn.

Hey, Paula.



Aired June 8, 2005 - 19:00   ET
ANDERSON COOPER, HOST: Good evening, everyone. A frenzy of statements from Michael Jackson's camp. Everyone is talking about who is talking. Can anyone of them be believed?
360 starts now.


COOPER (voice-over): Michael Jackson's jury deliberating his fate. Tonight, why so many are watching what the Jackson jurors are wearing. And what's the real deal on Jackson's financial future?

What happened to Natalee? Two suspects accused of murder, but where is she? Tonight, the latest from Aruba on the ongoing search for a missing American teen.

Is the milk you drink safe? Tonight we investigate why the government believes your milk may be an easy target for terror.

And can you lose weight by turning to God? Tonight, why so many are trying to shed pounds by gaining faith. It worked for this woman. Could it work for you?


ANNOUNCER: Live, from the CNN Broadcast Center in New York, this is ANDERSON COOPER 360.

COOPER: And good evening to you. Thanks for joining us.

We begin tonight with new developments in the Michael Jackson trial, although they weren't the kind of news we were expecting today. No verdict today. The jury is gone. Tomorrow, day five of deliberations begins.

But less than an hour ago, a surprising flurry of statements, first by Michael Jackson's attorney, then by his Web site, then by Michael Jackson's spokesperson.

CNN's Ted Rowlands is live outside the courthouse in Santa Maria, California.

Ted, try to sort it all out for us.

TED ROWLANDS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well we didn't know what to think, Anderson. The court said we are to expect a statement. Nobody knew what to think. And what we received was a statement from Thomas Mesereau, Michael Jackson's attorney, and it says -- quote -- "I have not authorized anyone to speak or hold any press conferences on behalf of Michael Jackson or his family. A gag order is in effect, which the defense team will continue to honor."

This seems to be in response to the fact that Jesse Jackson and Raymone Bain, one of Jackson's -- the Jackson family spokespersons, has been talking to the media, updating us on how Michael Jackson is doing. And specifically, we are told that this statement is a response to what Raymone Bain said late this afternoon.

Here's what she said.


QUESTION: Mesereau is very furious that you're even here, also furious at Reverend Jackson for showing up. He wants this thing buttoned up to make this as quiet and professional as possible. So why are you here when he in fact, I'm told, doesn't want you out here?

RAYMONE BAIN, MICHAEL JACKSON'S SPOKESWOMAN: If Mr. Mesereau didn't want me here, I wouldn't be here. So don't listen to so many rumors.

QUESTION: (OFF-MIKE) your presence?

BAIN: Yes, he is. I never speak to the media without talking to Tom Mesereau, because I understand, quite unlike many of you, that this is a serious situation. And so therefore, if I had not spoken to our team, I would not be here, as I have not done in the past.


ROWLANDS: Now late this afternoon, we received another statement from Raymone Bain, saying - quote -- "Mr. Mesereau is concerned there are unauthorized persons talking about the case, there have been a number of people speaking out of turn, passing out books and using the court as a forum."

Clearly the issue here is the gag order. Thomas Mesereau distancing himself from anybody. Talking to the media, Anderson, the headline today. The jury spent another full day -- the third day of deliberations, and still no verdict as to Michael Jackson's fate.


COOPER: Well, according to this gag order, I mean, is it OK -- if Mesereau has approved Michael Jackson's spokesperson to speak, is that a violation of the gag order?

ROWLANDS: Well, it is unclear and it would be up to the judge on a case-by-case basis. But clearly, Thomas Mesereau doesn't want to get into that. Thomas Mesereau would like it if nobody says anything until this jury comes back. And I think that is what is behind his statement today to distance himself at least from anybody saying anything about Michael Jackson, the family, or the case.

COOPER: All right. Ted Rowlands, appreciate it. Let's check in with the legal analyst, see what she has to think about this. Anne Bremner is a defense attorney who has been covering the trial since the beginning. She joins us now from Santa Maria.

Anne, thanks for being very much on the program. You know, we heard...


COOPER: We heard the statement from Raymone Bain. What do you make of it? She says Mr. Mesereau is concerned, there are unauthorized persons talking about the case. There have been a number of people speaking out of turn, passing out books and using the court as a forum. Is she allowed to speak or not?

BREMNER: She's not allowed to speak. That statement couldn't be more clear. "I have not authorized anyone to speak on behalf of Michael Jackson." That means anyone and everyone is included.

COOPER: So who is she?

BREMNER: That includes -- well, I think that she's probably got to check again because the statement speaks for itself and she is not authorized. You know, I'm trying to think to myself, what are we going to do tomorrow? I hope a verdict comes in because we've got everyone speaking for Michael Jackson. And that is what has filled our days out here. You know, Jesse Jackson, you know, Raymone Bain, people coming out and speaking for Michael Jackson. And Thomas Mesereau put his foot down and he says, no one can except for -- of course, he can.

COOPER: Because we -- when we heard this was coming out, we put a call in to Reverend Jackson. He agreed to appear on the program. Then as soon as statement was released, he backed out, said he had no comment. So is this -- how much of this is an attempt by Thomas Mesereau to just get all his ducks in a row, get nobody talking, get everything organized? And how much of it is him trying to distance himself in case this is a violation of the gag order?

BREMNER: I think it's both. I think it's absolutely both. And you know, keep in mind that some of the statements that have been made have dealt with the evidence in the case, i.e., that one of the searches in this case was like the Waco Branch Davidian raids. That there is -- race is a factor. You know, these are not statements that were made by Thomas Mesereau on behalf of Michael Jackson in the trial. And every time Thomas Mesereau stood to address a witness in this case, he said the following -- he would say, I am Thomas Mesereau, and I speak for Michael Jackson. And he does. And he's the only one who should.

COOPER: All right. Anne Bremner, we're going to speak to you a little bit later on tonight in the program, about half past the hour, about the jury and what we can learn possibly about what they're thinking. Meantime, on the island of Aruba, the search goes on for a vanished girl, for clues, for hope, for explanations. Eighteen-year- old Natalee Holloway of Alabama remains missing. She disappeared on Aruba on the 30th of May, and two local men remain in prison. They're accused of murder. Now they have not been charged, we should point out. They have not been charged. But an island judge today decided there's sufficient evidence against them to continue their imprisonment pending further investigation.

CNN's Karl Penhaul has been monitoring the search. He is on the island of Aruba. And he visited the mothers of the men being detained.


ANN JOHN, MOTHER OF SUSPECT MICKY JOHN: I say, lord, I cry unto thee.

KARL PENHAUL, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Ann John spends the day reading her Bible and watching the news. This image haunts her, the moment her 30-year-old son Micky was dragged handcuffed from the home they share on Aruba's eastern tip.

JOHN: If I saw him do it, I don't worry (INAUDIBLE). But I'm saying my son knows nothing, nothing, concerning this girl.

PENHAUL: Security guard Micky John and workmate Abraham Jones are accused of murder, manslaughter, and kidnapping in connection with the disappearance of teen Natalee Holloway. This is the picture mother Ann prefers to keep in her mind, happy at times a few Christmases ago.

JOHN: I know to myself, my son will never, will never, will never put himself in this kind of a situation.

PENHAUL: She says her son likes playing soccer, occasionally plays the slot machines at a local casino, but doesn't drink or smoke. Sitting out on a porch, Ann can't remember if her son went out the night Natalee disappeared.

Her other son, 10-year-old Jonathan (ph) still remembers the police squad burst into their home to arrest Micky last Sunday. They seized him around 7 a.m., rousting him from sleep, and confiscated items from his room. Ann hasn't felt up to going in there until now.

John was back in handcuffs again Wednesday after a judge ordered him and Jones to be held for eight more days while prosecutors gathered more evidence against them. Jones' mother, Cynthia, was outside the courtroom, though the hearing was eventually held at a police station.

CYNTHIA ROSALIE JONES, MOTHER OF SUSPECT ABRAHAM JONES: My son is innocent! And I will go down for it!

PENHAUL: Jones has a five-year-old daughter. His girlfriend, whose name is also Cynthia, says the couple went to a soul music festival on the night Natalee disappeared, then they went home together. CYNTHIA DE GRAF, GIRLFRIEND OF SUSPECT ABRAHAM JONES: He's always spending time with his daughter, with me. He's not going to do anything wrong to anyone. I don't know even why, why pick him?

PENHAUL: Micky John's mother believes she has the answer. Natalee had been staying in the glitzy west end of Aruba and was last seen with three young men from well-to-do families. John and Jones are from black immigrant families on the poorer industrial east end of the island dominated by white Dutch descendents.

JOHN: The problem is, and I will say it plain, they have a color question in Aruba. Because once you're black -- I'm in Aruba 26 years, I'm Aruban and I cannot and will not. They will call me (INAUDIBLE).

PENHAUL: There's another question, too. These men are accused of a killing, yet, so far, there's no public evidence to indicate that Natalee is dead.


PENHAUL: Significantly, too, Anderson, the FBI dive team that had been on the island has now left the island. They never in fact went into the water. They say they were never given an area pinpointed to where they can search. And Aruban search and rescue teams have not been on the job today. They say too that the government is no longer indicating where they can effectively search.


COOPER: Karl Penhaul, thanks very much. Coming up next on 360, is milk really vulnerable to a terrorist attack? We're going to look at the evidence and what's being done to protect what your kids are drinking.

Also ahead tonight, can you lose weight by turning to God? Find out why some people are trying to shed pounds by gaining faith. It worked for one woman, this woman. The question is, could it work for you?

Also a little bit later tonight, stowaways. Their desperate flight to a new life, hiding in the wheel well of a plane. It is hard to believe some people actually have survived the perilous journey in the wheel well. It's unbelievable. We'll take a look at how.

All that ahead, but first, your picks. The most popular stories on right now.


COOPER: Four men arrested in California. And the question is what, if any, link do they have to terrorists? The past and current imams of a mosque in Lodi were arrested on immigration charges, and two Americans were arrested as well, a father and son of Pakistani descent.

After repeatedly denying it, the son admitted he went to an al Qaeda training camp in Pakistan. And now he and his father are accused of lying about it. According the authorities, he says he was trained in how to kill Americans with a special emphasis on hospitals as targets and large food stores.

We wanted to investigate tonight how vulnerable the food supply really is. How hard would it be for terrorists to taint the things that we eat and we drink?

Tonight, CNN's Jeanne Meserve looks at something all of us drink, especially our kids - milk. Just how safe is it?


JEANNE MESERVE, CNN HOMELAND SECURITY CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Long before the sun is up, Jeff and Judy England are, milking their 120 cows. The Englands pay a lot of attention to the quality of their milk. But Jeff admits security is not a priority.

JEFF ENGLAND, DAIRY FARMER: We're probably not as secure as we think we are. Like everybody in the world, I guess if someone wants to get to us, they could.

MESERVE: He says that terrorists could, for instance, put toxin like botulism in the farm's milk tank, which is unsealed in an unlocked room.

(on camera): Essentially, someone could walk in here, climb up here, open the top, put something in?

ENGLAND: Yes. That could be done. Yes. I wouldn't want to be them if they were caught doing it, but it could be done.

MESERVE: But milk goes through many steps between heater and your table.

(voice-over): A tank truck picks it up to take it for processing. Some experts say terrorists could access the milk supply at this stage, too. But owner Jim Tessler (ph) doubts it. Tessler says seals on the tank would show any tampering.

Tank trucks take the milk to a processing plant where it's put in huge silos, mixing with milk from other farms. If one farm or one truck had been intentionally contaminated, it would spread right here.

After 9/11, the plant's owners decided to lock doors, secure air vents, and check employees' backgrounds. But is the milk absolutely safe?

JODY VONA, MAID DAIRY : It's obviously vulnerable. If somebody wanted to do something, they could probably get away with it, but I don't think any more than a strawberry patch or a potato field.

MESERVE: Tampering could also take place after the milk has processed, before it reaches consumers like school children. The milk is tested for bacteria and pesticide residues at several points, but never for bioterror agents. ROBERT BRACKETT, U.S. FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION: To be able to find a test for every single thing that could be added to a food would be not as good as actually building into the system the ability to prevent the contamination in the first place.

MESERVE: But the Food and Drug Administration security guidelines for the dairy industry are voluntary, not mandatory. And the agency has only three full-time employees devoted to food security.

The FDA is working on new tests to detect toxins and new processes to eliminate them and says the milk your children drink is safe, but admits security is never absolute.

For CNN's America bureau, Jeanne Meserve, Mount Airy, Maryland.


COOPER: Coming up next on 360, faith-based diets. Can a belief in God actually help you to lose weight? Find out why some people are turning to religion to try to shed those extra pounds. Part of our special series "Choose to Lose."

Also ahead tonight, another day, no verdict in the Michael Jackson trial. Is this is a bad sign for the pop star? And why are so many people talking about what the jurors are wearing? Find out.

Also a little later, a medical first in the U.S. could give hope to hundreds of women who can't have children. Our 360 M.D. Dr. Sanjay Gupta explains how an ovary transplant has made the impossible possible.


COOPER: Remember those old Hebrew National hot dog commercials where the guys says: "We answer to a higher authority"? Well, apparently now a number of dieters have taken that idea to heart. All this week in our series "Choose to Lose," we're looking at diets that have worked for some people.

Tonight CNN's Heidi Collins looks to see if God can really help you lose weight.


HEIDI COLLINS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): A call to worship. Millions of Americans turning to God to feed their faith and nourish their souls. Now, a growing number of people are looking to God to fill more than their hearts. They're looking to the almighty for weight loss.

From the looks of the bagels and cream cheese piled next to the holy water and rosary beads, you'd never know this is a diet meeting. Jackie Halgash is a registered nurse, a 51-year-old mother of three, and meets weekly with her sisters and other nurses to do "The Light Weigh", a faith-based weight loss program.

They read Bible passages.

JACKIE HALGASH, LOST 100 LBS ON "THE LIGHT WEIGH": "A broken and contrite heart, o God, thou will not despise." Short and sweet. I just think that I came to this program because I was broken. I felt I had nowhere to go, and I felt like I couldn't do it by myself.

COLLINS: And forget about Atkins and South Beach, instead of counting carbs, these dieters count their blessings.

JOAN CAHILL, LOST 55 LBS ON "THE LIGHT WEIGH": When I came to this program, I was a desperate person. I had no place to go but up. And "The Light Way" just showed me a promise of deeper faith, a fitter body. And it was a light shining in the darkness for me.

COLLINS: For Jackie, that darkness was 245 pounds. She tried every diet she knew and couldn't keep the weight off.

HALGASH: I was in the grocery store and I was shopping, and it hit me that there isn't anything in this whole grocery store -- I could fill my cart with all my favorite foods, and I wouldn't be satisfied. So what am I trying to satisfy?

COLLINS: Despite losing 60 pounds, she still felt fat.

HALGASH: I looked at myself from behind, and I thought, oh my God, you're such a pig, you're such a pig, you haven't changed at all.

COLLINS: Three years later, Jackie has changed. She lost 100 pounds. She credits "The Light Weigh" and its philosophy of not eating when you're sad or lonely or bored, only when you're hungry. It's a message reinforced by the program's videos.

SUZANNE FOWLER, FOUNDER, "THE LIGHT WEIGH": We have a need to be fed in other ways than food. God's word is nourishment to us.

COLLINS: Suzanne Fowler is the founder of "The Light Weigh." She went on her first diet in third grade, and watched her weight balloon after the birth of her sixth child.

FOWLER: The world's dieting had put me into a shortage mentality, which is what all dieting does to people. Food is either good or bad. They're either being good or bad. And so when this happens, it begins to control you.

Here we are with a restaurant portion, wow! This could feed an entire family.

COLLINS: Fowler has no medical credentials but dishes out advice. Her key point, only eat fist-sized portions at meal times. Go ahead, have doughnuts, but in moderation. There are no forbidden foods.

BONNIE TAUB-DIX, REGISTERED DIETITIAN: The problem with this unstructured eating could lead to frivolous eating where you're not really understanding what it is that you do physically need. And then you might wind up eating foods that are really not going to fuel your body the way that you should. COLLINS: A charge Fowler answers by saying when dieters are at peace with God, they don't need the junk food to fill the void.

FOWLER: God has designed the human body to crave what it needs. And that's how he's gotten us to get our nutrients.

COLLINS (on camera): Jackie and her sisters are among hundreds of thousands of Americans following faith-based diets. They have found success. But does everyone? Other religious dieters may be destined to fail if they go looking for weight-loss miracles.

MARIE GRIFFITH, PRINCETON UNIVERSITY: Failure really is about failing God. I mean, it can really be about not having the faith, not having the discipline, not being obedient enough to God. Are you going to hell if you can't lose the weight and keep it off?

COLLINS: Marie Griffith is a religion professor at Princeton University who has studied Bible-based diets. She worries some followers may think they're more lovable to God as a size six than 16.

But when Jackie gets on a scale now...

HALGASH: All right!

COLLINS: ... she's happy. She has kept few reminders of her fat days, just some old cotton pajamas.

(on camera): 3X?

HALGASH: Yes, that's a 3X, that like extra, extra, extra large. Yes. And the people in the know, know that's like a 24 to a 26.

COLLINS (voice-over): The real difference for her, Jackie says, is what she's achieved through prayer and sacrifice.

(on camera): You've lost 100 pounds?

HALGASH: Yes, I have. Yes. I've lost 100 pounds. Praise God. Thank you. Will I struggle? Yes. Never like before, but I'll struggle. But he'll keep me close because my heart is open and my mind is open. And I'm a different person than I was on the inside. That's why I'm never going to gain weight again.


COLLINS: Jackie is now wearing a size 10 to 12, that's down from a size 26. And it's exciting to her because now she can actually share clothes with her daughter. We should also tell you that we asked Suzanne Fowler, the founder of "The Light Weigh," if she has weight- loss statistics on her followers. In fact we couldn't find statistics on the success rates of any of the faith-based diets.

But I can tell you, Anderson, Fowler now has seven children. And you saw some of the pictures of her when she was really heavy. Well, now she's a size four. So she could say it, of course, has been working for her. COOPER: And the criticism of this is that -- the fear, I guess, is that if someone of faith fails on this diet, they view it not just as a failure of their diet, but a failure of their faith somehow?

COLLINS: Failure of God, that's right. And there's also another concern that we had from the woman who works at Princeton who has studied this so closely, that people start to focus a little bit too much on themselves and it becomes very narcissistic.

COOPER: All right. Well, Heidi Collin, thanks. Fascinating.

360 next, Michael Jackson's jury done for the day, but why are so many people talking about what they're wearing? Yes, they're talking about the jury's clothes. It has come to that, folks.

Also tonight, the real deal on Michael Jackson's money. How much is there? And what can he do to get out of debt? He's in a lot of debt.

Also ahead tonight, a medical first in the U.S. A woman gives birth after receiving an ovary transplant. See how this success story has given hope to millions of women out there.


COOPER: Yep, Britney loves you, Peter Pan rules. I even saw a picture of Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr. and Michael Jackson. Interesting perspective from his fans.

Tomorrow, the jurors begins day five of deliberations. The eight women, four men hold the fate of the singer in their hands. Now they're having a hard time, obviously, arriving at a verdict, four days and counting.

Defense attorney Ann Bremner has been following the case. She joins us tonight from Santa Maria. Anne, thanks for joining us again.

Look, first, briefly...

BREMNER: Thank you.

COOPER: ...before we talk about the jury, let's just talk about this flurry of press statements and releases that went out. Thomas Mesereau sent out a statement earlier today, just about an hour-and-a- half ago, saying essentially, no one else speaks for Michael Jackson. I've not authorized anyone to speak or hold any press conferences on behalf of Jackson or his family. A gag order is in effect, which the defense team will continue to honor.

This because a spokesperson earlier in the day said that she was talking with Mesereau's permission. So, was he trying to get cover for himself so that he's not in violation of the gag order?

BREMNER: Absolutely. And no one has violated the gag order in some time. There were some pretrial issues. And I think he's steady as he goes. That's part of it. But of course, also he doesn't want misfires out there in this "Twilight Zone" of the Jackson trial in the aftermath from people that don't speak for Michael Jackson. And maybe saying things that the jury would take to heart in a way that they would hurt Michael Jackson not help him.

COOPER: So is he talking about also, I guess, about the Reverend Jesse Jackson, who was our program yesterday. He was going to be on tonight, then he canceled once the statement came out.

BREMNER: Right, Jackson on Jackson. But which Jackson? You know, I mean, I think he was here for day three today. And of course, we had the press conference from Raymone Bain. And it's just -- you know, there's been all these statements from Michael Jackson, but they have not been authorized as of now by Tom Mesereau.

COOPER: Let's talk about the jury. They've been deliberating for about 20 hours now. They've gone home for the night. They're going to start again tomorrow morning. I've hear the longer the jury deliberates, the better it is for the prosecution.

Is that actually true?

BREMNER: It is. The way it goes is, a short deliberation can favor an acquittal, and a longer deliberation favors the prosecution and the finding of guilt. But then -- the finding of guilty. But then it kind of goes full circle, because if it goes too long, then it can go back to a not guilty or a hung jury. So, it's kind of an interesting dynamic, but that's kind of the conventional wisdom on the length of jury deliberations.

COOPER: You know, on some channels this is thing is being covered wall to wall around the clock. Frankly, I don't know how much there is really to talk about. And I don't know what these people talk about all day. But I heard someone talking what about the jurors were wearing. That yesterday, they were wearing jeans. Today, they seem to be more dressed up. And they were reading significance into that? Is there a significance to that?

BREMNER: You know, I think there is. You know, a lot of what's talked about on Jackson, even these 10 white doves that were released yesterday for 10 not guilty counts -- kind of the zany things out here -- you'd think, life doesn't imitate art, it imitates bad TV.

But that having been said, jurors dress up when they're ready to give a verdict, especially in a high-profile case where they may be on TV. And so they were dressed up this morning, some of them. And I think that that was noted as somewhat of significance, given that they were dressed way down yesterday in jeans.

And remember in the Peterson case, they had worn jeans for some number of days. The day they gave the verdict, they dressed up. I've seen it in my practice on a number of occasions. I've also seen them all dressed up in Mariners T-shirts -- you know, I'm from Seattle -- on opening day. So, keep that in mind.

But I think there is some significance.

COOPER: The jurors arrive in vans. We've seen that on television. They approach the courthouse. What do they see and what do they hear? I mean, do they see the signs? Do they hear all the shouting?

BREMNER: They come in behind the courthouse. All of the signs and the shouting and the doves are out front. And so what they come into, though, there's still a lot of press. There's satellite trucks everywhere. And there's fans back there. And the fans are told to stand aside, but they're still there in any event as these jurors file into the courtroom.

Interestingly, they have two white vans. Michael Jackson of course has the two black SUVs. So, it's kind of an interesting picture that you see with the sets of vans. But these jurors aren't influenced with fans yellowing or chanting Michael is innocent, fight, Michael, fight, et cetera. But they do see fans as they come into the jury room.

COOPER: The only thing that the -- they've only asked one question. What did they ask? And what do you make of it?

BREMNER: Well, all we know right now is that one question at 9:50 Monday morning and it was procedural. And there's been nothing since. And they've never asked for a read-back, which you can have in California -- read-back of testimony. They haven't asked to see illustrative exhibits -- the ones that don't come into the jury room. They haven't even asked for a thing.

They haven't even asked for a definition of words in those 98 pages of instructions. And those instructions kind of make your head spin, you know, when you hear them, because they are very convoluted.

So I think they're working hard. And they have an educated foreperson. He's got an advanced degree. And he's taking it seriously as are the rest of the members of the jury.

COOPER: Yeah, the sources tell CNN that the foreman is juror number two. He's a male, 63-years-old, retired high school counselor, two grown sons. He also has a graduate degree.

You've watched this jury. What did you notice about him?

BREMNER: I noticed that he was probably the most serious of all of them. They're a funny jury. And the judge is funny. And they all laugh at the same things. They heard comedians: George Lopez, Jamie Masada, Jay Leno. There was a lot of humor in this case. And so -- one time, one of the jurors laughed so hard, she cried, when the prosecutor tripped over a cord, not one, not two, but three times.

So -- but this juror is probably the most serious of all. He also took a lot of notes. And he paid a lot of attention. And he's -- you know, Santa Maria is a little bit of a cowboy town. And he loves western art. He's very much part of this valley. And this a common sense, I think, well-grounded jury in a common sense, well- grounded town. COOPER: Well, it keeps going on day by day. Anne Bremner, appreciate you joining us. Thanks very much.

BREMNER: My pleasure, thanks.

COOPER: Even if Michael Jackson is acquitted, his problem is certainly not going away time soon. His empire, financially speaking, is crumbling. He's $270 million in debt. He owes a reported $10 million in legal fees. And just today, the "Wall Street Journal" -- I don't know if you saw this -- front page, they said that money for the singer was so tight at one point that he actually worried about paying his electric bill.

CNN's Ali Velshi investigates Jackson's money trail.


ALI VELSHI, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Well Aly Bruner bought an old suitcase used by Sammy Davis Jr, he had no idea it would turn out to be a modern day treasure chest.

ALY BRUNER, MICHAEL JACKSON FAN: This glove was in a Ziplock bag. And I opened it up and my jaw hit the floor, because I knew what it was.

VELSHI: Bruner is a professional collector. He dug around and learned that the glove was a gift from Michael Jackson to Sammy Davis Jr. Last year, Bruner tried to cash in on Michael Jackson's popularity.

BRUNER: I originally put it on eBay for $3 million with the actual hope of it obtaining that type of a figure.

VELSHI: But bidders told Bruner no. So he dropped the price to just under $300,000. And when that didn't work, he cut it by 100 grand. Still, no bite.

BRUNER: A lot of buyers that are Michael Jackson fans, they're feeling remorse. They're feeling sorrow. Their hearts are being torn apart that they're not really in the market to buy anything.

VELSHI: Back in the day when the only thing bad about Jackson was this -- a glove like Bruner's became the most valuable piece of rock star clothing ever sold.


VELSHI: That's about $30,000.

(on camera): Aly Bruner is definitely a Michael Jackson fan, although he may have come about that in an unusual way one day when he opened the suitcase and found the glove inside. He knows that this glove has taken a financial hit,because of what Michael Jackson is going through right now. But he's not in a cash crunch like Michael Jackson is. And he is ready to wait to get the value for this glove that he wants. (voice-over): But it's not just the value of the glove that's at risk. Jackson's lenders say his entire fortune is at risk. He may have earned more than half a billion dollars over his career, but today, he's having trouble paying the bills.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He is not broke, because he is still asset- rich. He has assets that are valuable.

JACKSON: Those assets are music catalogs. Jackson owns half of Sony APT which controls 200,000 songs including most of Elvis' and the Beatle's hits. He also owns a catalog of his songs called MiJack. Whenever any of these songs play, Jackson makes money.

BRETT PULLEY, FORBES: MiJack is worth $150 million. Sony's publishing business is worth between $900 billion and $1 billion, 50 percent of which is Michael's

VELSHI: Add Neverland, estimated to be worth at least $25 million, and Jackson's assets come out to at least 600 million bucks. So why does he owe anyone anything? Because like so many of us, the King of Pop has a cash-flow problem.

No new hits meant no new sources of money. But the lavish spending continued. So Jackson started borrowing to finance his lifestyle. By 2000, he owed Bank of America a quarter of a billion dollars.

And he used his music catalog and his stake in all those Beatles and Elvis hits and collateral. The bank told CNN that as Jackson's situation worsened, it feared that Jackson might default. So to lower its risk, Bank of America did what banks typically do in similar situations, it sold the loans, in this case, to a hedge fund, a private investment group.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There was a point about, I don't know, five or six weeks ago when he missed a $300,000 payment

VELSHI: If Jackson continues to miss payments, the hedge fund could force him to sell his share of the music catalogs and pay off the loans. That would wipe out his income. And he still has some pretty big expenses, like his legal bills.

BRUNO DELGRANADO, MUSIC PRODUCER: Michael Jackson's legal fees have run north of $20 million in the last few years because of all the lawsuits that keep coming up and keep popping up every couple weeks.

VELSHI: Lawsuits filed by potential business partners, accountants, lawyers, former employees and concert promoters.

Speaking of suits, Jackson had more than 60 outfits made for the trial, never wearing the same one twice. Now, he's got to cut costs or he's got to figure out a way to make more money from what remains of his legend.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's going to be very hard for Michael Jackson to resurrect his career. It's impossible to recapture that. Nobody's done it before. If he can, it he will be the first, but it's close to impossible.

VELSHI: Back in Idaho, Aly Bruner's not worried about Michael Jackson's fortune, but he's hoping that the pop star's fame and name will help him cash in on his treasure.

BRUNER: Once the smoke clears, there will be a collector down the road that will cherish this the way it should be.

VELSHI: Ali Velshi, CNN, Chalice, Idaho.


COOPER: Man, he had 60 suits made for the trial? Wow, who knew?

360 next, some people would call it a miracle baby. Scientists say she is a medical first in the U.S. We'll ask 360 MD Sanjay Gupta why this little wonder is giving hope to millions of infertile women.

Also, ahead tonight, tragedy in the sky. A stowaway dies trying to make it into the U.S. This sort of thing has happened before. We'll take a look -- one of's most popular stories today.


COOPER: A medical report now about the way cutting-edge science can contribute to, well, to joy. This is a story about a pair of twins. One of whom knew all along she would never be able to have children, though her sister could. Now, thanks to a remarkable ovary tissue transplant, both women can. The sister who was once infertile is now a mother.

360 MD Sanjay Gupta is in Atlanta with more. A remarkable story, Sanjay.

SANJAY GUPTA, 360 MD: These the stories we like to tell, Anderson, a really remarkable story for sure, a story about two twins. As you mentioned -- on the right, there is Melanie Morgan. She's 25- years-old. She has three children. On the left is Stephanie Yarber. You just saw her there for a second. She's the new mom. And she never -- was told at the age of 14, she'd never be able to have children of her own, says she just stopped making eggs about that age, and essentially went into advanced menopause at a very early age.

As is often the case with infertile children -- infertile women -- she wanted to have children of her own. They tried everything. They tried IVF. They tried egg donation. They even had the eggs donated from the fertile sister to the infertile sister. Nothing seemed to work.

So they decided to do something that had never been done before. They went to a doctor and said, we're going to transplant some of the ovarian tissue from one sister, the fertile tissue, into the sister who was infertile. This is how it works. This is essentially what they did.

They actually -- you can see there, that's the ovary. They actually -- the sister on the left is the donor sister. They take just the outer layer of her ovary there and go ahead and transplant that into the recipient sister. Again, that's Stephanie, the infertile sister.

Now, what they found after doing that -- that was in April of last year -- just a few months later, she began to make eggs on her own for the first time in 10 years. Just a couple months after that, she became pregnant, and as you mentioned Anderson, it was just a couple days ago that she delivered a baby girl.

The first pictures of the baby girl, actually, we're just getting now. These are the pictures, just a couple days ago, the first child ever of an ovarian tissue transplant. You're looking at those pictures. It was an amazing moment, now doubt. This is how the new mom put it.


STEPHANIE YARBER, RECEIVED OVARIAN TRANSPLANT: She cried, and I cried. Yes, it was emotional for everybody in that room with us. You know, I had my mom, and my grandmother, and my sister and my husband, everybody cried.


GUPTA: A medical first, Anderson. That doesn't happen very often anymore. So, there you have it, there. That's the story of these two sisters.

COOPER: What does it mean for the millions of women out there who are infertile? I mean, does this open -- does this make everything possible?

GUPTA: I think it provides hope, certainly. You know, certainly these two were identical twins. That made it a lot easier for the transplant to work.

But a couple of things. As transplant techniques get better, it is possible one day -- and this is what doctors are talking about -- that you could actually have a stranger donate ovarian tissue to turn an otherwise infertile woman into a fertile woman. Or, as well, if a woman, for example, is going to undergo chemotherapy, she might be able to actually bank and store some of her own ovarian tissue and have it transplanted into herself later on. So, the possibilities are really endless here, Anderson.

COOPER: And it's just incredible. I'm so envious of you being a doctor if, you know, you can do, you know, you can be involved in this kind of stuff. It's just incredible.

GUPTA: It was incredible.

COOPER: Sanjay Gupta, thanks.

Coming up -- actually, let's check in with our buddy Erica Hill over at HEADLINE NEWS with the latest news about 12 to the hour. Hey, Erica.


We start off with news the U.S. may consider closing its prison camp at Guantanamo Bay. During an interview today on another network, President Bush was asked if he would shut down Gitmo. President Bush replied the administration is, in his words, "exploring all alternatives" on how to best protect Americans. The prison camp has come under fire lately amid reports that U.S. personnel there had mishandled the Koran.

On Capitol Hill, the Senate today confirming California Judge Janice Rogers Brown to a federal Appeals Court. Democrats had blocked Brown's nomination for two years by threatening filibusters, but a group of 14 moderate lawmakers ended the dispute last month.

In Miami Beach, Florida, sex offenders, you're not welcome. The city commission unanimously voted to bar offenders from living within 2,500 feet of schools, school bus stops, daycare centers, parks, or playgrounds. The measure is expected to keep sex offenders out of Miami Beach since almost every home there actually falls within the restricted area. The city's mayor proposed the measure in April after two young girls, Jessica Lunsford and Sarah Lundy, were killed elsewhere in Florida.

And Iron Mike Tyson, once again, prepping to enter the ring. Yesterday, the former heavyweight champ held an open training session as he gets ready to fight Kevin McBride on Saturday. Tyson has lost two of his last three bouts. McBride, meantime, has knocked out his last seven opponents. None of them, though, have been the ear-chewing tough guys like Tyson. So, we'll see how it goes.

COOPER: He looks in good shape. I can still take him, but...

HILL: You could totally take him, without question.

COOPER: Yes. Yes.

HILL: Good luck.

COOPER: Pencil-necked geek like myself.

Erica, thanks very much. See you again in about 30 minutes.

Coming up next on 360, a flight to America takes a horrific turn. A stowaway's remains fall from the wheel well of a plane. We've seen this tragedy before. Some have actually survived this kind of a trip, hiding out in the wheel well. We'll give you a unique angle on one of's most popular stories.


COOPER: It was an act of desperation that ended in death for a stowaway trying to enter the U.S. His remains fell from the sky over New York yesterday, after he hid inside the wheel well of a South African Airways jet bound for JFK International Airport. It's been one of the most popular stories all day on Rudy Bakhtiar is here to give us an angle on the story you won't see anywhere else.

RUDY BAKHTIAR, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Anderson, this woman just looks out in her backyard, sees a leg, a shoe -- I mean, the whole works. Imagine how desperate people need to feel to try to escape their countries and come to America. You know, it's not the first time someone has taken this kind of risk, but what's really remarkable is that some people have succeeded at this.


BAKHTIAR: According to the FAA, since 1947, 69 people on 59 different flights have attempted to stow away in a plane's wheel well. Only 15 -- that's fewer than 25 percent -- have survived. The youngest, only nine years old.

STEPHEN VERONNEAU, FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION: A great desire to leave unfortunate circumstances in their home country drives these people, out of desperation, to try to come to the United States.

BAKHTIAR: Most recently, in October of 2004, a Dominican man was found dead in the wheel well of an American Airlines flight from Miami to Detroit.

And in 2003, another body was found in the wheel well of a British Airways flight in New York, arriving from London.

Airlines are most vulnerable when they're on the tarmac, preparing for takeoff.

VERONNEAU: Sometimes, somebody will jump over a security fence and make their way to the aircraft before it begins further movement, and try to scramble up the landing gear area into one of the wheel wells.

BAKHTIAR: Conditions inside a wheel well are far from comfortable. Aircraft typically reach cruising level at around 35,000 feet, where oxygen is scarce.

Temperatures inside the wheel well, which isn't pressurized, can drop more than 30 degrees below zero. And if you can survive those conditions, there's the possibility of falling to your death when the wheels drop, or being crushed when the doors that protect the landing gear close.

Most stowaways on flights never make it to their destinations alive, but miraculously some have lived to tell about it. In 2000, a Tahitian man survived a seven-and-a-half-hour flight to Los Angeles in the wheel well of a Boeing 707. His body temperature was just 79 degrees when he was found; that's about six degrees colder than what's considered fatal. He was eventually repatriated to Tahiti.

But the fact that stowaways can enter restricted areas and actually board airplanes, points to major gaps in airport security. VERONNEAU: These people should not have access to these aircraft in any way, shape, or form. And we need to tighten the security procedures at airports worldwide, to prohibit this kind of opportunistic access to the aircraft.


BAKHTIAR: In yesterday's incident, South African Airways gave a statement saying that, "The flight landed" -- and I'm quoting here -- "with no impact on the passengers and crew." And the airline also said that, "they're working with the authorities to investigate how someone could have stowed away on this particular flight."

COOPER: Just such a sad story.

BAKHTIAR: Very, very sad.

COOPER: Rudy, thanks, very much.

Let's find out what is coming up at the top of the hour on PAULA ZAHN NOW. Hey, Paula.


Coming up, when your life hangs by a thread and seconds make a difference, a medevac chopper can be a life-saver. But for too many people, a ride in an air ambulance is the last ride of their lives, and now the feds want to know why.

Please join me at the top of the hour for the startling results of a CNN investigation.

COOPER: Look forward to that, Paula.

That's about three minutes from now.

We'll be right back.


COOPER: That's 360 for tonight. I'm Anderson Cooper. Thanks for watching.

CNN's primetime coverage continues now with Paula Zahn.

Hey, Paula.