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Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees

Parents Murdered, 14-Year Old Abducted; Tornado Caught on Video; Explosions in Karachi, Pakistan; Ways to Reduce Your Chances of Catching the Common Cold; Aftermath of Katrina; Tennessee Community Grieves Violent Loss of Beloved School Official; Kim Cattrall and HBO Team Up for Sex Documentary

Aired November 14, 2005 - 23:00   ET


ANDERSON COOPER, CNN ANCHOR: Good evening, a lot cover in the hour ahead. But first, a look at the news at this moment.
A powerful earthquake has shaken northern Japan. Magnitude 6.9 quake struck beneath the Pacific Ocean about 330 miles from Tokyo. No reports so far of damage or of injuries.

A memo written two decades ago by Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito is drawing fire from abortion supporters. In the letter Alito expresses his support of the Reagan administration's fight to show the, quote, "Constitution does not protect a right to an abortion." It also makes clear his opposition to racial and ethnic quotas. Alito wrote the letter while trying to get a job in the Reagan administration as a deputy assistant attorney general.

U.S. Intelligence officials are hoping the would-be suicide bomber captured in Amman will provide crucial information about Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi's terror group in Iraq. The 35-year old woman is the sister of Zarqawi's former top aide. In a videotape confession she shows the belt of explosives she wore and describes how she and her husband walked into the Radisson hotel in Amman, one of three hotels struck by suicide bombings last week.

And after a rough couple of weeks on several fronts, President Bush now has the lowest approval rating of his presidency. A new "CNN USA Today" Gallup poll found that only 37 percent of Americans approve of the way he's handling his job; 60 percent disapprove. And for the first time less than half, 48 percent, said they approve of his performance in the War on Terror.

Pennsylvania's Lancaster County is Amish country. That's what it's famous for. But tonight it is drawing attention for all the wrong reasons. A mother and father were shot dead yesterday and police say the couple's killer was someone very close to home: The 18-year old boyfriend of their 14-year old daughter. CNN's Mary Snow is live in Lititz, Pennsylvania. Mary, what's the latest?

MARY SNOW, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Anderson, the alleged killer, 18-year old David Ludwig, is in Indiana tonight and authorities are working to bring him back here to Pennsylvania where he faces charges of murdering Cathryn and Michael Borden and abducting their 14-year old daughter Kara, who was his girlfriend; and she was with him today when he was found. She is unharmed. Now Police say they believe Ludwig shot the girls' parents early Sunday morning after a confrontation because the two teens had been out all night. There were two siblings inside the house. Police say that they were able to escape, run to neighbors and call 911. But then an Amber Alert was issued. It was a 26 hour search and it ended about 600 miles from here in Indiana earlier this afternoon.

Police say that Ludwig is cooperating. They say Kara Borden was upset, she was shaken, she was crying. And authorities say they still at this point do not know her role.


RICHARD GARIPOLI, CHIEF, WARWICK TOWNSHIP POLICE: We do not know at this point in time if the 14-year old is a willing or is it against her will. We will not know that answer until my detectives have the opportunity to sit with her and talk with her. But you do know that we hit the extradition rulings with the adults and we also have to deal with juvenile rules when interviewing a 14-year old young lady.


SNOW: And because the girl is only 14 years old, she was not able to be questioned by authorities in Indiana. Now besides questioning when she does come back to Pennsylvania, police are also tracking a cyber trail. They say they have confiscated computers from each of the teens. Both had blogs, both had a relationship and they apparently met at a home-schooling event. Both were home-schooled.

Also what is expected to happen now is that police say that they anticipate both teens will be brought back here to Pennsylvania some time on Tuesday -- Anderson.

COOPER: Has this boy been in trouble with the law before -- this young man?

SNOW: Police say that he hasn't. They say that his family had guns, that they were gun collectors. They say they found one gun in a bag at the home where the shootings took place, but they have not recovered another gun that was used in those shootings.

Also, I checked with school authorities here in Lancaster County, in the school district -- although he was home-schooled, there had to be a report issued every year. And authorities say that they did not find any evidence of any problems.

COOPER: All right. Mary Snow, thanks very much.

My next guest is a neighbor of the victims, Tom Mannon. Lives near the home of Michael and Katherine Borden -- that's where they were murdered. His daughter has been a friend of Kara Borden's for nine years. I spoke to Tom Mannon a few moments ago tonight from Pennsylvania.

(BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) COOPER: Tom, your daughter has known Kara Borden since she was five years old. What's your impression of her?

TOM MANNON, NEIGHBOR OF VICTIMS: Well, of course, she was a friend of my daughter and I know who she is. My daughter has known her for quite a long time, ever since we moved into the neighborhood. And they continue to be friends and correspond with one another, perhaps not as much as they did initially, but she does certainly know her.

COOPER: When you heard about this, did it make any sense to you?

MANNON: Absolutely none. I don't think it made sense to anyone that lives on the street. And while we all have questions at this point, we're getting a bit weary of all the, you know intrusion, and hope that it, you know, comes to a conclusion pretty quickly.

COOPER: Well, what do you know, if anything really, about the relationship between Kara and David?

MANNON: My understanding was that there was a conflict and that both sets of parents opposed the relationship and so the kids evidently took it into their own hands and decided to continue the relationship on a secretive basis.

COOPER: Do you know -- I mean, how were they able to do that if both sets of parents were against the relationship?

MANNON: I don't know. I honestly don't know. I -- they had their way of getting together and I just don't know what that might have been.

COOPER: Police say they're not sure at this point whether Kara was a kidnapped victim or if she was a participant in some way. Based on what you know from her, do you think it's possible she could have been involved in this?

MANNON: Certainly hard for me to believe, but I guess that's the question that they're trying to answer right now.

COOPER: What has your daughter said about David? I mean, I understand they were lifeguards together.

MANNON: That's true. She was very surprised that he could be capable of doing something like that and she knew that they had this relationship, but the extent of it, I just don't know how much of it she knew.

COOPER: It's strange because you read both of their websites and, I mean, they seem so religious. I mean, they are talking about Jesus and they quote Christian music. It's got to be just a very difficult thing to imagine.

MANNON: Yes, I don't know that anybody's reconciled that at all and we just don't know what the thought process was that somebody could act out so violently. We're not able to make sense of it and yet at the same time we're trying to do the best to help our kids through this real tragedy.


COOPER: Well, turning now to a tornado alley in central Iowa, where over the weekend at least eight tornados touched down, destroying dozens of homes in several towns and killing at least one person. Two of the twisters had winds near 150 miles per hour. A third was even stronger, with winds close to 200 miles an hour.

Just how terrifying was it to be caught in the path of these monster tornadoes? Well, you can see for yourself in a home video taken on Saturday.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice-over): (Inaudible). Oh there's the roof. Get in the house. Get down there. Hurry! Do it now. (Inaudible). Oh, Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! (Inaudible). Oh my God! (Inaudible) Get over here! Get the dog! Yes, yes, yes. Is there anybody else in there with you?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you need help?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is there anybody else down here? Everybody accounted for? Oh my -- natural gas. Oh my Jesus Lord! Oh, Jesus! Oh come here. You all right? You all right?



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Will you ask if I can get a pair of pants or sweatpants -- I just (inaudible).



COOPER: its incredible how quickly that just came through and moved on. We may never get used to those images of destroyed homes and lives, but tornados are a way of life -- especially here in the U.S. CNN's Rob Marciano looks at some of the worst.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Incredible -- it is huge!

ROB MARCIANO, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Perhaps there is nothing as terrifying as a twister. A killer that comes from the sky with little warning until it's almost on top of you.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There's a tornado right out my back door. You can see it. Oh my God!

MARCIANO: It strikes indiscriminately, wiping out some homes, while sparing others nearby. The United States is the tornado capital of the world. On average 1,000 tornados strike each year -- 1,000 tornados, killing on average about 80 people and injuring about 1,500.

The deadliest tornado to ever strike the U.S. hit March of 1925. The twister, called the Tri-State Tornado, traveled more than 300 miles through Missouri, Illinois and Indiana, killing nearly 700 people, injuring more than 2,000. That tornado was classified as an F5, the strongest on the scale used by the National Weather Service. And while F5 tornados tend to have winds stronger than 261 miles per hour, the scale is based on the amount of damage they cause.


DAN MCCARTH, NOAA STORM PREDICTOIN CENTER: It does look like a war zone. It looks like an absolute -- like a nuclear bomb went off or something like that. Because any structures that are left, they just don't exist.


MARCIANO: Putting its power in perspective, last month's Hurricane Wilma, the most intense hurricane on record, had winds of 175 miles an hour.




MARCIANO: The strongest F5 tornado ever recorded had winds as high as 318 miles an hour. It touched down six years ago, near Oklahoma City, causing more than a billion dollars in damage. It's still hard to tell how powerful a twister can be. There's no way to directly measure the stronger storms because they literally destroy the weather instruments in them.

As for the most active month of tornados on record, well that was just a couple of years ago in May of 2003. More than 500 twisters struck. Typically, most twisters touch down here, in what's called "Tornado Alley," an area stretching from North Dakota to Texas, as far west as Wyoming and as far east as Ohio. But they're not limited to one area or one season.

Tornados can strike at any time of day, any time of the year. When you're in a mobile home or whether you're in a permanent structure, if a tornado makes a direct hit, it can cause a lot of damage.


COOPER: That was Rob Marciano reporting. We've got some breaking news to bring to you. There have been several explosions in Karachi, Pakistan, and we are being told there are smoke clouds over the downtown area of the city. According to the Associated Press -- and this information is just coming in -- according to the Associated Press, at least two people were killed. The AP also says a bomb exploded outside a KFC restaurant. At least 12 others were injured. We're going to continue to monitor the latest developments from Karachi. We're going to bring them to you as soon as possible.

Coming up next on 360, the cold season is upon us. How to avoid and how to treat the common cold -- some new studies out, some new research that may spare you some misery this winter.

And school violence -- we'll go beyond today's headlines. I'll talk to a teenager whose crime made headlines more than eight years ago. He'll tell you what it was like as he stalked fellow students in the halls of his school.

And this --


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Even thought I've played Samantha for seven years, in my private life sexuality was something that was not only unfulfilling for me, but actually quite scary.


COOPER: Kim Cattrall, here to talk to us about, well, about sex -- the topic of her new book and documentary. This is 360.


COOPER: Well, it's estimated that this year Americans will sniffle and sneeze their way through no fewer than 700 million common colds. That's a lot of tissues. But there may be a way to reduce your chances of catching colds. Remember what your mom told you about bundling up? Well, tonight she may be able to say I told you so. A new study is out with some information. CNN's Senior Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta, with the details and is going to test our knowledge of the common cold.

All right, Sanjay, let's start with one that appears to call into question conventional wisdom: Getting a chill can cause a cold? True or False?

SANJAY GUPTA, CNN SENIOR MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, that one is actually false. Getting a chill does not actually cause a cold. A lot of people think that if you go outside with wet hair, for example -- you have to be exposed to the virus. But an interesting new study actually, Anderson, talking about people who are actually exposed to significant cold, like an ice bath for example, were more likely to get a cold. Well why? Probably because they already had the virus, they just wouldn't have any symptoms yet. The cold can make you have some of those symptoms, so something to watch out for. COOPER: True or false: Kissing can transmit the cold virus?

GUPTA: That one is true. Because the typical cold virus is actually very contagious. Unlike the bird flu virus, for example, garden variety flu virus can be transmitted very easily. So wash your hands, clean off those desk surfaces and don't kiss and cough.

COOPER: OK. True or false: Airplane trips can increase your risk of getting a cold?

GUPTA: Yes, that one's actually true as well, Anderson. Being in an airplane, more so because you're in confined quarters with lots of different people. And when you're in combined quarters for that long, you're more likely to actually catch the viruses that are spreading around. I will add that a lot of airplanes have actually added these new air filtration systems to try and weed those viruses out.

COOPER: Starve a cold, feed a fever? True or false?

GUPTA: That one is false, Anderson. That is not good advice. You want to make sure that you stay well hydrated. You want to make sure that you get plenty of food and you're on a good diet. No starving a cold, no feeding a fever.

COOPER: Hot toddies and chicken soup are effective cold treatments?

GUPTA: Not a good treatment, sadly, Anderson. Alcohol never a good idea when you have a cold because, the same thing, you don't want to get dehydrated. The chicken soup won't shorten the duration of your cold. It may not actually improve any of your symptoms, but a lot of people say that they feel better with it anyway.

COOPER: Mmm -- soup. All right, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, thanks.

GUPTA: Thank you.

COOPER: Erica Hill from "Headline News," joins us with some of the other stories we're following right now. Hi Erica.

ERICA HILL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Hi Anderson. And we start off tonight in France. Day 18 of unrest. And while authorities say the worst of the rioting may be over, there was more violence tonight -- a school burned, dozens of cars torched. In a speech to the nation today, French President Jacques Chirac called for law and order and respect for the country's less fortunate citizens. Some of them have taken to the street.

Meantime, back state side, police in Virginia now say they have the cell phone bandit's number. Her name, they believe, is Candace Rose Martinez of Chantilly, Virginia. And they say she's the one on that tape. They want her in connection with four bank robberies.

It looks like that is not what you are seeing right now on your screen. But this is, of course, the story we've been telling you about, about a woman robbing banks while talking on a cell phone.

Storm warning there, as you can see, and as we're hearing from Chad Myers, our severe weather expert, as he told us earlier in the program, another potential hurricane here, as you can see, in the making. Right now it's just a tropical depression. But, it could become Tropical Storm Gamma, which would make it the 24th named storm this season -- not what people want to hear.

And lastly for you from Phoenix, Arizona, not exactly pin the tail on the donkey for this birthday party. A family celebrating a birthday, kids playing when they were attacked by a monkey. And it turns out the monkey belonged to the neighbors got loose, bit two kids -- fortunately not seriously and it was returned to its owners. No word yet on what happens next.

COOPER: I mean, in that video, if you got a kid, I don't think you want to put the kid's hand in a monkey's mouth.

HILL: I'm thinking not so much, like maybe not the smartest idea.

COOPER: Yes, not a good idea. All right, do not try this at home. Erica Hill, thanks very much. See you again in about 30 minutes.

When we come back, new details about the school shooter. And we're going to talk to a young man who when he was 16 shot and killed two people in his school. We'll talk about why he did it and what he felt like as he was walking the halls, stalking the people he grew up with.

Also ahead tonight, keeping them honest -- our focus still on the aftermath of Katrina. Why haven't any politicians actually stood up and admitted what they did wrong? Someone must have done something wrong. We'll take a look into that.


COOPER: More on our breaking news story right now. There have been several explosions in Karachi, Pakistan. We are just getting some video in. We're going to show you what we have. We are being told there are smoke clouds over the downtown area of the city, as you can see here. Obviously, the zone that's been affected quite wide, we see one car on fire. According to the Associated Press, at least two people were killed. Now Reuters is just reporting that six people have died. The Associated Press also says a bomb exploded a KFC restaurant. At least 12 others were injured -- that according to the Associated Press. But again, Reuters is now saying there are six dead.

The video is freezing up. We are getting it -- this is literally as we are getting it. So you are seeing it as we are seeing it for the first time. This, of course, in Karachi, Pakistan. This would come, of course, just several days after the bombings, the multiple suicide attacks in Amman, Jordan. We do not have much information, though, about whether KFC was the target of this attack. But according to the Associated Press, this did occur outside a KFC restaurant. Again, we will continue to follow developments as they occur and bring them to you before the end of the program tonight.

Tonight, in "Keeping them Honest," our continuing effort to keep the spotlight on the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, we look at the question of responsibility. You know, we've yet to hear any politician stand up and admit what they personally did wrong. Sure, you know, some people have said, hey, look, if mistakes were made, I take full responsibility. But no one has been specific and unless we hear specific things, specific mistakes that were made, this kind of thing is going to happen again. The same mistakes are just going to be repeated. Here's what a lot of politicians had to say in the days immediately following the storm. Remember this?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Now's not the time. I'm looking forward to when we can figure out how to make sure this never happens again.

MIKE BROWN, FEMA DIRECTOR: I'm not blaming anyone. I think if you listen to what I said, I said that some either chose not to evacuate and some were unable to evacuate. Now is not the time to be blaming.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is not a time for finger pointing or playing politics.

SEN. MARY LANDRIEU (D), LOUISIANA: We'll talk about what didn't do later. There'll be plenty of time for that and the truth will speak for itself.


COOPER: Well later is here. More than two months after the storm and what has been done? First, we're going to look at what has been done. Several congressional committees have held hearings on Capitol Hill, but communication problems are hindering the probes. Just last week, the chairman of the House Committee investigating the federal response complained he wasn't getting all the information he requested from the federal government.

Now Louisiana's attorney general, the FBI, they've begun examining the New Orleans levees and why they failed, looking to possible corruption. Still, there seems a lot more questions than answers. Joining me from New Orleans, Dr. Greg Henderson of the Ochsner Clinic, who's experienced firsthand the Katrina relief -- or lack thereof.

Greg, it's great to see you again. Does it -- do you understand why more hasn't been done? I mean, do you feel like you have the answers that you need about what happened, what went wrong?

GREG HENDERSON, DOCTOR, OCHSNER CLINIC: By no means. I think there is, you know, years and years of investigation that need to take place to figure out what went wrong. It's -- you have to understand that, you know, this is a problem that may have its roots, you know, decades ago and really came to fruition now, you know. And so figuring out when and where, what went wrong, when it went wrong, is going to be a long process.

COOPER: You know, I think there are a lot of people who would like to just see or hear at least one politician just stand up and say, you know what, this is what I did wrong. This is the mistake I made. I wish I had been better at this, but I wasn't. We've yet to hear anyone do that. I remember in those days after Katrina, you saying that unless this is autopsied, like you would autopsy a patient, the mistakes are just going to get repeated the next time around.

HENDERSON: Oh I completely agree. I mean that's the essential importance about examining what went wrong in this entire fiasco of Katrina. Not only what happened in terms of the storm and its aftermath, but again as I've said, what led up to this? What were the things that happened in the years prior and this may be -- as I've said, this may go back 30 and 50 years. And again, to use my analogy, this has to be autopsied. And the reason why you autopsy is, you know, at first and foremost to figure out what is the disease in the system? What went wrong? And what can we learn from it? What can we do better next time?

COOPER: And we're talking, of course, local, state, federal level. I mean, there's plenty of blame to go around. From a medical standpoint, what do you think you have learned? Or what do you need to learn in order to answer the questions you want answered?

HENDERSON: From a medical standpoint? Well, from a medical standpoint, you know, there is so much that we need to examine in this. I mean, again, we have responded to a challenge medically that has never been seen before in this country. We had decimation, essentially, of the entire health care system in this city and we have essentially been learning and making it up as we go along. As you well know, my home institution in Ochsner was one of the only ones -- or the only hospital that was open throughout the whole Katrina, the storm and the aftermath and now joining up with other smaller hospitals and hospitals trying to get back on their feet. What we've learned is how to get rid of these turf battles and begin to erase some of the lines and blur some of the lines that used to divide us and get together and focus on the one thing that is important, and that is taking care of people. And I think we have learned that as a medical community in New Orleans and it's given us a new sense of focus and mission. And I'd like to see all healthcare communities in the United States learn from what we've learned. Remember, it's the patient first. And it's sad that sometimes incredible disaster like this has to happen for us to get back to our -- that focus and make that our main mission at all times.

COOPER: Well, until all of us demand answer and all of us, you know, everyone who was involved stands up and talks about what they did wrong, this thing, it can easily happen again. Dr. Greg Henderson, it's always good to see you -- one of the heroes of the storm for us. Thanks very much.

Coming up next on 360, classes resume for the first time since a school shooting left an assistant principal dead. We're going to take a look at the young suspect's troubled past.

Also tonight --


KIM CATTRALL, ACTRESS: And women learn, maybe, what the sexual act is about in a porn film. But they forget that they're acting.


COOPER: Think Samantha was steamy, wait until you hear what Kim Cattrall has to say. She stops by 360 to talk about sex and the art of adult education.


COOPER: Here's what's happening in this moment. Breaking news out of Karachi, Pakistan. An explosion has rocked the downtown area. Reuters quotes police are saying six people were killed when a car bomb exploded outside a KFC fast-food restaurant. Associated Press says at least two people are dead, 12 others injured.

The White House says it pays no attention to polls, but for those who do, today's CNN/"USA Today"/Gallup poll survey finds that President Bush has the lowest approval rating of his presidency, 37 percent, 2 percent lower than his ranking in an October poll.

There was mild shaking in the city of Tokyo, but no reports of injuries or damage after a 6.9 earthquake centered 330 miles out in the Pacific Ocean off the east coast of the Island of Honshu. A tsunami warning was issued for the northeastern Japanese coast.

A newly released letter written by Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito, when he was with the solicitor general's office in 1985 says, among other things, that in his view, quote, "the Constitution does not protect a right to abortion." The letter was written as part of Mr. Alito's application to become a deputy assistant attorney general. And also notes that as a federal employee Mr. Alito had not been able to take a role in partisan politics, quote, "However," the letter says, "I'm a life-long registered Republican."

It was one week ago tomorrow that a 14-year-old boy walked into his Tennessee high school, pulled out a gun, and pulled the trigger. An assistant principal is dead, two others wounded. And hundreds of children were left crying and in shock.

Well, today, as they made their first trip back to school, new details have emerged about a troubled life. CNN's Rick Sanchez investigates.


RICK SANCHEZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): In Jacksboro, Tennessee, they turned out over the weekend to bury the man they call their favorite assistant principal. Ken Bruce was gunned down, police say, by a freshman who brought a gun to school and used it when he was confronted. So who is this 14-year-old who officials now want to try as an adult? To get the answer to that question, we come here, the foothills of the Appalacian Mountains.

This is where, as a 12-year-old, he was sent, nearly 100 miles away from his home to live, learn and be reformed. The Kingswood School and home for children specializes in students with behavioral problems. Administrator Darrell Helton counseled the boy sent here by a father who was said to be losing control of his son.

(On camera): He came here because he was cutting school, he was in all places at all times, he wasn't responding to parental discipline?


SANCHEZ (voice over): On campus, the boy who is now a murder suspect, lived in a cottage with six other boys. He was required to do chores, attend class, and if he behaved, he was allowed to occasionally watch TV or even spend weekends at home, visiting his parents. The program seemed to be working.

HELTON: I do think that it started having an impact on him.

SANCHEZ: At the time, the boy we now have gotten used to seeing with blood-splattered clothing, was considered neither dangerous nor violent.

HELTON: No, because if he was that we wouldn't have accepted him.

SANCHEZ: What happened, then, to this boy who seemed on the road to recovery? Darrell Helton says the boy was returned to the public schools before he was ready.

SANCHEZ (on camera): But he didn't complete the program?

HELTON: No, he did not.

SANCHEZ: That's an issue, isn't it?

HELTON: Yes, it is.

SANCHEZ: You think had he completed the program there is a good chance that maybe he would have been less apt to do what he's alleged to have done?

HELTON: Oh, yes. I don't think there is any doubt about that.

SANCHEZ (voice over): The student, turned suspect, was pulled from Kingswood after being there 16 months. And because he was placed there voluntarily and then removed by his dad, Kingswood officials couldn't keep him from leaving, nor warned his new school.

Students, teachers, and parents at Campbell High, returning for their first day back, wish they had been warned.


SANCHEZ: Officially, this was the last -- the first day, I should say, for the students to return. We say "officially" because in the last couple of days they've all been coming here, making this essentially -- you can't see it because it's so dark right now -- this goes on for like a block and a half, all of them, momentos, memorials, things that students have come, and other people who attended this school in the past. As you walk through here, you see it is not really just what they left, but also what they take away.

I'll give you an example. This is something that was left by a student for Mr. Bruce, the deceased assistant principal. This student writes, I won't forget you. You helped me back in school. You help me get back and graduate. Without you I wouldn't have done it. You're my hero.

Like this one there are so many others. So many students who have come here, Anderson, to remember a principal they say was indeed their favorite. Back to you.

COOPER: Rick, thanks very much.

Sadly we've seen this all before and every time we're left wondering why. Why would a child kill? Psychologists offer their answers but perhaps the best clues rely in the mind of a young killer like Evan Ramsey.

Eight years ago he entered his high school in Bethel, Alaska. He took out a .12 gauge shotgun and murdered a student and the principal. Now, at the time he was 16 years old. Tonight he's behind bars, sentenced to 200 years in prison. He's currently at the Florence Corrections Facility in Arizona. Last week I spoke to Evan Ramsey by phone.


COOPER: Evan you shot and killed your principal and a classmate in 1997. Why did you do it?


COOPER: How were you picked on?

RAMSEY: I had been called names, had things thrown at me. I've spit on. I've been beat up.

COOPER: There are a lot of kids who get picked on who don't end up killing two people in their school, bringing a gun to school. What do you think made the difference in your case?

RAMSEY: Each person reacts differently to a situation. Bad judgment played a role in my decision.

COOPER: There have been some reports in the past, you said that you wanted to kill yourself. And after you shot these two people at your school, you did put the gun to your head, but you didn't pull the trigger. Do you think you really did want to kill yourself or was it more something against these particular people?

RAMSEY: I went into the high school with the intent on killing myself and, like, all plans it fell apart after the first few seconds. COOPER: There was more going on in your life than just you waking up one day and deciding to go to school because you were being picked on and shoot people. I know your father had been in prison for a shooting incident. You had been in foster care. I mean, do you feel like all of that built up? Do you think all of that played a role in what you did?

RAMSEY: I didn't feel that my family cared about me. I didn't feel as if there was anybody around me that cared about what happened to me and how I felt.

COOPER: You're not proud of what you did, clearly, and you said you have regrets for it. What do you wish you did differently? What do you wish you could have turned around and stopped or changed?

RAMSEY: I wish I would have realized early on that what other people think about me, and about other people, that it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what the next person thinks about me, as long as what I think about myself is acceptable. I think that might have made a really big difference.


COOPER: So just how common is violence in the classroom? According to the U.S. Department of Education, nationwide about 4 percent of school teachers reported they were physically attacked by a student. Nearly 1 in 10 said a student had threatened them with injury. Tonight Randi Kaye brings us the story of one teacher still recovering from a violent encounter.


RANDI KAYE, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): Teacher Gretchen Simpson walks with a limp and drives a car with handicapped plates. All because she was attacked by one of her students at a Georgia School.

GRETCHEN SIMPSON, : I'm not supposed to get on my knees. I'm not supposed to be on uneven surfaces.

KAYE: January 2004, Point South Middle School outside Atlanta. Simpson tried to subdue a boy she says was acting unruly on the bus.

(on camera): The student escaped, but when Simpson went after him, she says he pounced, beating her with a stick dozens of times even biting her through her silk jacket and drawing blood. Simpson tried to shield herself, but by the time it was all over. She had a broken finger and a twisted knee.

SIMPSON: I'm seeing a psychologist for post-traumatic stress syndrome.

KAYE (voice over): Many of these attacks go unreported, but we discovered numerous incidents in just the last month. Alabama teacher Judy Jester, beaten to death by a 15-year-old student, her skull cracked. Philadelphia teacher, Mark Segurs (ph), a Hurricane Katrina evacuee, pummeled by 17-year-old twins during English class. And in Maryland, teacher Dario Valcarsol (ph), beaten with a baseball bat in his biology classroom. A witness says it was a 10th grader wearing a ski mask.

RON STEPHENS, NATIONAL SCHOOL SAFETY CENTER: The victimization against teachers and administrators continues to be at an unacceptably high level.

KAYE: Doctor Ron Stephens, with the National School Safety Center, in Los Angeles, tracks violent school attacks for the federal government. In the last decade, he says, 10 percent of the attacks involve teachers. Stephens says student attackers are younger than they used to be and more violent, simply because they're exposed to more violence at younger ages. He points to video games, movies and other entertainment.

STEPHENS: And this is the youngster who goes from normal to ballistic in a heartbeat.

KAYE: Turning the classroom into chaos and putting teachers like Simpson in harm's way.

SIMPSON: I thought I had a coat of armor.


KAYE: Gretchen Simpson says it is definitely more dangerous in the classroom and Doctor Ron Stephens backs that up. He says we've transitioned from fist-fights to gun fights and that violent students have something much worse than ADD. They have something he calls, IED, that is, intermittent explosive disorder. Doctor Stephens says most students who attack teachers have trouble at home. Or they've acted out violently before.

So the question is can teachers protect themselves? Well, Doctor Stephens says it is impossible to guarantee safety in the classroom. But the best thing teachers can do, Anderson, is stay in touch with students and learn to read how students will react to them.

COOPER: Randi, when you talk about violent students getting younger, how young are you talking about?

KAYE: We're talking really young. We're talking five and six year olds, kindergarten. In fact, the case that really haunts Doctor Stephens is a case out of Houston, where a couple of kindergartners attack their teacher so violently that she missed six months of work in classroom.

COOPER: Randi Kaye, thanks so much.

Coming up next on 360, more details on the breaking news, the blast in Karachi, Pakistan, reportedly at a KFC restaurant.


COOPER: Want to update you now on some breaking news out of Karachi, Pakistan. Appears there has been a deadly terrorist attack there, an explosion. You're seeing the smoke, the fire there, local media in Karachi say at least three people are dead. Now, Reuters said six people had died. Numerous injuries, according to a local media report there. Half a dozen cars are on fire. The Associated Press also says a bomb exploded outside a KFC restaurant.

Now, we've just been getting this video in, really, for the last 20 minutes or so. You see some people running but they are also just a number of people kind of milling about. At least, two vehicles, perhaps even three, that we can see, are on fire there. It is not clear exactly what time this blast occurred or where the KFC restaurant is in this video. It's a little bit hard to tell.

But that is the report, that this bomb, and/or bombs exploded outside a KFC restaurant. This of course, comes just days after the multiple suicide bombings against American owned companies in Amman, Jordan -- or at least hotels with American names, Grand Hyatt, Days Inn and the Radisson Hotel there.

Moving on, down in the lobby here at the Time Warner Center, there is a pair of sculptures. A man and a woman, they're nude, about 20 feet tall. They get quite a reaction. People are outraged, some of them. Some of them are fascinated. People -- some just giggle, they blush, a few turn away.

Now, modern art is going to do that to you. But we're pretty sure it's the sexuality they're reacting to, it usually is. We giggle about sex, we blush, we're too embarrassed to say much about it, but too fascinated to turn away, which is where our guest tonight comes in. Kim Cattrall has made a career out of getting us to look at and talk about sex on and off the screen.


COOPER (voice over): Of the four women who occupy the New York world that was "Sex & The City", Samantha Jones may have been the biggest groundbreaker.

KIM CATTRALL, ACTRESS: Nice pole. Want to see it again?

COOPER: Oh, sure, Carrie had her shoes, Charlotte had her charm, but Samantha, the 40-something singleton, proved on a weekly basis that she was at once fearless and free. After all, it was Samantha, the oldest of the four characters, who felt free enough to pose in the nude.

ACTOR: OK, Samantha, Tiger here has a variety of music choices to ease you into the shoot and help you feel more comfortable.


ACTOR: Yes, I've got some Steely Dan.

CATTRELL: I'm comfortable.

ACTOR: OK, camera, Tiger.

COOPER: It was Samantha who was shunned by her neighbors for letting in a burglar along with her late-night sex buddy.

ACTRESS: You're bad for the building.


ACTRESS: You have too many visitors. There are always men in the hall.

ACTRESS: I got robbed because of you, tart! I can't close my left eye.

COOPER: It was Samantha who explored other sides of her sexuality.

ACTRESS: You just caught us a little off guard with the lesbian thing.

CATTRALL: That's just a label, like Gucci or Versace.

ACTRESS: Or Birkenstock.

CATTRALL: This is not about being gay or straight.

Maria is an incredible woman. She's got passion and talent, intelligence.

ACTRESS: A vagina?

CATTRALL: Oh, vagina, smadgina?

ACTRESS: Smadgina? Is that what the lesbians are calling it?

COOPER: And who can forget Samantha and the civil servant?

ACTOR: You have to be ready at a moment's notice.

CATTRALL: Oh, I should be a fireman, because I'm always ready to go.

COOPER: So, when Kim Cattrall starts life after Samantha, what else would she do but a documentary and a book about, well, sex?

CATRELL: Can we develop a kind of sexual intelligence? One that deepens our pleasure and gives us a greater awareness of ourselves.


COOPER: That is from her new documentary, actress and author Kim Cattrell. The name of her book, "Sexual Intelligence". We spoke with her earlier tonight.


COOPER (on camera): The book is "Sexual Intelligence". Those are two words you often don't hear in the same sentence, "sex" and "intelligence". What is sexual intellignce?

CATTRALL: Well, that's why we wanted to put it in once sentence, because you don't hear it so often. Well, I think intelligence, everybody hopefully knows what that is. But sexuality can be very mysterious. And I think a lot of people think it is very powerful, but it can also be very fragile. So we wanted to create a forum to bring sexuality some shed of light from different sources -- from real people, ask them what they felt about their sexuality.

COOPER: What surprised you most from what you heard?

CATTRALL: Oh, there were many things. I mean, for me, personally, just doing the research was fascinating, and going back in time, especially to Pompeii, where we shot for about four days. Going back and seeing how sexuality was so celebrated and openly worshipped. Whereas today, you know, this book that you have in front of you, is shrink wrapped --

COOPER: Right.

CATTRALL: With a sticker that says warning, nudity, and you know, bad language.

COOPER: When you write in the book that, women, I mean despite the women's movement and feminism, that many women you meet and many women you talk to are very uncomfortable discussing their own sexuality.

CATTRALL: Well, I have to admit that I was one of those women, even though I've played Samantha for seven years. In my private life sexuality was something that was not unfulfilling for me, but actually quite scary. And that was really what my first book was about. It was about differentiating myself from Samantha and saying this was my true history.

COOPER: Well, that's got to be hard. I mean, you're so associated with the character.


COOPER: I mean, dating -- guys, they must -- did they think they were dating Samantha?

CATTRALL: It was pretty rough, let me tell you. Yes. It can be. But I really discovered something late in life, in my forties, about communication -- and also discovering my own sexuality for myself. Spending the time and having the courage to explore that, which I think most women should do. Not a lot do. And that is also what came out in our documentary and our book. Is how fearful people are about sexuality. COOPER: Yes.

CATTRALL: Their own especially, because it is so powerful.

COOPER: Well, to me what's fascinating is just how much -- how the brain is really the largest sexual organ.

CATTRALL: Oh, my god.

COOPER: I mean, the brain in all of this --

CATTRALL: And all of the fears.

COOPER: It all happens in the brain.


COOPER: Yes, it is so fascinating why one person finds something attractive and then another person doesn't. It makes no sense on paper, it is all in the brain.

CATTRALL: Well, we found out that biochemistry has a lot to do with it, in our research for the book and doc. And also, this thing called love maps. Which is why you are attracted to someone. It could be your mother, the way she spoke, or the way your father laughed, or a smell. All of these imprints at a very, very early age become your love map. And that is why you are attracted or now attracted to someone.

COOPER: Yes, that is fascinating. I know, in the book you also quote Doctor Helen Fisher (ph), who we've actually had on the program.

CATTRALL: Oh, yes. Yes.

COOPER: Who does imaging of the brain and how people who are in love, central parts of their brain are sort of ignited, that normally don't get ignited.

CATTRALL: You really are drugged by your lover, yes.


It's not just in poetry and in movies.

COOPER: Right, or in slasher films.

CATTRALL: Right. Right.

COOPER: It is actually in real life in a good way.



COOPER: Coming up next on 360, what Kim Cattrall has to say about sex and pornography, and something we don't normally associate with sex, humor.


COOPER: We're hearing from author Kim Cattrall, the author of the new book, "Sexual Intelligence", about sex, society, sensibilities, and something else, humor.


COOPER: What is interesting in looking through the book is that there are photographs and the things that you write about, which are funny. And you take joy and humor in them. It's almost shocking.

CATTRALL: It's got to be fun.

COOPER: Well, but that's the thing. It's almost kind of surprising to see that. I mean, sex, to the degree that it is spoken about, there is not a lot of humor involved in it.

CATTRALL: Well I think, again, we take it really seriously, sex. And that was one of the great things about "Sex & The City". It was taking these taboos and sort of exposing them and letting everybody laugh at themselves. And bringing sex, really, to the table and to talk about it and make it -- to integrate it, more into your life.

COOPER: And in the documentary, you speak to a number of people, just regular people about their sex lives and about their attitudes. We're going to play just a -- just some clips from it.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All men want as much sex as they can get. I drive a nice Porsche, so I can get chicks, so I can have sex.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: With my partner now, we're not having sex as often as we were, and have we slipped into the lesbian bed death? Is it a boring sex life? I don't know. It doesn't feel boring to me.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: For men, sex -- they can have sex anytime, anywhere, anyplace, doesn't matter, they're up for it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I find that women are a lot more understanding of women not being in a sexual place at a certain time.

When you are in a relationship with a man, there is almost like a sexual frequency that is expected.


COOPER: You know, in the film you have people who are very graphically speaking about their sex lives. What did you learn most from them?

CATTRALL: Well, first of all I thought they were incredibly courageous people. I mean, I played this character, but I --

COOPER: How do you recruit people to talk about their sex lives? It is always fascinated me.

CATTRALL: Oh, it's quite a -- this project took three and a half years for us to put together. And one of the longest process was finding the people. People -- we took four heterosexuals, a gay man, a gay woman, and a bi-sexual woman. And their comments sometimes were quite startling and often very funny and surprising.

COOPER: What do you think about pornography today and its impact, especially on young people? I mean, you know, so many kids today grow up watching porn and it sort of has changed the way -- and not in a good way -- the way they view sexuality. That young women feel they have to be porn stars and they see things in movies and feel like it's the norm?

CATTRALL: I think, again, you know, this is where a lot of young men and women learn maybe what the sexual act is about in a porn film. But they forget that their acting. They're not really doing the things -- they're doing them, but they're not really achieving, you know, in a realistic forum of the expectations of what you can expect from your partner. That is why I think it is important for a different kind of sexuality. A different kind of sensuality, that is not pornographic and not medical. Because I think both of them can be very off putting and alienating to so many people.

But I think pornography is very dangerous. You have to be very, very careful with it, in or out of a relationship.


COOPER: When we come back, more details on the bombing in Karachi.


COOPER: An update on our breaking news story. A powerful explosion has rocked Karachi, Pakistan. The blast hit the central part of the city. You see this fire and the smoke. Investigator say it seems that the target was a KFC restaurant. Police tell CNN at least three people were killed, eight others wounded. Pakistan's information minister says it is not clear if it was a car bomb or another explosive device.

"Larry King Live" is next. Thanks for watching 360.