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Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees

The Hunt for the FBI's "Ten Most Wanted" Fugitives

Aired August 18, 2006 - 23:00   ET


ANDERSON COOPER, CNN ANCHOR: Good evening again. From a terror mastermind to a monster kingpin, the hunt is on for the FBI's ten most wanted.
ANNOUNCER: Outlaws on the run and running scared. Suspected killers, predators, pedophiles, all find a place next to public enemy number one. Tonight, profiles of the FBI's top ten. Behind the list, how it was created and who's been on the longest. We'll have the roll call of the worst of the worst.

And joining us for the hour, John Walsh, host of "America's Most Wanted."

JOHN WALSH, HOST, AMERICA'S MOST WANTED: We have caught 15 guys off the FBI's ten most wanted as a direct result of viewer tips.

ANNOUNCER: This is a special edition of ANDERSON COOPER 360, Most Wanted. From New York, here's Anderson Cooper.

A. COOPER Welcome to this special edition of 360. Over the next hour we're going to profile the FBI's ten most wanted. And while Osama bin Laden is the most wanted man in the world, he has company, right here in America. Infamous fugitives hiding in plain sight, maybe even in your neighborhood. Helping us along the way tonight John Walsh, the host of "America's Most Wanted". Because of his show, 896 fugitives have so far been captured. John Walsh joins me now.

John over the course of this next hour we're going to be profiling a lot of the members of the FBI's most wanted list. What should viewers be keeping in mind as they're hearing their stories?

WALSH: Well they should keep in mind that these are some of the most violent and dangerous fugitives that are out there. The public is the huge difference. The public is the reason that most of these guys get caught, the public is the reason that this list has been so successful. Especially in recent years with people leaving tips on the internet or viewing Web sites or the FBI Web site. So the public should remember, these are dangerous low life creeps. If you see them, have the guts to turn them in.

Over the years they have caught thousands of fugitives that they have put on the Ten Most Wanted. For "America's Most Wanted," for example, over the 18 years that we have been on, we've caught 15 guys off the FBI's "Ten Most Wanted" as a direct result of viewer tips.

We actually caught two guys off the "America's Most Wanted" Web site that were in other countries. So the list is good. But it is the people who watch it and pay attention and have the courage to make that call that really, really make the list work.

A. COOPER John, we'll get back to you in a moment, after we profile our first fugitive.

He is no stranger to 360. His name is Warren Jeffs. A polygamist leader who calls himself a prophet of God. The police call him a predator.


COOPER (voice-over): He calls himself the prophet, but law enforcement officials say Warren Jeffs is nothing more than a child molester, albeit on a grand scale.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He's been charged in both the states of Arizona and California with sex crimes related to children. In Utah, he's been charged with first degree felony child rape.

A. COOPER Jeffs considers himself a man of the cloth, the leader of the fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or the FLDS. The sect splintered from the mainstream Mormon church early in the 20th century. It was once led by Jeff's father, Rulon.

And when he died, Warren became his self-appointed successor, bestowing upon himself his father's power, and marrying nearly all his father's dozens of wives.

Polygamy, though outlawed by the Mormon church, is standard practice in the FLDS. Police say Warren Jeffs matches underage girls with older men looking to add to their many wives.

He has more than 10,000 followers living here in an isolated community along the Utah-Arizona border and spread out as far north as Canada and as far south as Texas. It's a community Jeffs rules with an iron fist. His greatest weapon, according to Utah's attorney general, is fear.

MARK SHURTLEFF, UTAH ATTORNEY GENERAL: This is an organization where he has absolute control over the assets of every single person. He's been able to control people through fear, through intimidation tactics, holding not only their mortal lives, but their eternal lives in the palm of his hand.

A. COOPER Former followers like Dan Fischer agree.

DAN FISCHER, FORMER FOLLOWER OF WARREN JEFFS: If there were a Taliban of America, I would say this is it.

A. COOPER Fisher runs a group that cares for the so-called "Lost Boys," former FLDS members banned by Jeffs, forced to leave behind their wives and their children who would then be handed over to another church member.

FISCHER: Some actually expelled out in which they're given no more than an hour to be out of town, pack their bags, take whatever they can carry. And be gone. A. COOPER Jeffs has not been seen in public since 2005. And Mark Shurtleff says he has the resources to stay on the run.

SHURTLEFF: Warren Jeffs has an empire, he has an army, he has security people who are behind him who are armed. He has safe houses, he has the ability to move around at night. He's got all the cash he needs. He's got credit cards and aliases. That's why we're so pleased that the FBI has put him on their Ten Most Wanted list because it mobilizes the resources across this country to try and find him.

A. COOPER But there is some fear as well. Fear that moving in to arrest Jeffs could lead to a violent confrontation.

SHURTLEFF: I know his security guards, his goons, his what they call the god squad. I know that they will do everything they can to protect him. We know they're armed. It is really in Warren's hands.


A. COOPER Joining us again is the host of "America's Most Wanted," John Walsh. Also with us is Investigative Reporter Michael Watkiss.

Guys, thanks for being with us.

John, I guess in some ways Warren Jeffs is unlike anyone else on this list.

WALSH: Well, he in some ways he is and some ways he isn't. He's a pedophile. That's why I have great interest in him, is that he's alleged to have molested several boys belonging to members of his cult over the years. And arranged marriages with underage girls. So, but he has a lot of resources.

This is the guy that they estimate has a $200 million trust fund and he has access to this incredible cult who were brainwashed into, you know, thinking he's the prophet.

We could wind up another Jim Jones or David Koresh, it could get to be very ugly. He needs to be caught before he hurts somebody.

A. COOPER Mike, you've been on his trail now for a long time. How is he still making money?

MICHAEL WATKISS, INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER: Well, he's got followers that are funneling him in just huge amounts of cash. You have done broadcasts about the money trail.

These construction firms that are building subdivisions all over the western United States. They're making big money and that money is going right into his pocket. They have pillaged the school district up there, his cronies have left it bankrupt.

Mr. Walsh is absolutely correct. He is a dangerous guy.

A. COOPER John, you mentioned the fear of Waco. That's clearly an investigator's mind. I mean, he's got this compound not only in Utah along the Arizona border, but also perhaps more importantly in Texas, this very isolated compound that basically authorities can't even get on and don't even know if he may be there.

WALSH: Well, that's the scary part. We are talking about the resources he has. And he goes in and out of Mexico, which is a country that won't extradite fugitives. So, I think he feels safe there. He also has followers in Canada. So he could be anywhere.

But the real fear is that he'll either take these fervent, you know, diehard cult members and take them down with him, like Jim Jones did, or he'll make a stand somewhere like David Koresh did. He's got these incredible resources, bodyguards, guns. H comes and goes. He really knows what he's doing. He's a pretty smart fugitive.

A. COOPER That compound in Texas, you see the temple which he has built. Years ago he used to say you don't need a temple to communicate with God. Now he's built this temple. Do you worry that could be where he will make a last stand?

WATKISS: This really has all the feel of sort of an apocalyptic last stand. He has built this towering temple among the wind swept desert plains of Texas.

Unlike Colorado City, as isolated as it is, you and I can drive in there and go up to somebody's front door and knock. Down in Texas, it is all private land, nearly 1,700 acres. Basically, it's this landlocked island. They've got no trespassing signs everywhere, guards -- so nobody can go in there without some probable cause.

They don't want to go storming in there because it could become a Waco.

A. COOPER John, you have kind of your own list and a special place on that list for pedophiles. So for you, Warren Jeffs must be kind of high on your list?

WALSH: Oh, absolutely. I'm sure that he hasn't stopped doing what he's been doing his whole life running this cult, and that's molesting young boys and trading young girls for a position, you know, in his cult to adult men, to older men. So, you know, I have a special hate for these type of guys. Besides we also fear that he -- as Michael said, he may make this apocalyptic stand and take a whole bunch of kids down with him, innocent women and innocent men.

He's been preparing for this, for whatever is going to happen to him for a long time now. I hope he gets nailed on the run. And that's why I think the pressure is great for programs like this. Keep the pressure on Warren Jeffs. He's nothing but a crazy nutcase pedophile.

A. COOPER Warren Jeffs is just the latest fugitive to be put on the list. And certainly will not be the last. Chances are he will be caught. And that's because since its creation this rogues gallery has been a huge success for the good guys.

CNN Tom Foreman reports.


TOM FOREMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): In the spring of 1950, a reporter asked FBI agents to list the country's worst criminals, the ones they were hunting hardest.

Legendary FBI Boss J. Edgar Hoover gave the OK, liked what he saw, and the Ten Most Wanted list was born.

CHIP BURRESS, FBI: Well, the hardest guy to catch is the guy that really acts alone.

FOREMAN: FBI's Chip Burress says the idea has always been simple. Engage the public in the fight against crime.

BURRESS: What it does, is it really focuses their attention on them and it gets their face and their name and their crime out in public. It puts a lot of pressure on their family, on their friends.

FOREMAN: The list has evolved. In the 1950s, it featured kidnappers, extortionists, even car thieves.

In the turbulent '60s, violent protesters appeared.

In the '70s, the good fellows made a good showing.

In the '80s, drug dealers were popular.

Over the past decade and a half, child molesters and terrorists have been front and center. And it has worked.

BURRESS: I think numbers speak for themselves -- 452 captured out of 482 that have been on the list for 56 years. Over time, I think that's not a bad batting average.

FOREMAN: Famous faces have gone by. The assassin of Martin Luther King Jr., James Earl Ray, Serial Killer Ted Bundy, the man who murdered Versace -- Andrew Cunanan. New faces are always chosen because they are suspected of horrible crimes and because publicity might flush them out.

BURRESS: Osama bin Laden is on the top 10. Do we think he's in Provo, Utah? Probably not. But what we think is, is that if we get some publicity, we can keep him in the limelight, keep him upfront, that we'll have a better chance of catching him.

FOREMAN: Leaving the list except by arrest or death is rare. Donald Webb made the list 25 years ago for allegedly murdering a police chief. He's 75 and still hunted.

BURRESS: There are always going to be people that run from the law, and that want to escape.

FOREMAN: Or at least there will always be 10.

BURRESS: Always be 10 of them, yes.

FOREMAN: More like an endless supply of bad guys to fill up the list.

Tom Foreman, CNN, Washington.


A. COOPER We'll have more of the hunt for the FBI's most wanted, when we return.


KIMBERLY MERTZ, SPECIAL AGENT IN CHARGE, CONNECTICUT FBI: They could hear him loading the vehicle up with the money bags. They then heard the door go up and the car go out.


A. COOPER The search for the man who pulled off one of the greatest bank robberies in history.

And if you think you know everything about Osama bin Laden, we'll take you on his personal journey of terror, when this special edition of 360 continues.


A. COOPER Welcome back to this special edition of 360, "The Hunt for the FBI's "Ten Most Wanted" Fugitives."

Before the break, we profiled Polygamist Leader Warren Jeffs.

Next is a man who has had many jobs. He's been a paralegal, a truck driver, and a machinist. But it's his work as a security guard that has everyone's attention.

CNN's Gary Tuchman explains why.


GARY TUCHMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It was a daring and profitable robbery that put Victor Manuel Gerena on the FBI's "Ten Most Wanted" list. Gerena was working as a guard at the Wells Fargo armored car service in Hartford, Connecticut.

But police say on September 12, 1983, Gerena stopped watching the money and stole $7 million of it instead. At the time, it was the second biggest heist in U.S. history.

KIMBERLY MERTZ, SPECIAL AGENT IN CHARGE, CONNECTICUT FBI: Gerena pulled the gun on the manager, as well as another guard, who was still at the facility. And then told them he was serious, the place was being, you know, he was conducting a robbery.

He handcuffed them. He made them lie prone on the ground. He put coats over their eyes and he also injected them with an unknown substance.

TUCHMAN: The two men said Gerena spent about an hour and a half loading the cash into a car and then disappeared.

MERTZ: They remained quiet, you know, on the floor. They could hear him loading the vehicle up with the money bags. They then heard the door go up and the car go out.

TUCHMAN: By all accounts, Gerena was the young man least likely to follow a criminal path. In high school, he was described as popular, a leader, industrious, charismatic. But Gerena became devoted to a cause, the cause of Puerto Rican independence. He dropped out of college and moved from job to job. He even briefly joined the Army, until he landed at Wells Fargo. It was while he was there that he attracted the attention of the group, Los Macheteros.

MERTZ: Initially law enforcement believed that the robbery was executed solely by Victor Manuel Gerena. However, the subsequent investigation determined it was a much broader conspiracy. And it was actually orchestrated by Los Macheteros, a domestic terrorist group, you know, based in Puerto Rico.

TUCHMAN: Police say Los Macheteros, or machete wielders, targeted Gerena because of his fervor for Puerto Rican independence and his dissatisfaction with the U.S. military. They say the group helped move the money and Gerena out of the country.

MERTZ: The money and Gerena were then smuggled out of the U.S. into Mexico over the course of the next two weeks. Gerena was subsequently then taken from Mexico City to Cuba under a false Argentinean passport. And he has remained a fugitive since.

TUCHMAN: And the FBI says even though it believes he's in Cuba, ruled by a government that will never cooperate with the U.S. law enforcement, the seriousness of his crime will keep Gerena on the Ten Most Wanted list.

MERTZ: We remain committed to bringing him to justice. But it may take some time. He will remain on the list until he is apprehended or dies.

TUCHMAN: Gary Tuchman, CNN, Atlanta.


A. COOPER Nineteen Puerto Rican nationalists were involved in the conspiracy. Several remain fugitives to this day. But 14 were convicted. One of them, Filiberto Ojeda Rios escaped. And just last September in Puerto Rico was killed at the age of 72 in a shootout with FBI agents. Of the $7 million stolen, only $80,000 was ever recovered.

With us again is the host of "America's Most Wanted," John Walsh.

What are the chances that they can catch this guy, especially if he's in Cuba? WALSH: Well, it'd be very hard to get him in Cuba, but we have gotten someone information that he may have come back and forth into the United States. Miami is a very easy place to get into if you're Latin. And he may have gone back to Puerto Rico. But the main thing, I think the FBI keeps the focus on, is that Los Macheteros is so violent. They're a separatist group. They don't have any problem using machetes or using guns.

Now, with that $7 million heist, that has helped them get weapons. And they're dangerous. So, he could come in and out. And the FBI thinks he's so dangerous that they've upped the reward to $1 million.

A. COOPER Do you to think he'd still -- this guy would still be protected by this group, Los Macheteros?

WALSH: Oh, absolutely. I mean, they found a friend in Castro because he hates the United States so much and we know how much he aligns himself with any group that's against the United States, especially groups that purport violence. So, he's probably very well protected in Cuba.

And as you know, Anderson, it is easy to come in and out of Cuba. I mean, there's all kinds of countries that have built hotels down there. There are lots of tourists that come in and out of Cuba, Canadian tourists, Swedish tourists.

And Cuba has a very friendly relationship with Mexico. So it wouldn't surprise me one bit if Gerena has been going back and forth into Mexico. And we know how easy it is to get across the United States border. We've got 12 million illegals here in the United States. So this is a dangerous guy, and I don't think that they should ever give up looking for him.

A. COOPER From an armored heist to a killer who refused to be kept in a cage.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He murdered another inmate in the prison. That kept him there, in Guadalajara, a little bit longer. And then in 1991, he escaped from that prison and fled.


A. COOPER And that wasn't the first time he escaped from prison.

Plus instead of granting his wife a divorce, a man who allegedly murdered his entire family. That story coming up.

But first, here's another of the FBI's "Ten Most Wanted".

Diego Leon Montoya Sanchez, age unknown. Alleged crime, drug trafficking. Sanchez, known as Don Diego, is the FBI's most wanted drug dealer. Described as one of the most dangerous men in the western hemisphere. He's an alleged leader of the Colombian North Valley Drug Cartel, responsible for tons of Colombian cocaine entering the U.S., believed to be in Colombia, protected by a terrorist paramilitary group, Don Diego has a $5 million bounty on his head. Second only to Osama bin Laden on the FBI's "Ten Most Wanted" list.


A. COOPER Welcome back to this special edition of 360, "The Hunt for the FBI's "Ten Most Wanted"." Tonight, we're putting faces to the fugitives. They're on the run and they may be hiding in plain sight, like the cold blooded killer you're about to meet.

He likes champagne, tennis and especially his freedom. Even if it means escaping from prison twice.

Here is CNN's Randi Kaye.


RANDI KAYE, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Glen Stewart Godwin made a career out of violent crime. A career that started, according to police, in 1980 when he settled the dispute with an associate by stabbing him 28 times.

DREW PARENTI, SPECIAL AGENT IN CHARGE, SACRAMENTO FBI: After the murder, he attempted to dispose of and hide the body by placing what is described as a thousand pound bomb underneath the body. When that bomb did not detonate, he constructed a second device which actually ended up blowing the body clear of the initial crime scene.

KAYE: Godwin was convicted of murder in 1981. Sentenced to 26 years and placed in California's prison system. But it was clear from the start, he didn't intend to stay there for long.

PARENTI: He remained in a couple of different prisons throughout California. And during that time he made several attempts to escape.

KAYE: His continuing quest for freedom led authorities to lock him up here. In the state's high security Folsom Prison. But six months later, with the help of his wife and a cellmate, he slid through a storm drain, climbed through a manhole and made his escape.

PARENTI: He was assisted by being given a raft which enabled him to cross the American River and escape. The former cellmate was captured and was convicted for that crime. But his wife remains with him and she too has been charged.

KAYE: The FBI says Godwin took it on the lam to Belize and then to Mexico where in 1987, he was convicted of drug trafficking and sentenced to seven-and-a-half years in the Punta Grande Penitentiary, where, once again, U.S. authorities got hold of him. And he went to violent lengths to keep from being extradited.

PARENTI: He murdered another inmate in the prison. That kept him there, in Guadalajara, a little longer. And then in 1991, he escaped from that prison and fled.

KAYE: And the FBI says, though he hasn't been caught, he has been spotted.

PARENTI: We have fielded hundreds and hundreds of tips with regard to Godwin. Not only here across the United States, but internationally.

KAYE: His wanted poster is printed in both English and Spanish. And Godwin, a fluent Spanish speaker, has been spotted in Mexico, Central America, and South America.

And though it's been 10 years since he made the "Ten Most Wanted List," FBI agents say they believe they'll get their man.

PARENTI: The success rate of the "top ten" program is terrific. There have been 482 fugitives placed on the "Top Ten Most Wanted" list. Of those, 452 have been captured or located. So the success rate is quite high.

KAYE: Randi Kaye, CNN, New York.


A. COOPER Joining me to talk about Godwin is the host of "America's Most Wanted," John Walsh.

How does he do it? I mean, he seems amazingly adept at breaking out of prisons.

WALSH: This guy is a fascinating guy, Anderson. He used to be very handsome, very charismatic and he's very, very smart. And we profiled him on "America's Most Wanted" 15 times. I actually went to Folsom Prison.

He's the only guy to ever successfully escape from Folsom prison. And as you saw in that piece, a former cellmate at another California prison, Lorenzo Karlick (ph), actually broke into Folsom Prison, found this old drainage ditch that emptied into the American River, went inside, sprayed little happy faces with arrows, left a gun in that tunnel and went into the exercise yard and broke into Folsom Prison and sprung Glen Godwin.

Godwin went out, got away, as that piece showed you, and Karlick served, I think five years in a federal prison for assisting in Godwin's escape.

But he's so cold blooded that he knows that Mexico really doesn't have a great extradition situation. We don't have an extradition treaty with Mexico and these pick and choose individuals.

So he cold-bloodedly killed a guy in this Guadalajara prison to stay there. And they didn't get him in time, the Mexican government didn't extradite him in time and there is lots of rumors that he paid off guards in the escape. But he's a very, very cunning individual.

And I would be surprised if they got him because we have been profiling him so much, but once you disappear into Central America or to South America, it's really, really tough to get a fugitive. But he's a brilliant fugitive.

A. COOPER Godwin is on the run for allegedly murdering one man.

Robert Fisher is accused of killing an entire family -- his own family. Authorities said he tried to cover his crime up. We'll tell you how.

And the mobster who ran Boston's criminal underworld, and the lengths he took to keep his enemies quiet, as this special edition of 360 continues.

First, another fugitive hiding in plain sight.

Jorge Alberto Lopez-Orozco, age 30, alleged crime -- murder. Lopez-Orozco is wanted for the 2002 slaying of his girlfriend and her two sons, age 2 and 5, in Idaho.

After allegedly shooting all three in the head or chest, he's believed to have torched their car to cover the evidence. Last seen in San Jose, California, Lopez-Orozco may be traveling with his brother Simon Lopez-Orozco and Simon's wife, Maria Garcia. All three are considered armed and extremely dangerous.


A. COOPER As we've seen time and time again, the face of evil can be deceiving. Sometimes it comes with a smile. Like that of Robert Fisher.

What this churchgoing firefighter allegedly did to his wife and two young children is beyond words. Right now he's free and maybe you can help catch him. Our look at the FBI's "Ten Most Wanted" continues tonight with this fugitive.


COOPER (voice-over): It is a crime almost too horrible to imagine. A man slits the throat of his wife, and young children and then shoots his wife in the head, blows up their home to cover up his crime, and vanishes into thin air.

That's the crime police say that Robert Fisher committed, the crime that earned him a place as one of the FBI's "Ten Most Wanted".

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We basically responded to handle a death investigation related to the fire. And as that progressed at the scene, we quickly realized from evidence that we were seeing that we were dealing with a homicide that was trying to be concealed with an arson.

A. COOPER It happened in Scottsdale, Arizona, April 10, 2001. Police say Fisher, then a cardiac technician and a former Navy firefighter was controlling and arrogant. And they say when he heard his wife, Mary, was about to divorce him, he decided to kill her, his is 12-year-old daughter Brittney and 10-year-old son Bobby. Police tracked Fisher as far as the Tonto National Forest, 100 miles north of Scottsdale. They found Mary Fisher's car and the family dog abandoned in the woods. But that is where the trail went cold.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Our investigation then moved up to that location and we started a three-day manhunt, one of the largest manhunts in the state's history at that point. There was no indication that he had been around the vehicle, no footprints no canine scent tracks were made. He basically vanished and left the vehicle there.

A. COOPER Ten months later, they called in the FBI.

BOB CALDWELL, SPECIAL AGENT, PHOENIX FBI: And we went through everything that they had done, all the interviews, all the background of tracking what he had been doing prior to the murders, up to the day of the murders, and then tracking other assets and things to see whether he's been doing anything after the murders.

A. COOPER Fisher is now 45 years old, 6 foot tall with brown hair and blue eyes. The FBI hopes some of his habits might help jog some memories.

CALDWELL: The way he walks -- he had lower back surgery. And he walks more an upright posture. He likes to chew tobacco. But the main thing he is he likes to hunt and fish. And that's something he would be continuing doing to this day.

A. COOPER Agent Caldwell says Fisher, described by the bureau as armed and dangerous, is a criminal he's anxious to catch.

CALDWELL: It's pretty much just the nature of the crime. Any person that could slit his own children's throats, almost decapitating them, and then, you know, and murdering his wife in the same way and also shooting her in the head, rigging the house to blow up. You know, that's someone that doesn't deserve to be breathing the same air you and I are.


A. COOPER With us again is the host of "America's Most Wanted," John Walsh. And also joining us is Bill Cooper, the father of Mary Cooper and the grandfather of Brittney and Bobby Fisher.

Bill, thanks for being with us. I'm sorry, as I said, it's under these circumstances. How do you get through something like this? I mean, ass each day that passes and then each month that passes and then each year that passes. I mean, do you think about him out there somewhere? Or do you have to just not think about that?

BILL COOPER, FATHER OF MARY COOPER: You know, the days just are -- some days are really wonderful. And then other days I get into some melancholy moods -- I guess you could call it that. And I want him to get caught so bad. I pray every night that God's will will be done, that they will catch him. I hear people talk about, you know, when we catch him, there will be closure. I don't happen to think that there'll ever be closure. I think there will be a satisfaction there on our parts, but closure -- there is no such thing because of what we have gone through. It has changed our lives completely. I'm not the only person -- and my family, we're not the only people that are going through tremendous tragedies.

I mean, I get sick every time I watch the TV and wonder, how is that person dealing with this horrible tragedy they've just gone through.

I would just say this, to me in order for my family to get through it, and I would encourage others, it's only faith that gets us through. Our belief in a sovereign God is what helps us. We don't sit around and rant and rave and scream and jump around. But I do know that emotions are a part of it. They're a tremendous part of it.

A. COOPER Bill, what's your message for people watching this right now who may be out there and, you know, maybe catch a glimpse of this guy? What is your message to them?

B. COOPER: I remember one of the first interviews we did with John Walsh. I just told John that, you know, this is isn't a man. A man doesn't do that if he loves his wife and his kids. This is a monster. And that's exactly how I refer to him today. He's a monster.

A. COOPER Does it surprise you, John, that he hasn't been caught?

WALSH: I'm really surprised he hasn't been caught. We've profiled him seven times on "America's Most Wanted."

And I just want to say, my prayers go out to Bill Cooper. I'm the father of a murdered child. He's also the father of a murdered child and two beautiful grandchildren. And he's absolutely right. We've talked about this before. This isn't a man. This is a low life coward that would kill this beautiful woman and these two beautiful children.

And I'm absolutely astounded we haven't caught him, but we're not going to give up. We're not going to give up because this guy is somewhere. Probably living as a survivalist, maybe living in the woods or campgrounds or whatever.

But he was a double agent and he led a secret horrible, nasty lifestyle, probably still doing the same things he did while he was married. And I really, really believe that one day we're going to get lucky and get that tip and this coward -- and that's all he is, is a low life coward. We're going to get him and he's going face justice for the Cooper family.

A. COOPER Thank you very much, Bill. Good talking to you.

John, we'll talk with you more in a moment. Before he went on the most wanted list, he was an informant for the FBI.


KEN KAISER, FBI SPECIAL AGENT: I can't remember as much money and manpower devoted throughout the world looking for one individual as in this case.


A. COOPER He brought terror to Boston. Joseph "Whitey" Bulger, the ruthless crime boss.

And the journey to jihad, the rise of Osama bin Laden and why it is taking so long to find him, when this special edition of 360, "The FBI's Most Wanted" continues.


ERICA HILL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Hi everyone. I'm Erica Hill from "HEADLINE NEWS." 360 special on "The FBI's Ten Most Wanted" will continue in a moment.

First, though, here are the news and business headlines for you this evening.

Disturbing new allegations of war crimes in Iraq. Several U.S. soldiers are under investigation for the alleged rape and murder of an Iraqi woman. She and three members of her family were killed in their home last March.

In Florida, a preliminary autopsy on a 12-year-old boy who died at Walt Disney World was released today. The medical examiner's office said the child may have had a congenital heart defect. The boy died yesterday after riding a rollercoaster. No evidence of injury from the ride was found.

First came the flooding, now comes the cost. The damages from the weather that devastated parts of the Northeast this week could reach into the hundreds of millions of dollars. Maryland's governor is asking Washington to help pay to rebuild. The floods are blamed for at least 18 deaths.

And on Wall Street, a high week ends on a down note. The Dow dropping 40 points today to close at 11,150. The NASDAQ also fell, but just 2 points, ending at 2,172.

And that's a look at some of your news and business stories this evening. I'm Erica Hill.

The 360 special on "The FBI's Ten Most Wanted" will return right after this break.

(COMMERCIAL BREAK) A. COOPER Richard Steve Goldberg, age 60. Alleged crime, pedophilia. Goldberg is charged with sexually abusing four children in Long Beach, California in 2001 and may be connected to more victims.

First gaining the trust of neighborhood parents, he'd invite their children over to his house alone. Once there, he'd allegedly victimize them and take pornographic photos.

Last seen in Montreal, Goldberg is trained in survivalist skills. He's an avid gun collector and considered armed and dangerous.

John Walsh, host of "America's Most Wanted" rejoins us.

John, the Richard Steve Goldberg case I know is of particular interest to you.

WALSH: Well, you know how much I hate pedophiles. And this guy -- again, I'm so glad that he was put on the FBI's "Ten Most Wanted," because he's alleged to have molested several little girls in Long Beach, California.

And he's always -- it's always these guys that people think couldn't possibly be a molester. He was that uncle figure, he had the computer games in his house. He had ducks in a little pond in his backyard. And I don't know why single women don't check these creeps out, but he always volunteered to baby sit or to baby sit young girls.

And, of course, two girls were playing on his computer one day and they saw images of other young girls. He was actually selling the child pornography of the kids that he had molested.

It's very frustrating for me because this is not like doing somebody like Warren Jeffs or a drug cartel guy or a Russian mobster with a lot of resources. This guy is a lone wolf and he's out there somewhere. And it's very frustrating, but it's going to take somebody with a keen eye to say, you know what? This grandfatherly looking creep right here is Richard Goldberg and make that call. And if he's in Canada, all they have to do is call the Mounties or their local police and we'll get this pedophile off the streets.

A. COOPER On to another of the most wanted. He may have been an underworld godfather but to federal agents, he was also an informant. That was a long time ago.

Tonight a brutal mobster who served time in Alcatraz is on the run. This is also a story about blood brothers and the very different paths they chose to lead.

CNN's Dan Lothian reports.


DAN LOTHIAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): You may not recognize his face, you may not even know his name. But 76-year-old James "Whitey" Bulger appears next to America's worst enemy on the FBI's "Ten Most Wanted" list.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Osama bin Laden, obviously rightfully number one, but I think James "Whitey" Bulger rightfully number two. It is because of the horrific crimes he committed over a long period of time and the numbers of families that have been destroyed.

LOTHIAN: "Whitey," as he's called, is seen in these 25-year-old surveillance videos, just released by the U.S. Attorney's Office. A notorious leader of South Boston's Irish Mafia, charged with 19 counts of murder and various other crime, from extortion to distributing drugs.


LOTHIAN: Boston Talk Radio Host and Newspaper Columnist Howie Carr started covering Bulger as a young reporter, about the time the surveillance videos were shot.

CARR: There really was a rein of terror in Boston for, I don't know, maybe 15, 20 years where "Whitey" Bulger operated with impunity. Nobody could do anything about him.

LOTHIAN: Snitches seemed to disappear. Intimidation helped him force a code of silence. Carr says even reporters who nosed around the mobster's South Boston headquarters were threatened by his gang.

CARR: The guy said, you tell Howie, if he ever comes here, we have a dumpster out back waiting for him. It will be another Robin Benedict. She was this prostitute who was chopped up by an infatuated professor.

LOTHIAN (on camera): But everything changed 11 years ago. Bulger, who was also an FBI informant was tipped off by his handler that he was about to be indicted. So, he grabbed the girlfriend, packed up his car and vanished.

(voice-over): His crimes and his disappearance have also shined an unwanted spotlight on another Bulger, "Whitey's" brother, Bill. If "Whitey" is the bad boy of the Bulger family, Billy is by all accounts his polar opposite.

Billy Bulger spent 18 years as president of the Massachusetts state Senate. He then became president of the University of Massachusetts, a position he resigned in 2003, when police began to question whether Billy might still be in touch with his fugitive brother.

Those questions have never been answered. Even as the hunt for "Whitey" has spanned the globe. A joint Bulger task force of 11 full- time FBI agents, state police and corrections officers has followed up leads in dozens of countries. His "most wanted" poster is printed in at least six languages.

The last credible sighting was more than three years ago in London. KEN KAISER, FBI SPECIAL AGENT: I can't remember as much money and manpower devoted throughout the world looking for one individual as in this case.

LOTHIAN: Eclipsed only by Osama bin Laden. How has Bulger managed to evade such a wide net for so long?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think he prepared for a long period of time to be on the run.

LOTHIAN: Specifically, a global network of bank safety deposit boxes, stashed with cash, passports and other items to help him disappear.

The 76-year-old, an avid reader, is believed to be on the run with long-time girlfriend, 54-year-old Catherine Gregg (ph). The Bulger task force hopes the release of these old videotapes will help jog the public's memory.

KAISER: There's potentially some things they may recognize by the way he moves or by the way he holds his hands or by the way he walks down the street.

LOTHIAN: Dan Lothian, CNN, Boston.


A. COOPER When we return, public enemy number one, wanted dead or alive, Osama bin Laden. Despite thousands of troops in Afghanistan and a $25 million bounty, the terror mastermind is still free. The latest on the manhunt when this special edition of 360, "The FBI's most wanted," continues.

First, the face, though, of another fugitive.


COOPER (voice-over): Donald Eugene Webb, age 74. Alleged crime, murder.

Webb is charged with first brutally beating a Pennsylvania police chief with a blunt instrument and then shooting him twice in the head at close range in 1980.

His last sighting was at the scene of the crime. He's been on the run for more than 25 years. And has spent the longest time on the FBI's "Ten Most Wanted" list of any fugitive ever.

Webb is said to be a master of assumed identities, with nine known aliases. Although now a senior citizen, he's still considered armed and extremely dangerous.


A. COOPER Up to now we profiled nine of the FBI's "Ten Most Wanted" fugitives. But we've left the most notorious for last. He's soft spoken. He walks with a cane and is responsible for the murder of at least 3,000 Americans.

Nearly five years after September 11th and despite thousands of troops searching for him as we speak, Osama bin Laden remains elusive and still taunting the U.S.

CNN's Joe Johns reports.


JOE JOHNS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Osama bin Laden's journey toward jihad and global terrorism began in earnest in 1979, when soviet troops invaded Afghanistan. He found his calling, helping the Afghans fight their jihad, their holy war, against the communists. He raised money, gained expertise working in the family construction business, then he took up arms.

PETER BERGEN, CNN TERRORISM ANALYST: I spoke to eyewitnesses of the battles that Osama bin Laden was involved in. And whatever your views about him, he's not a coward.

JOHNS: After the Soviets were chased out, bin Laden helped found al Qaeda. His new enemy, America. He spent much of his life on the move.

When Saddam Hussein's Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990, bin Laden went to the Saudi royal family and offered up his followers to defend the holy sites of Mecca and Medina. But the Saudis invited U.S. troops in instead and bin Laden was forced to leave.

BERGEN: When U.S. troops were placed in Saudi Arabia as a result of Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait, that really, that was kind of a turning point for Osama.

JOHNS: He built training camps for al Qaeda in Sudan, eventually using his funds to turn the group into a global operation.

But he was kick out of there and fled to Afghanistan where he took up the battle against the U.S., the country he saw as occupiers of the Holy Land.

OSAMA BIN LADEN, (through translator): We have focused declaration of jihad on striking at the U.S. soldiers inside Arabia, the country of the two holy places, Mecca and Medina.

JOHNS: In 1996, bin Laden publicly declared war on the United States.

BIN LADEN (through translator): Jihad is mentioned here. It is to mean carrying the weapon and to kill those Americans.

JOHNS: And it was a bloody war. Two years later, al Qaeda launched suicide attacks on the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. Two years after that, they attacked the "USS Cole," killing 17 American soldiers. Then on September 11, 2001, came al Qaeda's first attacks inside the United States. And we heard him tell his followers the plan exceeded even his own expectations. BIN LADEN (through translator): They were overjoyed when the first plane hit the building. So, I said to them, be patient.

JOHNS: But U.S. attacks on Afghanistan sent bin Laden on the run again. He was last seen by those outside his inner circle at the battle of Tora Bora in November and December of 2001. And it is believed he was wounded by U.S. bombs.

Still, he escaped and intelligence officials believed he was in Pakistan. He continued to communicate with his followers online and through audio and video messages, all the time warning the West that al Qaeda would strike again.

BIN LADEN (through translator): We want to restore our Islamic nation's freedom. Just as you violate our security, we violate yours.

BERGEN: Bin Laden's legacy, I think, is kind of an ideological way of looking at the world which he's communicated to a lot of people, which I don't think is going to go away.

JOHNS: While many in his circle have been capture or killed, Osama bin Laden remains on the run.

Joe Johns, CNN, Washington.


A. COOPER John Walsh, the host of "America's Most Wanted," rejoins us.

John, you were talking about Osama bin Laden back in 1993.

WALSH: We first profiled Osama bin Laden when he arranged the takedown of the trade towers in '93. The towers didn't go down. He did kill six people. There were about 300 people injured. And we started profiling him, along with his second in command, al-Zawahiri.

And we profiled several, several terrorists that were involved in that. And we got lots of complaints. I mean, it was really kind of sad. People would call up and say, stick to the child molesters, stick to these serial killers and the rapists. And I agree with that. Those are the guys that I hate the most.

But little did we know that he would come back. I mean, this guy has hated Americans for a very, very long time, been very successful, well funded, going to be hard to catch.

I've done shows from the Persian Gulf, the border of Afghanistan. And in those areas of the world and in Pakistan, in the mountains there on the border of Afghanistan, he's a hero.

It really bothers me when people say, why can't we catch him? Why can't we kill him? Well, in those parts of the world, he is an icon for some of those people that hate America so much.

I really believe he should be killed. I really believe it would take the whole wind out of al Qaeda's sails, but it's going to be a difficult guy to catch.

A. COOPER John Walsh, from "America's Most Wanted," I want to thank you for joining us in this special edition of 360. Thanks, John.

WALSH: Anderson, thanks for having me and thanks for giving some of these victims hope by keeping these cases alive. Maybe we'll get one of these guys.

A. COOPER Let's hope.

When we return, how you may be able to help track down one of the FBI's most wanted.


A. COOPER Thanks for watching this special edition of 360, "The FBI's Most Wanted." Remember, if you have any information about any of the 10 fugitives profiled this hour, the FBI wants to hear from you.

You can just click on this Web link or contact your local FBI field office.

Thanks for watching. I'm Anderson Cooper.

"LARRY KING" is next.

Good night.