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Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees

Jackson Doctor's Clinic Raided; Controversy Over Harvard Arrest Escalates

Aired July 23, 2009 - 22:00   ET



Tonight, breaking news: what police found when they raided Michael Jackson's doctor's office.

Also, the continuing controversy tonight over the arrest of Henry Louis Gates Jr. Today, the police sergeant who arrested the professor speaking out about what President Obama said last. And the president is speaking out again today.

Later, Geoffrey Canada and Soledad O'Brien from "Black in America 2," along with NAACP president Ben Jealous on the state of black America.

But we begin with the breaking news, Randi Kaye with new information about -- about -- about Dr. Conrad Murray.

Randi, what have you learned?

RANDI KAYE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Anderson, I'm holding here in my hand the search warrants filed today at Houston district court. These show exactly what was taken from the clinic belonging to Dr. Conrad Murray.

That, as you know, is Jackson's personal physician who was with him the day that he died at his house. We first reported last night that the clinic was searched. Well, now, tonight, we can tell you that wasn't the only place. We can tell you that a second search warrant was also served, not at the clinic, but at a private storage unit belonging to Dr. Conrad Murray.

Both warrants say they are seeking information and evidence of the offense of manslaughter. There is a long list of items taken that we want to tell you about. All of it is inside here, including notices from the IRS, Rolodex cards and some drugs that may very well raise some eyebrows.

And, Anderson, I will have much more on these warrants, what's in them, and how that might affect the investigation in just a few minutes.

COOPER: All right, Randi, we will come back to you.

Now the policeman, the professor and the president of the United States and the continuing controversy, Cambridge Massachusetts Police Sergeant James Crowley arresting Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. inside the professor's home.

Was race a factor? Or did tempers simply flare? Did professor Gates provoke the sergeant? And, if he did, is that cause for arrest? All of it being hotly debated at this hour.

Then, last night, President Obama saying the police acted stupidly, the blogs, talk radio erupting today. Now reaction from the sergeant, his boss, and even more from the president.

Plenty to talk about. It's a nation divided.

First, Joe Johns with the facts.


JOE JOHNS, CNN SENIOR CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Everyone, it seems, is weighing in on the story of Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates' arrest for disorderly conduct, everyone including the president.

BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home.

JOHNS: That was last night. And the president had to reel that comment back in a bit today, with his press secretary saying, the president -- quote -- "was not calling the officer stupid. He was denoting that, at a certain point, the situation got far out of hand."

But Mr. Obama talked about it again today in an interview on ABC.


OBAMA: What I can tell -- from what I can tell, the sergeant who was involved is an outstanding police officer. But my suspicion is, is probably that it would have been better if cooler heads had prevailed.


JOHNS: The president didn't comment about the racial overtones in the case, but professor Gates certainly is. Gates, who is a friend of the president, claims he was the target of racial profiling. He's demanding an apology.

HENRY LOUIS GATES, PROFESSOR, HARVARD UNIVERSITY: But what it made me realize was how vulnerable all black men are, how vulnerable all people of color are and all poor people to capricious forces like a rogue policeman. And this man clearly was a rogue policeman.

JOHNS: But the guy who arrested Gates, Cambridge Police Sergeant John Crowley, is now speaking out, too, saying the arrest didn't have anything to do with race.

And when asked last night by WFXT whether he would apologize to Gates, Crowley said, forget it. QUESTION: Is this now and ever no apology?


QUESTION: What if it means discipline or your job?

CROWLEY: It won't. I have the support of my organization, which I'm very grateful for.

JOHNS: And, as far as the president goes, Crowley said, in a WEEI radio interview, that Mr. Obama didn't have all the facts.


CROWLEY: Of course, he is the president of the United States, and I support the president to a point, I guess. I think it's disappointing that he waded into what is -- should be a local issue.


JOHNS (on camera): It turns out Crowley's got a good resume. He was handpicked by a black police commissioner to teach classes on racial profiling at a police academy.

And, as far as the Gates case goes, the disorderly conduct charge was dropped. But the mayor says he wants to make sure that nothing like this ever happens again.

(voice-over): And the Cambridge police commissioner, who expressed his firm support of how Crowley conducted himself, says, his department is launching an investigation and is clearly not happy about all the attention.

ROBERT HAAS, CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS, POLICE CHIEF: This department is deeply pained and take its -- its professional pride seriously.

JOHNS: The cost of a national debate over race and the police.

Joe Johns, CNN, Washington.


COOPER: A lot to talk about.

Let's dig deeper with political analyst Roland Martin, and Boyce Watkins. Dr. Watkins is a finance professor at Syracuse University and author of "What If George Bush Were a Black Man?"

Appreciate all of you being with us.

Roland, what do you make of this?

ROLAND MARTIN, CNN CONTRIBUTOR: Well, look, I mean, it is not surprising that what Skip Gates went through is un -- is -- is common for African-Americans. (CROSSTALK)

COOPER: Do you believe this was a rogue police officer, like the professor says?

MARTIN: No. No, first off, I cannot make an -- I cannot say that he was a rogue police officer. I cannot say he was racist. I don't know anything about him or his background.

But, also, I think what we have to recognize is, what does the individual who is going through it, what are they experiencing? Here you are, an African-American, homeowner, in your home, white cop looking for a suspect. You provide your evidence. This says, I'm the owner of the home. I'm still considered a suspect, if you will.

And, so, you have that dynamic. And, so, you have to ask yourself, what was the position that he was in? What was he feeling? That's really what the issue in terms of what Gates. Like, wait a minute, here, I'm the homeowner, and I'm still feeling as if I'm still a suspect.

That's probably what he was speaking to.

COOPER: Boyce, what do you think?

BOYCE WATKINS, PROFESSOR OF FINANCE, SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY: Well, I think what we have to do, which is what I have been saying from the beginning, is, we need to know all the facts before we go and accuse someone of doing something that might ultimately ruin their career.

Imagine if you're a guy like Sergeant Crowley, who has had an exemplary career. You have even taught classes as an expert on racial profiling, and then you get accused of this.

Now, I'm a friend of Skip Gates. I'm a friend of Roland. And I support President Obama. But I wanted to know the facts. I didn't say, oh, my gosh, what is going on? This guy did something outrageous.

I said, well, what happened? And then I went and interviewed several police officers, and said, what's the standard procedure when you investigate a breaking and entering? And I found out a lot of things that the public doesn't know.

For example, just because you show an I.D. showing that you belong in that house, that doesn't mean that you should actually be there, because one-third of all women that are murdered are actually killed by a former lover. And many of those men break into their own home to violate a restraining order to hurt their spouse.

So, this doesn't mean professor Gates would do that himself, but it does mean that there's usually more to things that meet that -- than meet the eye. So, we have got to be smart about this.

MARTIN: Anderson, he said standard procedure. Well, Massachusetts law states that when a citizen requests the name and badge number of a cop, they are to give it. Gates has said he requested that. The sergeant said he would not give it to him.


COOPER: But that's not what the police report says.

MARTIN: Precisely.

COOPER: The police report actually says that the sergeant attempted several times to give him the information, but the professor spoke over him.

MARTIN: Right. And the police report is the perspective of the police officer. It is his perspective. It's not infallible. It's not the absolute truth. So, he has a perspective. Gates has one.

And I think it's important to recognize that there are two views as to what happened in this case.

COOPER: It's one of those situations, Boyce, where there are two diametrically opposed perspectives.


COOPER: I mean, clearly, the professor believes he has been wronged and that he's in the right. And, clearly, the police officer believes what he did was standard procedure.

WATKINS: Well, I think that what we have to do as the American public is we have got to distinguish between the facts that are clear and the facts that are fuzzy. There are some things that are clear.

We know that he was there. We know that there was a dialogue and a back and forth, and we know what happened on the front porch. But we don't know what happened inside that house.

Now, I'm not accusing Skip Gates of being a liar or anything like that. But, when you make such a strong accusation to say that this guy was racially profiling, well, you know, the officer could also say, well, maybe you were racially profiling me by saying that, because I'm a white man arresting you, I must be doing it because you're a black man in America.

MARTIN: Hey, Boyce...

WATKINS: So, we have got to hold -- we have got to hold diametric accountability on this. We can't just say that every white officer who arrests a black man must be racist.

COOPER: I want to continue this discussion on the other side of this commercial break.


COOPER: So, Roland, hold your thought for a moment.

Boyce Watkins will be right back. Roland Martin will be right back as well.

A lot more to cover ahead in the hour ahead. Let us know what you think. The live chat is under way right now at I just logged on, a lot of people logging on about this.

Later, more breaking news -- the Jackson developments, and a chilling look at Michael Jackson's state of mind and body in his final days and hours.

Also, that peephole video of ESPN's Erin Andrews -- new information about who might have taped it and the disturbing new world it reveals, where technology allows just about anyone to invade your privacy anywhere you go.

We will be right back.


COOPER: We're talking tonight about policing, racial profiling, professors, and how it all gets that much more attention when the first African-American president of the United States talks about it on national television, after being asked -- President Obama acknowledging that racial profiling is a problem, but not attributing professor Gates' arrest to that, instead using the word stupidity.

The Cambridge police chief reacting today. Listen.


HAAS: We were deeply concerned. We were deeply concerned.

I think we take -- I guess -- as I said before, we take our professional pride very deeply. And I think when I talked to the officers throughout the department during the course of the day, you could see that they were really stunned by being -- not having the greatest regard -- or actually taking those comments to heart. So I would say to you that they were -- they were very much deflated.


COOPER: Commissioner Haas today announcing a panel to investigate the incident, but standing by his force.

President Obama walking back from the "stupidity" line, now simply saying cooler heads should have prevailed.

Back now. Let's dig deeper with Roland Martin and professor Boyce Watkins.

Roland, is it -- it seems like the officer kind of believed professor Gates lived in the house, and that was his house, and, yet, the fact that professor Gates was clearly upset with the officer and saying things to him seemed to irritate the officer or move... MARTIN: Right.

COOPER: ... the officer to basically get Gates out of the house and then arrest him there.

MARTIN: Look, if you want to tick off a police officer, what you say is, I want your name and your badge number. We all know that.

Now, here is a perfect example of how two people can see the same thing in a different way. Prior to going to break, Boyce said, well, the facts are clear, and then some are fuzzy.

When he spoke of the police officer's account, he implied that those facts were clear. But when he spoke of what Gates did...

WATKINS: No. No, I did not, Roland. No, I did not.


MARTIN: But, Boyce, I'm making a point here.


WATKINS: No, but let's be clear with that.


MARTIN: Boyce, one second.


COOPER: Just let him finish.

MARTIN: This is how I inferred it.

When he spoke of Gates, it sounded as if, well, his interpretation of the events were fuzzy.

The officer has given an account of what took place. Gates has given multiple interviews to "The Washington Post,", and CNN explaining what took place as well.

And, so, it's not fuzzy in a sense that he has said, this is what happened. And, so, again, two people can see it differently, the same actual story.

COOPER: Boyce, I want you to be able to talk about your remarks, but, also, should a police officer, if he believed Gates -- that was Gates' house, even if Gates was yelling at him or saying something to him that the officer didn't like, should the officer have just walked away and let it go at that, rather than arresting him for disorderly conduct on his own property?

WATKINS: Well, my -- my question, when all this happened was -- when I spoke to the officers and talked to them, because I have respect for law enforcement, but I have also fought diligently on behalf of black men who are victims of this sort of racism all over the country -- that's why I was concerned about this case.

And one of the things I asked them was, I said, what's the procedure? Did this guy follow procedure? And when you saw that the police officer's union stepped out and supported him and said, we looked at the procedure, and this guy did what he was supposed to do -- now, this isn't just a matter of cops supporting cops.

They could have remained silent, because, believe me, if he were a dirty cop or an irresponsible cop a rogue cop, they wouldn't have supported him. And I think that what we have to understand...


MARTIN: Unions very rarely remain silent. I mean, come on, Boyce.

WATKINS: Well, no, no, no, but that's not true. That's not true.

MARTIN: Right.

WATKINS: I mean, I'm going to tell you this.

Look -- look, Anderson, my -- my dad was a cop for 28 years. And I have seen the bad and I have seen the good. And the truth is that we have to pursue equality, while maintaining a compassion and understanding for what officers actually go through. There are good cops in America.

And every white cop who arrests a black man is not corrupt. But what has to happen now, in my opinion, is that we don't need to use this case as the poster child for racial profiling. We know that it happens. The attorney general needs to step forward and do something about this, and not wait until a Harvard professor is arrested before we realize that this is an issue.

COOPER: We're going to have to leave it there. It's an interesting discussion. And we should continue it.

Boyce Watkins, Roland Martin, thank you very much.

The conversation also continues online at Join the live chat. Let us know what you think.

And the debate can get so heated when race enters the equation. We have been trying to bring you as many of the facts from as many angles as possible.

In that vein, some "Raw Data" on racial profiling, its scope and the extent of efforts to try to prevent it.

Tom Foreman has been looking to that, joins us now.

Tom, what have you learned?

TOM FOREMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, hi, Anderson. Government concern about racial profiling all over this country has risen sharply in the past 10 years, following a case in New Jersey in which the courts found that minority drivers were being stopped on minor traffic charges, so officers could check for drugs, weapons, bigger crimes.

Since then, look at how the concern has spread. The RAND Corporation, a think tank here in D.C. which deals with many security issues, created this map. Every one of these dark blue states now has a law requiring police to record whom they are stopping, why, and the person's race to tell them if any officers in their departments are unfairly targeting certain ethnic groups. Now, all of these light blue states here are also collecting such data.

Now, all of these light blue states are also collecting such data. They're just doing it by choice, not by law. There are a few others here that there's no data being collected on. But, in all, 23 states have banned profiling, including Massachusetts up here, where all this is happening and this big incident.

Now, Anderson, one thing that is clear here is, we don't know how many incidents of profiling occur every year, because, as you're learning here, it's very difficult to define precisely what is profiling, when it's taken place, and if you can prove it, even in places where it's been banned -- Anderson.

COOPER: Yes, I mean, you can pass a law banning it. Has anything done -- has this -- has passing these laws done anything to ease suspicions in the minority communities about profiling?

FOREMAN: You know, Anderson, I think your conversation is really making that clear, that it really hasn't, at least not yet, for a lot of people.

In one of our polls back in May -- I want you to look at this -- we asked people, do you think racial discrimination is a very serious problem, somewhat serious, not a serious problem? Look at this. Whites said, a very serious problem, only 17 percent thought so. Blacks thought 55 percent.

Just as importantly, look at this next poll, because this one is really very telling. This is a CBS/"New York Times" poll. Had to do with the question of when people are stopped by the police. "Do you ever feel that you were stopped by the police because of your race?" Look at this. Down here, whites say only 7 percent ever felt that way. Forty-three percent of blacks feel that way.

This is, notably, less than a majority, but still a very high number and a measure of just how serious this problem is still being seen, people feeling that they're being targeted by the police because of their race -- Anderson.

COOPER: All right, Tom, thanks.

Ahead, more on the breaking news in the investigation into Michael Jackson's death. We now know what police found inside Jackson's doctor's office -- also, new details about the star's final days revealed in the latest issue of "Rolling Stone" magazine. Claire Hoffman wrote the story. She will join us. You can ask her a question, if you would like.

Text your question to AC360. That's 22360.

Also ahead, the most trusted man in America remembered -- family, friends and colleagues gathering to say goodbye to CBS newsman Walter Cronkite.


COOPER: Still ahead, more on our breaking news -- new details in the investigation into Michael Jackson's death. Randi Kaye now knows what police and federal agents took in that raid of Jackson's doctor's clinic.

First, Erica Hill joins us with a 360 bulletin -- Erica.

ERICA HILL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Anderson, we begin tonight with the "Raw Politics."

President Obama taking his health care message to Ohio today, where he told a town hall meeting he's OK with Congress not meeting his deadline to pass a reform bill, as long as they're working.

Raw and dirty politics, meantime, in New Jersey, where mayors of three cities, two state assemblymen, and five rabbis are among more than 40 people arrested in a sweeping federal corruption investigation. The bust began as a probe into an international money- laundering ring. It turns out there was trafficking in everything from human organs to fake designer handbags.

And family, friends, and colleagues today paying tribute to Walter Cronkite -- he was remembered as a great newsman, sailor, friend, and father at the funeral service held at Saint Bartholomew's Church here in Manhattan. Cronkite died on Friday. He was 92 -- Anderson.

COOPER: Well, as we told you at the top of the hour, we have details of the police raid of Dr. Conrad Murray's office in Houston. Authorities were looking for evidence connected to a possible manslaughter charge against Jackson's physician.

And, tonight, we know exactly what they found.

Randi Kaye again joins us.

Randi, you have been going through the search warrants filed today in -- in Houston. What did you find?

KAYE: Well, we found that they were really looking for anything, Anderson, practically, that they could get their hands on. There were actually two search warrants filed late today. One raid took place at Dr. Murray's medical clinic, the other at a storage unit he has in the Houston area. Now, here are some of the things that they seized at the clinic, a Rolodex card with FedEx information, which could mean they are trying to track if drugs were FedExed out of state, possibly, what drugs, and who they may have been sent to.

Also, they took personal e-mails and some drugs, including one vial of phentermine, which, turns out, is a weight-loss drug, and one vial of Clonazepam, which is used to reduce anxiety and, in some cases, to sleep.

Now, at Dr. Murray's storage unit in the Houston area, detectives seized, among other things, IRS, a suspension notice from Doctor's Hospital, two hard drives, and a registration for controlled substances.

Now, what all this means in terms of zeroing in on Dr. Murray is still unclear. All we know at this point is that authorities are looking for evidence related to manslaughter. And they may interview Dr. Murray a third time, as early as tomorrow -- Anderson.

COOPER: All right, Randi, stick around.

Randi has got more coming up on the investigation into Jackson's death. She's going to share what she's learned about Jackson's paranoia and explain why he thought someone was trying to kill him.

Also ahead: Jackson's final days. "Rolling Stone" magazine has an inside look. You can text us your questions to the author of the article at AC360, for Claire Hoffman, who wrote the cover story. Again, that's AC360, or 22360.

And Erin Andrews, star ESPN reporter, videotaped naked in her hotel room, incredibly creepy story -- how it happened and our look at how vulnerable almost anyone is to spying eyes.

We will be right back.


COOPER: Before the break, we told you the breaking news of what investigators found when they searched the office of Michael Jackson's doctor -- on the list, e-mails, vials of drugs, and other items.

As the case moves forward, new details, though, about Jackson's state of mine are emerging.

Randi Kaye is back with that information.

You spoke with an old friend of Michael Jackson, Dick Gregory. What did he say?

KAYE: Right. Dick Gregory is a comedian, a good friend of Michael Jackson's. They met many, many years ago -- decades ago, in fact -- when they were doing "The Wiz" together.

And he was actually with Michael Jackson during the second child molestation trial. And he told me that Jackson's parents called him and said that Michael wasn't well, can he come and help him. And a few days before the trial ended, Dick Gregory told me that he went back to Neverland with Michael Jackson, and that Jackson hugged him and said -- quote -- "Please don't leave me. They're trying to kill me."

Gregory says he asked Jackson when the last time he ate was, because he didn't look well, and that Jackson told him -- quote -- "They're trying to poison me." He asked him when he last drank water, and he said Jackson told him again -- quote -- "They're trying to kill me."

So, he wasn't drinking and he wasn't eating anything.

COOPER: So what did Gregory do?

KAYE: Well, he tried to help him as quickly as he could, as a matter of fact. Gregory says that he insisted Jackson go to the hospital. He says he was very paranoid that someone was after him.

So, he drove him to a small hospital about 10 miles or so away from Neverland without announcing that he was coming. And Gregory told me that Jackson was given fluids to hydrate him from 5:30 in the evening, Anderson, until 5:30 in the morning the next day, so, for 24 hours straight.

And he said that the doctor told him -- quote -- "Twelve more hours, and he would have been dead."

He was that dehydrated.

COOPER: So, this was right after the trial. Did -- did Gregory stay in touch with him over the last couple years?

KAYE: He did.

He said, actually, that the last time he saw him -- he didn't see him for a little while. But then he saw him again at singer James Brown's funeral. That would have been in December of 2006. And we actually have some pictures of them. That's them hugging right there at that funeral.

He told me that hugged him and that -- that Michael Jackson looked well. And I asked Gregory if he ever saw Michael Jackson do drugs. And he said, no. He said that, when they used to spend a lot of time together, years ago, Jackson wouldn't even drink soda. He said he was always particular about what he put in his body.

And he summed up his old friend this way: "To me, he's always been a little 5-year-old child in a grown man's body." That's what he said. He said, he really felt that Michael Jackson need someone to take care of him. And he didn't trust those around him, who he says were pretending to take care of him.

COOPER: Randi, stay with us.

"Rolling Stone" has a new article out on the final hours of -- and weeks of Jackson's life. And it contains some new information.

Claire Hoffman is the contributing editor who wrote the cover story. She joins us now.

And Randi is going to stay with us as well.

Claire, one of the things that really stuck out in this article was that, apparently, according to you or your sources, LaToya Jackson, after Michael Jackson died, basically rushed over to the house, trying to take stuff.

Is that -- what happened?


There were numerous reports that she went over to the house right, like within a day of him dying, and looked for these bags of cash that he was known to keep around the house in duffel bags.

COOPER: And -- and you also write that, with regard to the number of shows that Jackson was scheduled to do, it was interesting. You say that -- that he wanted to do the number he agreed to do, not only because -- or Randy Phillips from AEG wanted that to make the money, but that there was this -- sort of this one-way rivalry that he believed he had with Prince.

How did that come about?


I feel like one of the misconceptions about Michael Jackson that I have gotten from reading about him and before I started reporting this is that he was this sort of passive person in his life.

And my sense, after reporting this story, is quite the opposite, that he was very particular, very controlling about what he did. And one of the things that he wanted was to have 31 nights at the O2 Arena because Prince had done 21. And he was interested in -- in besting Prince by 10.

COOPER: And those -- that ultimately went up to -- to 50.

And, Randi, that might surprise some people, sort of the image of Michael Jackson as competitive, but that jibes with what some of your sources have been saying.

KAYE: It does. We spoke with AEG. And they told us -- that's the promoter for the concert tour, as you know.

And they told us that -- two things Michael Jackson insisted on when he agreed to do this tour and agreed to do the 50 shows in the end was a country estate, because he would be in the London area for a long time, and he wanted a place for his kids, that they wouldn't have to all be trapped in a hotel room, and that he also insisted that someone from "The Guinness Book of World Records" be at that 50th show. He wanted this to go big. He wanted someone to make a record of it. He wanted people to know that he did something wonderful here.

COOPER: Claire, as we have been reporting, the investigation seems to be focusing on Dr. Conrad Murray. You write that Jackson was very defensive about having Dr. Murray around.

And you quote Jackson as saying -- and I quote -- "My body is the mechanism that fuels this entire business. Like President Obama, I need my own personal physician attending to me 24/7."

Did you talk to people around him? What did they think about Murray?

HOFFMAN: You know, they didn't see a lot of Murray. He -- he would -- he didn't go out of the house a lot with him. It seemed like he was sort of part of Jackson's very private life at home.

But the people who, you know, who did experience him, like first of all, they found it suspicious that Murray had originally asked for a million dollars a month to treat Jackson, which is just, you know, highway robbery even for Michael Jackson. And they got him -- they got him down to $150,000 a month. But even that, that kind of number just doesn't really jive with the sense of somebody who's, like, really -- really out there to take care of you.

COOPER: Randi, we have a text 360 question. It comes from Arkansas. "Where has Dr. Conrad Murray been since the raid?" We really haven't seen him at all.

KAYE: He's been holed up, really. He has a bodyguard 24/7. Apparently, his lawyer says that he's been so harassed, he can't go to work; he can't go to his clinic. He has two clinics, as we know, one in Houston and one in Las Vegas. As of yesterday, when his clinic in Houston was raided, his lawyer said that he was in Las Vegas at the time.

But is he going to work? We don't know. Is he treating patients? We just don't know.

COOPER: There was another interesting detail, Claire, that Michael Jackson had an eBay -- I don't know if addiction is a strong word. But -- but he would spend a lot of time on eBay buying things?

HOFFMAN: Yes, I got the sense that people sort of saw Michael Jackson as this nocturnal creature. I think he suffered from insomnia. And you know, one of the things that he would do alone at night was, you know, set up all these different eBay accounts and buy a bunch of stuff.

COOPER: Fascinating. The article is in "Rolling Stone." Claire Hoffman, appreciate you being with us. Randi Kaye, as well. Thanks very much.

A lot more in the hour ahead. Go to to read an excerpt of that "Rolling Stone" article on Jackson's last days. We want to know what you think of the Jackson death investigation. Join the live chat right now at Up next, the peeping Tom and the reporter. Who videotaped Erin Andrews naked in her hotel room? What's disturbing is this could happen to anyone, and you'd never know.

And later, "Black in America 2," the new challenges. We'll see how one educator is now turning his sights on ending childhood obesity -- obesity among African-Americas. We'll be right back.


COOPER: Tonight, a sports reporter is fighting back after someone secretly videotaped her in the nude. The recording and story has spread across the internet. Erin Andrews and the network she works for, ESPN, believes she's the victim of a peeping Tom, trying to make money by invading her privacy.

The question is, who would do this to her? Insiders think the culprit may not be a stranger.

Erica Hill has the latest.


ERICA HILL, CNN ANCHOR (voice-over): Erin Andrews commands attention: young, beautiful, a sideline reporter, covering college football, basketball and Major League Baseball for ESPN. But now, she is the story, thanks to video of her naked in a hotel room, taped without her knowledge and posted online.

Internet security expert Parry Aftab isn't surprised.

PARRY AFTAB, WIREDSAFETY.ORG: Everyone has video technology in their cell phone cameras. We're used to seeing them, and we tend to be immune.

Any of us can watch at any time.

HILL: When, where and how the hotel video of Andrews was made isn't clear. But some reports say it may have been shot through the hotel door's peephole.

Private investigator Allen Dressler (ph) says it's certainly possible. A few years ago he used cameras like this. Now, thanks to ever-shrinking technology, he can hide one almost anywhere.

(on camera) The most disturbing thing about this is how easy it could be. Maybe someone used your peephole, maybe drilled a hole in your wall, or maybe someone snuck in your hotel room and put a clock in with a tiny peephole camera like this one. It can record your every move, and you'd have no idea.

Is this as small as it gets?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No. This -- they even get smaller than this. HILL: And how long does it take to set up, you know, a small, little pinhole camera if you were trying to tape somebody in a hotel room? I mean, is it 30 minutes, in and out, 5 minutes?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It could be two minutes. All's you have to do is get in there, plug it in, and get out.

HILL (voice-over): Erin Andrews isn't commenting. But both her attorney and ESPN issued strongly-worded statements, promising legal action once the person or persons responsible are found.

They're also targeting the Web sites and media outlets who post or show any of the video. Today, ESPN announced it would no longer use reporters from "The New York Post" on its air, after the paper printed still pictures from the video.

For some of those who do manage to find the link, a nasty surprise may be waiting in the form of a computer virus.

And as for theories the video was leaked by Andrews herself, friends say it would never happen.

KELLI ZINK, FRIEND OF ERIN ANDREWS: Erin is very conservative. She's very modest. You've never seen her in lingerie in the magazines. You've never even heard of her flirting with the idea of posing naked in "Playboy." So there's no way that this is intentional.

HILL: Whoever is responsible may not be able to hide for long.

AFTAB: We leave a trail of cyber bread crumbs behind us wherever we are online. I have no question in my mined that this person is going to be caught.


HILL: I do want to let you know I did hear back from Erin Andrews' attorney earlier this evening. No more information on who, when or how she was taped. But he did tell me, Anderson, that there's no reason to believe she was ever taped anywhere else while she was alone or working.

COOPER: Even if this person is caught, or persons are caught, there's no way to really prevent this from happening again.

HILL: There's not. And that's the scary thing. There are a lot of things that you can look out for if it's something you're concerned about. First of all, if you're in a hotel room, cover the peephole with some masking tape. Bring some tape with you. That's an easy thing to do.

Also, when you use your laptop in a hotel room, disable the Web cam. Because just by opening your laptop somebody could really take control of your Web cam.

COOPER: That's crazy. I had no idea. HILL: It's insane. You're Internet connection. You can get what's called a Trojan horse, and they can then control it.

So that's a quick thing that you can do. And trust your gut. If you feel like somebody is watching you, they probably are. Also, you can set up a Google alert for your name, your address, your phone number, any words associated with you. Very easy to do with Google. And you'll get an e-mail any time that any of those things is mentioned online.

COOPER: I'm not sure I want that. Erica, thanks.

HILL: Could be a lot of e-mails for you, Anderson.

COOPER: I think so. Coming up, digging deeper on CNN's "Black in America 2" documentary. We're going to sit down with ground- breaking educator Geoffrey Canada, president and CEO of Harlem Children's Zone. We'll also talk to president and CEO of the NAACP, Ben Jealous, and the host of "Black in America 2," Soledad O'Brien.

Later, we'll take you to a wedding where the bride's first dance began before she even said I do. That is tonight's "Shot."


COOPER: If you watched CNN's "Black in America 2" documentary tonight, you saw the stories of people using groundbreaking solutions to transform the African-American experience. Now this man is taking on another challenge. Take a look.


SOLEDAD O'BRIEN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It takes more than $64 million a year to run the Harlem Children's Zone. Canada gets a third from government funding and the rest, about $40 million, comes from private donations.

GEOFFREY CANADA, HARLEM CHILDREN'S ZONE: What are we learning about?

O'BRIEN (on camera): He's such an active little guy.

(voice-over) Exhibit A, the zone's Promise Academy charter school.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: These are our fourth graders.

O'BRIEN: This year's fourth-grade class is special. It's the first class where all the kids have been in the Zone's pipeline since birth.

CANADA: I am convinced that this particular class is the smartest class, not only at Promise Academy but probably in all of New York state.

O'BRIEN: And Canada has got the numbers to prove it: math and English scores that beat New York City and state averages, and a New Harvard study that concludes that these Promise Academy students have closed the achievement gap between black and white students' test scores.

Now he wants to bring that success to another crisis affecting black America: obesity.

CANADA: We have folks who are dying from strokes and heart attack, who are losing limbs because of diabetes. And it's all fitness and nutrition. And we feel like we've got to get our kids really focused on this issue. Because they are heavy, and we need these kids to lose weight.


COOPER: Geoffrey Canada, president and CEO of Harlem Children's Zone joins us now, along with NAACP president and CEO, Benjamin Jealous; and "Black in America" host Soledad O'Brien.

Let's talk about this wellness program. I mean, we know about your success as an educator. We want to talk about that. But why focus on obesity?

CANADA: Well, you know, in some communities like Harlem, you can find potato chips, you can find cupcakes, you can find honey buns and sugared water. You cannot find a banana. You cannot find a decent apple.

COOPER: Still?

CANADA: You can't find broccoli, fresh vegetables. They're called food deserts, where you just wonder around and you just simply can't find healthy food. Fast food constantly. We have an epidemic in the African-American community of obesity. And it's killing African-Americans at very early ages.

COOPER: And does your program work? I mean, we've seen the -- it's basically a competition in the center program. One of the young women you interviewed clearly was fueled by a desire to win, and she did win. Her team won. They got to go to Disneyland. Does it work?

CANADA: You know, we were trying an experiment because we had been struggling with this issue for years. And we were trying to figure out how do we motivate the children, how do we motivate the parents to really develop habits? And what we're trying to do is get these kids to develop habits.

About a third of our kids actually lost weight. And for young people who are growing taller, you expect them to put on weight. So we feel like this is very promising. We don't think we have the answer, but we think we've seen the first glimmer of hope.

Now we've got to do it for a second year and a third year. And we've got to scale it up and get not just our 60 or 70 kids. We've got to get hundreds of kids to do it. Then I'll say I think we have the answer. COOPER: Then there's been talk about the changing role of the NAACP as it celebrates its 100th anniversary this year. Is the role changing to focus more on issues like health care and education and the fight for economic equality?

BENJAMIN JEALOUS, PRESIDENT/CEO, NAACP: We have to focus on the fight for good schools, for good jobs, for safe -- safe neighborhoods for all people.

You know, we thought for a good 50, 60 years for all kids to go to the same school. Now it's the same bad school. We need all kids to go to the same good school. And that means we have to extend the social contract in new ways.

COOPER: Soledad, you focus in this episode on really exceptional people who are really achieving remarkable things.

O'BRIEN: Geoff Canada.

COOPER: Geoff Canada, who is a personal hero of mine and we've had on this program before.

O'BRIEN: I can't tell you the number of people who have said that to me.

COOPER: Everyone I talk to. I know.

O'BRIEN: "He's my personal hero." He can't be everybody's personal hero. I don't believe it.

CANADA: She'd be the only one.

O'BRIEN: I don't believe it.

COOPER: What do you think they all have in common?

O'BRIEN: I think what I have seen in the number of people that we got to profile was that they took what was a job, and they ran with that and made it passion, and then they made it a commitment. Almost like a calling. I mean, it's so much more than a job.

It is this obsessive calling to serve something greater than themselves, to decide that the children who they interact with, the people that they serve, are going to be as dear to them as their own flesh and blood. Truly. Not even sort of metaphorically but truly, literally as same to them as their own actual children. You saw that yesterday with Dr. Perry, Malaak Compton-Rock. You saw it with the doctors and profile tonight. The patients mean as much to them as their own family members do.

I think to me it was in order to have success in the community as a whole, we have to kind of treat each other like that. We're all in the same boat. And one portion of the community cannot fail, and the rest of us are fine. It just won't work.

COOPER: Can success, though, Geoffrey, that you have seen, in the Harlem Children's Zone, that you have created, can it be replicated? Because I mean, that's the knock on it. That everyone says, well, look, you're getting tens of millions of dollars in private donations and government funds every year. It's incredibly expensive. Not everyone can afford that.

CANADA: Well, one of the things that I believe is that now that the president has said that they're going to use federal dollars to pay for half of this, we think the fund-raising challenge is going to be really reduced across America. But this can be replicated.

People keep pretending that there is some, you know, genius idea that we came up with that other people haven't thought about. I learned about how to do this back in the '70s. We were talking about comprehensive services. We know if a child is hungry, if he had lousy teeth and they're rotting in his mouth, they're not going to learn algebra. This is just basic stuff.

Quality schools are holding adults accountable. There's no sort of, you know, secret source to this. Other people can do it. You just have to do what Soledad said. People have to treat these children as if they're their own. When something happens to my own kid, I will do whatever I need to do to make sure that child learns, and that's what we have to do with other people's children that we work with.

O'BRIEN: I hope I'm not revealing a confidence, but at one point I got an e-mail from Dr. Steve Perry a few weeks ago. And he said, "I'm going to go meet with Geoff Canada, because I need him to explain to me how I expand my school, which we profiled yesterday, how I take it from just being -- fixing education to fix -- it's not enough. You've got to fix the community." And he's trying to figure out how do you expand that? So they are meeting to expand that.

COOPER: And then how do you do that? Because I mean, as we learned from Principal Perry last night, you know, a lot of times the parents don't show up to -- to the board meetings, to the PTA meetings.

JEALOUS: You've got to get focused, not just from the power of "me," but the power of "we." We've really got to show people that we can't solve these -- these crises and that we can do it, you know, as a group.

It's not enough to have, you know, big, pretty flowers like the Harlem zone. We've -- we've got to have a full healthy lawn. We've got 1.2 million kids in the charter schools, at 48 million in the schools across this country. You know, and that's not a challenge. Geoff is one my heroes, but -- but he and I both know that the challenge is: how do we get from these, you know, flowers to a complete garden. And that's going to take the power of "we."

COOPER: How do you get parents to come?

CANADA: Well, look, first of all, I was so happy to see that the parents wouldn't come, because that just means he's working with the right parents, and he's working with the tough parents. Because if you go -- if I start something and all the parents come right away, I'm in the wrong community. Right? I really want to work with the most difficult parents. And so we do everything to get our parents there.

We will go out and get the parents, the same way he was picking up those children. And you saw them picking them up in the morning. I love that, because that's what you have to do. Well, you have to do that with parents. Parents, you know, they know we'll harass them at the Harlem's Children's Zone. We will knock at their door in the morning, the evenings and the afternoon and say, "Look, we need you to do this."

So I think they're right. We've got to scale this up. But we've also got to help one another. I am so happy to be meeting with Dr. Perry. Because that is a young man who I think is going to show us that what we're doing is primitive in comparison to what he's going to be doing 15 years from now as we leave these clear footprints about how to do the work.

COOPER: We've got to leave it there. Geoffrey Canada, always good to have you on.

Soledad, thanks very much. Congratulations. Another great -- great episode.

O'BRIEN: Thank you.

COOPER: And Ben Jealous, thank you very much. Appreciate it.

JEALOUS: Thank you.

COOPER: Stick around. At the top of the hour, we've got part of an encore of CNN's "Black in America 2." Today's pioneers, people using groundbreaking solutions to change the African-American experience.

But first, an NFL star quarterback accused of sexual assault. He is now speaking out. We'll be right back.


COOPER: Coming up at the top of the hour, "Black in America 2," today's pioneers.

Ben Roethlisberger today sharply denying rape allegations. The Steelers quarterback calling Andrea (ph) claims that he assaulted her in his hotel room last summer in Lake Tahoe reckless and false. The woman claiming that filed a civil complaint last Friday. Nevada police, though, tell CNN they do not plan to open a criminal investigation unless she asks them to.

On Wall Street, the Dow jumping 200 points, going above 9,000 for the first time since January. A third straight monthly increase in existing home sales and a wave of stronger than expected earnings reports driving that rally. And talk about a catch. This one right here saved a perfect game for White Sox pitcher Mark Buehrle. He's the first in the majors to do it in five years. Twenty-seven batters up, 27 down. The 5-0 victory for his team over Tampa Bay. Buehrle gets a call from none other than President Obama. Not too shabby.

COOPER: Amazing accomplishment.

Coming up, "The Shot" is next. A showstopper down the aisle. Who needs a reception when you've got a wedding ceremony like this? The video, the music, the explanation ahead.


COOPER: Oh, Erica, for tonight's "Shot," the ultimate wedding dance. We founded this on YouTube. It's new, it's fun. It certainly makes the trip down the aisle a lot more entertaining. Watch and enjoy.



COOPER: So this is real?

HILL: Apparently. Married in St. Paul, Minnesota, last month from what we know. Yes. And apparently it may be a new trend. You know, there was that whole thing last year or the year before of people putting together these elaborate dances for their reception? You know, doing the whole thing from "Dirty Dancing"?

COOPER: Really?

HILL: Why wait until the reception, Anderson Cooper, when you can get the party started at the ceremony?

COOPER: Wait, people have their entire reception like it was an episode of...

HILL: Like one dance. It's not like there are people saying "nobody puts baby in the corner." You have to draw the line somewhere.

COOPER: If you promise never to put baby in the corner.

HILL: There are some moments in that movie probably not appropriate for their wedding reception. Just a thought.

COOPER: I don't know. Though my memory of "Dirty Dancing" the movie is somewhat dim.

HILL: Wait till movie night for the "AC 360" staff.

COOPER: Was that '84, '85, '83? Jennifer Gray. Anyway...

HILL: It was Jennifer Gray, Patrick Swayze. COOPER: All right. You can see all the most recent shots and tonight's "Beat 360" on our Web site, That's "AC Sixty." I'll see you tomorrow. Up next, "Black in America 2."