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Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees

Trump On The Attack; Trump Slams Carson, Rubio, Bush; One-on- One With Jeb Bush; CNN Projects Ohio Voters Reject Legalizing Marijuana; 9-year-old Boy Shot To Death In Chicago; Accused Georgia Murderer Escapes; Candy Crush Sold In A Sweet Deal. Aired 9-10p ET

Aired November 03, 2015 - 21:00   ET




ANDERSON COOPER, CNN ANCHOR: 9:00 P.M. here in New York. Election night across the country and results in some key statewide race is coming in. Also, a year to go until the big election night and one year out the candidates certainly are busy.

John Kasich and Hillary Clinton holding town halls in Iowa, Jeb Bush in South Carolina, New Hampshire, plugging books today, Ben Carson and Donald Trump who also launched some especially hard shots at the competition.


DONALD TRUMP, (R) PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: When the e-mail problem came up, Bernie Sanders lost his whole campaign. I mean, what he did was so stupid from his standpoint.

Marco Rubio's personal finances are discredited. Oh no, his personal -- all you have to do is look at his credit card. I mean, he is a disaster with his credit cards. My Jeb impression, no, I don't want to do that. I don't like showing a person sleeping at a podium.


COOPER: That was just some of it. CNN Sara Murray covering the Trump campaign joins us now with more.

Is trump going back on the offensive in the wake of the second national poll showing him, you know, vis-a-vis Carson?

SARA MURRAY, CNN CORRESPONDENT: I think we're grappling with what Donald Trump in the second place looks like. He knows and he's very clear. He is not like to be in second place. He likes to be a winner. He calls other people losers when they fall behind in the polls.

And today at this event he was announcing his book, boasting about it but he was sort of lashing out at anyone and everyone, Ben Carson, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush. And it didn't matter whether it's about low energy or about their policy positions. Take a listen about some particularly tough things he had to say about Marco Rubio.


TRUMP: Not much different and you look at Marco Rubio very, very weak on illegal immigration. You look at Ben, he is very weak on immigration and he wants to get rid of Medicare. I mean, Ben wants to get rid of Medicare. You can't get rid of Medicare be a horrible thing to get rid of -- it actually works. You get rid of the fraud, waste and abuse, it works. So, when a man is weak on immigration and wants to get rid of Medicare, I don't know how he stays there.


COOPER: He went after Jeb Bush, again, as well.

MURRAY: He did go after Jeb Bush. You may know that Donald Trump is preparing to be on "SNL" later this week. He talked about how he's going to meet with Lorne Michaels. They're going to work on his sketches and he would ask if he would do his Jeb Bush impression, you got a little hint there. He said he didn't want to do an impression of someone falling asleep at a podium. One of a number of jabs he took at Jeb Bush today.

COOPER: And he's also using the whole Jeb Bush at the low energy, he's not using that against Carson saying Carson has a low energy.

MURRAY: He likes to recycle the same attack.

COOPER: Right, it worked against Bush.

MURRAY: Yes, and now he's trying it against Carson.

COOPER: Sara Murray thank you very much, appreciate it.

In the NBC "Wall Street Journal" poll 52 percent said they could not see themselves supporting Jeb Bush, 52 percent that's more than half. With 90 days to go until the Iowa caucuses Bush now has a new campaign slogan, "Jeb can fix it." He took out on the road today campaigning.

Our special correspondent Jamie Gangel caught up with him in South Carolina and in a wide-ranging interview she asked him about his struggles to jump start his campaign. Donald Trumps attacks his debate to stop with his former protege Marco Rubio and much more. Here's part one of the interview.


JAMIE GANGEL, CNN SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT: I have some good news for you. You are working with lowered expectations.


GANGEL: No way to go. Does that in some way free you up? BUSH: To a certain extent. I always knew this was going to be hard. I never felt like I was a frontrunner because we haven't earned it. We haven't, you know, just starting out on the journey, you got to go earn it. I have to get better at debating I guess or performing, whatever that's called and I will. I'm a grinder. I'm very competitive. And so, I feel good about where we are.

GANGEL: You keep saying I'm a grinder. What is that mean?

BUSH: That means I described it as I eat nails before I have breakfast. I am focused. I am competitive. I set high expectations on myself. I knew this was going to be hard.

GANGEL: Donald Trump is tweeting out every two seconds. This morning he said, you should quit. He said all the candidates should quit except...

BUSH: Except him.

GANGEL: ... except for him. Do you think an old-fashioned guy who wants to be a doer, who wants to be a fixer, is really what people are looking for?

BUSH: Desperate for it. This is the real world. Now, in the pundit world, you know, where it's all about this kind of bizarre tweeting out things that aren't relevant to anybody's real life, you know, that's another subject.

[21:05:02] I'm not going to win over the punditry class, for sure but I know I can win over people that aspire to a better life for themselves and their family.

And as it relates to Donald, you know, he's running for president twice and quit. And I've run for governor in the biggest swing state and won twice. I know how to win. I've done it. I actually know how to govern, which is going to be an attribute when we get closer to the election.

GANGEL: So for the record, for Donald Trump, you're not quitting?

BUSH: No. I mean what -- do we have to talk about Donald Trump? No, I'm not quitting. He's entertaining. He's fun. He says really funny things in the breaks in the debate but I'm running for president of the United States and it's a serious endeavor. I do it with joy. There's a lot of fun parts of it for sure.

GANGEL: Marco Rubio, he is now rising in the polls, your former protege. In the debate you went after him for missing votes, but he hit back and some people think he got the better of the moment. Was it a mistake to attack him on that?

BUSH: Here's my point. People that are serving need to show up and work period, over and out.

GANGEL: So, it wasn't a mistake.

BUSH: I just think people need to show up and work.

GANGEL: I understand but this is a campaign you have to beat these other guys. So do you keep attacking?

BUSH: I'm not attacking to say someone should show up and work? Do you get paid when you don't show up?


BUSH: I mean, come on. Does that -- does anybody in this room get paid when they decide, "Oh no, I'm going to go do something else, you know." Rand Paul is -- got a pretty good attendance record. He is running for president, as well. You can make an accommodation. The people of the state of Florida expect people to show up and work when they elect them. It's not a criticism. It's just a simple fact.

GANGEL: So -- but you're going to keep saying it.

BUSH: That people will show up and work?

GANGEL: That Marco Rubio -- you're going to keep...

BUSH: It's not a criticism.

GANGEL: OK. Donald Trump, we have to get back to him one more time. He just called Marco Rubio a lightweight and he said Vladimir Putin would eat him for lunch. You think that's fair?

BUSH: No, it's not fair. He said, look, Marco is a capable guy. He's a talented politician. Here's what I think. I think I'm the best qualified to be president.

GANGEL: But is Marco Rubio ready?

BUSH: I'm the best qualified guy to be president.

GANGEL: You're not going to answer the question.

BUSH: If you're comparing me to Donald Trump, I'm better qualified to be president.

GANGEL: Is Marco Rubio...

BUSH: I'm better qualified than anybody else running for president and it's not -- I'm not pushing people down when I say that. And if it makes you feel better, everybody on the Republican stage is better than Hillary Clinton. That's a low bar, though.

GANGEL: You have said you have grave concerns about Donald Trump. You watch first hand your brother, your father be commander in chief.

BUSH: Yeah.

GANGEL: Are you comfortable with Donald Trump as commander in chief?

BUSH: I'm not comfortable with some of the things he says, particularly about Syria where he one week says that let Isis take out Assad and then the Russians come in and they praises Putin and says, let Russia take care of Isis.

It's a reactive kind of mode that somehow I'm the big guy in the room. I'll just figure it out as I go along. Foreign policy needs to be under guard with a set of principles. And so, I think he's going to have to learn if he's serious about this.

You know, to be able to get your foreign policy advice from the shows is probably not the best way to be ready to be president.


COOPER: Well, much more of Jamie's interview with Jeb Bush ahead. She asked him what kind of advice her brother, George W. Bush is giving him and whether he's worried about disappointing his parents if he doesn't win the nomination.



COOPER: As we said Jeb Bush now has a new campaign slogan, "Jeb can fix it." He's also released his new E-book "Reply All." It's a collection of the e-mails from his years of as governor of Florida.

CNN Special Correspondent, Jamie Gangel asked him about the book earlier today. Here's part two of her interview with Jeb Bush.


GANGEL: The book, here it is 700 pages. This book is Jeb Bush. The policy wonk, the guy who likes to talk about budgets, fixed things. But I know you say it's the polls. I know you say it's going to change. But do you think you waited too long?

BUSH: This book is not about policy. This is a book about a servant leader. It's a book about...

GANGEL: Meaning?

BUSH: ... meaning that there are people that are hurting in our country that aren't getting a fair shake and there are politicians that say, "Hey, you know, I'm just the big guy in the room. I'm the personality. Trust me."

And then there are people that have a servant's heart that work each and every day on behalf of people to give them a chance to have prosperity for their children to live a life of purpose and meaning and this book through my e-mails is an example of servant leadership where I move the needle. I fix things that were broken in my state and I'm proud of it.

GANGEL: There are e-mails in there and in one e-mail you talked about a word the Bush family hates, D-word, dynasties. And you talked about your dad skydiving which you say you would not do for the record. And you talked about how much you love him. How are your parents handling this campaign?

BUSH: Well, I'm making a contribution for my dad. I think he stopped watching reruns of "CSI". He's back watching the cable, you know, news shows so that he can get, he get us -- he gets fired up.

He wants his son, he loves his son. I love him more than he loves me because he's the greatest man alive. But I think I'm taking credit for getting him back in the game a little bit and mom who you may remember was talking about being neutral was kind of neutral on the subject of my candidacy is fully onboard. So, they're all in for Jeb and...

GANGEL: Is your dad still throwing things at the T.V.?

BUSH: I think he is. He's, you know him. I mean, he's just the -- he's the most loving guy in the world, but he is -- this isn't about policy for him.

[21:15:00] This is about his boy that he loves.

GANGEL: When they see you struggling, is that hard or do they keep that away from you?

BUSH: I don't know. I feel I will never want to let them down for sure. They don't -- them -- I don't get a sense that they're disappointed in me in anyway. They know if anybody knows about the long haul nature of primary campaigns and campaigns in general is George and Barbara Bush.

So they've got the right perspective on this and so does my brother. I mean, he of all people, knows about this because he's, by the way, the last Republican and the second to last Republican to win elections. So, he knows how it's done.

GANGEL: So, let me ask you about your brother because I'm guessing that somewhere along the line he said to you, "Don't worry about me, go out there, say whatever you need to say, do whatever you need to do." And he does understand this better than anyone else.

BUSH: Yeah, he does.

GANGEL: You were just with him in Houston. Does he give you any advice?

BUSH: Yeah, first of all, I've struggled with this because I don't want to say anything bad about my brother. He's my brother and, you know, the blood sport is, "Oh, where do you differ, how you're this, blah, blah," you know.

So, I stumbled in the beginning because I had a hard time saying, I spent, what? Six years being governor of the state where I've never was critical of my brother even when I was, you know, striving to get the best deal I could get for my state. It was a discipline I was quite proud of. I haven't just cast it aside. So, my bad not his because you're right, he said, "Do what you need to do." His advice is to be patient. Stick with it. At the end of the day, they're going to -- people are going to start figure out who is going to be president, who's going to sit behind the big desk to use his terminology. And it's encouraging to hear him say that because he knows. He's been through ups and downs. You know, it's just the way it is.

GANGEL: In the Bush family there is a great sense of responsibility about public service.

BUSH: Yeah.

GANGEL: So when you took this on, that goes with the last name. Do you worry about letting your parents down?

BUSH: I have thousands and thousands of people that I want to do well. I want to win, though, too. I mean, this is not about disappointing people. This is about fixing some really complex things that I know I can do. I just know it in my heart that I could draw people together to unify the country around a few really big things and if we did it, income would grow for the middle class. People be lifted out of poverty and we would be safety and secure. And that's what I focus on. So the hardest critic of Jeb Bush is Jeb Bush.


COOPER: More of Jamie's interview with Jeb Bush just ahead. She asked him to get specific on his own policy positions, what he thinks about prison reform, Putin and the Iran nuclear deal and we'll talk to Jamie and Bush reporter Anna Navarro.



COOPER: Before the break you heard Jeb Bush tell CNN Special Correspondent Jamie Gangel that Donald Trump is going to have to learn to be serious about foreign policy that is not enough to get your foreign policy advice from talk shows.

He's made that jab before, refers to Mr. Trump's answer when he was asked on "Meet the Press" where he gets his foreign policy advice. In part three of Jamie's interview, she asked Mr. Bush to get specific about his own policies.


GANGEL: Talk to me about policy.

BUSH: Yeah.

GANGEL: President Obama has accelerated the release of more than 6,000 prisoners. Are you comfortable with that?

BUSH: I would have preferred that he do it the old-fashioned way which is to find people that agree with him that we need to reform our federal criminal justice system, people on the Republican side. There's large numbers of Republicans that believe we need to reform it, as well. Work through Congress. Actually do something where the democracy works properly, rather than by executive order.

GANGEL: You think this was wrong?

BUSH: I think it was the wrong approach with the right reason. And 6,000 people being released, I don't know what the screening process is. I don't know, I've talked to some law enforcement officials and they're concerned about the possibility of increased crime. We've seen an increase in crime in the big urban areas right now. No one would want to see that increase but there is a problem of mandatory sentences.

I think the Federal Government shouldn't necessarily be involved to the extent they are in criminal justice matters and the president has an opportunity to shift power back to the states to let the states decide this and to give people second chances.

GANGEL: Let's talk about Iran. You have said that you would oppose the Iran nuclear deal.

BUSH: Yeah.

GANGEL: Would President Jeb Bush cancel it?

BUSH: I would confront Iran's ambitions in the region. I would focus on...

GANGEL: What is that mean?

BUSH: That means that we shouldn't allow for the gaining of influence in Syria and Iraq and Yemen and Lebanon as they have done.

I would do everything in my power to assure that our European allies wouldn't make major investments in Iran, including the possibility of reinstating U.S. sanctions, which won't have the same impact as European sanctions directly on Iran, but we'll have an impact on European companies that are considering investing and they have to choose.

Will they go to the country that has the rule of law, the largest market in the world, great, you know, great relationships already, or will they go partnering with the Iranian revolutionary guard to suppress the people of Iran?

[21:25:07] And, so, and then we need to be vigilant as it relates to the actual agreement. The problem with this agreement is that it only deals with one element and there's no assurance that there's the verification procedures to give anybody confidence. And then on top of that you're lifting sanctions to allow them to continue to be aggressively pursuing their strategy as state-sponsored terrorism.

GANGEL: Any way you would have agreed to that deal?

BUSH: Never. I wouldn't have -- yeah, I take it back, excuse me. I would have agreed to the deal that President Obama said was the purpose or the basis of the deal, which was to assure that Iran would never, ever have the capability of building a nuclear bomb but he abandoned that. He abandoned that and that's the tragedy of this.

And I believe we also should have included the larger, the equally important issues of their sponsor of Hezbollah. Their sponsor of, you know, propping up Assad, which has created the brutality of 250,000 deaths.

GANGEL: You have talked about Iran as a state sponsor of terrorism. The Vatican announced that the pope is going to meet with the president of Iran in the next month. Do you think that's appropriate?

BUSH: Look, I believe in miracles. I'm a person of faith. I will pray for a miracle for the transformation of the Molos (ph) to lead their -- let their country be free. It's base -- this is the kind of the basis of the Obama administration.

Let's negotiate with the largest sponsor of terrorism in the world and on the basis of Molos go quietly into the night maybe Pope Francis can achieve that miracle.

GANGEL: You don't think it gives them some kind of legitimacy when they get to meet with the pope?

BUSH: Just as it gives them legitimacy by signing an agreement with the United States of America.

GANGEL: Last question, you have another debate coming up. You have said you weren't happy with your own performance at the debate.

BUSH: Yeah.

GANGEL: What do you do differently this time?

BUSH: I'm going to do my best. I'm going to get better at being able to say what's on my mind, what's in my heart. Not just focus on what the question is and answers that but these debates are an opportunity to talk about how you can create rising income for the middle class and create a more safe and secure world. I know I can do this. I'm pretty confident I'll be able to do it and do it like this. Do it and mean it. Be -- view this as an experience that is an honor and a privilege because it is.

GANGEL: What do you mean when you say do it and mean it?

BUSH: Well, you can't fake. You can't fake joy. You can't fake it and I believe that we're on the verge of greatness in this country and I want to share that enthusiasm to the people. This is an opportunity to do it. You don't get 5 million people watching you in any day of the week.


COOPER: And Jamie joins us now. I mean, you've interviewed him for a long time. It's interesting in his book, I mean he's not the first candidate to put out a book while they're running. What do you make of this book?

GANGEL: No other candidate would put out a book like this.

COOPER: Its 700 pages of his e-mails as governor.

GANGEL: Right and they have to cut it down, he had more than 280,000 e-mails but it is authentic for Jeb Bush. That's what he is about. The problem is does it translate to voters?

COOPER: He didn't seem to give any sense that he is going to stop going after Marco Rubio, though he wouldn't say he's going after Marco Rubio.

GANGEL: Right, so this is the new thing. You criticize him but you don't say you're criticizing...

COOPER: Right, you said in fact there's not -- he's not criticizing anybody but...

GANGEL: But three times he said, "Would you get paid if you don't show up for work?" So it's -- there is no question that non attack, attack is going to keep coming, absolutely and for the other candidates, as well.

COOPER: Jamie Gangel, thank you so much. Appreciate it.

GANGEL: Thank you.

COOPER: Good to have you on.

Let's talk about -- joining me now is Anna Navarro, republican strategist and supporter of Jeb Bush. She is also friend with Marco Rubio.

Is there still some disconnect, I mean, it feels like Jeb Bush alternates between and the one I'm saying, I know I need, you know, my game on for the next debate, that's what I'm going to do and on the other hand saying, hey, this is what I am. I'm not a performer. What you see is what you get. Which is it?

ANNA NAVARRO, REPUBLICAN STRATEGIST: You know he needs to reconcile himself to the fact that it needs to be both. He needs to be his authentic self. He needs to have his voice, his ideas but at the same time, he needs to deliver those ideas and those answers while performing and connecting and projecting and looking forceful and being energetic.

So, you know, he's got to get off this idea where boogie where, you know, performing is a boogie monster and he's got to get it. He's going to just tackle it and do it.

COOPER: You know, I mean, one of the things that Bush told Jamie was that he expected the race to be hard, but maybe not this particularly type of hard. Essentially, because of Donald Trump which I know you would agree with but it does kind of underscore the question whether Jeb Bush missed his moment. I mean, whenever that moment may have been. He's been out of this game for a long time now.


NAVARRO: You know, look, you have to run for president when you feel it's the right moment for you. The right moment for you, for your family, for your career and your life and I think Jeb waited for what he thought was the right moment.

You know, Anderson, I was thinking today. I remember when Jeb ran and lost for Governor in Florida in 1994. And it was a devastating blow for him and for those of us who were supporting him. And he didn't go and hide under a bed. He picked himself up and he did what he had to do the next two, three years to put himself in a position to be able to come back and win. He's going to do the same thing. So he doesn't have three years to do it. He got three weeks.

COOPER: Yeah, I mean, the clock is ticking. How much longer can he stay in this thing with these kinds of poll numbers? And, you have no doubt he'll go through Iowa and go through New Hampshire.

NAVARRO: I fully expect to be voting for him in the Florida primary. I think, you know, I mean frankly, that answer, that question I find, you know, somewhat strange given that there are so many others...

COOPER: Well, of course.

NAVARRO: On that debate stage who have lower poll numbers, lower finances, not a dime to their name.

COOPER: Well, I'm curious how long they'll stay in, too?

NAVARRO: Well, right. But I mean, I think you stay in until you think it's the responsible...

COOPER: But in terms of money...

NAVARRO: ... thing to do.

COOPER: ... he still has a lot of money.

NAVARRO: I think stay in while you think you have a pass.

COOPER: He still has a lot of support.

NAVARRO: Yeah, it's more than money. Look, money, money is huge. And it's necessary. But you also have to have the heart and the will and the back bone to keep showing up at campaign event and campaign event everyday, delivering your stump speech, talking to voters. So you stay in it until your heart, until your spine, until your bank account is sustaining you.

COOPER: Ana Navarro, it's always good to have you on. Thank you so much, I appreciate it.

NAVARRO: Thanks. COOPER: All right, we have a lot more ahead, just ahead tonight, breaking news in the crash of Metrojet 9268. New reporting on how wide the wreckage spread out on the Egypt's Sinai desert? And what it could says about what brought the airliner down?



COOPER: Welcome back. We do have some breaking news to report in the crash of Metrojet 9268, the Russian airbus that went down in Egypt's Sinai desert. A short time ago, the state on news agency Russia 24 delivered information that now, if true, could say a lot about dimensions of the debris field and by extension what caused the crash. And we cannot independently confirm this. CNN cannot, but Russia 24 is reporting that the tail ended up five kilometers or about three miles away from the rest of the wreckage.

Also reporting that showed no signs of fire damage, with the network reports could be in the tail came off before the fire started. So there's that, and on the security front, the U.S. embassy in Cairo tonight warning employees to avoid travel to the Sinai until investigators figure out what happened. That's just a couple of the latest of a string of developments today. More tonight from Brian Todd.


BRIAN TODD, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Tonight a U.S. official tells CNN, a military satellite pick up what the pentagon calls a heat flash in midair shortly before the plane crashed, perhaps the signature of an explosion, historically, contrasting the report from Russian State News Agency, saying so far none of the recovered bodies of passengers show evidence of explosive impact.

Tonight CNN has learned despite that report, U.S. government experts still aren't ruling out the possibility of a bomb onboard, even as they weigh other scenarios.

Other than a bomb, what could cause a catastrophic event?

MICHAEL GOLDFARB, FORMER FAA CHIEFT OF STAFF: Many things, we had history of fatigue cracks that were discovered after maintenance repairs have been done. We had planes where the skin has disintegrated, flying over oceanic routes. So, that kind of catastrophic failure, we have issues about cargo hold, we have issues on engines.

TODD: Experts say the security the security at Sharm el-Sheikh Airport has to be investigated. How rigorous is security at that airport?

ED DALY, AVIATION SECURITY ANALYST LIEUTENANT: The Sharm el-Sheikh Airport multiple layers of security. Initially upon arriving at the airport driveway and then prior to check in and upon check in itself. As it at any airport in the world, there are a number of ways to get a bomb aboard and whether it's through a person entering through regular check-in process with the baggage process.

TODD: If a bomb did bring down this plane. There's no shortage of groups sworn to launch attacks. The ISIS affiliate in Sinai claimed responsibility, but analysts say that group likely doesn't have the capability to get a bomb on to a passenger plane. They say two terrorist organizations could pull it off. The Khorasan group tied to Al Qaeda's branch in Syria. They've been developing bomb making capability. Expert say and would be motivated to strike at a Russian commercial plane because the Russians are bomb them in Syria. And Al Qaeda in Yemen which is twice got and sophisticated bombs unto U.S. bound plans.

PAUL CRUICKSHANK, CNN TERRORISM ANALYST: And they have a master bomber maker called Ibrahim Al Asiri who is constantly coming up with more sophisticated devices. He's been experimenting, it is believed, with new generations of shoe bombs, a new generation of underwear bombs.


COOPER: And Brian Todd joins us. Now, what more are you learning about the airbus' tail?

TODD: Well, Anderson, in the course of reporting on this accident, this incident over the past couple of days, we've learned that this very same aircraft in November of 2001 had what's called a tail strike. In that incident, it was landing in Cairo. It was operated by another airline at the time. It was landing in Cairo and the nose was too high. So, the tail struck the tarmac and it sustained considerable damage.

Now, airline officials of this particular Russian airline say that that was completely repaired and that it passed all the inspections since then. But we've had several airline security and safety experts tell us that in these inspections, it's very sometimes easy to miss maybe a slight fracture or other stress points in that part of a plane. And it could have gone undetected.

Some kind of a problem with the tail could have gone undetected. And so, with the new information tonight that the tail is somewhat apart from the rest of the wreckage that could bear out some possible theory that maybe that particular tail strike in November 2001 could have had a bearing on what happened on Saturday, Anderson.


COOPER: All right, Brian, thank you very much. I want to in our experts, Paul Cruickshank from Brian Todd's report just now. Also joining us CNN aviation Analyst and airline captain, Les Abend and Former Transportation Deputy Inspection General, Mary Schiavo, she is currently an advocate for accident victims.

Paul, do you think terror could be a prime...

CRUICKSHANK: I'm pretty skeptical that it's terrorism at this point. There is being no full trestle claim of responsibility from any terrorist group. On Saturday the ISIS affiliate in Sinai put out an eight-line statement. But, if this was the terrorist attack, will be the biggest win for terrorist groups since 9/11 to take down a Russian passenger jet. Even ISIS doesn't seem to fully believe that it's ISIS affiliate in Sinai was responsible.

That's been a very lukewarm response from the group in Iraq and Syria. There's a video put out today, but no new information and no corroborating data. I think complete silence from Al Qaeda, which would also be surprising if they had carried this out. They would want to get the message fast out on social media and also, especially give on the fact that their rival ISIS is put out this claim.

COOPER: And they've claimed responsibility for things in the past that they hadn't had their hand in, correct?

CRUICKSHANK: ISIS has a very mixed record with telling the truth. Al Qaeda has a better record, but mixed record for ISIS.

COOPER: Les, what do you make of this heat flash detected by satellite?

LES ABEND, 777 CAPTAIN: You know, it could be a multitude of things. You know, I don't understand the technology behind sensing this heat flash. But we saw something in Fort Lauderdale on Thursday I believe was with a 767 that has a -- with a submersible fuel leak. If this happened in flight and was a serious situation and the airplane got to the point where or the engine ignited, you know, what we would call a catastrophic fire engine failure type of situation. It's possible it could have caught to the rest of the airplane and caused this heat sensing device to, you know, activate.

But, you know, at this point it's really anybody's game. You know, you can look at various other aspects, would the heat have been noticed had the airplane just broken apart for what we're talking about in the tail strike? You know, that's a hard thing. This is 14 years after that tail strike occurred.

Did it cause fatigue? We're talking about composite material that really has not been under a historic study for a long period of time. So they could have missed some sort of crack. One thing I have been considering is the performance aspect of the airplane. This airplane was loaded with over 200 people. You don't see that airplane being loaded that heavily in the United States.


ABEND: Well, you really don't. You know...

COOPER: For safety reasons, do you mean that?

ABEND: No, not so much for safety reasons, but, you know, a lot of airlines in the States are going to lay flat seats so less density in it.

COOPER: All right, OK, OK. ABEND: But this is a charter airplane and they want to pack as many people in as they possible can. But not a safety issues with that many seats. Let me be clear about that. But, what I'm saying is, it's a heavy loaded airplane with passengers, heavily loaded with fuel for its destination. Now it's gets up to an altitude that is -- could bring it to a point where it's in a performance limitation and up against high speed limits and also up against its low-speed limits where an aerodynamic stall could have occur.

So, it's very close we call coffin corner area, you know, if it fell out of the sky for any of those reasons that the airbus systems didn't react, possibly it could have over stressed the airplane and now we had a tail break off because, you know, because...

COOPER: Well, Mary, the tail of the plane, which, according to this Russian Agency is found three miles from the rest of the wreckage with a clean break. To you, what does that say if in fact, true?

MARY SCHIAVO, FORMER INSPECTOR GENERAL U.S.DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION: To me it says it exited the plane before the explosive event and before the fire engulfed the plane. And, you know, we don't have to look too much farther. When I investigate an accident or a crash, I always go back to other crashes that I worked on.

China 6/11 and in that case, the tail strike which was repaired and not well, it brought a plane down almost two decades later. And I would like to say that a bad repair is like a ticking time bomb because once it's on the plane, it stays with the plane forever and you can't see under a paint job under you do ultrasonic or other testing. And a lot of nations don't require that ever.

COOPER: Paul, the fact that U.S. Embassy is now warning employees to -- not to travel anywhere in the Sinai pending the outcome in the investigation. I mean, it could just be prudence on their part.

CRUICKSHANK: I don't think we should read too much into that. I mean the northern part of Sinai, especially, has been a big conflict zone.

COOPER: I mean, people should stay out of that region.

CRUICKSHANK: Yeah, I mean, that presuming that also means Sharm el- Sheikh. The people shouldn't go there, that's on the southern tip of Sinai.

COOPER: Which are the huge dive spot...

CRUICKSHANK: Israeli tourists, European tourists and all sorts of people traveling there all the time, so interesting advice coming out of the State Department not to go there right now in terms of employees of the state department, Anderson.


COOPER: Les, you look at this flight better, flight radar 24, the flight recorder, the flight data tracker. Plane fell from what 31,000 feet to 26,000 feet in just the final 26 second, I think.

ABEND: Yeah, I'm glad you brought that up. Actually, you know, it was at 31,100 feet went up to 33,500. You know, in two seconds, there's a lot of erratic data on flight radar 24.


ABEND: They do claim it's real time. How accurate this information is curious to me. But what is really curious to me, it showed a trend of a descending airplane and as we've discussed, this thing has been down to, it went down to a stalling speed. It went down to 62 knots. That's not sustainable in any kind of airline or type airplane. But the point being is that how did flight radar 24 track this for 24 minutes if the airplane broke apart. There's no more electricity.

COOPER: Right.

ABEND: To that transmitter.

COOPER: That's interesting.

ABEND: So, that's one of the considerations.

COOPER: A lot of question to be answered. Les Abend, I appreciate it. Paul Cruickshank, thanks very much, Mary Schiavo as well. I appreciate you being with us.

Just ahead, we have more breaking news with election results, we'll bring you the projected winner in a big governor's race as well as ballot measure getting national intentional recreational marijuana. That's next.



COOPER: Breaking news on this election night. We have one big race we can now call as well as one big ballot issue on legalizing recreational marijuana. Joining us with the latest Joe Johns, what do we know Joe?

JOE JOHNS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well Anderson, CNN now projects that Ohio voters will say no to legalizing recreational marijuana turning down the state initiative that had been put before them by a group of investors. There are the numbers so far, 65 percent no, 35 percent yes, that's with 39 percent reporting. Apparently Ohio is going to turn down legal weed.

Perhaps, the election with the biggest national implications today not about candidates more about pot to proposed amendment would legalize both medical marijuana and recreational marijuana which is different from some other states like Colorado and Washington State which already had medical marijuana in place before they took the step toward approving the drug recreationally.

The amendment had a wide variety of people back and get including NBA Howard former Oscar Robertson, descendants of U.S. President William Howard Taft and the musician Nick Lachey.

Now, anything having to do with marijuana is controversial. But what made this even more contentious is the part of the amendment that said growing and selling pot would be controlled by 10 sites specific farms, those farms were suppose to have exclusive control of the industry in the state. Critique said that was the same thing as a monopoly and that set off a whole different wave of opposition having less to do with pot and more to do with anti-monopoly concerns, Anderson.

COOPER: One of the arguments from the legalization side always was that it could be a big moneymaker for the state. Is that spelled out in this amendment?

JOHNS: That was certainly foreseen in the amendment. There is a 15 percent special flat tax that was supposed to be imposed on all gross revenue that would go to the state. Plus another 5 percent on stores that sell the drug to be used for public safety, for health, first responders, infrastructure, including roads and bridge repair. That amendment was going to set up the state for a big payday that could have lasted a long time. But it looks like it's not going to happen.

COOPER: We have more election results. And obviously, we are a year from the presidential election but there are election results from Kentucky, what happened?

JOHNS: I think you can call this a shock. There was the Tea Party favorite Matt Bevin, he won and inside Democrat Jack Conway lost. Now a couple things that make this race in Kentucky interesting on a national level. The first is location. Kentucky tends to sends Republicans to Washington including of course, to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. And the backdrop of the race was about national issues, whether the state could continue is pushing ahead with the ObamaCare for a 100 of thousands of residence which was what democrat Conway was calling for or if the state would back away from ObamaCare which is what the Republican Matt Bevin wanted to do.

The other issue that got a lot to play in the state was same-sex marriage especially because Kentucky is the home state of County Clerk Kim Davis who set off a whole firestorm by refusing to give marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Republican Matt Bevin gave Kim Davis absolute backing and tried to energize evangelical Republicans to vote for him and Conway took a sort of rule of law approach to the case. So it appears that Bevin is going to win and Republicans have another governor seat.

COOPER: All right, Joe Johns, thanks very much to the update. A lot more happen, we'll check with Randi Kaye with 360 Bulletin. Randi.

RANDI KAYE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Anderson in Chicago, there is a $20,000 reward in the brutal killing of a nine-year-old. Tyshawn Lee was shot down in an allay in the way to his grandmother house. Police taking may have been targeted but his mother says, she can't understand why.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) KARLA LEE, 9 YEAR OLD SON SHOT TO DEATH: He didn't hurt nobody. I don't know why. If anybody know anything, please, please...


KAYE: In Georgia, an unlikely escape, a man charged with murder in the death of a county sheriff somehow got out of ankle irons and used his double-lock handcuffs to break the window of a patrol car. Deputies lost him in the nearby woods.

And the maker of the addictive game candy crush got to sweet offered could not refused King Digital as agreed to be acquired by Activision for $4.9 billion Activision make games including call of duty. They want a stronger stake in mobile gaming, Anderson.

[21:55:00] I think I'm the only one left who hasn't tried Candy Crush perhaps.

COOPER: Actually I join you in that.

KAYE: OK good, good to hear.

COOPER: We're -- some lessons from 9 year old some more. Randi, thanks very much. We'll be right back


COOPER: Before we go, a quick update on the Sinai plane crash. The major developments new reporting from the network Russian 24 that the airbus' tail ended up about three miles from the rest of the debris field and network also reporting there's no sign of damage from a fire or explosion. CNN cannot independently confirm that reporting.

It bears watching though. Most of the bodies retrieve the crush site are intact in medical source and Sinai I tell CNN and show no major burns. Flight 9268 was on its way from the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh to St. Petersburg early Saturday when it dropped off radar about 23 minutes into the flight.

Egyptian officials meantime say they are wrapping up their investigative work in the field. Their next step they say as analyzing what's on the flight recorders looking for signs of an explosion or sudden break up as well as any early mechanical or electronic signs of trouble.

As always stay tune to CNN for the very latest. That does it for us. Thanks very much for watching. We'll see you at 11:00 P.M. Eastern in another edition of 360.

[22:00:01] CNN tonight witth Don Lemon starts right now