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Pentagon Looking into Alleged Leaked Classified U.S. and NATO Intelligence on Ukraine Documents; Bob Lee, Creator of Cash App, Captured on Surveillance Video Shortly After Being Stabbed; Biden Administration Takes Steps to Make Transgender Sports Bans Broadly Illegal; West Virginia's Request to Enforce Anti-Transgender Sports Ban Denied by Supreme Court; Tiger Woods Acknowledged "Constant" Pain During First Round of Masters; Israel Launches Strikes in Gaza, Lebanon After Rocket Attack. Aired 10:30-11a ET

Aired April 07, 2023 - 10:30   ET




This just in, the Pentagon is investigating after reports that classified documents containing U.S. and NATO intelligence on Ukraine allegedly were found circulating on social media. CNN National Security Reporter Natasha Bertrand is at the Pentagon.

Natasha, this doesn't sound good. I mean, what kind of documents are we talking about and how much might have gotten out?

NATASHA BERTRAND, CNN NATIONAL SECURITY REPORTER: John, the Pentagon is reviewing all of that right now, but what we are seeing circulating on social media appeared to be screenshots of classified information that was put together by the U.S. and NATO. Now, it is not clear whether these documents are authentic or whether they have been doctored, but the Pentagon did say in a statement that they have seen the reports of the social media posts and they are, "Reviewing the matter". So, they are looking into this. However, they have not disclosed one way or another whether these images are actually real.

Now, a lot of these images -- I should say, one of them that we have seen, they do show some information about the amount of equipment that Ukraine currently has, the amount of training that the Ukrainians have undergone on that equipment, as well as projected timelines for when they might receive additional western equipment. Things that could potentially be useful for the Russians to know.

But we should note that the Ukrainians have come out and said that they believe that this -- that these leaks are not necessarily real. And one senior official -- senior Ukrainian official actually posted this morning on his telegram account that he believes that this is basically just a disinformation operation by the Russians. That if they really had sensitive intelligence released by the Americans, then they would not necessarily be releasing it.

But regardless of whether this information is authentic or not, he does come at a moment, obviously, when both sides, the Ukrainians and the Russians, are trying to get a better understanding of what each side is planning for this coming spring offensive and counteroffensive, John.

BERMAN: All right. Keep us posted, Natasha, because, as I said, this is interesting. What's out there and exactly by whom? Some of the open questions. Great reporting. Thank you.


SARA SIDNER, CNN NEWS CENTRAL CO-ANCHOR: New information this morning in the death of Cash App founder Bob Lee. We are getting our first look at surveillance footage that shows Lee's final moments in a San Francisco Street. We are not playing the video because it is graphic.

But in the surveillance footage, Lee is seen walking alone, gripping his side with one hand and his cell phone in the other, leaving a trail of blood behind him. Lee was stabbed multiple times early Tuesday morning, according to police. CNN's Veronica Miracle has been following this investigation for us.

Can you give us a sense if -- at this moment, the police have any leads whatsoever?

VERONICA MIRACLE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Now, there are still so many questions unanswered, Sara, and that is one of them. Yesterday, the San Francisco Police chief trying to address those fears, and saying it is just too early to say if this was a targeted attack or a random attack. That is certainly creating a great amount of fear, not only in the tech community that Bob Lee was a part of the community at large.

And besides the surveillance still image that we're going to -- that we're showing and besides some of the basic details around the fact that he was stabbed and where his body ended up. Beyond that, there are really no -- there is no information surrounding the circumstances of his death. How this could have happened? Why this could have happened? What he was doing at 2 30 in the morning in that area? Still a lot of questions remain unanswered. The police chief did try to talk to community members and try to alleviate their fears of a community meeting. Here's what he had to say.


CHIEF BILL SCOTT, SAN FRANCISCO POLICE: Our homicide investigators are working tirelessly on this case. And, you know, unfortunately, you know, there's a lot going on. There is evidence that we found that I can't talk about because we don't want to jeopardize this case. And I know that's really hard for people because they want to know. This is a very high-profile incident. I'm confident that we're going to have a good resolution to this case.


MIRACLE: In terms of that surveillance video, Sara, as you mentioned, we're not going to be showing it. It is incredibly graphic. And we actually told you about it yesterday because the San Francisco standard was able to review it. So, we had talked about it. But it does show the moments after his death that shows him clutching his side, as you said, on his cell phone. We know that there was a 9-1-1 call that Lee made to police himself where, apparently, he was screaming and saying help, someone has stabbed me.

SIDNER: Uh-huh.

MIRACLE: The video also shows him walking up to a car, lifting up his shirt, showing that he has a stab wound, and apparently, that car just drives off. He collapses there. He's able to somehow muster stand up and then he collapses later, and that's where police eventually found him. Sara.


SIDNER: How horrible. Veronica, thank you. It sounds like the police have something going on. They just can't tell us what he said. He said he hopes this is going to be a very good resolution, which usually means some sort of arrest. John.

BERMAN: All right. Thanks so much, Sara.

A lot of people playing excellent golf in Augusta, Tiger Woods, not one of them. Not even close. So, can he make the cut?

President Biden proposed new rules that would allow for some limits on transgender athletes in school sports. What we know about the changes coming.



BERMAN: Just announced, guidance from the Biden administration for transgender student athletes. The proposal would allow schools to limit some transgender student athletes from participating in sports, but would make blanket bans illegal. This pertains to Title IX, the federal civil rights law that prohibits sex-based discrimination in any school or education program that receives federal funding.

CNN White House Correspondent joins us now with much more on this. Arlette, what exactly does this proposal say and do?

ARLETTE SAENZ, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Well, John, the Biden administration had been working towards this rule change for quite some time as they're trying to seek to offer some guidance to states schools, parents, and also students, as many states across the country have implemented laws affecting transgender athletes.

Now, for the most part, transgender kids in elementary school will be able to continue participating in the sports teams that align with their gender identity. But it's when these kids move on to more competitive fields, including high school and college, where some limitations will be allowed. This rule states that schools would have the flexibility to, "Identify their own educational objectives when it comes to restrictions". That could include trying to ensure fairness and also trying to prevent sports related injuries. Another thing that they'll have to take into account is the nature of the sport that they're trying to put these restrictions on.

Now, this is certainly a hot topic that's been debated over the past few years. And there have been many Republican-led states that are implementing outright bans on transgender athletes in sports. Most recently the State of Kansas taking some action on that. That is something the White House has referred to as legislative bullying. But really, the reaction to this has been mixed.

You have Republicans who don't want the federal government to get involved in this matter, but then you are also hearing some skepticism from some LGBTQ advocacy groups. For instance, the human rights campaign has said, "Every student deserves to be treated with dignity and respect." The new rules should be clarified to ensure that all transgender students should be presumed eligible to participate in sports consistent with their gender identity. There is some concern among these groups that this new rule could potentially provide a bit of a roadmap, a bit of a guideline for ways that these students could continue to be discriminated against.

Now, this rule will have a 30-day public comment period before it becomes official. So, there's always an opportunity that there could be some changes made going forward. But this really highlights the administration's first decisive action when it comes to this issue regarding transgender athletes in schools.

BERMAN: Yes, people were waiting to see where exactly the White House would land on this. Arlette Saenz, thank you very much.


KATE BOLDUAN, CNN NEWS CENTRAL CO-ANCHOR: That's from the White House. The system also now -- up to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court decision that weighs in on this debate over fairness and inclusion in sports. And for now, it's a win for trans athletes in West Virginia. The high court blocking an attempt by the state to enforce a law that would have banned a trans girl from running on her school's cross-country team.

12-year-old Becky Pepper-Jackson, she sued the state when that ban first took effect. Then, earlier this year, a lower court stepped in, and that is when the state took matters to the Supreme Court. CNN's Ariane de Vogue has been following this case and she joins us now.

Ariane, what stands out to you in this ruling from the justices?

ARIANE DE VOGUE, CNN SUPREME COURT REPORTER: First of all, you're absolutely right. It's the first time the Supreme Court has weighed in on this significant area, right. It's said that West Virginia cannot enforce its law for now against this 12-year-old girl.

But here's what's really important to understand. This came to the Supreme Court on an emergency basis that the case is playing out below. West Virginia raised to the court and said, look, just for now, please let us enforce this law and the Supreme Court declined to do so. But the court often does that when it doesn't want to interfere with what's going on below. It wants the issue to percolate. It wants the appeals court to issue an opinion. And that means that this issue is very likely to come back to the Supreme Court. And when it does, there could be a different outcome with the conservative justices.

What -- the way they acted already, we saw that Justice Samuel Alito and Justice Clarence Thomas, they were the only ones who dissented in this order. And they made clear why. Justice Alito, writing for both of them, said, this application concerns an important issue that this court is likely to be required to address in the near future, namely whether either Title IX of the education amendment of 1972 or the 14th amendment's equal protection clause prohibits the state from restricting participation in women's or girls' sports based on genes or physiological or anatomical characteristics.


It's worth noting that 21 states already weighed in in favor of West Virginia. But for now, this trans girl, she won here.

BOLDUAN: Also involved in this, and an interesting aspect of this, Ariane is that several women athletes signed in a brief in favor of the ban. What are they saying?

DE VOGUE: Yes. Well, that's interesting because one of those athletes was, of course, the great tennis star Martina Navratilova. And she, here, it's kind of unusual alliances. She, sort of, signed onto a brief for people who support the law because she has said this before, she fears that if laws like this aren't allowed to go into effect, women are going to lose the gains that they have made in sports going forward.

So, there she was at this early stage at the Supreme Court. She cited in favor of laws like this, and that surprised a great many people. It really is something that is dividing both sides. And as you saw with all those other states that have weighed in, it's an issue that's going to come back to the courts again and again.

BOLDUAN: For almost certainly, Ariane. Great reporting as always.


BOLDUAN: And really gets that -- the conflicting concepts of inclusiveness and fairness in sports. Thank you.



SIDNER: Coming up, Stormy Daniels has her say on Former President Trump's indictment. Why she says she doesn't believe the charges are worth jail time, but what she's demanding of the former president.

Also, the Masters in full swing. Five-time green jacket winner Tiger Woods, though, isn't having the best round. What he needs to do today to actually stay in the tournament. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: From the very front part of the green. It looks about -- he already missed a couple of shorter ones at that point in time. Then at seven -- this is a part after by the 30 --




BERMAN: We have a live look at the leader board at the Masters in Augusta. You can see Brooks Koepka all alone at minus 10, you might say for now, at least he is winning. Tiger Woods, on the other hand, is losing in a manner of speaking. He will need a huge day to make the cut.

It was Tiger's putter letting him down early in around one. He missed three short par putts on the front nine. Tiger, who did begin to limp after playing badly ended the day with five bogeys and three birdies. Is he is tied now, I just saw him, at 53rd at two over.

CNN's Don Riddell live in Augusta. Don, is -- what never missed. I mean, sorry, Don, you've never missed the cut ever. Tiger's never missed the cut as a pro. This would be a big deal if he didn't make it. Does he have any chance?

DON RIDDELL, CNN WORLD SPORT ANCHOR AND CORRESPONDENT: Yes, it would be a really big deal. What, mid-90s was the last time he missed the cut here at Augusta? John, you and I know how much he loves playing this course. He's won it five times, that's second only to Jack Nicklaus. This is his 25th Masters appearance. But we know what he's been through in the last couple of years, that devastating car accident just over two years ago.

But when he rocked up here at the start of the week, he said he was feeling better than this time last year. He said he thought his game was better than this time last year. But there is no question that he struggled. His iron play, in particular, seemed to be off. And he was cutting a pretty dejected figure at times. A bogey on the 18th hole was certainly not what he would have wanted. It wasn't a good day for him, and he knows it.


TIGER WOODS, TIED FOR 53RD (+2) AFTER 1ST ROUND: Never good speed early. I had two, three pots and consequently and a couple over par, but any admires (ph) close enough today. You know, I didn't give myself very good looks. I need a better job of that going forward. Hopefully I'd get myself back in this tournament.


RIDDELL: You know, of course, so many people want Tiger to do well. When he arrives on the range here just to get warmed up at the start of the day, he gets a round of applause from the patrons. No other golfer gets that kind of treatment. And as he told me earlier this week, when he is out on the golf course, he does start to wonder, is this going to be the last time? I hope he's not thinking that today, but we know that with everything he's been through, he's not going to be playing this tournament forever, John.

BERMAN: So, for the guys at the top of the leader board, the ones with a chance to win this thing, Don, it seems like one of the big issues is going to be weather.

RIDDELL: Yes, for sure. Brooks Koepka must be absolutely thrilled that he's out there already because I mean, it looks like a nice day. It's very sunny at the moment, but we're expecting a lot of rain to come in this afternoon and tomorrow. Tiger, I think, will regret, not that he had any necessarily any say in the matter, but he might regret his 1:00 p.m. tee time because he's going to be out there this afternoon. Of course, that's going to soften up the greens. Slow them down. It's going to make the course play longer, and, of course, it's just no fun playing in miserable, rainy conditions.

So, I think it is going to make it harder for the guys who are going out this afternoon. It is what we expected. Augusta National did actually move all the tee times to a half hour earlier today to try and get as many people through as they could before the weather. But the, you know, the weather is definitely going to be a story here this weekend, for sure.

BERMAN: Don Riddell in Augusta. Thanks so much.

You know, Sara Sidner, as they say in "Caddyshack", I don't think the hard stuff is going to come down for some time.

SIDNER: You had to do it, didn't you?

BERMAN: I had to do.

DREYER: You had to do it.

All right. Coming up, declaring this is not democracy. That is the message from the two expelled Tennessee Democrats who say they might be out of the legislature now, but they're not going anywhere. What they're planning that's coming up.


Plus, CNN is on the ground amid rising tensions in the Middle East. Hezbollah, accusing Israel now of fearmongering. We'll take you live to the Israeli-Lebanese border, next.

