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Missing Girl Found at Marine Base; Stabbing Outside Kindergarten in China; Lawmakers Return to Capitol Hill. Aired 9:30- 10a ET

Aired July 10, 2023 - 09:30   ET



MOLLY BALL, NATIONAL POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT, "TIME": Seen it happen. And the reason it hasn't happened is that someone would have to lay a finger on Trump first. And, you know, we've been waiting eight years, I think - and by we I mean the entire Republican establishment, not necessarily myself or the media - but, you know, a lot of -- a lot of Republicans have been thinking and wishing and hoping that Trump will sort of collapse under his own weight or implode in some way and, you know, he certainly - you know, he's got two indictments already and more could be coming. But we haven't seen any sign of a sudden collapse or deflation in Trump's appeal to the base of the Republican Party. And so without that, it remains just a theory that the top two candidates could somehow take each other out.

SARA SIDNER, CNN ANCHOR: All right, Molly Ball, thank you so much for your analysis there. Appreciate it.


KATE BOLDUAN, CNN ANCHOR: Coming up for us, a U.S. Marine is in custody now and being questioned after a missing 14-year-old girl was found on a military base. We have the very latest on what they're finding.

Plus, a manhunt in Pennsylvania. Law enforcement searching for this man, searching for an escaped inmate. The police say he's a self- taught survivalist, and how that's playing in to how he's missing. The very latest on the search is next.



BOLDUAN: A U.S. Marine is in custody after a missing 14-year-old girl was found at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton in California. The girl's grandmother reported her missing last month, according to the San Diego County Sheriff. She was then discovered at the base two weeks later.

CNN's Camila Bernal is at Camp Pendleton - outside of Camp Pendleton. She's joining us now.

Camila, what more are you learning about how the girl was discovered and how these two people are connected?

CAMILA BERNAL, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Kate, unfortunately we don't know exactly how they're connected. There are not a lot of details that are being released at this time. But we do know that the 14-year-old girl was actually found at the barracks here on base. And then after we do know that a Marine was taken into custody for questioning.

This all happened on June 28th. And that's according to a statement from the Marine Corps. I want to read part of that statement. Here's what they're saying. This command takes matters and the allegations very seriously. The incident is under investigation, and we will continue to operate with NCIS and appropriate authorities.

Now, NCIS is the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, and we reached out to them as well. They declined to comment out of respect for the investigative process here.

But the San Diego County Sheriff's Department did give a timeline as to exactly how these dates played out. They said that the girl's grandma reported her missing on June 13th. She talked to deputies that day but told them that she had actually ran away from home on June 9th. And so they put her name on multiple databases for missing persons. And it wasn't until the 28th of June that military police actually found the girl here on base.

Detectives interviewed her. We know they offered services. And she was reunited with her grandmother. But, unfortunately, they're not answer a lot of the questions that we have. So, we will have to wait for this NCIS investigation to really get more details here because so far we're just left with a lot of questions, Kate.

BOLDUAN: Absolutely. And you're also talking about the circumstances surrounding a minor and so it has - it's very sensitive and they have to be very careful in all of that. But much more to be learned.

Camila, thank you very much.


SIDNER: Two people have been killed and five more injured in yet another mass shooting. This time at a private party in Amarillo, Texas. Police say a fight broke out there Sunday among partygoers and at some point shots were fired. Two victims were 28 and 32 years old. Police say the other five are expected to recover. They have not yet made any arrests in that case.

Also there is now a $10,000 reward for information about this man, an escaped inmate who police say is very dangerous. Officials say Michael Charles Burham used tied up bed sheets to descend from the roof of the Warren County Prison. He is also a survivalist and state troopers say they found small stockpiles in the wooded areas near the prison they believe are associated with him. Burham was being held on arson and burglary charges and he's also the prime suspect in a murder investigation. All right, it's a wrap. The fabulous Elton John has played the last

show of his farewell tour. The five-time Grammy-winning performer performed for a massive crowd in Stockholm, Sweden, this afternoon after playing 330 shows in just 663 days.


ELTON JOHN, MUSICIAN (singing): So, good-bye yellow brick road, where the dogs of society howl. You can't plant me in your penthouse, I'm going back to my plough.


SIDNER: That was Saturday. The 76-year-old started this tour in 2018. It was supposed to end in 2021, but the pandemic, like for many of us, got in the way. He says he is leaving the road -- he deserves it -- to spend more time with his two sons.


BOLDUAN: He's an amazing concert to see. That's good stuff.

So, coming up still for us, members of Congress, they're headed back to The Hill facing a tight deadline and a long to do list before their next recess. Why people are talking once again about the threat of a possible government shutdown.

We'll be right back.



BOLDUAN: Six people are dead, another person injured, in what is turning out to be a horrifying knife attack that we're learning about outside a kindergarten in southern China. We're going to show you video of what we're told is the aftermath in China, outside of this kindergarten. One state-run news outlet says three children are among the victims. The attack apparently taking place as parents were dropping off their kids for school.

CNN's Anna Coren has more on this. She's joining us now.

Anna, what more are you learning?

ANNA COREN, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Kate, such a disturbing attack. Early this morning in China, a man fatally stabbing six people outside a kindergarten with a knife in southern Guangdong province.


According to state media, the victims, they were three children, two parents and a teacher. As you say, one person was wounded.

CNN has blurred the images of the lifeless bodies lying on the road. We understand that emergency crews were quick to act, but unable to save the victims. They all died at the scene.

Police arrested a 25-year-old man from Lianjiang country. He's from the same place where this kindergarten is located. He's been taken into custody and an investigation is underway.

Authorities have released very few details, Kate, about the fatal stabbings, other than to say that the attack was intentional.

Now, guns in China are strictly controlled and out of reach for most people, but knives have become a common and accessible weapon. And in recent years there have been a spate of mass stabbings at schools targeting children across China.

Let me go through some of them for you. In August of last year three people were stabbed to death and six wounded at a kindergarten in China's southern Jiangxi province. In April 2021 two children were killed, 16 wounded in a stabbing attack at another kindergarten, this time in southwestern Guangshi (ph). And then, in June of 2020, 37 children and two adults wounded in a knife attack at an elementary school.

China has, you know, very low rates of violent crime compared to the United States, compared to, you know, other places in the west, but these horrific knife attacks often targeting young children in school You know, they're incredibly disturbing, Kate.

BOLDUAN: Absolutely.

Anna, thank you so much. We'll see what more we can learn about this one.


SIDNER: All right, a stunning claim, the Kremlin says the man that spearheaded the revolt against Russia met with Putin just days after the revolt against Russia. But no one has seen him in public since that revolt. We'll have more on the next chapter of this very interesting time in Russia.



SIDNER: This morning they're back in session. Lawmakers returning to Capitol Hill from their Fourth of July recess. They face an October 1st deadline to fund the federal government and avoid yet another potential showdown. But right now the Republican-led House and Democratic controlled Senate are still miles apart.

CNN chief congressional correspondent Manu Raju is at The Hill.

What can you tell us about where things stand now? They've just come back?

MANU RAJU, CNN CHIEF CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, yes, they just - they're just coming back. And, remember, they go back on recess for the month of August. So there just simply is not much time.

Now, very few legislative days between now and October 1st in order to get a deal to avert a shutdown. And it's not just disagreements between Republicans and Democrats. It's also disagreements among Republicans themselves, particularly House Republicans and Senate Republicans.

Recall that as part of the deal to raise the national debt limit to avert the first ever debt default, a deal that was reached between the speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy and the White House, they agreed to an overall spending cap, an overall spending level for the entire federal government that represented actually a cut. That was an agreement that was signed into law. But after that was cut, Speaker McCarthy actually backed off that agreement amid a rebellion among a handful of hard right members who wanted spending cuts to go even further. So, as a result, Speaker McCarthy came back and said they're going to try to move legislation to fund the government for even deeper cuts in the coming fiscal years. That has caused a lot of concern, particularly among Senate Republicans and Senate Democrats worried about the cuts, not just to domestic programs, but Republicans in the Senate concerned about the impacts on defense programs as well.

So, the House Republicans are moving on one track, Senate Republicans and Senate Democrats moving on another track, all trying to get an agreement, get this signed into law to avert a shutdown by October 1st. So just a lot of questions, Sara, about whether or not they can get there. Congress, once again, headed for a messy fiscal clash to avoid yet another government shutdown this fall.

SIDNER: House Republicans are also, you know, have something else they're sort of counting on, and that's weighing whether they do impeachment proceedings over this whistleblower who testified about Hunter Biden's tax investigation. Where does that stand and is that a real possibility?

RAJU: Well, the speaker of the House himself, Kevin McCarthy, floated that idea, threatened the possibility of moving forward in the impeachment inquiry against Merrick Garland, the attorney general, in the aftermath of allegation from that IRS whistleblower who said that the Justice Department improperly interfered in the investigation of the ultimate plea agreement that resulted between Hunter Biden, the president's son, and the Justice Department.

Now, Merrick Garland has denied any improper interference, as has the U.S. attorney from Delaware in that case, someone who was appointed by Donald Trump and held over into the Biden administration. But nevertheless, the allegations from the whistleblower is essentially expected to form the basis of a potential impeachment inquiry against Merrick Garland. It is still uncertain, Sara, whether they will actually go that far. There's going to be a lot of pressure on the speaker to support an actual impeachment of Merrick Garland, but that would be a very rare occurrence.

Only once ever in American history has a cabinet official been impeached, charged with high crimes or misdemeanors. And that happened in the mid-1800s when the secretary of war was - that happened to him back the, William Belknap. Will that happen again with Merrick Garland, the first -- second time ever in history, still a major question, but one that the speaker will have to confront in the weeks ahead.


SIDNER: The bar is really high. Thank you so much, Manu Raju, appreciate it.


BOLDUAN: Some of the other big headlines we're tracking from around the world, the United Nations is warning that Sudan is on the brink of a full-scale civil war. And this warning is after an air strike that happened this weekend, and it killed at least 22 people in Sudan's most populous city. We have been reporting and covering for months now this ongoing fighting between rival military factions in the country. The violence has left hundreds dead.


Nearly 3 million people have fled the country.

Now, schools in northern India have ben ordered to remain closed after a weekend of heavy rains triggered flash floods and landslides. We're showing you video of some of the rescue attempts that were happening there. People being rescued through a zip line. New Delhi recorded its wettest day in July in 40 years with more than six inches of rainfall yesterday. Authorities say at least 22 people have lost their lives in the regions from these storms.

Now, the BBC has suspended a male member of staff, which is how it's being described right now, following allegations of sexual misconduct. The U.K. tabloid, "The Sun," reported on Friday a woman had accused an unnamed BBC presenter of paying her teenage child for sexually explicit photographs. The BBC has yet to identify the presenter, and "The Sun" is now reporting that the presenter, quote/unquote, panic called the young person who made the allegations after the report came out and demanded that the mother stop the investigation.


SIDNER: Minutes from now New York's governor expected to provide an update on the widespread flooding that we've been seeing in New York. Incredible images you see there of water rushing into stairwells and some of the streets that are wiping away cars as some areas have gotten up to two inches of rain per hour. A live forecast is next.