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Unarmed Black Man Mauled By Police K9 Dog Called 911 During Chase, Feared For His Life; Thousands Evacuated As Wildfires Rage Across Greece; "Barbie" Takes Home Major Box Office Win. Aired 11:30a- 12p ET

Aired July 24, 2023 - 11:30   ET




RAHEL SOLOMON, CNN BUSINESS ANCHOR: Welcome back. Newly released 9-1-1 calls reveal a black truck driver feared for his life as police tried to pull him over in Ohio. Jadarrius Rose was later attacked by a police K9 dog despite surrendering with his hands up. Now, a review board is looking into how that happens, and an officer has been placed on paid leave.

CNN's Polo Sandoval joins us now. So, Polo, what else are we learning from the 9-1-1 call that Rose made?

POLO SANDOVAL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: So, Rahel, we know that this investigation into the use of force policy here is essentially continuing at this hour. But let me just set up the video clip that I do want to share with viewers because it really does paint a clearer picture of what took place. It is a disturbing video though.

But on the morning of July fourth, it was initially Ohio State troopers who attempted to stop 23-year-old Jadarrius Rose as you point out. In the video, you will see how he stops at first for a few moments. We have since learned that he actually placed a call in to the 9-1-1 dispatcher saying that he wanted to comply with officers. However, when he saw all of the guns pointed in his direction, he was afraid to stop so he proceeded.


It wasn't until 10 minutes later, so a total of 30 minutes of this pursuit, that this pursuit finally comes to an end. And those vehicles -- those SUVs that you see there, where we're highlighting Mr. Rose, those are actually Circleville PD PoliceK9 unit vehicles that rolled up to the scene. They are the ones that you will see deploy their dog even after you hear through the body camera video, a state trooper insisted as long as Mr. Rose's hands are up, do not deploy the dog.

So again, a warning for viewers. The video is disturbing to see. You will see clearly that Mr. Rose's hands are up but it remains unclear if those local police officers heard their state partners asking them not to release the dog.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, he just pull back out.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do not -- do not let them -- do not release the dog. Do not release the dog with his hands up. Do not release the ball with his hands up. Do not release the dog with his hands up. Don't -- do not -- do not-- do not. Get the dog off of him. Get the dog off of him.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The suspect, he is clear of the vehicle now.

JADARRIUS ROSE, TRUCK DRIVER: You just let a dog bite him. All you do is come to me. I was coming out. All the guns pointing at me, how do saying me to respect you? You got pointing. It's like 28 yards.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All you got to do is stop, brother.

ROSE: I did stop.


SANDOVAL: Rose was taken to the hospital after that interaction. He was treated and released before eventually booked into the jail. Now, in terms of our reach outs here, we have actually reached out to the Circleville Police Department, not heard back comment. Actively trying to reach out to the police officer, that canine officer involved, however, again, the city mayor insisting that that use of force policy is currently under review in terms of how it was or was not applied to this particular situation.

SOLOMON: Certainly, a lot of questions here. Polo Sandoval, thank you. John?

JOHN BERMAN, CNN ANCHOR: All right. U.N. officials say conversations have begun with North Korea over the U.S. soldier who crossed into North Korea last week. Private Travis King was on a tour of the demilitarized zone when he bolted across the border. He has not been seen or heard from since. CNN's Oren Liebermann is at the Pentagon. Oren, so, what is the latest on the status?

OREN LIEBERMANN, CNN PENTAGON CORRESPONDENT: John, the statement that conversations have begun with North Korea, a statement that came from United Nations Command, frankly raises more questions than answers because that's as far as they went. The deputy commander of the United Nations Command General Andrew Harrison basically said conversations have commenced under the agreements of the -- under the mechanisms of the Armistice Agreement. But he said he can't say any more because he didn't want to prejudice the outcomes of those conversations.

The problem is, that's the latest update we have from U.N. Command. But there isn't an update from the U.S. side. That is to say, according to the U.S., there still has not been contact made or conversations began with North Korea when it comes to Private Travis King. So, we don't know yet who was involved in these conversations, when they began, or where they may lead.

Tomorrow, it should be noted marks one week since Private Travis King got off of a tour of the Joint Security Area, part of the DMZ between North and South Korea, and then ran into North Korea. What's interesting to note is that the North Koreans haven't made any statements about Travis King, and that's left the U.S. wondering where he is, what his condition is, or what the intent of the North Koreans is here, especially as it seems difficult to move forward any sort of dialogue or any sort of diplomacy to try to resolve this situation with North Korea. We just have this statement from United Nations commencing conversations have begun.

It's also worth noting, John, that this week marks what for the North Koreans is a major holiday, the 70th anniversary of the signing of the Armistice Agreement that ended the Korean War. So, perhaps they want to use Travis King as some sort of propaganda coup ahead of this. But even that is pure speculation at this point, John.

BERMAN: All right. Obviously, a lot more to learn here. Oren Liebermann, thanks so much for explaining how much we really don't know at this point. Rahel?

SOLOMON: All right, John, coming up for us. Tourists and residents racing to get off Greek island as wildfires cause the largest evacuation efforts in the country's history. That's coming up next.



BERMAN: This morning, the prime minister of Greece says his country is at war with wildfires. The out-of-control blazes have forced thousands to flee on the island of Rhodes, a popular tourist destination. The destruction is widespread and at least 19,000 people have been evacuated. CNN's Sam Kiley reports from Greece.


SAM KILEY, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: It's a regular visitor wildfire and no one knows where or when it will strike. This is tourism in the 21st Century. The latest maelstrom in southern Europe, Rhodes, an island of ancient ruins facing a modern apocalypse.


Intense heat waves have turned forests into desiccated tinder, yearning for a spark to roar into flame. And anything that fails to flee the inferno has little chance of survival. Greek authorities have evacuated tens of thousands from popular resorts at peak season. And the government says it's the largest such operation in the country's history.

KEVIN SALES, BRITISH TOURIST FORCED TO EVACUATE: All our money, passports, clothing. We had to lend a woman some of my wife's clothes because she had nothing to wear. It was terrible.

KILEY (voiceover): Arab British tour operators are flying empty planes here to bring desperate tourists home.

KILEY: Powerful winds have made life just about unbearable for people on these islands living through this heatwave, but those self-same winds are fanning the flames of these infernos.

KILEY (voiceover): And the problem is spreading. The latest, overnight, the island of Corfu, where thousands have now been evacuated, and police are bolstering their ranks in anticipation of more to come.

The Greek government has been battling wildfires across the country for a week, during what's expected to be the longest heatwave this country has ever seen. As temperature records are shattered across Europe and the world, every day our planet has become slightly more unlivable.

POPE FRANCIS: (Through a translator) We are experiencing here and in many countries extreme climatic events. Please, I renew my appeal to the leaders of the nations to do something more concrete to limit polluting emissions. It is an urgent challenge and cannot be put off. It concerns everyone. Let us protect our common home.

KILEY (voiceover): As heatwaves and fires are escalating yearly in southern Europe, the threat is now even perhaps to the pontiff's own home. Sam Kiley, CNN in Leros.


BERMAN: And our thanks to Sam Kiley for that. Rahel?

SOLOMON: All right, coming up for us. Barbenheimer truly shattering expectations at the box office this weekend. But the numbers really prove that it is a Barbie world. That's next.








BARBIE: Hi, Ken.

KEN: Hi, Ken.

(END VIDEO CLIP) SOLOMON: I have heard that so many times on social media over the last like, a week or two.

BERMAN: I thought people were just calling me Barbie. Well, Hi, Barbie, and hello history. The highly anticipated Barbenheimer weekend smashed box office records.

SOLOMON: Absolutely. But in the ads, it was tiny plastic pink heels walking off with the biggest win. And CNN's Vanessa Yurkevich joins us now to break it down. So, tell us the numbers had it both films do.

VANESSA YURKEVICH, CNN BUSINESS & POLITICS CORRESPONDENT: Fourth highest-grossing weekend at the movies in U.S. box office history. 155 million for Barbie, 80 million for Oppenheimer. So, clearly, Barbie taking the lead there. But really these movies did each other a big service because of Barbenheimer.


YURKEVICH: It wasn't about which movie I should see this weekend. It's which one I should see first. And then when you add in the international box office totals, you're talking about an opening weekend for two movies that did over half a billion dollars. Also, Greta Gerwig. She is now the highest-grossing female director in history, unseating Wonder Woman which previously held that title.

And this is really good for movie theaters. You know you don't often get these huge weekends and especially during the pandemic when so many movie theaters suffered. Regal closed 51 theaters -- local movie theaters, we've heard from them they are so excited about this. They're also hoping that there are repeat customers. People who want to come back and see probably both these movies again.

BERMAN: Well, Oppenheimer's long.


BERMAN: I mean, you got to carve out like a lot of time to go see it twice. But I can see people going back to Barbie several times.

YURKEVICH: I'm -- certainly. Because I've spoken to a ton of people -- ton of fans. You have one group who took their kids, then someone's going with their girlfriends, so this is -- these could be like repeat customers at Barbie. Oppenheimer to your point, maybe a little dense, maybe don't want to like, learn about the atomic bomb twice but Barbie certainly could be a double feature in itself.

SOLOMON: Vanessa, talk to me about at least with Barbie. I mean, there seems to have been a really aggressive social media campaign, but also a lot of brand partnerships. I mean talk to me about perhaps what we saw here that really worked for Barbie and we may see more of in the future.

YURKEVICH: It's not just about Mattel. It's not just about Warner Brothers Discovery and the success around this movie. It's the other brands that are hopping on the bandwagon. Airbnb. Burger King has a pink sauce. You have Crocs with special shoes. And the social media element of this is amazing.

I mean, you have young girls, older women, men dressing up in pink and pink maybe that they brought -- bought from brands like Zara. And so, it's an opportunity for people to show their support of Barbie but also the brands that are associated with this film or want to be associated with this film. They're getting a huge kickback too.

SOLOMON: And I really feel like they've tapped into how to make this an experience which I think you were touching on there, right? Like groups of people going together, it's more than just the movie. It feels like people are really taking part in an experience.

YURKEVICH: And I -- on Friday, I was at the movie theater reporting outside of the movie theater. I met a woman who was dressed up as Barbie, her boyfriend was dressed up as Oppenheimer, and they were doing that double feature where they saw Barbie. We're taking a quick intermission and then we're going to see Oppenheimer. People were celebrating this weekend by going to these two movies. And clearly, clearly, it paid off.


BERMAN: I think they would have liked each other had they ever had a chance to meet in person I think Barbie and Oppenheimer.

SOLOMON: Maybe that's the sequel.

BERMAN: Maybe they would -- they would get along, for sure.

YURKEVICH: Barbeneimer, you already got the name for the movie.

BERMAN: Vanessa Yurkevich, thank you very much for that.

YURKEVICH: Thank you.

SOLOMON: And thanks for letting me join you today.

BERMAN: It was awesome to see you. Come back.

SOLOMON: Yes. I think I might. Thank you for joining us. This is CNN NEWS CENTRAL. "INSIDE POLITICS" is coming up next.