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New Poll Shows Tight Matchup Between Biden And Trump; Turning To "Biohacks" To Extend Health Span; U.S. Advances Despite Struggling Against Portugal. Aired 11:30a-12p ET

Aired August 01, 2023 - 11:30   ET



SARA SIDNER, CNN ANCHOR: For the families that have gone through this, this is a remarkable time for them, but also a terribly, terribly sad time.

MISTY MARRIS, DEFENSE & TRIAL ATTORNEY: Right. Yet, on one hand, maybe there's some closure, there's finally somebody who may be held accountable.

SIDNER: Right.

MARRIS: Of course, we have to go through that trial process. On the other hand, you're reliving the trauma as the family members that are now seeing this all play out. And then they added. He has two children --

SIDNER: Right.

MARRIS: -- his wife, they knew nothing about this. Well, now they're also experiencing incredible trauma thinking, did we even know this person?

SIDNER: Right.

MARRIS: 27 years of marriage.

SIDNER: Right.

MARRIS: So, a lot going on here.

SIDNER: Misty Marris, it's always lovely to have you on. I appreciate you.

MARRIS: Thank you, Sara.

SIDNER: Thank you. John?

JOHN BERMAN, CNN ANCHOR: All right. Brand new polling shines a light on how Democrats feel about President Biden's reelection bid. There's a big change inside these numbers.

And the Team USA overcomes a major scare at the World Cup but barely. I mean, they were inches away from going home. (COMMERCIAL BREAK)


BERMAN: All right. We got a brand-new video just into CNN. President Biden riding his bike in Rehoboth Beach. Given a little wave, they're out on the trail. He is there for the week, spending time at his family home.

You know, running for president it's just like riding a bike. You know, you never forget how to do it. A new poll out this morning shows just how tight a President Biden-former President Trump rematch would be.

The New York Times Siena College poll shows no clear leader. Each of 43 percent among likely voters. 14 percent say neither. CNN's Jessica Dean joins us now with some of the numbers behind that top-line number in the new poll. Jessica.

JESSICA DEAN, CNN CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, John. It's important to kind of look a little deeper in there and extrapolate from that some new information. But look at that top line number that you just showed us, so many Americans -- voters I'm talking to are looking at that. And they have so many feelings around what could potentially be a repeat of 2020 in so many ways.

Now, a couple of things to keep in mind about this poll. It is a national poll. And as we all well know, no president is elected by popular vote.

However, it does give us a good snapshot of where things are kind of playing out right now and how they are playing out. And if you're President Biden and his team, you're very happy to see this number, which is the Democrats who support President Biden. He has seen that number now go up to 45 percent. At this time, last year, it was at 26 percent.

So again, that is news that is very welcome to Biden and his team as they start to see Democrats coalescing around the president who is now running for reelection, John. But it is remarkable to look at that head-to-head and with everything that's going on with former President Donald Trump and all of his legal issues. And to see that number right there is essentially a dead heat.

BERMAN: Yes. One, two, maybe more indictments soon, and he is still neck and neck with Joe Biden there. Let's talk about the Republican primary, which is something you've been covering very closely.

Former Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, he's up in New Hampshire right now. He just did a retail event in Concord, New Hampshire. But while there, he answered questions about this ongoing back and forth about the curriculum -- the history curriculum inside Florida, which talked about slavery.

The Vice President, Kamala Harris, went to Florida to criticize that curriculum. This is what Governor DeSantis just had to say about it. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

GOV. RON DESANTIS (R-FL): We sent a letter to Vice President Kamala Harris, inviting her to come to Florida to debate Florida's education standards. She seemed to have a lot to say about it, and not a bit which has been true. She came to Florida to attack us, and she's trying to attack me, but she's really attacking the people that worked hard on this.


BERMAN: Notable that he consistently mispronounces the Vice President's first name there, Jessica. But also this is -- this is something that is followed Governor DeSantis now for several days, including earning him some criticism from some African American Republicans.

DEAN: That's what I was going to say, John. It's not just coming from Vice President Harris, but it's also coming from Congressman Byron Donalds of Florida. Also Senator Tim Scott, of course, a 2024, rival to DeSantis there who said there's no silver lining in slavery.

But if we can go back to this back and forth between the vice president and Ron DeSantis, this is an issue where both of them think they can really win with their supporters. Harris really believes that this is an issue -- and the Biden administration -- or the Biden campaign rather that this is an issue where they can really send her out as a rapid response voice and really push back on one of these top GOP presidential contenders. Meantime, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, really believes this is an issue that works for his base, and he wants to double, triple down on this.

And now we're hearing him about sending this letter to Vice President Harris inviting her down to Florida to have essentially a debate over this issue. And just to remind everyone, just to take us back to where this all began. The Florida Board of Education passed these new standards for teaching African American history in Florida.

And part of that curriculum would to be -- to teach about how slaves develop skills in which in some instances they could be applied for their personal benefit. Now, the DeSantis camp has pushed back on the criticism saying that this is comparable to language that's in an AP course on African American Studies. Others like Harris, Donalds, Scott have criticized this against Harris, saying this is an unnecessary debate whether enslaved people benefited from slavery.

She said, are you kidding me? So, we will see how and if Vice President Harris responds to this. But again, good for both sides to be kind of duking this out in public view.


BERMAN: Jessica Dean, great to have you. Thank you so much. Sara?

SIDNER: All right. Do the latest Biohacks for longevity that pop up in your newsfeed actually work, and can aging be stopped much less reversed? Dr. Sanjay Gupta is here to break it all down. You won't want to miss what he has to say. Next.


BERMAN: Sara Sidner is among the many people who would like to live a long and healthy life.

SIDNER: Maybe.

BERMAN: Yes, a very long and healthy life. There are some who are going through extraordinary lengths to achieve this goal.


CNN's Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta is out with a new episode of his podcast "CHASING LIFE" talking about what is known as Biohacking. I feel like a Biohack is what I call a science teacher I don't like. Biohack.

SIDNER: John, come on.

BERMAN: But I have a feeling it's something different.

SIDNER: It's the --

DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: Chasing a long, healthy life. That's what --


SIDNER: OK. That's if you're going to live a long life like you want it to be healthy, but --

GUPTA: Health span is opposed to lifespan.


GUPTA: That is how they talk about it. But it is interesting because biohacking is something that's really been something that has become quite popular. And it's this idea of enhancing your natural biology. And to give you context, they say, we could probably live to about 115 years.

SIDNER: Oh my, God.

GUPTA: So, we're leaving, you know, 25 years on the table -- you know, 30 years on the table, depending on how long you live. What can we do about it? That's where the biohacking community really was born from.

And there's these different ways of approaching it. The Dorian Gray approach, which says that we can kind of slow down aging. There's the Wolverine approach, say we could reverse aging. The Peter Pan approach, never aged in the first place.


GUPTA: But a lot of it's been sort of focused on this Dorian Gray sort of approach about sort of slowing things down, which -- it -- look --

SIDNER: John is not -- is losing his mind.

GUPTA: I know he did. Look. It's -- you know, everything from intermittent fasting to cold plunges to peptides, we were just talking about to new medications, that -- this is multi-billion-dollar industry people focusing on how to enhance your natural biology this way.

SIDNER: OK, I have to --

GUPTA: Do you have -- do you have questions?

BERMAN: I just love the idea that there are these different schools.

SIDNER: Dorian Gray.

BERMAN: Like if you think the Wolverine school.

SIDNER: Peter Pan. I'm in the Wolverine school --


SIDNER: Just for -- it's fictional.

GUPTA: Just reverse it. Yes.

SIDNER: I'm all about the X-Men. But did they work? I mean, is there evidence that they actually work? Because if so, give me some.

GUPTA: I mean, that's kind of -- that's the beautiful thing about these scientists, right? Is that to know if it works actually increases your lifespan, it would require decades of study. And then you have to compare yourself to you.

But having said that, I think there's been a lot of momentum among anti-aging researchers. There's one guy who's the head of the aging program at Albert Einstein. I asked him that specifically, do some of these things work. How do you know? Here's what he said.


GUPTA: Can we say that at this point that if you take Metformin, that you will delay what are often referred to as age-related diseases?

DR. NIR BARZILAI, INSTITUTE FOR AGING RESEARCH, ALBERT EINSTEIN COLLEGE OF MEDICINE: Yes. Metformin targets are the hallmarks of aging. One of the hallmarks of aging is the immune decline, OK?

You take care of the immune decline and the inflammation, and you actually do much, much better. So, yes, Metformin is this pill that has a remarkable effect on the hallmarks of aging and protects us from age-related diseases.



GUPTA: I just -- I just want to point out. Metformin is a diabetes drug. It's been approved for diabetes since 1994. Not FDA approved for anti-aging.

But look, all the ways that we measure aging, inflammation, immunity, things like that, he says a drug like that targets. Which is why a lot of people in that world are now taking medications like that. Again, the science has -- takes a while to actually nail down but it's very fascinating.

BERMAN: What about standing up? Because they took away our chairs here. Are we going to live longer?

GUPTA: Fantastic. Yes, for sure. Sitting is a -- is a big killer. They say sittings in new smoking. I don't think that's just a cute little adage. I think that's true.

BERMAN: We're going to live forever.

GUPTA: You are.

BERMAN: We're going to live forever.

SIDNER: So, they're certainly helping us while we're standing here. We do have somebody who's trying all this stuff.

GUPTA: You should thank them.

SIDNER: He's in our studio. I won't mention names, but he is trying it all. He says he feels great. He feels like a 6-year-old, and he's only 50. But you know, thank you, Dr. Sanjay Gupta. Appreciate it.

GUPTA: She got me.

BERMAN: Great to see you, Sanjay. Thank you.

GUPTA: You too.

SIDNER: Still to come. Team USA is moving on at the FIFA Women's World Cup. But it wasn't a smooth sailing.

John is stressed out over here wondering what the heck is going on. We'll show you how the two-time defending champions came within inches of having to go home early.



SIDNER: A fight for survival at the Women's World Cup. Team USA advanced to the knockout round of 16 but it was not pretty. The two- time defending champions weren't able to score a goal in the tie against Portugal. CNN's Andy Scholes is with us now. Boy, that was a strike --thank God for that goalpost. ANDY SCHOLES, CNN SPORTS ANCHOR: Yes. I might have been the MVP of the day, right, Sara? I guess you know, once again, is just not a great performance from Team USA. And because the Netherlands was beating Vietnam handily, a Portugal goal this morning and the U.S. would have been out of the World Cup entirely.

And I mean, it was about this close from happening, and the U.S. was inches away from elimination. That happened in the 91st minute. Portugal's Ana Capeta gets loose here and shoots a ball right off the post. Luckily, that did not go in.

The U.S., meanwhile, at six shots on goal but was unable to score on this one. It's just the sixth time ever the U.S. failed to score in a World Cup game. But a 0-0 draw, that was good enough to get second and advance to the knockout round. But I want you to listen to what Carli Lloyd had to say on the Fox broadcast after the game about what she thought about the team's performance.


CARLI LLOYD, WON 2015, 2018 WOMEN'S WORLD CUP FOR U.S.: Today was just simply uninspiring, disappointing. They don't look fit. They're playing as individuals. It's OK to be confident. But you never want to cross that line of being arrogant. And this is exactly what can come and bite you.


SCHOLES: That's just some harsh words there from Carli Lloyd. Head coach Vlatko Andonovski said questioning the team's competitiveness is just insane. Now, next up for Team USA, a likely matchup against Sweden. That's going to be 5:00 a.m. Sunday morning.


Now, Sweden, guys, you know, kind of considered the kryptonite for Team USA. They'd beaten them at two straight Olympics. So, the question now is, will these performances a lot of fire under the team? Can they flip the switch? Because if they keep playing like this, chances are they're not going to win that third straight World Cup.

SIDNER: If they keep playing like this, my co-anchor here, John Berman, he might not make it to work. His nerves will just be too shredded to make it to work. Just letting you know.

SCHOLES: Yes, and then --

SIDNER: I'm sure you'll be here though, Andy.

SCHOLES: And we mentioned earlier, Rose got that -- Rose Lavelle got that second yellow card so she's not going to be available on Sunday. That's also a big loss for the team.

BERMAN: Look. And the coach, Vlatko, they're -- they just don't -- he has never shown the ability to make this team greater than the sum of its parts, nor has he implemented any kind of strategy where they actually play soccer other than just going out there and trying to overpower people.


BERMAN: Andy, I hope I talk to you after a U.S. victory. I'm counting on you about that.


SCHOLES: I'm looking forward to it.

BERMAN: All right, thank you all for joining us today. This has been CNN NEWS CENTRAL. "INSIDE POLITICS" is up next.