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Biden Holds Historic Camp David Summit With Leaders Of Japan, South Korea. Aired 3:30-4p ET

Aired August 18, 2023 - 15:30   ET



FUMIO KISHIDA, JAPANESE PRIME MINISTER (through translator): I express my sympathy and really. And I pray for the peace of those who have lost their lives in order to offer support a total of $2 million worth of support by our country has been decided and therefore, the relief for the affected people and for the earlies recovery affected areas, Japan will proactively to our contribution.

Today I have visited Camp David and the three of us have spent a truly meaningful time. I expressed by heartfelt gratitude to Joe for the kind invitation. Together with Joe and President Yoon, this has been a precious opportunity for myself to further deepen the relationship of trust and confidence for the first time ever. Instead of in the sidelines of multilateral conferences that we have held the trilateral summit on a stand-alone basis.

Here at Camp David, numerous historical meetings have taken place, and it is a huge honor to have printed a fresh page in its history with this meeting. The foundation of the trilateral collaboration are the solid, firm bilateral relationships. The three of us have understood this more than anyone else and have executed our understanding in practice.

In January this year, I visited the United States and later President Yoon visited Japan in March and then to the U.S. in April. And in May, I myself traveled to South Korea and we have bolstered a mutual relationship. At the moment, that a free international order based on the rule of law is in crisis. They are due to Russia's aggression of Ukraine, that the international order is shaken from its foundation. The unilateral attempt to change the status quo by force in the East and South China Seas are continuing, and nuclear and missile threats of North Korea is only becoming ever larger.

Under such circumstances to make our trilateral strategic collaboration blossom and bloom is only logical and almost inevitable and is required in this era. The three of us here today declare our determination to pioneer that a new era of Japan/U.S./ROK partnership. How we will advance our cooperation of our three countries going forward, I will discuss from three perspectives.

Firstly, whether coordination between the Japan/U.S. and the U.S./ROK alliances will be reinforced and trilateral security cooperation will be brought to a new height. At this meeting, we agreed to hold the Japan/U.S./ROK multi-domain joint exercises on an annual basis. Furthermore, regarding the realtime sharing of North Korea's missile warning information that we agreed to last November, that initial steps have been implemented, and an important first step has been advanced towards the launch of the mechanism by the end of the year.

We also agreed on the establishment of the working group of North Korea's cyber activities, considered to be the source of finance for nuclear and missile development and on other matters.

The second point is the promotion of cooperation between the United States, Japan, and South Korea, and the expansion of their areas of cooperation.


Regarding the response to North Korea, in addition to strengthening regional deterrence, and response capabilities, the three countries agreed to strengthen cooperation for the full implementation of sanctions, and to work closely together in the U.N. Security Council, where all three countries will be members in 2024.

At the same time, we shared our recognition that the way is open for dialogue with North Korea. I then stated that the abduction issue is a humanitarian issue, with time constraints and once again, received the strong support of Joe and President Yoon for the immediate resolution of this matter.

We also agreed to work together through the Indo-Pacific dialogue, and the development of cooperation to realize a free and open Indo- Pacific. And in particular, to coordinate capacity building support in the domain of maritime security, particularly with regard to ASEAN and Pacific Island countries.

Furthermore, we agreed to promote corporation in the field of economic security, including critical and emerging technologies and supply chain resilience.

Third, developing a framework for trilateral cooperation. This will create a foundation for continuous and stable enhancement of coordination among the three countries. After confirming that the three countries will promote multilayered cooperation at all levels, it was agreed that that trilateral summit meeting will be held at least once a year.

And likewise, the ministers of foreign affairs, defense and national security advisers will each also meet at least once a year. And the financial minister as well as the industry and commerce ministers, will be meeting.

We will consider the Camp David principles issued today at a historic turning point for the international community, to be a new compass for trilateral cooperation, and we will vigorously implement the concrete cooperation outlined in the Camp David statement of Japan, ROK, and U.S. on our partnership together with Joe and President Yoon, we will continue to work to further strengthen the strategic partnership between the three countries in order to safeguard a free and open international order based on the rule of law. Thank you. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Thank you. Now we have time for questions.

President Biden, please select your reporter first.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Thank you, Mr. President. I have a question for each of the leaders. It'll be brief, but related. President Biden, first for you. How confident should Asia be about a robust American commitment to a nuclear umbrella when the commander in chief, who preceded you, and is looking to succeed you, spoke openly about reducing the U.S. foot print in the Korean Peninsula.

President Yoon, how much confidence can Japan and the U.S. have about Seoul's long-term commitment to rapprochement, when polls show the solid majority of Korea disapproves or your handling and mending of the forced labor issue.

And Prime Minister Kishida, what assurances can you give to your country's citizens who fear bolstering your security cooperation in this matter could lead the country into an economic cold war with China.

And if you'll indulge me, Mr. President, on a domestic matter, what is your reaction to the special counsel appointment last week into your son? Thank you.


BIDEN: First of all, look, there's not much, if anything, I agree on with my predecessor on foreign policy. His America first policy, walking away from the rest of the world, made us weaker, not stronger. America's strong with our allies and our alliances, and that's why we will endure. It's a strength that, quite frankly, that increases all three of our strengths.

This is just about one summit, what makes today different is it actually launches a series of initiatives that are actually institutional changes in how we deal with one another. And security cooperation and economic cooperation, technology cooperation, development cooperation, consultation exercises, and all of this will create ourselves momentum, I believe, year by year, month by month, to make relationships stronger and more certain to remain to be in place.

And once go on these results I think are going to keep it going, and I think they're going to benefit all of our countries.

And with regard to the second question, I have no comment on any investigation that's going on. That's up to the Justice Department, and that's all I have to say.

YOON SUK YEOL, SOUTH KOREAN PRESIDENT (through translator): To the question that was directed to me, I would like to say that the treaty made between Korea and Japan that was made in 1965 and the following measures by the government and the Supreme Court's ruling in 2015 have some differences. But we have already implemented measures to bridge the gaps among them. And in South Korea, of course there is public opinion that is opposed

to the government's measures like that. However, from a perspective that's forward looking, strengthening ties and improving relationship between Korea and Japan are important. And there is a shared understanding that this matters to our bilateral relationship, as well as our future. And this is something we need to continue working on.

KISHIDA (through translator): Thank you for the question. First of all, at today's meeting, the rules based on international order and activity inconsistent with such rule-based international order and activities where the concerns have been shared. And the rule-based based of free and open international order must be defended. And going forward, the U.S. and Japan/ROK strategic collaboration will be reinforced even further, and such endeavors will continue going forward.

Our country and for the surrounding countries, the response capabilities, as well as the defense, the capabilities, will be bolstered. And by doing so, the lives and livelihood of our population will be protected and sense of assurance must be raised. These are the important activities.

Having said that, with regard to China, last year in November, there was the Japan/China leader's summit. And there was a positive moment. And by maintaining the positive moment what has to be asserted will be asserted. And we should strongly request responsible conduct. And we will continue and accumulate the conversation about multiple issues. We will cooperate with regard to common challenges. Such constructive and stable relationship will be established by mutual effort. That is my administration's consistent policy, based on this perception towards regional stability, our efforts will continue, thank you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: President Yoon, next question please.


YOON: (through translator): Please go ahead and ask a question, the reporter from "Money Today." Reporter named Jung-Jun Pak (ph), please go ahead with your question.

JUNG-JUN PARK, MONEY TODAY REPORTER (through translator): Hi, I'm Jung-Jun Park of "Money Today." First of all, I would like to ask a question to President Yoon Suk Yeol of the Republic of Korea. I heard that you stated a new chapter has opened in our trilateral cooperation with the two countries. Compared to the previous summit, what would be the most significant outcome that you gained through this summit, and also from the perspective of our people, what will it be the benefit that the people of Korea will feel from these strengthens of ties?

And now my question goes to Joe Biden. During this summit, the issues of detainees or prisoners of wars, and you mentioned that there will be further cooperation in these human rights issues. And you also said you would support the free and peaceful Korean Peninsula in the region. What kind of shift would there be in your policy, and what kind of specific solutions do you have in these regards? Lastly, I would like to direct my question to Prime Minister Kishida.

Today, we had a historic trilateral summit. However, there was much backlash and many concerns in Korea. However, President Yoon showed his political courage to do so. That's the international community's evaluation. However, there are still concerns that the Japan is making very passive efforts to resolve our issues that still remain. And also, how would you be able to show your truthful willingness to resolve and improve our bilateral relations going forward?

YEOL (through translator): First of all, this trilateral cooperation amongst our three countries has opened a new chapter. And we made that announcement today. To talk about the differences from the past cooperation, for instance, in the past, it was about individual issues that we sought cooperation among ourselves. But now, as we have opened a new chapter in our cooperation for security, economy, science and technology, and development cooperation for the global self health and women. Across all of these issues, our three issues our countries decided to closely work together. So it's much more comprehensive in nature.

Such comprehensive cooperation has been launched by us today. Because currently, we face complicated crisis and the threat from the DPRK. And across the world, we believe we can together make a contribution to freedom and peace around the world. So that is our foundational understanding and our common and shared interests of the three countries. And not just for exclusionary interests of ourselves, our interests are well aligned with a universal interest of the members of the global community. That's where we find our shared interest lie.

And at the same time, this framework of comprehensive cooperation among our three countries will contribute to global supply chain resilience, global financial market stability, cooperation in the frontier of technology sectors in science. Over three countries together have the best-in-class expertise in science and technology. And we are the ones who are implementing liberal democracy.

Naturally, progress in science and technologies will bring benefits, tangible benefits to our people. Not just in terms of security but also in terms of economy and scientific technology. But what is most important to hear is not about our own interests only. When we put our forces together, I believe that we can make a contribution to the advancement of freedom and peace in the world. And that exactly where our interests are aligned.


BIDEN: I -- look, back in May of 2022, I met with the families of the Japanese abductees during my visit. I heard their stories and empathized with them and got a sense of the pain they're feeling. It's real. We know there are many families out there who still wait and worry and wonder. We're not going to forget about them or their loved ones. And there's clear language on this in our joint statement. The bottom line is this, that we share a common position. We're committed to working together to see the return of all prisoners of war and those who have been abducted and detained. And by the way, one of the things we get asked many times -- and I

wasn't directly asked but implied -- is what makes us think any of this is positive. Success brings success. When other nations seek cooperation in the region, they may make judgments about would they be better off if they make commitments. Will they move? Think about students of history, all of you, and you are. Think about how many times successes have generated other successes when you don't anticipate it. And so, I just think this is a -- we're not going to forget. We're not giving up, and we're going to continue to make the case for the freedom of all those detainees.

KISHIDA (through translator): With regard to your question for me. First of all, I have strong feelings about strengthening bilateral relationships between ROK and Japan and I share that with President Yoon.

The two countries in dealing with international challenges should cooperate. We're both important neighboring countries, and so friendship with President Yoon and the relation of trust based on this, both countries as partners should open up a new era, and that is my thinking.

This year President Yoon came to Japan, and I visited the ROK. At international forum we have repeated meetings, and between our two countries including the economy and security we've had forward looking and concrete approaches which were started. It's already in motion dynamically. The economic security dialogue was started -- or it has been decided on. In the area of export control there have been progress and also financial ministers and defense ministers have had meetings.

And so we've had this very positive forward-looking developments. And these are seen not only in the public sector but also in the private sector we see a slate of developments like human exchanges and exchanges between business circles. We're seeing very active developments in all of these areas, and that is a reality.

Going forward we hope to accumulate these approaches with -- along with President Yoon to strengthen our bilateral relations even further by generating results. We hope that people will understand Japan's feelings towards bilateral relations, and we'd like to continue such efforts. Thank you.

Thank you very much. Then let me see from Kyodo, Kajidi San (ph), Kyodo News

KAJIDI (ph), KYODO NEWS (through translator): Kajidi, Kyodo News. And to Camp David with history, I did have a question to each of the leaders. Mr. President Biden -- President Biden, it was mentioned at this summit meeting, but Russia's aggression of Ukraine is continuing, so what role do you expect of Japan? Prime Minister Kishida has mentioned that as China's threat in Asia is rising, Ukraine may be east Asia tomorrow.

[15:55:00] What do you think about this comment, President Biden, and the situation in Asia where China's threat is rising, What is the meaning and significance of the trilateral relationship with Japan/U.S./ROK becoming stronger in multiple layers.

President Yoon Suk Yeol, I have a question to you, Excellency. North Korea's nuclear missile development is a major security threat to Japan, South Korea, and the U.S. As North Korea's provocations continue to escalate, what is the meaning and significance of the three countries declaring a new era of partnership?

But regarding the release of treated water at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, did Prime Minister Kishida explain the matter at the trilateral or bilateral summit today?

At the recent Japan/ROK summit meeting, your Excellency, you expressed your intent to respect the IAEA report despite the strong domestic opposition. Why do you demonstrate your understanding for the policy of the Kishida administration, I asked for that reason.

And to Prime Minister Kishida. This is the first time that a trilateral summit is held on a stand-alone basis rather than on the side lines of international meetings. You have said that the trilateral cooperation will be reached to new heights. For the security environment in East Asia and without the resolution of abductions, North Korea's continuing nuclear missile, what is the meaning for North Korea? And in eastern South China Sea, by my time advancement, China is continuing unilateral attempts to change the status quo. What is the meaning for China?

BIDEN: And you have a great imagination. One question ends up being six, but thank you, I'll try to answer all of them. I'm glad I didn't have you as my law professor. Anyway, they're all legitimate questions.

Look, on Ukraine I and my country and the leadership of my country and both parties are very grateful for everything Japan is helping to deal with in Ukraine, and I mean that sincerely. It showed strong leadership through the G7 as well and contributed a significant amount of financial and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine, as well as nonlethal military equipment. And, you know, they've joined so many other nations in holding Russia accountable through our international sanctions.

If my memory serves me well, and I think it does, Mr. Prime Minister, we found ourselves in a circumstance where when I called you about Ukraine, I didn't have to convince you of anything. I started off to make the case that Ukraine was a circumstance where to think in the first quarter of the 20th century another country would amass over 150,000 forces on the border of another country. 150,000 forces and invade that country -- invade that country without any rationale other than if you read Putin's speech after he invaded. He talked about Kyiv being the motherland -- you know, I mean, this was ridiculous. I think the talked about being Peter the Great.

I was -- just Imagine if we'd done nothing. Imagine if we'd done nothing. And the point was immediately recognized, if I'm not mistaken, by you, Mr. Prime Minister, that we're in a situation where it could happen anywhere. If we stood still, what statement would that send to China about Taiwan? What statement would that say around the world with nations more powerful on borders?

But here's the deal, you contributed significantly to what I think is already the -- let me put it this way -- Russia has already lost. It cannot meet its original objective which it stated. It's not possible. Whether they've joined so many other nations in holding Russia accountable for international sanctions. But Japan's leadership from day one, it has been critical for making it clear that the consequences for war extend well-beyond Europe -- well-beyond Europe.

I say it in reverse. What would happen if an Asian country with 150,000 troops invaded another? Do you think that would not affect the interest, the economy of nations of Europe and Latin America all across the world? It would have profound impact. And with Japan's leadership from day one, it's been critical in making clear the consequence of this would extend well-beyond Europe. Well beyond Europe. It's a global issue. It has impacts everywhere and the Prime Minister's comments at Shangri-La capture that.

And by the way, you know, talk about this being an inflection point. The world is changing. The world is changing. And about every six or seven generation make significant change and there's a lot happening. And the idea that we're going to sit down with the rest of the world and say, well, that's only a European problem.