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GM Sends UAW Latest Officer, Union Calls It "Insulting"; Special Counsel Seeks Indictment In Hunter Biden Gun Case; New Data: Abortions Increased In States Bordering Those With Bans; Texas Ordered To Remove Floating Border Barrier; Tonight, Gauff & Keys Look To Reach U.S. Open Final. Aired 2:30-3p ET
Aired September 07, 2023 - 14:30 ET
VANESSA YURKEVICH, CNN BUSINESS & POLITICS CORRESPONDENT: Here's a little bit of what they were offering. Hiring starting wages for temporary workers at about $20. More paid time off for all workers. And then a 10 percent raise for most of their workers.
However, the union from the get-go has been asking for a 40 percent raise for all workers across G.M., Stellantis and Ford. That is who the union is negotiating against.
Now as you said, the union not happy with this offer, not good enough, calling it "insulting."
And let me read you some of what the president of the union, Shawn Fain, just said.
He says, "G.M. either doesn't care or isn't listening when we say we need economic justice at G.M. by 11:59 p.m. on September 14th. The clock is ticking. Stop wasting our members' time. Tick tock."
That is the deadline. That is the deadline for when the union needs to make a deal with all three automakers.
We should note that Ford has sent a proposal and the union also called it insulting but has countered.
The union is waiting for the proposal from Stellantis, which is expected by the end of the week, according to that automaker.
But it is just showing, really still very far apart between the union and these three automakers as we could be looking at, for the first time, the union going against -- going on strike against all three big automakers.
It would be very, very difficult for the U.S. economy. We know, in 2019, when G.M. went on strike, that cost G.M. alone $2.9 billion.
If the union strikes against all three automakers, in just 10 days, Boris, that would be an economic loss of $5 billion.
BORIS SANCHEZ, CNN HOST: A huge loss, not only for the U.S. auto industry, but for the economy at large.
Vanessa Yurkevich, thank you so much for those details.
JIM SCIUTTO, CNN HOST: Hunter Biden's legal problems could get worse in the coming weeks. A special counsel is investigating Hunter Biden, poised now to indict him in a gun case.
The president's son previously reached a deal, you may remember, on a charge tied to a 2018 gun purchase made while he was using drugs, but that deal fell apart in July, just as it was about to be finalized.
CNN's Evan Perez tracking this.
Evan, they thought that they had a deal. That fell apart. Now a special counsel moving forward to indictment him?
EVAN PEREZ, CNN SENIOR JUSTICE CORRESPONDENT: That's right. This is a historic thing if it comes to pass, and it could happen by the end of the month.
This is what the special counsel said in an update to the judge that was overseeing this.
He said, "The special counsel -- I'm sorry -- "The Speedy Trial Act requires that the government obtain the return of an indictment by a grand jury by Friday, September 29, 2023, at the earliest. The government intends to seek the return of an indictment in this case before that time."
Of course, as you pointed out, look, this is an incredible turn of events. He was minutes away really from having this behind him under this agreement with the government.
And then it turns out it just fell apart after the judge was starting to ask questions about the legality of this part of the deal, especially, the part where the government was going to put and have this go away if he abided by certain conditions.
This is all related to a gun he purchased in 2018 during the time that Hunter Biden has publicly said he was having drug abuse problems.
SCIUTTO: Now, there were tax crimes or alleged tax crimes as well. Where does that stand from the special counsel's --
PEREZ: Well, the special counsel has -- right. The special counsel has said that they dismissed those charges in Wilmington, Delaware, which is where this proposed deal was supposed to be struck.
And they say that they may bring them in the two jurisdictions where those alleged crimes took place.
Hunter Biden lives in Los Angeles, in the Los Angeles area, so that would be one place. They could bring one of those crimes, one of those alleged crimes.
And then Washington, D.C., where his taxes were prepared, that's the other venue where they could bring those charges.
Again, we know that investigation is continuing, and those are the venues where they would bring those.
SCIUTTO: There's no similar speedy trial deadline for those crimes, is that right?
PEREZ: Well, there is another deadline, which is that there is another deadline because the statute of limitations is coming up very, very soon in those.
So if the special counsel is going to indict Hunter Biden, again, something that hasn't happened for the son of a sitting president, the child of a sitting president ever, right, that is going to happen in the next few weeks.
SCIUTTO: So much to follow.
Evan Perez, thanks so much.
BRIANNA KEILAR, CNN HOST: It is an issue that will have serious implications for the presidential election. And now we are getting a new look at the reality of abortion access in this country.
The Guttmacher Institute shows abortions have increased substantially in states where it remains legal, especially in states bordering those that have bans.
The largest increases in New Mexico and Wyoming, with more than three times as many provided in the first half of 2023 compared with 2020.
Joining us now to discuss this, we have a professor of economics from Middlebury College, Caitlin Myers.
Professor, you have looked at these numbers and gone through them and analyzed them. You say there are two competing forces at work here. People who are trapped in states where abortion is banned, and improved access in other states where it is not.
Tell us what you're seeing?
CAITLIN MYERS, PROFESSOR OF ECONOMICS, MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE: So what we're seeing in the numbers is that, compared to the last full year that we were to measure, which was 2020, abortions in the United States have gone up it in the first half of 2023.
And that isn't entirely surprising because there are states where abortion access has actually expanded in the wake of Dobbs as people in particular become more aware of and available to access telehealth provision of abortion.
At the same time, there are states enforcing near total bans on abortion or very restrictive gestational bans on abortion and people seeking abortions are pouring out of those states, across borders.
Particularly into states like New Mexico, Illinois and Kansas, where we're seeing a tremendous increase of abortions, largely driven by the out-of-state travelers.
So we have these two countervailing forces. What we're seeing, on net, is that abortions went up. It's important to recognize that that doesn't mean there aren't people who have not been impacted by the bans.
KEILAR: You estimated before the overturning of Roe that there would be a decline in illegal abortion of about 13 percent. How do you square that with what you're seeing here?
MYERS: So, that estimate, I'll say, first of all, is an estimate based on the full forecasted set of bans, which is more states banning than are enforcing bans.
But I think it's important to recognize that the estimate for the current set of bans is that they'll reduce national abortions by about 3 percent, relative to if there weren't bans in force, and that number will grow as more states begin to enforce bans.
But the counter factual is if those bans weren't enforced. That's not at odds with the new data we're seeing at all.
We are seeing an increase in abortions, but we expect they would have increased even more if it weren't for the fact that these bans are trapping some populations, particularly poor populations, in ban states.
KEILAR: Because there's a cost. Crossing state lines doesn't mean it's easy, right, for people to get access to an abortion.
Does the data tell you anything about what is actually happening in states where abortion is now banned?
MYERS: It tells us some, and we're going to learn more as more data are released that track abortions by state of residence.
What we know is that many people are managing to get out of ban states. That doesn't mean it's easy. It's incredibly costly for people to travel, for instance, from Houston to Wichita, Kansas, which is the nearest destination to reach a brick-and-mortar abortion facility.
People have to arrange to take off work, arrange childcare, figure out how to pay for travel expenses. It's not easy. But what we can see in the data is many, many people are finding a way.
What we also know is that there are people who are trapped who aren't getting out. And so my best estimate based on what we saw just before Dobbs is about three-quarters of people who live in band states are finding a way to travel to states where abortion is still legal, and about a quarter of them aren't.
KEILAR: There's something that we know, but I don't think we fully know from this, which is there's some people who are in ban states who are still accessing abortion pills, right?
They're getting them in a way that their state would not consider legal. They might be ordering them overseas.
Are we getting a sense of any of that from this data?
MYERS: Those aren't included in the data, which is a really important feature.
These data are counting abortions that are obtained in the formal health care system. It can be via telehealth, but it's in states where abortions are permitted and medications mailed to states where they can legally be mailed.
There's this other feature that is happening that's a lot harder to count, which is people are ordering the medications to induce abortion and having them shipped in to ban states through a gray market health care system.
Now, that doesn't mean it's not a safe and effective method. Providers like Aid Access that ship these medications from overseas into ban states, by all available evidence, are sending the same medications that people would obtain in the U.S. health care system.
But we don't count them. We don't know how many people are receiving medications that way.
We know a lot more people are requesting them. There's a lot of observational evidence they're being shipped into the states, but it's a lot harder to measure.
KEILAR: It's really interesting. It is quite a shift since the Dobbs' decision.
Professor, we appreciate you showing us what the data has revealed here. Thank you.
MYERS: Thank you.
SCIUTTO: Still to come, a federal judge says Texas must take those floating barriers out of the Rio Grande River. Details on that ruling and how the state is responding, coming up.
(COMMERCIAL BREAK) SANCHEZ: It's the border battle the governor of Texas says he will take all the way to the Supreme Court. Greg Abbott responding to a federal ruling against the floating barrier in the Rio Grande River.
It was set up to keep asylum seekers from crossing into Texas. But it has caused an array of issues. And a federal judge gave Abbott a week to remove it.
Let's get more details from CNN's Rosa Flores, who is live for us in Houston.
Rosa, you've been to the floating barrier before. Why is the federal judge saying it has to be removed?
ROSA FLORES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, this judge is saying that's what federal law says.
Let me take you through this, Boris, because it's very interesting.
This federal judge is saying, look, we're going to go by what federal law says. The federal law says that the state of Texas should have obtained permits before deploying these border buoys.
And I want to read you a portion of his order because it really speaks to the tone that this judge is taking.
The judge says, quote, "Governor Abbott announced that he was not asking for permission for Operation Lone Star, the anti-immigration program under which Texas constructed the floating barrier.
"Unfortunately, for Texas, permission is exactly what federal law requires before installing obstructions in the nation's navigable waters, which means the Rio Grande River."
This judge goes on to say that the state of Texas tried to take a self-defense argument. In essence, the state of Texas was saying that Texas is being invaded by migrants and by the cartels.
But this judge was not having it. He was not having it in court, stopping the attorneys from the state of Texas multiple times, saying you have to stick to the issues.
You can't go into Fentanyl. You can't go into broad statements made about immigration. You've got to refocus on the buoys because that is the fact at issue.
Now, the judge used this specific quote when he mentioned that particular defense. He said, it was simply, quote, "unconvincing."
Governor Greg Abbott striking back saying the state of Texas has constitutional authority to deploy these buoys.
Saying in a statement, quote, "This ruling is incorrect and will be overturned on appeal. We will continue to utilize every strategy to secure the border, including deploying Texas National Guard soldiers and Department of Public Safety troopers and installing strategic barriers."
And, of course, Boris, as you mentioned, Governor Abbott goes on to say he's willing to take it all the way to the Supreme Court -- Boris?
SANCHEZ: We'll see if it winds up before the Supreme Court justices.
Rosa Flores, thanks so much.
KEILAR: In today's "HOME FRONT," a reminder you're never too old to live your dream.
This is a 34-year-old former Marine pilot and father of two, Matt Ganyard. And after serving, Matt decided to return to his alma mater, the University of Virginia, to get his MBA.
But this time, he would try out for the football team as a kicker despite never having experience playing football.
MATT GANYARD, UVA KICKER & MARINE VETERAN: I felt like Ted Lasso. I've didn't have anything to go on except I've been to some of the high school recruiting camps, which, you know, the old guy showing up to camp with 16, 17-year-olds. They would look, are you a transfer? Maybe back in 2008 I was.
KEILAR: He did play soccer, though.
So Matt says he started kicking for fun after playing high school soccer, and he kept it up during his deployment. He packed a football. He was able to practice when they were in port. And he said his squadron is still in touch.
GANYARD: They've been some of my biggest fans, so it's very cool for all of this to come to fruition and share that with them.
The folks that helped me along the way, that's been one of the most rewarding things, letting them know, it worked out, and you were some of my biggest cheerleaders.
So, yes, a lot of them -- some of them are still in, some are at airlines, but we've got many text chains going.
KEILAR: Ganyard made his game day debut last Saturday against Tennessee. And this Saturday marks UVA's home opener against James Madison University. Jim?
SCIUTTO: Not one, not two, but three Americans are now fighting for a spot in the U.S. Open finals. We're going to be live outside of Arthur Ashe Stadium coming up.
SCIUTTO: Three Americans are now just one win away from making the U.S. Open finals. Two of them will be on court tonight. Madison Keys joins Coco Gauff in women's final four after a hard-fought win in the quarterfinal said last night setting up a potential all-American clash on Saturday.
CNN sports correspondent, Carolyn Manno, joins us now from Arthur Ashe Stadium.
Carolyn, listen, American women this is not unfamiliar territory in the majors but a little harder for men in recent years.
As we look at these three, who do you think is most likely to advance and maybe go all the way?
CAROLYN MANNO, CNN SPORTS CORRESPONDENT: Well, the women's side is way more wide open, Jim, than the men's side because of the powerhouses we've seen on the men's side traditionally.
For Coco Gauff to make a run to the finals and potentially win this major, she's facing three really impressive potential opponents beginning with tonight.
A Czech player who is maybe the most technically sound player in the game. She is not afraid of this moment against Coco.
The crowd will certainly be in Gauff's favor. But Muchova is a great all-court player. She's going to try to move Coco around, mix up the pace, bring her to the net.
This is going to be the most difficult test Coco is going to have thus far in the tournament.
And you've got another American, Madison Keys, who is a little bit older but who has flown under the radar and is playing with tremendous confidence. She's facing Aryna Slabalenka.
These are two of the biggest hitters in the game squaring off against one another.
Slabalenka is a very tough opponent for Madison Keys. Her serve has been phenomenal here. She'll have the top ranking in the world once this tournament is over. That's going to be really difficult for Keys to get through. [14:55:04]
But the best part about the women's game, like you noted, Jim, it's completely up for grabs here.
I mean, a strong performance from Coco if she comes out and serving well, if that forehand is there, as it has been throughout the duration of the tournament, she could give Muchova a really hard time.
I think this is going to be an uber competitive match for Coco that could potentially go three sets.
And then, we see Keys and Slabalenka, if Keys stays within herself, anything is possible.
So it's going to be really fun.
SCIUTTO: Wow. Must be fun to be out there. Got a little jealousy. But enjoy it.
Carolyn Manno, we'll talk again.
SANCHEZ: So we are moments away from an update on the hunt for a murderer who crab-walked his way out of prison. Stay with CNN. We will be right back.