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Following McCarthy's Ouster, House Looks for New Speaker; Interview with Rep. Marc Molinaro (R-NY); Next Week, House Could Vote on a New Speaker; House GOP Frantically Trying to Find a New Speaker, Paralyzing Congress; Rep. Jim Jordan Declared Candidacy for Speaker; Weapons Seized from Iran Will be Transferred by the U.S. to Ukraine; Suspect Unidentified After Shooting at Morgan State University Leaves 5 People Injured; 4 Students Among 5 Victims at Morgan State University Shooting. Aired 10:30-11a ET

Aired October 04, 2023 - 10:30   ET





SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY): So, let me say this to the next Speaker of the House, whomever that may be, think carefully about what happened to your predecessors before trying to coddle the hard right. Each of your predecessors got burnt each time. I urge the next speaker not to make the same mistake. Not just for their own future but for the country's. Whoever the House elects as speaker will not be able to ignore the realities of divided government no matter what the hard right demands.



KATE BOLDUAN, CNN NEWS CENTRAL CO-ANCHOR: That's the top Democrat in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, speaking just moments ago from the Senate floor offering some advice for the House of Representatives. With Kevin McCarthy losing the gavel, the House is without a speaker very clearly, and House Republicans are without a leader and really without a clear direction at the moment. The chaos unfolding now leading the "Wall Street Journal" to declare, Republicans cut off their own heads. And have led also some Republican lawmakers to lash out at who they say is to blame chiefly, Matt Gaetz, some are suggesting and the others who voted to oust McCarthy. Listen.


REP. MARC MOLINARO (R-NY): I don't have tolerance for a pseudo, psycho political fetish.


BOLDUAN: That lawmaker, Republican Congressman Marc Molinaro of New York, he joins us now. Congressman, thank you for coming in. Last night was just crazy. I mean, Republicans have thrown in the towel on this whole week because of it, not bringing the House back until Tuesday. What do you want to see happen first?

MOLINARO: Well, listen, I think that we do have to spend this time to very thoughtfully consider what happens next. I mean, no person has worked harder to earn the majority or really my support as speaker than Kevin McCarthy. The next person needs to meet that threshold. But I will say that I think we have to find someone who is capable of bringing us together to focus on governing, to actually deliver for, not only the American people, but for the people that I represent, upstate New York.

BOLDUAN: What did you think of the advice from your fellow New Yorker, from Chuck Schumer saying, not coddling the hard right is what is needed in the next speaker. Would you -- while you agree on very little with Chuck Schumer, would you agree on that?

MOLINARO: Well, I would -- I'd suggest that perhaps that advice could have been given to Democrats yesterday when we had the opportunity not to upend the entirety of Congress. I mean, truly, Democrats could have joined with reasonable Republicans like myself to not undermine Congress and to oust the speaker. Remember, I think the senator referred to Republicans kicking out the speaker. Well, no, eight members used a tool that should be used very carefully. They used it, I think, very callously, and instead of being lectured too by the senator, it would have been helpful, I think, for Democrats to respect the institution and not engage in an effort to undo the Republican leadership.

BOLDUAN: Congressman, excuse me, the control room is just telling me in my ear that we -- CNN is now learning that Jim Jordan is speaking out saying that he is going to run for speaker. Would you support Jim Jordan?

MOLINARO: There are a good number of members, you know, Steve Scalise is considering this. There likely will be others. I spent the last 10 days in the room negotiating with members with whom I agree or disagree. We talked about this last week. I've built some relationships and I intend, on behalf of New Yorkers and on behalf of upstate New Yorkers, to insist that whoever wants my support works to earn it and that the people I represent have a seat at the table.

And so, I welcome all comers, but at the end of the day, whoever wishes to lead this conference needs to be focused on governing, needs to be focused on delivering for the American people, and building a consensus among a conference that clearly needs structure and needs to be focused on making progress.

BOLDUAN: Does Jim Jordan have those attributes? Does Jim -- is Jim Jordan capable of that?

MOLINARO: Well, that's going to be up to him to explain to all of us. I'm not going to discourage or discount anybody, but we have to have a really serious conversation. What we experienced yesterday was eight members using a tool that should be used very carefully. They used it callously. And that's not the kind of way that you can build consensus in order to govern.

So, whether it's Jim, Steve or anyone else, there needs to be a commitment to focus on the issues that the people I represent care about and delivering for the American people, not engaging in petty politics. It's what most Americans get very frustrated with.

BOLDUAN: Have you -- I don't know if this is a wild question or not, but have you tried to speak with Matt Gaetz who you put this squarely on? Have you tried to speak with him since this all went down?

MOLINARO: I've not had any conversations with him since yesterday. But let's be clear -- I mean, I -- I've -- I'm willing to talk to anyone. I had some very heated conversations with some of my Democratic colleagues yesterday and even today.

BOLDUAN: Well, I'm --

MOLINARO: The goal here is to be --

BOLDUAN: -- the reason I ask is because I'm hearing from some Republicans like -- similar to you, saying that a reckoning is needed, and that accountability is needed for those like Matt Gaetz and the others who voted to oust Kevin McCarthy. Do you think they need to be held accountable? What does that look like to you?

MOLINARO: Yes, I think there needs to be accountability, but I think that that is something we need to address within the conference. I believe that we need to confront the rules that make it too easy to use a motion to vacate as some sort of weapon.


But I do mean this, the people I represent are tired of the pettiness. They don't want this kind of political back and forth, this gamesmanship that doesn't produce anything for them. And so, yes, as a conference, there needs to be accountability. But to the American people there needs to be accountability, and that's got to be focus of the governing majority and next speaker of the House.

BOLDUAN: You acknowledged on Twitter that Kevin McCarthy was a big help in getting you elected, fundraising for you even just recently. I mean -- you well know and -- that you're a top target of Democrats this coming cycle. Heard from Steve Womack, one of your colleagues, saying that he is concerned that what has happened amongst Republicans just now could threaten that Republicans could lose the House majority because of this. Are you concerned about that?

MOLINARO: Whether I'm concerned or not, that is a true statement. We -- yesterday, Congress was undermined, the House majority was undermined, and America was undermined. And that is a reality that it will play out in districts like mine. And the truth is, no one person worked harder to earn my support to be speaker of the House than Kevin McCarthy. And so now moving forward, whoever wishes to earn that support, you know, really has seven days to work at it, and I mean that sincerely. This isn't a coronation.

BOLDUAN: Right, but --

MOLINARO: This isn't a game.

BOLDUAN: Absolutely not.

MOLINARO: The people -- Kate, the people I represent --

BOLDUAN: But when it comes to people you can work --

MOLINARO: -- the people I represent deserve -- the people that I represent deserve to have someone who's serious about delivering for them. Go ahead, I'm sorry.

BOLDUAN: No, absolutely. What -- and you have always -- you have always made the point to talk about that you very earnestly will work with both -- will work with folks across the aisle and will work with anyone to try to come to consensus. Do you see a universe where you can work with Matt Gaetz, though, after this?

MOLINARO: I think that he's certainly going to have to earn some respect within the conference, and I just won't engage in the kind of, you know, personal back and forth that I know others want to. But, yes, there needs to be accountability. There needs to be us taking stock, and there needs to be an honest effort to move forward. And if there's not, there's going to be continued destructive behavior that's just not acceptable.

BOLDUAN: Making history for the wrong reasons over and over again. And I know you're trying to work to make sure that's not the case. Congressman, thank you as always for coming on. Your voice is important in this.


MOLINARO: Indeed. Thank you.

SARA SIDNER, CNN NEWS CENTRAL CO-ANCHOR: We've got breaking news for you. Now, the U.S. will be transferring thousands of weapons and ammunition that it seized from Iran to Ukraine. It's a move that could help Ukraine with critical shortages in its war with Russia. We'll have more details after the break.



JOHN BERMAN, CNN NEWS CENTRAL CO-ANCHOR: All right. First on CNN, the U.S. is now planning to transfer thousands of weapons it seized from Iran to the Ukrainian military. Our Natasha Bertrand just got thit information.

Natasha, what weapons are we talking about exactly here, and what are officials telling you? NATASHA BERTRAND, CNN NATIONAL SECURITY REPORTER: Yes, John. So, these are weapons that have been seized by the U.S. Navy in the Middle East that have been bound primarily from Iran to Yemen to help support the fight there. And these are weapons that are primarily what have been seized from the U.S. Navy -- by the U.S. Navy are assault rifles and ammunition, as well as some other kinds of larger weaponry.

However, it's unclear exactly at this point what the United States is going to be sending to Ukraine, but this could really make an impact on the battlefield right now, of course, as Ukraine struggles with some critical supply shortages of weaponry, of ammunition. The U.S., to put it in perspective, has seized thousands and thousands of assault rifle from the Iranians, thousands and thousands of rounds of ammunition. So, even a fraction of this going to the Ukrainians could really make a huge difference.

And we are told that this decision has been approved. Central Command is going to be announcing it as soon as this week. And look, this could really drive a wedge between the Iranians and the Russians as an added benefit here to the Ukrainians, right? The Iranians have been supplying the Russians with weaponry. The Russians have also been helping Iran with various defense partnerships.

And so, the fact that the U.S. has found a way to legally send these seized Iranian weapons to Ukraine is really a breakthrough here. Now, it is unclear what legal authorities the Biden administration is going to be using to justify transferring these weapons because there is a U.N. arms embargo that says that seized weapons need to be stored or destroyed, but it appears that the Biden administration has found a way here. So, expect this to be really welcome news for the Ukrainians, John.

BERMAN: A practical impact and a symbolic one as you say because the Russians have been using Iranian built drones, so now you have Iranian weapons on both sides of this fight. Natasha Bertrand, thank you very much for that reporting. Appreciate it.


BOLDUAN: Coming up for us, five people wounded, including four students after a shooting in Baltimore. The gunman is still on the loose. Why police think this terror unfolded at Morgan State University. We'll be back.



SIDNER: Homecoming interrupted by gunfire. Right now, police in Baltimore are searching for a suspect after five people were shot last night at Morgan State University. All five victims, four of them are students, were taken to the hospital but they have nonlife-threatening injuries. It is now one of at least 531 mass shootings so far this year. The gun fire erupted after a popular home coming event. It was letting out. One witness says, it was complete chaos as everyone started running after hearing the shots. Right now, the university is canceling classes today during a week that was supposed to be full of celebration.

CNN Correspondent Gabe Cohen is joining us from the scene in Baltimore. What are police saying about the shooter? Do they have any sense of a description that they are giving out?

GABE COHEN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Sara, the search for suspects continues this morning. I have been talking to the Baltimore Police Department and they have really offered no update on whether they have any suspects, if there may have been multiple shooters in the case, or if this was random or perhaps targeted. We just don't have that information yet at this point.

I did just get off the phone with the media team for Morgan States University. They wanted to reassure their students, their staff, this community that it is safe to go about your business today.


They don't have any reason to believe anyone's in danger even though there haven't been any arrest yet in this case. And look, it is -- it's quiet on the campus this morning, classes are canceled, and this really should be, as you mentioned, a joyous time here. It is homecoming week for Morgan State.

In fact, last night just before the shooting unfolded, students were packed into an event where Mr. and Ms. Morgan State University were crowned. It is a tradition here. It brings in alumni, families. And students were heading from that building to another building, a student center, when those shots rang out, creating this frantic situation where police on patrol heard those gunshots. Raced in. They found the five wounded young adults, all 18 to 22 years old, four of them students here. And then the search for the gunman unfolded. They combed through buildings, a SWAT team as students were told to shelter in place.

And look, Sara, it is particularly difficult because this is the third straight homecoming here at Morgan State that has been marred by gun violence. Shootings, each of the past two years that injured one person each. This one even more serious, five people injured, and still at this hour police searching for the shooter.

SIDNER: It's so disturbing that this is happening on a campus yet again. Gabe Cohen, thank you so much.


BERMAN: All right. A major announcement in the race to be the next speaker of the House. Stand by for news.

