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New York Holds Special Congressional Election; Texas Police Shooting Under Investigation; Snow Pounds Northeast; Trump Faces Packed Legal Calendar. Aired 11-11:30a ET

Aired February 13, 2024 - 11:00   ET



SARA SIDNER, CNN HOST: Campaign season, but Donald Trump has a packed legal calendar, with two hearings in two different states set for Thursday. This morning, we're finding out which courtroom he plans to be in.

JOHN BERMAN, CNN HOST: Major winter storm dumping snow and rain across the Northeast, canceling flights, closing schools, causing mayhem. So, where will it land next?

SIDNER: And deputies in Texas mistake a woman for an intruder and shoot her five times in the apartment she was living in. We have the new disturbing bodycam of video.

I'm Sara Sidner with John Berman. Kate Bolduan, we miss her, but she will be back. She's out today. This is CNN NEWS CENTRAL.

New this morning, we're learning that Donald Trump is expected to be in a New York City courtroom on Thursday for a hearing on the Stormy Daniels hush money criminal case. That means he won't be in a Georgia courtroom for another hearing that same day on alleged misconduct by the Fulton County DA who is prosecuting him.

CNN's Kristen Holmes is in West Palm Beach, Florida.

We have got two hearings happening at the same time, two very, very different cases. And we were hearing Donald Trump might show up in Georgia. Now we're hearing he is going to show up here. What do you know about the decisions being made here?

KRISTEN HOLMES, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Sara, I was told by senior advisers that, at the end of the day, it was not really a question, that they believed that he should show up in New York, that this was a more serious case, that it was a criminal case, it was a hearing regarding something that directly impacts Donald Trump.

Just to keep in mind, the hearing that's going on in Georgia is about Fani Willis and whether or not she should be disqualified from running that case there because of allegations from various defendants that she had an improper relationship with one of her top deputies, which makes her unreliable to be in this case or to be running this case.

So, in New York, that is what they're really focused on. And something else to keep in mind here, if this trial date holds that the judge set, it would be March 25, meaning it would be the first criminal trial that Donald Trump will face. He's obviously facing four criminal trials, but this would be the first one.

So, again, they think it's very important that he be there in that courtroom.

SIDNER: All right, now Donald Trump is also seeking, of course, to have a big impact on the RNC. He has been for a long time making comments about Ronna McDaniel.

What are you learning about the impact that he's having now?

HOLMES: Well, he really wants to exert control over the entire committee.

Remember, this is a committee that will help him if he becomes the nominee in a general election. They will help him with ground game, with fund-raising. And we have also seen those fund-raising numbers were very low at the RNC.

So just to take a step back, what we do know is that Ronna McDaniel, someone that Trump appointed back in 2016, is currently the chair of the RNC. Trump has grown dissatisfied with her, made that very clear. And Ronna has told him that she will leave when he becomes the nominee.

Now he has put out a statement endorsing several people, one of which, for co-chair, Laura Trump, his daughter-in-law, the other Michael Whatley, who runs the North Carolina Republican Party.

Now, the thing about Michael is that he is somebody who really perpetuated Donald Trump's lies about the election in 2020. But I was told by a source last night that he actually continued that in 2022. When people were trying to move away from Trump's rhetoric about a rigged election, he was actually still talking to Trump, talking about what implementations they were putting in place to make sure that the election was free and fair, something that Donald Trump obviously cares about.

Now, the other really notable part of this moving parts with the Republican National Committee is that Trump's co-campaign manager, Chris LaCivita, is going to be going over to the RNC and serving as a chief operating officer. Now, he's still going to run the campaign, but that goes to show you who is being endorsed there.

Now, one thing to be clear, the RNC is going to have to vote on all of this. They're going to have to make sure that these pieces work, particularly for co-chair and chairman. However, Donald Trump has a lot of sway over there right now, particularly as he inches towards the nomination.

SIDNER: Kristen Holmes, thank you so much for your reporting.

Let's bring in CNN political commentator S.E. Cupp and Republican strategist Shermichael Singleton. To you both, you just heard the reporting there about the RNC, Donald

Trump looking at and nominating for himself his daughter...


SIDNER: In-law -- and Michael Whatley, who is an election denier.


What do you think about these two names being floated by Donald Trump?

I will start with you, S.E.

S.E. CUPP, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Last week, Sara, I was half- joking that, like, who would be surprised if Donald Trump didn't appoint himself as head of the RNC?

You could kind of see him doing that. This is basically the same thing, right, someone who is in his family, who he can sort of use to implement his vision. The problem, though, is, the RNC is a real organization. It takes some real leadership to get Republicans elected and to amplify the brand and the image.

It's a real job, and that's why Ronna was chosen. She was coming off of being the head of the GOP in Michigan. She had done this before. The idea that you would appoint your daughter-in-law, who has no experience with this, I think is really frightening, and I wonder how they will vote on her if that's what goes through.

I would say that, if they vote her in, the Republican Party is pretty much giving up on winning and is really just existing now in service of Donald Trump.

BERMAN: It is pretty interesting that here we go again with the Trump family being put in posts. This isn't a government post. This is a party post here, Michael.

But Donald Trump put his own daughter in the White House, his own son in the White House, now his daughter-in-law -- his son-in-law in the White House -- daughter-in-law going to be helping run the party, and yet Republicans constantly for three years now have been up in arms about the so-called Biden family business.

Double standard?

SINGLETON: I mean, I think this is a bit different because it pertains to the party, John, and not the White House.

Now, I will say, we have talked a lot about Donald Trump's control, if you will, of the Republican Party. And, for the most part, that control has been because of his ability to mobilize his voters to make their grievances known to elected officials.

Now his control really will indeed now be firm with the more traditional apparatus of the party. So, my prediction here is that, Laura, if confirmed by the committee men and women who will have to vote on this, as S.E. noted, she will sort of serve as an overseer, if you will, sort of making sure that the implementations of the former president's vision electorally is implemented.

As it pertains to Mr. Whatley, we could sort of get into the veracity of his claims about the election, but I think we all know what the truth is there. He is a successful chairman in North Carolina, and that cannot be denied. It's a very strong party. He also has a pretty strong relationship with more of the activist members of the party in North Carolina, as well as many activist leaders across the country.

And so this is someone, regardless of what we may think about his different positioning, if you will, he has the experience to lead a party. He's shown that. And my prediction is that he will do the same thing with the RNC.

SIDNER: Shermichael, I just want to press you a little bit on the fact that Donald Trump may be the party. People always say, look, he is the Republican Party now.

When you look at his history on backing certain candidates, they have lost for the most part. This can't be good for the RNC to then have...


SIDNER: ... his family member heading up the party. I mean, what are your thoughts on that?

I hear you, S.E. We will come to you in a sec.


SINGLETON: Yes, see, that's the part that I think, Sara, to that question that is really problematic here, I suppose.

Certain candidates, if you will, are not palatable in certain congressional districts, districts that we may call purple, or districts that may not be hard-line Republican, that may sort of need some of those independent-leaning Republican voters, if you will.

And I think, when you look at Georgia, you look at Pennsylvania, you look at Arizona, where the president did endorse candidates who did not win those elections, when a more traditional candidate could have won the election, it does beg the question that many of those committee men and women will have to sort of ponder on, if you will, is this in the best interest of the party electorally in terms of our successes down ballot?

BERMAN: S.E. Cupp consumes about as much pop culture as any human that I know, and there is this confluence between pop culture and politics when it comes to Jon Stewart, who all of a sudden is back anchoring "The Daily Show."

And last night after some of us went to sleep -- this doesn't happen by itself.

(LAUGHTER) BERMAN: Some of us have to go to sleep early.

Jon Stewart, again, I want to play some of what he did last night, S.E.

CUPP: Yes.


REP. ROBERT GARCIA (D-CA): He is sharp. He's focused. He's bright.

ALEJANDRO MAYORKAS, U.S. SECRETARY OF HOMELAND SECURITY: He is sharp, intensely probing and detail-oriented and focused.

SEN. CHRIS COONS (D-DE): This is a man who is sharp, who is on top of his game, who knows what's going on.


KAMALA HARRIS, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I was in almost every meeting with the president, and the president was in front of and on top of it all, coordinating and directing leaders who are in charge of America's national security, not to mention our allies around the globe.



JON STEWART, HOST, "THE DAILY SHOW": Did anyone film that?



STEWART: Because if you're -- if you're telling us, behind the scenes, he is sharp and full of energy and on top of it and really in control and leading, you should film that.


STEWART: That would be good to show to people.





CUPP: Yes, I love that, really funny.

And, listen, I saw a lot of the criticism of Jon Stewart, mainly from bitter former cable news hosts like Keith Olbermann, who blamed him for both-sides-ing.

And I think if the idea of the return of Jon Stewart is to lay off Democrats because Trump was so bad, well, that's anathema to both the goals of comedy and journalism, so, in which case, I'm not really sure what he'd be doing there, other than being a Biden surrogate.

I think, if you're going back, it can't just be to skewer Trump. It's got to be to skewer it all, because this election choice is terrible. And he is the perfect, perfect voice and vehicle to expose all of that. And he should do that. He was great last night.

SIDNER: All right, Shermichael, you get to respond to this as well.

SINGLETON: Look, I mean, I think it was brilliant, right? I mean, I think the sort of satire, but his unique ability, Sara, to sort of address, if you will, the cultural realities of today, whether it's political, whether it's international conflicts across the globe.

It's what people expect. It's that old colloquial phrase, he tells it like it is. And that's why I think, when you look at that particular clip, he talks about Biden's age. Then he also brings up some of Trump's legal issues. So this is someone who's clearly aware of the tribalism and the hyperpartisan environment that we live in.

So he said, you know what? I'm going to address all of it. And he did so exceptionally well. I think the execution was spot on.

SIDNER: He's telling people what voters actually are telling us in polling.

S.E. Cupp and Shermichael Singleton, thank you both for coming on. We will have you back very soon.

SINGLETON: Thank you, guys.

CUPP: Sure.

BERMAN: All right, this morning, a major winter storm dumping more than a foot of snow in some places. It's causing a lot of problems, as you can imagine.

More than 1,200 flights have been canceled. More than 1,000 have been delayed.

CNN's Derek Van Dam in the park, in Central Park still, taking a look at how things are there.

What are you seeing, Derek?

DEREK VAN DAM, AMS METEOROLOGIST: Yes, we're seeing the Tavern on the Green, Central Park, New York City being transformed right before our eyes.

This morning, it snowed earlier than we all had anticipated. We didn't get that onset of rain that we initially thought was going to happen, but it is a heavy, wet snow. We call it heart attack snow because it is so exhausting to shovel on your own.

And just to give an idea, a testament to just how heavy and what it is. Look how it's attached to the tree limbs in Central Park. Yes, it's a beautiful sight, but every few moments we're getting splattered with large clumps of snow, my photographer here holding an umbrella over his camera right now to protect the equipment and himself as well.

But, look, bottom line is, this was an impactful storm, but I really believe that hardened New Yorkers were just yearning for a storm like this, because it has been exactly 744 days since we have had two inches of snow on the ground or more, 744 days. We're going back to January 2022 since this area was under a winter storm warning, which is currently in effect across the city, and so much of the tristate area.

Look at these snowfall totals. They're impressive for many locations. We have exceeded a foot for some areas into Pennsylvania, into Chester, New York, at 10 inches. That's significant. And, yes, that's a nor'easter, maybe not the biggest nor'easter, but certainly changing the landscape and making this area look like a real-life snow globe.

But the back end of this snow is coming, unfortunately, and we have probably another two hours or so of snowfall in New York City. What was originally not supposed to be such an impactful storm for Boston has really brought the snowfall to Boston, but into the cape as well. That's where we will have the longest-duration snow event and the wind picking up as well.

Look at the larger snowflakes falling from the sky here. This is -- there's one of those clumps of snow falling on my head, just like I said, John. It's beautiful, but, yes, impactful for the roads and, of course, for the airways as well.

BERMAN: Well, seek cover.

Derek Van Dam, please take care of yourself from the falling snow clumps.

VAN DAM: Sure.


BERMAN: We appreciate you being with us. Thank you very much -- Sara.

SIDNER: I'm sorry, are we not impressed that he's walking backwards, he's looking at his iPad, he's...

BERMAN: Playing "Candy Crush" while he's doing the report on the winter storm.

SIDNER: John, it's not "Candy Crush." And he's got Julian Quinones, who is producing this, who is also probably walking backwards, and Evelio Contreras, who is taking the pictures.

[11:15:01] It has just been fabulous all morning long, although I know this is a potentially dangerous storm for folks.

All right, coming up: Deputies fire more than a dozen bullets into an apartment near Houston. The woman inside who had not committed any crime who lived there survived after being hit five times. But we have the bodycam footage, and it is disturbing. We will let you watch as this all plays out.

Also, polls are open right now amid the snowstorm that is hitting us here in New York and across the Northeast for that congressional seat that was once held by George Santos. How the winner could have a critical impact on the very narrow Republican majority in Congress.



SIDNER: This morning, really disturbing new body camera video out of Houston, it shows two sheriff's deputies responding to a report of a suspected break-in, a burglary, and firing dozens of rounds through an apartment door at a woman inside who they mistakenly thought was the intruder, but she lived there.

The Harris County Sheriff's office has now released this edited body camera video, and we have got to warn you, what you're going to see is really, really hard to watch.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Sheriff's office.




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Shots -- shots fired. Shots fired.



SIDNER: How terrifying.

The woman survived, but she was shot five times.

CNN's Whitney Wild is joining me now.

Whitney, how did this all happen? We're seeing the result of the police showing up. We hear them say, "sheriff's office," but there's firing very soon after that.


I mean, that command to drop the weapon happens almost simultaneously when the sheriff's deputies open fire. And that's certainly one of the things that attorney Ben Crump, who is now representing Eboni Pouncy, is seizing on.

Here's how it all happened. This began at 2:15 in the morning February 3. And what happened was, there was someone who had called in a 911 call, saying, "There's an intruder in my apartment."

So, deputies go to that apartment. They go inside. They clear it, did not find an intruder. As they were leaving, somebody in that apartment complex flagged them down and said, "Hey, I think there's another break-in at another apartment." So deputies go to the second apartment and they see broken glass. They see a screen is removed. They see that the window blinds are up.

As you see in the video, they knock on the door. They announce themselves as representatives of the sheriff's office, in this case, Harris County Sheriff's Office. They step back and, according to the Harris County Sheriff's Office, they see through the window a woman holding a firearm.

And then, as you saw in that video, they open fire dozens of times. The -- what had happened, what they found out later was that Eboni Pouncy was a guest of the renter of that apartment. And the reason the window was broken and the screen was removed was because the renter of that apartment and Eboni Pouncy didn't have keys to the apartment.

So they broke in to get inside to an apartment that, again, that was at the behest of the renter. So, a local affiliate actually spoke with the renter of that apartment. Here's how she described what happened.


LARONDA BARRY, WITNESS: So I told her to break the window. I go inside. Once I went inside, we were there for about 20 minutes. The next thing I know, I hear loud banging on the door.

And when they started banging on the door, I was like: "What's that? What's that noise?"

Eboni grabbed her gun and ran to the door. I didn't hear anything after that. The next thing I know, Eboni came back, and she said she was shot.


WILD: As you had pointed out earlier, sheriff's deputies did administer lifesaving efforts to Eboni Pouncy. Again, she was shot five times.

She is now in stable condition. The Harris County Sheriff's Office is asking anybody with any information about this to come forward. This is invest -- for the investigation, this is now in the hands of the Harris County district attorney's office. They are going to present all of this evidence to a grand jury.

For now, those two sheriff's deputies are on administrative leave, Sara.


And our thanks to KTRK, who went inside, and we saw those bullet holes inside of the home as well.

And thank you to you, Whitney Wild, for that reporting this morning -- John.

BERMAN: It is Election Day in Syosset, the special congressional election to fill the seat of George Santos. A lot of people think this could be a huge bellwether for 2024.



BERMAN: All right, happening now: Polls are open in New York for a special election to fill the seat once held by Republican Congressman George Santos.

So, here's the thing. The Third Congressional District is smack in the middle of the winter storm that we have been talking about. So, are voters going to show up?

CNN's Athena Jones is in Glen Cove, New York, this morning on Long Island.

Athena, are you there by yourself? Are there voters?


Well, you can look around at this Girls -- Boys & Girls Clubs here in Glen Cove and see that it's not very busy. I have spoken to several of the poll workers here. One person's been at it for eight years.
