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Key Witness Testifies Amid Effort To Boot Trump Prosecutor. Aired 2:30-3p ET

Aired February 27, 2024 - 14:30   ET



TERRENCE BRADLEY, NATHAN WADE'S FORMER LAW PARTNER & DIVORCE ATTORNEY: Did we speak over the phone? Or are you saying through a text?



BRADLEY: I can't remember whether it was text, phone, or --

MERCHANT: But you recall us speaking one way or another?

BRADLEY: One way or another, yes.

MERCHANT: And while I was trying to confirm the facts in that filing?

BRADLEY: I think I remember there was a line of -- about the accuracy of how much money that my office, the law -- the law office of Terrence Bradley, had received. And whether or not that was going to be in the motion or not.

MERCHANT: There wasn't a discrepancy (INAUDIBLE). You asked me to put that back in, correct?

BRADLEY: I don't -- I recall you -- that may be accurate? Yes.

MERCHANT: You thought -- because you thought it might be suspicious if you were left out of the motion?

BRADLEY: No. I think -- we discussed that it should reflect the accuracy because the accuracy was that I received -- I had a contract and received 74 grand, $74,000.

And I think you had put in there that Mr. Campbell had received a certain amount. And then you also have put in there that Mr. Wade had received certain amount.

But there was not anything in there originally. And I said that it needs to be accurate. I needed to be accurate as far as that I have received $74,000.


BRADLEY: That is correct.

MERCHANT: Because you did not want anyone knowing that you had talked to me?

UNIDENTIFIED ATTORNEY: Object. That's to relevance.


BRADLEY: I wanted you to be accurate as far as the accuracy of our message or your filing.

MERCHANT: OK. So that was your -- your interest wasn't inaccuracy in the filing?

BRADLEY: I didn't reach out to you and say send me a copy of your motion.


BRADLEY: I didn't reach out to you to say that you were -- that I'm going to be in your motion.

MERCHANT: Right. I asked you to review it for accuracy.

BRADLEY: For accuracy. And I just stated that it was inaccurate.

MERCHANT: And the inaccuracy that you pointed out was the thing about this or how much you would make?

BRADLEY: That was the inaccuracy that I saw that jumped out, was the fact that I saw that I was left out when you and put --


BRADLEY: -- the firm that moneywise.


BRADLEY: I did not -- I did not -- when I responded to that, it was for that specific reason.

MERCHANT: OK. And I agreed that I would put that back in, that section back in --

BRADLEY: Correct.

MERCHANT: -- and I did put it back. And I sent it to you again.

BRADLEY: I don't recall getting a second email from, you know.

MERCHANT: But you were happy that I put it back in or that I agreed to put it back in?

UNIDENTIFIED ATTORNEY: Object as to relevance.

MCAFEE: Yes. We need to get through more material aspects.

MERCHANT: Yes, Judge. I am moving along. I promise.

So you asked me -- you did ask me to put that back in?

MCAFEE: Well, an answer (INAUDIBLE), it needs an answer to that last question. So you will --

MERCHANT: You did -- can you confirm you did ask me to put that back in, for it to be accurate?

BRADLEY: Yes, that's correct. I said that -- yes.

MERCHANT: OK. And then I asked you if everything was accurate and you said looks good. Correct?

MERCHANT: I -- I recall you asking that, but that looks good was applying to the accuracy of the 74,000. That's it.

MERCHANT: OK. So when you reviewed the motion and you specifically pointed out that one thing that you found inaccurate, you didn't point anything else out that you found inaccurate in that motion though, correct?

BRADLEY: No, I did not.

MERCHANT: And that motion alleged that their relationship began when Ms. Willis was in municipal court.


BRADLEY: If I can read -- reread the motion. But I don't recall. But if that's what he says. But I didn't -- my saying that it looks good was when you put back in the 74,000 into your motion.

MERCHANT: OK. And that's that wasn't what I was asking.

What I was asking is, you didn't tell me that there was anything else inaccurate in the motion, right?

BRADLEY: But I didn't state that anything was accurate, other than the 74,000.

MERCHANT: Now when I told you that I had this motion that I was preparing, you asked me to send a rough draft?

BRADLEY: No, that's incorrect.

MERCHANT: May I approach, Judge?

MCAFEE: Direct?

What page are you showing?

MERCHANT: The page number, it's January 6th --


MERCHANT: Yes, of course.

And all the time.

MERCHANT: So we've been talking, you asked me to send you a rough draft, and I told you, OK, but I didn't want it to be leaked before I filed it. Right?

BRADLEY: That is correct, yes.

MERCHANT: So you're the one that asked me to send a rough draft?

BRADLEY: Yes, that's correct. Yes, that's correct.

MERCHANT: And that was at 10:08 on Saturday, January 6th. And then you got an email from me with that rough draft at 10:25 that same day, correct?


MERCHANT: You can even look at it.

BRADLEY: If -- if it says 10:25, then I know you sent me an email.

UNIDENTIFIED ATTORNEY: While he's looking at it, I'm going to object as to asked and answered. We've been through the fact that he set up a copy of the motion, whether it said rough draft or not, and then asked about the accuracies, explained his answer.

And I've checked.

MCAFEE: I ask you, understand, we're getting there.

Overruled for now.

MERCHANT: And then I responded, when we were talking about that, that we were talking about, I said, I took it I took it out, but I can add it back. And you said, yes, add it back. Do you remember that?

BRADLEY: I answered that, yes.

MERCHANT: And then I said, anything else? Anything that's -- and you responded, looks good. You were all that?

BRADLEY: Let me see the --

MERCHANT: There -- I don't know where the exhibits are. They were submitted.

That refresh your memory?

BRADLEY: It says looks good, but as -- as I stated before, I was responding to you putting me back into the motion for receiving $74,000 in a contract. MERCHANT: Well, that's not what this says. This says, you said, yes, add it back. And then I said, anything else? Anything that isn't accurate? And you responded looks good.

So you weren't responding to put it back in?

UNIDENTIFIED ATTORNEY: And I'm going to object. I know his motion. He wasn't the affiant of the most verified.

MCAFEE: Overruled. Mr. Bonny (ph).


BRADLEY: I've said twice

MCAFEE: Overruled, Mr. Bonny (ph).

BRADLEY: I've said twice that it looks accurate was -- or I've said more than twice, was for the $74,000.

MERCHANT: Do you remember telling me about Nathan and Fani coming to your office and spending time together at your office?

BRADLEY: No, I've mentioned -- I do recall testifying on the 16th that she had come to her office.

MERCHANT: And that was before she was elected as district attorney, correct?

BRADLEY: I recall that was when she was district attorney because I said that there was a meeting held at my office.

MERCHANT: And who was at that meeting?

BRADLEY: Now I can't tell you that. I don't recall.

MERCHANT: But you know Ms. Willis was there and Mr. Wade was there?

BRADLEY: It was at our office. Actually, Ms. Willis was there and there were other people there. Mr. Wade was not in that meeting. He was -- he was in the back. I wasn't even in that meeting.

MERCHANT: Why did she hold it at your office?

MERCHANT: I have no idea.


MERCHANT: You also remember telling me about them spending time together at her law office before she took -- took her job?

BRADLEY: I don't recall. Do you -- I don't recall. Do you have something to --

MERCHANT: Well, what I'm asking is -- so let's backup. So Ms. Willis rented a law office from Evans, from Andrew Evans and another lawyer, I think Stacy Evans. You have knowledge of that, correct?

UNIDENTIFIED ATTORNEY: No, I'm going to object to hearsay.


UNIDENTIFIED ATTORNEY: Well, how does he know the information? That'll be the correct question.

MCAFEE: OK. Ms. Merchant

MERCHANT: I don't really know even how to respond to that, hearsay. I'm asking if he knew that she rented the --

MCAFEE: They may have been there. I mean --


MCAFEE: Maybe seen a business card or something at some point, I think he can answer that.

BRADLEY: I've never been to Ms. Willis' office when she was in private practice. I've never dealt with where she rented. I didn't even know where her office was. So --

MERCHANT: Do you remember. though, knowing that she rented an office --


MERCHANT: -- from the others?


MERCHANT: Did you notice --

BRADLEY: Yes, that is correct? Yes.

MERCHANT: OK. And do you remember telling me that Mr. Wade and Ms. Willis would rendezvous at that office?

UNIDENTIFIED ATTORNEY: I'm going to again, hearsay as to how he knows that information. He said he has no personal knowledge.

MERCHANT: He did not say he has no personal knowledge. He hasn't even answered it.

UNIDENTIFIED ATTORNEY: He said in general he had no personal knowledge so it's not been established a source of how he would know this because he said he's never been to her office.

MCAFEE: All right.

Ms. Merchant, if you -- if you -- I know you're trying to impeach him by a prior inconsistent statement, but unless you can first back up and show why each statement is actually something that knowledge of -- I don't know if this is going to be relevant.

MERCHANT: And, Judge, I'm not even there yet. But again, speaking objection. And so now I would anticipate what our response is going to be next. I didn't ask anything that was objectionable.

But these objections are coaching the witness. I asked if he had knowledge. That's it. I didn't ask, did someone say this to you? I didn't ask, what did this person tell you? I asked if he knew.

MCAFEE: Well, no, you're asking if he had knowledge and then you say of something specific. So --

MERCHANT: Once I get an answer to that, if he has knowledge, then I will follow up with where that knowledge came from.

MCAFEE: All right, let's try again.

MERCHANT: So my question is, do you have knowledge of them meeting at that office? Objection. Foundation.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Objection. Foundation.

MCAFEE: OK. All right. Overruled.

MERCHANT: Do you have knowledge of them meeting at that office?

BRADLEY: I have no personal knowledge if that's what you're asking.

MERCHANT: I didn't ask that yet. I asked if you have any knowledge?

UNIDENTIFIED ATTORNEY: Objection. That would be hearsay.

MCAFEE: Overruled.

MERCHANT: Not if it came from Mr.

MCAFEE: We don't know where it came from. So he said -- how do you know Mr. Bradley?

MERCHANT: How do you know?

BRADLEY: Any knowledge that I would have received would have come from my client at the time.

MERCHANT: OK. So you had knowledge of this place that Ms. Willis worked. What did you know about them meeting at that office?


MERCHANT: It's not hearsay, Judge.

MCAFEE: Overruled.

UNIDENTIFIED ATTORNEY: How he knows it. And then you ask the next question.

MCAFEE: She's -- she's already asked the next question.

BRADLEY: Can you read the question?

MERCHANT: Yes. How do you have knowledge? What knowledge did -- well, you just told us. You told us Mr. Wade told you. So tell us what Mr. Wade told you about Ms. Willis and Mr. Wade meeting at the office?

UNIDENTIFIED ATTORNEY: Objection, Your Honor, privilege. This clearly covers the time after December 2018 that's covered by privilege.

MCAFEE: Yes. Overruled.

Do you recall the question, Mr. Bradley?

BRADLEY: I do not.

MCAFEE: You may re-ask the question, Ms. Merchant.

MERCHANT: What did you learn from Mr. Wade? I would clarify that's where you learned about Mr. Willis -- Mr. Wade and Ms. Willis meeting at Evan's office together.

UNIDENTIFIED ATTORNEY: I'll object to asked and answered. He's testified that --


MCAFEE: It wasn't answered. I haven't -- we haven't heard an answer.

UNIDENTIFIED ATTORNEY: He testified he had one conversation with Mr. Wade in the back of his law office.


MCAFEE: Yes, and his answer may change. So as to --


MERCHANT: -- office what -- how to answer the question.

BRADLEY: I can't recall what the conversation was. I do -- I do recall knowing that they would -- that he would go down to the office or had been down to the office, but I can't tell you in what capacity or when or any of that. No.


MERCHANT: Mr. Wade told you that they had sex with an office, is that correct?

BRADLEY: I don't recall him saying that, no.

MERCHANT: You don't recall?


MERCHANT: So it's possible he did say that?

You don't remember one way or another?

BRADLEY: I do not remember him saying that.

MERCHANT: Do you recall that he had a garage door opener to either a house or a condo or something like that of Ms. Willis?

BRADLEY: I've never seen a garage door opener. I've never been to Ms. Willis' house.


BRADLEY: I've never been to -- and I'm trying to explain. I've never been. So, no, I do not have any personal knowledge of him having a garage door opener.

MERCHANT: Let me ask the question again.


MERCHANT: If you had personal knowledge, as you saw. Do you have any knowledge at all from Mr. Wade or any source, that he had a garage door opening to access one of Ms. Willis' residences?

UNIDENTIFIED ATTORNEY: I'll object to any sources to hearsay.

MCAFEE: All right. Depends on the source. Overruled.

BRADLEY: No. No, I don't have any knowledge.

MERCHANT: So when you told me that, did you just make it up?

BRADLEY: Do you have something that shows that I told you that?

MERCHANT: Yes. We -- well, we're going to go through all the texts we can. But do you -- was that made up though?

UNIDENTIFIED ATTORNEY: I'm an object that because --

BRADLEY: I don't recall him having --


UNIDENTIFIED ATTORNEY: -- one, zero, six, the rule completeness. I don't have that text message or any text messages that indicate that, Your Honor.

MERCHANT: And I don't have if it was a text. We had that conversation -- I actually think it was when he was on speakerphone with Mr. Merchan there. I'm not sure. But I mean -- if I'm asked to qualify exactly where that's from, I would --

MCAFEE: OK. So rule of completeness would be if you need to introduce other texts to show the context, if you're saying you don't -- I haven't seen a copy yet. And I think Ms. Merchant needs to do that before you can decide the next step.

MERCHANT: And that's -- that's what I was asking him. If he -- if that was something he just remembers making up. If he doesn't, then that's fine. But --

UNIDENTIFIED ATTORNEY: He referenced text message and started to go into her packet of paper.



MCAFEE: So you don't have a text message to that?

MERCHANT: I don't. I would need some time to look through and I don't remember if I have a text to that or if it was during a conversation? It was one of those.


MCAFEE: Well, he has now said that he has no knowledge. So onto your next question.


Did Mr. Wade tell you about the trips that he and Ms. Willis took?


MERCHANT: Do you have any knowledge of the trips that he and Ms. Willis took?


MCAFEE: Overruled.

BRADLEY: I do now.

MERCHANT: OK. But you did not before this proceeding?

BRADLEY: I did not know until you texted that you found that in the deposition of his divorce. I may not -- not deposition, but something from his divorce.


And when you responded, "Doesn't surprise me. They took many trips to Florida, Texas, California."

Those are your words, though, right?

UNIDENTIFIED ATTORNEY: I'm going to object. That's irrelevant.


UNIDENTIFIED ATTORNEY: He did not know and he actually learned from Ms. Merchant the information.

MERCHANT: He said he learned about certain trips from Ms. Merchant.

MCAFEE: OK. You can tie it down, but --

MERCHANT: Thank you.

MCAFEE: We'll see.

UNIDENTIFIED ATTORNEY: You have no information about any trip that Ms. Willis and Mr. Wade took, that he learned it all from Ms. Merchant. That was his testimony.



MERCHANT: Judge. I'm allowed to --


MCAFEE: -- any conclusion we reach. I think she's going to ask more than one question though.

All right, Ms. Merchant?

MERCHANT: And if, Judge, just so we can be clear, if he said more than one version, that's all relevant. We're allowed to talk about the different versions that he's told.

MCAFEE: I've overruled the objection, Ms. Merchant.

MERCHANT: Thank you.

Do you remember telling me that it didn't surprise you that they took the trips that I found in the divorce file because they took many trips to Florida, Texas, California?

And then you told me that they took the trip to California when she moved her daughter there because she failed at a FMU (ph)? Do you remember that?

BRADLEY: I don't recall that, but if -- I don't recall.


Judge, may I approach? It's --


MERCHANT: It's in one of the ones I gave you.

Look at that and see if it refreshes your memory.


BRADLEY: So when you

MERCHANT: Just -- just, first, let me know if that refreshes your memory?




MERCHANT: So it's true that you told me that they took money to support (ph), correct?

BRADLEY: Per that, yes. But one of the messages is cut off. And you asked about some of the trips. And I said, no, I didn't think, and that was specific to -- at the top of that, it says, no, I didn't.


BRADLEY: And so that was to the trips that you asked me about. And I think, before that, when you mentioned that you found all these trips, I think I said, oh, wow.

MERCHANT: You did. You did not know about all the trips that were taken. And you qualified it. You said, no, I didn't, when did it happen? And then in the next batch (INAUDIBLE) whatever -- whatever refreshes your memory.

You said was accurate after you -- after the phone was resolved, correct?

UNIDENTIFIED ATTORNEY: Object to relevance.

MCAFEE: Overruled.

MERCHANT: It was after the firm -- that the trips that you said, no, you didn't know about. You told me those were after your firm after you had left, correct?

BRADLEY: I think you mentioned that they were after I left maybe. or whenever you found him and I said, no, I didn't know about those trips. So --

MERCHANT: So you believe that I mentioned that it was after you left?

BRADLEY: I'm quite sure you have the text message and I will refresh my memory.

MERCHANT: Is it easier for you to refresh your memory with your own phone or with my printouts of screenshots?

BRADLEY: Well, you have the printout, so either.

MERCHANT: Judge, the reason I'm asking is because I'm getting objections that I've cut things off. And it's just the nature of how you have to pronounce screenshots. So in order to avoid that, I'm happy for him to refresh his memory

with his own phone, if that would be --

MCAFEE: I don't know if he's accepting your offer or not. So you --

MERCHANT: Would that be easier for you?

BRADLEY: You can just provide the documents.


Let's see.



MERCHANT: Yes, I'm sorry. I just I'm just kind of bring up all of the messages that can make --

MCAFEE: All right. Well, I don't really see -- at some point, we're reaching the cumulative point where we don't need to go through an entire six-month text chain.

You're making the point that he'd made some comments to you along the way that led you to believe he had more knowledge than today he's testifying that he had.

And so, if you've hit the high points of that, then I don't know what else we can cover that actually moves the needle.


I'll just - I'll move on to the (INAUDIBLE).

So you told me that they took many trips to Florida. That refresh your memory? You told me that. Was that based on your knowledge from Mr. Wade?

BRADLEY: That would have been based on anything that my client would have told me. I didn't have personal knowledge of whether they went or not.

MERCHANT: The trip to Texas, from text messages, was that based on your knowledge from Mr. Wade?

BRADLEY: It would have been something that came from the client. I cannot tell you that I have any personal knowledge of any trip other than what would have been said by the client?

MERCHANT: Obviously. I'm not asking you if he went on his trips. I'm asked me if you have knowledge of the trip. You also typed "California."

Was that something that you gained knowledge from Mr. Wade?

BRADLEY: It would have been from the client at this particular point, yes, from the client.

MERCHANT: It would move from the trip to California was with the daughter on that? Would that have been something you heard from Mr. Wade?

BRADLEY: Thank you.

Any knowledge that I have any trip would have come from my client at the time.

MERCHANT: You told us last week that Mr. Wade used your credit card one time. Do you know when that was?

BRADLEY: I do not.

UNIDENTIFIED ATTORNEY: Relevance, that's why we're here today.

MCAFEE: Well, I think this would be an impeachment as to Mr. Wade's testimony that Mr. Wade testified that had never used anyone else's credit card before.

UNIDENTIFIED ATTORNEY: I object to asked and answered because it was covered during the last year. It's been acknowledged that Mr. Wade used his credit card.


MERCHANT: So if I ask when I did when I didn't ask --


MCAFEE: Asked when. OK.

MERCHANT: I didn't ask did he. I asked, when did he?

MCAFEE: Let's go there/


BRADLEY: Does not have any dates of when Mr. Wade used my credit card. I testified that we used the card for business and that, throughout the business, we ordered paper or supplies or filing of depositions. I mean, the cost factor of cases is what I said. And that's still applies today.


Did he use my credit card? He did. But I can't tell you who he used that card, what the trip was for. I can't even tell you at this time where he went,

MERCHANT: But he used it for a trip?

BRADLEY: Yes, it -- I mean, it was for trip, but I can't tell you where, when, why or anything to that nature, correct.

MERCHANT: And he paid you back in cash?

BRADLEY: I never testified that he paid me back in cash. I said that he would either pay me back -- you know, I said I couldn't remember. I do not recall.

Sometimes he will write checks. Sometimes he will pay cash. And that still applies today that I do not recall him paying me back cash, but I do recall him paying me back.

MERCHANT: This was when you were still -- before your partnerships split up, correct?

BRADLEY: It would've been before I left the firm, yes. Even if he used my card after I left the firm.

MERCHANT: So we can at least narrow down the dates to that?

BRADLEY: Of before I left the firm, yes.


Mr. Wade gave you details about meeting Ms. Willis in Hapeville or East Point, as it was called?

BRADLEY: That's incorrect.

MERCHANT: He did not tell you about that?

BRADLEY: He didn't give me details

MERCHANT: He did not tell you about meeting with Ms. Willis at an East Point or Hapeville apartment?

BRADLEY: At this time, I don't recall. No, I don't recall.

MERCHANT: Where did you get that information from then?

UNIDENTIFIED ATTORNEY: It's just that he doesn't recall it or even have that information.

MERCHANT: I asked if he got it from Mr. Wade and he says he doesn't recall. So then I asked where he got it from.

BRADLEY: But now I don't recall where I got the information from.


And you and Mr. Wade were friends as well as business partners, correct?

BRADLEY: We were friends in the sense I've known him for years. Yes, we were friends.

MERCHANT: And you definitely did not want to come and be a witness in this case, correct?

BRADLEY: That is correct.

MERCHANT: And it was after -- and we talked about this earlier -- that Gabe Banks called you and then Nathan Wade called one of your friends. It was after that that you hired Mr. Chopra, to assist you in this matter, correct?

BRADLEY: Was it after that?

So I heard Mr. Chopra and I heard Mr. Graham. Now, Mr. Graham is here. And when I received this subpoena -- Mr. Graham was here at the last hearing, but he also had to go out of town, but he was president.

Mr. Graham called and I started getting calls from media and -- and I told him to respond to the media, I think, and that was somewhere around whenever you subpoenaed me.

So it was -- I can't tell you that it was that instance of those calls for Mr. Chopra but I had engaged Mr. Chopra and Mr. Graham at that time.

MERCHANT: OK. I'm going to ask the question again because I didn't get an answer to it.

After you got the phone call from Gabe Banks and from Nathan Wade, do you think it was --

BRADLEY: I think it was before that. But, however, I think it was before that is what I'm stating.

MERCHANT: When you got the call from Gabe Banks, you called me immediately. Well, actually, you texted me and then you called me.

BRADLEY: I didn't call you immediately. But, yes, we did speak.

MERCHANT: And you texted me about it as well?


BRADLEY: That is correct.

MERCHANT: And then we spoke after Mr. Wade called your friend. And we talked about that as well, correct?

BRADLEY: That is correct.