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Trump Campaign Cutting Costs Ahead Of General Election; First Lady Jill Biden's Role Comes Into Focus; Haiti Declares State Of Emergency Amid Violence, Mass Prison Break; A-Listers Jet To India For Billionaires Heir's Party. Aired 3:30-4p ET

Aired March 04, 2024 - 15:30   ET



BRIANNA KEILAR, CNN HOST: Well, former President Trump isn't known for pinching pennies, but apparently his campaign is doing just that, as it looks towards the general election. That includes raining in spending on everything from his signature large rallies to transportation and hotels.

After a recent event, one Trump staffer even talked about using UberX, which is the cheapest option on the app for a solo ride.

CNN's Kristen Holmes is following this story from West Palm Beach, Florida. What else is his team doing to keep costs in check? I guess we'll know it's really bad if they start doing the share feature on Uber, Kristen.

KRISTEN HOLMES, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: That's absolutely right. I do want to note with this UberX, it wasn't just taking UberX. It was being downright fearful that the head of the campaign might somehow come to believe that he had not taken the cheapest ride share option.

Just going to show you how closely these campaign advisors are watching this spending. Now, of course, not just UberX. It is also cutting back on those large-scale campaign rallies.

It is keeping a lean staff. I have been told that there are some people who are doing the job that three people used to do in previous campaigns. I also am told that they have put furniture in different state offices that is mismatched, bought just specifically because it was the cheapest option.

They do want to cut pennies wherever they can. That includes hotels, meals, venues, all of it. Now, part of this, why the reason they were being so diligent about their campaign spending was because they didn't want a repeat of 2020 when the campaign burned through millions, hundreds of millions of dollars in cash, ending up with almost nothing, an alarmingly low cash amount right before the November election.

But what was once considered a point of pride might turn into necessity as we talk about all of those mounting legal fees, about half a billion dollars in New York alone in two cases. That doesn't even include his actual legal bills paying those lawyers. So they are looking at different ways to save money.

But one thing I want to note, right now they swear up and down. They are not looking towards the RNC to pay any of those legal bills, even if he becomes the nominee -- Brianna.

KEILAR: All right. Kristen Holmes, thank you for that -- Boris.

BORIS SANCHEZ, CNN HOST: So, First Lady Jill Biden is starting to look like a star player in her husband's reelection efforts.


We're learning the First Lady is focused on crisscrossing the country for fundraisers, and in the months ahead, she's expected to become a more frequent presence on the trail. The First Lady spent the weekend on the road where she didn't hold back when it came to the President's likely Republican opponent, Donald Trump. Listen to this.


JILL BIDEN, FIRST LADY: But Donald Trump? He spent a lifetime tearing us down and devaluing our existence. How far will he go? When will he stop? You know the answer. He won't. He won't.


SANCHEZ: For more on all of this, we're joined now by Kate Anderson Brower. She's the author of the book, "First Women, the Grace and Power of America's Modern First Ladies." Kate, thank you so much for being with us. It's not just Jill Biden going on the offensive. She also has taken on a protective role over President Biden.

KATE ANDERSON BROWER, AUTHOR: I think that she exhibits every day that she truly loves him. There's a sense that she can speak to people in very real terms. You know, it reminds me a bit of what Michelle Obama did as mom-in-chief. You see that from Dr. Biden a lot.

And I think that, look, there's an urgency that she can communicate, that we are facing another four years of Donald Trump. If women, especially suburban women, black women, she speaks to key constituents that he needs to win. And it's becoming a very urgent fight right now.

KEILAR: And it's very clearly orchestrated, right? She's talking there. She's looking down at her notes as she does it, right? It's written as she's going to execute these comments.

I wonder how you think it's being received by voters. How do they perceive her and receive her as the messenger on this?

BROWER: Well, I mean, her favorability rating is much, much higher than her husband's, which is typical of most first ladies, with the exception of Melania Trump. You know, yes, her favorability was higher than her husband's, but it was historically low for first ladies when she left office.

So I think that it's being received well. I think that the more people can see Jill Biden, the better. I think it's interesting when she talks about her work.

She's the first, first lady to have a job outside of the White House. She teaches English at a community college. She's very relatable. She's very likable. And I think that can only help make his case.

SANCHEZ: You mentioned Melania, and we do want to ask about that.

But first, I want to point to something that the first lady said over the weekend, something that you touched on a moment ago, and she was talking about former President Trump and his policies when it comes to issues that specifically affect women. She said, quote, he mocks women's bodies, disrespects our accomplishments, and brags about assault.

Very strong language coming from the first lady. I'm curious about how you think that's received by voters that maybe are curious about voting for President Trump. You mentioned suburban women favoring Democrats, but there are a lot of women out there in red states that are adamant that Donald Trump is their candidate.

BROWER: Yes, I mean, I think that she does -- Jill Biden does best when she makes the case that, look, our -- and I think she said this on Friday -- our to-do list is our battle plan. You know, we are women who take our kids to soccer practice and have grocery store lists, and we are not going to be discounted just because we're stay-at-home moms or housewives.

I mean, she's speaking to, I think, a lot of women, even women who might be interested in voting for Donald Trump. I don't think that she's speaking in a very partisan way, but she is talking about, you know, the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

She's talking about book bans, IVF, these social issues, in, again, I think a very relatable way.

KEILAR: And, I mean, even that comment about the to-do list, that's something she can deliver that, say, Melania Trump is not going to be as believable when she's delivering something like that. You've talked a lot, written a lot about Melania Trump and sort of her role and how it's been extraordinary because she did keep her distance.

What kind of role do you see her having going forward on the campaign trail, and if there is another term, what that would look like?

BROWER: I don't think we're going to be seeing that much of Melania Trump. I mean, we haven't, you know. People are always asking on X now, you know, where is she? I think that she's obviously very protective of Barron, very, I think there's been reporting about her just wanting to kind of be protective of their son but also not get involved in all of these legal battles that her husband is facing.

You don't see her, you know, in the courtroom by his side. I think in the final weeks, as people are really starting to pay attention, we'll see more of her. I don't think that he necessarily needs her, you know.


I don't think that she helped him that much in the last election, and I don't think that she is able to communicate, like you said, in the same relatable ways that Jill Biden can.

SANCHEZ: Kate Anderson Brower, thanks so much for the expertise.

BROWER: Thank you.

SANCHEZ: Appreciate it.

Still plenty more news to come on CNN NEWS CENTRAL. Gang violence spiraling out of control in Haiti after thousands of inmates escaped from prison, some threatening to overthrow the government.


SANCHEZ: Haiti's government has declared a state of emergency after armed gangs led a massive prison break over the weekend. Some 3,500 inmates managed to escape from the country's largest prison during the attack. That's nearly the entire inmate population that was held there.


Deadly gang violence has exploded in Port-au-Prince in recent weeks with some even threatening to overthrow the government.

CNN's David Culver just returned from Haiti. David, walk us through what's happening here.

DAVID CULVER, CNN SENIOR NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, these past 72 hours, Boris, we've seen this major surge in violence gripping Haiti. The government, they're declaring that state of emergency. They're implementing a curfew. The U.S. Embassy telling Americans to get out.

And as you mentioned, we were on the ground just before what is now this most recent outbreak. What stood out to us, I think, is the amount of control that the gangs, and there are dozens of them, have seized over the country and particularly the capital, Port-au-Prince. The U.N. estimates gangs now control 80 percent of the capital. And we saw it firsthand as we were trying to distinguish routes to go through the city.

I mean, it would change hourly at times in our planning given gunfire and violence could erupt at any point. Kidnappings and extortions, they're rampant right now. The entire situation is desperate.

And over the weekend, more than 3,000 inmates were estimated to have escaped from Haitian prisons. Now, a Haiti police union warning that if those numbers are, quote -- are accurate, they say, quote, we are done. No one will be spared.

That shows you how dire this is right now. Now, most concerning for the government is that the gangs have started coordinating with each other. You're starting to see some of the images that we're getting out after this most recent outbreak.

The fact that they're coordinating with each other shows that there's a unified force now against Prime Minister Ariel Henry. And many folks, while we were there, were chanting that they want Henry to go. And late last week, what Henry did is really motivated this most recent outbreak.

He signed an agreement for about 1,000 Kenyan police officers to deploy as part of a multinational security support mission. The Prime Minister also said elections would not happen until August 2025. That has fueled these protests.

It's created a situation, Boris, that, quite frankly, is critical right now. And even as we were there in the past couple of weeks, what we've seen in the past three days has escalated it to a level that is making it really precarious. I mean, this is some of our reporting as we were on the ground, and we're going to have more of that tonight on "THE LEAD" as well as "AC360."

But it gives you a sense of what folks are dealing with in their everyday life that has become really just total turmoil.

SANCHEZ: Yes, tragic to see what's happened in Haiti. Look forward to those reports later today. David Culver, thanks so much.

Still to come this afternoon, the eye-popping details behind how the richest man in Asia celebrated his son's upcoming wedding. Some extravagance. Still to come.



KEILAR: No electric slide, no macarena, no chicken dance at this party. This was the pre-wedding bash of all pre-wedding bashes, a who's who of Hollywood and Bollywood celebs jetting to India for an opulent three day party celebrating the upcoming nuptials of the son of Asia's richest man. He won't tie the knot for another four months, but that didn't matter for the roughly 1,200 guests in the house.

Magician David Blaine and megastar Rihanna dropping in to perform for the crowd. Paparazzi spotting the Zuckerbergs and Bill Gates too, sporting outfits with traditional flair. And if that wasn't enough, guests were served 500 dishes created by some 100 chefs. And they had personal access to glam squads and chartered jets.

CNN's Vedika Sud gives us a glimpse inside.


VEDIKA SUD, CNN REPORTER (voice-over): When the oldest son of Asia's richest man you have a few famous faces on speed dial when it comes to your wedding invites.

The media frenzy was intense at India's Jamnagar airport, as everyone from Bollywood actors to billionaires, politicians to pop stars arrived for Anant Ambani's pre-wedding celebrations.

The youngest son of Indian billionaire tycoon Mukesh Ambani is set to marry his fiancee Radhika Merchant in July. With Mukesh Ambani's net worth estimated at $117 billion, according to Forbes, no expense needed to be spared for the weekend festivities.

Pop and R&B superstar Rihanna was spotted leaving one of the parties after performing. And the young couple hosted a communal dinner for more than 50,000 local villagers.

NITA AMBANI, MOTHER OF THE GROOM-TO-BE: When it came to my youngest son, Anant's wedding with Radhika I had two important wishes. First, I wanted to celebrate our roots.

SUD (voice-over): The festivities took place in a township near Ambani's main reliance oil refinery in India's Gujarat state. The family commissioned a sprawling temple complex especially for the event. While guests went home with scarves woven by local artisans as wedding favors. And all this four months before the couple officially tied the knot.

Vedika Sud, CNN, New Delhi.


KEILAR: I had Elvis at my wedding I thought that was cool.

Alright, so this ain't no western movie, but part of Utah has been taken over by tumbleweeds.



SANCHEZ: It's the attack of the tumbleweeds. The spiky balls have taken over a cul-de-sac in Utah. We're talking 10 feet high in some spots. Look at this video. It is hilarious, but kind of a problem for these neighbors.

A house got completely submerged. Some people couldn't even open their doors. People in Eagle Mountain say it is the worst pileup of tumbleweeds they've ever seen.

KEILAR: Looks pretty cool though, but also crazy here. City officials had to call in the heavy machinery, but then attempts at wrangling these unruly weeds proved to be a challenge.


Swallowed up a truck that was trying to clear the road, and the strong winds that blew in the tumbleweeds, that all happened because of the storms that dropped several feet of snow on parts of California over the weekend.

SANCHEZ: That does not look like fun riding your bike.

KEILAR: Just go bicycling.

SANCHEZ: Yes, get pelted by --

KEILAR: Have you ever seen anything like that?

SANCHEZ: A few years ago, something similar happened when I was working in Colorado. Fortunately, I was indoors. I didn't have to deal with it.

KEILAR: That's crazy. All right, "THE LEAD" with Jake Tapper starts right now.

SANCHEZ: Have a good afternoon.