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School Shooting in Joplin, Missouri; Two Officers Shot in Michigan; U.S. Response to North Korea's Claimed Nuclear Test; New Questions Regarding Who Knew What and When in Mark Foley Scandal; Vermont Missing Student

Aired October 09, 2006 - 13:59   ET


DON LEMON, CNN ANCHOR: What do you say when one of your worst nightmares seems to come true? Well, here's what President Bush had to say this morning about North Korea's claims to have tested a nuclear weapon.

GEORGE W. BUSH, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Last night, the government of North Korea proclaimed to the world that it had conducted a nuclear test. We're working to confirm North Korea's claim.

Nonetheless, such a claim itself constitutes a threat to international peace and security. The United States condemns this provocative act. Once again, North Korea has defied the will of the international community, and the international community will respond.

This was confirmed this morning in conversations I had with leaders of China and South Korea, Russia and Japan. We reaffirmed our commitment to a nuclear-free Korean peninsula, and all of us agree that the proclaimed actions taken by North Korea are unacceptable and deserve an immediate response by the United Nations Security Council.

The North Korean regime remains one of the world's leading proliferator of missile technology, including transfers to Iran and Syria. The transfer of nuclear weapons or materiel by North Korea to States or non-state entities would be considered a grave threat to the United States. And we would hold North Korea fully accountable for the consequences of such action.

The United States remains committed to diplomacy, and we will continue to protect ourselves and our interests. I reaffirm to our allies in the region, including South Korea and Japan, that the United States will meet the full range of our deterrent and security commitments. Threats will not lead to a brighter future for the North Korean people nor weaken the resolve of the United States and our allies to achieve the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.

Today's claim by North Korea serves only to raise tensions while depriving the North Korean people of the increased prosperity and better relations with the world offered by the implementation of the joint statement of the six-party talks. The oppressed and impoverished people of North Korea deserve that brighter future.

Thank you.


LEMON: Does nuclear test necessarily equal nuclear threat? North Korea's activities, nuclear or otherwise, are always a top concern of U.S. military.

CNN's Barbara Starr is keeping watch at the Pentagon.

Hi, Barbara.


The problem right now for the U.S. military, for the U.S. intelligence community is, several hours after this reported event in North Korea, the U.S. government is not yet able to confirm exactly what has transpired. Let's be very clear. What the U.S. government, what the Bush administration is saying is that there has been some type of seismic event in North Korea.

They cannot confirm yet that it is nuclear because, frankly, what they are looking at is what they call a sub-kiloton event. That means perhaps several hundred tons of explosives were set off.

That's a relatively small explosion, frankly, several hundred tons. That might be either a very, very small nuclear explosion or some type of conventional explosion. So what they have to do now is go through all the computer runs, all the analysis from all of the sensors that have been collecting data, take a hard look at them, and see what they have.

Don, when an explosion is that small, analysts tell us it's actually very difficult for them to tell the difference on those seismic waves that they have, whether those seismic waves were caused by conventional means or by a nuclear explosion. So the bottom line is, at this hour, they tell us it may be several days before they can make a final determination, and nobody is saying that they will absolutely be able to make a final determination on whether North Korea, in fact, did set off some type of nuclear test.

So, still, North Korea pulling the world's chain, making it very tough for people to figure out what this very reclusive government exactly has been up to -- Don.

LEMON: Yes, you kind of answered my question, we may never know, we might never know. How long would it take, though, for them to get some sort of device and put it onto a warhead, onto a ship? That's really the question here, can they launch one that can affect the rest of the world?

STARR: You know, there's a -- you're absolutely right. There's a couple of questions now. Really, it all falls into the category of, OK, what does this all mean?

Let's assume they did do some type of nuclear test. So, what can they do with all of that? Well, one question is, do they have the technology, the expertise, to miniaturize that nuclear device and put it on the front end of a missile and then have a missile with enough accuracy to deliver that nuclear weapon to a target? Right now, probably not.

Their last big missile test on July 4th didn't go well. None of those missiles actually reached their target. But does that really matter? Because, of course, the additional concern is proliferation.

North Korea is a country that sells every piece of weapons technology it has for cash. They're desperately poor, they're looking for money, and their weapons business is just about the only way they can make money. So, as you've heard President Bush say, as you've heard leaders around the world say today, a lot of concern that they will simply sell this type of technology now to the highest bidder, whether it's Iran or al Qaeda, that comes to their door with a suitcase full of cash -- Don.

LEMON: Barbara Starr at the Pentagon.

Thank you very much for that.

STARR: Sure.

KYRA PHILLIPS, CNN ANCHOR: Well, they've been uneasy neighbors for decades. Now North Korea's claims to have set off a nuclear weapon do nothing to make South Korea sleep better.

CNN's Sohn Jie-ae reports from Seoul, South Korea.


SOHN JIE-AE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: After North Korea announced that it had conducted a nuclear weapons test, South Korean president Roh Moo- hyun and visiting Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe conducted a summit. North Korea was on the top of the agenda for the two leaders. The two leaders agreed that the North Korea situation was a grave and serious one. But the Japanese prime minister had much tougher words for North Korea than the South Korean president, Roh Moo-hyun.

In a press conference following the summit, South Korean president Roh Moo-hyun called for close international cooperation to deal with the North Korean issue and had this to say about the significance of the nuclear weapons test...

PRES. ROH MOO-HYUN, SOUTH KOREA (through translator): What North Korea has done is breaking the trust of the international society. Our government will take care of this in a fast and a very clear and cut way.

SOHN: President Roh also said that South Korea was put in a difficult situation. He said that South Korea had called for dialogue more than Japan and the United States, and now that position of calling for dialogue and engagement with North Korea was weakened, if not undermined altogether.

On South Korean streets, South Korean people have also expressed disappointment and concern about the fate of the Korean peninsula in general.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): I can't say my friends at school are in panic, but they definitely seem nervous from this incident. There's no doubt that we have to deliver our strong message, but we should also give them an opportunity to improve the current situation. We should be able to accept their apology if they offer any.

SOHN: President Roh called upon the South Korean people to remain calm and to go about their daily business.

Sohn Jie-ae, CNN, Seoul.


LEMON: From Hong Kong to Jakarta, Tiananmen Square to Pyongyang, Mike Chinoy has crisscrossed Asia countless times for CNN over the years. In fact, Mike is one of the few journalists ever invited into North Korea. He's now an analyst for the Pacific Council on International Policy and he's joining us now from Los Angeles.

Before we get into the meat of this, how do we even know that this was actually a nuclear test? And does it really matter because -- as long as they're saying it is?

MIKE CHINOY, PACIFIC COUNCIL ON INTERNATIONAL POLICY: We don't know yet. It's going to take some time for the experts to go through all of the information that they can collect to determine just what happened. But I think it would be irresponsible for any serious policymaker to go on the assumption that this wasn't a nuclear test.

We know the North Koreans have fissile materiel in substantial quanties. They've said that they have a nuclear weapon. And unless proved otherwise, I think the operating assumption will be that they exploded something that had fissile materiel.

LEMON: We've talked about -- about NATO and what have you and everybody. You know, who's responsible, who's going to hold their feet to the fire. Isn't it really up to the Chinese -- China to do this? Because they not only supply food, but also the fuel to North Korea. Shouldn't they hold North Korea's feet to the fire?

CHINOY: There's no question that the Chinese are very upset with the North Koreans. The Chinese have been North Korea's best friends for many decades. But in recent months, relations have soured.

The North Koreans have ignored Chinese appeals not to test missiles in July, and they not only ignored Chinese appeals not to stage this nuclear test, assuming that's what it was, but they actually carried out the test while the prime minister of Japan was in Beijing meeting with Chinese leaders. So there is -- this does present a real problem, though, for the Chinese.

Beijing has been very uncomfortable with the idea of squeezing North Korea as a neighbor. China will face the fallout if some -- if North Korea collapses. It will be China where tens or hundreds of thousands of refugees will go. It will be China that stands to lose a lot.

And so they have been very uncomfortable with the notion of pushing for regime change or putting too much pressure at the same time the nuclear test does raise another nightmare for China, which is if Japan feels it now has to develop a nuclear capability in response, given that China and Japan are strategic rivals in Asia. So the Chinese are caught between a rock and a hard place, and the challenge for them will be to find a way to pressure North Korea enough to convince Pyongyang to change its tune, but not to put so much pressure that North Korea implodes, because then could have an even more dangerous situation than what we face now.

LEMON: Mike, do you think they have any allies in this? Or is everyone really squarely pitted against North Korea?

CHINOY: Well, in the short term, I think the North Koreans are very, very isolated. But I think the North Koreans have calculated this out very, very carefully, looking around the region at what's -- what -- what the fallout might be. And they may well have decided that they can tough out a strong international response, and in return, in six months or a year, that the fractures in Southeast Asia are so sharp between the Japanese and the South Koreans, between the Chinese and the Japanese, tensions between the U.S. and South Korea over its military alliance, that the pressure won't be sustainable.

And in the end, Pyongyang must have calculated that the world will come around to accept it as a full-fledged nuclear power and deal with it accordingly. And that appears to have been Kim Jong-il's goal.

LEMON: And Mike, in the lead-in to you, I said that you are one of the few journalists ever invited into North Korea. And you were actually -- you actually reported from the DMZ -- of the Demilitarized Zone.

Tell us about your experiences there.

CHINOY: Well, I've been -- I made 14 trips to North Korea during my many years at CNN. What strikes you most in North Korea, it's like going through the looking glass. Everything is the opposite of how it looks outside North Korea.

So when you're outside North Korea, they seem the menacing threat. When you're inside and you're talking to North Koreans, you get a sense of how much they feel under siege.

They feel that the U.S. is out to do them in. This was true for years and years, and it became more intense with the Iraq war and the ouster of Saddam Hussein and the Bush administration's adoption of the policy of the principle of pushing for regime change, dealing with rogue states. So the North Koreans really feel themselves beleaguered. And when you go there, they talk in those terms.

They are the ones who feel that they're the victim, not the aggressor. And it's that psychology, I think, that is driving them to declare, without any ambiguity, that they are a nuclear power. And I've had North Korean officials say to me openly, "If Saddam Hussein had had a nuclear weapon, he would still be in power, and we're not going to let the same thing happen to Kim Jong-il."

LEMON: Mike Chinoy, thank you very much for your expertise.

North Korea defies the U.S., the U.N., even China. "AC 360" takes a look at the impact, the fallout, and what's next. Plus, go undercover in the secret state for a brutal look at life inside North Korea, tonight beginning at 10:00 p.m. Eastern.

PHILLIPS: Straight ahead from the NEWSROOM, more on the Foley e- mails. A former Capitol aide under oath this week, and a newspaper reveals more about who knew and when.

LEMON: Iraqi police poisoned by food, but was it by accident or by enemies armed with a frightening new tactic? A report from Baghdad is straight ahead.

You're watching CNN, the most trusted name in news.


PHILLIPS: Well, turning back the timeline in the Mark Foley case. New questions over who knew what, when. With election day four weeks away, CNN National Correspondent Bob Franken always working every scandal in Washington, bringing us the latest details -- Bob.

BOB FRANKEN, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, we can confirm now from a spokesman for Republican congressman Jim Kolbe that Kolbe claims that in 2000, five years before other Republican leaders say that they had received notification about problems with congressman Mark Foley, he had heard from a former page, a former page who was concerned about some sort of Internet communication that he had gotten from Foley. The aide will only say that Congressman Kolbe dealt with the matter, will not say if he personally confronted congressman Foley or not. But the significance is that this moves the timeline back all the way to 2000.

Now, a person who had moved it back a couple of years is about to participate in the official investigations that are going to begin in earnest this week.


FRANKEN (voice over): Kirk Fordham, a former congressional staffer, will testify under oath before the House Ethics Committee this week. His lawyer says Fordham will repeat his claim he spoke to House Speaker Dennis Hastert's chief of staff about a Foley problem in or before 2003. That was years before Hastert's office acknowledges it knew.

Speaker Hastert's chief of staff, Scott Palmer, insists what Kirk Fordham says did not happen. But various media reports quote another aide as backing the 2003 timeline.

REP. RAHM EMANUEL (D), ILLINOIS: And what happened since that time? Mark Foley runs for Congress in 2004, even while they know there was problems. 2005, he's appointed to head the Missing and Abused Children Caucus for the Congress.

FRANKEN: Fordham worked for Foley, then later Congressman Thomas Reynolds. Reynolds is chairman of the Republican Congressional Campaign Committee and has released a mea culpa campaign ad for his role in all this.

REP. THOMAS REYNOLDS (R), NEW YORK: Looking back, more should have been done, and for that, I am sorry.

FRANKEN: As for Hastert's full schedule of campaign appearances with Republicans, it's not so full anymore. Among those withdrawing invitations is Ron Lewis of Kentucky.

REP. RON LEWIS (R), KENTUCKY: There is a cloud over the speaker, and until I can get some -- some facts and some information about what happened, then I'm going to -- to put everything on hold as far as working with the speaker on this campaign.

FRANKEN: President Bush is willing to be seen with the speaker. Hastert will appear with the president Thursday in Chicago. And White House Press Secretary/GOP campaigner Tony Snow will speak at a Hastert event next Saturday night.

Four weeks before the election, a "Newsweek" poll shows more than half, 52 percent, believe Hastert was trying to cover up. And 53 percent say they want Democrats to take over Congress.


FRANKEN: And, of course, if that happens, the question about whether Dennis Hastert should resign as speaker, Kyra, would become a moot question.

PHILLIPS: You know, there's been all this focus on Hastert, and should he keep his job or not. But then if you -- if you go back to what's happened, Bob, since this all came out, whether it's Fordham, Kolbe, Shimkus, who apparently said something to Mark Foley, you tend to wonder, was there a cover-up? Was this sort of a good old boy protection-type scenario, or were they just not really taking it that seriously?

FRANKEN: Well, that -- you've pretty much stated the question, but the critics would charge that by not taking it seriously, they were overlooking, not taking seriously something that many or most believe should be taken very seriously.

PHILLIPS: Well, they're all paying attention to it now, that's for sure.

Bob Franken, thanks.

Well, make sure you get your daily dose of political news from CNN's new "Political Ticker". Just go to

LEMON: And let's go straight to the newsroom. Betty Nguyen with a developing story -- Betty. BETTY NGUYEN, CNN ANCHOR: Don, the search is on right now for a 21- year-old student at the University of Vermont. She's been missing since Saturday. We actually have a picture of her to put her up, so -- for folks out there who may have seen her.

Her name is Michelle Gardner Quinn. She's of Arlington, Virginia. And here's what happened.

She went out Friday with a group of friends to celebrate on of their 21st birthdays at several downtown bars. But she left about 2:15 in the morning to walk back to campus. And her friends describe her as walking back with some random guy, and no one has seen her since.

Now, the Burlington Police say at this point that they don't believe she left on her own free will, and her friends say she is just simply not the type just to go missing all of a sudden. I want you to take a listen to Burlington Police Department Detective Ray Nails on why they believe a crime has been committed.


DET. RAY NAILS, BURLINGTON, VERMONT, POLICE: Well, we don't know, to answer you directly. What we do know is that this is very -- that this goes against everything that all her friends and family know about her.

She's reportedly very responsible. This is highly out of character. And given -- given the nature of the information that we have at this point in time, the time of the evening, the fact that she has not been in contact with family or friends during this home visit -- or excuse me, the school visit by her family, is why we've characterized this as highly suspicious.


NGUYEN: See, she was supposed to go home and have dinner with her parents. It was parents weekend there on campus. And she never made it there.

Now, we had talked about this man that she had walked home with, or at least back to campus, this random guy, as her friends describe him. Well, what is interesting here is police say that they have spoken with the man that her friends saw her leaving with early Saturday and that he is not a suspect in her disappearance, which raises more questions as to where is she and why is she missing?

Let me give you a description of Michelle Gardner Quinn. She is described as 5'8" tall, weighing 135 pounds. She has shoulder-length brown hair and a piercing in her nose. Now, she was last seen wearing a gray coat, a green cardigan sweater, and a light blue T-shirt.

So the search is on. She's just 21 years old. She's a student at the University of Vermont. And a lot of people really scratching their heads over where she is, because as her friends say, she is just not the type of person who just all of a sudden goes missing. As we mentioned, she didn't show up for dinner with her parents, and obviously they are extremely worried. So maybe someone out there, after we put that picture up, may have seen her and will call in to authorities.

LEMON: All right, Betty. Thank you very much for that.

PHILLIPS: Well, straight ahead from the NEWSROOM, a rare and chilling look inside North Korea. Taking pictures like these could get you killed. See them from the CNN NEWSROOM.


PHILLIPS: All right. This just coming in to CNN, actually via The Associated Press. They are breaking this story right now.

As you know, all throughout the morning -- actually, all throughout the night, since last night, we've been talking about North Korea allegedly conducting a nuclear test. That is yet to be proven. We're still waiting to hear from the United States.

North Korea saying they did test a nuclear weapon. We're still trying to confirm that.

But since this happened now, Associated Press apparently got a copy of a document from the U.N. that says it is proposing stringent U.N. sanctions against North Korea now, including a trade ban on military and luxury items, the power to inspect all cargo entering or leaving that country, and freezing assets connected with its weapons programs.

These proposals were among several ideas for a Security Council resolution that the United States shared with council diplomats after the story that we've been talking about since last night, North Korea allegedly conducting a nuclear test. That document obtained by the AP. We're now getting word possibly U.N. sanctions now, including, once again, trade ban on military and luxury items, also freezing assets connected with its weapons programs.

We'll stay on top of this. I know Richard Roth is working it from the U.N. We'll bring you as much information as we get it -- Don.

LEMON: All right, Kyra. And you know that claim? Well, it sent Asian stocks sharply lower. But how is it playing on Wall Street?

Susan Lisovicz joins us now from the New York Stock Exchange with some answers to that.



PHILLIPS: No outside influences, no outside scrutiny, no outsiders. North Korea is a closed society in every sense of the word, but you're about to get a rare inside look -- a look that came at the risk of several lives. It's part of a "CNN PRESENTS" documentary, "Undercover in the Secret State." Here's special correspondent Frank Sesno.


FRANK SESNO, CNN SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Across from this hill in China is one of the border towns in North Korea. Loudspeakers pump propaganda through the streets.

Somewhere over there, Mr. Lee, the undercover cameraman has new pictures to smuggle out.

When he finally arrives, Mr. Lee brings his new footage to a secret location.

MR. LEE, UNDERCOVER CAMERAMAN (through translator): It's been an incredibly tense time. How can I say this? There would have been no way if my work was discovered. They would have put me out of existence.

SESNO: This is uncensored North Korea in its bleak, unadulterated form.

LEE: Video camera is the most serious form of treason in North Korea. My wife came with me on the journey and she kept telling me not to do it. That we should just get on with our lives.

SESNO: He's captured people outside the station huddled in the streets, waiting for a train to arrive. Fuel shortages mean the trains don't often run.

LEE: I was petrified the guard was coming. The punishment they afflict on political offenders in North Korea is extremely severe. The system is such that they don't just punish the offender himself, his family and relatives are also punished.

I placed my camera inside a bag and made a hole on the side to secretly film. But the thing is, light was being reflected on the camera lens, so I had to be very, very careful.


PHILLIPS: And you can watch the full hour-long replay of "CNN PRESENTS: Undercover in the Secret State" tonight 11:00 Eastern, right here on CNN.

LEMON: Another school shooting today, this time in Missouri. A 13-year-old in a mask fired an AK-47 assault rifle in Memorial Middle School in Joplin, Missouri. Just before that happened, just before classes started this morning. The teen first pointed the gun at two students and then two administrators. The school superintendent says the boy asked them, quote, "please don't make me do this." Then he shot into the ceiling, breaking a water pipe. No one was hurt in that incident. Police quickly took the teen into custody. The superintendent says the student had been planning the attack for a long time.

One week ago today, 10 Amish girls were shot in their one-room schoolhouse in Pennsylvania. Five of them died.

Today church bells rang out across Lancaster County at 10:45 a.m. That's the same time Charles Carl Roberts unleashed his deadly assault. Roberts, as you know, turned one of his guns on himself as police were closing in.

A relief fund has been set up in the wake of the Amish tragedy. It's collected more than a half million dollars. If you want to help, send donations to the Nickel Mines School Victims Fund, care of Hometowne Heritage Bank. That's P.O. Box 337. Strasburg, Pennsylvania, 17579.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We had five victims die thus far as a result of this attack. And I'm going to give you their name and their age. First victim, Naomi, N-A-O-M-I Rose Ebersole, E-B-E-R-S-O-L-E, age seven.

Second victim, Anna, A-N-N-A Mae M-A-E Stoltzfus, S-T-O-L-T-Z-F- U-S, age 12.

Third victim, Marian Fisher, M-A-R-I-A-N F-I-S-H-E-R, age 13.

Fourth victim, Mary Liz Miller, M-A-R-Y L-I-Z M-I-L-L-E-R, age eight.

Fifth victim, Lina Miller, L-I-N-A M-I-L-L-E-R, age seven.


LEMON: Six years of secrecy. The "Washington Post" reports Republican Congressman Jim Kolbe knew about inappropriate Internet messages from his then colleague, Mark Foley, as far back as 2000. The "Post" says a former page showed Kolbe the messages, and Kolbe confronted Foley. The former Foley aide is expected to talk this week to the House Ethics Committee. An attorney for Kirk Fordham says he expects Fordham to tell the panel that he told House Speaker Dennis Hastert's chief of staff about Foley's conduct back in 2003. That aide, Scott Palmer, denies it.

In Foley's home district, the election must go on. His name will stay on the ballot, but the votes will go to a new Republican candidate. And he's got it tough, a long-time Republican incumbent in the district next door doesn't have it much easier. CNN senior political analyst Bill Schneider is in West Palm Beach, Florida.


WILLIAM SCHNEIDER, CNN SR. POLITICAL ANALYST: The House race here in Florida's 22nd Congressional District has always been considered a hot one. Well, it just got hotter.

(voice-over): It is the district right next door to the disgraced former Congressman Mark Foley's district. Republican Clay Shaw is a senior member of Florida's congressional delegation. Now the word "senior" should be highly valued in the district where one out of every four voters is over 60.

Democrat Ron Klein is using Shaw's standing as a congressional insider against him. The Foley scandal dominates press coverage here and it reinforces the image of an arrogant out-of-touch Congress.

So does the Medicare prescription drug plan, which a lot of voters here complain is too complicated and doesn't do much to control costs.

Congressman Shaw is trying to remind voters of the possibility that being an insider and having seniority can actually do a lot of good for the district.

(on camera): Odd, isn't it, that seniority has become an issue in this heavily senior district. Bill Schneider, CNN, West Palm Beach Florida.


LEMON: And make sure you get your daily dose of political news from CNN's new political ticker. Just go to

PHILLIPS: Straight ahead, entertainment news with Brooke Anderson of "SHOWBIZ TONIGHT." Hey Brooke, what's on tap?

BROOKE ANDERSON, CNN ENTERTAINMENT CORRESPONDENT: Hey there, Kyra, Well, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt make headlines even in India. A security guard gets really physical with the paparazzo. We're going to show you that. All that and more when CNN NEWSROOM continues.


PHILLIPS: It's getting so a pair of superstars can't take the kids on a rickshaw ride without drawing a posse of paparazzi. So what's the world coming to? "SHOWBIZ TONIGHT'S" Brooke Anderson joins me to explain. Hey, Brooke.

ANDERSON: Hey there, Kyra. Well, different country, but same paparazzi problems for Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. The couple is currently in India, where Jolie is shooting the movie "A Mighty Heart." The flick is about slain "Wall Street Journal" reporter Daniel Pearl. Now Jolie plays Pearl's widow Mariane. Pitt's production company Plan B is producing it.

OK, you see these pictures. Well, since the pair arrived with their kids, they've been hounded by photographers. And yesterday, they took their five-year-old son, Maddox, for a ride in a rickshaw through the streets of Puna, India. Well they had to cut this trip short after just 20 minutes because the paparazzi chased them from street to street, constantly surrounding them and trying to snap a photo.

Now, just one day earlier on Saturday, the couple's bodyguard got really physical with a British photographer. You see it here as he tried to take their picture. He grabbed the paparazzo by the neck, shoved him back, all of it was caught on tape. Jolie released a statement not about this particular incident, but she released a statement thanking the people of India for their warm welcome.

Coincidentally, one of our own, CNN's Christiane Amanpour will narrate an upcoming HBO documentary about the same subject of the movie Jolie is working on. It's about the murder of Daniel Pearl.

All right, Oscar-winning director Clint Eastwood is taking moviegoers back to World War II with his new film, "Flags of our Fathers." Over the weekend, Eastwood held a press conference here in L.A. to talk about the movie, which focuses on the bloody battle of Iwo Jima. Eastwood talked about what he hopes the audience gets out of his film and why these men are heroes.


CLINT EASTWOOD, DIRECTOR: Maybe give the audience a feeling of what it was like at that time, what these people dedicated their lives -- or donated their lives for. The feeling of false celebrity, something that we're seeing quite common these days.


ANDERSON: "Flags of our Fathers" opens on October 20th. He's also making another movie about World War II and Iwo Jima from the Japanese perspective.

OK, tonight on "SHOWBIZ TONIGHT," marriage secrets in Hollywood. While the breakups make the headlines, what about all the good marriages? How do the stars make it work? The untold secrets to marriage success, on T.V.'s most provocative entertainment news show. That is "SHOWBIZ TONIGHT," 11:00 p.m. Eastern, 8:00 Pacific on CNN "Headline Prime." A.J. Hammer and I hope to see you then -- Kyra?

PHILLIPS: Sounds good. Thanks, Brooke.

LEMON: Wheat Thins and dew, and not the mountain kind we're talking about here. That's how Raymond Vachon says he survived four days in the woods after his SUV went off the road. Not everybody could have done it, but Vachon, who is 59 and diabetic, says once a scout, always a scout.


RAYMOND VACHON, SURVIVOR: A lot of it comes down to Boy Scout training, as silly as it sounds. I knew that there's dew on the plants in the morning. So I kind of sucked on some of the plants.


LEMON: Good for him, glad he's OK. The ordeal taught Vachon a new lesson in survival. He says he plans to buy a cell phone. I can't remember the scout honor you take. I took it, but I don't remember it. Let's go straight to the NEWSROOM now. Betty Nguyen has some developing news for us -- Betty?

NGUYEN: Yes we do. Actually, two officers have been shot in Flint, Michigan. Here's what we know so far. It originally started as a 911 call, and officers thought this was just a domestic dispute.

Well, when two officers arrived, there was a backup team that followed after them, and they found those first two officers shot. Now, we don't know exactly what happened, but obviously, a gun battle did ensue, and the two officers did receive injuries from those gunshot wounds. Although they were not life-threatening, they are deemed minor injuries, according to what we're learning from the police department.

But one suspect was injured in that shootout, and another suspect was killed by police. Still, a lot of questions. We don't know exactly what happened. Although this was originally believed to be a domestic dispute, bottom line, two officers have been shot. One suspect was shot, and another suspect is dead after being shot by police. We'll get more information on it and bring it to you, Don.

LEMON: All right. Thank you very much for that, Betty.

Well, a new risk on the produce aisle. A company recalls its lettuce amid concerns over e. coli. The who, what and why just ahead in the NEWSROOM.

PHILLIPS: Plus, pesticides, dioxins and more. One man tests himself for chemicals gets the shock of his life. That's coming up in the CNN NEWSROOM.

NICOLE LAPIN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: What do Indra Nooyi, Meg Whitman and Oprah Winfrey have in common? Well, according to "Fortune Magazine", they're among the 50 most powerful women in business. We have more for you at At the top of the list, Indra Nooyi, Pepsi's new CEO. The Indian-born strategist, Nooyi is the driving force behind the company's $108 billion stock market value.

Next on the list, Anne Mulcahy, chairman and CEO of Xerox. She helped Xerox grow by emphasizing color and digital printing and also developing new products. Rounding out the top three is eBay's CEO and president Meg Whitman. With a market cap of $37 billion, the Internet trading company is a dotcom powerhouse, but Whitman's goal is to constantly revitalize the firm. Whitman always came in seventh on the list of highest paid women.

And it's really no surprise that Oprah made the list. She's now making waves with her new "Oprah & Friends Show" on XM Satellite Radio. You can check out the complete list and a lot more of the powerful women at

From the ".Com Desk", I'm Nicole Lapin.

(COMMERCIAL BREAK) LEMON: First spinach, now concerns about lettuce and beef. Foxy brand lettuce is being recalled in several western states because of possible e. coli contamination. It was grown in the same area of tainted spinach that's suspected in the deaths of three people. If you live in one of these seven states, you should take the lettuce back to the store for a refund or simply throw it away.

This comes days after an Iowa company recalled 5200 pounds of ground beef, most of which had probably been eaten already. So far, no reports of illness from lettuce or beef. You can fin more information on our website,

PHILLIPS: The good news is, he night not burn. The bad news, I was kidding about the good news. There's not much for a California man to be happy about in the lengthy printout of nasty and dangerous chemicals found in his bloodstream. Among them, lots and lots of fire retardant.

CNN's Ted Rowlands has his unique story.


TED ROWLANDS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: San Francisco science writer David Duncan decided to find out exactly what chemicals are inside his body. "National Geographic" shelled out $15,000 to have David's blood tested for 320 different chemicals.

DAVID DUNCAN, JOURNALIST: They yanked out, sucked out about 14 vials of blood.

ROWLANDS: The results, reported in the October issue of "National Geographic" showed David's body has detectable levels of 165 different chemicals, including 97 PCBs, which are so toxic they were outlawed in 1977. There were 16 different pesticides found in David; ten dioxins, which are linked to cancer; seven different phthalates, that have been found in things like shampoo and baby toys; seven different PFAs, a suspected carcinogen used in non-stick pans; three metals, including mercury, found in fish and lead, found in old paint. And finally, there were 25 different PBDEs, chemicals that are very common used as a fire retardant for fabrics and carpet.

DUNCAN: This is my level on the green bar. And you can see that's way up.

ROWLANDS: The amount of fire retardant chemical in David was more than ten times the average amount found in a recent study of Americans and 200 times the amount found in a group tested from Sweden.

The effects are unclear. Lab animals have suffered deformities. David says he doesn't know why his levels are so high.

DUNCAN: It may be that these are perfectly harmless, these chemicals at these levels, or it might be dangerous.

ROWLANDS: Another shock for David had to do with his mercury levels. At first he tested at five micrograms per liter, well below the level of ten that's considered high. But then he ate two consecutive meals of fish.

DUNCAN: I had the swordfish for dinner and the halibut for breakfast.

ROWLANDS: Twenty four hours later, his level of mercury shot up to 12. Medical experts say mercury levels usually fluctuate. Other chemicals, like the ones found in non-stick frying pans can stay in your system for life.

DUNCAN: These are together inside of me and in all of us, and they're interacting in ways that is very poorly understood.

ROWLANDS: Health advocates think that chemical exposure could explain rising rates in certain cancers and possibly even be linked to other conditions like autism.

JANET NUDLEMAN, BREAST CANCER FUND: We're literally looking at an increasing body of scientific evidence that links chemical exposures to increasing rates of disease.

GOV. ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, (R) CALIFORNIA: It is important to know more about how those chemicals are built up in our bodies.

ROWLANDS: Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger recently signed legislation making California the first state in the country to have a program that will test volunteers and compare what's inside different people. The challenge then will be to figure out which, if any, of the chemicals are harmful.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: By spraying a non-toxic weed killer on the jungle growth...

ROWLANDS: Agent Orange, now banned, was considered harmless to humans when it was dumped on the jungles in Vietnam, as was asbestos, which had to be pulled out of millions of buildings after it was linked to cancer.

Without more information about the effects of these chemicals, none of us know what, if any, part of modern world may actually be making us sick.

Ted Rowland, CNN, San Francisco.