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Analysis And Reaction To Zimmerman Verdict

Aired July 14, 2013 - 16:00   ET


DON LEMON, CNN ANCHOR: Jake, we're going to talk about a little bit more about that -- what you were talking about, that fiery debate you just had. You were speaking to one of my dear friends who I have known for a long time, Buck Davis. A very interesting information about race. We're going to continue that.

And you and I have been talking back and forth on e-mail about that particular conversation. And learning a lot. I think there's a lot to be learned from this case moving forward. If there's anything to be learned, we can talk to each other without judging each other if we're going to move forward. Don't you think?

JAKE TAPPER, CNN ANCHOR, THE LEAD: I totally agree. Although I keep our e-mails private, it's an interesting discussion we have had and I think that we're definitely going to have more of this on our air and privately on e-mail, as well.

LEMON: Yes, right. Thank you, Jake.

Hello, everyone. I'm Don Lemon live in Sanford, Florida, with CNN special coverage of the Zimmerman verdict.

The trial is over and George Zimmerman is a free man. Emotions are still strong. How one case is sparking conversations about race in America, healing in America and the law in America. So let's get started. Let's get right in to it right now.

Two words from Sanford, Florida, reverberating across the nation and those words are not guilty.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: State of Florida versus George Zimmerman, verdict, we the jury find George Zimmerman not guilty.


LEMON: Here in Sanford and across the nation, people rallied for Trayvon Martin vowing to keep fighting to honor the fallen teen. Others rallied to support for Zimmerman.

Trayvon Martin's family tried to heal by going to church. Pastors from coast to coast mentioned the Martins in sermons today urging peace and compassion. And just a short time, President Obama released a statement on the Zimmerman verdict. He talked about how to honor Trayvon Martin and we are going to bring you President Obama's full statement in a few minutes here on CNN.

But meantime, George Zimmerman is enjoying a first full day of freedom out of the spotlight. We have not seen him since he walked out of court last night. His lawyer said he is afraid for his life. When's next for George Zimmerman? That's a big question here.

It is not just in Florida. The acquittal of George Zimmerman has sparked rallies and protests all across the country.


CROWD: Not one more! Not one more! Not one more!


LEMON: Well, that was a scene in Chicago late last night. Demonstrators took to the street shouting, not one more. May held pictures of Trayvon Martin as they marched. Now, about a dozen people gathered in downtown Dallas following the verdict. They held signs saying no justice, no peace.

Not all of the protests were peaceful. This one took place in Oakland, California, and that's where protesters smashed in the windows of a transit police car in the street.

We are also hearing from President Obama on the Zimmerman trial verdict. The White House issued a statement just a few hours ago.

The president says the death of Trayvon Martin was a tragedy, not just for his family or any one community but for America. I know this case has elicited strong passions. And in the wake of the verdict I know those passions may be running even higher. But we are a nation of laws and a jury has spoken. I now ask every American to respect the call for calm reflection from two parents who lost their young son. And as we do, we should ask ourselves if we're doing all we can to widen the circle of compassion and understanding in our own communities. We should ask ourselves if we're doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence that claims too many lives across this country on a daily basis. We should ask ourselves as individuals and as a society how we can prevent future tragedies like this. As citizens, that's a job for all of us. That's the way to honor Trayvon Martin.

So despite the guilty -- not guilty verdict, the nation's oldest civil rights organization wants to keep the fight going George Zimmerman. The president of the NAACP, Ben Jealous, says he's calling on the justice department to launch a federal civil rights investigation. And this morning on CNN "STATE OF THE UNION" he spoke of patience.


BEN JEALOUS, PRESIDENT, CEO, NAACP: It's important. Just as we all put our faith in this justice system here in Florida and in the jury, that we let the justice system run its course and the reality in these types of cases where there are very serious questions, we know that there will be a state phase, there will a civil face, almost assuredly and then there will be a federal civil rights phase and we are putting our faith in that system.


LEMON: So in churches across the country, preaches made last-minute changes in the sermon taking into account the Zimmerman verdict.

CNN's John Zarrella went to a Baptist church in Miami Gardens earlier today. It is the church that Trayvon Martin's mother, Sybrina Fulton, usually attends. I want to get to CNN's John Zarrella now.

And John, how's the service this morning?

JOHN ZARRELLA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Hey, Don, yes. I got you, Don. What we had today was over at the church this morning, in Miami Gardens, which is the church where Trayvon Martin's mother Sybrina Fulton went, where his father, Tracy Martin also attended, where Trayvon went in the same neighborhood, Miami Gardens neighborhood where he grew up. And through the course of this, there was some talk that perhaps Sybrina might be there this morning. Of course, we really did not expect that. But she did talk to the pastor. And the pastor said that quite clearly she is very, very upset.


PASTOR ARTHUR JACKSON, ANTIOCH MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH: Very upset. They're very heart broken as you can imagine. As any parent would be. At the senseless tragedy of losing a child. But I applaud her. I commend her faith in god. She's still trusting god amid the trial.


ZARRELLA: And Pastor Jackson said that the message that Sybrina wanted him to carry to the congregation and to the community was that very message of still trusting god as she did trust in God and still does.

And some members of the family were at church today and they spoke of the fact that, you know, this was a situation that nobody should have to go through again.


IESHA FELTON, TRAYVON MARTIN'S RELATIVE: And we're just -- keep everybody in your prayers. Remember, Trayvon and Sybrina said your son could have been my baby, could have been anyone in America's baby. Just walk in to the store and coming back with skittles and iced tea.

ROBERTA FELTON, TRAYVON MARTIN'S RELATIVE: Well, I think a lot of young people at this moment may be feeling very burdened like we all are, but they have to know in their faith. They have to know that God have it and that no matter what he has it. We give it to him. We give our burdens to him. So, just stand strong and be peaceful and stand together and hold one another up.

MILTON FELTON, TRAYVON MARTIN'S RELATIVE: Is the peace -- where does it end? Peace about what it is. Accordingly. Also say I'm very proud of Trayvon Martin moved. It's tragedies. Our good of the nature.


ZARRELLA: Now, a lot of me believes of the community there in Miami gardens, in particularly at the church today, were telling us that if you thought there was going to be violence that erupted in the wake of this verdict that that really was stereotyping the community and that, in fact, that was putting them in a box and that that could not have been further from the truth. They never believed it would happen. And even the pastor told us that he believed it was a testament to the community out there how they have handled things in the wake of this verdict. And what they're doing is they're channeling their anger and the belief, Don, is what they're going to do is channel it to get rid of certain laws, one they pointed out, of course, to us was the Florida stand your ground law which to them is something they'd like to see gone.

LEMON: All right. John Zarrella, thank you very much. Appreciate that.

Sunday worshippers stopped to reflect on the Zimmerman verdict today. In Atlanta, that Ebenezer Baptist church, doctor Martin Luther King Junior's home congregation, the pastor this morning called for all parishioners under 18-years-old to step forward in a tribute to Trayvon Martin.

Several of the Martin family members attended services today in Miami Day County, Florida. A cousin told CNN that the Martin Family's concerned. They are hurt and disappointed. But they're leaning on their faith.

And in Sanford, Florida, today, worshippers held a special prayer day in the town churches at the midday rally in the courthouse.

George Zimmerman walked out of the courthouse a free man. But his legal troubles could be far from over. The reason he may face new criminal charges.

Intense media scrutiny in the national spotlight, as well. It's hard to imagine what Zimmerman's defense team went through. Two attorneys of high profile clients can relate.

I'm going to talk to them just ahead.


LEMON: Welcome back, everyone.

Earlier we heard the president of the NAACP call for the justice department to get involved in the Zimmerman case. So, let's talk about the department of justice investigation. Many are now calling for federal intervention. The NAACP president calling on the DOJ to file civil rights charges against George Zimmerman. Rene Marsh joins me from Washington.

Rene, is there any indication which -- that there may be something that the justice department will do following this not guilty verdict?

RENE MARSH, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Right. So, Don, that is the big question. Which way will the justice department go on this? We don't know. The justice department saying they're investigating, looking at all of the evidence in this case. But here's what we can tell you. The NAACP and the ACLU, they're calling on DOJ to act. The NAACP, they started this petition. It's posted on their Web site. It is and posted on and the traffic is so heavy on the NAACP Web site for people trying to fill out the petition and the Web site is temporarily down. It crashed. They did tell us that they were able to collect some 230,000 signatures. at last check they secured about 150,000 signatures and these are people who say that George Zimmerman violated Trayvon Martin's fundamental civil right to live.

Now, in response to the call for action, the department of justice just put out a statement just a short time ago saying that experienced prosecutors will determine if there is any evidence to show that they are able to prosecute on the basis of a violation of criminal civil rights. And of course, it has to be within their jurisdiction.

So, Don, at the very at least, what we know based on holder's own words in the past, charging Zimmerman with a hate crime would be very tough. Take a listen.


ERIC HOLDER, ATTORNEY GENERAL: Federal hate crime, we have to prove the highest standard in the law, something that was reckless, that was negligent, does not meet that standard. We have to show that there was specific intent to do the crime with the reckless state of mind.


MARSH: All right. And Don, you just mentioned just about an hour ago, we received that first reaction of President Obama of the not guilty verdict in the George Zimmerman trial -- Don.

LEMON: All right. Rene Marsh, thank you very much.

Now that the jury decided, George Zimmerman is not guilty. What is he supposed to do? The man some call the most hated man in America begins a life that's completely different than the one he had a year and a half ago. And his brother told CNN's "New Day" this morning that life is going to be an adjustment.


ROBERT ZIMMERMAN, GEORGE ZIMMERMAN'S BROTHER: He is adjusting. That's really the best way I can put it. I think he's been caged in. He had the constraints with GPS and showing up to court every day and having this weighing on him. Freedom is kind of a new concept to him all over again. As bizarre as it sounds, he really is free to move about this country for the first time in a long time.


LEMON: Robert Zimmerman also says his brother must learn to move around in a very low profile way and keep to himself, as well.

So, Zimmerman's defense team scored a huge victory late last night, although, that didn't stop the defense attorney Don West from ripping the prosecution. Listen to this.


DON WEST, ZIMMERMAN DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I think the prosecution of George Zimmerman was disgraceful. I am gratified by the jury's verdict. As happy as I am for George Zimmerman, I'm thrilled that this jury kept this tragedy from becoming a travesty. We needed facts unlike what Miss Corey said, they brought the facts? They didn't. Anybody that watched this trial knew the defense put on the case.


LEMON: I want to bring in -- we have not been here all night. But seems like we have been. I want to bring legal analyst and defense attorney Mark Nejame and then also, CNN's Martin Savidge here in Sanford, Florida.

And I'm going to start with mark first because it is considered classic for defense attorneys to hammer the prosecution? I mean, basically, what did he say, was Martin, you say it was disgusting?


LEMON: Is that considered classy to do that? Does that normally happen?

MARK NEJAME, CNN LEGAL ANALYST: It doesn't normally happen. I think what you see is a true not a spur of the moment, not just a moment of passion, but a true distrust each side to the other. And they have come to totally disrespect each other.

You hear Don West, who I happen to have known for years, never heard him act that way or say anything like that. When I looked at his comments, I think he truly believes his perspective is that the prosecutors did things that were questionable and he's simply not going to shrug it off and with that said, I think it's always best that you shake hands with your opponent then you go beat each other's brains out afterwards in court or whatever you need to do, but you don't just do that but that shows the level of the animosity that exists between them.

LEMON: Martin, as I was talking to people last night, some of the other reporters, some other court watchers, they're saying there was a moment where John guy went over to shake their hands and they wouldn't do it. Is that true?

SAVIDGE: Yes. You know, it has to be pointed out that it is not just Don West. Mark O'Mara also, has as strong misgivings about how the prosecution handled this case. But if you haven't noticed already, Don West and Mark O'Mara are two very different styles when it comes to their personas.

So, I think that Mark O'Mara, you know, is a little more softer, a little folksier in the presentation. Don West didn't mince words. He had been increasingly frustrated as the trial went on. I mean, we saw it early, interactions with the judge, interactions with objections that were made that he was increasingly feeling like this prosecution and this judge in many ways were unfairly and maybe unethically against the defense and it just kept building. And, you know, perhaps one of the most famous moments was the walk-out of the judge had on that very late hour just a couple of days ago. So, Don West, afterwards, is not one to easily let things go. And there are serious questions that still have to be resolved. It is not like this is just a matter of personality clashes.

LEMON: We have to go to break here but, I know you and Mark O'Mara know each other, right?


LEMON: I don't know if you're friendly or still friendly, I want to know about how people in the community are reacting. And I also want the know how people in the legal community are reacting after this.

But we will get to that right after a break. Stay here guys. You guys stay with us, as well.


LEMON: Hello, everyone. Don Lemon here in Sanford, Florida. Again, with CNN special coverage of the verdict and the fallout.

Let's get back to the conversation about Zimmerman's defense attorney Don West. He said the prosecution was a disgraceful and throughout the trial, West fired insults at the prosecution accusing them of being sneaky and unethical.


DON WEST, ZIMMERMAN'S DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Oh my God. Just when I thought this case couldn't get any more bizarre. The state is seeking third-degree murder based on child abuse? Is the court going to give this any serious contention or consideration? Because if so, we have a lot of talking to do. It's not fair to me, it's not fair to Mr. Zimmerman or Mr. O'Mara or the court. Judge, this was a trick.


LEMON: So I'm here now in Sanford again, with Martin Savidge and CNN legal analyst and attorney Mark Nejame.

So, Martin, first of all, what are people saying about West's aggressive style here in the community?

SAVIDGE: He's a great attorney. I don't think there's any real doubt on that. Were there moments he wasn't so great in this particular trial? Yes, I think even Mark O'Mara would say there's times that issues came up, some of them let's say the cross-examination of Rachel Jeantel. You know, that became what appeared, at least for the public's perspective, a test of wills.

You know, I understand what Don West was trying to do and he was carefully trying to go in and dissect some of her testimony. But she wasn't having any of it and a big yen rational gap and among other reasons that they didn't connect. So, he couldn't be really effective with her. But it looked like now he was combative with her and many people didn't like that.

The knock-knock joke, of course, you know, that didn't set things off well. The Instagram photograph, the ice cream which in relation to Rachel Jeantel. So, there were a number of ways that Don West didn't appear to always be at his best or appeared to be an angry, aggressive, attacking type of person. But he's still a very good attorney and you have that play of personalities, Mark O'Mara is very different. So, you know, I think -- well, the results speak for themselves.

LEMON: Let's talk about -- he talked about the community here but the larger community but also people inside the legal community, as well. You know Mark O'Mara. You know these guys. You know Don West, as well. Did you refer Mark O'Mara for this case?

You were supposed to be handling the case, weren't you? You has to do this case.

NEJAME: Supposed is the big word. I turned it down twice. I actually got a call and I got a release on this. I got a call from George Zimmerman when this case was initially under investigation. My office, I just turned it down. And then after he brought in two other lawyers that quickly were dismissed, remember the debacle on the courthouse steps, I then got a call of a friend of his and several references as I come in and they wanted to hire me and I said, no. By then, I had signed a contract with CNN. So, I think I made the better of the choices.

But in all honesty, I just came off a trail of large cases, three of them. I have a young family and I just simply said this is really going to suck the life out. I gave several names but Mark was atop of the list and several reasons that Martin just talked about in his some of his discussions and interviews. I knew that he didn't have a bigoted bone in his body. I worked with him for two months covering the Casey Anthony case. We were both legal analyst. So, I knew that not having any prejudice was a good thing, of course. But in addition to that, I knew he had a calm demeanor and this was such an easy case where passions could be really just set afire and I knew that he has a calm demeanor, I thought that was important.

LEMON: Did that work to his advantage, you think? NEJAME: I didn't care -- I would give anybody with a call of Trayvon Martin's family I would have done the same thing. And just as an aside, I mean, impressed with Natalie Jackson. You know, Natalie has been to my house. We see each other, greet each with the hug and I become of become friends with Daryl Parks. I mean, you now, You know? We'll see each other and we'll talk, give each other a hug.

LEMON: Will things change for him? Will people treat him differently --?

NEJAME: Some will. You know, that's the plight as a criminal defense attorney. You give, you represent somebody that I think that you are that person. That's why many times, as far as I concern, you will be the underdog because of society was some in the legal profession. Why? Because they attach us to our clients and we are not our clients. We are advocates. An remember, many prosecutors end up becoming defense lawyers and we are simply there to advocate and I think that's imperative for the judicial system to work and each side to get the best lawyer they can get and the best present to represent both sides.

LEMON: We have to leave it there. Thanks to both of you. We will see around. Don't worry. We have lots more show to go here. Thanks a lot to both of you.

Next hour, e are going to talk about the prosecution with both of you guys.

In the meantime, Florida state attorney Angela Corey has friends and foes after the Zimmerman trial. And that's the discussion to talk about next hour.

And for more than a year now, George Zimmerman has feared for his life. Will he still wear his bullet-proof vest? A glimpse of what his life may look like now that his trial is over.


LEMON: We just had a conversation about George Zimmerman and the legal troubles that he still may face related to the death of Trayvon Martin. But as far as his murder trial goes, he is free and clear, all charges are wiped away. Where will he live? What will he do for a living? His family says it's all private.

CNN's David Mattingly is live here in Sanford today. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

DAVID MATTINGLY, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): He has been in hiding for over a year, daring to venture out only in disguise and wearing body armor. Since killing Trayvon Martin, life with George Zimmerman is filled with isolation and caution.

MARK O'MARA, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: There are a lot of people who would think George killed Trayvon for racial reason even though nothing supports that. And if they feel that anger enough they could react violently. MATTINGLY: There have been tweets, e-mail and letters wishing him bodily harm or death. Now that George Zimmerman is free, almost certain he won't be able to go back to the life he had before, pursuing a career in law enforcement.

MIKE PAUL, REPUTATION MANAGEMENT COUNSELOR: That is the absolute worst thing you can do. It might be your old passion; my advice would be to find a new passion. And it needs to be helping people in a very different way. A way that is much more compassionate. Not just involving law enforcement.

MATTINGLY: For a view of life after acquittal, Zimmerman may need to look no further than Casey Anthony. The hated young mother found not guilty of murdering her 2-year-old daughter. She is since lived in hiding and in financial ruin. Cheney Mason was her defense attorney.

CHENEY MASON, CASEY ANTHONY DEFENSE ATTORNEY: And you never know who the nuts are and where they are. There are still people that threaten me.

MATTINGLY: It sounds like there are very severe consequences for being found guilty in a court of public opinion.

MASON: They are. You don't have Jell-O and cheese sandwiches in jail.

MATTINGLY: It may not be hopeless for Zimmerman he continues to have strong support from his immediate family. Part of the defense is being paid for by thousands of dollars donated by the public but even here there could be problems.

GENE GRABOWSKI, CRISIS PUBLIC RELATIONS MANAGER: He has to avoid the appearance of creating more divisions by accepting money or support openly from groups that may be would create more friction because of the, you know, the tenor of this case. He's got to be very careful about who he associates with afterwards, even if they're offering financial support.

MATTINGLY: Shortly after his dramatic acquittal, George Zimmerman's first steps back in to private life were hidden from cameras and public view. His destination -- his plans a closely guarded secret.

ROBERT ZIMMERMAN, GEORGE ZIMMERMAN'S BROTHER: He has always feared for his safety. We have always feared for his safety and our safety as a family. Clearly, you know, he's a free man in the eyes of the court but he's going to be looking around his shoulder for the rest of his life.


LEMON: David Mattingly is here with me live now. Is that an exaggeration? I mean is George Zimmerman always going to have to look over his shoulder literally for the rest of his life?

MATTINGLY: Well he has been wearing a bullet-proof vest every time he goes out in public. He's been doing that for like the year. He's very, very concerned about his safety and he doesn't see a way out of it any time in the near future. His own attorney says that he worries about his safety going forward, not just finding a job, finding a place to live, and some place where he can possibly disappear, which is going to be very unlikely. But there will always be people who remember this case and will always be passions around it.

LEMON: You were out amongst the demonstrators last night here and is it fair to say that the journalists outnumber the demonstrators?

MATTINGLY: Toward the end, yes.

LEMON: And I ask that because I remember the Casey Anthony trial and verdict. There were many more protestors, I mean there was a visceral hate for her, right.

MATTINGLY: Right. But it was a very controlled situation here. We are on a busy highway. This is a campus that's off that highway. They were able to control the comings and goings of everybody here. They had everybody corralled to an area.

LEMON: How many people were physically wanted to possibly harm her is what I'm saying?

MATTINGLY: Well the point I'm making is they made it more difficult for people to gather here than it was for Casey Anthony. You could come from anywhere you wanted, find a parking place and show up to protest against Casey Anthony. You couldn't really do that here. Space was limited and it was a little more difficult to get here.

LEMON: Yes. But it's unbelievable that people still hate her to this day and that even her attorney is looking over his shoulder.

MATTINGLY: Right. The things that George Zimmerman has to look in to doing is making sure that he appears contrite. Whenever he does appear in public, whenever anyone confronts him about that. Second of all, he has got to try and disappear. Because he doesn't want to have a high profile. The last thing he needs to do right now according to experts I talked to was to make sure that he does not give the impression to people that he beat the system.

LEMON: Yes. Appear nonchalant about it, as if he doesn't care. Thank you very much. Good reporting. Thank you, David.

George Zimmerman trial was a media magnet. Traditional outlets, of course, blanketed the trial and online and social media chronicled every single development. Two defense attorneys join me now. Both know what it's like to work through intense media spotlights with high profile clients.

Tom Mesereau successfully defended Michael Jackson in his 2005 trial on child molestation charges. And Jeralyn Merritt was one of the principle trial lawyers for timothy McVeigh in the Oklahoma City bombing case. It is good to see both of you. Thank you for joining me. I'm going to start with you first Tom. Did George Zimmerman jury make the right decision in your estimation?

TOM MESEREAU, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: No. I think it's an unjust verdict. I think it's a verdict that devalued a young black life. Never the less I understand it. I think the jury concluded that the prosecution had not met its burden of proof. Had not proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Zimmerman did not have a reasonable fear of imminent bodily harm. They looked at his injuries. They didn't really know what happened. They got conflicting versions and he is the only one alive from that event and so I think they probably said it wasn't proven. But do I think it's a just verdict? I do not.

LEMON: your reaction.

JERALYN MERRITT, FORMER MCVEIGH DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I think it's an absolutely just verdict. Criminal trials are not designed to be a search for truth. They're designed for one simple purpose. Has the prosecution met its burden of proof by proving each and every element of the crime charged beyond a reasonable doubt. That's all it is. A testing of the evidence.

In this case, the prosecution did not meet its burden and the verdict should have been not guilty. And in fact, the charges as everyone has noticed have been, you know, were overblown. It's starting with the second-degree murder.

LEMON: Yes. That was my next question to you. Maybe ask you to continue on. Was George Zimmerman overcharged and if so why do jurors buy the manslaughter option? Hold your response until after the break.


LEMON: We continue on now to assessing the aftermath of the George Zimmerman trial. We are talking with two defense attorneys now who have been through very high profile trials like this. Tom Mesereau, of course, worked with Michael Jackson. And then Jeralyn Merritt also worked with handling high profile cases, as well. We have been talking about both sides.

She handled the Timothy McVeigh Oklahoma City bombing case. I asked you, Jeralyn, in the break, before the break about the Zimmerman case being overcharged and if so why didn't jurors buy the manslaughter option?

MERRITT: Well, the jurors didn't buy the manslaughter option because justifiable use of force means the killing was not unlawful. And therefore, they couldn't. The jury instructions told them, right inside them, that if they were to find justifiable use of force it was not a crime. They couldn't convict of either. Murder 2 or manslaughter.

And so, when you look at what the justifiable use of force, the self defense was, it was a reasonable person standard. This means that this jury thought that Zimmerman acted reasonably. And that's what they believed. That's what the evidence showed.

LEMON: Yes. So Tom --

MERRITT: I mean, it is not a crime.

LEMON: Yes. I got it. I got it. Tom, what could or should prosecutors --

MESEREAU: I disagree.

LEMON: Go ahead.

MESEREAU: Well, I agree from a practical point of view. The case was overcharged. You know, in the Conrad Murray case, the Michael Jackson family and the fans all over the world wanted second-degree murder. I said don't do it. It's going to help the defense. The defense is going to -- the defense is going to say this man is overcharged. The prosecutors lack credibility. They misused the power, they have abused their authority.

I felt that there was a better chance of a conviction with involuntary manslaughter. So yes, overcharging a case can affect the prosecution's credibility and help the defense. I think it did in this case. But I do think manslaughter would have been the right -- with the right charge and it would have been the right outcome. Zimmerman drove to the scene. Brought a deadly weapon to the scene. Decided to confront Trayvon Martin. Didn't have to do any of that. He was advised by the police not to get out of the car and not to confront him. The Homeowner Association rules said don't confront someone you suspect of committing a crime or about to commit the a crime.

He took the law into his own hands and he brought unreasonable force to the situation and I think he should have been convicted of manslaughter. By the way, in numerous states across America if you bring a gun to a fist fight, you are convicted of manslaughter. Granted the law is --

MERRITT: The problem is --

MESEREAU: Granted the law is written very heavily in favor of the defense and I understand that. But this jury if they wanted to could have convicted him because of what he did, and what he set in motion, the type of force he brought to the situation they could have concluded that with all unreasonable and including shooting him through the heart.

MERRITT: But you know what?

LEMON: Jeralyn hang on, hang on. We don't have a lot of time and I want to move on to something else. Tom, defense attorney Mark O'Mara talked about the overwhelming media spotlight after the verdict and he wasn't kind. Here's what he said. Listen.


ROBERT ZIMMERMAN, GEORGE ZIMMERMAN'S BROTHER: I'm not angry at the media. I think the media has to do a better job when you have people injecting race into things. So that red flag has to go up right away. Especially after a case like this where two very crafty attorneys got away with fabricating a completely scripted narrative and selling it to the American people through the media, through CNN, through ABC, through NBC. They did it themselves. You know, to borrow a line from the movie "Argo." If you want to sell a lie, have the media sell it for you.


LEMON: Obviously that wasn't Mark O'Mara. That was his brother Robert Zimmerman Jr. But still same response Tom, what do you think?

MESEREAU: I think the media actually treated him better than the media treated Michael Jackson. In the Michael Jackson case, you had more accredited media from around the world than O.J. Simpson and Scott Peterson combined. And virtually 100 percent of the media said he was a child molester. They had given alcohol to a cancer victim to prepare him for child molestation. He had abducted children, but he falsely imprisoned a family. It was absolutely horrendous.

LEMON: Quickly, Tom.

MESEREAU: The media can be very problematic. I've seen worse.

LEMON: Yes. Jeralyn, if you could respond very quickly.

MERRITT: Sure. You know, what happened in this case is you have private lawyers who were pushing their personal, political agenda who commandeered the state attorney's office and that's how -- and the media was so conflicted, they bought the story, hook line and sinker. They demonized George Zimmerman in to someone who was the worst person in the country and none of it comported with the facts of this case that were brought out with the trial.

You know, the state did not have the facts to support this prosecution and the jury saw it and that's what happened and the media and the private lawyers I believe were conflicted and we should all look to why politics is being brought in to the criminal justice system. The criminal justice system was not designed to cure every conceivable social ill.

LEMON: I think that you have a point about the social ill but I'm sure there are many in the state's attorney's office and especially many in the media who would disagree that they were not influenced by anyone. So, thank you very much. We appreciate both of you joining us here on CNN.


LEMON: We have the latest in the Edward Snowden saga coming up. One journalist said the U.S. government better keep Snowden safe because if it doesn't it could be their worst nightmare.


JEFF BRIDGES: Hi, I'm Jeff Bridges. And we can make an impact on ending childhood hunger here in America. According to the U.S.D.A. we currently have over 16 million children who are struggling with hunger. 1 in 5 of our kids.

Any of you kids see "Surf's up?"

I'm big z!

(UNIDENTIFIED MALE): Oh, I remember.

BRIDGES: We think one of the most important things that we can do to end childhood hunger is to have universal breakfast in schools. Another thing that is very important is that there are summer meal programs that are available to kids. "No kid hungry" is all about making people aware of programs in the state.

Sometimes in our lives--

It affects me in a personal way thinking about what that would feel like if I wasn't able to provide for my kids.

Lean on me --

But also, you know in a patriotic way we can't compete with the rest of the world if our kids aren't in good shape. Join the movement. "Impact your world," go to


SUSAN HENDRICKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: I'm Susan Hendricks in the CNN World Headquarters in Atlanta. Back to our live team coverage from Sanford in just a moment.

But first, want to get you caught up on other news of the day. A string of blasts killed at least 22 people today in Iraq. The car and roadside bombs exploded across seven cities. Dozens were hurt. It is the third consecutive day bombs have slammed Iraqi cities.

A flurry of activity today as Egypt's interim government tries to get on its feet. Among the most significant developments the swearing-in of Mohammad Elbaradei as interim vice president from foreign relations. Elbaradei was a vocal critic of deposed President Mohamed Morsy. Morsy supporters are still staging mass protests but in the wake of the past week street violence, a state-run Egyptian news agency says protesters have frozen the assets. Prosecutors, rather. Of at least 14 people, including several members of the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic leaders.

There is a warning today from the journalist who broke the story of the NSA surveillance program. In an interview with an Argentina newspaper Glenn Greenwald said the man who leaked the material has more information that would be dire for the U.S. if released. Greenwald says Edward Snowden, quote, has enough information to cause more harm to the U.S. government in a single minute than any other person has ever had. The U.S. government should be on their knees every day praying that nothing happens to Snowden because if something happens, all information will be revealed and that would be their worst nightmare. End quote. Snowden has said he'll ask Russia for temporary asylum but Russia so far says it has received no request.

In Texas, demonstrators took to the capital building as the Senate passed one of the most restrictive anti abortion bills in the country. Several arrests were made. Governor Rick Perry plans to sign the legislation and defend the bill on CNN's "State of the Union" today.


GOV. RICK PERRY, (R) TEXAS: In the state of Texas we put some substantial amount of money in to women's health programs over the course of the last two years. Partly because the Obama administration pulled our funding to the state of Texas because they disagreed with Texas restrictions on these abortions and most people I think in this country and in Texas, certainly, believe that six months is too late to be deciding whether or not these babies should be aborted or not. We put the limit at five months in this bill.


HENDRICKS: Well, critics argue that the law would enforce the shut- down of most of the abortion clinics in Texas.

"Glee" actor Cory Monteith is dead. He played Finn Hudson on the show. His body was found yesterday in his room at a Vancouver hotel. The cause of death right now is not known but police have ruled out foul play. An autopsy is scheduled for tomorrow. Earlier this year, Monteith entered a rehab facility for substance abuse and he was released in April. The star was 31.

Well the Zimmerman verdict came down very late last night and not too late for the nation's headline writers. We will have a sampling from today's papers but first, this.

Firefighters do the unimaginable running towards danger while many of us run from it. After last week's tragedy in Arizona that claimed 19 lives, this week's repeat "CNN Hero" Vicki Minor and her group sprang into action.


(UNIDENTIFIED MALE): Nineteen men, 19 husbands, fathers, sons, friends and brothers. Nineteen firefighters part of an elite 2,000-member group known as hot shots.

VICKY MINOR, 2008 CNN HERO: These are not the guys in the red trucks that fight fire. Wild land firefighters fight fire that turns and chases them, runs after them.

(UNIDENTIFIED MALE): With just over 100 crews across the United States, hotshots are part of a close-knit community of wild land firefighters.

MINOR: It is hard enough to lose one but when you lose 19 that are tight, it's a domino effect. There's a hole here.

(UNIDENTIFIED MALE): 2008 CNN hero Vicki Minor flew immediately to Prescott, Arizona, to offer her support. Since 1999, Vicki and her team have helped thousands of firefighters and their families with emergency funds, medical support, travel and lodging.

MINOR: We help the families of the injured get to the bedsides. We do long-term recovery with them.

(UNIDENTIFIED MALE): Her group has provided millions of dollars to help but at the end of the day, Vicki says money can only accomplish so much.

MINOR: Those families miss the smell of smoky yellow shirts. We keep them connected back to this wild land fire family. I love these wild land firefighters. I will do anything to protect them and help them.


LEMON: The outcome of a criminal case in a small town in Florida is being felt nationwide today. It was obviously front page news in Florida. Not guilty declared "The Tampa Tribune" as well as "The Orlando Sentinel." But it was a lead on newspapers across the country today. Zimmerman walks says "The Los Angeles Daily News." The "L.A. Times," Zimmerman not guilty and "The New York Post" simply states, tray-vesty.

Hello, everyone. I'm Don Lemon live here in Sanford, Florida. You are looking at the Seminole County Courthouse, that is a live picture there, a very different story today. That place is empty. It was filled with people yesterday and a jury who was deciding the fate of George Zimmerman. You know the trial of George Zimmerman is over. He is now a free man.

Of course, not guilty. Emotions are still strong. How one case is sparking controversy about race in America? Healing in America. And the law in America. So, let's get started now. Two words from Sanford, Florida, reverberating all across the nation. Not guilty.



(UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE): The State of Florida versus George Zimmerman, verdict, we the jury find George Zimmerman not guilty.