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More on Sandra Bland Video, Case Discrepancies; Security Concerns over Obama's Kenya Trip; Trump on Top of Polls, Heads to Texas; Trump Says Demeanor Could Change If President; Greek Protests Turn Violent Over Bailout Deal; Protesters Rally Against Iran Nuclear Deal in Times Square as White House Presses Hard for Agreement; Israeli Military May Demolish Tiny Palestinian Village; Many Mexicans Admire Escaped Drug Lord El Chapo. Aired 2-3a ET

Aired July 22, 2015 - 02:00   ET



[02:00:09] ERROL BARNETT, CNN ANCHOR: Questions and outrage over the death of Sandra Bland. And what we are learning about a previous suicide attempt.

PAULA NEWTON, CNN ANCHOR: After nine years, President Obama is returning to Kenya. But recent terrorist attacks are raising concern for his safety.

BARNETT: And from T-shirts to songs, the hype around el Chapo's escape is turning him into a pop culture icon and that may be helping him.

NEWTON: Hello. I'm Paula Newton. Welcome to our viewers in the United States and around the world.

BARNETT: I'm Errol Barnett. We're with you for the next few hours. Thanks for joining us. This is CNN NEWSROOM.

NEWTON: We begin with developments out of Texas where outrage is growing over the case of a woman found dead in her jail cell. Protesters gathered in New York City over Sandra Bland's death, which authorities have ruled a suicide.

BARNETT: New documents were released from the jail where Bland died and they indicate she had tried to kill herself before. Her family believes otherwise. They are infuriated also at the release of this dash cam footage of her arrest. What began as a routine traffic stop ended with Bland under arrest.

NEWTON: CNN's Ryan Young has more on the police video and some other discrepancies in this case.


RYAN YOUNG, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Official documents show when Sandra Bland arrived at the Waller County jail she told the jail staff she previously tried to commit suicide. Jail intake forms show that Bland tried to commit suicide using pills in 2014 after losing a baby.

Waller County Sheriff Glenn Smith says the investigation shows no foul play and that all the evidence points to Bland taking her own life.

GLENN SMITH, SHERIFF, WALLER COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT: There is absolutely no doubt in my mind now. As I stated yesterday, I eagerly -- I want the Texas Ranger outside investigation. I want the FBI monitoring that investigation. I want the district attorney to stay independent.

YOUNG: Despite statements, the family contests the claim that Bland was depressed.

CANNON LAMBERT, BLAND FAMILY ATTORNEY: I can tell you that we take issue with the notion that she was suffering from depression. She was never clinically diagnosed as this family understands. Everybody has hills and valleys and the bottom line is there is no medication we are aware of she was taking to address any epilepsy or depression.

YOUNG: But on Facebook post earlier this year, Sandra Bland addressed the issue.


SANDRA BLAND, DIED IN POLICE CUSTODY: I'm suffering from something that you may be dealing with right now. It's a little bit of depression and PTSD.


SHARON COOPER, SANDRA BLAND'S SISTER: She says, "I'm struggling with things but anchored in God and I want you to know no matter what you look like, I come before you to say we're dealing with an issue you may have which to me is courageous."

YOUNG: But this intense dash cam video shows part of what took place during the traffic stop of Sandra Bland, adding more fuel to the pointed questions from her loved ones.




YOUNG: The trooper now on paid leave, the family said the force used was excessive, especially for being charged for an improper lane change.

COOPER: I feel like the officer was picking on her. Point-blank, period. And I think it is petty.



BLAND: Why am I being apprehended? You're trying to give me a ticket.


YOUNG: In his report, the trooper writes that Sandra Bland was arrested for assault on a public servant. The trooper writes that Bland began swinging at him with her elbows after she was removed from the car, which is not captured on video. But a cell phone did pick up part of exchange that was caught off the dash camera. Investigators are trying to gain access to Sandra Bland's cell phone that may have also captured parts of the arrest.


BARNETT: That was our Ryan Young reporting there.

Essentially, everyone is trying to get inside Sandra Bland's head before she died. We don't know what she was thinking. But Bland she did leave a voice mail message for a friend while she was in jail. Listen to this.


BLAND (voice-over): Hey, this is me. I just was able to see the judge. I don't really know. They got me set at a $5,000 bond. I'm still just at loss for words honestly about this whole process, how a lane change with no signal change led to all this, I don't know. But I'm still here. So I guess call me back when you can. Bye.


BARNETT: That is the last time that anyone heard from her alive. The Waller County district attorney says that the case is being conducted as a murder investigation.

[02:05:11] NEWTON: U.S. President Barack Obama is due to visit Ethiopia and Kenya later this week. His trip to Kenya is his first as a sitting president.

BARNETT: But there are security concerns surrounding this visit. They've triggered the U.S. into military action.

Pentagon correspondent, Barbara Starr, has details from D.C.


BARBARA STARR, CNN PENTAGON CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Al Shabaab militants in east Africa posing new worries for President Obama's trip to Kenya. CNN has learned, in just the last week, the U.S. military has conducted nearly half a dozen secret airstrikes in Somalia against al Shabaab forces. Intelligence showed an attack, against Kenyan troops there, was imminent by the al Qaeda Africa affiliate.

SETH JONES, RAND CORPORATION: This sends a very clear message to al Shabaab not to try to attempt anything against the president.

STARR: The U.S. does not believe al Shabaab can get anywhere near the president but there are other reasons to worry.

JONES: What's most likely is not an attack against a U.S. government official like the president but an attack that happens while the president is there. What al Shabaab is likely to go is to go for a soft target.

STARR: Like the Nairobi mall attack in 2014 where 67 were killed. It just reopened. Or this April attack where nearly 150 people were killed at a university.

The Pentagon trying to confirm if one of those recent drone strikes may have killed the planners of that attack. U.S. officials tell CNN in recent days there is growing social media and Internet chatter among the Somali-based militants about the president's visit. They all know he is coming, one official with access to the latest intelligence tells CNN.

A Kenyan flight bulletin outlining details of the president's trip has been released, including when air space in Nairobi would be closed because of the arrival and departure of Air Force One but officials are brushing it off.

JOSH EARNEST, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: But the details that are critical to keeping him safe are details that have not been disclosed publicly at this point.

STARR (on camera): Al Shabaab has lost fighters, territory and financing in recent years. But one they have not lost is their ability to conduct attacks. In fact, the number of attacks by al Shabaab has been growing steadily and that is why there is so much concern about what the people of Kenya are facing as the president of the United States is about to arrive.

Barbara Starr, CNN, the Pentagon.


NEWTON: Donald Trump takes his presidential campaign to the U.S.- Mexican border today, weeks after he called undocumented immigrants rapists and criminals.

BARNETT: And his messages, as controversial as they've been, they seem to be resonating with primary voters. However, a new poll suggests that support may not last.

CNN's Jeff Zeleny has more.


JEFF ZELENY, CNN SENIOR WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Donald Trump is heading to the border. He's trying to stay on top of the Republican field by doubling down on immigration during a Thursday tour in Laredo, Texas, with the Border Patrol agents.

DONALD TRUMP, (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE & CEO, TRUMP GROUP: With the border and border security and lack of border security and illegal immigrants, it's a huge problem.

ZELENY: But tonight, a new poll shows fresh vulnerabilities for Trump, not in the GOP president but if he would ever become the party's nominee.

TRUMP: We have to make America great again.

ZELENY: In three key general election battlegrounds, Colorado, Iowa, and Virginia, nearly six in 10 voters hold unfavorable views for Trump. For now, he is resonating for primary voters looking for a tough-talking candidate. But party leaders say he is talking too tough, specifically about fellow Republicans.

TRUMP: Rick Perry, he put glasses on to look smart. You have this guy Lindsey Graham, a total lightweight. You have people that are stupid.

ZELENY: It was Rick Perry's turn today to be single out on social media. Trump released this picture and tweeted, "Perry was once begging for my support and money. Hypocrite."

The former Texas governor fired back, urging conservatives to dump Trump.

RICK PERRY, (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE & FORMER TEXAS GOVERNOR: He offers a barking carnival act that can be best described as Trumpism, a toxic mix of demagoguery and mean-spiritedness and nonsense. Donald Trump's candidacy is a cancer on conservativism and it must be diagnosed, excised and discarded.

ZELENY: While the GOP free-for-all has Democrats smiling, the poll shows Hillary is in trouble.

[02:10:10] HILLARY CLINTON, (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE & FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: I am going to keep going. I believe it's so important for all of us.


ZELENY: In those same three general election swing states, majorities of voters had an unfavorable view of her. The survey also shows Clinton trailing Republicans Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Scott Walker in hypothetical matchups in those three states.

Jeff Zeleny, CNN, Washington


BARNETT: For his part, Trump says that his harsh words towards fellow candidates are merely self-defense.

NEWTON: Now he says his demeanor might change once he is in office. He explained that and other things to CNN's Anderson Cooper.

(BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) TRUMP: But they are saying horrible things, like I don't even know these people. Am I supposed to say, OK, it's for them to say -- one guy, Lindsey Graham called me a jackass. Am I supposed to say it's OK? I'm called a jackass. You have to fight back. The country has to fight back. Everyone is pushing our country around. We can't allow that, Anderson.

COOPER: Is it presidential, though?

TRUMP: I think it's presidential to fight back.

COOPER: To give out somebody's -- to give out a personal phone number.

TRUMP: Well, that was a long story. I mean, you have to see the whole story. That was a long story. He wanted to get on "FOX & Friends" and he called me out of the blue. I never met the guy and he wanted to come in for campaign contributions. Then he starts to hit me years later, and I happen to have this crazy phone number and I held it up. I said this guy was over here. Actually, as you probably know, the room was packed. It was standing-room only, it had other theaters, overflow crowds. They had closed-circuit television in other rooms. The place went wild. We all had a good time.

COOPER: But is that presidential?

TRUMP: I think so.

COOPER: As president, when you are opposed to somebody in Congress, you would give out their number.

TRUMP: I was hit by somebody unfairly. I was called name. He is saying what a bad guy I am was up in my office asking for money and asking if I can get him on television.


COOPER: You are president of the United States, you are going to be hit by half of the country.

TRUMP: That's true. That's true.

COOPER: Are you going to call them dumb?

TRUMP: No, I think it is different. Right now I'm doing something to make the country great again.


TRUMP: Politicians will never make this country great again.

COOPER: As president you would change your tone?

TRUMP: Oh, I think so.

(END VIDEOTAPE) BARNETT: He says he thinks so.

CNN senior political analyst, Ron Brownstein, joins us now live from Los Angeles to talk about this.

Ron, great to have you.

We'll get to Trump's tone in a moment. But we have international viewers watching and wondering why Trump is in the lead.

I first want you to listen to how Senator Lindsey Graham, who is one of the subjects of his recent jabs, describes Trump's current appeal.


SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM, (R), SOUTH CAROLINA & PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Here's what I think. I think that Donald Trump is a political car wreck and people slow down and look at the wreck but they eventually move on.


BARNETT: Ron, what do you think? He's a car wreck, we all stare at accidents but eventually we move on. Do you think that Donald Trump can sustain positive attention throughout this election cycle?

RON BROWNSTEIN, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST: It's a very open question. To understand Trump's rise you have to understand the Republican Party. Many, many more blue collar, white voters used to be Democrats are now Republicans and Republicans divide almost exactly in half between up scale managerial white collar branch that is drawn to John McCain, Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Chris Christie. The other half is blue collar and populous and Tea Party and evangelical Christian and they have been much more of an unstable kind of element. In 2012, those voters cycled through Herman Cain, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich. Those are the voters propelling Trump to the lead. He is winning one-third of Republicans without a college degree. But based on that history, it's very much an open question whether he can sustain their support all the way through the race.

BARNETT: And the question also is, sure he may have a base with one sliver of the Republican Party. But to win a primary, you need more than. That to win a general election you certainly need much more than that. Donald Trump heading to the U.S. border with Mexico to reinforce that point that he gained so much support with his anti- immigrant position. What do you make of that?

BROWNSTEIN: I think what you are saying is absolutely right. The main impact that Donald Trump in the race is to increase the odds that one of the candidates of the managerial part of the party will be the nominee. Essentially if you are Jeb Bush and you can consolidate the white collar, economically focused share of the party if you are anybody else trying to mobilize the other half, Trump is siphoning off a piece of that vote. Scott Walker is probably the biggest loser in Trump's rise. He was Bush's most potent rival and he is bet in a series of policies including a call for reducing legal immigration. He is betting on the same voters who are moving to Trump. To the extent Trump maintains support he divides the most populous side of the party.

[02:15:25] BARNETT: Let's circle back and address Trump's tone. What he is doing has been working for him. He is bombastic and says what is on his mind and he paints himself as anti-establishment even though he owns golf courses and hotels and the like. And the Republican debates will level the playing field somewhat. He's going to be jabbed and accusations thrown at him. How important will it be for Donald Trump to demonstrate self control at these debates?

BROWNSTEIN: If he is going to be a serious candidate it's very important for him to do that. But I think already what you are seeing from Trump is a short of term gain and long-term loss in his approach. His very blunt, take-no-prisoners strategies appeals to this most alienated segment of the Republican base but reinforces the sense among most Republican voters this is not a plausible nominee. He is deepening this narrow support -- not that narrow, this vein of support he has been able to mine but he is also limiting his potential appeal and has limited his appeal in a way that makes it unlikely he could be the nominee.

BARNETT: We just saw a screen of somewhat it? 16 Republican candidates and Donald Trump may be the firework, big, bright, exciting, but brief.

We shall see.

BROWNSTEIN: That's what happened in 2012. We cycle through the candidates until we get to the real establishment favorite, who will probably be Jeb Bush. Donald Trump could be that person but the wheel could keep turning as well.

BARNETT: All right, we'll see.

Our senior political analyst, Ron Brownstein, thank you for your time and insight today.

BROWNSTEIN: Thank you.

BARNETT: It's interesting. Some say the fight is good for whoever your nominee is going to be. Others think this is just -- it depends how many bodies litter the field along the way.


How much damage needs to be done.

NEWTON: That is a precise way to put it. I know people feel battered and bruised at the end of it.

All right. A clear message from thousands of New Yorkers on the Iran nuclear deal. Coming up, the challenge the White House is facing.

(COMMERCIAL BREAK) [02:21:44] NEWTON: Greek lawmakers have cleared another major legislative hurdle, voting in favor of a second set of reforms needed to obtain the country's third bailout. The bill was overwhelming adopted by 230 out of 300 members of parliament. It includes overhauls to the banking and judicial systems. Both were required.

BARNETT: However many in Greece aren't happy. These protests, which were peaceful, turned chaotic. Some demonstrators even threw petrol bombs at security forces. Similar to the violence after last week's vote.

NEWTON: Elinda Labropoulou join us more live with more on this crucial vote.

Elinda, when we speak to you, it seems to be the day-after drama. Do you think they put a comma after all this if not a period?

ELINDA LABROPOULOU, JOURNALIST (voice-over): This story has become so complicated with time which is why I think we're seeing this perpetual drama. And the situation is quite critical. This is a country where the banks reopened with capital controls after being shut for three weeks and this parliamentary session, the debates that led to the vote, it lasted for a good seven, eight hours and it was very heated. This is largely to do with the fact that most Greeks, including the government, think what they got is a bad deal. But they are trying to say that a bad deal is better than no deal at this point. This was apparent in parliament yesterday. The prime minister yesterday asked his own M.P.s to stop hiding behind his signature and decide whether they will support him or not. This is because the prime minister, Mr. Tsipras, has been losing support in these last two votes. These votes were crucial for Greece because they had been voting on prior measures in order to begin the bailout talks. Now the measures have been voted in with support of 230 M.P.s in a 300-seat parliament. But what we saw the supportive vote came from the opposition rather than a part of Mr. Tsipras's own parliamentarians. He got support of 126. And what we expect to see from now on is to see where his party is going because, at the moment, it's not just a question of voting in the measures. The bailout talks will be tough. And he will need the support from his M.P.s to back him and to implement these reforms.

NEWTON: They are talking about a fall election. But at least now the European Union is saying that the bailout talks will continue through the end of August.

Elinda, as always, thanks for the update.

BARNETT: Some of you watching from New York may know or have seen this, thousands of protesters packed into Times Square to rally against the Iranian nuclear deal.

[02:25:07] NEWTON: The crowd chanted "kill the deal" and urged Congress to vote down the agreement.

New York Senator Chuck Schumer said he wants to hear from experts on both sides before he decides how he'll vote. BARNETT: And for its part, the White House is pressing hard for

approval of this agreement. Defense Secretary Ash Carter was in Jordan on the latest stop of his Middle East tour to reassure allies.

NEWTON: The administration is meeting with members of Congress.

Elise Labott reports opponents say there should be no deal while Americans are being held in Iran.


ELISE LABOTT, CNN GLOBAL AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Secretary of State John Kerry arrived for a closed-door, high-stakes briefing, trying to sell the Iran nuclear deal to a skeptical Congress.

JOHN KERRY, SECRETARY OF STATE: It will make the region, friends and allies safer.

LABOTT: But that may not be enough to convince skeptical lawmakers, worried it will embolden Iran to wreak new havoc in the Middle East and angry that four Americans are being left behind, including "Washington Post" reporter, Jason Rezaian.

It's been exactly one year since Rezaian was arrested on spy charges and thrown in Iran's notorious Evan Prison.


LABOTT: Today, his family and employers at the "Washington Post" made another plea for his release, this time calling on the United Nations to step in.

MARTY BARON, EDITOR, WASHINGTON POST: No evidence has been produced of espionage or any other offense. All he did was work diligently and fairly as a journalist.

LABOTT: Rezaian, a dual U.S.-Iranian national, reported on the culture and daily life of the Iranian people.

He spoke with CNN's Anthony Bourdain last year before his arrest.


JASON REZAIAN, JOURNALIST, WASHINGTON POST & IRANIAN PRISONER: I love it and hate it, you know, but it's home.

LABOTT: Ali Rezaian feels his brother's case got caught up in the nuclear talks but now that the deal is done he hopes they will send his brother home.

ALI REZAIAN: Certainly I think it's the right thing to do. They should have released him long ago. The right thing to do is to release him now because he's innocent.

BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Please have a seat. LABOTT: President Obama under fire for striking the deal while Rezaian and two other Americans are still being held. A fourth American missing. Tension was on full display when a reporter asked about their fate.

OBAMA: The notion that I am content as I celebrate with American citizens languishing in Iranian jails -- Major that -- that's nonsense.

LABOTT: This week, the president once again promised to spare no effort.

OBAMA: And we are not going to relent until we bring home our Americans who are unjustly detained in Iran.

Journalist Jason Rezaian should be released.

Elise Labott, CNN, Washington.


BARNETT: You are watching CNN NEWSROOM. A small cluster of tents is now the subject of an international dispute. Why this West Bank village could be bulldozed by the Israeli military at any moment.


[02:31:35] PAULA NEWTON, CNN ANCHOR: A warm welcome back to our viewers in the United States and around the world. I'm Paula Newton.

ERROL BARNETT, CNN ANCHOR: And I'm Errol Barnett. Let's get you updated on our top stories.

Forms that Sandra Bland filled out when she was taken to jail in Texas ray is that he previously tried to commit suicide. However, the forms also give a contradictory answer. Authorities say the 28 year old hanged herself in her cell three days after her arrest during a traffic stop. Bland's family insists she would never have taken her own life.

NEWTON: At least 17 people are dead in a bombing in Baghdad. 16 people were killed at a security check point and a second bombing killed three people. No one has claimed responsibility for the attacks.

BARNETT: The man accused of shooting nine African-American worships to death in a Charleston, South Carolina, church faces federal hate crime charges. 21-year-old Dylann Roof is accused of targeting his victims on the basis of their race and religion. If convict, he could face the death penalty.

NEWTON: After years of court battles, Israel's military is now set to demolish the tiny Palestinian village of Susiya, leaving its residents homeless.

BARNETT: You may have never heard of Susiya but the plight of this village in the West Bank has gained international attention as European and U.S. officials are visiting the site to support those who live there.

Our Erin McLaughlin has more


ERIN MCLAUGHLIN, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Situated in an Iraqi valley in the southern part of the West Bank below a controversial settlement of the same name sits the Palestinian village of Susiya. It is really a small cluster of tents that is now the subject of an international dispute.

Here, the villagers pass the time waiting and worried that the Israelis could destroy their homes.

RABBI ARIK ASHERMAN, RABBIS FOR HUMAN RIGHTS: At any time, we could be wiped off the map.

MCLAUGHLIN: For years, Rabbis for Human rights have been working to prevent that. Rabbi Asherman says he has lost count of the number of times Susiya has been demolished or partly demolished. The villagers don't want to leave what they say is their land. But Israel has denied them permission to build, in part, because it says the village does not have proper infrastructure and the villagers don't own the land. The village was denied a court injunction to stop the latest leveling.

Nasha Narazza (ph) shows us what is slated to be bulldozed.


MCLAUGHLIN (on camera): And this is on the list to be demolished?

NARAZZA (ph): Yes, and the kitchen.

MCLAUGHLIN (voice-over): He tells me 150 Palestinians including 45 children will be homeless if the village is razed.

(on camera): Many of the structures were donated by E.U. member states. These solar panels were a gift from Germany. And now the international community is trying to save the village.

(voice-over): The European Union called on Israel to halt plans for the, quote, "forced transfer of population and demolition of Palestinian housing."

And the United States is weighing in with a rare video from the U.S. consul general to signal opposition to the Israeli plans.

JOHN KIRBY, U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT SPOKESPERSON: The demolition of this village or of parts of it and evictions of Palestinians from their homes would be harmful and provocative.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We fear it would only after it was authorized. [02:35:00] MCLAUGHLIN: Israelis authorities say they have met with

residents to look for alternative solutions. The villagers say that the proposed alternative, to move to a nearby town, won't work.

"The property and land proposed by the state already belongs to other Palestinians," resident Nasha Narazza (ph) says. "How are we supposed to live on the runes of others?"

If Susiya is ultimately bulldozed, these villagers vow to build again. Erin McLaughlin, CNN, the Palestinian village of Susiya on the West



BARNETT: We have this news into CNN. The Palestinian news agency says that Israeli forces shot dead a Palestinian man in the West Bank. The news agency reports that the troops stormed the man's home trying to arrest his two sons. During this incident, he was killed while his sons were injured by gunfire. This just coming into us. Reports say the shooting comes a day after Israeli forces killed a 21-year-old Palestinian.

Now in Chattanooga, Tennessee, the FBI says it is treating Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez as a homegrown violent extremist.

NEWTON: They believe he acted on his own during last week's shooting spree when he killed five U.S. servicemen at military installations. Investigators say they found two weapons belonging to servicemembers at the scene. That's significant. It goes against a policy that forbids members of the military from carrying weapons on bases and in recruiting centers.


ED REINHOLD, FBI SPECIAL AGENT: At least one of the weapons was discharged at the subject. Whether he was struck by those is unclear at this time. As far as any authorization of weapons, it is not relevant to our current investigation. It will be conducted separately by the military. And they will address it at some point when they have completed their investigation.


BARNETT: Some armed private citizens are standing guard outside military recruitment centers across the U.S. Military officials say they don't support those actions.

NEWTON: And these revelations that the servicemembers were carrying the weapons will further complicate the debate, do you arm them at the recruiting centers or not?


NEWTON: Yeah. It's something going on in earnest right now.

Meantime, Joaquin "el Chapo" Guzman is still on the run after escaping from a Mexican prison nearly two weeks ago now. The drug lord is reportedly worth $1 billion. And Mexico is offering a $3.5 million reward for information leading to his capture.

BARNETT: But watch this. As Polo Sandoval shows us, the admiration some have for this man complicates efforts to track him down.


POLO SANDOVAL, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): On the streets of Mexico City, everyone knows the name of Joaquin Guzman. At this market, we found that cartel boss known as el Chapo.

About $8 will get you a t-shirt that bears the face of Mexico's most- wanted man.

The shopkeeper here says that his Chapo tees became the hottest item after the bold escape.

(on camera): He says people of all walks of life and economic backgrounds come here to buy this shirt.

(voice-over): He says it's not about the face on the shirt. He tells me he is just filling demand.

(on camera): Money and even drugs.

It's interesting, they also have the custom-made T-shirts like this one here. It's a plane white T-shirt but they have the machine to print el Chapo's face on there. Even has the FBI on top. This is the wanted poster that has been circulating in Mexico.


SANDOVAL: Then there are the musical tributes to el Chapo. Narco ballads flood the Internet telling the story of the so-called great escape.


UNIDENTIFIED JOURNALIST: People are saying it was epic. The escape was epic. It's amazing. It's incredible. Like el Chapo is a hero and it's not true. This guy is a terrible criminal.

SANDOVAL: This Mexican journalist says that el Chapo is admired and seen like a Robin Hood-like figure. She says it's this glorification of the culture that allows Guzman to remain camouflaged among the people that revere him.


SANDOVAL: Polo Sandoval, CNN, Mexico City.


(END VIDEOTAPE) BARNETT: U.S. President Barack Obama is preparing to travel to Kenya, his first time there as president. It's the birthplace of his father. The trip comes as Kenya grapples with a threat from al Shabaab. The Islamic militant group is based in Somalia but it has taken responsibility for several deadly attacks in Kenya.

[02:40:15] NEWTON: In April, al Shabaab killed 147 people at a university.

CNN's senior international correspondent, Nima Elbagir, went to the Kenyan-Somali border to show us how terrorists sneak into the country.


NIMA ELBAGIR, CNN CORRESPONDENT: As we get closer to the Kenyan- Somali border, it is more dangerous. These are the routes al Shabaab are using to travel back and forth into the country. And we have to put on our protective gear.

Behind us, that's the official route. But this is the smuggler route. It takes you from Somalia into Kenya and back out again. No government presence, no check points. You can bring in what you want and who you want.


NEWTON: Now, you'll want to see Nima's exclusive report in about 30 minutes from now here on CNN.

Firefighters are battling a fast-moving wildfire in Montana's Glacier National Park. It's growing larger by the minutes. And one family's escape from the flames was caught on camera.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Holy crap! Back up.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's coming fast.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Dude, it's like chasing us. Go!


[02:44:56] BARNETT: Welcome back. CNN's Freedom Project is dedicated to the fight against modern-day slavery. And this week, we are airing a new documentary called "Children for Sale."

NEWTON: In this exert, actress and activist, Jada Pinkett Smith, shows us how vicious human trafficking operations are right here in the United States.


JADA PINKETT SMITH, ACTRESS & ACTIVIST (voice-over): The unwritten rules of the streets can be as bewildering as they are brutal.


SMITH: This undercover footage shows a young woman arguing with a suspected exploiter.


SMITH: Other men sense her weakness and surround her.

According to Rebecca, a trafficking survivor, a girl can be taken as property simply by making eye contact with one of these men.


UNIDENTIFIED GIRL: If you look at him you can be taken from who you're with and he can't do anything about it because you looked at another person.


SMITH: On this night, this woman made it to safety, but so many others do not.

BROCK NICHOLSON, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY: It's happening every day, every neighborhood, every socioeconomic status. These guys trade women like kids trade baseball cards.

UNIDENTIFIED GIRL: He is taking their bags, putting it in the car. You coming with me.

SMITH: Coming with them to any place that clients are waiting and willing to pay for sex.

NICHOLSON: One of the places they utilized is a field where a woman serviced over 50 men in a field. And you can -- you can -- people can say, well, she -- nobody, nobody chooses to do that.

SMITH (on camera): Right.


BARNETT: This truly is a jaw-dropping issue. You can join us this week for a look at what is a global problem. And be sure to watch the CNN Freedom Project documentary "Children for Sale," Friday at 11:00 a.m. in Hong Kong, 12:00 p.m. in Tokyo only on CNN International.

NEWTON: A Scrabble player from New Zealand wins a French Scrabble championship. He knows the words but he doesn't speak the language at all. How this man outscored the native speakers. That's up next.


[02:51:25] NEWTON: A fast-moving wildfire is tearing through glacier national park in the U.S. state of Montana prompting evacuations. But one family vacations in the area. The video took our breath away.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, my gosh, go. Go. Go now.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Like fast, dad, go! Holy crap, back up --


BARNETT: Larry is the one driving the car. This fire began on the east side of the park on a single afternoon and doubled in size in a single night and spans 4,000 acres or 1600 hectares. But this is the view from their car as they speed away. The visitor's center on the park's most popular roadway has been closed. Park rangers are still searching for back-country hikers to get them out of harm's way. But it shows how quickly these things can grow and get worse.

NEWTON: Absolutely. They just jump around. And you can hear the terror in their voices.

Now, our meteorologist, Ivan Cabrera, joins us for more on all this.

Terrifying. You look at that video and you think, what was it like in that car?

IVAN CABRERA, AMS METEOROLOGIST: Well, panic. You got to get out of the way. A stunning area of the United States if you've ever been, Glacier National Park in northern Montana, close to the Canadian borders in the northern Rockies. As our anchors mentioned, doubling in size, 4,000 acres, and part of the reason is the winds have been very strong here and that has allowed for the fire to continue.

The forecast, look at this rainfall. This is just to tease you coming up to Montana and then pushing east, bypassing the fire. And what's going to happen because of the approach of that area of low pressure we're going to get the winds kicked up. Southwesterlies at 13 and gusts to 25. Temperatures are doing OK at 70 degrees but look at that, clear skies. No help with the rainfall but the winds after the system passes on Sunday will begin to move in.

And now we're going to Croatia and Albania as well. Take a look at the pictures coming out of the region. This is now out of control. Some villages are surrounded by the flames here and firefighting efforts are continuing day in and day out even in the nighttime hours. Power lines have been impacted and electricity has been disrupted. Some of the vineyards have been decimated there. No injuries as far as folks are concerned. And a testament to the firefighting efforts that continue at this hour with very hot temperatures. We are still looking at an area of high pressure that is anchored here. That is bringing us hot, southerly winds and that will continue for a few days. The rain and cool air is to the north for the next few days. No change in the forecast.

BARNETT: Hot summer.

NEWTON: And this summer has been a particularly hot one in Europe.

CABRERA: About 35 to 40 degrees is what they are running.



Ivan, thanks so much. Appreciate it.

CABRERA: Thanks, guys.

NEWTON: Now he is being called the Lebron James of Scrabble. And Nigel Richards proved again why he is the best Scrabble player in the world.

[02:55:02] BARNETT: And why are we giving it a French twist in the New Zealand native won the French-language Scrabble world championship on Monday and did it without speaking a word of the language. Richard's won the final match against his with a word played on two triple word score boxes. Amazing.

Earlier, our Jonathan Mann asked a Scrabble expert and coach how he did it?


UNIDENTIFIED SCRABBLE EXPERT & COACH: Nigel Richards managed to memorize probably on the order of 200,000 words. Maybe 150,000 words in the course of two months in a different language and go out there and beat the best French-language Scrabble players. It's astonishing to the Scrabble community online. It is agog over this accomplishment.


NEWTON: First, can he win an English Scrabble competition?

BARNETT: You assume so because he is a champion.

NEWTON: He must have one of these tremendous photographic memories.

I have to tell you, don't try there at home. Do not play Scrabble with your children, ever.

BARNETT: That's funny. I was going to say Scrabble cannot be played with my family because there's wars. How many points if you check the dictionary? It this really a word? Triple word? Word score? Double word score? It's chaos.

NEWTON: When adolescents are beating you at the game --


-- your credibility is done. They don't go to bed and won't clear the dishes.



NEWTON: You're watching CNN NEWSROOM. I'm Paula Newton.

BARNETT: I'm Errol Barnett. We're back with more after this.