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CNN Newsroom

Donald Trump Unveils Immigration Reform Plan; Indonesia Plane Crash: Air & Ground Search Starting Again; Brewers Minor-Leaguer: I'm Gay; Meet Donald Trump's Biggest Fan; Air and Ground Search Starting Again for Missing Airplane; Remembering Julian Bond; Unearthing Possible Hometown of Mary Magdalene. Aired 6-7p ET

Aired August 16, 2015 - 18:00   ET


[18:00:04] POPPY HARLOW, CNN ANCHOR: Hi, everyone. Six o'clock Eastern this Sunday evening. I'm Poppy Harlow in New York. Thank you so much for being with me.

We begin this hour with the race for the White House and the man leading the GOP pack, Donald Trump. For the very first time tonight, he's releasing details on how he plans to tackle immigration, if elected president. The headline on illegal immigrants, quote, "They have to go".

Here is what else is in the plan. He wants to end birth right citizenship for the children of illegal immigrants. Also, he wants to have Mexico pay for the wall, along the southern border. He will triple the number of ICE agents. Also cut federal grants to so-called "sanctuary cities".

Here he is this morning on "Meet the Press."


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We have to make a whole new set of standards, and when people come in, they have to --

CHUCK TODD, MEET THE PRESS MODERATOR: You're going to split up families, you're going to deport children?

TRUMP: Chuck -- no, no, we're going to keep the families together. We have to keep the families together.

TODD: But you're going to kick them out?

TRUMP: But they have to go.

TODD: What if they have no place to go?

TRUMP: We will work with them. They have to go. Chuck, we either have a country, or we don't have a country. Either we have a country or not --

TODD: How do you do it?

TRUMP: The cost of doing it, look at the cost of what we have right now?

TODD: But the cost of doing it?

TRUMP: Let me ask you this, do you think --

TODD: I understand it, but how do you do it?

TRUMP: Do you think there's tremendous cost for the illegals in here right now?

TODD: Of course, there's cost.

TRUMP: Tremendous. Do you think there's tremendous crime being committed by illegals?

TODD: There's definitely evidence that it's happening.

TRUMP: Tremendous. Far greater than what --

TODD: Heinous crime --


TRUMP: And you see it all over, just last night. All over. We will do it, and we will expedite it so people can come back in.

TODD: It's still not clear.

TRUMP: Chuck, it will work out so well, you will be so happy. In four years, you're going to be interviewing me and you're going to say, what a great job you've done President Trump.


HARLOW: Let's talk more about this, the plan and the race overall for the White House. Roger Stone is with me again.

Thank you for being with me, sir.

He's former political adviser to Donald Trump, also a long time Republican consultant. He left the campaign a week ago.

Still, though, good friends with Mr. Trump?


HARLOW: OK, in the Trump movement, you heard it here. Going through this plan, I laid out some of it. Is this a realistic plan?

STONE: Yes, this is really very typically Trump. It's something that is part of his management style. He goes to the smartest people -- this very much like President Eisenhower. He selects really good people. He gets as much information as he can and then he relies on them. He went to Senator Jeff Sessions who has been the leader in the

Congress for serious immigration reform. He helped him formulate a realistic plan.

Those who say that you cannot pay for the wall, you'll never get Mexico to pay for the wall, we pay Mexico $260 million a year in foreign aid. Trump could deduct the cost of the wall from their foreign aid payments. If I know Trump, he'd charge them interest.

HARLOW: Let's talk about one of the most controversial part of the plan, ending the birth right citizenship, right, changing the 14th Amendment in this country.

STONE: Yes, it's a radical and bold plan. We have a major problem. It's going to take a radical and bold solution.

But for those who say that Trump has no policy prescriptions, I would point out the book he wrote in 2011, "Time to Get Tough", which is being reissued in an update August 1st by Regnery. And it's all there -- immigration, job creation, China, immigration. He's laid out a plan --

HARLOW: So, you're saying it's radical. Here's the other thing. Donald Trump has said, I will win the Hispanic vote, he's said that time and time again, ending the birth right citizenship. Also saying and he said to Chuck Todd on "Meet the Press" this morning, the so- called DREAMers, that he will send children born in this country of illegal immigrants back to Mexico with their families.

Does he risk alienating some of the Hispanic vote that he won and says he will with that?

STONE: I think he hopes to offset that by the fact that he stands for economic boom. A rising tide lifts all boats.

HARLOW: So, you're acknowledging it might hurt him a bit there?

STONE: No, what I'm saying is I think he has a chance to win the Hispanic vote, because the Hispanics in this country are very industrious, hard working people. But there are no jobs and there is no opportunity. Consequently, I think that he's hoping to make an economic pitch to Hispanic voters.

HARLOW: Let's turn to foreign policy. Fascinating to hear more details from him this morning on how he would deal with Iran, and also how he would deal with ISIS. He told Chuck Todd this morning on NBC he wants to, quote, "knock the hell out of ISIS". He said, we should take over their oil fields, and he said the U.S. should have boots on the ground to fight ISIS. And we overtake the oil fields, run them and get the money from them, not the Iraqis.

Is that the right approach?

STONE: This has been his position for some time. We were told that we would be paid back for the war in Iraq. We were not. We never took the oil. Now oil is the greatest weapon of ISIS. They have $1 billion operation to take this country down.

HARLOW: Do the voters have the stomach for that? Do they have the stomach to go back with boots on the ground?

STONE: I think you have to look at the situation other than -- other than to say, the one thing Trump really abhors is the tendency of the Obama administration to announce your plans.

[18:05:06] We're going to start bombing next Thursday.

HARLOW: But that's not what I asked. I hear you on that. But what I asked is, is he betting that the American people are ready to go back in?

STONE: I think -- I think that he understands that ISIS is an existential threat to this country. And they have to be destroyed. And he will destroy them. And he'll do what it takes.

HARLOW: Now, you also made the point that he takes issue with the administration saying what they're going to do.

STONE: Yes, because --


HARLOW: How much clarity with the American public have about military operations overseas before they happened, under a Trump presidency?

STONE: Well, I don't think we would telegraph to the enemy what we're going to do so they can counteract it. That's the foolishness of announcing constantly what your military moves are.

I have no doubt that Donald Trump would find his George Patton. This is what he does. He finds the best people. He downloads all the information, and then he lets them do what they do. This is why, like Eisenhower, he'd be a great president.

HARLOW: I want to play a comment for you and our viewers, something that Donald Trump said here a few days ago here on CNN and get your reaction. Let's roll it.


TRUMP: Here's the point, Chris -- I didn't sit down and draw a plan, that tomorrow I'll go and have a meeting. The next day I'll go and make an offer. I went in and got it. I went in and got Turnberry in Scotland. That's one of the great resorts in the world. Everybody wanted it. I didn't wait around to do a 14-point plan. I went in and got it. So, a lot of this stuff -- you don't want to hear about the plans, you've got to get in and you got to get it done.


HARLOW: And he also told a reporter at the Iowa state fair yesterday, you, the press, want these big 14-point plans from me. The voters don't want it. STONE: I actually think that's correct. Look, I think presidential

politics is about broad themes. He needs to tell you where he's going. But, you know, President Gingrich was the man of, you know, wonkyism and heavy-duty multi-point plans. The voters' eyes start to glaze over. He's going to talk about changing --

HARLOW: So, why did he put out this six-page plan?

STONE: Because I think this plan is an outline. It's six pages. That's the point. But you see exactly --

HARLOW: Not 60 is what you're saying.

STONE: You see exactly where Trump stands. The voters aren't going to read a white paper. They want to see the bold strokes. What are the three or four things you're going to do?

HARLOW: You know, I had a woman on last night from the Iowa state fair on the show last night who was talking about why she's supporting Trump. Her husband is unemployed.


HARLOW: I think a lot of people see the unemployment rate 5.4 percent, and they feel like things are so much better. For some there's pain out there and the jobs argument is resonating with a lot of them. What's fascinating when you look at this new FOX poll, right, of the Republicans (INAUDIBLE). You got Donald Trump at the top nationwide, followed by Ben Carson, and then Ted Cruz. It reveals establishment Republicans like Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, and Marco Rubio falling, and the outsiders are rising.

What's going on?

STONE: Yes, I think it has to do with the revulsion with our corrupt political system and rejection of career politicians. Notice the three candidates moving up. Trump moving up. Dr. Ben Carson moving up. Carly Fiorina, moving up.

Why? Outsiders. Not politicians. People who come from a different discipline, medicine, business.

It is -- it is not coincidental that the two greatest Republican presidents in my lifetime didn't come from politics, Ronald Reagan and Dwight Eisenhower. One from the military, one from as an actor, as movie star.

So, the people are fed up with the system they perceive to be broken. And they realize that all these other candidates have been gorging on special interests money, that they're unlikely to ever really bring real reform.

HARLOW: Who would Donald Trump pick as a running mate?

STONE: Well, my view would be, that at this juncture, I would look hard at Dr. Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina. First of all, an African- American --

HARLOW: He slammed Carly Fiorina time and time again.

STONE: Yes. And you know what? George Bush slammed Ronald Reagan, too, and he got on the ticket. Politics, let me add one other. Lyndon Johnson hated John Kennedy, and he got on the ticket.

So, politics, it's about winning. It's about inclusion. And I look at those two because they're nonpoliticians.

HARLOW: Did he tell you? Did he tell you that?

STONE: No, this is my opinion. But I think it's obvious from these poll numbers. The American people want bold solutions, from people who aren't part of our feted political system.

HARLOW: Roger Stone, such a pleasure to have you on.

STONE: Great to be here.

HARLOW: Thank you very much. I appreciate it, sir.

We appreciate it very much.

Also, I want to point you to this. The next Republican debate, what will Donald Trump say, you're only going to find out here on CNN. The next Republican debate September the 16th at the Ronald Reagan Library in California, right here on CNN.

CNN will also host the first of six Democratic debates. Also, October 13th, that first of the Democratic debate in Nevada.

Still to come at this hour, another commercial airliner crashing in the mountains in Indonesia. Search crews about to head out this hour to crisscross 13,000-foot mountains in their search and rescue efforts. We'll take you live to the region, next.


[18:13:24] HARLOW: It is daybreak in Indonesia right now. That's when rescue officials say they're going to try once again to try to pinpoint the wreck of a commercial airliner. The plane, just like this one, vanished from radar in the middle of a very short domestic flight this morning. People on the ground say they saw it crash into the side of a mountain. The Trigana Air flight had 54 onboard.

Let's bring in Anna Coren. She's in Hong Kong, following the search and rescue efforts.

What do we know at this point about exactly where the plane went down and how challenging it is to get there? I know the mountains are about 13,000 feet high.

ANNA COREN, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, where it's believed this plane has crashed. At least that's what villagers are saying. They saw this plane crash yesterday afternoon Indonesian time. It was about half an hour into its flight from Jayapura to Oksibil in Papua, Indonesia, when it lost contact with air control.

No distress signal was sent out. No indication there was anything wrong with the plane. When it left, there was good weather. However, we are hearing from experts that there was thunderstorm activity over this mountainous area. As you say, 12,000 to 13,000 feet high mountains.

So, we know that about an hour ago, search and rescue teams were activated from Jayapura airport. They're sending about six aircraft over the area. They think they have pinpointed the exact area. And they're going to be surveying that area to try and find the plane, try and find the wreckage, see if there are any survivors.

[18:15:04] Physically getting people out is going to be extremely difficult.

We're also hearing, Poppy, there are thunderstorms in the area. So, that could very well hamper rescue efforts, search efforts as well.

HARLOW: What about the safety record of this airline?

COREN: Yes. Look, we're hearing that it had an appalling safety record. It's being blacklisted by the European Union. It's had something like 14 incidents. And, yes, it just does not bode well for it.

But this is Indonesia. This is a developing country, where the air industry, aviation industry is rapidly growing. So, you do have these airlines coming online, if you like, and they're training up pilots, obviously, not to the standards that we expect in the West. But they are making these flights. And this is the third plane to go missing --

HARLOW: I know.

COREN: -- here in Asia in the last 18 months, which is just extraordinary.

HARLOW: It's astonishing.

Anna Coren, thank you very much. Reporting live for us this evening from Hong Kong.

I want to turn now to Les Abend, commercial airline pilot, also our aviation analyst.

When you look at this plane -- we showed a picture of this plane. It's relatively small plane, about a 50-seater, flying in less than ideal conditions. We know there were thunderstorms in the area, shooting in on a very tricky approach to landing through those steep deep mountains there. What are the most obvious factors that could have caused this?

LES ABEND, CNN AVIATION ANALYST: Well, the most obvious is as you mentioned, weather, of course.

HARLOW: But weather, we fly through bad weather.

ABEND: It's true. And the -- after looking at a Google map a fairly recent one, or a satellite photo of it, that airport looks -- it's up at 4,000 feet elevation, if I recall. And it's -- by looking at the airport markings, there's an indication, if they're standard airport markings, that it has a non-precision approach, if that at all, which means it doesn't have a glide slope. So, it's not --

HARLOW: A clear path to land?

ABEND: It's not a clear path, but look, these pilots have done it before. So, the factors and answers to your question could be weather. They could have had to deviate away from the weather and then they lost their situational awareness, and had a control flight and a terrain situation. Speculation, but -- or mechanical. Or could have been a mechanical --

HARLOW: The safety record is very concerning.


HARLOW: So bad that the European Union has banned this airline from flying in European air space since 2007. Fourteen incidents since 1992 for an airline with only, you know, 20-odd planes.

Why would this airline be still flying?

ABEND: Well, their criteria versus our FAA in the states may have two different things. So, that's my only response to that whole scenario. The airplane itself was, we found out is 27 years old. That's not a big deal.

You know, I mean, in dog years, it's really about four years. As long as it's maintained well, as long as the pilots are trained properly. So --

HARLOW: And the fact that this is the third time you've seen something like this in Indonesian air space, among Indonesian carriers -- Asian carriers, I should say, in the last 18 months.

ABEND: It's very troubling, absolutely.

You know, there's a -- it could be right that we've had discussions about the outpacing, growing so fast that they're not setting up their infrastructure, I don't think -- just looking at that one runway, the destination of this particular aircraft, looking at that one runway, it didn't look like much. It doesn't mean it couldn't be a safe operation. But if you're going to have a growing air traffic system, you really need to grow your infrastructure, too.

HARLOW: Yes. All right. Les Abend, thank you very much. Very tragic, especially for these families, 54 people onboard. We appreciate it.

Still ahead this hour, a historic day for America's favorite pastime. David Denson, making history tonight as the first openly gay active player in Major League Baseball.


[18:22:48] HARLOW: It is a history making moment in the world of baseball. For the first time ever, an active player affiliated with a major league team has come out as gay, publicly. That player, David Denson, a member of the Milwaukee Brewers rookie league. The 20-year- old first baseman reached out to a local newspaper and told his story saying, quote, "talking with my teammates gave me the confidence I needed coming out to them."

They said, his teammates said, "You're still our teammate, you're still our brother, you're still a baseball player at the end of the day. We don't treat any different. We've got your back."

Joining me now to talk about all of this is Cyd Zeigler. He's the co- founder of the Web site

Thanks for being with me.

CYD ZEIGLER, OUTSPORTS.COM (via telephone): How do you do?

HARLOW: I found that incredibly touching what he said, that it was his teammates that gave him the confidence.

What are -- how big is this in the world of professional sports?

ZEIGLER: Well, I think it's a big deal anytime a big time professional athlete comes out of the closet, because we continue to be told that athletes are homophobic. We continue to feed the idea that sports is a difficult place to come out.

And, you know, at Outsports, we've profiled about 200 athletes at every level in every sport across America over the last 15 years. And every one of them says the same exact story, that when they come out, their teammates embrace them and continue to love them as their brother or sister. So, it's incredible statement, because it continues to erode this idea that sports is this desperately homophobic place.

HARLOW: A big change came in Major League Baseball a year ago. That's when Bud Selig banned harassment, and he also pointed an ambassador for inclusion. You know, how much do you think that's a part of it? Someone at the top, whether it's a Roger Goodell, or the MLB commissioner coming out and saying, we're not going to take it anymore?

ZEIGLER: All of the major professional sport leagues have anti- discrimination policies, now to protect gay people. And it wouldn't be a surprise this would happen with them, in the middle of the season, because Major League Baseball really has to be taken -- it's taken a step beyond the others, appointing Billy Beane an ambassador for inclusion was a huge step.

[18:25:00] Now you have somebody who is openly gay, who is a former athlete, going to all of the teams, meeting the players, the managers, the executives. Billy as an ambassador for the LGBT community in baseball, I think that really sets major league baseball apart from -- baseball has really put their stamp on Billy and Billy has delivered.

HARLOW: How much more work is there to do. I mean, you sound very optimistic, which is fantastic. But I know it's not always a welcoming environment in every single locker room, just like every office, or every school isn't a welcoming environment.

What needs to change going forward?

ZEIGLER: More people need to come out. There isn't much more the teams and non-LGBT people can do to continue to make videos, and continue to make statements and continue to create policies. But at this point, I believe that LGBT people have to come out in sports at every level, in every locker room. And that is the only way to change, I think, the few corners of the sports world that are still problematic.

Though I will say the one piece to the puzzle that sets pro sports apart are old white guys in suits making decisions. I think those guys in the front offices of these teams are far more scared of this than are the athletes who are mostly in their 20s.

HARLOW: Cyd Zeigler, thank you so much. Appreciate it. What a day for the world of baseball. Appreciate it.

ZEIGLER: It's great. Thank you.

HARLOW: Still to come here, you're going to want to see this: stumping for Trump. This guy, this young man, 10-year-old Shane Doyle. He is such a fan of Donald Trump, he got an invite to ride on his helicopter yesterday at the Iowa state fair. We will ask him and his parents what they talk about in that chopper, next.


[18:30:09] POPPY HARLOW, CNN ANCHOR: Donald Trump has a lot of fans, but his biggest supporter can't even vote yet. He can't caucus in Iowa.

I want you to meet Shay Doyle.


SHAY DOYLE, DONALD TRUMP SUPPORTER: He's a lot like me in the way that he's just very bullheaded. His passion leads him where he wants to go. It's a lot like me. He's the North American dream. And the people who don't really like him, I'd say, look at him. Look at him. He's going to run this country. He will be great at it. Vote for him, please.


HARLOW: I mean, talk about a campaign ad. Shay says he's been studying up on policy and law, trying to help his fellow Iowans make their decisions at the caucuses next year. And he's met his idol, even he got a chance to ride in the Trump helicopter this weekend.

I am so happy to be joined by Shay along with his mom and dad, Michelle and Casey Doyle.

Thank you for being here, guys.



HARLOW: All right. You have to tell me, Shay, because I know mom and dad were not invited into that helicopter. You got to go with your sister. What was it like and what did you talk to Donald Trump about yesterday?

S. DOYLE: I didn't get a chance to speak with him, for a brief moment before I got on the helicopter.

HARLOW: And what did he say?

S. DOYLE: He just patted me on the back and said, thank you. And --

MICHELLE DOYLE, DONALD TRUMP SUPPORTER: Then he had to get on his way after that.

S. DOYLE: He had to get on his way.

CASEY DOYLE, DONALD TRUMP SUPPORTER: What questions did you ask?

HARLOW: Yes, what question did you ask?

S. DOYLE: I wish I had the opportunity to really speak with him like I did. But I mean, I was really thankful for the opportunity anyway.

HARLOW: What was the helicopter like?

S. DOYLE: It was very, very fancy. My sister came off the helicopter yelling, running towards my mom saying, the seatbelts are gold.

HARLOW: Really? Wow. All right. So that was a lot of fun. But turning to more, you know, serious news now, you love specific things about Donald Trump. What is it that you think would be great about him leading this country, for you and for your parents?

S. DOYLE: The way he would run the country like a business. I feel like that is how it's supposed to be run.

HARLOW: And for you, Michelle and Casey, are you guys as big Trump fans as your son is?

C. DOYLE: We support -- yes, we support Donald Trump. I would say that Shay's actually guided our interest for sure. We're not typically a political family. But Shay kind of got himself into New York and the stock exchange, and then Mr. Trump came to Warburg and Shay followed Mr. Trump and he got really excited about him and here we are today. HARLOW: Michelle, what about you? I mean, specifically, what do you

like about Donald Trump? What would he do for your family? What policy excites you most?

M. DOYLE: There's a couple. I think how he feels about employment and increasing employment. One thing in particular for me in his care for our education system and the opportunity for his to make changes and better our education.

HARLOW: Shay, you are a rising fifth grader. You are 10 years old. You are incredibly bright and well spoken and passionate. I'm interested, because you say about Trump, his passion leads him to where he wants to go. What's your passion, my friend?

S. DOYLE: I follow what I'm interested in. For the past two years, I have been interested in politics and business. And I have been studying that. If you find me at home, I'll either be playing with my friends or studying business and politics.

HARLOW: Are you recruiting some of your classmates to support Donald Trump as well?

S. DOYLE: Yes, I've actually employed five, actually.

HARLOW: You've employed them?

C. DOYLE: Employed?

S. DOYLE: Yes. I guess. Persuaded them.

HARLOW: I think you will employ a lot of folks one day, I have no doubt about that. You persuaded them. And what do you -- when you are stumping for Donald Trump, what do you tell people?

S. DOYLE: What do I tell them. I tell them that he's a really great person. I mean --

HARLOW: And what else?

S. DOYLE: When he came up to me, and you just get off the podium, getting done speaking, you go back into this room and then you see him. Basically the idol that you've been waiting for for the past two years. And then when you get to talk to him, it's really intimidating, but it feels so good. He's very -- extremely nice. And that is one of the reasons I support him. Another one of the reasons.

HARLOW: Shay, thank you very much. Michelle, Casey, thank you guys.

M. DOYLE: Thank you very much.

C. DOYLE: Thank you.

[18:35:05] HARLOW: All right. Can't wait for the day you are 18, my friend. Thank you.

More news -- more news right after this. (COMMERCIAL BREAK)

HARLOW: The search for a crashed airliner overseas is resuming this hour in Indonesia, specifically in the island province of Papua. Fifty-four people were on board the twin engine turbo prop plane. It was on a very short domestic flight when ground controllers lost contact with the plane. And people on the ground say they saw the plane crash into the side of a mountain.

Mary Schiavo is with me. She's our aviation analyst and also former inspector general at the U.S. Department of Transportation.

When you look at this plane, 54 people onboard, 27-year-old plane, the very concerning thing is the track record. The safety track record of this airline. 14 incidents since 1992. They only have 20-odd planes.

What kind of oversight would be on a plane with such a spotty safety record?

MARY SCHIAVO, CNN AVIATION ANALYST: Well, that's the problem. You've really hit the nail on the head, Poppy. That's why the European Union did ban them and so many of the carriers from Indonesia. It's because they determined that Indonesia does not have adequate oversight of the safety -- of the safety operations of their carriers and the airlines of Indonesia country. So that's part of the problem.

[18:40:01] And there's a really trifecta of problems. They have problems with training. They have problems with maintenance. And this particular airline has these ATRs, with both 42, which in the U.S. are 42-seaters. I understand there they're allowed to fly them with 50 people. And 72s, and, you know, those planes pretty much don't even fly in the lower 48 in the United States.

We have kind of kicked those to the Caribbean and warmer or better weather because they don't do well in storms, icing, bad weather. So it's really just a trifecta of problems for this carrier. Descending in an area was probably not the best landing and radar equipment either.

HARLOW: And we know thunderstorms were in the area. We don't know what role they may have played. What about the search now? I mean, is it possible that this may still be a search and rescue mission?

SCHIAVO: It's possible. I'm remembering a few prior crashes that Japan Airlines 123 went into the Mount Osutaka. That was back in the '80s. But several days later there were still some survivors. The -- and there would have been many more had they been able to get to them faster. So the key is of course getting there quickly. But I imagine that this plane was right in line to head into the airport.

The problem is, the mountains are 10,000 feet, and the airport, just ten miles in front of that, is at 4200 feet, and you have to fly high and then drop low. So my guess is the plane is off the end of the runway but in the mountains.

HARLOW: When you look at these kind of planes -- well, not these kind of planes, but the fact that this airline is banned from flying anywhere in European airspace, banned by the EU since 2007, and you've seen now three planes disappear, crashing in Asia in the last 18 months, it's hard for people to believe it's happened again.

SCHIAVO: Well, it is. And it's hard for the world to understand why they don't have better equipment all the way around, particularly in radar and air traffic control and requiring better onboard equipment. Remember after the disappearance of Malaysia 370, one of the issues is that Indonesian radar, which is apparently or allegedly what country tracked MH-370 as it left the air space and went up and around and out into the Indian Ocean, articles and reports after that disappearance indicated that Indonesia as much as two-thirds of the radar was not functional anytime, and then they turn it off at night. And that's really unacceptable in a modern aviation nation.

HARLOW: Yes. No question, a real tragedy. 54 people onboard.

Mary Schiavo, thank you for that.

SCHIAVO: Thank you.

HARLOW: Still to come here, the Civil Rights Movement mourning the loss of an iconic leader. Next, we will remember the extraordinary life of Julian Bond.


[18:46:52] HARLOW: Civil rights icon Julian Bond died Saturday night at the age of 75. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center where he was the founding president, he died after a brief illness. The life-long civil rights leader was also a former board chairman of the NAACP.

President Obama said in a statement today that Bond was both a hero and a friend. Here is a look at his extraordinary life.


FREDRICKA WHITFIELD, CNN ANCHOR (voice-over): He was one of the youngest civil rights foot soldiers. Julian Bond's journey as an activist, poet, lawmaker, television commentator, and teacher was impressively significant, spanning decades. In the '60s, he was a student at Morehouse College when he became co-founder and communications director of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, serving alongside then fellow co-founder, John Lewis.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We got others to join us by demonstrating that we were willing to risk our lives to help them, but they'd have to take a step, too. They'd have to join us. And time -- moment by moment, minute by minute, time by time, more and more people did until we had an effective organization.

WHITFIELD: Described as passionate about fighting discrimination and any vestiges of white supremacy, he was also known for his wit, intellect, cool demeanor, and good looks. He'd be elected to the Georgia House of Representatives in 1965, but would still encounter indignities at the start of what would become his 20-year service.

His white colleagues in the House refused to let him take his seat because of his opposition to the Vietnam War. His critics accused him of being disloyal. A year later in 1966, the Supreme Court accused the legislature of violating his freedom of speech and ordered it to seat him.

He'd also serve in the Georgia Senate for years. A constant advocate of learning, the former lawmaker would teach at various universities, including Harvard, the University of Pennsylvania, and most recently American University.

He was founding president of the Southern Poverty Law Center in the '70s. In a statement following his death, the SPLC said, "With Julian's passing, the country has lost one of its most passionate and eloquent voices for the cause of justice." He advocated not just for African-Americans, but for every group. Indeed, every person subject to oppression and discrimination, because he recognized the common humanity in us all."

The Tennessee native was committed to civil rights in America and beyond. In 1985, he was arrested outside the South African Embassy in Washington, D.C., leading crowds protesting apartheid, that country's legalization of racial segregation. The human and civil rights icon served as chairman of the NAACP for a decade.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What we do has not changed. We fight racial discrimination, but the way in which we do it has changed remarkably. We used to have a heavier reliance on the courts than we do today.

WHITFIELD: Upon his passing in a tweet, this message, "The NAACP mourns the passing of Chairman Julian Bond, civil rights titan and our brother. May he rest in eternal peace."

[18:50:10] Julian Bond, dead at the age of 75, survived by his wife and five children.



HARLOW: The discovery of ancient ruins in Israel may shed new light on Christianity and one of its most revered and intriguing figures. Archeologists taking alone the Sea of Galilee have now unearth what might be the hometown of Mary Magdalene and a synagogue where Jesus may have preached.

CNN's Erin McLaughlin has more.


ERIN MCLAUGHLIN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Dawn on the Sea of Galilee. Before an early morning dig to discover the roots of Christianity, volunteers pray. Here, in the ruins of the ancient town of Magdala, each swing of the thick ax, an effort to uncover what life was like some 2,000 years ago. Historians believe Jesus may have once walked these cobbled streets.

This may have been home to one of the most important figures in the bible, Mary Magdalene, the first recorded witness of the resurrection.

FATHER JUAN SOLANA, MAGDALA, ISRAEL: This is a holy site. I'm sure of that. Here, we have only the pre-parish.

MCLAUGHLIN: Six years ago, Fr. Juan Solana purchased the land to build a Christian retreat. Israeli law required him to excavate. And completely by chance, he discovered a first century synagogue.

(On camera): Scriptures say Jesus preached in the synagogues of Galilee. Well, this is the only synagogue to have been discovered in this area from that time period, so it's possible that Jesus preached here.

[18:55:04] (Voice-over): It's considered ornate with mosaic flooring and frescos.

SOLANA: This is not for me. This is for millions of people that will come, will see these, will enjoy these as I did. And hopefully, they will be able to discover our common roots.

MCLAUGHLIN: At the center, the altar or bima, what is known as the Magdala stone.

SOLANA: This is the first time ever that a menorah carved on the stone is found out of Jerusalem.

MCLAUGHLIN: Magdala may be one of the most important finds discovered in Israel in the last 50 years.

(On camera): Archaeologists uncovered this bowl some 2,000 years old that they say Jesus may have used to wash his hands before entering the synagogue to pray.


MCLAUGHLIN (voice-over): Archaeologist Dr. Marcela Zapata (ph) shows us the town's purification baths. Remarkably the baths still work to this day. They've also found coins and are working to restore pottery.

ZAPATA: It's a story about the common life, about the cooking, about the materials.

MCLAUGHLIN: And about the intersection of Judaism and Christianity.

Erin McLaughlin, CNN, Magdala, Israel.


HARLOW: Fascinating to take a closer look at what this all mean.

Candida Moss is with me. She's a professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at Notre Dame. Thank you for being here.


HARLOW: It's fascinating to see. What can this excavation tell us about Mary Magdalene herself?

MOSS: Well, it can tell us a lot about her day-to-day life and her background. According to the New Testament, she's Jesus' closest female disciple. And apparently she bankrolled the Jesus movement. She gave to Jesus out of her means. And so if this is her hometown, perhaps we can discover more about her, about the kind of life that she lived, perhaps even where she was getting her financial resources from.

HARLOW: What will they -- I mean, it's amazing to think they can do that from the little that is left. How do they determine that?

MOSS: Well, we don't actually know where did she live.

HARLOW: Right.

MOSS: We don't have any concrete sign of her. But we do have a lot of first century archaeology and that's quite rare. We don't have a lot of first century synagogues around for us to look at. There are very small coins known as widow's mite coins that usually referred to in the New Testament. So we can get a sense of what it was like to walk on these roads, what kind of utensils were used in cooking and food preparation.

What were the major businesses in the area, like, say, the fishing industry. Maybe that is the kind of business Mary Magdalene was involved in.

HARLOW: How likely is it, as Erin said in her report, that this is the synagogue -- a synagogue where Jesus preached?

MOSS: Yes, well, that's difficult to say. The New Testament says that he preached in this region, in Galilee, and there's no real reason to make something like that up. This is really the only first century synagogue that we have in Galilee. So it's very possible that Jesus was here and that he touched these things, which would give this place huge religious significance to Christians.


MOSS: But it also has great historical significance to archaeologists.

HARLOW: When you look at the woman -- Mary Magdalene as the woman who supported Jesus financially, there's been such intrigue around her because of what people thought she was or wasn't. You know, what does this do to the perception of her?

MOSS: Yes, no matter how much they'll say it, Mary Magdalene wasn't married to Jesus. HARLOW: OK.

MOSS: And this new focus on her hometown, on industry there, on life there, will hopefully shift the focus from this myth that she was married to Jesus to the woman that she actually was which is one of the patrons of Jesus, one of the people who supported him financially.

HARLOW: How rare is a find like this?

MOSS: It's extremely rare. I mean, we don't have first century synagogue so this is a huge historical and archeological discovery for everyone, regardless of whether or not you're Christian.

HARLOW: Right. Exactly. It's fascinating to see. Thank you so much, Candidate. I appreciate it.

MOSS: Thank you.

HARLOW: Well, coming up on CNN, a new episode of "THE HUNT."

Also this, two weeks ago, CNN aired an episode of "THE HUNT" that profiled a mother on the run with her 4-year-old daughter. Well, after that episode aired, John Walsh's hotline got a tip. Police then tracked down Megan Everett and returned the missing child.

Up next, you are going to see the episode that led to that arrest.

Thank you so much for being with me tonight. Remember you can get the latest news any time at and also on our mobile app. I'm Poppy Harlow in New York. Have a great week.