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Strong Jobs Report; Chicago Shooting; Trump on "SNL"; Police: "Suicide" Cop Wanted Auditor Dead. Aired 9:30-10a ET

Aired November 06, 2015 - 09:30   ET



[09:30:59] POPPY HARLOW, CNN ANCHOR: Good morning, everyone. 9:30 a.m. Eastern this Friday morning. I'm Poppy Harlow, in for Carol Costello. Thank you so much for being with me.

Let's pull up the big board. Take a look at Wall Street because we just got that all important jobs report. The opening bell just rang moments ago on the heels of a very strong report showing 271,000 jobs were added to the U.S. economy just in the month of October. Another big headline, unemployment in this country falling to 5 percent for the first time since the depths of the financial crisis. Christine Romans with me now.

A big number. A positive number. Hard to find many negatives.

CHRISTINE ROMANS, CNN SENIOR BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT: And wage - and wages up. Wages - year over year wage growth, 2.5 percent. A big surprise. There's been a decade now - more than a decade of sort of stagnant wages. So you're finally seeing wage growth here and you're seeing strong gains across the categories for job creation.

When you look at the markets here, there's a couple of things happening. A lot of folks think now the Federal Reserve can raise interest rates at the end of the year, so that could hurt the stock market. But it also means that they're not so concerned about global growth concerns hitting U.S. companies.


ROMANS: So that's a good thing. So you're seeing this tug of war here between how to make sense of this. A much bigger market, the bond market, is - interest rates are rising. So if you have a mortgage or if you're trying to lock in a mortgage rate, I think you're going to see mortgage rates rise here. So that's a win (ph). One practical application. Also you've seen the dollar strengthen. So if you're trying to book a trip to Italy or France, there you go, you've got a strengthening dollar.

HARLOW: I was shocked when I went to the bank the other week and exchanged euros for dollars.


HARLOW: At how little I got. ROMANS: Yes. Yes.

HARLOW: Little I got back. But looking at this overall, you know, it all becomes political very quickly.


HARLOW: It was already political.


HARLOW: And when you have politician whose say this administration hasn't done enough on jobs for Americans, they often point to the unemployment number, those who aren't counted in the unemployment rate.

ROMANS: Right.

HARLOW: What does that tell us?

ROMANS: So the underemployment rate number is now below 10 percent, and that's a number that's people who are out of work, officially out of work, or they are working part time but want to be working full time. There - there's another number that counts people who are just out of the labor market and that number is still stubbornly, stubbornly high, quite frankly. The people who are just like out of the labor market altogether. But these other numbers, under employment, the jobless rate, all these bad numbers have been getting better. And when you look at it, take it at its whole, 5 percent unemployment, that's pretty low, folks. It's the lowest since 2007. The lowest since the worst of the financial crisis.


ROMANS: And even before the financial crisis.

HARLOW: We'll take it and hope it gets better for those people still not counted in that rate.

ROMANS: That's right. That's right.

HARLOW: Christine, thank you.

ROMANS: You're welcome.

HARLOW: Have a great weekend.

ROMANS: You too.

HARLOW: Appreciate it, as always.

Also to politics we go. Cowardly, unfathomable, a new low in Chicago violence. These are words being used to describe the shooting death of this beautiful little nine-year-old boy, Tyshawn Lee, who police say was, quote, "targeted by gang members" and lured into the alley where he was killed. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

SUPERINTENDENT GARRY MCCARTHY, CHICAGO POLICE: We're pretty certain that this is not an accident. He was not a bystander. And we believe that this is all related to - we know the two groups. We know the individuals involved in both groups. And proving who did what is where we are right now and that's where we need some assistance.


HARLOW: Polo Sandoval following this story for us. This is - this is hard for anyone to stomach. And when you look at the numbers, we just see time and time again that murder rates are up across this country and Chicago just keeps bearing the brunt of it.

POLO SANDOVAL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: And, Poppy, right off of that, you know, three and a half decades of police work for the police superintendent and he said by far the murder of Tyshawn Lee is perhaps the most despicable crime that he's ever had to investigate. And I think what that does, it really does speak to the impact, not only on police who are working this case, but also the community.

This morning they are waking up to news that nine-year-old Tyshawn Lee was actually targeted, lured out to that ally and then shot to death. And what makes this even harder to deal with for people in that community is that police don't have a whole lot to go on with respect to a possible suspect. So they know that if they're going to be able to find the person or people responsible for the death of this little boy, they will need the community's help. So now we're hearing from some of the members of that community trying to rally some support, trying to find some information. Take a listen.

[09:35:08] (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

FATHER MICHAEL PFLEGER, SAINT SABINA CHURCH: We have gone to a new low that's removed what used to be some codes, some barriers, some lines that used to be drawn in the community, some things in the city that was not acceptable. It's given an OK to cowards. Now we're going target family members? We're going target mothers? We're going to target grandmothers? We're going to target babies? Because an execution of a baby took place on our watch in the city of Chicago. We must now put the code back. We've got to draw the line back. We've got to put the barriers back saying this here is not going to be tolerated.


SANDOVAL: Clearly a community there deeply frustrated. So now you're beginning to see members of the clergy coming forward trying to encourage people to really speak out. Adding to that public plea, police are also offering a reward for any information. On the actual investigation itself, Poppy, we do understand that Tyshawn was actually targeted because his father, Pierre Stokes, is suspected of being a reported gang member. This is a claim that he's actually denying at this point. But we also understand that he is not cooperating with police. And finally, going back to what you mentioned, we've seen these

numbers, sadly. When you see gang members going to war on the streets, you expect injuries and casualties. Not a nine-year-old little boy who was, by all accounts, caught in the cross-fire.

HARLOW: No. No, it is a new low. Polo, thank you very much.

And for all of you watching, next hour I will be speaking with Father Michael Pfleger, who you just heard from there, saying this is the murder of a nine-year-old boy. This is unacceptable. He'll be in our 10:00 hour. Stay with me for that.

Still to come here, though, the protests growing and now a bounty placed on Donald Trump's "SNL" hosting duties. Well someone try to disrupt on Saturday night?


[09:41:15] HARLOW: Both candidates - well, candidates, I should say, on both sides of the 2016 race for the White House are making the rounds on late night comedy shows. You've seen a lot of them lately. Hillary Clinton sitting down last night with Jimmy Kimmel a little past my bedtime but I saw the highlights this morning. She joked about what might change in the White House if she is elected.


JIMMY KIMMEL, LATE NIGHT TALK SHOW HOST: Will you have the head spot at the dinner table now that you would be president? Will the remote for the television be on your side of the bed?

HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Thank you. Thank you. Well, there are some things that are unchangeable, like moving the remote. That - that -

KIMMEL: That's his?

CLINTON: Yes, that is too big an issue for me to take on.

KIMMEL: I see.

CLINTON: I've got to do world peace and get the economy going and take care of people.

KIMMEL: Very - yes.

CLINTON: If I were going to run against him, would I win? Yes.


HARLOW: Well, then there is Donald Trump who is preparing for his upcoming stint as host of "Saturday Night Live." But controversy is brewing as his big Saturday night gig approaches.

Joining me now to talk about all of this, the politics, the comedy, it is a Friday so we can have a little fun here, comedian and Sirius XM radio host Dean Obeidallah. Also with us, comedian Chuck Nice.

Thank you, gentlemen, for being here.



HARLOW: Dean, you have an interesting take. You were a writer for a long time on "SNL" or on the - on the team - the "SNL" team for many years.

OBEIDALLAH: I was on the production staff for eight years, yes.

HARLOW: And you have said that Donald Trump's hosting on Saturday night may be one of the most challenging things not only for him but for the show.

OBEIDALLAH: I think it is because when Trump hosted in 2004, and I was there, the goal of the writers and the producers is to make the funniest show possible. And usually the host is in on it.


OBEIDALLAH: Now, Donald Trump is the number one or number two candidate for president in the GOP. His goal is not to hurt his campaign. In fact, to help his campaign would be great, but not to hurt it. So there might be tension. And the writers saying, hey, Donald, why don't you do this or that and Trump calculating, you know, that might not help me in this campaign because Ben Carson already came after Trump -

HARLOW: But people love it when you make fun of yourself and he's -

OBEIDALLAH: Well, that - that - he's got to do that. Will he do that? That's the question.

HARLOW: In fact, he's been so accused of being thin skinned. You'll remember when President Obama took a -

NICE: Who? Donald Trump? Yes.

HARLOW: Took a jab at him in the White House Correspondence Dinner in the - a few ago and the camera pans to him and he's like not smiling.

NICE: Right. Yes.

HARLOW: So what could he do to benefit himself on Saturday?

NICE: You know, here's the thing, he has to play along. That's all. I mean in - and because he has a reputation of being thin skinned, it's going to help him if he actually plays along and says, hey, I'm in on the joke. I think Donald Trump is in on the joke. I think we are not in on the joke. He's playing a joke on all of us that we're not in on.

HARLOW: I don't know. He's been asked that a number - a number - a number of time and flatly denied that. But on a more serious note and then we'll get to some of this other

great sound that we have, protests. I mean, look, you've not only got protests of people saying someone that said this about my origin or Hispanics in general should not be on the show, should not be hosting this show.


HARLOW: You've got a petition going out this week with 500,000 signatures calling on NBC to drop him. This is very painful for a lot of folks, Dean.

OBEIDALLAH: Well, I wrote criticizing Trump for his Latino comments and I'm Muslim, for his anti-Muslim comments. At the same time, I defend "SNL" having him on. They're not validating his views by putting him on, just like they didn't validate Hillary Clinton's views when they had her on in the first show of the year. And the idea that you can veto a political candidate because people object means we'll never have politicians on "Saturday Night Live" and that would be unfortunate. So if you don't like - I understand. I'm not supporting Donald Trump. Turn the channel if you don't like it. But, comedically, he should be on, just like any other candidate could be on.

HARLOW: Chuck, you've - you've said that - that having Ben Carson, for example, host "SNL" would be a very bad business move for Lauren Michaels.

NICE: Absolutely.

HARLOW: Let's listen to what Ben Carson said yesterday when asked about if he would go on "SNL."


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How about being guest host on "Saturday Night Live"? Does that interest you?



[09:45:00] CARSON: Because I think the presidency of the United States is a very serious thing and I don't even want to begin to put it in the light of comedy.


HARLOW: Clearly we have a comedian on our set.

NICE: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

OBEIDALLAH: Do you think Ben Carson could --

NICE: Was Ben Carson talking? I'm sorry.

(CROSSTALK) NICE: Did I take a Xanax or was Ben Carson talking?

HARLOW: Does he have a point given the world's crisis right now?

NICE: No, he doesn't have a point. Please. First of all, a can of paint would do a better job hosting "Saturday Night Live" than Ben Carson. If you want to give America a sleeping pill then put Ben Carson as the host of "Saturday Night Live".

Lorne Michaels knows what he's doing. Donald Trump is great television. That is all there is tight. I don't care who is watching or who says they are not going to watch. The fact is if you really don't want Donald Trump to do well on "Saturday Night Live," don't protest. Because we all know that protest brings numbers down way low, right?

So the fact is that it's going to be very highly rated and he's going to do a good job. So get over it because that is what he does. He's a reality television star. What makes you think that he's not going to do a good job on "SNL"? So, you know, it's our fault. Reality TV is now bleeding into reality and we are to blame. So that's what I have to say about that.

HARLOW: All right. To the weekend on that note. Dean, thank you very much. Chuck, thank you very much.

NICE: It's a pleasure.

HARLOW: Great to have you on. Quick break. We'll be right back.


[09:51:17] HARLOW: A new twist in the investigation into the death of Lieutenant Joe Gliniewicz. Authorities are now revealing that the officer who killed himself in a, quote, "carefully staged suicide" may have actually tried to hire a hit man to kill a village official who was auditing the mentoring program where he had allegedly been embezzling tens of thousands of dollars for years.

This story gets more and more bizarre. Rosa Flores following it all for us. Good morning, Rosa.

ROSA FLORES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Good morning, Poppy. Authorities here sharing with us some of those disturbing details about that alleged hit on a Village Administrator.

Let me take you through this. Let me start with the text message that gave authorities the clue. Take a look at your screen. It reads, and I'm going to quote here, "Close to entertaining a meeting with a mutual acquaintance of ours with the word 'White' in their nickname."

Now, according to investigators, "White" is code. A code name for a high-ranking gang member. Now, through some police work authorities tell us that they identified the person exchanging that text message with Gliniewicz. They talked to the person. They interviewed her. And according to authorities, they say that she said that Lieutenant Gliniewicz had a conversation with her about that hit on the Village Administrator.

Now they also found this high-ranking gang member, authorities did. They had a conversation with him as well, and authorities tell us that he denied everything. But imagine being that Village Administrator that learns that there's a potential hit for your life out there. She was very stunned. She says she was very scared. But she put it into her own words. Take a listen -


ANNE MARRIN, VILLAGE ADMINISTRATOR: It's very unsettling. Again, you know, my concern is my family. It's quite unbelievable and almost surreal, I would say.


FLORES: Now, authorities also tell us that there were text messages alluding to a possible planting of evidence. Now, authorities also investigated that, and then they found cocaine inside Lieutenant Gliniewicz's desk in his office. According to authorities they said that was a huge worry. It was inside an unmarked evidence bag, Poppy. They said that they looked into it. There were no other cases that Lieutenant Gliniewicz was working that involved substances such as cocaine, and so at this point they don't know where it came from. They don't know what it was for. But they found it on his desk.


FLORES: Poppy?

HARLOW: Rosa Flores following this story from the beginning when it broke a few months again for us. Rosa, thank you very much.

[09:54:02] Coming up next, Carson unleashed. How the GOP front-runner is responding to questions about his past. You have to hear this interview. We're on it in the next hour of "NEWSROOM".


HARLOW: All right. Checking top stories for you. You are looking at some remarkable live footage coming to us from NASA. Happening right now, two NASA astronauts are working outside of the ISS, the International Space Station. Those astronauts, Scott Kelly and Kjell Lindgren are now two hours into their mission. They're finishing a cooling system repair that started three years ago that will likely take them four more hours to get the job done.

Facebook is liking its new net worth, $306.4 billion. Just wrap your head around that number for a moment. This comes after posting a better-than-expected earnings report with higher profits than many expected. The social media giant skyrocketing past GE in terms of market value. Facebook is now the sixth largest company in the S&P 500.

And new video and play-by-play from Serena Williams herself following this apparent phone theft. The tennis star and the man that she says nabbed her phone seen here on screen on Facebook Williams posted. She thought the man was standing behind her way too long. She grew suspicious. She then says she yelled, OMG, that dude took my phone. She left to chase him, confronting him just steps outside the restaurant. She was back enjoying her meal in less than one minute. Good on you, Serena.

The next hour of "NEWSROOM" begins right now.


HARLOW: Good morning, everyone. I'm Poppy Harlow, in today for my friend Carol Costello. It is 10:00 a.m. Eastern. Thank you for being with me this morning.