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Ben Carson Reacts to Questions About his Autobiography; 9-Year- Old Murdered. Aired 3:30-4p ET

Aired November 06, 2015 - 15:30   ET


[15:30:00] BROOKE BALDWIN, CNN HOST: David Cameron, prime minister of U.K., couple of days ago came out with a strong statement. We have heard now from U.S. intelligence and now we have heard not specifically from Vladimir Putin, although we do know that he was in communications with el-Sisi in Egypt. We know that he has been in communication with U.S. and U.K. with regard to the intelligence. And no more planes will be coming or going from Russia into Egypt. I was asking Paul Cruickshank, I'm curious what your response would be. What's Putin's next move?

PAUL CRUICKSHANK, CNN TERRORISM ANALYST: Putin's next move is going to be to try to figure out both how he approaches the Russian people with the story. Because at first, of course, they were saying let's not jump to conclusions. At some point, I think the Russians are going to decide, the Russian populations are going to decide what we have come to our own conclusion here based on all these obvious facts. And there is a momentum to these data points that point in the direction of this being terrorism and it is quite obvious and I don't think they will believe some conspiracy theory as often as the case in Russia. They do tend to, the general population, tends to buy into that sort of thing.

So I think that he's going to have to figure out, well, how do I sort of approach my own people with this? What's the story we go with, but also it is going to be that there is a doubling down in Syria, which is already occurring, by the way. You have some reports that you have gone from 2,000 to 4,000 soldiers on the ground, I should say, in Syria that are Russian. That numbers are going to get even larger. They are preparing for major offensive. They are deploying artillery. And now Putin is going to say that there's going to be a public consensus to do more of that and that would be the expectation, I think.

Whether it is true or not, we will have to see, but that will be the assumption that he is acting under because in the past as we know based on what happened even in Chechen when during the second Chechen incursion, there was a terrorist act and then there was a major incursion to root out the terrorism. That's the Russian playbook. I think we can expect that to play out here in very much the same way.

BALDWIN: What about, on me looking at you, and thinking about airport security. We already were talking earlier in the show about TSA. Now there will be enhanced screenings from and it is vague, but from certain airports overseas incoming to the United States. Beyond that, how will this affect the rest of us? LES ABEND, CNN AVIATION ANALYST: Well, there is going to be a lot

more scrutiny. Brooke, after September 11th, we started to shore up all the holes to the extent that we could. I mean, we brought air marshals into the picture. We brought volunteer pilots with federal flight decks officer program. We are protecting the interior of the airplane. My fear has always been the vulnerability of what can be brought on the cargo, be it catering and all the external people. It's hard to control that.

BALDWIN: We go through all these lines and all these checks and you look at the gun running scheme, right, between New York and Atlanta. If you can get guns on these planes over and over, there clearly are vulnerabilities for people who are working at the airports, domestically or overseas.

ABEND: And they are one step ahead of us. And it might turn out to be a simple device that we find on the (INAUDIBLE).

BALDWIN: (INAUDIBLE), thank you all so much. Les Abend, Buck Sexton, thank you very much.

And we're going to take a quick break. Keep it here. CNN special live coverage after this.


[15:37:28] BALDWIN: You're watching CNN. Thank you so much for being with me. I'm Brooke Baldwin.

In politics today Donald Trump has called Ben Carson low energy. But today, the retire pediatric neurosurgeon was definitely high octane because he had a bit of an exchange this morning with my friend and fellow CNN anchor Alysin Camerota who asked about the violent episodes in his youth that CNN has really tried to corroborate that spelled out, by the way, all out in his 1990 biography, "Gifted Hand." The stories were spelled out.

Carson describes punching a classmate with a lock in his hand, going after his mother and nearly killing a friend for changing the radio station. But ten friends, classmates and neighbors who grew up with Carson told CNN they have no memory of the anger and the violence that this candidate has described. Carson this morning reacted and went on the defense.


BEN CARSON (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: One of the tactics that is used by you guys in the media, particularly when someone is doing very well, is let's find a way to get them distracted and get all the people distracted so that we can get away from the real issues. And I'm simply not going to allow that occur.

ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Dr., I know you called this tactics. It's called vetting in politics. You know it well just from the short time that you have been in politics.

CARSON: Is that what you guys did with the current president? Is what did you guys did with him?

CAMEROTA: Yes. As a matter of fact --

CARSON: You did not. Give me a break.

CAMEROTA: President Obama's autobiography "Dreams with my Father" was also vetted. You will recall, Dr. Carson.

CARSON: Give me a break. Are you kidding me?

CAMEROTA: Don't you remember there was a whole question about his girlfriend and people went back to try to find the president's girlfriend and it turned out that she may have been a composite character and that was revealed --.

CARSON: You all did with President Obama doesn't even come close. It doesn't even come close to what you guys are trying to do in my case. You're going to just keep going back and trying to find he said this 12 years ago. It is just garbage.


BALDWIN: Joining me now, Michael Smerconish, host of CNN's "SMERCONISH."

All right, so you watched that exchange this morning on "New Day." You didn't hop on air yourself. What is the net gain from that interview?

MICHAEL SMERCONISH, CNN HOST, SMERCONISH: Well, before I answer that, let me say this. I think we would be derelict in our duty if we did not chase a story like that.

BALDWIN: (INAUDIBLE) until I agree with you.

[15:40:02] SMERCONISH: Yes. It's not as if we created that narrative. That's in his book. It's been part and parcel of his speaking engagements. It's a fantastic part of his spiritual awakening because that's how he ties it altogether. But it's a fantastical tail, right? Age 14, stabs an individual or a classmate, now he says a family member and their - but for the Grace of the belt buckle that individual would be dead. Of course, I'd love to know who is that individual and how did their life turn out. So let me first say that.

Now, to the issue of what's the net-net, the interview was terrific. I mean, 30 straight minutes, I could have watched another 30. And I said to myself this helps in Iowa because it all is tied the way he tells it to spiritual redemption. I don't think it's the kind of a story ultimately that helps him among independents if he won't allow it to be vetted further.

And by the way, what's wrong with him giving access to Maeve or anyone else here at CNN or, my God, even somebody at FOX to say here's the person.

BALDWIN: Maybe those people wanted to talk about it. I don't know. I would think this would help and be part of this narrative.

SMERCONISH: Then it starts to raise more questions than it answers. The man, it says to me, well, wait a minute, I remember when he made those comments about the shooting victims in Oregon that I thought were really off putting about how he would have defended himself, which then turned into the story --


SMERCONISH: Right, and a guy puts a gun in his rib cage. He was on my radio program and I said, well, Dr. Carson, did you fight back? What did you do? No, I directed him to the appropriate individual meaning the cashier. Well, when he says something like that to a guy like me who is by nature a cynic and inquisitive, I want to see the police report. I want to know more. Who was there? What happened that day?

BALDWIN: You want to do your job.

SMERCONISH: A gun in your ribs is not an everyday occurrence. And then we become, you know, the bad people for asking. So what I'm most curious about is what happens Tuesday night at the debate because does someone now ask a question like this?

BALDWIN: How can they not?

SMERCONISH: You would think how could you not, right? But I'm sure you'd get booed by the audience. I mean, to me, it's like asking Senator Rubio about his credit cards or asking Carly Fiorina about her tenure at HP. But this is now a cloak, I'm sorry to be long winded.

BALDWIN: No, no, no.

SMERCONISH: But this is now a cloak being used by these candidates to keep us from asking what I believe are legitimate questions. In the same way I want legitimate questions to be asked of all of the D's.

BALDWIN: I agree. No, I'm not done with you, Smerconish. You have more.

Let's move on from Ben Carson here for a second, though, and talk about the news. Now, we know, you mentioned this debate coming up. So now we know that Mike Huckabee and Chris Christie, they have been bumped for the main stage from the prime time debate. Here is Chris Christie addressing some of that earlier today in New Hampshire.


GOV. CHRIS CHRISTIE (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Doesn't mean a whole lot of anything, you know. The fact is that we're going to be debating on Tuesday night. I'll be talking about the things I want to talk about. And, you know, national poll that one snapshot in time means nothing to me. I have never had difficulty making an impression. I will make an impression on Tuesday night, just like I have in the first few debates.


BALDWIN: Do you have reaction to that?

SMERCONISH: You know, for Christie, this week, it was the best of times and it was the worst of times. He had that viral moment that last count that had six million plus views. He really tapped into something here when he started to talk about addiction, which in the minds of New Hampshire voters is like the number one issue.

I think he lives to another day. I would not be writing his political obituary based on the fact that he is at the kiddie table. You can make an impression as part of, you know, that the junior varsity squad, and as long as he's not going to win Iowa. He's not tailor made for Iowa. He stands a chance in New Hampshire. And if he stays the course in New Hampshire, he could surprise people there. And then it's a whole new ball game.

BALDWIN: OK, before I let you go. You know, there's a little show on Saturday night.

SMERCONISH: Yes, I can never stay up late enough for it. I'm going to try.

BALDWIN: I don't want to go. I think it's better to watch it on TV. It will be just kind of incredible. So Donald Trump, so we are talking about "Saturday Night Live." And apparently he told Bill O'Reilly that, you know, you sketches of these writers, you sit with Lorne Michaels during the week. And so, he has rejected some of the sketches. Quote, this Trump talking, "there were a couple that were too risque, because, you know, the poll just came down. I'm leading in Iowa. I want to stay leading in Iowa." So he's likely referring to our latest CNN/ORC poll where he's edging out Carson by two points. Can Iowans not take a little bit of a dirty joke?

SMERCONISH: Brooke, the man's favorite book is the bible. Are we surprised? Why are you laughing?


BALDWIN: And with that, we tune in Saturday night.

Smerconish, thank you so much. Michael Smerconish. Make sure you tune in tomorrow morning at 9:00 eastern to catch his show, "SMERCONISH" here on CNN. Always a pleasure.

Back to our breaking news here. The latest we have been getting from the European investigators with regards to the downed Russian passenger plane. Investigators now say the cockpit voice recorder shows an explosion and the flight data recorder confirms the explosion was not an accident. We will be right back.


[15:49:58] BALDWIN: Chicago police are now saying without a doubt a murdered 9-year-old boy was targeted. Tyshawn Lee was shot multiple times, left in an alley Monday while just walking home from school. He was merely steps away from his grandmother's home.

According to investigators, Tyshawn was lured into that alley and killed in retaliation for his father's ties to a gang. But Tyshawn's father denies any gang affiliation.


[15:50:26] UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I never did nothing.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE REPORTER: You don't have any names to give to the police?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE REPORTER: Nobody that you know from another gang or from your old gang?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE REPORTER: You think there will be retaliation for your son's death?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, no retaliation whatsoever. I want to tell we just want justice for Tyshawn. I'm not the gang banger type. I don't do that.


BALDWIN: Police, community, faith leaders there in Chicago coming together hoping someone will step forward, help catch and bring Tyshawn's killer to justice.


SUPERINTENDENT GARRY MCCARTHY, CHICAGO POLICE: Tyshawn Lee was murdered in probably the most apparent cowardly, unfathomable crime that I have witnessed in 35 years of policing.

REV. MICHAEL PILEGER, ST. SABINA CATHOLIC CHURCH: What happened took us to a new low. This wasn't a drive by. This was not a spray of bullets. A baby was executed. A baby was assassinated right behind us in this alley.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We need someone to come forward and say, you know what, my conscious will not allow me to be quiet while a baby was executed in this city.


BALDWIN: Chicago anti-violence activists Andrew Holmes joins me now. He is also a crisis responder with Chicago survivors and a victim of gun violence himself.

Mr. Holmes, thank you for joining me.

ANDREW HOLMES, CHICAGO COMMUNITY ACTIVIST: Thank you, ma'am. BALDWIN: I was just talking to Fr. Pileger yesterday. You attended

the news conference. I mean, here you have this 9-year-old targeted and executed. When is enough, enough?

HOLMES: Well, when the community comes together and stands up and speaks out, give up these individuals and quit being afraid, we can fight back by giving up these information on these perpetrators who discharge these weapons. And it has been proven over and over again that Chicago citizens have stepped up to the plate and gave the information to the Chicago police department.

And briefly, when I say that in 2008, 9-year-old Mya Lance (ph), that case has been solve d. 2009, Chastity Turner, that case has been solved. 2010, (INAUDIBLE), a 9-year-old, that case was solved. 2014 of last year, Antonio Smith, that 9-year-old case is solved. Now 2015, Tyshawn Lee, this case will be solved.

BALDWIN: I know that father flagger is offering to put up his own money to locate any witnesses. A $35,000 reward is now on the table. But I'm so glad you mentioned all those names and all these previous cases. But despite all these cases, despite those being solved, you still have Tyshawn's execution.

HOLMES: Yes. We still have his execution and we are working hard and we are praying hard. And I'm 100 percent following the superintendent lead on this and working with the community and bridging the gap and working with the mayor. This case is going to be solved. And solved through prayer. And I believe that.

We are not just going to stand up see, when you look at the situation that's around in the United States, when a Chicago - not Chicago police officer, but when police officers discharged their weapon, we have this outrage. We need the same outrage.

BALDWIN: Where is the outrage? In this case, I agree with you.

HOLMES: Yes. If you look at it, when an officer shoots a person, you have city by city, state by state, shutting down a street with the outrage. Where is the outrage on this child? Door by door, neighbor by neighbor, let's get this killer and bring this killer to justice. This child should have a cap and gown on his head, not resting.

BALDWIN: Agreed. And not only, sir, do you address violence, and are too familiar with violence in Chicago, and you just not an activist, you are someone who has been personally affected, you lost your 32- year-old daughter earlier to gun violence in Indianapolis earlier this year. You were shot as a teenager and caught in crossfire in Chicago. So this is personal.

HOLMES: Yes, I know the effects. I know the feeling. I've had them shoes on, walking with the parents who have lost their children. Now I have to lace them shoes up because I lost my first born. But it made me stronger.

And I'm asking any and everybody across Chicago and throughout the United States. We -- I have a communication call center that they can call from anywhere with any information about any shooting, any violence. We will turn that information over to the Chicago police department or whatever jurisdiction it's in. And that call center number is 1-800-883-5587. Ron and Mary. People are there answering 24 hour through operation restore innocent.

[15:55:35] BALDWIN: Andrew Holmes, my condolences for your daughter. Thank you for having a strong voice and speaking up on CNN. We appreciate your time.

HOLMES: Thank you.

BALDWIN: Thank you. We'll be right back.


[15:59:28] BALDWIN: I want you to meet one of our top ten CNN heroes of the year. Sean Gobin is a combat veteran who served in both Iraq and Afghanistan. And when he came home, he hiked the entire Appalachian Trail. His journey that helped him processed, he says, his war experience. Since then he has helped more than 70 veterans follow in his footsteps.


SEAN GOBIN, WARRIOR HIKE: You have eight hours a day to hike. And your brain has no choice but to just relive along these experiences that you've gone through. So all these experiences you put away for years come to the surface and then you have to deal with them.


BALDWIN: I want you to read Sean's whole story. Please go to

That does it for me. Have a wonderful weekend. I'm Brooke Baldwin.

"The LEAD" with Jake Tapper starts now.