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U.S. Pumps up Security; Carson Lashing at Media; Trump on "SNL"; Egypt: Noise Heard Before Plane Broke Apart; Suicide Cop's File: Sex, Lies, and Suspensions. Aired 4-5p ET

Aired November 07, 2015 - 16:00   ET


[16:00:02] AMES HOLBROOK, AUTHOR "DISCHARGE": And you have, number one, I would say the most valuable thing of all, the veterans are geared to accomplishing the mission under time constraints and severe conditions, so I would tell all employers, you're going to win. Everybody's going to win if you pull these veterans onboard.

POPPY HARLOW, CNN ANCHOR: Yes, I think we all owe it to the veterans of America. Ames, thank you very much for your service and thank you for being with us.

HOLBROOK: Thank you very much, Poppy. I mean, my book "Discharge" has a lighter tone, but at its base we have a very real challenge. Thank you.

HARLOW: Yes, absolutely.

Ames Holbrook, thank you.

The next hour of NEWSROOM begins right now.


HARLOW: 4:00 Eastern. You're in the CNN NEWSROOM,"I'm Poppy Harlow, joining you from New York. The United States ramping up air security measures in the wake of that Russian plane crash in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula. This includes enhanced screening focused on certain international airports with direct flights right into here, the United States.

U.S. and British officials have said that it may have been a bomb that downed that jet killing all 224 people onboard. Egypt says it is too soon to know for sure. Egypt's lead investigator announcing today a noise was heard in the final seconds of that flight caught on the cockpit voice recorder just before the plane broke apart in the sky, but what was that noise?

Let's bring in Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr, who just sat down for a fascinating exclusive interview with Homeland Security secretary Jeh Johnson. Barbara, you spoke with him at the defense forum held at the Reagan National Library in California. What struck you most about the conversation?

BARBARA STARR, CNN PENTAGON CORRESPONDENT: Well, here at the Reagan Library today there's an all-day seminar going on with top U.S. government officials in the military, intelligence, and homeland security sectors, and we've talked to many people here, but when we sat down with Jeh Johnson, the secretary of Homeland Security a short time ago, we caught him on the run. He talked about why the decision was made to increase those aviation security measures.


STARR (on camera): What are your concerns about what you see out there about the ability of ISIS to potentially get a bomb on a plane, whether it's headed for the U.S. or not, but to get a bomb on a plane?

JEH JOHNSON, HOMELAND SECURITY SECRETARY: Well, this is why we determined to take precautionary interim steps while this investigation is still ongoing.

ISIL is out there now active in a lot of different areas, and so while this investigation's pending, and because we have this group claiming responsibility, we believe it's significant to do these things on an interim basis and to tell the public that we have done this. We want the public to know that our aviation security officials are very much focused on this, we're continually evaluating whether more or less is necessary, and as part of that continuous evaluation, we announce what we announced yesterday.

STARR: What do you want the American flying public to know right now, how concerned should they be if they are flying overseas or flying back into the United States? What do you want people to know about all this?

JOHNSON: I want people to know that their aviation security officials working on their behalf are continually evaluating threats, potential threats, and that we make adjustments all the time based on what we see.

STARR: Are you satisfied right now, last question, that it's right now you have a handle on this current situation?

JOHNSON: Well, I'm very satisfied that we are keeping very close tabs on this, that the steps we announced yesterday are the appropriate steps given that the information's still ongoing, they are of interim precautionary nature. I want to continue to stress that, and we're evaluating whether more is necessary.

This process does not stop, it does not go to sleep, it does not take a break on weekends, it's something we do continuously, and given the ongoing investigation, we are particularly focused on what happened, understanding what happened, and what more we could do in that region.


STARR: Don't miss his last words there, what more that might be need to be done in the region. Secretary Johnson's very calm about what's happen right now, but he is, in fact, holding the door open that more security measures could come down the road if the intelligence bears out, if it looks like they need to try and get more security at overseas airports that have direct flights into the United States.


So we've talked here today, Poppy, to probably a dozen U.S. government officials in the national security, military, and intelligence sector, and what we are really getting from people that we're talking to is a growing sense, and some with almost near certainty, but a growing sense that the intelligence is indicating this may well have been a bomb onboard the plane.

Everyone will tell you they still haven't come to a final conclusion. We understand that, but the intelligence is certainly leading officials in a direction, and they are even now that intercept we talked about for after the incident, intercepts from Sinai, back to ISIS in (INAUDIBLE) Syria, they are going back through that, scrubbing it, especially the British we are told here and looking at it for more specific indications of what that chatter was talking about. Looking for indications, we are told, that some of that chatter may, may have referenced a timing device onboard the plane. Poppy?

HARLOW: All right. Barbara Starr, live for us at the Reagan Library in California. Barbara, you broke the story earlier this week and you continue to make news on it. Thank you for bringing us what Jeh Johnson had to say.

STARR: Sure.

HARLOW: Let's talk more about this now with former CIA operative Bob Baer and CNN global affairs analyst Kimberly Dozier. Bob, you said to me last hour you just don't trust Egypt's investigation. That's a problem, because they are leading this.

ROBERT BAER, FORMER CIA OPERATIVE: It's a problem because, Poppy, we don't know what kind of device it was. I've seen nothing to appear in the press or people I've talked to that knows whether it was put on and concealed in a suit case or somebody on the ground staff put it on, that makes a big difference, because the Islamic state has a very sophisticated device, it's something we should know as quickly as possible.

But the Egyptians, it's going to be up to them to reassemble this airplane, put it in a hangar, figure out what this bomb was, if it went off in a particular suitcase and if they can identify the owner of that suitcase, or it was the grounds staff simply stuck in between the suitcases, but this is all crucial to the investigation, very difficult to do, and, frankly, I don't see the Egyptians up to it. I'd like to see the FBI in there, for one.

HARLOW: Kimberly, you made a fascinating point in this, you say look there's an impact of this, that's the resulting economic hit that Egypt, for example, takes. And not because it's so hard on the people there and what they'll have to go through, but because of the increased vacuum it creates. Explain that a little bit.

KIMBERLY DOZIER, CNN GLOBAL AFFAIRS ANALYST: Well, whether or not ISIS did carry out some sort of bombing as technicians are trying to figure that out, the first thing is, U.S. intelligence, all the way up to the president, has said it's possible. They have assigned that kind of capability to this terrorist group, so that knock on effect is you've got up to 80,000 Russians right now who are trying to get home from Egypt to Russia.

They were one of the few populations who are still going there, that's one of the major life forces of the Egyptian economy, so that knock-on effect is that the Egyptian public starts to lose a lot of their ways of making a living. This is a country that already has a lot of people living below the poverty line. The Egyptian government then gets sort of starved out, can't take care of its people, can't provide the jobs they need, more of them get dissatisfied and join the ranks of the militants. This is a pattern you've seen again and again within Egypt and other countries over decades.

HARLOW: Yes, it's an important point. Bob, look, there's no doubt the security at Sharm El Sheikh Airport is not as strong as the United States, however, this comes on the heels of this incredibly disturbing report out of the Department of Homeland Security last week that outlined the many failures of the TSA here in terms of baggage and passenger screening.

So as Americans fly constantly, all the time, do you think there should be heightened concern in this country, or is that jumping too far?

BAER: No, Poppy, I think so. I mean, in June we ran a report on CNN about 95 percent of the devices, fake devices, Homeland Security got through TSA actually made it through and they weren't detected. You really have to know what you're doing when you're x-raying these devices, the sophisticated ones. The wiring is almost identical - let's say on an iPad but a few changes could turn it into an initiator on an explosive.

This is a very tough thing to protect airplanes and, of course, we have the same problem with ground staff. Are we sure that people working in our airports are 100 percent reliable? I mean, you know, Egypt doesn't come as much a surprise, but then again it could happen in this country. And TSA is doing the best it can, but I tell you, it's an uphill struggle.


HARLOW: Absolutely. Kimberly, I think it's interesting that you point out, look, even if this turns out not to be ISIS, even though they have claimed responsibility for it, if it's not ISIS, it still helps them. Why, why does it still help them?

DOZIER: Well, they are in a competition with Al Qaeda for recruits, for money and with every step they've started to beat Al Qaeda on gaining more territory, gaining the upper hand in terms of public relations. That will drive some of the best bomb makers out there, some of the people with the technical expertise they need into their ranks. We've already seen them grow from Syria and Iraq to other countries, Libya and moving small cells throughout Africa, or a group who already are militants, changing their stripes and pledging their allegiance to ISIS because they are in vogue.

This only helps them stay as or become the big leagues and helps them perpetuate their movement to something that is truly a generational war.

HARLOW: Wow. Bob Baer, Kimberly Dozier, thank you as always. Good to have you on. I appreciate your time.

Still to come, to politics, Ben Carson blusters in his campaign comes front and center. The presidential candidate striking back at media scrutiny of his tales about his childhood.


BEN CARSON, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: There is a desperation on behalf of some to try to find a way to tarnish me because they have been looking through everything. There's got to be a scandal.


HARLOW: Also, Trump takes the stage, literally, a marquee night for him on "SNL" tonight. Politics clashing, though, with protesters, a dump Trump movement happening outside of "30 Rock" right now. The controversy and the candidate straight ahead. Stay with us.



HARLOW: Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson as many folks have never seen him before, an intense back and forth with reporters last night. The usually soft spoken Carson hit back hard when questioned about claims that he's made about his past, including that he'd been offered a full scholarship to West Point when he was in high school.


CARSON: They were saying you would be a tremendous addition to the military, and we can get you into West Point with a full scholarship. And I simply said, "I want to be a doctor, I really appreciate it, I'm very flattered." They have been looking through everything, they have been talking to everybody I've ever known or ever seen. There's got to be a scandal.

There's got to be some nurse he's had an affair with, there's got to be something. They are getting desperate. So next week it will be my kindergarten teacher who said I peed in my pants. I mean, this is getting ridiculous.


HARLOW: CNN's Sunlen Serfaty is following all of it. She is with the Carson campaign. They are in San Juan, Puerto Rico today. It's interesting, because he also went after reporters hard for trying to corroborate his own stories about his violent temper as a kid. He wrote about them in "Gifted Hands," his own book, saying he tried to stab a classmate in the schoolyard, hit his mother over the head, et cetera. He made these stories in sort of divine intervention, changing his life, as a central theme of his campaign, so why is he hitting so hard back now?

SUNLEN SERFATY, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, absolutely, Poppy, it is the center of his campaign and in large part, it's really what attracts so many voters to him, this narrative of overcoming these struggles that he, as you note, time and time again really points out on the campaign trail and his campaign speeches and also in his book, so I think this is certainly a hint that he's feeling a little - nervous about the roots of that story being questioned.

And I think that's why we're seeing him really hit back so hard, much more aggressive than we've seen him in the past at the media. These questions over his background and that was really a remarkable press conference last night. It was very tense in the room and he really directed his fire at the media, trying to really put the attention back on the media, and later in his speech that night, he made note of this more combative tone that he's taking. He said "I know a lot of people think I'm quite and they equivocate that with being soft" and then he added, Poppy, I think people are starting to find out right now that I can be loud and in his words, "if an injustice is done." Poppy?

HARLOW: Yes, he's also saying that all this media attention, he calls it media bias, says it helped him in terms of raising $3.5 million in the last week, so we'll see ultimately where this lands. Sunlen Serfaty, live for us in San Juan, thank you very much.

Straight ahead, we stick with politics, but we go to Donald Trump, calls to, "dump Trump." This is supposed to be a huge night for the Republican front-runner. He will be the host of "Saturday Night Live," and as presidential candidate Donald Trump is set to take the stage, why this group of protesters could disrupt "SNL" in a major way, next.



HARLOW: Donald Trump is promising a huge night, huge ratings, and big laughs when he takes stage tonight as the host of "Saturday Night Live," I'll be watching, a lot of you will be watching. Take a listen to what he said this morning on Hugh Hewitt's radio show.


HUGH HEWITT, RADIO SHOW HOST: I'm going to watch it on Saturday night because you're going to the cold open and it's going to be great.

TRUMP: The cold open is going to be wild. I can tell you, the cold open and the skit right after the cold open, you will - I think you will laugh. You and I are not laughers, right, but I think you will be laughing.


HARLOW: But Trump's appearance is coming with a healthy dose of controversy. Some Hispanic groups, many of them offended by his comments you'll remember about illegal immigration and Mexicans are calling on NBC to, quote, "dump Trump."

Well, tonight a lot of them planning to rally and protest in front of Trump Towers, in the middle of Manhattan, before marching right across the street to NBC's 30 Rock studios.

Joining us now, political comedian, SiriusXM radio host, Dean Obeidellah. Interesting, you worked at "SNL" 2004, the last time Trump hosted.

DEAN OBEIDELLAH, HOST SIRIUSXM'S DEAN OBEIDALLAH SHOW: Yes, I did. And it was interesting. I think - I can't speak for everyone, but I was excited to see what he would do. That year we had Jennifer Aniston, Jack Black, you know, they're great comedic performers. What would Trump do? Could he deliver? Was his ego, fake or real, which turned out to be real. Would he make fun of himself? Again if you watch the monologue of 2004, it's actually great. It's very funny, he makes fun of himself over and over again, and if he's smart, he will let the writers show that side of him again. This guy is so thin skinned, he needs that side. It makes him more human.

HARLOW: Right. That always plays well when anyone makes fun of themselves. It's interesting because he revealed yesterday in an interview with Bill O'Reilly on Fox that he actually rejected some of the skits that were brought to him by the writers at "SNL" saying they were too risque, actually pointing out he didn't want to alienate some of the critical Iowa caucus goers. Does he risk playing it too safe tonight?

OBEIDALLAH: I think we talked about this yesterday and I wrote about it for CNN, this is probably the first host who their agenda and the writers and producers' agenda might not be the same. Because usually they just make the funniest show possible, Rudy Giuliani put a dress on, Trump made fun of himself, Al Sharpton said funny stuff when he was running for president in 2003 and he hosted.


But now Trump is the leading candidate or one and two, and he doesn't want this to hurt him. It may not help him in the polls, but he still doesn't want this to hurt him.

HARLOW: Well, it's interesting, Hillary Clinton made fun of him when she was on a few weeks ago saying "isn't this the guy that calls everyone a loser." Can he do the same thing to her and not get backlash?

OBEIDALLAH: That's a really interesting question, because people discussed that, can you make fun of Hillary Clinton and do an impression of her and not seem sexist and ridiculous, maybe. I think it's truly challenging. In the right context it could be done, say Daryl Hammond comes out and plays Bill Clinton like he did a cameo, perhaps then, some kind of context it's OK. (INAUDIBLE) it might be hard. Easier to make fun of fellow Republicans like Jeb and Ben Carson.

HARLOW: There's no doubt the ratings are going to be big. If you look at the 2008 campaign, the show, "SNL" highest ratings hit 17 million when another controversial Republican candidate, Sarah Palin, was on.


HARLOW: What is it about these politicians garnering many times bigger ratings for "SNL" than the Hollywood stars.

OBEIDALLAH: I think it has to do with controversy and curiosity about the person, you know, you definitely had with Sarah Palin at the time. It was a love affair and hate affair by certain people, so it was a big thing she goes on. Donald Trump is huge. I mean he's bigger, he transcends politics. He's a reality show star.

HARLOW: He's both.

OBEIDALLAH: So this guy is a celebrity and a politician. At that point, Sarah Palin was making a transition into being a politician. So it was very interesting that she went on to huge ratings.

HARLOW: So as someone who has sat in the room, as a former "SNL" staffer, what's your advice for Trump in the few hours leading up to the big night?

OBEIDALLAH: Take your time, read the cue cards slowly. I think that's the biggest challenge for people, you are reading cue cards. They're not memorizing scripts. The cue cards change between dress rehearsal and air often, because sketch changes and word changes, and the lines. Take your time with it, don't rush it, try to connect, and let the writers do their job. Let them make you funny, don't fight them because you're worried about how it's going to play in Iowa. I mean seriously, come on.

HARLOW: Don't micro manage the writers.

OBEIDALLAH: Let it be funny, come on.

HARLOW: I think that's great advice, thank you. We'll be watching. Talk to you soon.

Coming up next, switching gears here, back to that awful, tragic plane crash in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, more and more evidence now pointing to a potential explosion onboard downing that jet. How can investigators begin to piece together the mystery? An explosive expert joins me next.


[16:30:36] HARLOW: The United States ramping up air safety measures in the wake of the Russian plane crash in Egypt. The United States, British officials both saying it is looking increasingly liking that a bomb may have downed that jet, killing all 224 people onboard.

Egypt says it's too soon to know for sure. The Egyptian aviation authorities, though, announcing today that a sudden noise was caught on that cockpit voice recorder in the final seconds of the flight. No more details on what that noise was. More analysis, they say, is needed.

Let's talk about the fact and what we know with retired explosives expert Anthony May.

Thanks for being with me.


HARLOW: You worked on cases including TWA flight 800, that explosion. The explosion in the 1996 Olympic Park bombing in Atlanta.

When you look at those compared to today, how has technology and really specifically the testing changed to help identify explosives if they are used in an attack?

MAY: Well, certainly, Poppy, every event, every investigation, we always learn from it. But we're talking over a decade has passed and technology has improved tremendously. The ability to detect explosive residue has become tremendous, both in the lab, as well as in the field. We have portable field equipment now that we can get indicators, instant indicators of what possibly may have been used, which provides investigative leads to follow up on.

HARLOW: But then if you have those tools in the field and ostensibly they've got them in the investigation right now in Sinai, why wouldn't we have any answers yet?

MAY: Well, we're only a week into this investigation. Something of this magnitude takes a long time.

In fact, what is actually happening right now from what I've deduced from the news coverage is that we have a two-prong investigation going on, which is what happens in most investigations. You have the intelligence and the information gathering aspect of it, being the satellite images, the flash points, the interviews, the events at the airport. Those -- that type of information gathering is occurring, at the same time the physical evidence is being collected that's been spread over a wide range of ground. And eventually, the evidence collection will be -- will yield some information and that will be brought together with the information from the intelligence such as the black box and that will give us a clearer picture of what's going on.

HARLOW: You have worked with the U.S. State Department and the State Department's antiterrorism assessment teams and it's interesting because Bob Baer, formerly of the CIA, told me last hour he'd like to see the FBI in here.

Is there any shot that happens? MAY: Not with Egypt involved. In fact, if we look at the past

investigations where we had the Egyptian aircraft that left the east coast and went down in the Atlantic, the FBI worked that along with the Egyptians and started leaning towards the copilot flying the aircraft into the ocean, the Egyptians started backing off and were not forthcoming.

It's unlikely that the Egyptians are going to ask for any outside help to come in and take care of this. They don't want it.

HARLOW: Right. Or not just ask for it, allow it.

Anthony May, thank you for your expertise. Nice to have you on.

MAY: You're welcome.

HARLOW: Shocking new details about the double life of an Illinois police officer who staged his own suicide. Sex, money, a murder plot, just some of the troubles on and off the job. Our Rosa Flores is on the story.


ROSA FLORES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The file also explains in detail how a deputy found Lieutenant Gliniewicz completely passed out inside his truck on the side of the road, the engine still running, his foot on the gas full throttle. It would take two deputies to wake him up. Lieutenant Gliniewicz would later tell his superiors he had been awake all day long, had played volleyball, consumed six beers and several shots.



[16:38:27] HARLOW: Lieutenant Joe Gliniewicz went from a model law officer to a disgraced police officer after he staged his own suicide. But it now appears that was only the tip of the iceberg. CNN has obtained his personnel file which reveals a double life.

CNN's Rosa Flores reports.


FLORES (voice-over): Sex, lies, and drugs. New revelations downgrading a man hailed a hero to a new low. Lieutenant Joe Gliniewicz's personnel file exposing serious character flaws that documents show led to at least five suspensions for things like being involved in the incorrect release of information for not reporting to duty and for negligence that resulted in damage to village property.

(on camera): The file also explains in detail how a deputy found Lieutenant Gliniewicz completely passed out inside his truck on the side of the road. The engine still running, his foot on the gas full throttle. It would take two deputies to wake him up. Lieutenant Gliniewicz would later tell his superiors he had been awake all day long, had played volleyball, consumed six beers, and several shots.

But perhaps the most shocking revelation, this lawsuit filed by a subordinate police officer in 2003 alleging Gliniewicz asked her to meet him in a hotel to give her her son's police explorer uniform, but once inside, the mood changed. According to the filing, he gave her a box of chocolates for Valentine's Day, rubbed her shoulders, and pressured her to perform oral sex.

[16:40:08] It didn't stop there. According to court documents, the subordinate claims she performed oral sex on Gliniewicz five times in total between February 2000 and October of the same year, with Gliniewicz indicating to her that the sexual favors were strongly encouraged and/or required to protect her job.

The suit was eventually dismissed, but not erased from his personnel file, where it's noted, along with a slew of other complaints about him. Drugs were not referenced. Authorities say they found those in an unmarked evidence bag in his desk. Like everything else surrounding Gliniewicz's death, it's raising more questions about his life.

Rosa Flores, CNN, Fox Lake, Illinois.


HARLOW: Rosa, thank you. Joining me now, CNN contributor, criminologist Casey Jordan.

Casey, you do this for a living. You assess people's mindset, meticulous planning, all of this double life coming out.


HARLOW: Tell me about the mindset.

JORDAN: Well, you know, there is the police officer's working personality, which we've known in the literature about many, many years, that is some officers feel that they are above the law, that they are untouchable, that badge and gun gives them special powers.

But this guy takes it to a whole other level. He has that split personality where he has the face that he presents to the explorers program and he's officer friendly and he's the local community hero. But behind closed doors, allegations of sex abuse, allegations of sexual harassment, alcohol issues, cocaine found in his drawer, and even worse, it's not that they think he did cocaine, he thought he was going to use it to set up a city official trying to bring him down.

HARLOW: But he wanted to be this hero.

JORDAN: Yes, narcissistic, ego-driven, and doesn't want anyone to know about everything he's now accused postmortem of doing it, the embezzlement and his son may have been involved and a marriage scam for benefits. There's a lot of darkness that's coming out that he didn't want anybody to know. HARLOW: I want you to listen to this, because now his wife and their

son are also under investigation for any possible involvement, alleged involvement, in this embezzlement. The wife spoke to a crime program and here's what she said.



MELODIE GLINIEWICZ, JOE GLINIEWICZ'S WIDOW: I wholeheartedly believe he was murdered.

INTERVIEWER: And to say otherwise?

GLINIEWICZ: Disrespectful, hurtful, irresponsible.


HARLOW: That was, of course, before these revelations came to life that it was, indeed, suicide. Your reaction to that?

JORDAN: Well, I see emotion and I see scrunchy face, but I don't see tears. It can be hurtful, disrespectful, and it can still be true. It's the words of someone who may be discovering she lived in a matrix where she didn't really know what her husband was doing behind closed doors, with the embezzlement, the stealing of the money to pay mortgage, he was on adult websites.

Or it really could be she's part of it and what you're seeing there is just another sham. She's trying to save her own skin.

But it really begs the question, did he love his wife so much that he committed the suicide and staged it to look like a murder so she could save face?

HARLOW: And have insurance.

JORDAN: And have insurance. If there's life insurance involved, suicide may have nullified that. So, by doing this, he thinks he's doing the right thing for his family, but the lengths he went to, we've never seen this before.

HARLOW: Wow. It just keeps -- day by day, you learn more and more.

Casey Jordan, thank you very much.

JORDAN: Always great to be here.

HARLOW: Coming up next, to the Russian plane that was down in the Sinai last week, the central question now: was it a bomb? Confirmation out of Egypt today of a noise during the final seconds of that doomed flight. ISIS claiming responsibility.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A noise was heard in the last second of the CVR recording. A spectrum analysis will be carried out by specialized labs in order to identify the nature of this noise.


HARLOW: In moments, I will speak live with Congressman Matt Thornberry. He's chairman of the House Armed Services Committee about what this means now about our fight against ISIS.


[16:48:37] HARLOW: When it comes to job growth, Silicon Valley is attracting more talent than Wall Street right now. By 2020, there will be 1.2 million new computer science jobs added, according to the Labor Department.

Well, companies like Facebook, millennials rule, and as we learned, employees actually choose their own leaders. So, what's it take to get hired there?

I sat down with Lori Goler, Facebook's head of people.


HARLOW: Facebook is the first Fortune 500 company to be not only founded by, but run by a millennial, and we hear a lot about how do you manage millennials these days. Who does Facebook hire? Who does Facebook want?

LORI GOLER, HEAD OF PEOPLE, FACEBOOK: Well, we're really looking for builders, people who love to build, people who believe in our mission of making the world more open and connected. We are the first Fortune 500 company founded and run by a millennial. So, a lot of our culture is built in a way that's great for the millennial generation. You know, it's a place that's very welcoming, there's tremendous flexibility, all about autonomy and a sense of ownership, and that is something that we find the millennial generation really likes and enjoys.

HARLOW: The headline of a "Wall Street Journal" article recently was "At Facebook, Boss is a Dirty Word."


GOLER: You know, I think one really great thing about the millennial generation is they choose their leaders. It isn't defined by the org chart.

[16:50:00] HARLOW: How is that possible? How do we choose a leader?

GOLER: We really believe in leadership at every level. It's about followership almost, who are the people you look up to, that you can learn from, that you believe in, we believe that the work of our managers is largely to show care for the people who are on their teams, to set context, help to set goals, and then set them free, give them autonomy to get there -- to get to the finish line in a way that makes sense to them. HARLOW: That sounds great and we would all like that. But at the

same time, you are a publicly traded company, and there's a bottom line, and there are goals. How does accountability fit in there?

GOLER: Well, we're very focused on results, very results-focused culture, and it is actually that focus on results that allows you to give so much autonomy.

HARLOW: So autonomy if you meet the goal?

GOLER: Autonomy as a way of getting to your goals. You know, you got more creativity, you allow people to play to their strengths. People are able to do things in the way that makes sense, not the way necessarily their manager would do it.

HARLOW: So, let's talk about the war for talent. Look, you are a competitive company, you want the best of the best, and increasingly we are seeing silicon valley be able to attract the top talent, pull it away from Wall Street, a lower percent of graduates from Harvard business school entered finance. In 2013, a lower percent than entered the financial world in the depths of the recession, 2008 and 2009.

That tells us something. What's going on in this war for talent?

GOLER: Sounds like they are choosing another path.


GOLER: I think the one thing that, you know, the Facebook offers is that opportunity for personal impact and really a chance to be part of a growing organization, a growing business, where you can really impact the way people interact around the world, can change the way people live. Some of the technology that comes out in the last few years has really defined the way we live as a culture, and I think that's an exciting opportunity.

HARLOW: Do they tell you that? When you're trying to get some of the best and you're going head to head with the big banks or with a Google, et cetera, what do those recruits tell you?

GOLER: It is about impact. They really want to have impact on the world in their role, they want to be part of something bigger that matters in the world that's having a positive influence.

HARLOW: You came into Facebook an unconventional way. You picked up the phone and called Sheryl Sandberg 2008, what happened?

GOLER: You know, I have always been interested in working for organizations that have a great social mission. I've heard Mark interviewed on NPR, he was talking about making the world more open and connected, I thought it sounded like an amazing mission to be on. I at the time was working in marketing, so I had a marketing buy on Facebook and knew the power of the platform even in 2008.

And when Sheryl (INAUDIBLE) you know, just try, I'm just going to give it a try and when I called, they said, what's your biggest business problem, I just want to work on something that matters, she said, recruiting, you know, come help us with recruiting. And I thought, oh, I didn't think you were going to say that. I haven't done that before.

And she encouraged me to come try. A lot of the skills that you build in other parts of the company are perfectly applicable in the people sector.

HARLOW: She notes in "Lean In" when she recounts this story that so many people picked up the phone and just asked her for a job. What was your strategy, your thinking behind, or did you think, I'm not just going to ask for a job, I'm going to say what's your biggest problem and how can I solve it?

GOLER: I didn't really think about the strategy, I just thought I want to work on something that matters and I want to help Facebook. You know, I want to help Facebook achieve its mission, whatever that means for Facebook is what I'm happy to do, and I ended up in the people world. Sort of unexpected for me, but it's been a really fantastic journey.


HARLOW: Lori Goler, thank you very much for that.

Ahead of tonight's airing of the CNN film, "I Will Be Me," Dr. Sanjay Gupta shows us how a man with early onset Alzheimer's is preserving his memories for his family.


DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It's every grandfather's dream come true.

SANDY HELPRIN, BATTLES ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE: That was, like, melt my heart. I mean just do it again.

GUPTA: Sandy Helprin wishes these moments could last forever. But he knows they will soon disappear. Such is the tragic reality of Alzheimer's.

HELPRIN: Our brains, our being, it's our brain that's controlling our body. And when you lose your memory, the pain is a different pain. The pain is the emotional pain.

Push. One, two, three.

That's maybe why I wrote the grandpa books while I could and get my thoughts down on paper for my children and grandchildren as to how I felt about things.

[16:55:09] GUPTA: Sandy showed his me grandpa or as he calls them "gpaw" books on a recent rainy afternoon.

HELPRIN: During your lifetime, there will be endless firsts. GUPTA: What emerges is a memorable portrait of a caring and quirky


HELPRIN: I used to make kids lunches, peanut butter and jelly, ham, cheese, whatever was in the refrigerator.

GUPTA (on camera): Ham and cheese?

HELPRIN: I just made crazy sandwiches.


GUPTA (voice-over): As his disease progresses, opening each book for Sandy is a new joy, a fresh feast of past experiences.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: When he remembers, it's the best. You know, when he gets it, it's like, ah, yes. It's little tiny victories of remembering.

HELPRIN: They talk about formative years. All the love that I have for them, that I can touch and feel and talk to them, maybe that will make an impact on their lives from their grandpa.


HELPRIN: They may not have me physically in the future or have me as cognitive as I am now, but I hope that the influence I have on them, the time I spend with them, has been worthwhile, because they have certainly given it back to me multifold every day of their lives.

GUPTA: Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN, reporting.