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Mexico: "El Chapo" Will Be Extradited to U.S.; Philly Cop Shooter Claims ISIS Allegiance; Trump Goes After Cruz at Rally in Iowa; Gary Keillor Retiring; Powerball Craze. Aired 7-8p ET

Aired January 09, 2016 - 19:00   ET


[19:00:15] POPPY HARLOW, CNN ANCHOR: Top of the hour, 7:00 Eastern, 4:00 p.m. Pacific. I'm Poppy Harlow in New York.

We begin this hour with breaking news. One of the world's most dangerous and notorious drug lords likely heading back to the United States to face justice here in America. Just yesterday the most feared man in Mexico, Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman tracked down and grabbed by special forces in Mexico. His most recent escape from prison was last summer.

Just a short time ago, official word from south of the border that Mexico plans to honor the American extradition request and send El Chapo here to the United States.

Rafael Romo, our senior Latin American affairs editor, joins me with more. Also, we have CNN's Martin Savidge. He is in western Mexico where those special operations troops found and captured El Chapo.

I want to begin with you, Rafael. Tell us about the possible -- well, now, not just possible, tell us about the impending extradition to the United States. Why did Mexico make this call?

RAFAEL ROMO, CNN SENIOR LATIN AMERICAN AFFAIRS EDITOR: Well, what they say is that back in June of last year, the United States issued or requested a formal extradition of Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman. This is way before anybody knew he was going to escape. And the United States sent Mexico the formal request and specified the charges on there, which he is going to be tried here in the United States.

Listen to this, Poppy, we're talking about charges like criminal association or organized crime, drug trafficking, money laundering, homicide, and illegal possession of firearms. Now, that was two hours ago when the Mexican government announced that he will proceed with the extradition.

Just a few moments ago, we heard for the first time from the attorney representing El Chapo Guzman. He makes it abundantly clear that they will fight this extradition. Let's take a listen.


JUAN PABLO BADILLO, JOAQUIN "EL CHAPO" GUZMAN'S ATTORNEY: Mr. Guzman Loera should not have been extradited to the United States or any other country. What's the reason? Because Mexico has just laws that are detailed in the general constitution of the republic.


ROMO: Now, Poppy, Guzman's attorney has introduced a total of six injunctions in order to prevent the extradition of the drug lord from Mexico to the United States. And, again, the process began well before his escape in July.

So, the legal process is going to take its course now. But it is very, very clear at this time that Mexico intends to send El Chapo to the United States.

Back to you.

HARLOW: All right. Rafael, stay with me.

Martin Savidge, to you on the phone. You are in the town where El Chapo was recaptured after this gun battle, killing five of the people he was with. What do we know about the condition? I mean, where was he living and hiding for six months?

MARTIN SAVIDGE, CNN CORRESPONDENT (via telephone): Well, that is all still being worked out. We are standing outside of a hotel in Los Mochis here. This is in extreme northern Sinaloa state. This is the state that Joaquin Guzman, "El Chapo", knew very well.

This is where he has been the entire time he has been on the run. I don't know being on the run is the way you can possibly describe it. But you need to know about this hotel is how it played into the drama on the capture. And as we know, there (INAUDIBLE).

Mexican Special forces went in. They had been observing that hotel for a month. After the gun battle, apparently Guzman managed to escape down through the sewers. He then comes back up on the surface, gets in the car. He is pursued the entire time by Mexican marines. (INAUDIBLE)

What type of hotel it is, well, it's located on the side of the highway. And you pay for it by the hour. You probably get what the kind of place this is. But it was here they held or an hour and a half as they tried to figure out what do we to next? They are in the middle of El Chapo land. They knew they had to get him out of here. This is where they hid while they organized this escape from this region, Poppy.

HARLOW: Wow, Martin, stay with me.

Rafael, to you. Part of what it appears led authorities to El Chapo after six months is his ego. Tell me about it.

ROMO: Yes. That's absolutely right. What the Mexican Attorney General Arely Gomez said last night he was first located in the month of October. Why? Because El Chapo apparently wanted a movie made about himself. So, through his associates and attorneys, he started contacting film directors, producers, actresses that would work in this movie of El Chapo. Through those phone calls, the Mexican intelligence forces were able to track him down. For the first time, there's a chase in the mountains of northern Mexico not far from where Martin is, and he was able to escape, although he was injured.

The attorney general says that a couple of days ago, on Thursday, for the first time, El Chapo goes to this house that they had under surveillance for a month. And that's when they decided to conduct the operation, the raid, the pre-dawn raid in which he was trapped after a shootout in a chase after he stole a vehicle and drove outside the city, ending up in that motel that Martin was describing, Poppy.

HARLOW: Martin Savidge, to you as well -- when you think about who may have tipped off the authorities, there was a $5 million reward on his head. But at the same time, anyone who would go to the authorities, risks their life, the lives of their family because of this interconnected sort of drug kingpin web.

Do you think we will ever find out who finally gave that key tip to the authorities?

SAVIDGE: You know, that's a great question. It's one that we pondered as we made our way up here. Because $5 million, yes, a lot of money.

But considering that you are probably going to be in this area at least branded as not only a traitor but as someone who could become an enemy of the Sinaloa drug cartel, which by the way, is one of the most powerful in the world today. Would someone here really turn him in?

There are a lot of folks say it doesn't seem likely. It may have been elsewhere. We'll have to wait and see, Poppy.

HARLOW: We certainly will.

Rafael Romo, final thought?

ROMO: Yes, just to add to what Martin was saying. There are 34 people tied to El Chapo who have been arrested in the last few months. Among them is the man in charge of building the tunnel that he used to escape, also his attorney, brother-in-law, a guy who financed the whole project, two pilots.

So, to your question, it could have been a number of people who ended up providing those details to the Mexican police that eventually led to El Chapo. Who is it? We don't know at this point. But, again, it's 34 people in total, according to the Mexican attorney general's office, people who are now in jail, all closely tied to El Chapo who will spend a long time behind bars, Poppy.

HARLOW: As will he. And he will be extradited here to face justice and trial in the United States.

Thank you very much, Rafael Romo reporting for us and Martin Savidge in Mexico -- thank you. Also today in Philadelphia, a formal arraignment for the man who

unloaded his handgun into a police patrol car this week. He seriously wounded a police officer who did, though, survive. The suspect's name is Edward Archer. Police say he confessed the gun he used was stolen from another police officer and that he shot the policeman in the name of ISIS.

The officer he attacked is alive, badly wounded, being treated in the hospital this evening.

Our Miguel Marquez is live for us in Philadelphia today -- Miguel.


MIGUEL MARQUEZ, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Poppy, now, some of the charges Mr. Archer faces are extra because he was previously convicted of a handgun violation. He is being held without bail. He doesn't yet have a lawyer. All this as the officer he ambushed is recovering.

(voice-over): This surveillance video shows a man firing his gun directly into a Philadelphia police officer's car. Police say he claims to have done it in the name of ISIS.

OFFICER: Shots fired! I'm shot! I'm bleeding heavily!

MARQUEZ: The suspect, 30-year-old Philadelphia resident Edward Archer, allegedly ambushed Officer Jesse Hartnett at close range, firing at least 11 shots from his .9 millimeter pistol, striking the officer three times in the arm.

CAPTAIN JAMES CLARK, PHILADELPHIA POLICE: He pledges his allegiance to Islamic State. He follows Allah and that is the reason he was called upon to do this.

MARQUEZ: Hartnett managed to get out of the car and returned fire, hitting the gunman in the buttocks. Police arrested him and recovered the gun.

COMMISSIONER RICHARD ROSS, PHILADELPHIA POLICE: The bravery he demonstrated was absolutely remarkable. His will to live undoubtedly saved his life.

MARQUEZ: But it was revealed by the police commissioner that the weapon used was a stolen police gun.

ROSS: It was stolen back in October of 2013. It was reported and that is one of the things that you absolutely regret the most when an officer's gun is stolen that it is used against one of your own.

MARQUEZ: The FBI confirms its involvement, releasing a statement, "We are working side by side with the Philadelphia police department" but made it clear Philadelphia police are the lead agency in the case.

[19:10:08] In response to this shooting and another attack on police in Paris, the New York Police Department issued an internal memo urging officers to exercise heightened vigilance and implement proactive measures at all times, reminding them that ISIS has called for supporters to carry out attacks on law enforcement.

MAYOR JIM KENNEY, PHILADELPHIA: Our main concern at the moment today is the well being and health and the recovery and rehabilitation of Officer Hartnett.

MARQUEZ: In a tribute posted on Facebook that included this graphic photo of Hartnett's police cruiser. Fellow officer Johnny Castro wrote a lengthy and emotional play by play of the gunfight.

"You ducked your head down right at the right moment and that missed your head by inches, three bullets tore into your arm, shattering the bone and severing an artery. Without hesitation, you fought your attacker almost instantly. You drew your service weapon and viciously returned fire. It was literally a fight for life and death."

ROSS: It's both confounding and astonishing he was able to escape it like this and I can't say enough for his bravery and how he conducted himself.

MARQUEZ (on camera): And this is exactly what officials are trying to get to now, whether or not there is any link to terrorist groups or individuals in the U.S. or overseas with Mr. Archer. He was not on the FBI's watch list or radar before any of this. He certainly is now -- Poppy.


HARLOW: Miguel Marquez in Philadelphia this evening -- thank you.

Coming up this hour, a lot of news to get to. Donald Trump not backing down from questioning whether or not it is constitutional for Ted Cruz to become the next president.

Also, the national conversation about guns in America. Andy and Barbara Parker lost their daughter Alison to the on-air shooting anything Roanoke, Virginia. I will speak to them about what changes they are pushing for in America's gun laws.

Later this hour, my conversation with the story-telling legend Garrison Keillor, including what made his prairie home companion so popular for 40 years.


GARRISON KEILLOR: There's so little today that is. Everything people see or hear is, you know, post produced and tinkered with and doctored. And this show is not. And people can feel that. It is happening as they hear it.



[19:15:18] HARLOW: Now to presidential politics. The first contest, the Iowa caucuses, three weeks away on February 1st. It is where Donald Trump spent today in Clear Lake, Iowa. CNN politics reporter MJ Lee is there.

And, MJ, when you look at the latest polling, including the latest poll last night from FOX News, it shows Iowa is not in the bag for Donald Trump. You've got him trailing Ted Cruz by four points. We know Ted Cruz is soaring with the key evangelical vote in Iowa. So, in typical Trump style, he goes hard after Cruz, talking about his eligibility -- constitutional eligibility for the presidency.

What did he say to elaborate on that today?

MJ LEE, CNN POLITICS REPORTER: Hey, Poppy, that's right. Donald Trump was in full birther mode. He just wrapped up his speech in Clear Lake, Iowa, where he basically told the crowd because Cruz was born in Canada, he may not be eligible to run for president. Here's what he said.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: So, he was born in Canada. Now, John McCain had the same problem. The difference is his two parents were both in the military. They were both in the military, and he was born on a military base.

OK. I understand that. It's a military base. What are you going to do, say, mom, and dad, you should have taken me back home to be born? I can't run for president.

He was born on a military base. And I understand that. And, by the way, Lawrence Tribe represented John McCain on that. He said he was always troubled by it. They won, but he was always troubled by it. It bothered, but he also understood it.

But with Cruz, he said it's a problem. Now, if it's a problem, they've got to work it out. You can't give somebody a nomination -- I think we're going to win. Just so you understand, I don't want to be a negative person.

And I don't want to win this way. I don't want to win this way. I want to win fair and square.


LEE: Clearly, this is a candidate, Poppy, who is very much aware that in the state of Iowa, Ted Cruz is his biggest rival.

Now, I want to point out the people in this ballroom tonight, not all of them were even aware of this controversy, the birther controversy. One person I spoke to who is a Trump supporter but also likes Cruz said he didn't even know that Cruz was born in Canada. And now he feels like this could raise questions about Cruz's eligibility to be president.

So, for a lot of reasons, Cruz is probably dying for this issue to go away. HARLOW: Yes. It's not going to go away because Donald Trump wants to

keep it front and center. Do you think this is going to sway votes -- actually sway votes away from crowds in Iowa, MJ?

LEE: Well, it is really interesting. Clearly in Iowa right now, this is a two-man race between Trump and Cruz. I was struck at talking to people at this ballroom asking, who are you supporting right now? A lot of people say they support Trump but their second choice is Cruz.

And so, for these people who might be on the fence or might consider voting for Cruz, if this birther question raises questions, well, maybe that is one of the reasons they decide in the end, I'm not going to support Cruz after all.

HARLOW: That's an interesting point. MJ Lee, live for us in Iowa tonight -- thank you, MJ.

Jake Tapper on the road this week with Ted Cruz in Iowa. Their interview only on CNN "STATE OF THE UNION" tomorrow morning, 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time.

Still to come, a New York City police unit has a singular focus.


NYPD POLICE OFFICER: The main goal every single day is to make a gun arrest.

NYPD POLICE OFFICER: Absolutely. That's our number one priority every day.


HARLOW: Our Jason Carroll and CNN camera is the first to capture the work of the NYPD's anti-crime team as they go in search of illegal guns on the streets of New York City, next.


[19:21:46] HARLOW: Here in New York City, police officers risk their lives every day trying to fill a very tall order, getting illegal guns off the streets and keeping all of us safe.

Our Jason Carroll got the unprecedented opportunity to ride along with them as they went on this dangerous mission -- Jason.


JASON CARROLL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Poppy, we were really given unprecedented access to the anti-crime unit. Their job is a tall one. Try and get illegal guns off the streets of New York City.

(voice-over): Shots fired near a supermarket in Brooklyn. More sounds of gunfire captured by another security camera on another New York City street.

They're the sounds Sergeant Jeff Heilig (ph) and Officer Michael Romanello hear too often.

NYPD POLICE OFFICER: The main goal every single day is to make a gun arrest.

NYPD POLICE OFFICER: Absolutely. That's our number one priority every day.

CARROLL: Both Heilig and Romanello are part of an elite group of officers assigned to the New York City Police Department anti-crime team. There are about 50 of them who work throughout the city in plainclothes and patrol in unmarked cars. Their main task: get illegal guns off the streets.

(on camera): Tall order, though, right? I mean, it's not --

NYPD POLICE OFFICER: It's not easy. But, you know, you have to be persistent and you have to be willing to work hard.

CARROLL (voice-over): This is the first time the anti-crime team has allowed these cameras along for a ride. We're in the South Bronx, an area police characterize as high crime and one that's also economically depressed.

SGT. JEFFREY M. HEILIG, NYPD ANTI-CRIME TEAM: Economic depression brings crime. It brings drugs. Drugs bring guns. Guns bring violence.

CARROLL (on camera): How does that make your job more difficult?

HEILIG: Every night, looking for a criminal who's carrying a gun. They know the consequences of carrying that firearm. So, they'll do whatever is in their power to get away. Whether it's to flee on foot, to flee in a car, to shoot out with the police.

OFFICER MICHAEL ROMANELLO, NYPD ANTI-CRIME TEAM: We deal with a lot of dangerous situations. At the start of your day, you don't know what you are going to encounter that night.

CARROLL: What are you seeing when you recover these illegal guns on the street?

HEILIG: Whatever they can get their hands on. We have recovered two shot derringers, to all different types of revolvers, semiautomatic firearms held together by duct tape.

CARROLL: Held together by duct tape.

HEILIG: Yes, shotguns that have been cut down to about a foot. Anything that will fire a bullet.

The first one looked like it was pulled off the "Titanic", it was so old and rusted.

CARROLL (voice-over): Whatever type of gun is confiscated, it ends up here -- forensics lab in Queens.

(on camera): Any idea how many guns come through this? On a daily, weekly basis?


CARROLL: According to the NYPD, last year, some 9,000 guns ended up in the lab. A little more than 3,200 of those on gun arrest. Hundreds stored in a room aptly called "The Library". Racks of weapons, all makes and models kept for reference such as a World War II Japanese pistol.

KATRANAKIS: You can see it has the antique look to it.

CARROLL: Or the most current popular model on the streets.

KATRANAKIS: It is a high point .9 millimeter that is commonly seen.

[19:25:02] CARROLL (on camera): This one. Any idea --

KATRANAKIS: I couldn't say.

CARROLL (voice-over): Each gun goes through a multistep process to determine whether it was used in more than one crime.

KATRANAKIS: This would be step one with the examination.

CARROLL: Inspector Emanuel Katranakis walked us through it, from the guns' basic examination to the tank room.

(on camera): Why do we call it the tank room?

KATRANAKIS: Because it's a large tank that's filled with water.

CARROLL: Oh, I see that here.

KATRANAKIS: The purpose of this tank is so that we can discharge a weapon and acquire the bullet.

CARROLL: Where does the bullet end up?

KATRANAKIS: The bullet will travel through the water a certain distance and eventually drop in the bottom of the tank.

Detective firing into the bullet recovery tank.

CARROLL: Once the bullet is recovered, it goes under the microscope, then tested for fingerprints.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If there were any fingerprints that were found, they would fluoresce under this UV light.

CARROLL: In all, a lengthy process but one that starts here on the streets every night. With a special team tasked with getting guns off the streets.

HIELIG: It's a narrow dichotomy. We want to go out there, we want to do a good job and make gun arrests. We also want to go home safe and in one piece.

CARROLL (on camera): So, Poppy, the question becomes how effective is the anti-crime team. I can tell you that, overall, in the city, the NYPD says crime is down, down by 5.8 percent since 2014, down by 1.7 percent since last year.

But wanting to keep something in perspective when I spoke to one of the officers about the number of illegal guns he thought were out there on the streets of New York City, he said that would be like counting the grains of sand on a beach -- Poppy.


HARLOW: Wow, what a job. All right. Jason Carroll, fascinating report. Thank you so much. Up next, more on breaking news out of Mexico tonight.

The world's most wanted drug lord no longer on the run and back behind bars. Tonight, now, he will be sent north of the border to face justice in America. Why Mexico is willing to give up El Chapo.


[19:30:12] HARLOW: Breaking news this hour. The extradition to the United States of the notorious Mexican drug lord, Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman. Officials track down and captured Guzman late on Friday in a small town in western Mexico. Five of his associates were killed in a shootout with police.

He was the most wanted man in the country. No question one of the most wanted around the world and here in the United States. We just heard Mexico does plan to extradite him to the American justice system. His attorney, of course, is fighting the extradition. Let's talk about all of it with Danny Cevallos, CNN legal analyst.

And Danny, when you look at it, the U.S. was mad the last time he escaped because it was the FBI and all of these special forces that helped tracked him down the first time. Then he escaped again. Do you think Mexico is so willing to extradite him this time around because they couldn't keep him locked up.

DANNY CEVALLOS, CNN LEGAL ANALYST: Extradition is both a legal issue and it's really a political issue too. Because the extradition treaty allows for Mexico to really do both things. When it comes to the extradition of Mexican nationals, Mexico, even under the treaty has the discretion to either extradite them or not extradite them. In fact, it can defer the prosecution or - I'm sorry the extradition back to the U.S.. It can defer that while they prosecute him within Mexico and punish him, have him serve his term in Mexico.

So those are all the options that Mexico has. That's why extradition is more commonly a political issue. It is a statement that Mexico is making. I mean, they could choose to keep him. They could send him to the United States. And maybe this is a statement about their ability to not only arrest him but hold him even in their most arguably secure prisons. HARLOW: Interestingly, he's back in the same prison where he escaped

from I would say with maybe a few more guards around his cells but there are eight states, I believe, Texas among others, that have these pending drug trafficking charges against El Chapo. So the U.S. has good legal grounds on which to stand on here, right, in terms of bringing him back.

CEVALLOS: There are many federal laws implicated in the many indictments here on U.S. soil against El Chapo, who is a foreign national.

HARLOW: Right.

CEVALLOS: One of them that you find is one that's section 959. It is a federal law that allows the U.S. government to prosecute foreign nationals or people who are committing their acts outside of the United States so long as those acts cause illegal drugs to find their way into U.S. territory or within our borders. So that law gives them the nexus to go after people for things they do even completely outside the country.

HARLOW: But because this will be likely a federal case, right?

CEVALLOS: Oh, yes.

HARLOW: In terms of all these different states, death penalty? Will he ever face - what will he be facing?

CEVALLOS: He's facing, when it comes to federal sentencing guidelines, almost certainly when you take a look at the laundry list of federal crimes he's charged with, his sentencing guidelines will be through the roof. As it is, federal court is not a place you want to be when it comes to sentencing.

Because the sentencing guidelines can be very harsh. Especially if you have any prior record score that is of any significance. So it is highly likely with all the mandatory minimums under the statute with which he is charged and all the sentencing guidelines that he is looking at a potential life sentence and in one of our super maxes, ADX, Florence or somewhere like that where he is not tunnelling out of.

HARLOW: No question about that. All right, Danny, thank you. As always, appreciate it.

Coming up next, switching gears, you will want to hear from the two guests I have on next. They are the parents of reporter Alison Parker. You know her. You know her face, her smile. She was gunned down in a horrifying incident on live television.

I will speak with her parents on what needs to happen to end the scourge of gun violence in this country.


[19:37:29] HARLOW: The unimaginable happened on live television nearly five months ago. A gunman opened fire killing local Virginia reporter Alison Parker and her photographer, Adam Ward. Parker was conducting a live interview when a disgruntled former colleague unleashed a flurry of bullet.

She just celebrated her 24th birthday exactly one week before her life ended so tragically. For her parents, the past few months have been absolute agony. Losing their daughter. And they also have started a fight to take on the powerful gun lobby. Andy and Barbara Parker went to the White House this week. They join me now from Virginia. Thank you both for being here.


ANDY PARKER, FATHER OF ALISON PARKER: It's a pleasure, Poppy. We're glad to be - I was going to say we're glad to be here under some better circumstances tonight.

HARLOW: Well, tell me why you feel that way. I mean, you went to the White House. Then you went, both of you, to the town hall. I know you shook the president's hand. Andy, what struck you most that night?

ANDY PARKER: Yes. It was the way that the president fielded every question and his compelling reasoning. Every question from the opposition he carried quite well. He was reasonable. And it was common sense. And we were just so proud to be there and so proud to see him.

HARLOW: You know, Barbara, I think it struck a lot of people. There were so many opinions there. You had members of the NRA who were there. You had people that have very different views from the two of you who were there but all respectful. All posing these questions. Was there anyone, Barbara, you met that night or a conversation you had that really stuck with you?

BARBARA PARKER: Well, we had met so many of the survivors in the past. And it's become such a camaraderie among us because we all share a common grief and common thing of what happened to us. One person I met that made such an impact. I'm sorry. I can't remember her name. The young woman sang for her choir for the president and a few days later was murdered in Chicago.


BARBARA PARKER: And to finally meet her because what happened to her daughter was so tragic. This girl had such an amazing life ahead of her. And that really touched me to be able to meet her that night.


HARLOW: Andy, you have said really in the days following your daughter's murder to me and to so many others, this is your life's work now, to implement safeguards, to try to curb this gun violence. Do you think that what the president has put out there in this executive order might have saved your daughter's life? Is it enough for you?

ANDY PARKER: You know, Poppy, it's hard to say. You know, perhaps. But do we do nothing? And that's the point that we have made, that the president has made is that, you know, we have to do something. We can't just sit there and do nothing about this. Common sense gun legislation, the majority of Americans are in favor of. Unfortunately the sticking point is and the holdup and the obstructionists are the members of Congress, and particularly the leadership. You know, I can't believe that Paul Ryan, without even hearing what the president's executive order was, the day before just out right rejected it and suggested it was an infringement.

All the politicians on the other side are saying, well this is an infringement on the second amendment. I defy any one of these people to say or to tell me where - where is the infringement? I ask, where is the infringement? There is none.

HARLOW: Barbara, we heard the president even admit that the comprehensive gun reform will not make it through Congress. We saw it fail after Sandy Hook. You guys have both have vowed to make this your life's work. I'm interested in where you are taking your fight, Barbara. Are we talking about a state level, local municipalities? How are you attacking this?

BARBARA PARKER: I think it is everywhere. I think that people across the country are beginning to realize this is something we all have to be involved in. It is being picked up by people by the moms who demand action, on a local and state level, on a national level. It is going across the country. And I think we have to combine it. It is not there is not just one treatment for cancer. You have to treat it in many different ways. And I think that's where we can do it on a local level, the state level, and on a national level to do something about this violence in the country.

ANDY PARKER: We are going to be in Richmond a week from Monday, as a matter of fact. And there is going to be - there's a House joint resolution to honor Alison's life on the opening day of the Virginia General Assembly. You know, I talked to one of the patrons who was a big NRA guy. I said really the way to honor Alison's life is to take action. And that's what we want to see.

Honoring Alison and the thoughts and prayers from a politician, we have heard all of that. We're tired of thoughts and prayers. We want action. And that's the best way that we can honor Alison and save lives across this country.

HARLOW: Barbara, in the minute that I have left, what do you think Alison, as we look at her there, with your family, what would she make of your passion for this fight?

BARBARA PARKER: I think she'd be thrilled. We raised our children to do something about the things that you really believe in. And I think she would be proud of us that we are doing this and trying to make a difference. On her behalf and behalf of all the children who have been killed in this country through gun violence.

HARLOW: Andy, Barbara Parker, thank you very much.

ANDY PARKER: Thank you, Poppy. And thank you for all you and the rest of your colleagues at CNN have done. We appreciate that so much.

HARLOW: It is important to tell the story and to show all sides. Thank you both.


HARLOW: Coming up next we will bring you a rare interview with a story-telling legend talking about his craft and his decision to finally take his final bow and walk off the stage later this year.


GARRISON KEILLOR, HOST, A PRAIRIE HOME COMPANION: I'm from the midwest. We are not brought up to blow our own horn.

Bless the riders of comedy.


HARLOW: My conversation with Garrison Keillor is next.



HARLOW: An American icon is preparing to walk off the stage for the last time. He's Garrison Keillor. His voice is recognized around the world. His weekly radio show was appointment listening in my house growing up in Minnesota.

Later this year, he will move on after 40 years of a Prairie Home Companion. I sat down with my fellow Minnesotan Garrison Keillor for some life lessons and of course plenty of laughs.


GARRISON KEILLOR: My real calling was to be a bus driver. It really was.

Comedy live from town hall here on West 43rd Street here in New York City.

HARLOW (voice-over): His baritone voice is known the world over. His meandering thoughts and stories followed intently. Sometimes too earnestly.

KEILLOR: It was December. I was in New York City. I was hired by worldwide, wide eyed and more fish than on New York menus.

Well, I'm from the midwest. And we are not brought up to blow our own horns.

Bless the writers of comedy. HARLOW: But after four decades of regaling us with his tales, perhaps Garrison Keillor should blow his own horn.

KEILLOR: We didn't use the word awesome. We were Christian people and i guess still are.

HARLOW: (INAUDIBLE) dubbed him the shock jock of wholesomeness.

KEILLOR: I don't know what that means. I find all of the unwholesome things, you know, are fundamental in storytelling. It's what people gossip about. It's what we have to talk about.

HARLOW (on camera): Your story telling has repeatedly being compared to Mark Twain. That is a high bar.

KEILLOR: Well, he wrote "Huckleberry Finn" and I didn't. That's one difference.

HARLOW: Have you aspired throughout your career to be like him?

KEILLOR: Well, I aspired to be a novelist. So I went down that road. And then I got sidetracked on to radio.

HARLOW (voice-over):: And after 40 years of his Prairie Home Companion live radio show, appointment listening for many of his four million listeners around the world, Garrison Keillor and his signature red socks will walk off the stage this summer for the last time.

Why is it still appointment listening for people?


KEILLOR: Well, I talk slow, the music is good and it's live. That's the thing.

There's so little today that is. Everything people see or hear is, you know, is post produce and tinkered with and doctored. And this show is not. And people can feel that. It's happening as they hear it.

HARLOW: What are you most proud of?

KEILLOR: Persistence. Persistence. That's the key.

HARLOW (voice-over): Persistence is key when you start with an audience of just 12 people.

KEILLOR: How are you?

UNIDENTIFED FEMALE: It's so wonderful to meet you.

KEILLOR: Good to see you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. We've come to your show many times.

HARLOW: Fame, never something he sought out and something he still seems reluctant to embrace.

(on camera): Your brother told "Time" magazine once that you actually were not much of a performer as a young boy. Is that true?

KEILLOR: I'm not a performer. I never was. Never could be. I did a show here a few days ago and somebody told me afterward, I really liked your show but why do you stand with your back to the audience. Well, because I'm not a performer.

HARLOW: You don't want to look at - are you nervous?

KEILLOR: No. I just am distracted, you know. It's distracting to do a show. And you get to thinking about what you're going to say and you forget about them.

HARLOW: What has been your most profound professional experience?

KEILLOR: I think meeting Chet Atkins. I met Chet in 1982. He listened to the show, he sent me a letter and said that he and Leona sat in their kitchen in Nashville and listened to the show and he loved the show and he would like to come play on it. And to get that letter from Chet Atkins just startled me. I mean, this guy was the king of the guitar. And here he was, and he liked the show and he liked what I did, and it was the first compliment that really struck home with me.

HARLOW: Quiet, introverted, shy, doesn't take compliments well. Those are all words that have been used in the media to describe you. Are they accurate?

KEILLOR: You want to see quiet, kid, I can show you quiet.

HARLOW: You can walk out of here.

KEILLOR: We never use that word in (INAUDIBLE).

HARLOW (voice-over): Keillor's tales from (INAUDIBLE) struck a cord with us Minnesotans who could relate to them but also with those thousands of miles away.

KEILLOR: What's been a quiet week in (INAUDIBLE) Minnesota, my hometown, all of the women are strong, all the men are good-looking and all of the children are above average.

Lake (INAUDIBLE) is kind of a stage impersonation of what my people did naturally. But, you know, they keep repeating the same stories over and over again and I can't do that. I don't mean to shock you, but I have to make things up.

I'm a writer. I sit in a little room all by myself with a study lamp and everything.

HARLOW: He's a writer before all else. His heroes, novelists F. Scott Fitzgerald and John Updike.

KEILLOR: I met him once. I was stunned. HARLOW: Stand to the upside.

KEILLOR: I was stunned to be in his presence.

How many people are there like that in anybody's life?

HARLOW: How did Garrison Keillor measure success?

KEILLOR: Success is when you get up early in the morning and you feel ambitious and you go and sit down at your computer with a cup of coffee and you're still in your pajamas and there's something you urgently want to do and that's the good life. Work.

HARLOW: In true Garrison Keillor fashion, there was no pomp or circumstance to accompany his retirement announcement. Instead he chose a limerick.

KEILLOR: I decided today to resign. I am not after all 69. I want to retrench a few steps, dementia, and I want the idea to be mine.

HARLOW: And that's it.

What's chapter number 2?


KEILLOR: I'll sit at home and type. I'm going to rediscover lunch. I'm going to rediscover weekends.

HARLOW: And once again put his pen to paper in an effort to encapsulate a remarkable career and then to keep on living.

What's the first line of that memoir? You may not have written it. But what would it be?

KEILLOR: I was born on August 7th, 1942 in Dr. Marks Maternity Hospital on Ferry Street in Anoka, Minnesota, where the Rum River flows into the Mississippi.

HARLOW: When Garrison Keillor walks off that stage for the last time this July, he will be succeeded by Chris Feely. From all of us from the great state of Minnesota, thank you, Garrison Keillor, for the years and years of laughs and all the memories. We'll be right back.


HARLOW: All right. Tonight's number, no doubt it is on all of your minds. Your odds of winning the biggest Powerball jackpot in U.S. history. Here's our colleague's ticket. She picked the numbers herself. Here's the number, one in 292 million. Those are your chances of winning $900 million tonight. To give you an idea of the odds, you are more likely to become a billionaire on your own, more likely to become a billionaire on your own than to win the lottery.

So forget millions. Who wants to be a billionaire? If no one wins tonight, the next jackpot is likely heading over the billionaire mark. Did you buy your ticket yet? If not, you have two hours left to do so. The drawing is at 11:00 p.m. Eastern tonight. Your last chance to buy a ticket ends at 10:00 p.m. Eastern.

Thank you for joining me. Next on CNN, Anthony Bourdain Visits Madagascar for "PARTS UNKNOWN." At 9:00 Eastern, the CNN film, "STEVE JOBS, THE MAN AND THE MACHINE." Filmmaker (INAUDIBLE) revealing look at the real story behind the legend of Steve Jobs. That is tonight at 9:00 p.m. Eastern.

I am Poppy Harlow, I will be back here tomorrow evening at 5:00. Have a great night. I'll see you then.