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Coverage of Huge Winter Storm Affecting Millions Across America; "Des Moines Register" Announces Candidates They Will Support In The 2016 Presidential Election. Aired 6-7p ET

Aired January 23, 2016 - 18:00   ET


[18:00:00] POPPY HARLOW, CNN ANCHOR: Hi, everyone. Top of the hour, 6:00 p.m. eastern. I'm Poppy Harlow in New York. Thank you for being with me.

We begin with quite a storm pummeling much of the eastern seaboard. It is leaving misery in its wake, 13 people have died. That is the latest count, 13 people have died. Blizzard conditions up and down the east coast from the Carolinas, Georgia, all the way up through New York into New Jersey. Thirteen people dead, nearly three feet of snow accumulating in Washington, D.C. and parts of Maryland.

About 200,000 people are without power in 13 states. Heavy flooding in towns on the New Jersey shore. That is a major concern tonight is the heavy flooding and will it reach into New York State as well?

Here in New York City, a complete travel ban is in effect. No cars, no taxis, no city buses. Only police, ambulances and emergency vehicles are allowed.

Our team of reporters on the ground covering every angle of this for you tonight. Chad Myers, Jason Carroll in New York City. Jennifer Gray in Washington, D.C. Sara Ganim in Philadelphia, Ryan young in New Jersey.

But first, this hour, we are following breaking political news. With just nine days to go before the Iowa caucuses, the editorial board at the influential paper "the Des Moines Register" is announcing its endorsements for the Democratic and Republican presidential race.

Joining me now is Lynn Hicks, opinion editor for the "Des Moines Register."

Lynn, thank you very much for joining me.


HARLOW: All right. Break the news for us on the air. Who have you decided to endorse?

HICKS: On the Democratic side, we are endorsing Hillary Clinton. For the Republicans, we are endorsing Senator Marco Rubio.

HARLOW: All right. Walk me through the why. Let's begin with that Republican endorsement of Marco Rubio. Why that choice? What did it come down to?

HICKS: Well, we felt that Senator Rubio has the chance, the opportunity, to chart a new direction for the Republican Party. We met with the senator twice. We were impressed with both his knowledge. And we had questions about his experience, like a lot of people do, but we feel he is the best hope for the party and we think not only because he can attract independents, but we think his ideas can appeal to the base of the party and unify the party.

HARLOW: All right. And let's talk about Hillary Clinton. Why Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders? When you look at some of the polling, I want to point out the new CNN poll, when you look at it, it shows Sanders with a lead over Clinton in Iowa.

HICKS: Yes, it's very close. And you know, we have spent more than three hours in two interviews with Hillary Clinton and you know, there's no question that she has the most experience, depth and breadth of knowledge, and really felt that she is the one that's prepared to help America face the many challenges that it faces.

HARLOW: No. It's interesting that there's quite a bit of history here, certainly, with your newspaper and some of the candidates in this election. Donald Trump, for example, did not, he declined an invitation from your editorial board to meet with you guys. He was also very critical of the register in general, issuing a few months ago a lengthy statement criticizing your paper. Did that have anything to do with not endorsing him?

HICKS: No, of course not. And we invited him to come in several times. We would have loved to have him. And I think he would have had a lot of fun meeting with us. So he was not disqualified. Senator Cruz also chose not to meet with us. And that didn't disqualify him either. But you know, it didn't help them, either, to help us to persuade us to consider them.

HARLOW: Take us behind the scenes as much as you can. What are these meetings with these candidates like when your paper's editorial board is deciding who to endorse? What do you ask them?

HICKS: Well, we ask them all sorts of questions. Like I mentioned, we met twice with the candidates we endorsed as well as twice a few. You know, we first met with Senator Rubio back in April and we met with him again in January. We also asked our readers what they were interested in.

And across the board, you know, we have really thoughtful discussions with all the candidates. We felt they were candid. We asked them hard questions. And I think, you know, and all these videos are on our Web site, if people want to see. And you can see how secretary of state Clinton answered some of the questions regarding the emails. We note in our editorial how we felt at times she was defensive and evasive over those emails and that we feel that she, you know, needs to be more forthright on that.

[18:05:36] HARLOW: All right, Lynn Hicks, of the "Des Moines Register," appreciate you joining me this evening breaking the news. Again, the headline is the "Des Moines Register," just nine days out

from the Iowa caucuses endorsing Marco Rubio on the Republican side, Hillary Clinton on the Democratic side.

I want to get more analysis with CNN political commentator, correspondent for the "New Yorker," Ryan Lizza.

Ryan, let's start with the Rubio endorsement. What do you make of it?

RYAN LIZZA, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: You know, the "Des Moines Register" has a history on the Republican side, more so than the Democratic side actually, of going with the main establishment candidate. In 1996, they picked Bob Dole. In 2000 they picked George W. Bush. McCain in 2008. Romney in 2012. So there is a history here.

And look. Frankly, the "Des Moines Register" is a more influential paper with Democrats in Iowa than with Republicans. As you saw Ted Cruz, the sort of hard right conservative in the race wouldn't even meet with the "Des Moines Register."

So I think it's a bigger deal for Hillary Clinton, who they also endorsed in 2008. Remember they endorsed Clinton over Obama in 2008. So not a huge surprise that they would endorse her again. They weren't going to pick Obama in 2008. Definitely going to pick Sanders.

I think it's significant for Hillary Clinton. That endorsement will move some -- that will get people talking in Iowa and that will be a boost to her. Would have been a big coup if Sanders had gotten it.

HARLOW: Considering the latest CNN/ORC poll at this week has Sanders leading Clinton in Iowa by eight points, so bigger than the margin of error there.

Hey, before I let you go, Ryan, I want to get your take on something that Donald Trump said to a crowd in Iowa today. Let's play it.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: My people are so smart, and you know what else they say about my people? The polls, they say I have the most loyal people. Did you ever see that? Where I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK? It's like incredible.


HARLOW: He says I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody. Your reaction?

LIZZA: Man, the crazy thing is I think for a lot of his hard-core supporters who really would walk over glass for him at this point, you know, he is almost right about that. You know, maybe six or seven months ago covering Donald Trump, I would have said my Lord, saying something like that is going to cost him votes or this is a terrible thing. But we all know that Donald Trump has survived many worse comments than that. And you know, I think that key thing is, what is his ceiling? He has obviously has a hardcore base of supporters but does that support grow. And that's the great question we will see in February when the voting starts.

HARLOW: Absolutely. Ryan Lizza, thank you so much. Appreciate the analysis.

Again, "Des Moines Register" there endorsing Hillary Clinton and Marco Rubio.

Exactly one week before Iowa chooses, though Clinton, Sanders and O'Malley on the Democratic side will go face-to-face with voters. It is the final pitch, the last televised event with these candidates before caucus night on February 1st. Chris Cuomo moderates the CNN Iowa democratic presidential town hall. That is Monday night live from Iowa, 9:00 p.m. eastern. And you will only see it right here.

Tonight we are tracking a brutal, dangerous storm up and down the eastern seaboard. That's a live look at a deserted New York City. Tonight, much more on this epic winter storm in a moment.


[18:12:10] HARLOW: All right. We continue to cover this breaking news of an epic storm up and down the east coast. Travel ban in effect for New York City, all of the roads in and out of New York City, all of New York City proper, shut down until further notice. There is of course an exception for emergency vehicles and some members of the media. That's where we find Brian Stelter out in a roving vehicle.

How does it look? I know it is night now which makes everything a lot more complex.

BRIAN STELTER CNN SENIOR MEDIA CORRESPONDENT: We are actually pretty lonely out here, Poppy. And that's good news for emergency officials. Let's take the dash cam live shot. And you will see we are inside a snow globe. That is how it feels out here as the wind whips the snow around.

We are at the south street seaport. We are going to pull in actually here by the water, by the east river, because coastal flooding will be a concern the next couple of hours as we approach another high tide cycle. Looks like there are a grand total of three or four people standing out here by the south street seaport. So I'm going to hop out of the vehicle for a moment and walk out, show you from the dash cam what it's like out here.

The snow continues to come down at an impressive rate. You know, for snow junkies like me, the only thing I love more than weather is media. My normal beat. But I'm a weather geek at heart, Poppy.

A storm like this, putting down this many inches of snow, you barely ever see it. This is probably the second biggest snowstorm I have ever seen in New York City and it could become number one by the time all is said and done.

So we are at the south street seaport. You can see behind me one of these giant ships. We are actually somewhat protected underneath the FDR drive which is of course basically shut down because of the travel ban. It's really actually kind of eerie, like a scene out of "the Day After Tomorrow" if you have ever seen that movie.

Pretty much everybody is heeding the warnings to stay off the roads and frankly, barely any pedestrians are here as well. We see one emergency vehicle riding by. They are aware we are media and that we are allowed to be out here while everybody else is indoors.

But there are very few people even at the bars. I counted two bars that were open down here by the south street seaport. Pretty much everything is shut down. And when that wind picks up, and when it pushes the snow in this direction, even though we are under this overpass, it is awfully brutal as the temperatures get lower and lower.

So in the next couple of hours, the big question for us, Poppy, is going to be these waters out here, where basically right by the east river near the Hudson as well, out toward the bay, we are going to see how quickly these waters rise. No one is expecting a Sandy-type situation here. Obviously, the situation is toward the south, the jersey shore has been much more serious in terms of flooding. And some of those communities, I think the pictures we see tonight and really tomorrow are going to be very scary to see based on flooding there.

Here, no expectations of that kind of flooding but the south street seaport has been through this before. They remember Sandy very well, unfortunately. So it is going to be curious to see how high these waters get when high tide approaches.

Poppy, we will check in in a little bit.

[18:15:05] HARLOW: All right. Brian, thank you so much. Just abandoned there behind him. Something you rarely see in the city. That's for sure.

Let's take it uptown a little bit from where Brian was to Times Square. That's where we find our meteorologist Chad Myers.

It's getting more intense and frankly, Chad, it's freezing outside.

CHAD MYERS, AMS METEOROLOGIST: It really is. I mean, I have been out here standing out here maybe for ten minutes and I'm really, really cold. And the people out here are playing in this.

There are hundreds of people out here today because there's nothing else to do. There are so many people from Montreal that said what are you guys doing, how can we be in New York City with nothing to do? The city that never sleeps might just take a nap tonight. Because everything is closed. All the shows are done. All the restaurants are pretty much closed, because everyone who works here had to go home with their car because they can't be going home at 9:00 or 10:00 because that would be violating the ban. So even people saying I can't even get into a museum. That's right. The museum workers don't want to sleep in the museum. I know there's a movie about that, but they want to go home. And that's what happened.

At 2:30, everyone was released to go home and the city is literally at a standstill other than people walking on by. The cabs aren't moving. Nothing's moving here. And it is cold, the snow continues, another five to six inches here before it stops. I think the same story for D.C., Philadelphia, all the way up and down I-95. And those roadways not only roadways in New York City, but the turnpike and the parkway are all an absolute mess tonight. Stay home. Tomorrow is another day. It might get better.

HARLOW: Well, it will get better eventually but stay home until it is.

Also watching on the side of your screen that potential flooding up in parts of New York and also New Jersey, southern New Jersey right around Atlantic City. Big concern there.

Chad Myers, we will get back to you in just a moment. Thank you so much.

I do want to tell all our viewers watching in and around New York City, explain that travel ban for you a little bit that's underway. The George Washington Bridge, the Lincoln tunnel now closed. All non- emergency travel is forbidden. That goes for drivers and pedestrians. Violators could be arrested. They could face significant fines. Points taken off their driver's license. This is no joke, folks. The governor, the mayor saying stay off the roads. It is intended to keep you safe.

Let's go straight to Jason Carroll in central park.

Jason, still some folks behind you, right?

JASON CARROLL, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, actually, Poppy, what we did was we left central park. We are now on Ninth Avenue and what they call New York Hell's Kitchen. Take a look. And I know you know this area well. When you look at Ninth Avenue now, look at this. It's empty. Except for the folks who were just walking down in the middle of the street here. That's what it's been like driving through the streets of New York.

Here's something that puts it in perspective. Look what they are done here. They built this snowman right here in the middle, a snowman and a few of his closest friends, right in the middle of Ninth Avenue. This what is people are doing. I know you heard Chad talking about New Yorkers taking a nap. No, no, no, no. This is New York. New Yorkers are not going to be taking a nap. They are still out trying to find some way to entertain themselves.

So what have you guys been doing all day to try to, you know, pass the storm?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Stay warm, getting some drinks. Hanging around with some friends. Enjoying the empty streets. It's been a lot of fun in the snow.

CARROLL: You know, we have been talking so much about the travel ban. I notice some police officers drove by not too long ago. We have seen a number of plows. They stood in front of the snowman at one point, Poppy, to save the Ninth Avenue snowman. But we have seen emergency vehicles. But it seems like pretty much people are adhering to the travel ban. Is that what you guys are experiencing as well?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Absolutely. But, you have a good, though. What are you going to do? Just have the time.

CARROLL: Yes. We are also talking about what comes next. Tomorrow, it will be the big dig, Poppy. A lot of folks will be coming out here on these streets to dig out their cars.

Plans for tomorrow, everyone weigh in. What's going to be up for tomorrow?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Football playoffs.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're going to the beach!

CARROLL: Beach? Who said the beach? What beach are you going to? I want to go to that beach.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Church. Go to church tomorrow.

CARROLL: Who was heading to D.C.? Vegas. So a lot of people got stuck, as you know, a number of the airports, LaGuardia, Newark, shut down basically tomorrow. We have to see if some of those flights end up resuming. But for now, Chad, everyone, you can listen up, New Yorkers, a city that does not sleep. Never sleeps. No napping, at least not yet.

HARLOW: Jason, you know where you and I are going to be tomorrow, right?

CARROLL: Where? Right here, probably.

HARLOW: We are going to be right here. We are going to be right in the middle of it covering it all for everyone.

Jason, thank you so much.

But seriously, to all the people that are out there, I know they are having fun. Everyone's got to head home. This is no joke. We are talking about an epic storm. One of the worst -- one of the five worst storms in New York City history.

You are looking at live pictures of the nation's capital, Washington, D.C. We will have a live report from Washington straight ahead.


[18:24:01] HARLOW: Welcome back. You are looking at live pictures of the White House this evening as night has fallen. And that city is gripped by up to 24 inches of snow. That's what they are expecting there. Thirteen deaths up and down the east coast linked to this storm. The nation's capital is empty and quiet. Tonight, a snow emergency is in effect. A blizzard warning is in effect until tomorrow.

CNN meteorologist Jennifer Gray is in the freedom plaza right near the White House with more.

I mean, there were points tonight, Jennifer, when we were going to you and your team was being blown over almost by the wind. It was looks like it settled down considerably there.

JENNIFER GRAY, AMS METEOROLOGIST: Yes. The wind has really died down but the snow is still falling at a very heavy rate. You know, we were seeing snowfall rates around one to two inches per hour. I would say right now this is probably about an inch an hour. The snowflakes a lot more fine now, not as fat as they were earlier.

We are facing the opposite direction now and you can see the historic Willard Hotel behind me. It's almost an eerie sight to see the nation's capital just so quiet. Earlier when the wind was blowing you could actually hear it howling through -- between the buildings through the streets. And you never see the capital this quiet.

Every now and then we are seeing cars go by now that the snow has died down a little bit. We are seeing a little bit more activity. But the mayor was on earlier saying she really needs people to stay off the roads because the plows have a hard time getting through as well as those emergency vehicles. They are still responding to calls. She actually urged people if you don't have a dire emergency, just hang tight and let them tend to the people that are in emergency situations right now, let them have the priority.

I want to give you latest snowfall totals. As far as D.C. is concerned, Dulles, 26.5 was the latest total just about an hour ago. Reagan reported a total of 17.5. That puts it at number five for the snowiest storm. And so, depending on where you are in D.C., we have seen reports of 14 inches to 22 inches and it is still coming down. And so, we are going to see additional snowfall. We are going to see those numbers go even higher. But keep in mind wind gusts, 35 to 45 miles per hour as we go through the early evening hours. I do expect that to taper off.

This entire storm system is pushing to the east. And so, it will slowly gradually taper off from west to east as we go through the overnight hours and we do expect better situation tomorrow. In fact, we should see sunshine tomorrow, Poppy, with temperatures in the mid- 30s. So there will be a little bit of melting going on. But keep in mind as temperatures dip below freezing tomorrow night we could see a lot of refreeze. So pretty icy situation for Sunday night possibly.

[18:26:44] HARLOW: Our meteorologist Jennifer Gray live for us in Washington, D.C.

Thank you so much, Jennifer.

I do want to go to New York City mayor Bill de Blasio who joins me on the phone.

Mayor, thank you so much for taking time in what is an extraordinarily busy night for you and your entire team.

Talk me through the latest news. We are hearing 13 deaths from this storm, three of them here in New York. Is that correct?

MAYOR BILL DE BLASIO (D), NEW YORK (on the phone): Yes, Poppy, that is correct. We have had three deaths, very tragically, from people who were snow shoveling. And it's a reminder to everyone that do not overexert, particularly folks having any kind of health challenges. We do want our sidewalks cleared, obviously, but not at that cost. And if someone's not up to it, they should not snow shovel. Let someone else do it or pay someone to do it.

But in overall situation, Poppy, we now have a projection from the national weather service, 24 to 28 inches expected for New York City. We have definitely passed the 20 inch mark already. And, you know, as recently as yesterday, the projections were in the eight inch to 12 inch level for this storm. It is, you know, more than doubled now.

Right now, all over the city, our travel ban in effect. NYPD is enforcing that ban aggressively because we need people off the streets. And I do think New Yorkers are heeding that ban more and more. And right now I'm driving through lower Manhattan and police just came over the Brooklyn Bridge, no one was on the bridge, no one's on some of the main streets that I'm crossing in lower Manhattan. So I think travel ban's working. And that's what's going to allow us when the storm finally ends probably between 9:00 and 10:00 p.m., at least the brunt ends, to get out there and truly clear these roads so we can fully be up and running, we hope, on Monday.

HARLOW: All right, Mayor, what about the subway system that so many millions of people rely on the underground subways are open now. Do you expect those will stay open throughout the night?

DE BLASIO: We have been closely coordinating with the state of New York and the MTA, the state and Governor Cuomo have ultimate responsibility for the MTA. But we are all on the same page. It was very smart to shut down the bus service and the overland train service because if you can see what I'm seeing right now in lower Manhattan. It's quite clear, you know, it would have led to lots and lots of stranded buses and stuck trains if that not happened. But the underground service is in operation. That's continuing. And from what I can tell, what we have heard from the MTA, that will continue. And that's crucial. That will be the one type of mass transit that will continue hopefully for the duration of the storm.

HARLOW: And Mayor, what do you say to all the people we just saw Jason Carroll out with a lot of people, obviously they are having fun in the snow, it's beautiful, but I mean, for people out and about tonight, this travel ban you are saying is not just for the roads, right? You don't want people out at all.

DE BLASIO: I'm most concerned about vehicles on the road. So let me separate the two pieces. The travel ban refers specifically to vehicles on the roads that will be in danger themselves but more importantly, on top of that, will potentially obstruct first responders, emergency vehicles and snow plows. So we want vehicles off the road for everyone's protection.

Yes. We had people earlier doing bicycle deliveries from restaurants and delis. That's crazy. There are to be no bikes on the street. But people walking around, this is my advice. They should be very, very careful. I'm not going to tell people it's illegal to walk around but I will say it's not safe to be out there for more than a little while just because it's bitterly cold, it's very windy. As it gets darker, it gets colder. But also, a lot of people walking the streets, this is a danger, Poppy. People should not walk in the street and ignore the fact that emergency vehicles are moving around and they are still are danger itself. Either stay in entirely or if you go out on foot limit the amount of time and be very, very conscious of what's happening around you.

[18:30:42] HARLOW: Absolutely. Mayor De Blasio, we will let you and your team get back to it. Thank you so much from all of us New Yorkers to all the first responders, all the folks working around the clock to keep us safe and clear the roads.

Thank you, Mayor.

As you just heard, Mayor Bill de Blasio, they are saying 24 to 28 inches expected in New York City. We are already over 21 inches in parts of New York. We are going to have much more breaking news on this blizzard up and down the eastern seaboard affecting 11 states when we return. Stay with us.


[18:34:57] HARLOW: Breaking news on what has become a deadly blizzard, pounding the east coast. At least 13 deaths are now linked to weather conditions in 11 states. Here in New York City, three deaths have been reported. There's also a very strict travel ban in effect. It means no one is allowed on the roads except emergency vehicles.

In addition, all of the tunnels and bridges in and out of New York City have been shut down. The NYPD stopping vehicles on the roads, sending out these images a little earlier showing officers stopping cars and drivers, urging them to return home, stay off the roads.

On the jersey shore, they are dealing with another major concern and that is heavy flooding. Look at those rushing waters from a little bit earlier today. More than 50 people already pushed out of their homes as water pours into those neighborhoods across New Jersey. Fifty thousand residents tonight without power. That number expected to rise because of a combination of heavy wet snow and those very high winds. The winter storm is causing widespread flight delays and cancellations at airports across the country, both Reagan national, Dulles have grounded all operations through tomorrow.

Rene Marsh, our aviation correspondent, has the latest from Washington. She's on the phone. The airports are getting hit, no question about it. What else are you


RENE MARSH, CNN AVIATION CORRESPONDENT (on the phone): Yes, Poppy. I mean, you said it. Operations along the east coast are pretty much at a standstill which looking at all those mages it's understandable why. Today, more than 4,000 cancellations, looking ahead to tomorrow, more than 2,000 cancellations. You mentioned the D.C. area. We know that Dulles and Reagan national airport, they are still struggling to dig out. We saw some of the totals just a short time ago, nearly 30 inches of snow at Dulles airport. So that's a challenge. So we know at least through Sunday, the Washington, D.C. area airports will remain shut down as far as flight operations.

Philadelphia was another area pretty badly hit. In talking to them today, they are telling me weather permitting, they intend to gradually resume some operations. And then when it comes to New York City, you know, some airlines like American airlines, they say that they would be ready to resume operations tomorrow in New York City, but we just heard the mayor on and there's that travel ban. So with that still in place, obviously those restrictions would have an impact, if they can get their airline and airport employees in position to even resume flights. So travel still a mess. Probably still will be a mess for quite a few days to come.

HARLOW: Absolutely. Rene Marsh, thank you so much. A live report for us on all those airports. You see 8600 flights canceled through Sunday. That number going up and up.

Right now, here in New York City, where I'm coming to you from live, New Yorkers hunkering down preparing for up to 28 inches of snow. It will slam into the city tonight. A travel ban is in effect for all of New York City's roads, all trucks, cars, et cetera, have to stay off the roads except for the emergency vehicles. All tunnels and bridges are closed.

Moments ago I spoke live with New York City mayor Bill de Blasio. He also told me three people have died today in New York City. The mayor is urging people to stay inside, limit walking trips. If you have to go out, only go out by foot for a brief period of time.

CNN meteorologist Chad Myers joins me live in Times Square.

And you heard the mayor there. I mean, Chad, he said these people died because they were out shoveling overexerting themselves.

MYERS: That's right. It's because the snow is so heavy. This came down for a while as light fluffy snow which is easy to move. Then all of a sudden it changed to a sleet that didn't pile up very deep, but it got very heavy.

I'm standing on Broadway. This is where you would expect cars as far as you could see, most of them yellow, on a regular Saturday night. And there are only people walking.

Walk back this way. There is this snow plow that will come by, push snow on to the sidewalk, then people on the sidewalk push all the snow back into the street. It is quite the dance, I guess, trying to get as much clear as possible. Here comes one of New York's finest right on by taking care of us, making sure everybody is safe, making sure is off the roadways.

Now, I will take you, look down to the ground, we have been here before this was plowed probably 45 minutes. That is the only track, the only track on this road in 45 minutes. The cars are staying off the roadways because by 11:00 this morning, I was out driving around just looking at the scenery and everyone was getting stuck. When the plows would come by, they make that big pile of snow along the street next to them or across from them and no cars could get over that pile. The piles are just getting deeper and deeper.

[18:40:05] HARLOW: Absolutely. And Chad, just walk me through a little bit, if you can, the concern, how great the concern is at this hour about flooding in New Jersey, southern New Jersey and the coastal parts of New York because it's nearly 7:00 p.m. eastern and this is when Governor Cuomo told me they would be most concerned about that flooding.

MYERS: From where we were and we saw the shot about an hour ago on the south street seaport from Brian Stelter, the water would have gone up about maybe four more inches because of the tide. And I had so many tweets today, what does a storm have to do with flooding and a tide and the moon?

Well, the moon is full moon. It's the biggest tide of the month. Not quite king tide but very big. And because we are at high tide, you push another four feet of surge on top of that, and then you have 14 or 15 foot waves crashing onshore all the way through the jersey shore, that's the sand they already put on the road or on the beach that's already gone, already washed away. So we are still -- there go the New York islanders. There's the hockey team except they are all number 50. So I think they are just some fans of the New York Islanders because they all just can't wear the same number, Poppy. I heard them yelling behind me, so. I thought I had to at least acknowledge them.

HARLOW: I think you're right to do so. Chad Myers, thank you so much. We will be back to you in just a moment. Especially on that flooding in New Jersey and parts of New York as we hear more. We hope for the best, certainly, there. This blizzard is pushing water into the streets of some towns on the jersey shore as we were just talking about with Chad Myers.

A few hundred members of the National Guard are waiting for word to potentially activate there. We will have a live report from New Jersey and the flooding next.


[18:45:41] HARLOW: You are looking at live pictures of Baltimore, Maryland, also getting the brunt of this storm tonight. We are dealing with 13 deaths up and down the eastern seaboard from a blizzard that has dumped 20 inches in major cities across the east coast. And it is not letting up any time soon. The blizzard driving flooding in New Jersey as well. Governor Chris Christie may have to call in National Guard troops to help. We know there are 23 National Guard members in New York and New Jersey helping.

Ryan Young joins me from Margate, New Jersey.

Just to give people an idea of where you are, Ryan. This is in southern New Jersey. It is pretty close to Atlantic City, and all we see behind you frankly is water. They have major flooding.

RYAN YOUNG, CNN CORRESPONDENT: They do. Let me just tell you this, Poppy. We thought we were going to do this live shot a few minutes ago so we stood here, we thought we would be dry, and then all of a sudden you look behind us, the water has started coming over the edge and it's just, it just keeps coming. This has been going on since 7:00, we knew we have to deal with high tide.

We thought the water was going away for quite some time so we drove back over here to see what would happen. And you look back this way, this house, you can see the water just coming over the edge. I will walk my photographer back this way, Jake and I. As you look back towards the water edge where the bay is pushing the water over, it's going back into the streets. We are probably almost in ankle deep right now. We will walk our way out of here and come back around, Poppy.

All day long we have been dealing with heavy winds, ice on the roads, but this is the most significant flooding that we have seen all day. And we are going to step down here and go around in the street so we can show you what's going on.

We stood here last night for several hours watching to see if the water would come around the top of the edge because we are told the homes out here actually flooded last year, OK? And we are actually told a fire truck got stuck here. So everyone knows this area where we are standing is prone to flooding. As you walk back this direction, just the last ten minutes, all of this was clear. There was no water here. But we have seen that change dramatically. That's what everyone's concerned about.

We are told more National Guard members could be called in in the next few hours to help deal with these concerns. Last night we saw people out on the streets. Tonight, different story. People have heeded the warning and got off these streets, especially with the water coming over the edge, Poppy.

HARLOW: Let me ask you, Ryan. I don't recall when there have been big snowstorms having this kind of flooding as an issue. I mean, is this something that folks in Atlantic City, in Margate, are used to with the snowstorm, or is this just this confluence of events, the full moon tonight, the fact the storm is intensifies as high tide's coming in, what is it?

YOUNG: Great question. So we are told look, you have the high tide, you have the full moon and then you have this storm. So people say look, they already are prone to flooding in this area already. But then you add all these factors on top of it and the steady snow and the wind, and you have the situation. In fact, Poppy, as I walk you back this direction, we stood here all night not thinking we would get hit with a lot of snow last night and it was three to four inches. Now you can see here, I'm going to step in here, you can see how it's coming up into the middle of the roadway. And over there where we were standing before, it's a lot deeper so we thought we would be dealing with a lot of snow. Then all of a sudden it turns into this water.

In the middle of the street, if we walk back down this direction, you can see it pushing back toward the city. All this was dry less than a half hour ago. Now that's all changed. You got to think about it. It's not even 7:00 yet. So we could be facing more water in the next half hour or so, so you know residents here will have to be dealing with this.

We have seen police officers making sure they shut down parts of the roads here to make sure people can't get into certain sections. They warned us last night to be careful with this situation because they said once the water comes over the edge, it doesn't take nothing but a few minutes before your car is flooded or something stalls and that's what they were warning us about last year or last time super storm Sandy was here, they said the water was waist-deep in the area where I'm standing right now.

HARLOW: Ryan, thank you so much. To you and your entire crew out there. Lot of people behind the camera making it all work. Stay safe, my friend. Thank you so much.

Next, I'm going to take you to northern Virginia. That is one of 11 states under a declared emergency order tonight. Two people there reported dead on this winter storm. You're looking at live pictures out of Fairfax, Virginia. Nick Valencia live with me from there next.


[18:53:49] HARLOW: You are looking at live images of New York City where up to 28 inches of snow is expected tonight in what the mayor of New York City called one of the five worst storms in the history of the city. A live look at Columbus circle in the heart of Manhattan. We know at least 14 people have died as a result of this storm that is ravaging the east coast. Two of those deaths are in Virginia. It is one of 11 states that declared a state of emergency because of the blizzard. Virginia state police have been busy all day. About 1,000 crashes is what they have seen on their highways and side streets. Hundreds of vehicles have been stranded.

Our Nick Valencia is live in Fairfax, Virginia in the middle of it.

This is far from over. We see very few vehicles just plows on the roads right now. What are people doing? Are they heeding the warning to stay inside?

NICK VALENCIA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, in the hours we have been out here, Poppy, we haven't seen very many other vehicles besides the emergency vehicles that are treating these thoroughfares. This here, Route 50 that connects to interstate 66 just behind my shoulder here.

We did just a little while ago, we saw two adventure folks from the subdivision venturing out. They got bored, they told me, and wanted to wander about and see exactly what the snow had left behind. And this is what we're dealing with here. Every step I take I just fall a little bit deeper into this accumulation here. This, of course, has been a very serious storm.

However, we should share this very unfortunate news that we just recently confirmed with the Virginia state police. You see a county police officer there cruised by me. At least three people now confirmed dead in the Commonwealth, Virginia. Two killed by hypothermia. Another individual losing control of his vehicle as this heavy snow started yesterday afternoon. He hit a tree and perished after that accident.

This storm has lived up to all expectations. Our meteorologists got this spot on. Our meteorologist with tremendous accuracy showing just how treacherous this storm has been. In some parts of Virginia, 25, nearly 30 inches of snow. Here I can dig my hand all the way down here and still not touch the bottom. You can tell how much snow has landed here in this part of Fairfax.

Of course, as you mentioned, Poppy, this weekend's storm is expected to last until 2:00 a.m. this morning. Government officials tell me that their main concern after that is that the freezing conditions will settle in making the roads even more difficult to manage. So they are stressing still. They don't want you to be like the two individuals I was referencing earlier wandering around. They want you to stay indoors, try to stay safe until the snowstorm happens.

Still a lot of hours to go before that happens, though, Poppy.

[18:56:30] HARLOW: Absolutely.

All right. Nick Valencia, thank you so much for the reporting.

I want to take you now to the CNN severe weather center. Our meteorologist Karen Maginnis is there.

I know a few hours ahead still for the storm. What are we looking at? When do things subside?

KAREN MAGINNIS, AMS METEOROLOGIST: It looks like at the time of high tide we are looking at waves rushing in. If you have seen any of those pictures coming out of the coastal areas, it is phenomenal. It is just like a hurricane offshore, only in the winter. And we are looking at the staggering snow fall totals.

Now, this is something you're not going to see typically. This is flight explorer. This is where that snow band is located, associated with that area of low pressure. Our super storm. But as we look at Virginia, Washington, D.C., and Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York City, there are no planes landing. No planes taking off at all. This is the kind of thing that you see -- we have seen for about the last 20 hours or so. What about the snowfall totals? Amazing numbers coming out. Are these records? We don't know that yet. Because the snow hasn't stopped. But we are seeing some daily snowfall totals. There have been records like in Philadelphia. Here is JFK, over 20 inches. Newark airport, over 21 inches. Central park, just under 20 inches of snowfall.

We have to go back to 2006. They saw about 26 inches of snowfall. Could it be that central park could set a record from this? It looks as if we set the pace at perhaps five, maybe 10 additional inches of snowfall. We are pretty much there. Not just in central park, but as you go towards there, or you go towards JFK, or LaGuardia. Philadelphia, 17 inches. They saw 14 inches in just one day.

So we give you all of those snowfall totals. But a lot of people in places where the snowfall really isn't measured. Glen Gary, West Virginia, well, some folks there measure the snow 40 inches. And we're not finished yet. That area of low pressure still lingering offshore. So we got this low, we got that moisture which is coming in out of the north and northeast. We did seen hurricane force winds blowing in right around Nantucket. Hurricane force winds.

Well, for Boston, you weren't looking at significant snowfall totals. You were looking at high winds. Blizzard - potentially blizzard winds or conditions there, but not really significant snow.

Now, New York, things have changed there as well. We were looking anywhere between 10 and 20, now it is 20 to 30. That's why they have shut everything down. The nation's largest city shut down. You see it. You have seen it for hours. People out on the street looking. Poppy, I know it's pretty. And you are amazing, Poppy, being out there all afternoon. I have to hand it to you. That was amazing.

HARLOW: You know who is more amazing, Karen, all the folks behind the camera. The folks that keep us warm, they get us coffee, they are, you know, shoveling so we can stand there. Those are the people that deserve the credit and the first responders and police.

But thank you very much. Karen Maginnis will be with us all night.

We are going to be live with you by the way all night for the storm, CNN monitoring all of it. SO stay with us for the latest.

ANNOUNCER: This is CN breaking news.

HARLOW: 7:00 eastern. Thank you so much for being with us. I'm Poppy Harlow in New York. On the breaking news this winter storm pummeling much of the nation leaving misery in its wake, 14 people have now died as a result of the storm.