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Zika Virus Pandemic Fears; Satellite Images of North Korea Base Examined; FBI Arrests More Oregon Wildlife Refuge Occupiers; Trump Will Skip Fox Debate; Activists Want More Action on Flint Water Issue. Aired 3-4a ET

Aired January 28, 2016 - 03:00   ET



ERROL BARNETT, CNN INTERNATIONAL NEWSROOM HOST: A dire warning, U.S. scientists call for urgent actions on the Zika Virus, saying it could become an explosive pandemic. What you need to know coming up.

Also, go home. Protest leader Ammon Bundy tells his remaining supporters to quit the armed siege of a U.S. wildlife refuge.

Also ahead, trapped in Norway, Syrian migrants shared their fears of deportation to Russia.

A very big welcome to our viewers in the U.S. and those of you watching all around the world, I am Errol Barnett. Thanks for joining me as I kick off the second hour of CNN Newsroom.

We'll get to all those stories in a moment. But we begin this hour with the escalating war between U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump and Fox News. The Republican frontrunner plans to hold a fund- raising event for military veterans instead of taking part in Thursday's debate. He's feuding with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly, who he's called biased. Trump spoke with her colleague, Bill O'Reilly, who tried to convince him not to skip the debate. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think you should be the bigger man and say, you know what, I didn't like it and you should make that case all day long. But I am not going to take any action against it. Don't you think that's the right thing to do?

DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: It probably is, but it's called an eye for an eye. You could...


TRUMP: Bill...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, no. You're the Christian. The eye for the eye rule goes out. Here's what it is...

TRUMP: Bill, you're taking this much more seriously than I am. I am not taking it seriously. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Who is?

TRUMP: I am going to have a wonderful time tomorrow night at 9:00 at Drake University.


BARNETT: There you go. Now, meanwhile, a new poll from Monmouth University shows Trump as you see there with a solid lead over Ted Cruz in Iowa, 30 to 23 percent. Trump gained 11 points since the university's poll in December. Keep that in mind. So, no matter what the pundits say, Trump is not backing down, here is Senior White House Correspondent Jim Acosta.


TRUMP: They can't toy with me like they toy with everybody else.

JIM ACOSTA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It's a high-stakes game of political chicken just days before the Iowa caucuses. Donald Trump is showing no signs of backing down from his threat to skip the Fox News Republican debate tomorrow.

TRUMP: So let them have their debate and let's see how they do with the ratings.

ACOSTA: Asked earlier today whether the GOP frontrunner was keeping the door opened just a crack, Trump's campaign manager slammed it shut. Trump's main rival in Iowa, Ted Cruz pounced.

TED CRUZ, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: You know Donald is a fragile soul.

ACOSTA: Launching a ducking Donald page on his campaign website, if Trump is afraid of Megyn Kelly, Cruz crowed, let's debate one-on-one. Cruz is also selling a new hat that read, make Trump debate again.

CRUZ: You know if she asks him mean questions, I mean, his hair might stand on end.

ACOSTA: Trump fired back on twitter. Can we do it in Canada? But other GOP contenders also see an opening. Jeb Bush told CNN's Gloria Borger, it shows weaknesses.

JEB BUSH, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I think it's a little weird. Life's unfair, you have got to make tough decisions. You have to challenge things. You have you to deal with foreign leaders and all that disagree with you. You can't take your toys and go home.

ACOSTA: Trump blames it all on Fox News for putting out a sarcastic statement suggesting the real estate tycoon was afraid of moderator Megyn Kelly.

TRUMP: They sent out the wise guy press releases a little while ago done by some P.R. person along with Roger Ailes. I said, bye-bye.

ACOSTA: Trump lashed out on twitter, I refused to call Megyn Kelly a bimbo because that would not be politically correct. Fox accused the Trump campaign of trying to threaten Kelly, saying in a statement, we can't give into terrorizations towards any of our employees.

TRUMP: In many cases, I probably identify more as a Democrat.

ACOSTA: It's all a risky move for Trump as a new anti-Trump pack is airing against him. Critics are recalling the time he slammed Republicans for skipping a debate during the 2012 cycle when he complimented Kelly on her moderating skills.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you really think you're a better moderator than I am?

TRUMP: No, I could never beat you. You've done a great job, by the way. I mean it.

ACOSTA: Trump is finding an ally in Rush Limbaugh who said on his radio show that Fox News is acting like it's been jilted at the altar, and once again Trump has found a new way to dominate the coverage in this race for the GOP nomination. Jim Acosta, CNN, South Carolina.



BARNETT: Joining me now to talk about all of this is Democrat strategist Joe Lestingi and Jeffrey Lord from the Reagan White House, political director and Donald Trump supporter. He is on the right of your screen. Welcome to you both. Joe, I want to begin with you. We have this spectacle now of Donald Trump holding his counter event to the GOP debate. It's adding a sense of drama to what are usually dry events. Would you at least admit that Trump has once again found a way to dominate the political conversation unlike any candidate before?

JOE LESTINGI, DEMOCRAT STRATEGIST: Absolutely. Donald Trump has taken Presidential politics to a whole other level. The only -- only the Don could do. And there's no such thing as bad press. We thought that went away a long time ago with scandal after scandals. When his poll numbers lag or start to drop or plateau, he comes out with something that gets everyone talking about him again, which then he sees a corresponding bump in his poll. That's what he needs to do.

He's out there running these wind sprints to keep his numbers floating and its working. No other candidate could do it like this, though.

BARNETT: I know Jeffrey would agree with you on that. But Jeffrey, would you at least admit this is a huge gamble for Donald Trump, and this could diminish the image he's built of being a strong dealmaker. This flies in the face of that.

JEFFREY LORD, DONALD TRUMP SUPPORTER: Well, is it a risk he's taking? Sure, to some extent it is. But will it fly in the face of his image of being a strong, determined leader? No, absolutely not. This is exactly -- to take off on Joe's point, this is exactly why so many millions of people love the guy. They look -- Rush Limbaugh did an excellent analysis of this today on American Radio. What he was saying, in essence was, that Donald Trump breaks all the conventional political formulas here for how you run a campaign.

And in the doing of that, what he does is he makes the other guys look all too conventional. It's a sign of strength. At this point, he is immutably identified with strength. So I don't think anybody except his political opponents are going to try to make hay out of it and say he's weak here.

BARNETT: On that point, Rand Paul is now using some of the harshest language of any Presidential candidate commenting on Trump's counter event. I want you to listen to this.


RAND PAUL, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I think Donald Trump's main addition he's brought to the debate is silliness, bombast, and empty rhetoric, and you know calling people names. I don't think he's added much substance all year. I don't think he'll be missed. In fact, I really don't think Donald Trump is a conservative. I think he's a fake and a charlatan.


BARNETT: Whoa, Jeff, what do you make of that?

LORD: Well, you know, I like Rand Paul a lot, but I have to say this speaks of word of someone four percent or five percent in the poll. This is what you've got to do. You have to say, hey, hey, don't forget about me, I am over here. He won't be the only one doing that, I might add.

BARNETT: Who do you think benefits the most among Republicans who is will be on that stage?

BARNETT: Perhaps Marco Rubio. What happens, without Donald Trump on that stage, all the targets -- the target is going to be Ted Cruz. And, number one, that's a problem for Ted Cruz. You know Marco Rubio is going to try to nip at his heels. The others will zero on him. Number two, the problem for Ted Cruz is he's not a conventional politician either, which is why so many of these establishment types can't stand him.

But standing on that stage, absent Donald Trump, with just the other guys, they're all going to look, I think, like a bunch of politicians in suits. And that's something, in this particular election year, to be avoided.

BARNETT: Joe, juror chuckling, and nodding your head here because Rand Paul sounds more like a Democrat. Do Democrats just love this?

LESTINGI: Yes, we are eating this up. What this is going to be like, once the convention is done and they've picked their nominee, this will be like looking back on your high school years or college years and realizing all the mistakes you've made because they have basically opened up the sound bite trough for us to feed at. BARNETT: All right, Democrat strategist Joe Lestingi joining us from

D.C., and CNN Political Commentator Jeffrey Lord in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Thanks to you both for speaking with us. Something both sides can enjoy, the spectacle happening in this race.


LORD: Thanks.

BARNETT: Now, there is much more on the U.S. Presidential race and all the politics involved coming up, including Donald Trump's supporters. Who are they exactly and why are they so firm in their belief that he should be the next President?

Also, Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders makes a visit to the White House.

But first, a mosquito-borne virus linked to terrible birth defects is causing alarm. Two U.S. based-scientists believe the Zika Virus has explosive potential to become a widespread outbreak. They're calling on the World Health Organization to meet and address it. A growing number of airlines, meanwhile, are offering refunds to passengers who booked flights to countries dealing with the outbreak.


Delta is among the latest of customers to get a refund or rebook their travel. The Zika Virus is active in at least 24 countries. Currently, there's no vaccine to prevent the disease or medicine to treat it. CNN's Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta has more.


SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: So this is the blood- sucker everyone's after, the female Aedes aegypti mosquito. She's the carrier of several dangerous viruses that have spread around the world, including yellow fever, dengue, and now Zika. Zika is actively spreading in many spots like Caribbean, Mexico and Brazil, which is also the site of this summer's Olympic Games. Unlike other mosquito- borne diseases, Zika is of particular concern to pregnant women because Brazil is the epicenter of a Zika Virus linked to babies born with microcephaly, where the baby's head and brain don't develop.

Brazilian health officials say nearly 4,200 babies have been born with this condition since October. That's compared to 146 in all of 2014, 51 of those babies have died. Women living in Brazil, El Salvador, Colombia and Jamaica are now being told not to get pregnant at this time. In the United States, the CDC is also sounding the alarm.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Pregnant women should consider deferring travel to areas where Zika Virus is currently circulating.

GUPTA: Also, if you've traveled to these destinations while pregnant, get tested, because 80 percent of those infected have no symptoms. Babies should also be screened after birth. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's important for them to go in because we

really don't know right now whether having symptoms or not having symptoms with Zika Virus infection has any impact on the possibility that there will be a birth defect in the child.

GUPTA: One baby was born with microcephaly in Hawaii. His mom traveled to Brazil during his pregnancy. Official's stress they did not get the virus here. Instead, all had recently traveled to countries where Zika is circulating. But, if, or when Zika is locally transmitted, for those who are not expecting, the virus is usually mild and not a danger to future births.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They will resolve the infection and they will have immunity. Should they plan to get pregnant in years in the future -- a few years or whatever, there is absolutely no cause for concern.

GUPTA: Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN reporting.


BARNETT: Now, to some other big stories we're following for you. The FBI has arrested three more people who had been occupying a wildlife refuge in Oregon. Officials say they surrendered at a police checkpoint near the refuge. They join eight other protesters who were arrested Tuesday, and all will face felony charges. The groups been protesting U.S. federal land policies which they claim are illegal. From Oregon, here's CNN's Dan Simon.

DAN SIMON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Errol, things remain very tense here as you still have some armed occupiers at that refuge. It's anyone's guess how this will come to an end. We should point out that through his lawyer, the leader of the occupation, Ammon Bundy, is now telling everyone who is still there to go home. In his words, they should go home and hug their families. Obviously, no one wants to see a repeat of bloodshed after you had one of the occupiers who were killed during that traffic stop.


SIMON: More than three weeks after armed militia took over a federal wildlife refuge in Oregon, a deadly shootout between militia members and the police.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yesterday the FBI, with our partners, took the first steps to bring this occupation to a conclusion.

SIMON: Group leader Ammon Bundy and seven others were arrested Tuesday night after the FBI and Oregon State Police pulled them over on their way to a meeting with community residents. Ammon's brother was shot, Lavoy Finicum was killed.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's time for everybody in this illegal occupation to move on. There doesn't have to be bloodshed in our community.

SIMON: Bundy's father said he called him from the back of a police cruiser.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My son Ryan had been shot in the arm. Lavoy Finicum lay cold-blooded killed him. He said he was out, had his hands in the air. Said he wasn't armed. He wasn't any threat. And they cold-blooded just killed him.

SIMON: Authorities say Ryan Bundy and Finicum did not obey orders to surrender and shots were fired.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They continued to ignore us and pushed us to the point where we felt we had to make a stand to defend our rights.

SIMON: Finicum previously told reporters he was willing to give his life for the cause.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There are things more important than your life. Freedom is one of them.

SIMON: The sheriff says he had been trying to work with the group to find a peaceful solution. In the end, he just couldn't meet their ultimatums.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We don't arm up and rebel. We work through the appropriate channels. This can't happen any more. This can't happen in America and it can't happen in Harney County.


SIMON: Well, as things remain fragile here, one particular note is that the federal complaint, which was unsealed today, mentions that authorities had reason to believe that the occupiers had explosives and night-vision goggles. That's the first time we've heard that, but we should point out we don't know if officials were actually able to verify the presence of explosives, Errol?

BARNETT: Thanks for that, Dan. Dan Simon's in Burns, Oregon.

For many migrants, Germany is the dream land, but some Iraqis are going frustrated with what they found there. You'll hear why one woman decided to return to Iraq.

Plus, Iran's President continues his European tour and it could end up with some lucrative business deals. A live report on this is next.

The demand for answers in Flint, Michigan, ahead, what the governor says is being done about the poisoned water there.



BARNETT: The European Union says Greece has, "Neglected its obligations when dealing with the flood of migrants arriving on its shores." The European Commission says that Greece must step up border controls. The Greek government says it's done its best to deal with the influx of migrants and calls the accusations non-constructive. Our Nic Robertson explains what border control actions the E.U. could take.

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: This could in a matter of weeks now trigger a situation where the European Commission decides that it may need to enforce border controls, either internal border controls or essentially excluding Greece, which would have the result of leaving the refugee migrant problem firmly in the lap of Greece. This is why we talk about the situation where -- as if enough hasn't happened to Greece already, of course, the debt crisis that was temporarily, if you will, fixed in a way last year, now this, which could really hurt Greece.

BARNETT: Now, some Iraqi migrants frustrated with their experiences in Germany are now returning home. Germany is, for many asylum seekers, a dream land. The country has received more than a million refugees. The migrant influx has also strained German society. Asylum seekers have faced anti-migrant attacks there and long processing of their asylum applications. A woman tells Reuters, she regrets even going to Germany.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The situation there was much worse than here. We have been there for around three months. We've got nothing. Food was bad and very little. They used to give us a piece of cold bread and cheese and a piece of cucumber. How can one survive a cold winter on such food?


BARNETT: Now to Norway where protesters across the country are rallying in support of thousands of migrants who were stuck in a sort of legal limbo. The Norwegian government has temporarily suspended plans to send them back to Russia because apparently Russia doesn't want them. Our Phil Black joins us from Norway. Phil, it's incredible to look at this from the view of a Syrian refugee. You've experienced a civil war back at home. Somehow, if you're lucky you've made it out, but now have you to contend with the reality your host country wants to send you back. How are they dealing with this?

PHIL BLACK, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Errol, they're understandably very anxious. They're facing enormous uncertainty, and they are desperate to have a longer understanding of their future. Most of them are staying in government-run camps. We met three people who out of a real sense of desperation have fled that camp because they were terrified of the idea of being deported to Russia, and they're now staying in a church here in the center of Kirkenes in the arctic north.

These people have sought sanctuary there. It's not legal sanctuary. The church really can't protect them. But they only hope the symbolism of the church, law enforcement not violating a church in that way would stop their forced removal. They are there, waiting. The best thing they can think for is the government will rethink their individual cases or rethink the policy of wanting to return people to Russia, but the Norwegian government says already had legal permission to leave.

These people staying in the church admit they had student visas in Russia. They have either expired or were due to expire. They say when that happened, they would have returned -- they had to return to their country of origin, which would have been Syria. They say asylum applications in Russia were unsuccessful. It was only after that they decided to come to Norway because they had no other choice. It is a very difficult time for these people, who the Norwegian government seems very determined to return to Russia, Errol?

BARNETT: Now they can at least enjoy the fact there are groups of protesters throughout Norway showing their support for the refugees. But if they don't like what the government is doing now, what's the alternative to deportation? What's the fix?

BLACK: The people we spoke to at a protest last night, others in other parts of Norway simultaneously, they don't argue, they say, for an open-door policy. They want a slightly more understanding, a more sympathetic policy from the Norwegian government. The people of Norway make the point that this is a country that knows warfare and occupation because that is what it experienced during World War II.


Nazi occupation and a bitter fight to liberate it from Nazi control, particularly here in Kirkenes the town was flattened. They say it was one of the most bombed buildings in Europe during that war. They say as Norwegians, they should know better, they should behave in a more slightly honorable way. They're not quite happy with the balance the Norwegian government is striking at the moment.

BARNETT: All right, Phil Black. The refugees and migrants are dealing with the bitter cold in Norway. Thank you.

In a matter of hours, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani will meet with French President Francois Hollande. Mr. Rouhani is on a European tour to boost his country's reputation following the last nuclear deal, and maybe forge business deals along the way. He told French business leaders on Wednesday that Iran was open for investment, but keep in mind, France took a very hard line against Iran during the nuclear negotiations. What's happening now?

CNN Senior International Correspondent Frederick Pleitgen joins us live from Tehran this morning. Fred, tell us about President Rouhani's European tour and some of the new business deals he's shoring up?

FREDERICK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Errol, France is actually a very significant country for the Iranians as well. We're looking for some pretty big deals that could potentially be signed on this day. One thing analysts are looking for is potentially a huge deal with airbus for some 114 new aircraft. The Iranians, of course, have identified their airline industry as one that definitely needs a lot of upgrades. Right now, they're flying old planes, having trouble getting spare parts because of the years of sanctions.

That's certainly something they want to sort out as fast as possible. Also, the French are actually in a very good position here in Iran. You look at, for instance, Iran's automotive industry. Until a couple years ago, there was a lot of cooperation with the Iranians making those kinds of cars under license. It should be a matter of time before the French get into that market as well. I actually spoke to Rouhani's economic advisers just yesterday, and he said yes, Iran does want foreign direct investment, but Iran also wants technology transfer.

They have a lot of young, very educated people, and they want those people working with the newest technology and they want foreign firms to teach the people here those technologies. So certainly, Iran is trying to take a very sustainable approach and they want direct investment very quickly, because that's what the population here is yearning for, Errol.

BARNETT: This is a very important time for the population, for the country. Iran's relationship with the outside world is changing. There may be an effort to return to older values inside the country. What's happening as far as that relates to the upcoming election and the disqualification of some of the candidates?

PLEITGEN: You're absolutely right. These are certainly very decisive times for Iran. People here in Iran, many of them are very happy about the fact there is this nuclear agreement. They want to see the benefits of that as fast as possible as well. The upcoming election, which is due to be held on February 6th is a very significant, one because it not only elects the parliament, but it also elects the body here that is going to choose Iran's next supreme leader which has, of course, the final say in any sort of political and societal matters here in this country.

It's going to be a very important election. There are a lot of moderates who say that a disproportionate amount of moderate candidates have been disqualified by the body that vets the candidates. Conservatives here deny that but certainly is a lot of controversy leading up to the vote. And if you talk to people on the streets, they will tell you, absolutely this election is very important and it's important because it's also a referendum by the people on whether or not they believe that the current course Iran is on is successful, Errol.

BARNETT: All right. Fred Pleitgen live for us in Iran's capital, thank you, Fred.

Donald Trump is maintaining his lead in the polls, thanks to his very loyal supporters. You'll hear why some young people are eager to vote for him next.



BARNETT: A big welcome back to our viewers watching here in the states and those of you tuned in from around the world. This is CNN Newsroom. I am Errol Barnett. Our last half hour with you today, let's check the headlines.

Two U.S.-based scientists believe a mosquito-borne virus has the explosive potential to become a widespread outbreak, and they are calling on the World Health Organization to meet and address it. The Zika Virus is linked to terrible and potentially deadly birth detects and is active in at least 24 countries.

Recent satellite images of a secretive site in North Korea are raising concerns about a possible rocket test. The images show movement of personnel, rocket-related equipment and fueled into a satellite- launching station. South Korea's defense ministry says it's ready for, "Various types of North Korean provocation."

The FBI has arrested three additional people who have been occupying a wildlife refuge in Oregon. Officials say they say they turned themselves at a police checkpoint near that refuge. They join eight other protesters arrested Tuesday and all face felony charges. The group's been protesting U.S. federal land policies, which they claim are unfair.

Let's return to one of our top stories, this feud going on between Donald Trump and Fox News. The Presidential candidate is standing by his decision to skip the Fox Presidential debate. This isn't the first time Trump and the network have had a falling out. Our Senior Media Correspondent Brian Stelter takes a look at their bumpy relationship.

BRIAN STELTER, CNN SENIOR MEDIA CORRESPONDENT: Hey, Errol, this feud between Fox News and Donald Trump is a clash between two of the most powerful men in all of media and politics. You have Donald Trump on one side, and his fellow New Yorker, Roger Ailes on the other. Ailes is the powerful Chairman and CEO of Fox News. It seems he's met his match.


Hamilton and Burr, the Hatfield's and McCoy's, the list of history's most famous feuds, add Donald Trump and Fox News? It could have been a match in media heaven. Trump and Fox News Boss Roger Ailes are old friends. Both are successful, conservative businessmen who know how to put on a show.

TRUMP: I have the most loyal people. Did you ever see that? Where I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose any voters, ok?

STELTER: But their relationship is tortured, and now at a breaking point with Trump boycotting Fox's debate, this fight unprecedented for a TV news network.

TRUMP: I don't know what games Roger Ailes is playing.

STELTER: For years, Ailes helped build Trump up and Trump brought Ailes big ratings, but now, the two are at loggerheads, with some even comparing this to a monster movie, Trump as Frankenstein. Megyn Kelly is caught in the controversy as she preps to moderate a Trump-free debate.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'll be there. The debate will go on with or without Mr. Trump.

STELTER: She famously clashed with Trump at the first debate of the season, causing Trump to threaten a Fox boycott and insult Kelly personally.

TRUMP: She starts asking me ridiculous questions. You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her wherever.

STELTER: Ailes was furious, and Fox said Trump doesn't seem to grasp that candidate telling journalists what to ask is not how the media works in this country. Later, Ailes and Trump stuck a tenuous truce, then broke it, then got back together again. And maybe they'll make up this time, too. But right now, feelings are raw and Trump is the butt of jokes.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is the first gorgeous blonde that he can't wrap around his finger.

STELTER: People are now choosing sides with influential conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh siding with Trump, saying Fox is acting jilted.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Donald Trump knows by not showing up he's owning the entire event. Some guy not even present will end up owning the entire event.

STELTER: So who needs who more, Fox or Trump? Thursday's ratings might start to answer that key question.


STELTER: Now, there have been new developments in the past few hours. Trump went on Fox News, was interviewed by Bill O'Reilly and O'Reilly essentially begged, lobbied him to come to the debate rather than skipping it. Trump is holding his ground, saying he will hold his competing event instead to raise money for veterans and competing channels will probably air it while Fox is airing the debate.

This is a very strange situation for both Fox and Trump. It's unclear who is going to come out ahead, Errol, back to you.


BARNETT: Brian thanks very much for that. Many of you may be wondering, what is Donald Trump's support all about? The CNN politics team talked to more than 150 Americans in 31 cities, and we asked them one simple question, why are you voting for Trump? Here's what some first-time voters had to say.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Eighteen-year-olds, we really value action and who's going to -- who's going to come through, and to us that's Trump. I mean he walked out to -- we're not going to take it. No, we ain't going to take it

TRUMP: Look at all these kids. I got kids -- it's crazy. Look at them.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Being an 18-year-old, being younger, the fact that Donald Trump is -- doesn't care about the, "political correctness."

TRUMP: He was going to beat you, favorite to win, and she got flung.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Ordinary citizens stay stuff like that and I wouldn't say any of us are sexist for using any of those terms or those comments. If you take that away, then you lose the authenticity. You lose the fact that he's speaking from his heart.

TRUMP: There's a movement going on, which is totally beautiful.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Politics is supposed to be boring. So when three 18-year-old kids are driving out 30 minutes to go to a Trump rally, I mean, that's a movement.

TRUMP: I love it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: At first, I did like Rubio, too, because he has good energy and he's really good at public speaking. But when it gets down to the nitty gritty and who I actually want to support, and who I agree with all their policies would have to be Trump.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I would say I am more solidified I am going to vote for Donald Trump. I don't know what would take for me not to vote for him, but as of now, absolutely.


BARNETT: There you have it. That's what the teens think.

Turning now to the Democratic Presidential race, Bernie Sanders met U.S. President Barack Obama at the White House on Wednesday. For the first time, the former senate colleagues have talked extensively since Sanders started his Presidential run. Sanders said Mr. Obama is even- handed in his views of the Democratic candidates, and calls their get- together constructive.


BERNIE SANDERS, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: The President and I discussed this morning a number of issues. Foreign policy issues, domestic issues, occasionally a little bit of politics. But I enjoyed the meeting and I thought it was a very positive and constructive meeting.


BARNETT: Tough to hear. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is stepping up the pressure on Bernie Sanders ahead of the Iowa caucuses. The campaign stop Wednesday she criticized his proposal for a single payer health care system. Listen.


HILLARY CLINTON, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: He has a different idea. And I fear it would lead to gridlock, not action. It would throw us into a contentious national debate that would not move us forward. And I don't think the people I have met in Iowa can wait.


BARNETT: Clinton is also calling on Sanders to attend an unsanctioned Democratic debate next week in New Hampshire. The Sanders campaign has not committed to that event so far.

To another story we're following for you. Activists and national organizations are filing suit, demanding more water testing and replacement of all lead pipes in Flint, Michigan. The state switched the city's water source to save money about two years ago. High levels of lead were found and an outraged community is demanding action. They have been for some time. Governor Rick Snyder told CNN's Poppy Harlow it's too soon to know how many children are been harmed by this.


RICK SNYDER, MICHIGAN GOVERNOR: We need to establish the right medical protocols, the public health pieces, the educational process things. To watch these kids for years that didn't have higher blood levels in terms of a blood test because they could be affected.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You're saying there are 100 children as of now who have tested for these high levels of lead. But because it's harder to test for it after an extended period of time, there may be many more?

SNYDER: There could be many more and we're assuming that.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You're assuming many more?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Say we're sitting back here in five years, will those lead pipes be replaced?

SNYDER: I hope -- a lot of work has been done on that topic. It's too soon to tell because I can't tell you how many pipes and where they are. But as a (Inaudible) we should be working on them.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Wouldn't that be the safest thing, Governor, given what they've been through?

SNYDER: It's the safest thing. It's the question of how to work through it and the best fashion to make sure we're getting all the resources, because I view this... UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What would stand in the way, then, other than money? What would stand in the way of replacing them?

SNYDER: We have a state wide issue, too, in terms of lead pipes.



BARNETT: Filmmaker and Flint native Michael Moore says Snyder should be arrested.


MICHAEL MOORE, FILMMAKER: The fact that he hasn't replaced a single lead pipe, not a single lead pipe since this came to light. He's known about this, we know of at least, since last February. This is a cover-up. It's fraud. It's a version of manslaughter now because we have ten people that have died from legionnaire's disease.


BARNETT: The Governor has appointed a committee of health and environmental experts to find a long-term solution to the ongoing water crisis there.

Thousands rally in Italy's capital before a battle over same-sex unions starts in congress. We'll have much more on that.


BARNETT: Italy's senate has begun debate legalizing civil unions for same-sex couples. This is a very big deal. We can show you live pictures from parliament in Rome. Italy is the only current in Western Europe that doesn't recognize civil unions or gay marriage -- protests last weekend where thousands rallied for change. CNN Contributor Bobby Nadeau joins me now live from Rome with details. Bobby, you have a groundswell of support from one set of people and a counterdemonstration coming up. What are the arguments each side is making?

BOBBY NADEAU, CNN CONTRIBUTOR: It's very divisive. They don't want to see same-sex unions being able to adopt and have children. That is a big issue. Those in support of it want basic rights. Basic inheritance rights, tax breaks. We did find one family who is living a very different reality from what the law states as it is right now, Errol.


NADEAU: Andrea (Inaudible) and Dario (Inaudible) are a happy family, but they want more.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: In Canada we are married and we are -- we had our children. Our children were born through surrogacy legally, and we are both parents of a 3-year-old. Nine hours of flight, we jump into Italy and we become two single fathers, living together, sharing the same flat.

NADEAU: Same-sex couples like Andrea and Dario want Italy now to respect their marriage. They and tens of thousands of others have taken to the streets to demand equality and tax breaks. The Italian parliament is debating a bill that would recognize those rights for same-sex couples under pressure from the European court of human rights, deemed that Italy was in breach of human rights by denying them. It's an issue highly influenced in Italy by the Vatican. The most contentious aspect of the law is what to do with the kids.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You say that the children have no choice.

NADEAU: Massimo Franco is a political analyst.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A very sensitive issue is step child option. This is the problem. I can't see just a division between Catholics and non-Catholics. There are Catholics who tend to agree and non- Catholics who don't agree on this law.

NADEAU: Italians are divided.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We believe that no one, of whatever sexual orientation has the right to have children. And on the other hand, children have rights. And the first and most fundamental right is the right to have a father and a mother.

NADEAU: The Italian bishops and many associations that stand against this bill are organizing a family day march this weekend to make their point. They expect as big a turnout as demonstration they held last June, when tens of thousands of people participated. The parliament debate could take weeks before a vote. And even if the law passes, it could eventually end in a referendum. In the meantime, families like Andrea and Dario represent the reality of same-sex couples in Italy.


Divided and treated differently while trying to stay the same. You have it right there, the situation. The law is not going to change anything for families who are living as same-sex couples with children. They're just not recognized. That's what they want, basic recognition. That's what the church and opposition doesn't want. They don't want that recognition. And that's where the divide is.

BARNETT: We'll continue to watch this closely, CNN Contributor Bobby Nadeau joining us from a very foggy morning there in Rome, Bobby, thank you.

Iran faces crimes against humanity charges, the highest ranking politician to stand trial at the tribunal. Robyn Kriel joins us now live from Nairobi in Kenya with more on this. Robyn, these (Inaudible) -- stability has since returned, but what exactly will the former President face when he enters the criminal courts? Some worry this could stir up all the old grievances. ROBYN KRIEL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Errol, the trial has begun about 15

minutes ago, 8:30 Greenwich, meantime. It could stir up old grievances on the ground. This will really be a litmus test for the international criminal court. He is the highest profile person who will be facing a trial at the tribunal. He is the first former President who is facing trial at the tribunal.

As I said, this could be a litmus test, a very important litmus test for the ICC, which is sometimes said to have very little teeth.

BARNETT: What about the actions of the current President? Human rights activists are saying budget constraints and stonewalling is preventing investigations of his actions.

KRIEL: That's a question a number of people are asking. It's often an accusation leveled at the international criminal court. How can they just try one side of a civil war, in this case, one side of civil unrest, from 2010 to 2011? Former President Bagbo lost to those elections in 2010 but atrocities were committed by both sides, and investigations need to continue on both sides.

At the moment, just people from former President Bagbo's side are being tried, including Charles Gouday, his former minister, and yet we haven't seen anyone from the current President's side being tried. As you said, there have also been allegations of stonewalling. The ICC is still looking. They say they are still looking and will try to bring anyone they can to justice for those crimes.

BARNETT: Very interesting. Robyn Kriel, live in Nairobi for us, thank you.

CNN Newsroom continues after this short break.



BARNETT: Artificial intelligence created by Google researchers have solved the game of Go a decade earlier than expected. This ancient Chinese game is considered one of the most difficult board games ever. The computer game was able to beat European human champion. Experts say the technology could have other real-life applications like medical research, very cool.

Actually, no, this is probably the coolest thing you will see all day, a Spanish acrobat paragliding in Norway with the northern lights as a backdrop. He put this on his instagram page. This is courtesy of beverage company Red Bull. The paraglider needed a wet suit and battery-heated gloves to fight the subzero temps and bring us that very cool video. Nice. I am Errol Barnett. Early Start is next for those in the states. For everyone else, there's more CNN Newsroom. I'll see you all next week.
