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Clinton Holds Three New Hampshire Campaign Events Today; Christie Polling At 4 Percent In New Hampshire Poll; Jeb Bush Confident Going Into Tuesday's New Hampshire Primaries; Interview with Jeb Bush; New Hampshire Campaining. Aired 12-1p ET

Aired February 06, 2016 - 12:00   ET



[12:02:01] FREDRICKA WHITFIELD, CNN ANCHOR: Hello again, everyone. Thanks so much for joining me. I am Fredricka Whitfield with CNN's live special live coverage from very picturesque, snowy, beautiful gorgeous Manchester, New Hampshire.

In just three days, New Hampshire voters cast ballots in the first primary of the 2016 presidential race. Today the candidates are rallying their supporters, counting down until Tuesday's critical vote.

This hour, the candidates are fanned out across New Hampshire in a last minute push to get viewers to the polls. There are several live events going on right now.

Let's take a look. Chris Christie is speaking to voters in the town of Bedford. In the same town, but maybe blocks away, Jeb Bush having a rally there as well. He has been campaigning with his mom and former first lady, Barbara Bush this week.

We have an incredible interview on that coming up with our Jamie Gangel. And Bernie Sanders, of course, he is the favorite in New Hampshire, fresh off an endorsement from former head of the NAACP, Ben Gelis. He is holding a rally in the city of Ringe.

This is all in the context of some striking new poll numbers. In New Hampshire, Sanders tops Hillary Clinton by 30 whopping points, 61-31. This is from CNN and our affiliate, WMUR polling.

And for the Republicans, Donald Trump continues to dominate at 28 percent, but Marco Rubio second in the granite state with 17 percent.

Ted Cruz and John Kasich are also tied for third. And Jeb Bush climbing more than we've actually seen in other states at 9 percent now.

So we have our team of reporters out in New Hampshire, fanned across the state today. CNN's Athena Jones is following Hillary Clinton and Chris Frates is in Ringe with Bernie Sanders.

Athena, let's begin with you. How is Clinton handling the drastic polling difference of 30 points between she and Sanders? ATHENA JONES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Hi, Fred. Well, it is a big gap. We're talking about nearly 2 to 1 spread with Sanders in the lead, but you know, Clinton is not giving up in New Hampshire.

We have seen this before, maybe not as big a gap. Back in 2008, Hillary Clinton was counted out by a lot of folks in the granite state after the stunning loss to then Senator Barack Obama and John Edwards, I should add in Iowa.

But she came out here, pulled out a win. She's hoping to close the gap. We are hearing her use some of the same language she used back in 2008 saying to New Hampshire voters in a speech last night, "You lifted me up, gave me back my voice."

Those are echoes of her victory speech here in January of 2008. Of course, a big challenge for her here and across the country is this big gap between Sanders when it comes to appealing to the youth vote.

That's why she's here in a few hours having a town hall with at New England College with college students. She directly appealed to young voters in her speech in Manchester last night. Listen to what she had to say then.


HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I want to take a minute right now to speak to all the young people who are here, whether they are supporting me or whether they're supporting Senator Sanders.

Now of course, I still hope to persuade those who are supporting Senator Sanders to give me another look, but I want you to know that I am truly glad that you are involved in this process and in the Democratic Party. You are bringing energy, ideas and urgency to our shared causes.


JONES: So there a direct appeal to young voters. I should mention her comments were well received by her part of the crowd last night, but Sanders spoke before her earlier in the night, and a lot of his supporters already left.

So it is unclear how many of his supporters she was able to reach with that speech last night. But we do expect to hear some of the same arguments today.

[12:05:06]She wants to praise young voters for their energy and their enthusiasm, but also make the case that while it is good to have big ideas on paper, you've got to be able to translate them into action and attempt to address the division and idealism of Bernie Sanders, something that's attracting a lot of young voters.

She's trying to make the case you have to be able to do the pragmatic work of government, not as exciting a message but the message she's trying to deliver to try to win over some of those young voters, close that gap -- Fred. WHITFIELD: All right, Athena Jones, thanks so much. Let's go now to CNN's Chris Frates. He is at the Bernie Sanders rally in Ringe, New Hampshire.

Chris, Clinton won the state of New Hampshire back in 2008, despite these new poll numbers, is Sanders showing any worries whatsoever she might be able to pull it off again?

CHRIS FRATES, CNN INVESTIGATIONS CORRESPONDENT: Well, I'll tell you that's what he is warning his supporters today. We are at Franklin Pierce College. Lots of young people out here for this Sanders event.

What Bernie, despite having a 2 to 1 lead in the polls, that was the message that Bernie Sanders sent to his supporters, that they need to get out and vote, need to turn this energy at the rallies into votes.

Let's take a listen to what he said a few minutes ago, Fred.


BERNIE SANDERS (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We are here in New Hampshire where our opponent won. Let's not forget it. She won the Democratic primary back in 2008. Her husband campaigned successfully in a number of campaigns here. Here in New Hampshire. If we can bring out a decent vote on Tuesday, I am confident we're going to win.


FRATES: So there's Bernie Sanders reminding everybody how deep that Hillary Clinton's roots go in this state. She won the state in 2008. Her husband, Bill Clinton, was always very popular here in New Hampshire.

Bernie Sanders is reminding people that you can't win if you don't vote. Also at the rally he is starting to look ahead on the stump to South Carolina.

You're hearing him start to talk about things that are important to the African-American community. That's not a mistake here, Fred. Bernie Sanders does not do as well with African-Americans as Hillary Clinton does and that's important in the next state, South Carolina.

Hillary Clinton has always done very well in South Carolina. Bernie Sanders here talking about African-Americans who are incarcerated at a higher rate for marijuana, talking about higher youth unemployment among African-Americans.

At a dinner last night that Athena told us about Bernie Sanders also talked about police shootings and how they need to get that under control. That's a very important message as he goes into South Carolina.

As you can hear behind me, Bernie Sanders is wrapping up here. Lots of excitement for his message. We will see if he can get those people out to vote on Tuesday - Fred. WHITFIELD: So Chris, very ruckus crowd. They are very excited about him. Any mention by chance about a cameo on "SNL" tonight? Did he go there?

FRATES: I'm sorry, I am having trouble hearing you, Fred. Could you repeat that for me?

WHITFIELD: OK. I know it is noisy there, we will find out whether he is in any way making a quick trip to New York to be on "SNL."

FRATES: That is the expectation. He will be going to "SNL" later today. No more campaign events today. This is one big rally. We expect he put out a tease, he will be live from New York tonight. We expect that we will see Bernie Sanders and Larry David do a little bit of their impressions on NBC.

WHITFIELD: I am laughing already. All right, Chris Frates, thanks so much. You're dealing with the noise. I am dealing with the wind. We are in the elements. It is all right though. Thanks so much, Chris Frates.

All right, just what is the Barley House? If you're a presidential candidate you know what does it have to do with running the presidency here in New Hampshire? We will take you there.



WHITFIELD: Welcome back to Manchester, New Hampshire. I am Fredricka Whitfield. The candidates are fanning across the stage, counting down the minutes and hours to the Tuesday primary here. A lot at stake.

Traditionally some may believe it is a red state, I talked to a lot of folks who says it is very purple because people are very independent in their thinking. May be affiliated with a Republican or Democratic Party, but anything goes come Tuesday on primary day or general election.

Among candidates that are fanning out across the state, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie who joins us now in Bedford, New Hampshire after leading a rally there. Good to see you, Mr. Governor. All right, how does it feel right now --


WHITFIELD: -- just a few hours or days away from the primary, how are you feeling today?

CHRISTIE: Feel great. You know, the reaction here in New Hampshire has been great. We're looking forward to the debate tonight. Feel like I have done well in the debates so far, we will do well tonight, and then we'll run through the tape Tuesday, get ready to go to South Carolina on Wednesday morning. WHITFIELD: Did you come into New Hampshire thinking that you might at least be a regional favorite being from New Jersey, being, you know, in proximity of New England and that voters here would appeal to you or are you finding you have to work a bit harder to appeal to voters here?

CHRISTIE: Well, listen, you know, what we decided right from the beginning is that New Hampshire was the kind of place who wanted to hear our message, which is strong national security, a big fight against terrorism that we need to have.

[12:15:04]And the New Hampshire voters are very smart voters who spend a lot of time being prepared and listening to candidates. We think we're going to do extraordinarily well on Tuesday night as a result.

WHITFIELD: What's the focus of your message for folks in New Hampshire who say, you know, they're politically astute, interested in everything from climate change to health care, but at the same time they want to know that a candidate really does understand their plight of their life-style here.

Understand the issues, and among the number one issues that people are facing here is a terrible heroin problem. How do you convince them that you feel their pain, that you understand, that you have solutions?

CHRISTIE: Well, listen, what they know about that issue is I have been talking about it longer than anyone and doing something about it as governor. In New Jersey three years ago passed a law I urged that says that anyone who is a first time nonviolent, non-dealing convict does not go to jail.

They go to inpatient drug treatment. This is a disease, Fredricka. We need to treat the disease. I have been talking about this better part of three years.

Last year what they will have seen in New Jersey is because of our efforts, drug overdose deaths went down for the first time in four years. We need to treat this as a disease.

As president that's what I will encourage the entire country to do. They know this is not something I figured out when I got to New Hampshire six months ago. It is something we have been doing in New Jersey for the last three years.

WHITFIELD: Among one of the first debates you talked about how voters don't want to hear the infighting among the candidates and you wanted to be issue oriented, but then in the past week and a half you seem like you really had the gloves off.

You were a lot more critical of your fellow contenders from Donald Trump to Jeb Bush and especially Marco Rubio. Is this the tactic or is this the strategy that you think is the winning strategy now?

CHRISTIE: Fredricka, it is choosing time. You know, we had a lot of time to introduce ourselves to the voters, and make sure they knew who we were and what we stood for, but now it is about choosing.

When it is about choosing, you have to make distinction and differences between you and your opponents. So for me, it is about governing in a blue state with a Democratic legislature, making tough decisions, making decisions every day successfully.

And that's a big difference between someone who's been a governor and a United States senator. The best governors the party had in the last century, Teddy Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan were both governors. This is no accident, no mistake. We will make that distinction again tonight on the stage.

WHITFIELD: All right. Tonight on the stage how are you preparing yourself? How do you suppose the dynamic will be different, particularly as pertains to Donald Trump not being part of the equation during the last GOP debate leading up to the Iowa caucuses? Tonight he's in. What's your expectation?

CHRISTIE: Listen, it is the same number of people. Donald Trump on, Rand Paul's off. It's seven people. We will get time to make our case. There's no change in strategy from our perspective, not a change in strategy concerns to having Donald there.

Most of the other debates he has been there, so we are prepared, we are ready. I will do what I always do, get ready on the issues, listen to questions, answer them directly, present my case to the American people.

WHITFIELD: Fellow contender Carley Fiorina was at a town hall this morning here in New Hampshire and she seemed red hot that she is not part of the show tonight. What's your feeling on whether she should be included?

CHRISTIE: Listen, my feeling is the rules are the rules. I got excluded from a Fox Business News debate. I didn't think it was fair, but I didn't go around complaining and moaning about it.

I did what I needed to do to get back on the main stage and that was to do better and do well in that debate. You know, for Carley the rules are the rules.

She certainly has benefitted from the rules at times, so I just think that the job of us is to play by the rules set for us and do the best we possibly can.

WHITFIELD: All right, Governor Christie, thanks so much. Good luck tonight and good luck Tuesday.

CHRISTIE: Thanks, Fredricka. Appreciate it.

WHITFIELD: All right, fantastic.

Next a one-on-one exclusive interview with Jeb Bush. Can he survive New Hampshire?

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) JEB BUSH (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Every election is different, but all of them have one thing in common, they're not over after the first primary.




WHITFIELD: All right. Jeb Bush may be down in the polls, but the Republican hopeful says he is not out right now. Live pictures in Bedford, New Hampshire, about 25 miles away or so from where I am in Manchester talking to his supporters there.

Earlier, the former Florida governor sat down with CNN special correspondent, Jamie Gangel and Bush says he feels no pressure ahead of Tuesday's primaries here. He also defends his new attack ads against rival and once good friend, Marco Rubio.


JAMIE GANGEL, CNN SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT: You have a new ad coming outgoing after Marco Rubio on his accomplishments. It is very tough because?

BUSH: Well, he doesn't have a record of accomplishment, he is a gifted politician, can give a great speech, got a lot of charisma, but when you're running for president of the United States, I think having a proven record would be helpful and I do and it is a nice contrast to not just Marco Rubio but other candidates as well.

GANGEL: Are you saying Rubio has no accomplishments, zero?

BUSH: He passed a law that did become law. He sponsored one bill that became law, now in the sixth year. As speaker of the House, he managed a staff of about 40 people. That's different than running a state government where you have 130,000 people that I reduced by 11 percent. Taking on powerful interests like career civil service system and teachers union and trial bar.

[12:25:10]GANGEL: Why do you think he's getting traction and you're not?

BUSH: We are getting traction in New Hampshire, we are.

GANGEL: You say he's a gifted politician.

BUSH: Yes.

GANGEL: What does that mean?

BUSH: It means he can give a great speech. He can connect well with people. He is charismatic. I admire that. I'm not saying it as a negative, but he's not a leader. A leader has to make a tough decision, a leader can't cut and run, a leader runs to the fire to put it out.

GANGEL: Going into New Hampshire there's a lot of pressure on you. How well do you have to do here?

BUSH: I don't feel pressure, first of all, I feel blessed to be a candidate for president of the greatest country on the face of the earth, so I don't feel pressure.

GANGEL: You don't feel any pressure?

BUSH: No, not at all. I am in it for the long haul. There's a narrative that's built up to create a little bit of excitement about the race. The process part of this is always -- it's like exaggerated.

GANGEL: Your supporter, Senator Lindsey Graham, said if Jeb doesn't do well in New Hampshire, he's quote, "toast."

BUSH: He said if I get beat bad by Marco Rubio, I am toast. There's a big difference. Every election is different. All of them have one thing in common, they're not over after the first primary. They're never over after the first primary.

Not a single delegate was selected to the national convention yet. Imagine what the Clinton head machine will do to the party nominee. You better have a record, your life better have been scrutinized.

I gave up 30 years of tax returns, my adult life out there for people to see, given up all my e-mails as governor. I am comfortable in my own skin. If the Clinton hit machine comes after me, I will fight back, I have a proven record and she doesn't.

GANGEL: What about the Bernie Sanders machine?

BUSH: Yes, he is a self-evolved socialist. It's pretty interesting. You know, he's already proposed $19 trillion of new spending over 10 years and tax increases as far as the eye can see, free things, free college, free this, free that. I don't think it will sell in general election, but it seems to resonate in the primary.

GANGEL: The e-mail controversy for Hillary Clinton keeps going on. Marco Rubio has said it disqualifies her from being commander-in- chief. Do you think it disqualifies her?

BUSH: It might, it might. Depends on what the FBI does with its investigation, when it submits to the Department of Justice. It certainly calls into question her integrity and trustworthiness. She has lied.

She lied to family members who lost loved ones in Benghazi. Said point blank to them that a videographer was to blame and she would do everything she could to prosecute that person.

When in fact under oath she admitted and sent e-mails to her daughter and to the prime minister of Egypt that this was a Jihadist attack. She lied and I think we need to have a president who can be trusted, whose word is their bond.

GANGEL: This week President Obama went to visit a mosque, reached out to Muslim Americans. Marco Rubio denounced it. Donald Trump criticized it. You supported it.

BUSH: He gave a great speech. He probably should have done it earlier but he did it. When he does something right, you have to give him credit for it. Here is where he has it wrong.

We have a caliphate the size of Indiana with up to 40,000 battle tested Jihadists that have hijacked a peaceful religion and want to destroy western civilization.

If he was interested in making sure Muslim faith was protected then we need to destroy ISIS and that's where he's failed us.

GANGEL: When Trump criticizes him for going to the mosque, if Rubio criticizes him and other language going on in the Republican -- from some of the Republican candidates that there is a dangerous fear mongering.

BUSH: Our diversity is our strength, not our weakness. When we have a common purpose with all of this 34 flavors of life, we are the Baskin Robbins of the world. When we have a shared purpose, nothing can stop the United States. But when we have politicians that break us up into disparate parts, that's dangerous. I am not going to play that game.


WHITFIELD: Our conversation with Jeb Bush continues next. He will talk about getting his family involved in his campaign. Live from Manchester, New Hampshire, right after this.


[12:33:39] WHITFIELD: All right, welcome back to Manchester, New Hampshire. More now of Republican candidate Jeb Bush's conversation with CNN Special Correspondent Jamie Gangel.

Earlier, his mother 90-year-old former First Lady Barbara Bush spoke out about her feelings on competitor Donald Trump. Mrs. Bush saying she was sick of the attacks. Well, Trump is responding in a Tweet saying wow, Jeb Bush whose campaign is a total disaster had to bring in mommy to take a slap at me. Not nice. Ouch. Well, the former governor spoke about that among other things in his interview.


JAMIE GANGEL, CNN SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT: Chris Christie has been going as I like to say full New Jersey on Marco Rubio. There was a report that your campaigns have joined forces to attack Rubio.

JEB BUSH, (R) PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: No, not true. I have seen what Chris is saying about Marco and he's got a slightly different version of the same approach that I'm taking because he's got a proven record as a governor as well. I think governors understand you have to make tough decisions.

GANGEL: One of the things he said on policy about Marco Rubio was he pointed out Marco Rubio's position on abortion, which is no exceptions. He says he thinks it is too extreme. You believe in exceptions?

[12:35:04] BUSH: I do, I believe that the life of the mother and rape and incest should be exceptions. And I think that's the consensus view. You know, look, I am pro life. I acted as a pro-life governor. Expanded adoptions, funded crisis pregnancy centers. I do believe that respecting life is a value that goes way beyond politics. But politically it is a tough sell.

GANGEL: Talk to me a little about your family. You brought out your secret weapon, your mother is campaigning for you. A lot of Bush family are campaigning for you, your brother has a new ad out supporting you. The sense was look at the signs around you, no last name, Jeb exclamation point but no Bush.

BUSH: 1994, 1998, 2002. I have run three times. This is the same sign I used.

GANGEL: You are not running from your last name.

BUSH: I wasn't running away in '94, '98 or 2002. Not at all, people know I'm Jeb Bush. I love the fact that my mom is campaigning, here in New Hampshire and I am proud of my brother's service and the fact that he would actively campaign for me.

GANGEL: You said from the beginning you had to earn it yourself.

BUSH: Yeah.

GANGEL: On the other hand, your parents, your brother and father are popular with Republican voters.

BUSH: Yes.

GANGEL: Did you maybe wait too long to bring them out?

BUSH: No, I don't think so. The intention was always to do this when people start to focus on the race. I've always felt that there are high expectations on me, and no one has higher expectations on me than me, so I feel really good about where we are and I am proud of my family's involvement. If it makes a difference, it will be a positive, it won't be a negative for sure.

GANGEL: Did you ever imagine Donald Trump would be out here leading.

BUSH: It is a sign of the times that we are in with deep disaffection, with the anger people feel that they're latching onto a reality T.V. star. And my challenge is disconnect them from him because he is not going to solve their problems. He is not going to lift people up.

The country is not going to get better by insulting other countries or insulting people or talking trash or shouting profanities in a big microphone or Tweeting as president of the United States. You have to roll up your sleeves and build consensus. You've got to do things that make democracy work. There's nothing in Donald Trump's background that suggests he can do that.

GANGEL: Give me one word to describe him.

BUSH: He's self centered about. That's thousand as I get.

GANGEL: You called them a jerk last time.

BUSH: Yeah, I called them a jerk because he insulted, made fun of people with disabilities and I have spent a lot of my time in public life defending rights of the disabled, empowering them with education choices they never would have had, opening up job possibilities for them, and I found it more than offensive that he would make fun of people with disabilities or call John McCain a loser because he got caught as a POW. To prey on people's angst the way he does and disparages people along the way assures that he will never be president, but it creates a more divisive America when we need to move the opposite reaction. So yeah, he is a jerk when he does that.

GANGEL: Ted Cruz, a word to describe him.

BUSH: Well, he's smart and a great debater. But nothing in his background would suggest that he has the skills of bringing people together to forge consensus to solve problems.

GANGEL: Marco Rubio?

BUSH: Gifted, charismatic. Nothing in his life would suggest that he can make a decision. . Now when I say that, by the way Jamie, that doesn't mean that they can't, but Barack Obama couldn't and there was nothing in his background to suggest it. And my point is simply this. We can't afford to take that risk if we are fighting for renewal of our country, I think you want someone that has a proven record, detailed plans and a steady hand.

GANGEL: You got emotional last night when your mom was at the town hall. Your dad can't be here because of his Parkinson's.

BUSH: Whenever I think of my dad I get emotional.

GANGEL: Because?

BUSH: He is frail, for a guy that he does -- who have always thought was like superman, to see him in the condition physically within his heart.

GANGEL: What's your strategy for the next couple of days?

BUSH: We're going to campaign hard, all in. Have a good debate tomorrow night and finish strong.


WHITFIELD: All right, that debate is tonight. Coming up in the next hour, we'll talk with former First Lady Barbara Bush now out on the campaign trail with her son. What does she have to say about all of this?

So, tonight is make or break for Bush and all of the GOP candidates as they get ready for the final debate before Tuesday's primary vote in New Hampshire.

Mark Preston is CNN's Executive Political Editor, Brian Morgenstern is Republican Strategies. Good to see both here in Manchester, New Hampshire. Now I know it should be New Hampshire. After you say, OK.

[12:40:11] So tonight, this GOP debate, we're talking about seven. It's the final push. One of these candidates need to say, how do they seal the deal here and the dynamic is different. Donald Trump now part of it, Brian.

BRIAN MORGENSTERN, REPUBLICAN STRATEGIST: Right. Well, they need to solidify their brand with the voters. And so, some of the things that we've been hearing, they're going to try to nail those themes down. Christie is going to talk about his executive experience. Governor Bush is going to talk about his leadership. Expect the Donald to be the Donald because what he has done so far has him at the top of the polls, so he doesn't have much incentive to change too much.

WHITFIELD: But you wonder about that, because weren't we seeing a different Donald Trump early on in New Hampshire, he seemed a little bit more subtle, he was talking local politics. He was shaking hands with Manchester police.


WHITFIELD: But then you say once at show time on the debate stage we're going to see the same Donald Trump that we're use to seeing?

MORGENSTERN: Well, he may emphasize different themes, but he's going to wants to keep his competitors knocked down. It will be a little bit of whack a mole here. And expect the governors who were trying to rise up to be going after Rubio of course. And Rubio will be emphasizing a couple of themes to try to differentiate himself to be the anti- Donald, anti-Cruz, and emphasize it is a three man race. And so, anybody who's voting for Bush, or Christie, or Kasich is effectively voting for Trump and Cruz.

So he'll make a strategic argument on that in an effort to, you know, combat Donald and Cruz.

WHITFIELD: And speaking of the governors, I just spoke with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie moments ago, and you know, asked him about his tenor. Because early on in the debate process he made it very clear to voters to, you know, viewers of America saying people don't want to see the in fighting of the contenders, they want to hear about issues, and now as he is here in New Hampshire, he has resorted to using name calling, calling people, you know, boy in the bubble." In fact they asked him about that and this is what he had to say just moments ago.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) CHRIS CHRISTIE, (R) PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: It is choosing time. You know we had a lot of time to introduce ourselves to voters and make sure they knew who we were and what we stood for. But now it's about choosing. And when it's about choosing you got to make the distinction the differences between you and your opponents.

And so for me it's about governing in a blue state with a Democratic legislature, making tough decisions. And making those decisions every day successfully, and that's a big difference between someone that's been a governor and a United States senator.

The best governors our party had in the last century, Teddy Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan were both governors. This is no accident, no mistake. And we'll be making that distinction again tonight on the stage.


WHITFIELD: All right. So mark, it's all about distinction he says, it is choosing time. And if you have to go for the jugular, that's what the candidate, has to do.

MARK PRESTON, CNN POLITICS EXECUTIVE EDITOR: Right. I spoke to one of Christie's top folks yesterday and there's an acknowledgment right now that while Christie did well in the debates when he wasn't attacking and focusing all his fire on Hillary Clinton, this past week he has taken it to a different level. He has gone directly at Marco Rubio and has been very personal.


PRESTON: This stuff has been very personal. The boy in the bubble is a very personal attack. Tonight when he's on stage he needs to go after Rubio. However, he can't go too far. You cannot have ...

WHITFIELD: And that's because of the momentum that Rubio is feeling after Iowa?

PRESTON: Well, right. So I mean, we said this over and over and over again. There are three lanes out of New Hampshire three are lanes out of Iowa. There are going to be three lanes in this race. There's the Donald Trump lane, that's his lane. Here's the conservative lane, Ted Cruz has that locked down, and then there's this third lane, this moderate centrist lane.

But Chris Christie who can get a little bombastic sometimes, he's going to bring it up to the line but he can't cross the line. Once you cross that line then it looks like you're out of control. And certain if he's makes the argument about being a chief executive, you cannot look out of control.

WHITFIED: In the meantime we talk about Jeb Bush, we had this beautiful sit down interview Jamie Gangel with Jeb Bush as well as his mom which we're going to see a little later on, Barbara Bush, how much is at stake for Jeb Bush at this point. And, you know, if you talk about regional politics, given that the Bushes live in neighboring Maine, does that serve in anyway as an advantage for Jeb Bush here in New Hampshire?

MORGENSTERN: Well, to an extent because of the family such an institution up here and has been for decades, but he hasn't been in office up here. So it's not like he's been fixture in the media market like say Bernie Sanders has.

And we've seen over several decades that local politicians with whom the voters are familiar. We do have a bit of advantage. So Bush has a little bit, but not quite like a sitting office holder.

The reason the stakes are high for him is because he has set those stakes high. He spent a lot of money here, spent a lot of time here. And so, just like he did in Iowa where he spent some $14 million in 27 days or something, he spent, you know, even more in New Hampshire. So if he comes in with the similar total. I think his campaign -- it is going to be bruised. Of course he says what he has to say, which I am built for the long hall, that's what every strategist will tells a candidate to say. But the fact is, the stakes are very high for him.

WHITFIELD: Live free or die here in the state. But is it do or die for Jeb Bush after New Hampshire?

[12:45:08] PRESTON: You know, look, I mean the problem with Jeb Bush is that he is probably one of the most qualified to be president and he's probably one of the worst candidates to run for president, right. He doesn't have, I mean Donald Trump may have been, right, he didn't have the fire in his belly. He was low on energy, right.

But just like Donald Trump, Jeb Bush still has money. OK, he still has money. So he can stay in the race, what the pressure is going to be and I've been told by several people involved in these different campaigns is they come Wednesday morning, is that there are going to be phone calls that are made. And there are going to be phone calls that say "You have to get out of the race." That could be John Kasich, that could be Marco Rubio, or it should be not Marco Rubio that could be John Kasich, Chris Christie, or Jeb Bush because they want to start to try to consolidate.

And in some point in order to stop Donald Trump, you're going to have to consolidate in order to stop Ted Cruz, you're going to have to consolidate. And we'll see if they take those calls.

WHITFIELD: All right. Mark Preston, Brian Morgenstern, thanks so much gentlemen. Good to see you. Appreciate it.

MORGENSTERN: Thanks you too.

WHITFIELD: All right, tomorrow morning, there's more. We have a very special commercial free, when have you ever heard that, commercial free edition of CNN State of the Union. Jake Tapper will be live here in New Hampshire. And he's going to be talking to a number of candidates.

We're not sure if that simultaneously or back to back. That could be another debate, right. Donald Trump, John Kasich, Chris Christie, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders and that's 9:00 a.m. eastern right here on CNN.

We'll be right back from Manchester, New Hampshire.


[12:50:39] WHITFIELD: Welcome back. I'm Fredricka Whitfield in Manchester, New Hampshire.

We continue coverage here just days now away from the New Hampshire primary. And a continuing question has been. Where is Republican Ben Carson? He will indeed be at the debate this evening. But there have been a lot of voters, some people who've been wondering where is he?

Well the dynamics have changed for he and his campaign pretty much in recent weeks. But he is very much a part of this race for the White House.

Let's talk more about this with Jason Osborne, he's a senior communication strategist for Ben Carson's presidential campaign.

And, you know, we've have been hearing it from voters who say where is he, where is.


WHITFIELD: He's been very much been crisscrossing the State of New Hampshire. But what's different now for Ben Carson is starting in December he has got secret service detail, so you can't necessarily publicize too far in advance where he's going to be.

So he kind of parachutes in doesn't he?

OSBORNE: Right, I mean a lot of times what you find, I get up at like 5:00 in the morning with him and where to going until 10:00 at night. But because of secret service, we're able to broadcast every single thing that we're doing. It entails a lot of logistics with the service coming in and wanting people and putting them through magnetometers.

So we'll stop in, this morning, we were at the Red Arrow Diner here in Manchester. And it was a surprise visit there. He was completely packed, but as soon as he walks in the building the secret service blocks the door and then just starts wanding people to let them in.

So those are the kinds of events that we have to work around and trying to do a primary campaign.

WHITFIELD: So he is here, be preparing for tonight's debate. At the same time he's meeting with people.

And how is he convincing people that he is ready for the job and he is here to address hopefully their needs because we know as pertains to health care, you know, as a surgeon, being a member of the medical community, a big problem here is heroin.

OSBORNE: Right. WHITFIELD: And we hear from voters left and right who say we want them some solutions. How does he feel like he has an advantage to have that dialogue, to project some promises or change for the people here in New Hampshire pertain to that.

OSBORNE: You're exactly right. I mean being a doctor. He has a unique perspective of the industry and how it works and the doctor, patient, you know, relationship. And I think one of the big problems that he has been speaking about for a number of years now with Obamacare is how that it's taken the dynamic from the doctor, patient relationship more to a bureaucracy.

And so he has been talking a lot about that, released his health care plan several weeks ago, we then more aggressive and he has been more aggressive in saying these are the things that I'm going to do on taxes, on national security, on health care, education. I mean you name it, he's been out there talking about it. And it's a matter of getting him in front of as many people as possible and then spreading that message.

WHITFIELD: All right, Jason Osborne, thank you so much.

OSBORNE: Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

WHITFIELD: And that's a big night tonight. And he's going to be hunkering down, looking over his notes.


WHITFIELD: Preparing himself ...

OSBORNE: He's excited.

WHITFIELD: Anything different about the preparation tonight?

OSBORNE: No, I mean he's got a little, you know, bump in his step. I mean he was pretty fired up this morning. So we are looking forward to it.

WHITFIELD: All right, very good. Good luck tonight and good luck on Tuesday.

OSBORNE: Thank you, thank you very much.

[12:53:46] WHITFIELD: All right, we will be right back.


WHITFIELD: Welcome back. I'm Fredricka Whitfield live in Manchester, New Hampshire. And that is what the crowd looks like at an event that just wrapped up in Rindge, New Hampshire for Bernie Sanders there. But his big appearance today is going to be in New York City where we expect he is going to be on "Saturday Night Live" tonight, that's what sources are telling us.

Comedian Larry David is hosting, and he is known for doing a pretty dead on impression of the Vermont senator.


LARRY DAVID, HOST, SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE: Eh. Not a fan of the banks. They trample on the middle class, they control Washington. And why do they chain all their pens to the desk? Who's trying to steal a pen from a bank? Makes no sense.


WHITFIELD: Senior Media Correspondent, Brian Stelter is following the story.

So Brian, you know, this could be really good. I don't know if there is a down side to this, is there?

BRIAN STELTER, CNN SENIOR MEDIA CORRESPONDENT: The only down side, of course, he is off the campaign trail a few hours. But it's probably worth it for Sanders as he looks beyond New Hampshire. He wants to appeal to a national audience by appearing on SNL.

And with Larry David impersonating him, SNL has gone pretty easy on Sanders so far. It's always a risk though when the candidate themselves actually shows up.

We saw Hillary Clinton, no benefit from her cameo in the fall. I think Donald Trump didn't hurt himself when he just hosted in November. So it does seems there's a lot of up side for Sanders doing this. Not a lot of down side.

It is going to be fun to see the two of them side by side, and see what kind of jokes they can make from that, right?

[13:00:05] WHITFIELD: Yeah, and usually aren't cameos like this kind of, you know, kept in secret. Why let the cat out of the bag here?