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911 Calls Released After Family Members Killed; Prince: 1958- 2016, Fans Gather Outside Paisley Park to Pay Tribune; North Korea Lunched a Missile from Submarine; GOP Hopefuls Make Last-Ditch Pitches to Undecideds; Clinton Attacks Cruz, Trump Over Foreign Policy. Aired 7-8p ET

Aired April 23, 2016 - 19:00   ET


[19:00:18] PAMELA BROWN, CNN ANCHOR: Top of the hour now. Welcome to the CNN NEWSROOM. I'm Pamela Brown in Atlanta, in for Poppy Harlow.

And we begin on this Saturday with the horrific story out of Ohio where a statewide manhunt is underway right now for the killer or killers responsible for the violent of eight members of the same family. Authorities are working on putting the remaining family members in a protection as they tried to figure out the motive and who is behind this.

Meanwhile, newly released audio of a 911 call is shedding new light on the execution style killing. Three children including a 4 day old baby were present but survived the killings. Ohio's attorney general says he believes the family was, quote, "targeted". The gruesome killings have shaken the small township of Piketon, population about 2,000 people.

And our Nick Valencia joins me now from Piketon.

So, Nick, what is the very latest on this manhunt for the killer or killers?

Pamela, within the last 24 hours, this manhunt has intensified. The attorney's general's office telling me that they're following a number of leads that have taken them across the state. There have been people that have been interviewed related to shooting, this terrible tragedy that happened here in a town of 2,000 people. But local officials not going so far to say anyone is a person of interest just yet.

And it was also earlier today, Pamela, that we saw a very generous reward being offered from a man who lives about two hours away from here in Cincinnati, a man that has no connection to the community, a man that has no connection to the family, but felt that he needed to offer this $25,000 reward to try to find the evil monster, the people that are behind this. This community clearly shaken by what happened here on Friday morning -- Pamela.

BROWN: Horrific. And now, we're getting the 911 that are just chilling. What are we learning about those? VALENCIA: This is a gruesome audio we're about to play for you. It

could be considered difficult for some to hear. We want to warn you before we play this. That some could find it graphic.

But it is the moment that a relative of one of these family members -- of the eight family members I should say -- finds two of those victims slain in cold blood.


DISPATCHER: Ma'am, ma'am, you got to tell me what's going on.

911 CALLER: There's blood all over the house.


911 CALLER: My brother-in-law is in the bedroom and it looks like someone has the beat the hell out of him.


911 CALLER: There's blood all over --

DISPATCHER: Ma'am, can you tell me what county that's in?

911 CALLER: Pike County.

DISPATCHER: It's Pike County?

911 CALLER: Yes, and they dragged them in the back room.

DISPATCHER: OK, OK, I need you to get out of the house. Did you drive over there?

911 CALLER: Yes, I did.


911 CALLER: Both of them in there look like they're dead.

DISPATCHER: You think they're both dead?

911 CALLER: I think they're both dead. They have beat the crap out of them.

DISPATCHER: Is there anybody else in the house?

911 CALLER: Not that I know of. The door was locked when we got here. But I know where the key was at and I went in and they were laying on the floor.

DISPATCHER: OK, I need you to get out of the house and wait. OK?

911 CALLER: I'm standing outside, right now.

DISPATCHER: Stay out of the house don't let anybody go in there, OK? 911 CALLER: Yes.

DISPATCHER: All right. We've got deputies on the way, OK?

911 CALLER: Thank you.

DISPATCHER: You're welcome.


VALENCIA: Just chilling audio to hear the pain in that woman's voice. Perhaps the most disturbing detail of all of this, is one of the victims was a mother who had just given birth four days before she was murdered. That four day old baby was next to her when she was shot in the head and killed. Authorities say there's still no motive here -- Pamela.

BROWN: You just can't comprehend that.

And you also, Nick, spoke to the family's pastor, right? What did he have to say?

VALENCIA: We did. He was really shaken by all of this. You could tell in just listening to him and seeing him in his element at his home, looking at his eyes, the pain. About 100 friends and family have gathered at his church. He was the pastor to some of the victims that were killed on Friday morning.

He's saying he doesn't understand, the gruesome nature of this, just the ruthlessness of this all. And it has a lot of people speculating here. That pastor telling me that there is a drug problem in this area. That heroin has taken hold here in this community.

Methamphetamines is back on the rise, but he would not go so far to say that any victims were tied to the drug world. Of course, a lot of people speculating the worst in the community. Many people unnerved by the fact that the person or people responsible for this is still on the run tonight -- Pamela.

BROWN: Nick Valencia, thank you very much for bringing us the latest there in Ohio.

And we want to take you right now to the growing memorial outside Paisley Park where fans have been gathering all day to celebrate the musical genius of Prince. The legendary artist who blended soaring guitars, funk and flamboyant dance moves.

[19:05:01] As those tributes continue to pour in, we're learning more about his final days. An official cause of death, though, could take weeks, as authorities await the results of yesterday's autopsy. Prince is being remembered as a global rock star and get this -- a wonderful neighbor as well.

In fact, members of Prince's community in Minnesota left an emotional note at Paisley Park. I want to read you a portion of that note. It says, "We loved you as our neighbor. We appreciated your gentle humanity as well as your music. You game anonymously and humbly to our town, our schools. But we knew it was you behind all those large donations. You left a legacy and you made a difference."

I want to bring in CNN's Ryan Young right outside Paisley Park.

You've been out there throughout the day, Ryan. Lots of purple, lots of tributes around you.

RYAN YOUNG, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Without a doubt. Actually, I've been here since Thursday. We have seen the crowds grow and grow and grow. This is another day where people are coming from all over the world to come out here.

In fact, we talked to a guy who came here from Japan. He said the only reason why he flew here make sure he got a chance to stand outside the gates because Prince meant so much to him.

Now, if you look at this direction, you can see all the people and all the balloons that have lined up here for several hours. One of the reasons why we're back here, Pamela, because this back gate here is where all the activity has been for the last few hours.

We're going to walk a little closer here. What's been going on for the last few hours is a small memorial service for people who were close to Prince. And all the activity that's been going on at this pack fence, we've seen several friends and close family members showing up over the last two hours who have come through this back gate and they've been parked in this section.

Now, look, this is something we also noticed. They are not just thinking about Prince, they're thinking about the community. About two hours ago, they walked outside with boxes and started handing boxes out to people giving Prince memorabilia just away. People love that.

And there was maybe about 30 or 40 boxes that were given. You can understand why people were excited to get those boxes. We believe the memorial service is going on outside. People have been walking out and talking to members of the community. Telling them how much they love the fact they've been here to talk about Prince.

BROWN: Yes, on that note, a friend of Prince came out and spoke outside Paisley Park. What did he say?

YOUNG: Absolutely. And you know one of the things they wanted to tell everybody. First of all, they wanted to say thank you to the world for all the love they've been showing him. They also wanted to talk about what Prince meant to this community.


LARRY GRAHAM, CLOSE FRIEND OF PRINCE: I feel that Prince made us all a better musician. Spiritually is the most important thing, because he was a very spiritual man. But as a musician, he pushed us. He made us better. And so we miss him deeply.


YOUNG: Personal reflections you can see people who don't know each other who are holding hands or having that conversation about what's going on. People want to know more about the investigation. At the end of the day, this is a celebration about an artist who touched so many, especially the community like this one. So many people from Minnesota, showing their love. You can tell by the generations of people out here, music that will touch everybody for quite some time.

BROWN: All right. Brian Young, thank you so much for bringing us the latest there from Paisley Park.

Meantime, overseas now. Tensions on the Korean peninsula are reaching a new level, that's after the North reportedly filed a submarine launched ballistic missile. Officials in South Korea say that the missile flew 19 miles before dropping to the sea. For it to be considered a threat it needed to reach 185 miles.

Still, this is very concerning to U.S. officials. In fact, one U.S. official tells CNN that the U.S. is watching this very closely and, quote, "North Korea's sub launch capability has gone from a joke to something very serious."

And straight ahead right here in the NEWSROOM, we turn to politics and the count down to Tuesday's five crucial primaries, a live report is next.

Plus, the mudslinging between the front runners, is this a preview of the general election fight?

You're watching CNN. We'll be back.


[19:11:44] BROWN: Well, in just three days, we have yet together Super Tuesday on our hands, folks. And the candidates are feeling the pressure to win those voters who are still undecided.

Five northeastern states are voting, putting 172 Republican delegates up for grabs. And today, Donald Trump zeroed in on Connecticut, holding two separate rallies there.

CNN's Jason Carroll is on the trail with Trump and joins me now.

So, Jason, yesterday, we heard Trump's senior advisors caught on tape, saying this front runner had two different personas. What persona did voters see today?

JASON CARROLL, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: I think it's safe to say, Pamela, it was the persona that they wanted to see and here, and that's what we heard today in Bridgeport, Connecticut.

Some of the familiar name calling, "crooked Clinton", "Lyin' Ted Cruz", he went even a step further saying that Ted Cruz is someone who lies like a thief. Now, you talked about that senior campaign advisor, Paul Manafort, who as you know earlier this week at that meeting with the RNC in Florida spelled out that privately behind the scenes Donald Trump is one way and in person and at rallies like we see here today, he's a different way.

Well, Trump addresses that. He also, Pamela, addressed these calls for him to be more presidential.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Had a meeting and said yes, Donald Trump knows he's really smart and he will, you know, be different when he's in private. Everybody is. When I'm speaking, who is not different than when you're in a private room?

If I was presidential, first of all, I'd have a teleprompter. You ever see crooked Hillary Clinton? She walks it.

Good afternoon, Bridgeport. How are you? This is crooked Hillary Clinton.

Then people start yawning, leaving. The whole thing is a disaster. She'll be a disastrous president. She'll be a disaster.


CARROLL: Using a bit of humor there. I have to tell you that type of performance if you will really goes over well with his supporters. In some ways it feeds into the narrative once again he's plainspoken, he speaks like the people, he says what's on his mind. He's not politically correct.

So, in terms of being non-presidential, you know, some people here are basically saying we like the way he is. We want him to keep being exactly the way that he is -- Pamela.

BROWN: Right, part of his appeal to them.

Jason Carroll, thank you for bringing us the latest there on the Republican side.

Let's turn to the Democratic side now. Hillary Clinton also coming out swinging. The punches she's throwing are not to Bernie Sanders. Instead, she's making direct hits on Donald Trump and Senator Ted Cruz. Take a listen.


HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Here's what I want you to understand about Trump and Cruz, because it's a really significant difference. What they say about the world is not only offensive, it's dangerous.

When Donald Trump says bar all Muslims from coming to our country, that sends a message around the world. Loose cannons tend to misfire.

[19:15:00] And what we have with him is the loosest of all cannons. And -- and then, Ted Cruz, Ted Cruz talks about special police

patrols, patrolling where American Muslims would live. How we would do that I don't think adds up.


BROWN: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump taking jabs at each other. They are the front runners.

Let's talk about the underdogs at this stage in the race. Joining me now to discuss that, CNN political commentator and Cruz supporter, Buck Sexton, and Democratic strategist and Sanders supporter, Nomi Konst.

Thank you both for being here.

Buck, I want to come to you first.

You understand foreign policy. We've talked about it. You were also a Ted Cruz supporter. Does Clinton have a point when she says that Cruz and Trump's comments about Muslims are dangerous?

BUCK SEXTON, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Well, I think that first of all, you're going to see the candidates go against Hillary on foreign policy because she does have a very established foreign policy record is a combination of a lack of any success as secretary of state, as well as being the architect of what is now a failed state in the case of Libya where she did a disastrous job.

So, she can talk about commentary on the campaign and she may get some degree, bump out of that for her supporters. But when she's speaking in broad spectrum, I mean, first of all, Cruz and Trump have made different comments about how they would deal with counterterrorism in the Muslim community in this country. So, I don't know if you want to speak sort of both of them.

But Hillary Clinton on foreign policy is in a very large, very glass house. I think she's going to find that's a difficulty for her going forward. And given that that's her biggest resume bullet, it's a thing she points to the most. She's going to have a serious vulnerability there. Never mind the fact that Syria is a disaster.

We're doing poorly in, when you look at Iraq and Afghanistan right now with the mission sets there under Barack Obama's time in office, Hillary Clinton's portion of that also unsuccessful in both those places.

So, on foreign policy, Hillary Clinton is vulnerable. I think when we get into Libya, not even having to rehash the issues of Benghazi and all the rest of it, people will see that Hillary can't point to a single major accomplishment on those issues, and whether, you know, Donald Trump or, you know, again, they speak about these things differently, and I'm a Cruz supporter. I think Cruz tends to speak about foreign policy in a way that does resonates with a lot of Americans, a lot of people who are concerned about the threats of terrorism, about the Islamic State and the continuing radicalization that's occurring both in this country and in Europe, and that represents a real threat.

So, there's a lot of room to run with the foreign policy discussion. I think Hillary is going to have a tougher time than some people realize right now.

BROWN: Other people would say, look, Hillary has experience. Ted Cruz, first term senator, doesn't have experience in foreign policy and that could be a knock against him. When you look at the ads, the way that Clinton is talking about her opponents, it seems like she's looking toward the general election, Nomi, as a presumptive nominee, talking about Donald Trump.

You support Bernie Sanders who has vowed to fight through the convention. Just curious, at what point, would you rally around Clinton?

NOMIKI KONST, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: Well, I think that's strategic on her part. I mean, she's trying to send the message to all Democrats right now strategically, psychologically, that she's the presumed nominee. And we've had this conversation earlier today that the math just isn't there. She's not going to reach that pledged delegate count that she needs before the convention, and that's when the superdelegates come in.

Now, you know, whether she's the nominee or Bernie Sanders, personally I'm a Democrat and I support Democrats. That doesn't mean if she's the nominee, she'll have the support of the Bernie Sanders coalition. You have a lot of disaffected Democrats, disaffected voters that have come into the process because they are against -- they want campaign finance reform and against Wall Street's stranglehold on the Democratic Party. You have a lot of blue collar workers, Reagan style Democrats who, they're first choice is Bernie Sanders and their second choice is Donald Trump.

I think if the Democratic Party were being smart, I'm concerned with them putting their eggs and almost unilaterally supporting Hillary Clinton when the numbers just aren't there. Bernie Sanders is the one who beats Donald Trump by 20 percent in the election and beats all the other Republicans. Hillary Clinton does not have those margins and she doesn't have those really important voters, which are the independents and blue collar.

She has the base voters, which will vote for Democrats no matter what, and that's women over the age of 50. But she doesn't have the faction of voters that will get us the election in the long term. She can change her rhetoric.

But, you know, Buck is absolutely right. I mean, Bernie Sanders has been kind to her on foreign policy aside from the Iraq vote. But, you know, Libya is a problem. Even President Obama said it was his number one mistake, that he didn't plan and prepare for what happens after Gadhafi fell. That was under Clinton's watch.

You know, the Russian reset was a problem. She didn't have an answer for that. Obviously, what happened in Iraq and Afghanistan. I mean, we're struggling here with Hillary Clinton's foreign policy. Match that to John Kerry and the few years he's been in office, and

he's had quite a few successes.

[19:20:04] And my concern as a Democrat is that perhaps she was trying too hard to get too many accomplishments and had too many things on her docket --


SEXTON: She was giving too many expensive speeches, for sure. Yes.

BROWN: OK. Let me ask you this, looking at the numbers, Buck, you know, there's the Bernie Sanders/Hillary Clinton math and then there's the Republican math. And Ted Cruz seems to be really banking on preventing Donald Trump from getting to that magic 1,237 and having it be a contested convention and then winning that way.

But would he alienate all the Trump supporters who have come out in droves to support him? I mean, that's a large contingency of people if that scenario were to play out and Cruz were to end up being the nominee that way.

SEXTON: The only way it works, the only way you can have a Cruz campaign that wins at the convention and then goes on to defeat whoever the Democratic nominee maybe, Nomiki and I disagree with this, I think it will be Hillary Clinton. She still thinks that Bernie Sanders obviously has a real shot.

But whoever the case, whichever candidate it turns out to be, Ted Cruz, if he wins, is going to have to unite the party. You raise a valid point. And it would be foolish for anyone who supports Ted Cruz to pretend that this is not there, which is how do you get the party to unite behind Ted Cruz with Donald Trump going into that convention clearly ahead?

I think that everyone understands he's going to be ahead. He may not get to the magic 1,237 number as everyone keeps pointing out. There are victories he's had recently, 19 out of 20 in Maine. Pennsylvania is a funky place when it comes to delegates. They're not really pledged even after the primary in a sense they could change their minds in the first ballot.

So, there's a lot up in the air. If the margin is tiny and Trump -- margin between Trump and the 1,237 going into the convention and anybody other than Trump comes out of the convention as the winner, it will be very hard to unite the party.

I think Ted Cruz is capable of doing it, but it's a big ask and I do think there will be some Trump disaffected Trump voters who walk away, which now means you have a hobbled GOP if not a completely imploded one going up against the dramatic nominee.

So, it's a very real concern. I think everyone on the GOP side needs to be aware of it. I think they mostly are.

BROWN: Nomi, final word to you, from a Democratic standpoint, who would you want your nominee, Democratic nominee to face off against?

KONST: I think everybody dreams of facing off against Donald Trump, but he does scare me. I think that he does better against -- Bernie Sanders does better against Donald Trump just because he takes over that very important independent swing vote and women. I think he'll do very well with women over Donald Trump -- and obviously, disaffected voters and blue collar workers.

So, that's what's going to win us the nominee. I think we're most scared of Kasich, but it looks like he's not going to be a factor in this election.

BROWN: Right. And Kasich actually according to the polls is the only one that shows that he could beat Clinton in the general election. Of course, you never know with polls. But that's what they say.

Buck Sexton, Nomi Konst, thank you very much. Appreciate you coming on.

SEXTON: Thank you.

BROWN: We want to turn to breaking news. Friends and family of music legend Prince said their final goodbyes today in a private memorial service.

And we have just received this statement from Prince's publicist, and that says, quote, "A few hours ago, Prince was celebrated by a small group of his beloved family friends and his musicians in a private beautiful ceremony to say a loving goodbye. Prince's remains have been cremated and their final storage will remain private. We ask for your blessings and prayers of comfort for his family and close friends at this time. The cause of death remains unknown and it will be at least four weeks before we receive the results of the autopsy. And an announcement will be made at a future date for a musical celebration.

Of course, we will go live to Paisley Park up next.


[19:27:10] BROWN: Breaking news on the death of Prince, CNN's Ryan Young joins me right outside Paisley Park.

So, what are we learning, Ryan?

YOUNG: Look, Pamela, we've been talking all day about all the people that have been gathering here at Paisley Park. In fact, someone is trying to get in right now.

We've been looking at this back gate and one of the things we've learned as we walk this direction, we've seen all the activity back here. We know that band mates, friends, close family members of Prince have arrived here for a memorial service, and that's been going on all this afternoon, maybe a group of about 20 people were here for the private memorial service.

We have been able to confirm that Prince's remains have been cremated. And everything is going on as we speak. We've seen a lot of friends and those folks that have been standing on the backside talking to each other, sharing stories about Prince, and about half hour to 45 minutes ago maybe two hours before that. They walked out and actually starting handing boxes of memorabilia to people who were out in this direction.

We'll walk you down this way as we're talking about it. This has been a thing we've seen so many people come from across the country and even across the world to be here to talk about Prince. But I don't think even all these people understand that his memorial service is going on as we speak. And that has been something that's surprised some of the people who have heard us talking about it -- Pamela.

BROWN: All right. Ryan Young, thank you for bringing us the latest there from Paisley Park in Minnesota.

And still to come on this Saturday, can talk of an all female ticket help Hillary Clinton gain more support among women? And has Donald Trump ruined his chances with women voters? We'll discuss that next.


[19:31:44] BROWN: Well, this week, Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman said the dramatic front runner would be open to an all female ticket. That could open the door to the first female president and vice president at the same time.

With me to talk about this is Jay Newton-Small, the Washington correspondent for "TIME" magazine and she's also the author of the book, "Broad Challenge: How Women are Changing the Way America Works".

Jay, thanks for coming on.

Let's first talk about the notion of an all female ticket. What is the calculus in the Clinton campaign as to why a female running mate would be an asset?

JAY NEWTON-SMALL, TIME MAGAZINE: Well, two things. I mean, you saw Bill Clinton in 1992 double down with his ticket. Usually, vice presidential tickets tend to be somebody who is very different from you, right? You're reaching out to some other part of the country, different demographics.

But Bill Clinton in '92 actually picked Al Gore who was another white man from the South because he wanted to sort of double down and say this is who we are as Democrats, this is where I believe the party is going. You could argue Hillary Clinton might want to do the same thing. Double down this is where we are in Democrats, this is where I believe the party is going and I believe the future of the party is women. And therefore, we want to have an all female ticket which would certainly be historic, right?

BROWN: Of course. One of the most fun parlor games in Washington is to think of who that would be, you know, they would pick as a running mate. For Hillary Clinton who a female running mate would be. The question is, could it include Elizabeth Warren, someone who is more ideologically linked to someone like Bernie Sanders who could be someone who could pull in the supporters, those Bernie Sanders' supporters, but she's someone who also at the same time has not endorsed Hillary Clinton.

NEWTON-SMALL: Absolutely. So, I mean, it would be very unusual for Hillary Clinton to pick someone who didn't endorse her in the primaries, is unlikely to endorse her in the primaries as Elizabeth has said she probably would not.

At the same time, it would harness a lot of the energy you see amongst Democrats for Bernie Sanders especially young voters, and blue collar voters who are hugely passionate for Bernie Sanders. Hillary has a lot of enthusiasm problems, and that could solve her enthusiasm problems.

On the other hand, Donald Trump, that particular candidacy might go a long way to solving the enthusiasm problems without picking a vice presidential candidate in Elizabeth Warren.

BROWN: So, listening to Hillary Clinton just today she's really targeting Donald Trump focusing on him. She has been over the last few weeks, and Donald Trump says he can beat Hillary Clinton in a presidential matchup. But you say the reality is that Trump can't do well against Clinton. Why is that?

NEWTON-SMALL: Well, if you just take women and this sets aside his other problems with Latinos, with African-American voters, young voters, if you just take the one demographic of women. A Republican has not won the female vote since 1988, George H.W. Bush.

And yet, women have swung every election since Ronald Reagan. They make up 53 percent of the electorate already, and they vote on average in presidential elections, 10 percent more than men. So, you need to win that one demographic.

[19:35:00] The only way Republicans has won the White House since 1988 has been George W. Bush, obviously, H.W.'s son, and he did that by mitigating the loss women to less than 5 percentage points.

That give you an idea of how far away Donald Trump is from that. He's underwater with men right now by 73 percentage points. That's an insurmountable distance to make up and given the amount of time you have until the general election.

BROWN: All right. Jay Newton-Small, thank you so much for coming on and sharing your perspective.

NEWTON-SMALL: Thank you.

BROWN: In the meantime, Pennsylvania rarely gets a chance to select a presidential nominee. But what happens there Tuesday could make a huge impact on both parties.

Up next, I talk to an uncommitted Republican delegate in that state. He's going to share what he needs to see and hear from a candidate before he casts his vote. (COMMERCIAL BREAK)

BROWN: Another big Tuesday that matters for both parties right around the corner. Five states in the northeast will vote in the dramatic and Republican primaries. And the biggest prize of them all, Pennsylvania.

CNN's John king explains why winning the Keystone States means more than scooping up more delegates.


JOHN KING, CNN CHIEF NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: That was Hollywood, baby. Sync those.

SUBTITLE: Breaking down Pennsylvania with John King.

KING: It's a big state. It's a battleground state. It's a diverse state. So, you want to prove as a candidate, you can win in Philadelphia and in Pittsburgh, two very different places.

You can win in the middle part of the state, much more conservative. A lot of people think this is more like the South. This is more like the Midwest. This is more like the East Coast. It's a big complicated state.

Places that Clinton won in 2008, white rural areas. Bernie Sanders is winning. Places that Obama won in 2008, African-American close in suburbs, Hillary Clinton is winning this time. She just did it in New York this past week.

So, watch Tuesday night in Pennsylvania on the dramatic side if this map flipped a bit.

[19:40:01] Bernie Sanders needs to prove himself. He needs to come away with something like this. That would be a 55/45, a 10-point victory, to start to pick up delegates and prove I can win a major industrial state, because if this goes as Hillary Clinton expects it to go and she can add Philadelphia and the rest of Pennsylvania to her total, not only does she stretch out her delegate lead, but just look at the map.

She's winning big in New York. She won in Ohio. She won down here cross the South. The math is already is very difficult for Bernie Sanders. That would send a symbolic message and a math message and a momentum message to Bernie Sanders that, sorry, you can't catch me.

We have not had a competitive Republican presidential primary in Pennsylvania in some time. What you're looking for here is, the central part of the state, if Cruz can prove he can contend it has to be in the middle, maybe the northwest. John Kasich was born in the western part of the state if he wants to take delegates, he has to do it here. But Donald Trump has proven he can win in the suburbs, Donald Trump has proven his trade message sells in places where you have former steel factories and car factories, out in the west in Erie and Pittsburgh, here in the east, Scranton, Reading, Allentown. So, Donald Trump has proven his broad appeal. The question is, can

Kasich and Cruz pick off enough of the congressional districts and enough of the delegates to slow his march to 1,237?

What happens on Super Tuesday in Pennsylvania, is you win state wide, you're only winning 17 delegates. The other 54 are unpledged. They go to Cleveland as unpledged delegates. These 54 could be absolutely critical in who wins the Republican nomination, which is why Donald Trump knows I might only get to 1,210, I might only get to 1,220.

But he wants to win Pennsylvania with 50 percent or more so he can go back to this 54 and say, I won your state, I won it big, you owe me your votes in Cleveland.


KING: Our thanks to John King.

And don't miss "INSIDE POLITICS" every Sunday morning, right here on CNN.

And now you know why pennsylvania matters. I'm going to bring someone in who Donald Trump Ted Cruz and John Kasich are trying to woo.

Uncommitted Republican Pennsylvania delegate Calvin Tucker.

Calvin, you are still weighing your options. But if the primary was today, who would you vote for?

CALVIN TUCKER, UNCOMMITTED REPUBLICAN PENNSYLVANIA DELEGATE: Well, I'm not sure. I'm uncommitted and I'm going to remain uncommitted until I have to cast my ballot at the convention.

KING: All right.

TUCKER: Assuming the voters see the wisdom in electing me.

KING: So you are unbound which, you know we learned from John King's piece there. If the Republicans do go to a brokered convention, do you feel committed to vote for the person who the voters in your state who won your state who voters in your state supported?

TUCKER: Well, I mean, that's going to be one input into my decision making process. I have three things I look at. I'm going to look at what the voters say. Secondly, I'm going to talk to the business, political and civic leadership in the community. And I am talking to all of the candidates and their surrogates about policies.

I have specific interests in urban policy. I want to see where each one of them are on those issues. And then ultimately, I'll make my decision.

I must say this, that our three candidates all three of our candidates are better than the other two on the other side. I'm going to be with one of the three at the end of the day. BROWN: So, but just hypothetically, if it's a clean sweep by, you

know, Donald Trump or Ted Cruz, the voters made their voices heard, this is who we want to be president. How much wood that factor in to your decision on who you support if there is a brokered contested convention? Because I think some of the concerns were that unbound delegates won't go for who the voters in their state are supporting.

TUCKER: Well, no, it's going to factor. And it may be a big factor depending on the volume of the victory. I mean, if it's a marginal victory, one point, two points, five points, 10 points, then you may have to lower that in your evaluation process. But it's definitely going to be a part of the process as I make my decision.

BROWN: So, we know candidates have been making calls to delegates, have you heard from any of them? If so, what are you hearing from them and their supporters?

TUCKER: Yes, I have talk today some of the supporters for all three of the candidates. In fact, I have had a meeting with at least two of the candidates. One in New York and one recently here in Philadelphia.

And I've talked with them about urban policy and, yes, they have asked me to consider voting for them at the convention, if I make it to the convention. And certainly, I said, look, all guys are great guys, you have good policies, significant policies that's going to address urban America which is one of my major concerns. And I will be voting for one of you three.

Because, you know, you guys have expended your energy and time to campaign across America. So, you know, you deserve consideration.

[19:45:01] BROWN: But these guys have been running for almost a year now. There's been debate after debate. I mean, what more do you need to hear from them in order to make your decision?

TUCKER: Well, there are three candidates, I think all three ought to be given an opportunity to run the process to the end. And when they come to the convention, if they don't come with 1,237 votes, they got to make the case again.

That the two guiding principle that's going to guide me in making a decision is one, the last man standing and, two, electability. We're talking about 270 electoral votes. That's the bottom line. Who is going to get us to 270 electoral votes and how will that gets to those votes?


TUCKER: To win the presidency, yes.

BROWN: Calvin Tucker, thank you very much for coming on. Really interesting to hear your side of things. Appreciate it.

TUCKER: And, by the way, on Tuesday, voters in five more states had to the polls, including that big delegate prize, Pennsylvania. Be sure to join us for all day coverage on Super Tuesday right here on CNN. We'll be back.


BROWN: After her big win in New York, Democrat Hillary Clinton is campaigning hard for Pennsylvania primary votes. Clinton is playing up her family's strong ties to the blue collar town to Scranton, pennsylvania. Her grandparents were raised in Scranton as descendants of welsh coal miners.

CNN's Rachel Crane spoke to a 91-year-old woman who knew Hillary Clinton as a little girl.


RACHEL CRANE, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): After winning big in New York, Hillary Clinton is now focused on Pennsylvania, touting her ties to the Keystone State.

HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I was in Scranton. I was baptized in Scranton. We spent Christmases.

[19:50:01] We spent summers.

CRANE: Reminding voters of her roots here.

HAZEL PRICE, RODHAM FAMILY FRIEND: This is our girl. This is our girl doing well.

CRANE: No one remembers better than Hazel Price, the 91-year-old has been on the scene since Hillary's birth, even longer.

PRICE: Her mother and I shopped for maternity clothes together. And I was at her christening. I held her on her christening day.

CRANE: The Rodham family lived in this house, next door to the Prices. And though Hazel hasn't seen Clinton in the past few years, she still remembers summers when Hillary's father would bring his family home to Scranton.

PRICE: This is a picture of Hillary and my children at a birthday party in my backyard. She was vivacious and gracious and a little bit stubborn. You know? And -- but really loveable. She really was.

CRANE: Hazel says this coal mining town is where Clinton's values come from.

PRICE: It's given her the background that most of us have and her father had before her, and that's to be strong person, to not take a back seat, to answer truthfully and to be right up front, and not to be afraid.

CRANE: A thought echoed by the current mayor of Scranton.

MAYOR BILL COURTRIGHT (D), SCRANTON, PENNSYLVANIA: When you talk to her, it was just as if I was talking to a neighbor, you know? Just like another Scrantonian to me. CRANE: Despite polls saying she has a double digit lead over Bernie

Sanders, Hazel says support here for Clinton is not as strong as it was in 2008, though she will be voting for Scranton's girl on Tuesday and has some words for her critics.

PRICE: Put up or shut up. Put up that she did this. Or shut up and walk away. So far, they've said a lot of things and haven't proven any.

CRANE: Rachel Crane, CNN, Scranton, Pennsylvania.


BROWN: Well, legendary artist Prince loved women. He loved to write songs about women, all kinds of women. Well, coming up, a closer look at the two women Prince married and others who inspired his music, after this break.


[19:55:13] BROWN: Well, as tributes continue to pour in, we're learning more about Prince's final days. And the official cause of death, we don't know yet. But what we do know is the superstar's life was full of love and loves lost.

CNN's Randi Kaye has more on the woman that not only stole Prince's heart, but inspired much of his work.



RANDI KAYE, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): She was his drummer, then eventually his fiancee. As Sheila E told it to "The Daily News", somewhere in the middle of a European tour, Prince mouthed to her during a song, "Marry me" and the answer was yes. The two had reportedly met at one of his concerts in 1978.

SHEILA E., PRINCE'S FORMER FIANCEE AND DRUMMER: I was walking backstage to introduce myself and he was in the mirror and he shook my hand and he goes, "I know who you are." And I went, huh? He says, "I've been following your career."

KAYE: She later signed a contract with Prince's production company and Prince oversaw his first album "The Glamorous Life."

Another of Prince's loves was his protege Denise Matthews. The former model who became a singer began dating Prince after meeting him at the American Music Awards in the 1980s. "Jet" magazine said she later claimed Prince was the only man she ever truly loved. Prince called her Vanity and built a group Vanity 6 around her, encouraging her to be sexy and record such memorable songs as "Nasty Girl."

After several years together, she and Prince split. When she died earlier this year, he dedicated a song to her on tour. Madonna also had a relationship of sorts with Prince. The two dated

briefly back in 1985. Prince later helped produce her 1989 album "Like a Prayer", which he was also featured on. The two sang a duet for the track "Love Song."

Years later, the friendship soured. Though just last fall, Madonna attended one of Prince's famous late night jam sessions at Paisley Park in Minnesota. After her own concert, she grabbed a VIP seat as Prince took the stage for his own 2:00 a.m. show.

Prince met the stunning Carmen Electra when she was just 18 around 1990. They dated for a while and Prince produced a rap album for her. It was Prince who decided she should change her name to Carmen. She recalled how it happened to Oprah.

CARMEN ELECTRA, DATED PRINCE: The name of the song was "Carmen on Top". My name's Tara so I was confused. I loved the song. I love it. But he said, uh-huh. You're not Tara. You're not Tara. You're Carmen.

KAYE: Prince's first wife Mayte called him her first crush.

MAYTE GARCIA, PRINCE'S EX-WIFE: I got married when I was 22. I can't really pinpoint a time when it became romantic. I think it evolved, you know, through the heavens. I don't know.

KAYE: As she tells it, they first met when he asked her backstage at one of his concerts. She was 16. She eventually joined his band and the two started seriously dating. They married on Valentine's Day in 1996.

Mayte Garcia was her full name. Prince was smitten, so it's no surprise she inspired many of his songs including "The Most Beautiful Girl in the World."

But the marriage wasn't meant to be. The couple lost two children; one son lived for only a week. The other was a miscarriage. Mayte told reporters it was hard to move forward as a couple after that. They split in 1998 and divorced in 2000.

Prince tried marriage again in 2001 when he married Manuela Testolini. "People Magazine" reported the two met while working for his charitable foundation. He was 43. She was just 24.

When they tied the knot, the magazine reported his new wife actually took his last name Nelson which the singer never used. This marriage reportedly lasted five years, after which she filed for an amicable divorce.

Randi Kaye, CNN, New York.


BROWN: And our thanks to Randi Kaye. I'm Pamela Brown in Atlanta. I'll be back at 5:00 p.m. Eastern tomorrow.

Get ready for your "PARTS UNKNOWN" marathon. Anthony Bourdain starts right now. Have a great night and a great rest of your weekend.