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Trump Campaign Manager Acknowledges Trump is Behind; Clinton Accused of Pay to Play in Morocco; Florida is Key to the White House; The "Inner City" Dog Whistle; Anthony Bourdain and the Brexit Aftermath. Aired 5-6p ET

Aired October 23, 2016 - 17:00   ET



POPPY HARLOW, CNN ANCHOR: It's 5:00, Eastern. I'm Poppy Harlow. You're in the CNN "Newsroom". So glad you're with us.

We begin with, really, a shocking admission from the campaign trail today. Donald Trump's own campaign manager acknowledging something the candidate himself so far has not, that Trump is indeed behind.


CHUCK TODD, NBC "MEET THE PRESS" HOST: Where do you see this race right now? Do you acknowledge that you're behind?

KELLYANNE CONWAY, TRUMP CAMPAIGN MANAGER: We are behind. She has some advantages, like $66 million in ad buys just in the month of September, thereby doubling her ad buys from August. Most of these ads are negative against Donald Trump, classic politics of personal destruction.


HARLOW: A brand-new poll out from ABC News. To date, Hillary Clinton with a 12-point lead, widening that gap between the two frontrunners. This brings Clinton's average lead in CNN'S poll of polls to nine points ahead of Trump.

But to put this in perspective, surveys from the same period of time in 2012 had Mitt Romney and then-President Obama tied. Trump is moving forward, though aggressively. He's set to kick off a rally in Florida soon. It is his first of five there over the next few days that he will hold, showing you the importance of the Sunshine State.

Meanwhile, Clinton is getting ready to speak in North Carolina.

Our reporters are on the trail, crisscrossing the country with both candidates while we wait for Clinton to take the stage. Let's go straight to Jason Carroll. He is at Donald Trump's rally in Florida.

With this latest admission from the Trump campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, I wonder, Jason, if we expect or if you've heard Trump say at all that he agrees with his campaign manager. That, indeed, they are behind.

JASON CARROLL, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Poppy, I think what Trump said at his rally in Pennsylvania on Friday, where he told the crowd, he said, look, we have to turn this around.

That's the first time I've ever heard Donald Trump say that. So, for Trump, that is, in a sense, an admission, that there is some ground they've got to make up with this campaign but the question is, how do they make up that ground when you have a candidate who continues to step on his message?

You look at what happened when he gave the speech in Gettysburg where he laid out what he would be doing in his first 100 days of office. And then he opens up this speech and uses a huge chunk of time by talking about wanting to sue the women who have accused him of sexual misconduct.

Earlier today, his campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, spoke to Jake Tapper about why he decided to make that type of revelation at that particular moment.


JAKE TAPER, CNN ANCHOR: Did you know he was going to start with this list of grievances that might undercut the message?

CONWAY: Well, he delivers his own speeches. This is his candidacy, he's running for the White House and he has the privilege to say what he wants.


CARROLL: So poppy, as Trump has said before, look, he's said we've got to turn this around. The question is how does the campaign do that when you have a candidate who continuously steps on his message?

HARLOW: What about his supporters there? I mean, Jason, the Trump team keeps saying that the media won't say how big his rallies are, that we're underestimating all of this, that there are so-called hidden Trump supporters, meaning they won't speak about it publicly but they will vote for him when they go to the polls. What are the supporters there saying to you? Do they believe that their candidate is behind, and behind by a pretty wide margin right now?

CARROLL: They don't believe the polls. Many of the supporters that we've spoken to, not just here but in other locations as well, they're feeding into this whole false narrative that Trump is putting out, that the system is rigged, but having said that, many of the people that we speak to seem to feel that the polls are wrong, that the media, what they call the liberal media, is misreading the polls and that come on election day, that Trump will be the winner.

[17:05:00] HARLOW: Jason Carroll, live for us in Florida where we're waiting for Trump to take the stage in Naples, thank you very much.

It is a historic showdown and plenty of voters are casting their ballots early, long before November 8th. More than 5 million votes have been cast across 35 states, including nearly a 3.5 million votes that have already been dropped in battleground states.

This includes early votes cast in person and absentee voters, obviously mailing them in or dropping them off with election officials. Let's talk it over with Senior Political Analyst David Gergen, former adviser to four presidents. Thank you for being here David.

DAVID GERGEN, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST: Poppy, it's good to be with you.

HARLOW: Let's get into what Kellyanne Conway said this morning on "Meet the Press," admitting, saying, yup, we are behind.

How unusual is it to hear the words from someone who is running a presidential campaign 16 days out?

GERGEN: It's certainly, very unusual for the Trump campaign. They've been quite optimistic on this for a long time and it's one of the ways, I think, they've encouraged their voters that Trump has come out for months now, the open speeches with how the polls are doing, how well he is doing in the polls.

Right now, the polls are going the other way. They are going south. With eight- or nine-point average if you look at the polls, there are two or three polls -- let's face it -- that their fingers are outlier polls that has it so much, much closer, either tied or Trump even up in a couple of these outlier polls.

But if you look at the broad set of polls that are out there and you look at the early voting in what we're picking up on the early voting, and the signs are very optimistic now for Hillary Clinton. I think Kellyanne Conway did her candidate a favor by saying we're behind and let's rally.

HARLOW: Why is that a favor?

GERGEN: The message -- it's possible that the Trump supporters can get so caught up in the mythology that it is inevitable we're going to win unless the thing is rigged. They need to be in a position where they are saying to their neighbors, this is really close and we could lose this thing, let's get out and vote.

HARLOW: Mm-hmm. What's going to happen? Do you think that it is a risky tactic for Trump to keep saying over and over, this election is rigged, this election is rigged? He's been saying the process is rigged, right, the polling sites, etc are rigged, not just the media.

Do you think that in any way could dissuade people from getting out and voting for him if they look at the polls and see he is behind by a wide margin in most of them? Oh, and by the way, and he says this entire process is rigged so why am I going to take time off work, find child care, etc, to go and vote?

GERGEN: I think they are paving the way for, if we're going to lose, and we're going to lose because the process is rigged, I think that presses a vote (ph). You've got to say, we're behind but we can catch them. We've got a lot of enthusiasm. We're way ahead in enthusiasm, look at the size of our rallies and that sort of thing.

I think you have got to be just very consistent about what your message is and figure out what works. It is not clear they're testing their message. I can tell you, the democrats test every message.

They have tons of research on these messages. They're turning to behavioral research, for example, and understanding how do you get people out? They've been studying this for a long time and Trump just doesn't take that sort of thing seriously and he's going to pay a price for it.

HARLOW: I want to turn to Hillary Clinton, because ...



HARLOW: ... even though she is leading in the polls, there is this consistent perception of the Clintons live by their own rules, right.


GERGEN: Yes, there is.

HARLOW: ... and there's a question about pay to play with the Clinton Foundation.

I want you to listen to what Jake Tapper asked Clinton's campaign chief, Robby Mook, about yet another e-mail exchange that was dropped from those stolen e-mails by WikiLeaks pertaining to the Clinton Foundation.


TAPPER: We learned that the king of Morocco wanted to contribute $12 million to the Clinton Foundation last year but he only wanted to do it if he could get a face-to-face meeting with Hillary Clinton. Doesn't this feed into one of the concerns that voters have about Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation?

ROBBY MOOK, HILLARY CLINTON CAMPAIGN MANAGER: I'm glad you asked the question for that reason.

It was known for a long time that the Clinton Foundation's conference was held in Morocco. It has been known for a very long time that Secretary Clinton chose not to attend that conference, so there isn't anything new here.

TAPPER: Bill and Chelsea did.

MOOK: They did. But Secretary Clinton chose not to.

(END VIDEO CLIP) HARLOW: I should note that this was in 2015, May of 2015. This was after she was secretary of state but it still plays into that perception that there would be discussion about making a multi- million-dollar donation to the foundation to get an audience with the former secretary of state and a former senator and someone who was likely to run for president. How much does this consistency of this perception hurt Clinton?

GERGEN: I think it is a drag on her. It may not prevent her from winning the election but it's going to be a drag on her capacity to govern. It may have serious implications for that.

If we have a very poisoned electorate, you know, with a lot of Trump people, there may be 40 or 50 million people that could vote for Donald Trump and if they conclude she is going to be in the wrong house, she ought to be in the jailhouse and not the White House, that hurts.

I'm not saying about all these e-mails that have come out of the Clintons with those e-mails and everything else all the hacking, I just think that in a normal campaign, these would be damaging for the candidate. I think they'd be more damaging than they have been to Hillary Clinton.

But, because Trump has been so outsized and keep stepping on the stories and doesn't get out of the way of things and instead creates his own negative stories that are overshadowing her stories, he's not getting the benefit from this that a normal candidate would.

[17:10:00] HARLOW: And do you think, David, that that has allowed the Clinton campaign's response to consistently be -- you know, from Tim Kaine to Robby Mook, Hillary Clinton herself who was asked about WikiLeaks in the last 24 hours and didn't answer it.

Their consistent answer is, they're stolen e-mails. Russia is behind this. We're not going to address it.

Has Trump allowed them to answer in that way because he keeps doing things like he did in Gettysburg yesterday ...



HARLOW: ... and instead of opening up with his 100-day remarks, he then said I'm going to sue the ten women who said I sexually assaulted them?

GERGEN: That was a crazy thing to say. He stepped on his own story about the 100 days and he got off message about what the Clintons have been up to and whatever.

But I do want to come back Poppy of one thing. About this Morocco thing. You know, the fact that they wanted Hillary to come speak and Bill came and Chelsea came and so forth, I think you pointed out something very important. She was no longer secretary of state. And these kinds of things happen all the time in sort of business and diplomacy or international relations. You know, if you'll do me a favor, I'll do you a favor.

There is nothing wrong with a private citizen doing that. Zero wrong with it. I know it feeds a perception but just in terms of the ethics of it ...


HARLOW: What about someone -- what about someone though, David, who is at least thinking hard about running for president?

GERGEN: Well, you know, I don't think that particular one is a big deal. I think there have been other things the Clinton Foundation and, you know, with much more when she was secretary of state, that are absolutely legitimate fodder for criticism.

They didn't keep their books well. They allowed these things, they were sloppy about it and they're taking their knocks and they should. But on the Moroccan thing, I just think that is sort of overblown. You can't say this is a private citizen. We're operating in a new world where none of us sees very clearly.

HARLOW: David Gergen, Thank you ...


GERGEN: OK, Poppy. Thank you. Thank you.

HARLOW: Much more with David later. We're going to dig more into WikiLeaks as well. Clinton does have the momentum but she also has this problem of this persistent drip and drip of these stolen e-mails and more potentially embarrassing disclosures. The latest on that.

And also, the battle for Florida; a must-win for Trump in the state that could seal the deal for Clinton. We will talk about the race and the early voting already underway in the Sunshine State.

And Donald Trump knows how crucial it is to win there. He is in Naples. He is expected to take the stage soon. His rival is in Charlotte trying to sew up North Carolina, only 16 days until you go vote. Stay with us. You're live in the CNN NEWSROOM.


HARLOW: The constant drip of hacked e-mails released by WikiLeaks continues to dog Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, 16 days out from Election Day. One democrat -- one document, rather, shows that Huma Abedin, writing about the king of Morocco's insistence that Clinton attend the conference he sponsored last year for the Clinton Global Initiative.

There's the e-mail, "The condition upon which the Moroccan's agreed to host the meeting was her participation. If HRC was not part of it, meeting was non-starter. It will break a lot of China now to back out now ... She created this mess and she knows it." That was an e-mail from Huma Abedin who worked closely with Clinton.

Donald Trump pounced on that and this is what he said at a campaign rally in North Carolina on Friday.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Now from WikiLeaks, we've just learned she tried to get $12 million from the king of Morocco for an appearance. More pay for play.


CONWAY: CNN Washington Correspondent Athena Jones joins me now. Trump calls it pay for play. The Clinton campaign says that is non-sense.

What about the candidate herself? I mean, has she responded to this specific allegation, that it is pay for play. And frankly, more of the hacked e-mails dropped by WikiLeaks?

ATHENA JONES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Right. She was asked about this whole WikiLeaks issue on her plane last night. But just to close the loop, Poppy, on the discussion that was taking place in these e-mails, ultimately, the Clinton Foundation conference was held in Morocco. Bill Clinton went, Chelsea Clinton went. Hillary Clinton did not go, and she had left the state department by the time of this whole discussion.

So the campaign is saying there was no wrongdoing, no pay for play, there is no evidence that -- this is not evidence of corruption, as Donald Trump suggests.

This is how Secretary Clinton responded when asked about this on her plane last night.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Are you concerned that Donald Trump would try to throw you in jail if you were elected? (Inaudible).

And one other issue, there was a WikiLeaks e-mails, one of your top aides said that the Clinton Foundation conference is now being labeled by some as a sort of pay to play scheme was a mess of your own making.

HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: No, I have nothing to say about WikiLeaks, other than I think we should all be concerned about what the Russians are trying to do to our election and using WikiLeaks to very blatantly try to influence the outcome of the election, and I have no concerns about the first question whatsoever.


JONES: And if you couldn't hear that first question, whether she was concerned she could be sent to jail if Trump were elected.

So, you see from the candidate herself and from her campaign. They're stressing that they believe the e-mails were stolen by Russian state actors trying to influence the presidential election.

They are not verifying these e-mails and as you mentioned that CNN has not been able to independently confirm their authenticity.

HARLOW: Also one of the newer e-mail revelations from WikiLeaks, from these stolen e-mails, is a discussion among Clinton staffers about race, right. And whether to address race ahead of the South Carolina primary. What do we know?

JONES: Yeah, this is interesting. This was a discussion taking place right after the New Hampshire primary that Hillary Clinton lost so badly to Bernie Sanders.

That is the context here. The context is important. It was a little over a week before the South Carolina primary, which was one where black voters were going to play an important role. So that what the discussion was about, whether it was politically wise for Clinton to deliver a major speech on race.

In this e-mail, one of these hacked e-mails that was released, one of Clinton's speechwriters makes it clear that Bill and Hillary Clinton were involved in these discussions. Involved in the discussions about just what a speech on race would look like and should look like.

The aide also writes about the pros and cons of giving such a speech, saying that one of Clinton's advisers was concerned it could unintentionally highlight some problematic issues that weren't being widely discussed at the time.

Things like, Hillary Clinton saying in the 1990s calling young criminals super predators. The speechwriter ended up saying if we're slipping past, maybe it is worth rolling the dice and doing the speech.

If we're holding relatively steady, maybe we see if we can ride this out without doing the speech.

Trump did end up giving a speech on race the very next day in Harlem and this is the kind of exchange that could provide fodder to some of Trump's critics who say she is too politically calculating. That politics play into every single decision she makes. So there's some interesting exchanges here Poppy.

[17:20:00] HARLOW: Athena, thank you for the reporting from Washington.

Take a look now at some live pictures from two main events we're waiting for tonight, Donald Trump about to take the stage in Naples, Florida; Hillary Trump addressing her supporters tonight in North Carolina.

The two campaigns with the focus, of course, on the swing states. We will bring you their remarks live when they begin.

Also, had voters in battleground states addressing the presidential candidates and what matters to them most, especially when it comes to their own economic situation.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I go to a food bank, that's how bad it is. And sometimes I stay at her home in the winter because I don't have any heat. I've been without water almost two years.


HARLOW: Battleground Ohio. Both Donald Trump is and Hillary Clinton desperately want to win the Buckeye State. The latest polling shows Trump leading there by four points. It is a state so critical no one has become president without winning Ohio JFK in 1960.

So, we went there. One stop on our road trip across this swing state, Pike County, Ohio. That is where Mitt Romney won by a single vote. One vote, in 2012.

At Diner 23 in Pike County, I met two women. Both say they are lifelong democrats and both are struggling financially. Here is their case on this critical election.


HARLOW: Are you a lifelong republican?


HARLOW: You're a lifelong democrat, and you're voting for Donald Trump.



SHOCKEY: Well, let's just say I'm not supporting the democrat candidate. I think she's conniving. I just don't think she's my opinion of a president.

HARLOW: Did you support President Obama in 2008 and 2012?


HARLOW: For you, did you support President Obama?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I did not vote for President Obama that year. I have been a lifelong democrat, and I opted not to vote democratic that year.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: First of all, I did not get a lot of information about him. It just seemed like the election was already won, in my opinion.

HARLOW: You told me you thought America wasn't ready for President Obama. What do you mean by that?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. I don't feel that -- I didn't get enough information about his politics. And what I did have, I was uncomfortable with.

I didn't feel like he was going to represent the United States of America. And one of the issues with me was how he was handling the issues with Al Qaeda. We were getting bombarded by his religion as he was growing up and I was not comfortable with that. I felt like he was not going to represent us in the event of war.

HARLOW: What do you mean his religion growing up?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The information that we were getting bombarded with at that time was that his background was Muslim.

HARLOW: And he is not a Muslim. Never has been. OK.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But the information I was getting could have been bits and pieces from television, could have been information that was not true, but it set in my mind that he would not represent us in the event of a war.

HARLOW: He, under the Obama administration, they captured and killed Osama Bin Laden.


HARLOW: Head of Al Qaeda.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That's true. I'm aware of that.

HARLOW: Did it change your opinion?


HARLOW: The American dream, have you been able to live the American dream?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Fortunately, I feel like I have. I'm not interested in being wealthy by any means but I'd like to be able to pay my bills.

HARLOW: Right. Your car is broken down now.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It is. I have no income to get it fixed, whatsoever. And I may lose my job. I have 12 unpaid leave days coming. I have used eight of those already.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If I don't get some more income, which I don't see that happening because I live out in the county and I have no transportation to (inaudible), but by the grace of God, I'm getting by.

HARLOW: But by the grace of God.


SHOCKEY: My American dream, I believe I have lived it. I own my own home. I've had three beautiful children, although I lost our baby. But God has been good to me.

HARLOW: What's making you tear up?

SHOCKEY: I'm just thankful. I'm blessed.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I am, too. I go to a food bank. That's how bad it is. And sometimes I stay at her home in the winter because I don't have any heat. I've been without water almost two years.

SHOCKEY: And we both have a Christian friend.


[17:30:00] SHOCKEY: That really gets us through a lot.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. High-five. That really gets us through a lot.

HARLOW: Your belief in God?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I want to tell you something good that happened out of the Obama administration. He made it possible for nine counties in Ohio to get save the drain, and I was fortunate to be one of those participants.

If it hadn't have been for that, I would have lost my home a long time ago. I'm still paying my mortgage. It's the only thing that gets paid, is the mortgage. And it was a year long, 12 months, and "Save the Dream" made my house payments for me.

HARLOW: so, you thank President Obama for that?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh, yes, absolutely. I mean, I don't know how -- there's no way ...


HARLOW: You could have made it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... that that could have happened without that program. That was a God-send. What a Christian (ph).


HARLOW: Important look into the minds of some of the voters there in Ohio. You can see more of our road trip through the swing states, just go to states. And we should note they're interviews were conducted before that 2005 "Access Hollywood" tape of Donald Trump surfaced and the accusations of sexual misconduct.

So we called back all the Trump supporters we talked to including those two women and with the exception of just a few, they are still voting for Trump. Those two women say Trump still has their vote.

All right, take a look, live pictures now from Florida and North Carolina, swing states where we expect to hear from Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton tonight. We will bring your their remarks live.

And of course, the political battle in Florida goes beyond the White House this year.

GOP control (ph) of the senate could depend on Marco Rubio, but he is just one republican who could be in trouble as Trump's poll numbers fall. We'll talk about that next. You're live in the CNN NEWSROOM.


HARLOW: Nearly a million folks in Florida have already cast their ballots by mail. In-person early voting begins tomorrow in the Sunshine State, and this is a crucial battleground state with 29 electoral votes.

Just how crucial is it? Take a look at Donald Trump's upcoming schedule and it tells you a lot.

Tomorrow, he will visit Saint Augustine in Tampa, Florida. On Tuesday, in Sanford and the capital city of Tallahassee.

The latest Quinnipiac poll shows Clinton leading Trump by four points in Florida and you see Trump is at 44 percent, Clinton is at 48 percent. The two third-party candidates make up just 5 percent between the two of them.

Let's talk it over with Marc Caputo, Florida Political Reporter for "Politico." Mark, thank you for being here.

Let's jump right into it because nearly a million Floridians have cast their absentee ballots so far. What does it tell you in terms of what the numbers are showing up and how does that stack up compared to 2012?

MARC CAPUTO, FLORIDA POLITICAL REPORTER, "POLITICO": It's higher now. We're at 1.2 million as of this morning. Republicans still lead in absentee ballots cast over the democratic ballots cast. But the republican lead is about 1.7 points.

About this time in 2012, the republican lead was 5 points. They used to traditionally dominate the vote by mail category and democrats usually dominated in the in-person early voting, which begins Monday.

So what we're probably going to see is that by next Sunday, if the democrats haven't surpassed the republicans in total pre-election day ballots cast, they probably will after next weekend.

And that's really bad news because generally speaking, the party whose voters cast more pre-election day ballots heads into Election Day with an advantage and they usually win.

That just our experience, though we can't actually see how people voted. But it's a pretty good guess that 9 times out of 10, maybe 8 out of 10, the republican ballot is going to be for the republican candidate and the democratic ballots for the democrats.

HARLOW: We know that republicans outnumbered democrats in Florida. We're increasingly seeing seniors and retirees who live there in big numbers leaning more right, and we know that they vote in big numbers.

Clinton is betting big on millennials and she is betting a lot in your state on verging Puerto Rican community. I think the question I have for you since you live and breathe this every day, which of those voting blocks is more enthusiastic about their candidate?

CAPUTO: Latinos certainly. The number of registered democrats in Florida still exceeds the number of registered republicans off the top.

You were right though that the republican base is generally older and whiter, and that is one of your most reliable voting bases. Whereas the minority coalition that forms the Democratic Party, which also includes younger people, they're a little less reliable in casting ballots.

So if you look at all the polls right now, Hillary Clinton is starting to win by historic margins, especially polling with Latinos.

And as the Puerto Rican vote has grown as the number of Puerto Rican residents have been over -- about 1,000 families a month, it's tending more and more democratic.

That is removing some of the influence of what used to be a very strong republican voting block from Cuban-Americans. They're starting to have the parody and then when you put all the other demographic changes together, it is just looking worse and worse for the Republican Party going forward in Florida.

But what we've generally seen is we are a swing state, seems like in a presidential election year, we go blue and then in the midterms, we go red. But this year, we're going to really be watching Marco Rubio ...


CAPUTO: ... (inaudible).

HARLOW: I was going to say we're looking at live pictures right now of Donald Trump just landing there, his chopper, I believe, in Naples, Florida, waiting for him to come out. As we wait for him to come out, just briefly, what does this all mean for Marco Rubio and his race against Patrick Murphy?

CAPUTO: Well, Marco Rubio is trying to get as far away from Trump as possible without having to throw him under the bus.

So far, it is working. Rubio is winning in all the polls. Donald Trump is losing all the polls. We're looking as to what they get (ph).

But if Hillary Clinton winds up beating Trump by five points, which used to seem like something that would be crazy, it could signify a big blue wave that could carry Patrick Murphy over on to the beach and drown Marco Rubio's senate health (ph) and perhaps even his future presidential ambitions if you want the blue team two (inaudible) elections in a row here.

HARLOW: Thank you so much, Marc. I wish we have more time. We have to get a lot of live events in tonight. Thanks for being with me. We appreciate it.

CAPUTO: Thank you.

HARLOW: We're going to take a short break and when we come back, we will bring you Donald Trump speaking live there in the critical battleground state of Florida. Stay with us.


HARLOW: The candidates out in full force, 16 days before Election Day. We are waiting to hear from Hillary Clinton in a rally there in Charlotte, North Carolina. Donald Trump just took the stage in Naples, Florida. let's listen to him.


TRUMP: it's the same enthusiasm all over the country. They've never seen anything like it.

Early voting begins tomorrow and you can already get your absentee ballots. Get out, get it, let's start the voting. Numbers are looking phenomenal in Florida.

Don't believe the media. But even the media is giving pretty good numbers. They can't help it. But the numbers are even better than what they're saying.

So, get out and we'll get rid of crooked Hillary once and for all and that'll be that.

If you want four more years of Obama, and if you want four more years of ISIS growing, and if you want four more years of high taxes and four more years of Obamacare that we're going to repeal and replace, let Hillary Clinton have it. But, folks, you're going to be miserable. Oh, boy.

Yesterday, I outlined my contract with the American voter. A lot of you saw that. a detailed list of solutions to bring prosperity to our economy, safety to our communities and honesty to our government.

And speaking of honesty, where is mayor Rudy Giuliani? Where is he? He's around here somewhere. Rudy? Get Rudy. Get over here, Rudy. Rudy, come up here.

This guy is so amazing. I'll tell ya, he is one tough cookie. He took New York, it was a disaster, and within one year, the crime went like that, and we can do this in so many ways for our country.

Come here, Rudy. We love Rudy. Say hello, Rudy.

[17:45:00] RUDY GIULIANI, FORMER NYC MAYOR: Thank you very much. it's wonderful to be here. It's wonderful to see this crowd. It's wonderful to know very, very soon, we're going to change the direction of America and we're going to elect Donald J. Trump president of the United States.

You tell 'em. You tell all those television cameras, media has got it wrong, 100 percent. We know whose side they're on, right? But what side are the people on?


GIULIANI: You're darn right because he is going to change America. He's going to straighten it out and it's going to be a government that's going to be for you and not for the special interests. So I am very, very proud to support him.


HARLOW: Rudy Giuliani, the former major of New York City and a top surrogate for Donald Trump, speaking to voters in Naples. Donald Trump expected to take (inaudible) again. We'll bring you that when he does.

IN the meantime, we're going to talk about something you probably heard a lot about this election season, dog-whistle politics. You've heard that phrase about more than once.

It's often used to describe some of the rhetoric that the candidates have thrown around and it is defined as this, a subtly aimed political message but it is intended for and can be only understood by a particular demographic group.

How have the candidates used dog whistles to sway voters and, frankly, how effective is this? Tanzina Vega, from "CNN Money" is with us now. Let's listen, Tanzina, to just some of this (ph) because you've written extensively about it.


TRUMP: We have our inner cities, African-Americans, Hispanics, are living in hell because it is so dangerous. You walk down the street, you get shot.

LESTER HOLT, DEBATE MODERATOR: Do you believe the police are implicitly biased against black people?

CLINTON: Mister, I think implicit bias is a problem for everyone, not just police. I think, unfortunately, too many of us in our great country jump to conclusions about each other when it comes to policing, since it can have literally fatal consequences.

I have said in my first budget we would put money into that budget to help us deal with implicit bias by retraining a lot of our police officers.


HARLOW: Let's break these down one by one. let's talk -- you just wrote extensively about this, this week. let's talk about this term "inner city," because you write a lot about what Trump means by it.

You also say that those who criticize Trump for using the term or missing the point, there are some who argue that side of it, as well.

TANZINA VEGA, CNN DIGITAL CORRESPONDENT: That's right. So, "inner city" is often used to sort of invoke this scary, I think often in the 1970s, 1980s, when a lot of our inner cities were really in bad shape, including New York, right. And there was white flight. A lot of whites left the city because it was a dangerous, scary place.

Today, a lot of our inner cities are actually gentrified. A lot of people can afford to live in inner cities. So this sort of connotation is outdated, to say that blacks and Latinos are living in hell, which is another code word for inner city. It's actually - it's actually wrong ...


HARLOW: What is "dog whistle?"

VEGA: Because it is sort of invoking this idea that wherever blacks and Latinos are concentrated, there's crime. You can't walk down the street without being shot, right. You're putting your life at risk when you go to the supermarket, right. I mean, no one really wants to live in hell, right. Why would we say that?

HARLOW: When it comes to the term "law and order," it is Trump has used over and over again, you actually say this is both candidates have tripped up around that.

VEGA: Absolutely. And so when the race question comes up in these debates, often, the answers have been centered around law and order and police brutality, right? And gun control.

So these are three things that we're talking about race that both of the candidates have sort of centered their answers around it, and you see people saying, wait a minute. Yes, these are problems in black and brown communities but at the same time, we're not talking about voter suppression, voter intimidation, education, the economy, health care.

There are so many other issues that come up when we talk about race. But often, both Hillary and Trump have framed their answers around violence and law and order.

HARLOW: Listen to Hillary Clinton when she talks about implicit or inherent bias. You call that "dog whistle."

[17:50:00] VEGA: In some ways it is. This is new language that has come up. It is not new for people who study race and who are critical race theorists. But for a lot of people in the mainstream conversation in this country, this is a new term that's been introduced into the conversation. A lot of people were saying, wait a minute, where is Hillary talking about implicit bias?

In some ways it is dog whistling to two different groups. On the one hand, it's saying to people who might be on the conservative and saying, you know what, racism is really something that we all, in some ways, carry with us.

We're not aware of it. It is unconscious, right? We all harbor these sort of prejudices. So it kind of takes the owners away from making it be like a personal thing.

On the other hand, it also takes this really academic term, a really savvy term about the conversation about race. This sort of links her supporters who might be a little bit more liberal, her supporters of color, and says, you know what, I get it. I know this is real and I hear you.

HARLOW: Tanzina, thank you so much. You've written a lot about it on and People can read it there. Thank you.

VEGA: Thank you.

HARLOW: We appreciate it.

Let's take you back now live in Naples, Florida and listen to Donald Trump.


TRUMP: ... from special interests and donors, and I've been on the other side, folks. Believe me. I was very, very comfortable there. But I also knew that our country was heading in the wrong direction. And bad, bad things were going to happen.

And you know when I talk about inside or outside, I'm sort of the ultimate insider. Who is more of an insider along with everybody? They love me, and then one day, on June 16th of last year, coming down the escalator with Melania, you know what? I became an outsider like they never seen before in their life.

But we're doing the right thing. We had to do it. I love this country. We had to do it. We had to do it.

So my message is this, if we win on November 8th, we are going to fix our rigged system. It's a rigged, broken, corrupt system. It's rigged. It's broken. It's corrupt.

They want me to take that back. Let me tell you, folks, it's a rigged system. And we are going to drain the swamp of corruption in Washington, D.C.

You know everybody said I won the third debate and I won the second debate, but the third debate, they didn't like the one answer because they said I talked about this, millions of people, take a look at the statistics.

And so they used that. They said well, maybe, he won, but that one answer. I think the people here, I think you understand that this is a rigged -- we're in a rigged system.

We're in a broken and corrupt system. And Bernie Sanders was in a rigged system and if you notice how quiet he's been for the last three or four days, because he's been watching and reading WikiLeaks.

WikiLeaks is talking about all of the things they said behind his back. They're thinking about how about where they said she has bad instincts, that Hillary Clinton has bad instincts?

This guy, Podesta, is a nasty guy. I wouldn't want people speaking like me, you know, about me behind my back. But he said bad instincts.

Bernie Sanders said about Hillary Clinton, bad judgment. So, she's got bad instincts. She's got bad judgment. You take a look at all of the harm and all of the things she's done, it's a mess.

She gave us ISIS, the vacuum, her and Obama. It started off as nothing. Remember the "J.V." team. He's a real genius. The "J.V." team, now it's in the 32 countries and then she gets up, I will stop ISIS. She has no chance.

They are dreaming that Hillary Clinton becomes president. ISIS. Their number one dream, Hillary Clinton let her become president. She's the one that allowed it to form. She's the one that watched it go. Now they say it's in 32 countries, worse than ever.

The change includes a new foreign policy that puts America first. Hillary Clinton's foreign policy has squandered trillions of American wealth overseas.


HARLOW: Donald Trump speaking live tonight in Naples, Florida, one of four stops he is making the state over the next two days, showing you just how critical it and its 29 electoral votes are to this candidate.

We are also waiting and watching for Hillary Clinton to speak live tonight in Charlotte, North Carolina, trying to lock up that battleground state.

We will bring you her remarks as well as she takes the podium. Stay with us. You're live in the CNN "Newsroom".


HARLOW: In tonight's brand new episode of "PARTS UNKNOWN," Anthony Bourdain heads across to London to find out how the city is dealing, and I suppose eating, after Brexit.


ANTHONY BOURDAIN, "PARTS UNKNOWN" HOST: Here we are in London, again. But this time is different. England has just voted rather unexpectedly to leave the European Union and the effect here in London anyway has been tectonic.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: they are really showing a light on how divided the country is.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is a city where even the best of times (ph), the drinking can take on an edge of desperation but never so much as now.

BOURDAIN: Is it the end of the world?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It feels pretty bad. When the going gets tough, we want to get on and just look after ourselves. It's so selfish.

BOURDAIN: It's like the whole city has had a nervous breakdown. And in times of uncertainty, I like to turn to old friends.

Will it all work out in the end?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I have no idea.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Nothing is certain.


[18:00:00] HARLOW: Bourdain takes on London in "PARTS UNKNOWN". That is tonight, 9:00 p.m., Eastern, right here on CNN.

Top of the hour, 6:00 p.m., Eastern, so glad you're with us. I'm Poppy Harlow in New York, and we begin tonight listening to Donald Trump speaking live in a rally in Naples, Florida.