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Donald Trump Speaks at Rally in Colorado; FBI Announces Possible Reopening of Investigation into Hillary Clinton's Emails. Aired 2-3P ET

Aired October 29, 2016 - 14:00   ET



[14:00:15] DONALD TRUMP, (R) PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Thank you very much.

I spent a long time this morning on making my shoes so beautiful, so shiny. And then I walked through more dusty floors than I have ever seen in my life.


TRUMP: But that's OK. It was worth it. That is great.

So hey, I'll tell you, we have something so important to talk about. You've got to get those ballots in, right?


TRUMP: And I was going to bring my political director up, but we don't have to do that, do we? We have a booth right on premises. You know that. And you can go there and you can do whatever you have to do. If you don't have your ballot, they give you another one and they void your one at home. And then, of course, the other side would send that one in too, but we don't do that stuff. We don't do that stuff. Because, you know, if you listen to President Obama that never takes place, except eight years ago he was saying it did take place, right. He said it took place in Chicago. Of course, he said really good things about Obamacare, too, and that didn't work out.


TRUMP: Remember, he said you could keep your doctor, keep your plan. Boy, oh, boy, this country. We've got the greatest country in the world, but we will make America great again. Believe me. We are going to do it.


TRUMP: So go out. You have got to do it. We have a movement like they have never seen. Go out. When we are finished, or if you want to leave even earlier, that's OK with me. I won't be insulted. But everybody -- who, by the way, has sent in their ballot?

(APPLAUSE) TRUMP: That's pretty good. All right, so it's probably 70 percent. We have got to get them in because I have real problems with ballots being sent. Does that make sense? People say, here is a ballot. Here is another ballot. Throw it away. Here is one I like. We will keep that one. I have real problems. So get your ballots in. We are trying to have some pretty good supervision out there. We have a lot of people watching you people that collect the ballots. We have got a lot of people watching the people that collect the ballots.


TRUMP: Now, the dishonest media will say, oh, that wasn't nice. Everything is so honest. Everything in our country, we have 1.8 million people that are dead registered to vote, right. And some of them vote. I wonder how that happens. We have 2.7 million people on more than one state. They are registered in two states and sometimes more than that. And I could go on and on and on.

But let's assume the best. So you have got to go and you have to do that, otherwise our great movement that's never been seen, nothing like this has ever been seen in this country, and even these dishonest people back there will admit that, and you have to go and you have to send those ballots in.

And you also have some areas where you can vote in Colorado, but I guess it's mostly ballots. So just do and send them in. And if you want to vote, vote. Whatever the hell you have to do, do it.

In 10 days, were going to win the state of Colorado.


TRUMP: And we are going to win back the White House.


TRUMP: Early voting is underway. So make sure you get out and vote, meaning what we just said. One of the most important reasons you have to vote is that we can immediately, without question, so simply repeal and replace the disaster known as Obamacare.


TRUMP: You see what's happening to your premiums. First of all, it is no good. It doesn't work. On top of that, your premiums are going up 60 percent, 70 percent, 80 percent. In the great state of Arizona their premiums are going up this year 116 percent.


TRUMP: Now, they sent out a director from the White House. They were trying to say 25 percent. You should be so lucky. They say it will go up about 25 percent. We haven't found too many of them. It is out of control. It is no good. It's just been announced that the citizens of Colorado are going to be experiencing a crushing double digit hike. Now, the number is so big that I refuse to tell you what it is because I want you to leave here happy. But when you see what it is next week, you are going to be very, very angry.

[14:05:07] And remember this. Crooked Hillary Clinton wants to double up and triple up on Obamacare.


You are going to spend more money and you are going to get even less. And with deductibles being where they are, you will never, ever get to use it.

On top of that, one in five consumers in Colorado's individual market have to pay their plans, and you are going to have to find out that your plan is going to be canceled, absolutely canceled, null and void, in the year 2017. Ninety percent of the counties in Colorado are losing their insurance. No insurers. Doctors are quitting, companies are fleeing, and deductibles are going so high that, as I say all the time, it doesn't work. It is no good. You will never get to use it.

Workers hours are being cut and hiring is being frozen. Obamacare is a catastrophe. It is a total catastrophe for Colorado, but it's a catastrophe for the United States of America and our businesses.


TRUMP: Even Bill Clinton admitted that Obamacare is the craziest thing in the world, he said, where people wind up with their premiums doubled and their coverage cut in half. It's actually worse than that. In Minnesota where the premium increase will be close to 60 percent, the Democratic governor just said the Affordable Care Act is no longer affordable. Jonathan Gruber, MIT, my uncle was up at MIT. I like my uncle much better. The architect of Obamacare admitted it was a fraud, and he said it was passed because of the stupidity of the American voter. But the only stupidity was that of the officials, and really the primary stupidity was that the officials allowed that thing to be rammed through over the objection of some politicians, I must admit, but overall, the American voter. It was rammed through.

Hillary Clinton wants to double down on Obamacare, make it even more expensive. Just this year, Clinton called Obamacare, and this is sort of interesting, one of the greatest accomplishments of President Obama.


TRUMP: You know this thing is just dead, right, you know? One of the great accomplishments of the Democratic Party and an accomplishment of our country. It is one of the great catastrophes. My contract with the American voter outlines a plan to repeal and replace Obamacare. And I'm asking for your vote so we can get the job done for Colorado and the families of Colorado.


TRUMP: We will have a plan that is so much better and that is so much less expensive. It's going to be beautiful. We will bring sanity back to health care. Real change also means getting rid of the corruption in Washington.


TRUMP: As you have heard, it was just announced yesterday that the FBI is reopening their investigation into the criminal and illegal conduct of Hillary Clinton.


TRUMP: This is the biggest political scandal since Watergate. And it's everybody's deepest hope that justice at last can be properly delivered.


TRUMP: Hillary has nobody to blame but herself for her mounting legal troubles. Her criminal action was willful, deliberate, intentional, and purposeful.

[14:10:00] Hillary set up an illegal server for the obvious purpose of shielding her criminal conduct from public disclosure and exposure. That didn't work, although, it certainly did, because 33,000 e-mails missing, we haven't seen it yet. However, I think some of these 33,000 were captured yesterday.


TRUMP: She set up this illegal server knowing full well that her actions put our national security at risk and put the safety and security of your children at risk. To further cover up her crimes, she bleached, which nobody does, because it is so expensive -- has anybody ever wanted to get rid of an e-mail and bleached it? Has anybody? Raise your hand. Has anybody even heard of it, right?

She bleached and deleted 33,000 e-mails after, after, after, after, right, receiving a Congressional subpoena. So she gets the subpoena. It is a congressional subpoena. And she says, we better get rid of this stuff, 33,000 e-mails.

She made 13 phones disappear, some with a hammer. She lied to Congress under oath, lied to the FBI on many occasions, and then recently it was revealed that two boxes of e-mail evidence, in addition to everything else, went mysteriously missing. That was three weeks ago.

She even pretended not to know that the letter "c" meant "confidential" or even "classified." Give it one or the other, right, one or the other. It meant confidential, but at least say -- she thought it was "c" meaning like paragraph "c." The only problem is there wasn't an "a" or a "b," or a "d."


TRUMP: And her memory went bad with the FBI on 39 separate occasions. As the recent release of a memo from one of Bill Clinton's closest associates demonstrates, the Clinton's have turned the government into a scheme for personal profit. That's all it is. Take a look. Are you looking at this stuff? The Clintons even saw the deadly disaster in Haiti as an opportunity to cash in. The people of Haiti hate the Clintons. I will tell you that. They hate the Clintons. They have been used.

The WikiLeaks revelations have revealed a degree of corruption at the highest levels of our government like nothing we have ever seen as a country before, including a candidate who boasts to donors about having a public position for the voters and a private position for Wall Street. Hillary put the office of secretary of state up for sale, and if she ever got the chance, she would put the Oval Office up for sale so fast your head would spin. Well, she did it with the bedroom, right? That's just a small version. That doesn't count.

Hillary should have been convicted long ago. She should have been convicted. You know, they are complaining about, oh, it is so terrible. They're staring up. Well, they found a lot of e-mails that were never given. And now it was just revealed there were over 10,000 that they just found. And these, I assume, were never revealed. You are supposed to give your e-mails.

The process and the legal process has been taking a long time. It is very sad it has taken so long. And now it is reported today, this morning, that the Department of Justice was fighting the FBI, and that's because the Department of Justice is trying so hard to protect Hillary.


TRUMP: It was reported that 97 percent of the Department of Justice's employees in terms of their presidential contributions, 97 percent went to Hillary Clinton, which means they don't like me too much, right, 97 percent.

[14:15:07] There are those, and I happen to be one of them, who think Hillary offered Loretta Lynch a reappointment as attorney general. I happen to be one.

Perhaps, just perhaps, of course he said he only talked about golf and the grandchildren. But he was on the plane for 39 minutes. He went to Arizona, an unbelievable place, but there are those that think that when he went on to the plane, that's what they discussed just prior to a decision being made. He said it was to play golf but he never played. And I think it was over 109 degrees out.

This is what we mean when we call it a rigged system. This is what we mean. This is what we mean. She is under investigation. The plane, just happened. Oh, gee. That's great. That's the attorney general's plane. I'm in Arizona playing golf. I went to play golf. It's 109 degrees. I went to play golf middle of the summer.

So, oh, isn't that, that's the attorney, maybe, I will stop and say hello. Let me stop. I have had a plane for a long time. I have never had anybody walk off the runway into my plane, ever.


TRUMP: I have never had that happen.


TRUMP: I don't even think it is legal. I don't think you are allowed to do it. So he is going to play golf. There she is. Let's go see her -- 39 minutes. We talked about golf, I give that two minutes, and grandchildren. I give that three, because they are grandchildren. It is more important.

What happened to the rest of the time? What happened? So I happen to be one that -- now, right after that, she made that decision, and boy did that cause ripples within the FBI. Boy, oh, boy. Now, the attorney general is fighting the FBI because the FBI finally did what was right.


TRUMP: But, also, something that should have been done a long time ago. Perhaps through this other investigation, and that's the investigation of a person that over the years I have known a little bit and watched. Did I call him correctly? Did anybody see? It is called good judgment. It is called good instincts. If you check out the tweets or if you check out whatever it is I wrote about him, it was so perfect. I said, I can't -- and that was done a long time ago.

But they found by looking at Anthony Weiner, a major, major, major sleaze, they found what may be some of the 33,000 missing and deleted e-mails.


TRUMP: Isn't that nice? That Hillary tried so desperately to destroy, even going so far as using systems that most people have never heard of. I wonder is she going to keep Huma? Huma has been a problem. Do we agree? Huma, Huma has been a problem. I wonder if Huma is going to stay there.

And I hope they haven't given Huma immunity because it seemed that everybody that walked down the sidewalk got immunity. I hope they haven't given Huma immunity because she knows the real story. She knows what's going on. She knows what's going on.

And the sad thing is, and this is one of the things I said, how can you have all of this incredible, confidential, secret information and have your top person married to this guy. I said that's the way life works. And everyone said one thing has nothing to do with the other. Well, it turns out it does. It turned out it does. And this is very serious stuff.

You know, General Cartwright, James Cartwright, highly respected, four star general, last week, this is a four star general, he is going to serve up to five years because he lied one time, and I think he tried to lie, if you study it, for national security reasons. But he lied one time. He is going to prison. His life has been destroyed. He is going to serve up to five years in jail.

[14:20:04] General Petraeus, as you know, for doing a tiny fraction of what Hillary Clinton has done, his life has been destroyed. The young man taking pictures of the submarines, the 40-year-old submarines, I think whoever wants it years ago, right. And he shouldn't be doing it, but you've seen his mother. The horror that people are going through, and then we allow Hillary Clinton to do what she did and there is no retribution. And then people are complaining, because they are a little bit surprised that this came up. But honestly, this whole thing should have been over with a year ago. She is so guilty. She is so guilty.


TRUMP: She is so guilty. This should have come up a long time ago. But now, the evidence, as I would imagine, is so overwhelming, because they wouldn't have ton this unless it was overwhelming. And despite that, if the reports are correct, despite that, the attorney general didn't want anything to happen to Hillary. I wonder why. It is very sad. Folks, we are living in a third world country. This has never happened before. This has never happened before. This is the lowest point in terms of our judicial system. This is the lowest point in the history of our country, remember that. And when I talk about a rigged happens, let's see what happens. Let's see what happens. On November 8th. We are going to change things. We are going to change things.


TRUMP: We're going to change things. We have a movement and we're going to show that we have a real movement toward common sense, toward honestly, toward so many things, toward honesty, toward taking care of our veterans, toward saving our Second Amendment, toward Supreme Court. November 8th, the stakes could not be higher. A vote for Hillary is a vote to surrender our government to public corruption, graft, and cronyism that threatens the very foundations of our constitutional system.

What makes us an exceptional is that we are a nation of laws and that we are equal under those laws. Hillary's corruption shreds that foundational principle. You have seen it. You have been watching this take place for a long time. But actually it has been going on for years with the Clintons. You can go back to Whitewater. You go back to the cattle purchase. She had a better return on cattle than guys that have done it all their lives. That was another beauty. I mean, this is just way it is.

Public corruption is a grave and profound threat to a democracy. Government corruption spreads out like a cancer and infects the operations of government itself. If the corruption is not removed, then the people are not able to have faith in their government.

Now, when you look at what's happened over the last year, with the FBI, and with the Department of Justice, nobody in this room has more faith now. You have a lot less faith now. But let's see how it all works out. But what happens and what's been happening has never in the history of

our country happened before. And I can tell you, you have amazing people in the Department of Justice. And you have amazing people in the FBI. These are great, great people, great men and women, people that love our country. And I want to tell you, I'll bet you, without any knowledge, there was a revolt in the FBI. I'll bet you there was a revolt in the FBI by what they allowed to happen with respect to Hillary Clinton. There was a revolt. And I can be pretty sure of it.

It deadens and saps the spirit of civic participation when you see what's going on. Corruption decays our trust in institutions and our legal system, et cetera. When the outcome is fixed, when the system is rigged, people lose hope not only in the system in our country itself.

[14:25:01] And you understand that. I've seen people. I've gone around. We have the biggest crowds ever. Ever. Nobody has ever had anything like this, ever.


TRUMP: We had a crowd the other night in Florida that was so big. It was in this massive field like central park. It was this massive field. And they had tens of thousands of people. But they had thousands of people outside. And I said, let them in. AND the fire marshals said, we can't do it, sir. I said, no, no, let them in. They can't have a fire. It's a field. He said, no, sir, we can't do it. I said, why? He said, stampede. Think of it, stampede. Stampede. And it is a stampede of love. It is not like, oh, gee.

But if you had 45,000 or 50,000 people running forward and we have ten tough guys standing up here, they don't have a chance. So they use the word "stampede" because the crowds are so big, it is incredible. It is something that nobody has seen before in this country.

You know, Bill O'Reilly said it. I will say. Bill O'Reilly and others said it. It is the single greatest political phenomenon, he said, of his life. But many other people have said the same thing.


TRUMP: But if our system isn't properly run, it becomes detached and the people become detached. Our society becomes unhinged and unplugged. When the powerful can get away with anything, because they have the money and the connections to rig the system, then the laws toward moral authority no longer exist. And I have to tell you I've been on the other side for a long time. It is not bad other there. It is pretty good. And I understand. I talk about insider, outsider, who is more of an insider than me? I understand. But I also understood what was going on and I also understand what was happening to our country, and I love this country. And our country was going in the wrong direction. We aren't going to have a country any longer.


CROWD: USA! USA! USA! TRUMP: Hillary believes money and power, not truth and justice,

should rule the day. As FDR once said, government by organized money is just as dangerous as government by organized crime, interesting statement, interesting statement.

This is what we often see in third world countries where the governments are often run by a small handful of corrupt people for their personal enrichment. Corruption is corrosive to every institution of government and it must be stopped. Restoring honesty to our government and the rule of law to our society will be my highest priority.


TRUMP: We must and we will save America. And that is why my contract with the American voter begins with a plan to end government corruption and to take our country back from the special interests and the donors.


TRUMP: I want the entire corrupt Washington establishment to hear and hear, I mean big league hear, the word of us. Not me. It is us. When we win on November 8th, we are going to Washington, D.C., and we will drain the swamp.


TRUMP: I tell people I hated that expression. It started a week ago. I didn't like it. I said, that's so corny. I said, then, I went and said it, halfheartedly said it, and the place went crazy. Frank Sinatra didn't love "My Way." And then he sang it and he saw what was happening, and then it became the biggest and he ended up loving it like crazy. But that was a very interesting thing. Drain the swamp. Very accurate.

[14:00:00] At the core of my contract is my plan to bring back our jobs. Right now, 70 million American women and children live in poverty or near the brink of poverty. As part of our plan to bring back our jobs, we are going to lower taxes on American business from 35 percent to 15 percent.


TRUMP: We will unleash the full power of American energy, including oil, clean coal, national gas, and shale energy.


TRUMP: We're going to put our miners back to work and we're going to put our steal workers back to work, believe me.


TRUMP: Hillary Clinton has said by the time we get through all of my conditions, I do not think there places in America where fracking will continue to take place. So we will pay five times more for our energy. Is that OK?


TRUMP: That's what's going to happen. She has also pledged to put the miners out of work. You saw that. That was fun. She is going to put the miners out of work. Then she goes to see if she can do well in West Virginia. By the way, she didn't do too well. You saw what happened with West Virginia, great people.

And I went to some of have the miners. You talk about massive landslide. That was a big landslide. But I won West Virginia. I went to West Virginia and I talked to the miners. And I said, would you ever think of like going into a different area, like moving to another location and do something else? And one of them actually had tears coming down his eyes. They love mining. That's what they want to do. Their fathers, their grandfathers, their great grandfathers, that's what they want to do. They love it. They are great at it. That's what they know. That's what they love. She wants to put them out of business. We are putting them back into business. We are going to have clean coal, clean coal.


TRUMP: And by the way, it is a virtually unlimited resource. In terms of civil defense, in terms of our defense, it is virtually unlimited. Everything else is like a light. It is good for 25 years. And I want all forms of energy, including modern, technological energy. Windmills are great, but a lot of times the wind doesn't blow. A lot of times it is killing your eagles and your birds and things. And I am all for it. I am all for solar. I did some solar. They said, Mr. Trump, you have a 28-year payback, isn't that wonderful? I said, 28 year, that's terrible. What they don't say is by the time the tenth year comes you have to put in new panels because they are all rotted out with the weather. I'm a builder. That's what I do.

They say in 28 years, you get your money back. I said what about the fact that I have to replace them four times before I get to 28 years. What happens if I'm not around in 28 years? That could happen.

We will become a rich nation once again. But to be a rich country, we must also be a safe country. Hillary wants a 550 percent increase in Syrian refugees.


TRUMP: That's above, and you have plenty of people moving here you don't even know about. You don't know. Your government is not telling you. But that's above 550 percent Syrian refugees, that's above the thousands and thousands of people already moving here from Syria. And we don't even know where they are from. We know nothing about them. We don't know, are they ISIS? Are they not ISIS?

And we all want to protect them. We'll build safe havens. We will get the money, by the way, we owe $20 trillion in case you haven't heard. We'll get the money from the Gulf state who have plenty of money. They needs us very badly, folks, they need us very badly. They will put up the money. We will build safe zones. But we can't have them come here. You look at all of the problems. You look at Germany and you look at so many different -- look at France. I have people, friends, that love going to Paris. They don't go to Paris anymore. They say, Paris is no longer Paris.

So she wants 550 percent above the thousands pouring in right now under the Obama plan. Not going to happen. The Hillary refugee plan would leave us with generations of terrorism, radicalism, and extremism inside of our shores. I don't think the people in Colorado are into radicalism. I know too many people and they are not into the world of radicalism, OK.

I have so many friends here. Some of them are in the audience. Some are very successful. Some have lost their shirt because of regulation. They have lost their shirts because of regulation. So let me state this as clearly as I can. When I'm elected president, I am going to keep radical Islamic terrorists the hell out of our country.


[14:35:20] TRUMP: The Trump administration will also secure and defend the borders of the United States.


TRUMP: And yes, we will build a wall, and, yes, Mexico will pay for the wall, 100 percent, 100 percent. By the way, 000 percent.

CROWD: Build the wall! Build the wall! Build the wall!

TRUMP: I wish these very dishonest people would spin those cameras to show the crowd and the enthusiasm. They never do. You know what they See? You go home. You know what you see? My face the whole time. Even I don't want to watch it.

And you know what they don't realize. If they did that, it's better television. They don't understand that. Boy, are they going to die in the ratings after this election is over? Man.


TRUMP: Are they going to die, are they going to die and they call and I say, no, thank you, no interest. Boy, oh boy, oh boy. And they are not watching Hillary, I'll tell you that.

Hillary has pledged open borders and supports sanctuary cities.


TRUMP: Like the sanctuary city where the killer of Kate Steinle came out of. Under my contract -- and she was an incredible young woman. Under my contract with the American voter, we are going to cancel all federal funding for sanctuary cities.


TRUMP: We will end illegal immigration, deport all criminal aliens, and save American lives. A tremendous problem.


TRUMP: We also need a new foreign policy that puts America first, folks. America first, not other countries first. Hillary's -- not other countries. Hillary's policies have caused disaster in Iraq and Syria and Libya, and unleashed ISIS. Hillary and our failed Washington establishment have spent $6 trillion on wars in the Middle East. And now it is in worse shape than ever before.

Think of it. We have spent so far in the Middle East, $6 trillion dollars. We could have rebuilt our country twice, more than twice if you had people that knew what they were doing. We could have rebuilt our country twice. But our failed establishment has dragged us into foreign wars that have made us less safe. They've left our borders wide open at home, and they shipped our jobs and wealth to other countries. We go into wars that we don't win. We're constantly going from here to there to there.

How about me? I have been attacked because I was so tough on Mosul. When I heard four months ago they were going into Mosul, I said, why are you talking about it? Why do you say you are going into Mosul? "We are going in to get the leaders of ISIS." But don't you understand, these are smart people and tough people. Don't you understand when you say you are going in to get the leaders, they are gone. But they leave plenty of people behind that are good fighters. And it is a tough fight.

Whatever happened to the element of surprise? Remember when we were young, we studied General MacArthur, General George Patton, these were tough people, smart people, smart people. General Douglas MacArthur, I think to this day, used to be when I was in school, to this day had the highest grades ever in the history of West Point. That's great. I think that's great. I'm a person that believes in that kind of stuff. Maybe I'm wrong but it's pretty impressive. General Douglas MacArthur was a great general. General Patton was a rough guy. His people would do anything for him. They would die for him. Today he couldn't make it because he is too tough. Today, we have guys that are politically correct. We have politically correct people. We notify.


TRUMP: When I say take the oil, you know what they do? They send leaflets, "We are going to be bombing the area in seven hours. Please leave the area." These people are crazy.

[14:40:03] I have taken some heat because they've said don't tell Mosul. They'll say you go in and you do the job and talk about it a week later, and by that time you'll have the people. They say, Donald Trump, what does he know about warfare? What do I know? Oh, forget it.

Hopefully, hopefully, you know, we're going to rebuild our military. We are going to rebuild, because depleted.


TRUMP: It's called peace through strength. I hope, now, we are going to have to get rid of ISIS. I hope we are not going to have to use our military. Peace through strength.

But to all Americans, it is time for new leadership. We desperately need new leadership. Just think about what we can accomplish in the first 100 days. We are going to have the biggest tax cut since Ronald Reagan. And actually it is even a little bit larger. And Hillary Clinton is going to raise taxes.


TRUMP: We are the highest taxed nation in the world, and she is going to raise taxes. As Podesta says, she has got bad instincts. She has got bad instincts when the e-mails are on Anthony Weiner's wherever.


TRUMP: Sleazebag.

We are going to eliminate every unnecessary job-killing regulations. It is killing our businesses. We'll rid of a lot of them. We are going to stop the jobs from leaving Colorado and going to other countries, like Mexico. It is a one-way street.


TRUMP: They get the money. They get the jobs. They get the plants. They get the factories. We get nothing. We get unemployment.

We are going to cancel every illegal Obama executive order.


TRUMP: And by the way, this young person just mentioned the wall, loves the wall. We are going to have a big, beautiful door on that wall, meaning we are going to have lots of doors on that wall. And we are going to have people come into our country. We want people to come into our country. They are going to come into our country legally. They're going to come in legally. We want that. They are going to come in legally.

Thank you for reminding me, but you are right. Thank you, ma'am, thank you. Provide school choice and put an end to Common Core, which is a disaster. We are bringing education.


TRUMP: We are going to rebuild our very depleted military. We have the greatest people on earth in our military. We have jet fighters that are so old, currently operational, that are so old we can't even get parts for them anymore. We have to get them from airplane graveyards. That's what we have. And we are going to take care of our vets like our vets have never been taken care of before. Believe me.


TRUMP: We're going to reduce surging crime and support the great men and women of law enforcement.


TRUMP: And I don't know if you know. You never hear from these very dishonest people in the media. But the murder rate, murder, in the United States, is the highest it has been in 45 years. They don't tell you these things. They don't tell you about the fact that good jobs are not available. They have left. They don't tell you about, we don't make product anymore relatively speaking. They don't tell you about that. Highest murder rate in the United States in 45 years.

We're going to save the Second Amendment.


TRUMP: We got a full endorsement by the National Rifle Association, the earliest they have ever given an endorsement. They are great people, too. They love this country.

We are going to protect and conserve Colorado land for hunters, anglers, farmers and ranchers.


TRUMP: And we are going to appoint justices to the Supreme Court of the United States who will uphold and defend the constitution of the United States.


TRUMP: Americans are tired of being told by politicians that they have to defer their dreams for another day, but they really don't talk in terms of days. They talk in terms of decades. Hillary has been there for 30 years and she has accomplished nothing, only negative. She has made things worse.

[14:45:08] I see during the debates, did I win the debates, OK? Did I win the debates?


TRUMP: But I see during the debates -- and, boy, was she tired after the last two debates. Not a lot of energy, doesn't have a lot of energy. She was tired. She wanted to go home and go to sleep.

But I was watching, during the debate, first debate, it came to me. She said, we are going to do this. We are going to do that. I said, you know, she has been there for 30 years. She never did it. They want to do something with the tax cut. That's fine with me. Whatever you want to do, that's great. I understand the tax code very well. But so do other smart people. I built an incredible business. So do other people that understand business. Her donors did the same thing as I do. I said, Hillary, why don't you change the code. That's OK. I don't mind. Change the tax code. She complains and complains like a critic. I never liked critics. They always complain, complain, complain but they can't do anything themselves, right?

So I said, Hillary, why don't you change t it. Go ahead and change it. Take care of these situations. She is talking about the vets. She thinks the vets are being well-served. They are being badly served. She doesn't even know they are being badly served. Remember, she made the statement a few months ago that the vets are being well- served. She immediately took it back when she got probably 10 million letters. It is such a disaster.

She is a candidate of yesterday. Were the movement altogether of the future.


TRUMP: Our movement represents all Americans from all backgrounds and from all walks of life. We're a divided country right now. We are not going to be divided for long. We are going to be a loving country, we're going to be like this room and the arenas and everyplace else. There's love. There's love. And there is no better place to be that be a Trump rally. Is that right?


TRUMP: No better place. We are asking for the voters and we are asking for the votes of Republicans, Democrats, independents, and first-time voters. And by the way, we have a lot of them. You see what's going on in Florida? They have lines. They have never had lines in Florida. They would have two people in a room. They would vote and leave. They have lines that are four blocks long all over the state of Florida. We are winning Florida. I think we are winning Colorado if it's a straight-up system.


TRUMP: Get those ballots in. I don't love the concept of ballots. I don't love it. Get those ballots in and follow your ballot. You can follow your ballot. Make sure that ballot is registered. Make sure that ballot is counted. OK, we are dealing with a bunch of babies. Well, nothing happens under our electorate. This is the foundations of our country. Well, so is the Justice Department and so are all these other things that are happening so badly. So follow your ballot. If you do, I think we are going to win Colorado and maybe win it big.


TRUMP: We are fighting for every citizen who believes that government should serve the people, not the donors and not the special interests. We are a divided nation, but we are fighting to bring us all together as Americans. With your vote, we are just 10 days away. Can you believe it? I've been doing this for a year and a half.


TRUMP: Oh, boy. Oh, boy. I've had people call me wrong. They have been calling me wrong for so long. They are not calling me wrong. They are calling us wrong. I watch these characters on television. They don't have a clue. Some of these guys I watch them. They have been calling it wrong for so long. And now they are devastated. They are just like exhausted. They don't know that we are going to have a very big victory. This is going to be a big victory. It is going to be beyond Brexit. I call it beyond Brexit.


TRUMP: We are going to beat crooked Hillary big.

CROWD: Trump! Trump! Trump! Trump! Trump!

TRUMP: Thank you, thank you.

By the way, if you believe after this, I go to two other beautiful parts of the country, and I do this again and again and again and then I go and a rest for three hours.

[14:50:02] And then I get up at 6:00 in the morning and do it again and again and again. But, you know what, the end result is going to be a big, beautiful victory.


TRUMP: And Hillary stays home.

And then they take an hour to cut a ribbon. I want to see the job my kids did building a hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue between the White House. So I take an hour. Now, she sleeps most of the time. She does very little, a tiny fraction of what I do. She says, Donald Trump went off the campaign trail to open a hotel.

By the way, an hour after that, I was in North Carolina doing this. And she was home. You know where she was? She was home sleeping.


TRUMP: Oh, folks, they don't get it. We are just ten days away from the change you've all been waiting for your entire, life. Together we are going to make America wealthy again. We are going to make America strong again. We are going to make America safe again. And we will make America great again. Thank you. God bless you, everybody. Thank you, thank you. Get those ballots in.


FREDRICKA WHITFIELD, CNN ANCHOR: Looking at your screen right there. Donald Trump on the right wrapping up his rally in Golden, Colorado, while on the left Hillary Clinton just arriving there in Daytona Beach, Florida. Shaking hands and chatting with, presumably, some supporters. Unclear exactly who everybody is. We saw some of the folks of course holding some campaign Hillary Clinton signs there. All this taking place under this cloud involving the FBI's now

reviewing of e-mails and looking into how pertinent they are to Hillary Clinton's private server. Donald Trump seizing on the opportunity, seemingly much more rejuvenated, even talking more confidently about the investigation involving the FBI and also promising change if he, indeed, is the one elected to the White House.

Let's bring in Tom Hamburger, a reporter for "The Washington Post," who has been following the FBI investigation, also CNN's Phil Mattingly, who is joining us from, there he is, Daytona, Florida, where Clinton will be arriving soon.

So, let me begin with you, Tom, because you have been reporting on James Comey for some time now. To me about the conflict or really the impetus as to why Comey would issue that letter and send it to members of Congress and also underscore in his statement that he doesn't know a whole lot about those e-mails that were now recovered.

TOM HAMBURGER, REPORTER, "THE WASHINGTON POST": Fredricka, that's the odd thing about this memo note that James Comey sent to members of Congress yesterday. It was short and rather vague and had an explosive effect.

The reason he has told people at the FBI and in the memo to employees, acknowledged he felt he had no choice but to let members of Congress know that there was new information that had surfaced. Why? Because previously he had testified before Congress that the investigation was effectively closed and that there was no case that a reasonable prosecutor would bring against Hillary Clinton. Now he says we have information that there is new evidence that has surfaced. He didn't say what it was, but he said it could be significant and he felt he had to let Congress know.

WHITFIELD: You know, Tom, Donald Trump calling this the biggest public scandal since Watergate. You have covered Washington for a very long time. And when you hear a statement like that from Donald Trump, how correct or incorrect is he?

HAMBURGER: Fredricka, you have got -- you make a good point. Donald Trump was asking -- made a couple of statements there. One is he assumed that some of the information in these e-mails might be missing e-mails, that they might be significant, that they might revive the criminal case. In fact none of that is known. Comey has acknowledged so far he doesn't know what's in them. And in fact, his Justice Department folks have told us they may even be duplicates of emails that have already been released.

WHITFIELD: Phil, there you are in Daytona. You are going to be covering this Hillary Clinton event. You have covered both sides, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, for the past few months now. What are people there saying about what they are hearing from Donald Trump and this FBI investigation? Everybody has got their phones. They are getting the immediacy of news. What that is been their response?

[14:55:07] PHIL MATTINGLY, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It is an interesting thing. It kind of cuts both ways. First you see a lot of organizers, a lot of folks on the ground actually energized by this. We have heard that from the campaign as well. They believe their people in the field will feel like they are under attack and work harder to get people out.

But the reality is, Fredricka, in talking to Democrats, not the Clinton campaign, other national Democrats, Democrats who are involved in swing state races across the country, they are floored by what happened. First, there was shock, then there was anger that it was possible this could come up again. And now they are kind of mixing in with the Clinton campaign a lot of outrage directed towards Jim Comey.

But the reality is this. There are a lot of tight races here in Florida. There's a Senate race that's very tight. There's a couple of House races that are very tight here. And there are a lot of concerns about what the drag this will bring to the campaign going forward.

You talk to a lot of Clinton supporters, Hillary Clinton made a really interesting point yesterday, Fred. They believe this is baked in. If you had problems with this e-mail issue, you have been upset about it for a long time. It will be really interesting to see the numbers over the next couple of days if that actually rings true, Fred.

WHITFIELD: And Tom, Huma Abedin, longtime aide of Hillary Clinton she has been traveling with Hillary Clinton, but today, not the case. Apparently, will not be there for two days in Florida. What do you read in that, if anything, Tom?

HAMBURGER: You heard Donald Trump in the segment you just broadcast making specific reference to Huma Abedin, asking about her legal status and whether Hillary will keep her. So she has emerged even more than she has in the past at the center of this controversy. And currently her estranged husband, Anthony Weiner, apparently had the devices on which these heretofore unseen e-mails were located. So Huma Abedin is at the moment a topic of conversation for Donald Trump and something that the Hillary Clinton campaign would prefer not to talk about, at least for the moment.

WHITFIELD: And then of course, Phil, Hillary Clinton saying to Comey, bring on all the information. How much is this upstaging her plans, her mission, her message?

MATTINGLY: No question it is. We expect to hear about it here when she comes and gives remarks here in a couple hours, Fred. But if you look at the campaign, just to give you some context. I was on the flight yesterday with Hillary Clinton when this news broke. The plane has Wi-Fi but the Wi-Fi was down throughout the entire flight. That flight included a discussion with her top advisers about going to Arizona next week, opening up a new battleground, a very real battleground in a traditionally red state. That was the pathway they were on, a pathway of putting new states in play, not thinking about necessarily just 270 electoral votes but seeing how high they could run up this score.

Then we landed, and this clearly has changed the dynamic. We talked to her advisers. They say Hillary Clinton she hasn't been thrown off by this at all. They are changing any of their TV buys, any of their visits for far in the schedule. But there is no question at all, this has dominated the campaign right now. This is the focus. And nobody expected this to come as a shock just 10 days out. I think along with looking at the numbers, the other interested element of this, Fred, is going to see if you see any major strategic changes from the Clinton campaign. So far, no.

WHITFIELD: Phil Mattingly, Tom Hamburger, thank you, gentlemen, appreciate it.

I'm Fredricka Whitfield. Much more straight ahead in the Newsroom after this.