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Six Days until Election Day; Iowa Police Ambushed and Killed. Aired 2-3p ET

Aired November 02, 2016 - 14:00   ET



BROOKE BALDWIN, CNN ANCHOR: Here we go. You're watching CNN. I'm Brooke Baldwin. Thank you for being with me. Less than one week until Election Day. We're doing some brand-new polling from four critical battleground states. We'll get into those details and those numbers in just a moment.

No question, both presidential candidates, they are feeling the heat, they are pulling out all stops by bringing in a swarm of surrogates to cover as many of these battlegrounds as possible.

Look at this graphic. We'll call this the ultra-cluttered campaign trail today. This is kind of hysterical to look at but it proves the point, right, people are out and about stumping for him or her. Soon we will see Hillary Clinton's surrogate in chief take to the stage in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

President Obama is trying to rev up the vote as he admits; the early black voter turnout is down plus for the very first time here President Obama is commenting on the FBI director's controversial release of information that investigators are now doing this new review of emails in Hillary Clinton's case.


BARACK OBAMA, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I do think that there is a norm that when there are investigations, we do not operate on innuendo. We do not operate on incomplete information. We do not operate on leaks.

We operate based on concrete decisions that are made when this was investigated thoroughly. The last time, the conclusion of the FBI, the conclusion of the Justice Department, the conclusion of repeated congressional investigations was that she had made some mistakes but there that was not anything there that was prosecutable.


BALDWIN: Let us go to beautiful Chapel Hill, admittedly, my alma mater. Michelle Kosinski, so nice to see you there.

Ahead of the president speaking, we'll be taking him live momentarily. We know also that the president has addressed the fact that the early voting numbers among African Americans. It is down not just where you are, North Carolina. It is down in Florida, it's down in Georgia compared to four years ago.

And he has essentially been saying and echoing his message a vote for Trump is like insulting his legacy.

MICHELLE KOSINSKI, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: He also spelled it out really plainly today, bluntly put it out there on the Tom Joyner radio show, saying that there was excitement for me when I was elected president. You were excited for me.

Now you have to be excited for Hillary Clinton and he said there is a Latino vote out there that is growing but the African American vote for early voting right now is not where it needs to be.

He also tried to spell out what would happen if, in his view, Donald Trump is elected, that there might not be support for a, say, traditionally black colleges that the Pell grants would change, Medicaid would change.

Here's part of what he said. Listen.


OBAMA: You know what? I need everybody to understand that everything we have done is dependent on me being able to pass the baton to somebody who believes in the same things I believe in. And so if you really care about my presidency and what we've accomplished, then you are going to go and vote.

But if we let this thing slip and I've got a situation where my last two months in office of preparing for a transition to Donald Trump, whose staff people have said that their primary agenda is to have him in the first couple weeks sit in the Oval Office and reverse every single thing that we have done.


KOSINSKI: Now it's interesting to hear the president change it up every time he speaks and sort of see his evolution and how he's approaching this. Remember, it was just at the end of August when we heard him say at a private event that he was tired of talking about Donald Trump. He didn't feel like he had to make a case against him because he felt Donald Trump makes that case against himself everytime he speaks.

So now we hear the president making the case strongly against Donald Trump and not only that, the president is almost pleading with voters out here, not just on these radio shows that are specifically targeting the African American vote but when he speaks to a big crowd like this, he is not joking so much anymore. He is deadly serious.

And he is saying, you need to do this. Listen to me, even if you are going to vote, maybe you have a nephew or a friend or some relative out there who's on the fence, you need to get out and do this.

And we expect to hear more about today. So he is really targeting (INAUDIBLE) that Hillary Clinton needs. African Americans, young people trying to build up some of that enthusiasm, excitement, momentum.

However, you want to term it, that Clinton really needs -- Brooke.

It is politics and it is personal. We'll take it live, Michelle Kosinski, thank you so much, in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Meantime, I mentioned at the top of the show, we've got these new numbers. CNN just a short time ago released these brand-new poll numbers from several battleground states and we'll run through them.

But it does suggest gains for both candidates depending on which date you're looking at. So let me bring in CNN political director David Chalian to break down the numbers. And before we do that, let us just run through this for everyone.

In Arizona, you can see that Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton by 5 points. In Florida, it is tight; Clinton ahead just by 2. In Nevada, that race has shifted with Trump now ahead 49-43. And in Pennsylvania Clinton ahead with a 4-point edge.

Where do you want to begin, David Chalian?

Six days out what do these numbers tell you?

DAVID CHALIAN, CNN POLITICAL DIRECTOR: Well, the first thing, if you are the Clinton campaign that you look at is that Pennsylvania number, where you have a 4-point edge. Yes, it is narrower than it has been in Pennsylvania recently but that is still a significant enough lead that probably convinces you that there isn't some major crumbling going on in the state that has been leaning in your direction.

So they probably can breathe a little bit of a sigh of relief. Another poll came out about an hour after ours did, showing the same thing, a 4-point lead for Clinton in Pennsylvania.

And if you're in the Trump campaign, you look at that Nevada number there, wow, 6-point lead there. That is a significant uptick for Trump in a state that the Clinton folks were feeling pretty good about and the Trump folks have been constantly saying that they show it quite competitive for them.

We'll need to see some of the other polls in Nevada come out to see if this matches up or not. It's been a little while and -- but that is really good news because, listen, Brooke. You remember the map; Donald Trump needs all the remaining battleground states.

Plus he has got to get some Democratic turf so looking at the Nevada for him is very good. The fact that Florida is a 2-point race in Clinton's direction but it is within the margin of error thing, that is -- both campaigns see that as going to be close all the way through. It was the closest state in 2012. And in Arizona, where you know Hillary Clinton is campaigning today, trying to expand the map a little bit, no doubt the Trump folks must feel good that that does not seem to be poised to flip just yet, looking at this most recent number.

BALDWIN: OK, David, thank you so much.

We're going to springboard off those numbers with my panel. Joining me now, CNN political analyst David Gregory and Jackie Kucinich and CNN senior political reporter, Nia-Malika Henderson.

So, great to see all of you.

And, Nia, let me begin with you. Back on the Nevada number, so you have Trump ahead. It is a big wow for the Trump campaign. It is good news for them. But when I -- when you look in your trusty CNN Election Night home -- research book, I saw that Nevada went Obama the last two elections.

What do you make of what is happening in Nevada?

And might this be part of the reason why you see Hillary Clinton really going after Latinos?

NIA-MALIKA HENDERSON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: I think so. Nevada, that vote out there, always looks different on Election Day than it looks on the early voting days that precede Election Day. And I think the Clinton campaign feels good about where they are in terms of the early vote totals.

They seem to be overperforming where they thought they would be. And so they feel good about that. But Nevada always going to be a tricky state, I think, for them, because of sure, there is that Latino population out there. But there are also those working class white voters out there as well.

And a pretty big union presence as well. Also that is why I think you see Donald Trump feeling good about those numbers. And I think often on we have seen a mixed bag in terms of who was leading in these Nevada polls. You saw Clinton leading at times; you saw Donald Trump leading there at times.

I think it will be a nail biter on going to Election Day and what's also going to be interesting to look at is how Cortez Masto (ph) does, the woman who was running to replace Harry Reid. How she is doing, she seems to be lagging now in some of those polls. That's certainly got to concern Democrats, who need four seats to win the Senate back from Republicans.

BALDWIN: What about, though, just a bigger picture as we consider these numbers, David Gregory?

We know that, you know, last week we were talking about there was a leak that Hillary Clinton campaign or that they would consider Joe, Joe Biden, as the secretary of state even if she wins.

And now all of a sudden, flash forward a week and we're talking about how she is throwing a stop in Detroit a state where she lost the primary to Bernie Sanders.

What do you make of that? DAVID GREGORY, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, I think there is a couple of

things happening. Obviously the impact of the FBI weighing in, the email story, by reinvestigating it and taking the unprecedented step as James Comey has of reopening that investigation and releasing the letters he did, that has had an impact because the race went from talking about Trump's greatest vulnerability, what you see across the board in our polling, other polling out of Wisconsin today, the influential Marquette Law School poll about who's qualified to be president, that still really favors Hillary Clinton and is a huge negative for Donald Trump.

But now there is so much focus on what voters dislike and distrust about Hillary Clinton, that is a factor. Republicans, I think, sensing the race tightening, are also feeling, as one top Republican described to me, a sense of guilt, a sense of a need to come home for the Republican ticket because if it is this close and if Donald Trump were to lose by 2-3 points, maybe them staying out of it will be seen as to blame for the results.

And so there is a lot of pressure going on among Republicans to move. And, again, you see that in the polling that's coming out of Wisconsin this afternoon, that, before the FBI decision and after, you see this migration of Republicans coming back for Trump.

And then these Senate races that are tight in Wisconsin, in Ohio, actually a big lead there for Rob Portman, the senator there, helping Donald Trump by bringing those Republicans out and prepared to vote for those senators, who could then vote for Trump.

BALDWIN: You know, it's interesting to mention something that the Clinton campaign has addressed; they do not really want us talking about, that being this review of those emails, right, with the FBI.

And so, Jackie Kucinich, my question is this, you've seen we've displayed the sound bite of President Obama doing the interview with now this news, where he was asked about it. He's (INAUDIBLE) said I am not commenting on an ongoing investigation.

But instead it was a not-so-subtle criticism on what the -- what Comey has done.

Why do you -- why do you think he played it that way?

JACKIE KUCINICH, "THE DAILY BEAST": You know, President Obama has sort of walked the line on this. But he's out there to be a surrogate for Hillary Clinton at this point and you are hearing this from -- amplified by all of the surrogates.

Now he's not directly -- he's not going after him. But he is being critical which is further than we've seen maybe in the past. But I wanted to talk really quick about the Pennsylvania Senate races if I could relate and how it relates to these numbers.

So one of the things that is interesting in that it has tightened but on Monday night Pat Toomey had an ad during Monday Night Football. And he looked right at the camera and he said, I disagree with Donald Trump.

So I think -- and right now Katie McGinty (ph) is a little bit ahead of him in that race. So I think while it is tightening, there is still a sense among Republicans that that is a state that we're there behind. And they need to make it up and appealing for those cross ballot voters.

So I think watching the Senate race is particularly somewhere in Pennsylvania is another way to sort of gain insight into where that state is.

BALDWIN: We have also been speaking --


BALDWIN: -- at the World Series.

Go ahead. Go ahead, David.

GREGORY: This about President Obama, I think it's quite significant that the president is weighing in the way he is now doing. And let's make no mistake. You played that sound just a couple minutes ago on the Tom Joyner show as well.

He is speaking directly to African Americans. In some cases saying, look, there cannot an enthusiasm gap. We have seen some softness among the projection of African Americans in a state like North Carolina.

The president is saying, look, there is a legacy here. If you believe in what I believe in my presidency, we have to pass the baton to Hillary Clinton. You got to get those numbers out and that has been a big concern, I think, all along.

Can that Obama coalition be easily transferred to Hillary Clinton?

Younger voters, minority voters, including African Americans and women, we see the strength among women but not necessarily with African Americans at the moment. But this is what we just do not know. This is why Election Day matters.

This is why looking at the early voting that is already banked matters so much, to make these projections.

But I think on the emails, in particular, the Clinton campaign has made a determination that they're going to argue this hard. They're to take on Jim Comey because they want to say to their people, their voters, look, this is unfair.

And this is an example of Clinton enemies overreaching. You've got to go out there and support us or else, in a weird sort of way, the election could be rigged in the other direction.


HENDERSON: It's also clear -- (CROSSTALK)

HENDERSON: -- will want to turn the page from that as well. If you saw Hillary Clinton down in Florida yesterday, it was basically Donald Trump is unfit to be president because of the way he speaks about women.


BALDWIN: Let me just jump in because I think it is so important, though, to point out, on the Trump side, right, the discipline, how he is talking about this FBI investigation, he is talking about ObamaCare. He is Teleprompter Trump. He is staying on script. It is potentially a very smart strategy for him with the reports Steve Bannon, no campaign chairman is on the plane, monitoring his Twitter feed, Nia.

So I think --

(CROSSTALK) HENDERSON: That's right, yes. I think six days ago -- we have seen a really disciplined Trump, right. . I think that the problem here is that for Trump's sake he should probably should have been disciplined all along. That is why he is behind in Pennsylvania. That is why is behind in Wisconsin.

And these were states we thought early on that he would be able to do because of the demographics. So I think one of the things we're starting to see is, well, is there is a Clinton coalition. And it looks different slightly from the Obama coalition.

I think everyone knows that the African American vote will probably dip a bit of because they overperformed every other demographic group in 2012. But I think we're seeing a different coalition and this was Clinton's coalition in 2008. She overperformed among Latinos compared to Obama, beat him 2:1 in terms of Latinos in that primary; did very well among older voters, white voters as well.

And that's what we're starting to see, I think, in Florida, the Latino vote in Florida is gangbusters. I talked to some Clinton folks about that and some pollsters as well. So it really is a sign that they have an organization down there and they are re-shifting. I think that electorate in Florida in a way that we saw Obama do with a different coalition in 2000 and 2012.

BALDWIN: Yes, but I think you are right and David's right, that I do not know if we can necessarily call it the Obama coalition come Election Day, whether it is a Clinton coalition or the Democratic coalition, that is left to be seen in six days.

Guys, thank you also so much here.

And talking about President Obama, you know, he has really been laying out as far as what Donald Trump would do day one in the Oval Office and it includes -- even mentioned beyond Medicare, ObamaCare and black colleges, ripping up his wife's vegetable garden. We'll play more of that for you.

Also ahead Jeb Bush's son speaking a bit out of turn by saying who his uncle and grandfather may be voting for, Bush 41 and 43. New reaction from the Bush family.

And breaking news out of Iowa today, two police officers ambushed, shot and killed, sitting in their patrol car. The suspect I can tell you is now in custody. That happened just a short time ago. We have a report from Iowa coming up. You're watching CNN.




BALDWIN: Coming up on some live pictures, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, we're watching, waiting to hear from the President of the United States, heads to speak there momentarily as he is putting Democratic voters on high alert.

He is Hillary Clinton's most powerful surrogate and he was on the Tom Joyner morning show earlier today, pleading with black voters, get out and vote, and saying what he thinks would happen day one of a Trump presidency.


OBAMA: If Donald Trump wins, here's what will happen immediately. They will immediately work with the Republican Congress to pass massive tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. They will immediately work to cut millions of people off of Medicaid because they'll just block grant it and there are a whole bunch of states where if the governor doesn't want Medicaid, Congress isn't financing Medicaid, certainly people just don't have health care.

Right away I guarantee you they will start cutting back on funding for things like Pell grants and support for historically black colleges and universities. Right away they will roll back the Affordable Care Act.

Right away I guarantee you they'll dig up Michelle's garden.


OBAMA: No, I -- you think I'm joking?


BALDWIN: Joining me now, Bakari Sellers, CNN commentator for security force -- former South Carolina state representative and Hillary Clinton supporter; also with us Paris Dennard, CNN political commentator and Donald Trump supporter.

So, gentlemen, welcome. And, Bakari, let me just begin with you. We've been listening to the president on Tom Joyner this morning. But the list that he just went through, it sounds to me that is he is sounding the alarm to black voters.

Do you think Democrats are very nervous, six days out?

BAKARI SELLERS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Democrats are nervous and proverbial bedwetters since before I've been born, so that is nothing new. And this new narrative about this dip, quote-unquote "dip" -- and I love the new term that we use now, this softening of the black vote. It does not bother me one bit because I think there needs to be urgency in all of our communities to build this coalition to come out and vote for Hillary Clinton.

What we have seen in Florida and North Carolina is that after we got through some suppression in North Carolina, you see those upticks in the voting. In Florida you're starting to see African Americans vote proportionally to their share of the registration.

So I am glad that the president is quote-unquote "sounding the alarm" and this narrative does not bother me at all. We all need to be voting like the house is on fire because if Donald Trump is elected, the proverbial house will burn down.

BALDWIN: You want to respond, Paris?

PARIS DENNARD, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Well, you want to talk about housing in the black community, there are more blacks owning homes that during Great Depression than they are that own homes now. So I do not want to talk about burning houses down.

But what I want to talk about is the fact that the Republican National Committee today put out an ad called "Our Choices," that is targeted to the black community. It's going to run nationally on black networks.

Additionally, Mr. Trump was in North Carolina, delivered his new deal for black Americans. I think the Democrats are running scared; I don't know if they're wetting the bed. But they should be running scared because they know that, when you look at absentee ballots, especially in North Carolina, where the president is set to speak, the Republicans are doing a lot better than they did in 2012 and the Democrats are doing worse.

And so there is a great opportunity for Republicans to do well and a great opportunity for a gate -- continued engagement to make a difference in the black community and for Republicans to take votes away from Hillary Clinton on this very issue.

BALDWIN: I mentioned a second ago that the president is Hillary Clinton's best, most effective surrogate; I may actually take that back and say it is the first lady. We've seen her. We have seen her speak.

I am wondering, Bakari, I have not seen her on the list, on the trail this week.

Where is she?

She could help Hillary Clinton this week.

SELLERS: I am sure she'll be out. Our bench and our team of surrogates, from Elizabeth Warren to Michelle Obama to Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, everyone is out on the campaign trail. We will -- we will not leave any bullets in the gun, that's for sure.

But even more importantly, Paris was actually incorrect and him talking about the early voting because Democrats still lead vastly with early voting in North Carolina. But what we are seeing is not black voters; for some reason they are not going to the poll and pulling the trigger for Trump. I don't want anybody under that illusion.

The question is --


DENNARD: We'll wait and see.

SELLERS: -- are they going to go to the polls?

And I think that I what we're going to see is this sense of urgency. African American voters are going to show up and we cannot compare 2008 and 2012, which I use as the proverbial '96 Bulls, to what is going to happen now.

But we will see a new coalition, a slightly different coalition propel Hillary Clinton next Tuesday.

BALDWIN: What about -- this is what I'm wondering about Republicans.

I'm listening to you, Bakari.

But, Paris, you have Donald Trump, someone as controversial, as populist. He talked about the movement and how massive his rallies are.

What about the people who are not at the rallies, who are whispering in the ears of Republicans, I am voting for Donald Trump?

It is tough to quantify that.

But is that something you are banking on next Tuesday?

DENNARD: It is tough to quantify but let me tell you, it is 100 percent real. I cannot tell you how many people have stopped me on the Metro, walking outside just on the streets here in D.C., stopping me in New York, saying, hey, I am voting for Donald Trump. I am with you.

Can our guy pull it off? We got to make sure he wins. These are African Americans from all walks of life that are coming to me, young, old, Millennial. And they are going to do that because they understand that it is difficult to be a black person supporting Donald Trump, because the way people like myself get attacked personally --


BALDWIN: -- why they're whispering in your ear?

DENNARD: That is why they are whispering. But they can identify with Donald Trump because when he talks about jobs, the economy and especially things about student loan debt and school choice, which is very popular with the African American community, he is aspirational and he's going to make a connection.

His speech, the new deal for African Americans, was significant, it was positive and it was well received. That, coupled with the RNC ad, talk about our choices, is going to show that this whisper campaign, the silent majority is going to come out to support Mr. Trump.

BALDWIN: We'll see Tuesday. Paris, Bakari, thank you.

Again we're also waiting to hear from the President of the United States.

Thank you.

Air Force -- Air Force One, I can tell you, there it is, Raleigh, North Carolina, on the tarmac, officially touching down. We'll be hearing from President Obama momentarily from Chapel Hill, North Carolina, a state he won in 2008, lost in 2012. We'll take that live.

Also ahead, could you call it buyer's remorse?

Donald Trump is now reaching out to a unique group of voters who've already cast their early ballot for Hillary Clinton. Might be having second thoughts and, by the way, in some of these states you can change their mind and that's exactly what Mr. Trump is asking them to do.

How is that legally possible?

I think we should look into that.

Also ahead, breaking news, a suspect is now in custody, accused of killing two police officers early this morning, apparently ambushing them while they were sitting in their squad cars. New information on a possible motive and just the emotional reaction in this one community. We'll be right back.



(MUSIC PLAYING) BALDWIN: Here's a breaking story we are following today. The hunt is now over for a suspected cop killer in Iowa. Investigators say they have captured 46-year-old Scott Michael Green. This is the man who is accused of ambushing not just one but two police officers, separate police agencies, very early this morning.

Both officers totally unsuspecting victims, just sitting inside their patrol cars at the time of the attack.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: On the Des Moines Police Department side, Sergeant Anthony Biminio (ph), he goes by Tony and he's been with us since 2005. He has prior service in another local police department. Prior to that he was promoted last year. He's a great guy in this department a good friend to a lot of us, a fantastic family man. Just really hard to lose Tony.

Chief McCarty will speak a little bit about the (INAUDIBLE) officer killed. I'll give you his name. His name is Officer Justin Martin. It's my understanding he's been employed with the (INAUDIBLE) Police Department since 2015.


BALDWIN: (INAUDIBLE) Jean Casarez has been following this one for us.

(INAUDIBLE), our hearts go out to the families, to the communities.

How did this happen?

JEAN CASAREZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It all started this morning a little after 1 o'clock, Justin Martin, the officer that you just saw on your screen, he was patrolling and he was about to go through an intersection in his squad car.

And what they have just said minutes ago in the last press conference is that he probably did not even know that to the side of him, that someone was about to shoot him as he sat in his patrol car and he was walking, we believe, the perpetrator, they say, was walking, not in a car himself. He was dead on the scene.

And then 20 minutes later a Des Moines, Iowa, officer in his patrol car, conceivably going to help other officers, because what had just happened to one of their own, was shot in his patrol car at an intersection.

He was taken to the hospital and then he died. We do not know too much about the suspect and we're still calling him a suspect, Brooke, because he has not been arrested. He was walking down the street in Dallas County, which is another county in Iowa, and actually some of the state employees saying he needed medical help.

So he is in a hospital. They want to question him. He has not been arrested but they did say at the press conference he has a daughter himself in the local high school. They do not know his criminal background but they did say that several weeks ago he was at one of the high school football games and he was allegedly waving a Confederate flag in the faces of black people that were sitting in the stands.

The officers asked him to get off the private property. He finally reluctantly did it and they issued him a warning for trespassing; no charges but a warning and they will not say if they believe that has anything to do with today.

Once again, he has not been charged.

BALDWIN: (INAUDIBLE) if that changes, Jean, thank you so much.

Moving on, after 17 months of campaigning, a new Trump in the final leg, a disciplined Trump. We'll talk live with one of his advisers about their strategy and how they are keeping him off Twitter.

Plus, oops. The Bush family playing cleanup after Jeb Bush's says the former president and his family may vote for Hillary Clinton. Their reaction -- next.




BALDWIN: And we're back. You're watching CNN. Thanks for being with me.

Have you noticed? Donald Trump loves dominating the news cycle; been relatively quiet in his final week, fewer interviews, spending less time on Twitter, staying on script and on substance as the Clinton campaign faces new headaches.

Joining me now Bill Press (ph), CNN political commentator and Hillary Clinton supporter, Sarah Huckabee Sanders is back with us, senior advisor to Donald Trump and Nancy Collins is back as well, reporter for the "Hollywood Reporter," who had interviewed Donald Trump in 1994.

So great to have all of you with me.

And Sarah, let me just begin with you on Trump's discipline. He is talking about ObamaCare and those premiums going up. He's talking about this FBI investigation. He is working off a Teleprompter script.

Steve Bannon apparently is traveling with him and minding his Twitter.

Can he do this for six more days?

And what took him so long.

SARAH HUCKABEE SANDERS, SENIOR TRUMP ADVISER: Look, I think he is making the closing argument to the American people and he is doing a great job. Hillary is coming off of the worst week of campaigning I think she has had in this entire cycle.

ObamaCare premiums are spiking. She is under criminal investigation by the FBI, not just her but The Clinton Foundation and I think it has been a great opportunity for Donald Trump to talk about his reason to vote for him.

But Hillary Clinton's campaign has become nothing but personal attacks. And frankly I don't think she has a real reason that she is giving the American people to vote for and Donald Trump does. I think it is a great contrast for us moving into the final week.

BALDWIN: (INAUDIBLE), it has been quite a bit of time of Mr. Trump some years ago. In fact, we wanted to talk to you because a piece of your interview has landed in this new Hillary Clinton ad.

Before we go there, just knowing Donald Trump as you do, what you think this is like for him to -- ?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Probably agony. You know you never want to get in a fight with somebody who has nothing to lose. And he's had nothing to lose up until the last two weeks. I think he's stunned that in the position he is.

And suddenly somebody said, OK, you might win. And so he has shut up and they snatched his telephone away from him.

BALDWIN: Bill Press (ph), let me bring you in this because something else we've been hearing from Donald Trump, I wanted to get to his point about buyer's remorse, right, people I don't think realize this but there are a certain number of states where if you early vote, you can actually change your vote.

And Donald Trump is essentially saying to him -- to them, change your vote. It's not too late.

BILL PRESS (PH): I think it's too late for everything Donald Trump is trying to do but first I must say --


BALDWIN: Not for some of these people.

PRESS (PH): Well, as a talk show host, I've got to say that I am thinking of suing Donald Trump because it's hard to fill three hours when Donald Trump does not say anything outrageous.

This is not fair to talk show hosts. We depend on Donald Trump to keep giving us new ammunition every day. It has been too damn quiet the last three days.

BALDWIN: Are you disappointed, Bill Press (ph). You sound disappointed.

PRESS (PH): Disappointed? No, I absolutely -- again, I count on Donald Trump. But I do think it is too little too late. And the fact is that if you really depend -- so 24.4 million people have done early voting according to CNN. If you really depend on that many people to go back and get their ballot and change it -- and out of 38 states you can only do so in seven states -- if that is your thread to 270 electoral votes, that is a mighty thin thread. I wouldn't want to count on it.

BALDWIN: I do not know if he is depending solely on that but it's a piece of it and it could work in his favor --

PRESS (PH): Even a little tiny, tiny piece.

BALDWIN: On this new ad from the Hillary Clinton camp, it included a piece of your and --


BALDWIN: -- yes, a couple clips from your '94 interview with Trump. So let us all take a look.



TRUMP: Putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing. When I come home and dinner's not ready, I go through the roof.

Grab them by the (INAUDIBLE). And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.


BALDWIN: All right. So remind us. You have been on the show. You've talked about this interview from '94 before. You had a lot of time with them.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I had four hours actually, it was unheard of. I was down there for primetime live and you know what, I have to say, he was very good with me. He was very respectful.

But he got into this race for attention, not politics, because this guy, you cannot underestimate how much he needs attention. As I said to you before, he's an 8-year-old kid screaming for attention in a 70- year-old guy's body.

But you know he is -- there is a different side. So I do understand why his family might see somebody different because he is a showmen. You know, he made a mistake one time. He was talking about campaigning. He said, "In my performances," which was a real Freudian slip, because that's how he's seen them.

BALDWIN: I am hearing the lab but I'm watching your face. Listen to her. Let's be fair.

(CROSSTALK) SANDERS: Well, at one point in his life he was a showman. He had a TV show but that's certainly not why he ran for president. He certainly did not need this job.

BALDWIN: You don't think he is a showman just a little itty bitty bit now?

SANDERS: I don't think anybody in politics isn't at some way a showman. I mean, you can't step on stage in front of millions of people and not be comfortable with who you are. And I think Donald Trump is exactly that. And that is the only thing I think that he probably is similar to other politicians and no other way is he a conventional candidate and that is why he has done so well this cycle.

Look, Americans are desperate for something different than what we have. They are sick and tired of politics as usual. They are tired of the corruption. They are tired of the scandals and that's all they've seen and they know that's what they're going to get if they vote for Hillary Clinton.

That is one of the reasons that Donald Trump has done so well this entire cycle but particularly over the last 10 days. We have seen the scandal and corruption --


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What about experience? You know. Experience is very important. I want a candidate who (INAUDIBLE) -- president who walks in there, does not have to have a guide to find the Oval Office.

SANDERS: Look, I think experience does matter but I think it is executive experience that matters. He has the ability to take in a lot of information quickly, make a decision and move forward with it. Hillary Clinton may have experience but it is bad experience. Everything she has done in the last 30 years in government has been failures.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That's not true. That's absolutely not true.

SANDERS: Point to some of the --


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: -- she was a senator who worked very, very well --

SANDERS: She may have worked hard but she didn't do anything.


PRESS (PH): If I could jump in here just a minute. All right? First of all, on the two points, on the showman thing, that is who Donald Trump is, that is all he is. That is why he is where he is. Let us face it, he is a celebrity from "Apprentice." That is why he got the votes in the primary. He would not be there if he were not a TV star.

Sadly, the American people are in love with celebrities and that is why Donald Trump is there. And in terms of change, yes, I agree with Nancy. People want change. Change is good. But Donald Trump's an experienced business man. He's had four failed casinos, a failed university, a failed airline, a failed state business -- you go down the list.

I mean he is a failure at that. He has only succeeded in being good on television. That is not good enough for the Oval Office and I do not think it is going to him there.

BALDWIN: We've got to wrap it. But I will say, despite everything, it is a close race. We have six days to go and I think it is -- no one can possibly predict who might win next Tuesday, being fair to both camps.

I want to thank all of you.

And next, a big moment on the campaign trail any moment. President Obama just hours after pleading with black voters to show up, will be speaking live in North Carolina. We will be taking you there to Chapel Hill. I'm Brooke Baldwin.

Oh, James Taylor, let's listen.



BALDWIN: Almighty Florida, six days until this country chooses its next president. In the all-important Sunshine State, still very much in play. Check out these numbers, new CNN/ORC poll showing Clinton ahead just a little bit.

Donald Trump is there in Florida today, taking his battleground blitz to Miami. Meantime, Clinton has been spending a lot of time in Florida. The new campaign moves indicate deeply blue Michigan may be the latest state to gain battleground status.

Clinton just added a last-minute rally in Detroit on Friday and we've learned that the campaign has dropped six figures on political ads in Michigan, paying unusual attention to a state that has voted for Democrat the past six elections.

So that is why we wanted to talk to Katherine Gray (ph) today. She's a reporter for the "Detroit Free Press." Also with me, back with me, Adam Smith. He is a political editor at the "Tampa Bay Times."

So great to have both of you all on.

But can we please start with Michigan, Kathleen (ph)?

You know, why is she going, do you think, to the reliably blue state such as yours?

KATHERINE GRAY (PH), "DETROIT FREE PRESS": Well, Donald Trump has really started making some moves in the state as well. He was here on Monday for a couple of really big rallies, with thousands of people at them, his three kids are here, two of them today, Donald Jr. and Ivanka, Mike Pence is here tomorrow. Eric Trump will be here on Friday.

He, Trump, is also dumping, I think, $750,000 into advertising in Michigan as well. So is making a play for the state. So Clinton has to respond in kind.

We've got Bernie Sanders here today, having a couple of rallies and she'll be here on Friday for a get out the vote rally in Detroit, a really important area, city for her, in order to get minority votes out.

BALDWIN: You mentioned Bernie Sanders, he in that mega-upset during the primaries, right. He took Michigan and so now he's trying to help her out.

Adam, to you, Florida, you wrote about this, this week. Latino vote is soaring but the African American and also the Millennial turnout is down.

Why do you think the last two groups aren't quite as excited about her?

What do you make of the setup there?

ADAM SMITH, "TAMPA BAY TIMES": We're kind of in uncharted territory because we have got so many more people voting earlier than Election Day in the state. We've had like 4 million people already cast votes.

So it's hard to tell how many people would already have voted that are voting early. But right now I can tell you the Democrats were feeling very good about two weeks ago and less good today. African American turnout is slow compared to the early vote four years ago. It may get better. But it has got a ways to go.

And Republicans are doing quite a bit better than a lot of people thought they were going to do on this early vote.

BALDWIN: There's been a lot of talk about how could there possibly be the same sort of African American excitement as there was initially with President Obama, the first black U.S. president but in talking to voters just quickly, what do you think Hillary Clinton could do, could say to get them on her team by next Tuesday?

SMITH: I think they are doing it. You see Bill Clinton here, you see Hillary here -- they are going all over the state, to urban areas and targeting African American voters, reminding them about the stakes, the election. Obama's here. Obama's on the radio all over the place, he is doing TV ads.

So they are reminding people that that this is very much about Barack Obama's legacy.

BALDWIN: Mentioning the president, we're keeping an ear to the ground, he's speaking momentarily in North Carolina.

Adam and Kathleen, thank you so much, both talking Florida and Michigan.

Meantime in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, the scene is set. We know Air Force One has landed and the great Chapel Hill's own son, James Taylor -- love him -- singing for the crowd tonight's (INAUDIBLE) back to the president. We'll take it live. Stay with me.