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CNN Newsroom

Anti-Trump Protesters March to Trump Tower in New York; President-elect Eyes Campaign Surrogates for Cabinet; France Marks one Year Since Paris Terror Attacks; President-Elect's Ambitious Agenda in Office; Muslims React to Presidential Election; November's Supermoon Sighting; The Glamorous Life of Melania Trump; Aired 5-6a ET

Aired November 13, 2016 - 05:00   ET



[05:00:23] UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Do you have any sense of the timetable of when a chief of staff will be announced?

KELLYANNE CONWAY, TRUMP CAMPAIGN MANAGER: It's imminent. No, but it's imminent.


NATALIE ALLEN, CNN ANCHOR: The president-elect's campaign manager says her boss will soon name his chief of staff.

GEORGE HOWELL, CNN ANCHOR: And remembering the victims. Live pictures from Paris, France as the city marks one year since the deadly terror attack.

ALLEN: For a second time around the Colombian government and the FARC rebels agree on a revised peace agreement.

Welcome to our viewers here in the United States and all around the world. We're live in at Atlanta. I'm Natalie Allen.

HOWELL: And I'm George Howell. From CNN world headquarters NEWSROOM starts right now.

It is 5:00 a.m. on the U.S. East Coast. Donald Trump's spokeswoman says the decision on the White House chief of staff is as you heard it at the top of the show imminent. The two likely choices, advisers Steve Bannon and Republican National Committee chair Reince Priebus.

The chief of staff, it is a very important position because it controls who sees the president of the United States.

ALLEN: And anti-Trump demonstrators meantime have been out for the fourth straight day. Thousands filling the streets of Portland, Oregon, yet again on Saturday along with a large presence of riot police. Portland has seen dozens of arrests over the past three nights including at least 19 tonight.

HOWELL: The protests continued. In New York thousands of people marched to Trump Towers Saturday chanting anti-Trump slogans. ALLEN: Our Brynn Gingrass was there as thousands of disgruntled

people marched down 5th Avenue voicing their opposition.

BRYNN GINGRAS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Thousands of people shut down 5th Avenue in New York City with a clear message for President-elect Donald Trump. They marched from Union Square up 5th Avenue about two miles right to Trump Tower here behind me. Standing together all saying they are against what the president-elect campaigned on. Several issues but most of them in all to defy the hate they say he fostered throughout that campaign. Listen to what some people said was the reason they individually came out here.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is enormous. It's big. And I don't know what we can actually do to change things but we just have to keep coming out and making sure that his hatred and his fear and the anger that he is stirring up or using to get elected doesn't manifest itself in our country.

GINGRAS: What do you think the collective message is?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We are getting together to support each other as a community because this is a huge loss. This election has set us back and has definitely shown the world that we are not as advanced as we claim we are.


GINGRAS: This protest lasted several hours and for the most part was pretty peaceful. NYPD officers actually walked alongside them that two-mile stretch. We know from the Secret Service authorities who were inside Trump Tower at one point because the protests were so large, visitors, tourists, who usually are able to get into Trump Tower were not allowed. And people were not allowed to leave just for their safety purposes.

At this point we don't know the exact number of arrests from this particular protest but we know they were pretty peaceful and minimal arrest. Back to you.

ALLEN: Good to hear.

As the people still out on the streets, the president-elect will be filling many more positions, an entire Cabinet, but some of his frontrunners have been raising eyebrows in Washington.

Our Jim Sciutto looks at the early short list.


JIM SCIUTTO, CNN CHIEF NATIONAL SECURITY CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Trump adviser and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani now helping to lead Trump's transition team.

RUDY GIULIANI (R), FORMER MAYOR OF NEW YORK CITY: Donald has been my friend for 28 years. All of my work on behalf of him has been out of great loyalty and friendship to him. I can see already how he's going to be a great president and I'm glad I could play a small role.

SCIUTTO: Before the election, dozens of GOP national security officials and experts declared in two separate letters that they would never work for a Trump administration. But sources tell CNN that many of those so-called never-Trumpers are coming back, even offering mea culpas.

Still, Trump's innermost national security circle will be led by advisers who gave him early and unwavering support.

GIULIANI: The next president of the United States, Donald Trump.

SCIUTTO: Giuliani possible for secretary of state, chief of staff, and telling CNN on Thursday attorney general.

GIULIANI: I certainly have the energy and there's probably nobody that knows the Justice Department better than me.

[05:05:04] SCIUTTO: Senator Jeff Sessions.

SEN. JEFF SESSIONS (R), ALABAMA: Donald, welcome to my hometown, Mobile, Alabama.

SCIUTTO: A transition team leader and one of the first GOP senators to back Trump is also likely to land a plum job, including possibly secretary of Defense.

LT. GEN. MIKE FLYNN (RET.), U.S. ARMY: Donald J. Trump to be the next president of the United States.

SCIUTTO: Retired General Michael Flynn offered Trump vociferous support and Hillary Clinton vociferous criticism throughout the campaign, including tweeting just one week before the election, quote, "You decide. NYPD blows whistle on new Hillary e-mails, money laundering, sex crimes with children, et cetera. Must read," allegations that remain unsubstantiated.

He is a possibility for senior posts, including National Security adviser. His new National Security postings will send the world revealing signals about his new foreign policy. Earlier this year, Trump said that he wasn't looking for people with the usual backgrounds.

DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT-ELECT: I also look and have to look for talented experts with approaches and practical ideas, rather than surrounding myself with those who have perfect resumes.


ALLEN: Campaign aides like Kellyanne Conway could also earn major roles in the Trump administration. We don't know yet who would be the speaker who faces the press every day. That would be a good job.

HOWELL: Yes. It's an important job for sure. ALLEN: Well, Turkey paid close attention to this U.S. election, so

did countries all around the world. But Turkey is a member of NATO and a crucial ally in the fight against ISIS.

HOWELL: And as CNN's Will Ripley reports, Turkey's government is especially interested in what Donald Trump does about one particular issue.


WILL RIPLEY, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): First the coup, then the purge. Four months after soldiers tried and failed to take over the Turkish government a staggering roundup. Tens of thousands of soldiers, professors, lawmakers, even journalists, many accused of ties to one man.

Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen. Turkey wants the U.S. to extradite Gulen accusing him of master minding the coup. He says there's no proof. So far the U.S. has allowed Gulen to remain in Pennsylvania, his home for more than 15 years.

TRUMP: You have no choice.

RIPLEY: That could change under President-elect Donald Trump. One of his top military advisers, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, wrote an op-ed last week comparing Gulen to Osama bin Laden calling for his extradition.

HASAN BASRI YALCIN, PROFESSOR, ISTANBUL COMMERCE UNIVERSITY: He must be captured, he must be arrested and he must be put into the court.

RIPLEY: Professor Hasan Basri Yalcin of Istanbul Commerce University says Gulen's extradition would infuriate the cleric's followers but greatly improve ties between Turkey and the U.S..

YALCIN: This is going to be a really good message for Turkey because it's going to show that the United States is ready to work with Turkey against any kind of terrorism.

RIPLEY: Yalcin, who's pro-government, says Turkey will also try to convince Trump to stop supporting Kurdish militias fighting ISIS in Syria because Turkey considers them terrorists.

(On camera): But in this primarily Muslim nation many see Donald Trump as Islamophobic. In fact, Turkish President Erdogan even called for a name change here at Trump Towers Istanbul after the candidate proposed a ban on Muslims entering the U.S.

(Voice-over): Still, it seems Erdogan is willing to put it all aside. He was among the first world leaders to call and congratulate Trump. They did not talk about growing human rights concerns over Erdogan's ongoing post-coup purge of political opponents. Trump has said the U.S. should focus on its own problems and not criticize other countries. On the streets of Turkey, like everywhere else, a sense of uncertainty surrounding the new leader of the free world.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm afraid for Muslim people there. RIPLEY (on camera): You're afraid for Muslims, why?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Because I don't feel good. I'm afraid for my family.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't like his way when he speak but we will see what he will do in the world.

RIPLEY (voice-over): Right now nobody really knows what that world will look like.

Will Ripley, CNN, Istanbul.


HOWELL: There is a great deal of uncertainty. So the coming days will be very important to reveal exactly what the Trump administration will look like and give some clues to these world leaders that have questions.

Still ahead here on NEWSROOM, France is remembering the lives of those lost last year on a terror attack in Paris. More on commemorations in a live report from the French capital.

ALLEN: Also ahead here, the Colombian government and rebels have signed a revised peace deal to end more than half a century of fighting.


[05:12:30] HOWELL: Welcome back to CNN NEWSROOM. I'm George Howell.

There is a great deal of uncertainty about what a Trump administration would look like and to talk more about let's bring in CNN politics reporter Eugene Scott live via Skype in Washington.

Eugene, always a pleasure to have you with us. Let's talk first about the chief of staff announcement said to be imminent. And it seems to be a horse race between Reince Priebus and Steve Bannon. Explain to our viewers how one would be considered a safe pick and one might be considered a rogue pick if these are indeed the two choices.

EUGENE SCOTT, CNN POLITICS REPORTER: Indeed. Reince Priebus who is the chair of the Republican National Committee is someone who is closer to mainstream conservatism, very familiar with Capitol Hill and even the state government, and his -- the relationship that Mr. Trump lacked or at least lacked when he launched his campaign needed to work with government locally and federally. And so there's a lot of support for that.

But Steve Bannon is head of this major media organization that was very much responsible for Donald Trump's success. One of the groups that propelled him to the top were white working class voters who were regular readers of Breitbart. And so this is indicative of what direction Donald Trump is hoping to take his presidency. HOWELL: Whichever direction he takes he will be leading a country

that is very much divided. I'll ask our director if it's possible to show some of the images of these protests, Eugene, that we have seen in the past couple of days in many different cities in Portland, Oregon, in New York. Many different cities having these protests. People on the streets saying that this is not my president. Many of these people who did not vote for Trump. Some who didn't vote at all, we understand.

But the question, Eugene, has Donald Trump responded to them in a manner that would indicate that, yes, he will be a person who unites a divided nation?

SCOTT: Well, the president-elect has responded positively and negatively. His initial response was to dismiss them as professional protesters incited by the mainstream media. That was in the middle of the night after some of the first protests, some of those that we saw in Portland. But he eventually, you know, praised them, called them a small minority or at least praised their passion for America and their activism.

And so to be fair, president-elect has repeatedly said since being elected that he really does want to be the president of all Americans and wants to work with people outside of his support system to get the policy ideas forward -- moves forward that he thinks would be most helpful.

[05:15:02] HOWELL: Eugene, I'd also like to talk about Turkey. We had a story here just a short time ago here in the show about how Turkey is feeling out what it will mean for bilateral relations with a President Trump. But as you wrote in your article on, Turkey still put out a warning to its citizens about traveling to the U.S. Keep in mind that the U.S. did the same thing due to concerns about terrorism. Just tell us more about that article that you wrote.

SCOTT: Well, I think what the Foreign Affairs Office of Turkey was trying to do was really send a warning to Turkish Americans and -- I'm sorry, Turkish visitors to America. You see that these protests aren't isolated to one city. They're in quite a few and some of them have been violent, there have been some arrests, although the overwhelming majority of them have been peaceful and nonviolent.

And the Turkish government was trying to protect its citizens. It just so happens that this was issued weeks after the U.S. government sent something comparable to the American visitors to Turkey following just a history of terrorist attacks and increased activity from terrorist groups. And so this election definitely has gotten quite a bit of an international response as many of your viewers are aware.

HOWELL: The optics, you know, just for people looking at what seems to be a tit-for-tat. But again, you know, Turkey, making it clear that they are concerned about, you know, citizens traveling given that there have been so many protests in the United States.

Eugene Scott, live for us in Washington. We always appreciate your insight. Thanks for being with us. SCOTT: Thank you.

ALLEN: We'll take you now to Paris. Music filled the Bataclan concert hall Saturday night for the first time since the Paris terror attack. A special performance by Sting marked a reopening.

HOWELL: I get chills just hearing that song. It's a beautiful song by Sting. The opening -- reopening of the Bataclan. A year ago terrorists stormed the Bataclan and they opened fire in the crowd. They killed dozens of people there.

It was part of a coordinated attack on the French capital that killed 130 people. A minute of silence was held before the concert, of course, to honor the victims.

Joining now from central Paris, CNN's Melissa Bell at the Place de la Republique and Jim Bittermann is live at the Bataclan Theater.

Jim, let's start with you. We just heard this concert, the song there with Sting. A moment of silence and also mentioning that they will not forget -- no one will forget the people who were killed in this terrible attack.

JIM BITTERMANN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: That's right, George. The 90 people who were killed here at the Bataclan were honored just moments ago by President Hollande and the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo. Basically they came as they've done to the other sites that were attacked on that night one year ago. They came here and read the names of all 90 victims that were killed here and then observed a moment of silence and laid a wreath. No speeches. That was one of the things that we talked about earlier with one of the ministers involved with the planning for this and she said we don't want any kind of political polemics around this.

She also said that not everybody wanted to come back for this event. Not all of the victims and victims' families wanted to be here because it was just too moving. Here is the way she put it.


JULIETTE MEADEL, FRENCH JUNIOR MINISTER FOR VICTIMS AID: Some victims that I know have chosen to go even abroad but not to be in Paris during this day because it is going to be too difficult for them to remember this terrible attack.


BITTERMANN: Nonetheless there were a number of people, probably several hundred people that were here, some of them victims and victims' families and some of the first responders who were here on that night one year ago. And while we couldn't see their faces, and in fact they asked us not to take pictures of their faces, we did see from the body language from behind that people were quite emotional embracing each other. That sort of thing. So it has been a very somber and very emotional kind of time here -- George.

ALLEN: Certainly can understand that, Jim. And understanding that everyone is different. Some people can come, they need that.


ALLEN: And some don't want to be anywhere near it.

Let's go over to Melissa Bell because she is at the Place de la Republique where so many gathered to show their respects a year ago -- Melissa.

MELISSA BELL, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: This place has largely been cleared since that memorial sprung up in the days just after the attacks there on that monument just behind me. People are beginning to go mill around. Flowers have been put down.

[05:20:03] The atmosphere here really is very subdued. This was an attack that profoundly shocked Parisians. Of course they'd had "Charlie Hebdo" just six months before when the journalists had been attacked in their newsroom. This so the coordination nature of the attacks, the fact that it's really targeted the sort of under belly of Paris. These were people out enjoying themselves in cafes and restaurants, in the Bataclan that you saw just a moment ago there has left the city profoundly shocked.

One year on there are still 20 victims in the hospitals recovering from their wounds and a city that is still profoundly traumatized by what happened here a year ago. A great deal of anger still about what went on with many French people feeling that their government simply hasn't done enough, Natalie, to protect them. Ever since those terrible offense of a year ago since of course we've been through it again on the 14th of July with the attacks in Nice.

HOWELL: And, Melissa, I'd also like to switch over to Jim to ask the same point that you point out here. But, Jim, from your experience and reporting, is there a sense among people that the government is doing enough or is able to get a handle on things like this to prevent them?

BITTERMANN: Well, after the horrible attacks here, George, it was followed by the July 14th attacks down in Nice and I think that really shocked people and it set people aback because they thought that things were handled because they basically were under a state of emergency, that the government is clamping down, that yet July 14th happened, there were several other attacks and attempted attacks in the days since. And so I don't think people really necessarily feel that they are all that security.

In fact it kind of breaks down along political lines. If you're a supporter of the government and the left side of the political equation, if you survey those people, they say about 60 percent say that they do feel more secure now and secure enough. If you talk to people on the right, however, they feel that the government hasn't done enough and things could be better prepared for what could be another attack down the line -- George.

ALLEN: And back to Melissa. Melissa, with the news reporting there in Paris what have you heard from the victims who survived this? What have they said about the trauma that they are experiencing from this?

BELL: We've met a number of them, Natalie, that have turned to words to try and express really what they've been going through. They've also -- a number of them mentioned to us that it is really only other victims, firsthand victims, those who lost loved ones or who were in the Bataclan on that terrible night and lived through what looked like a war zone suddenly that can really relate to what went on. They've reached to one another, readily they formed clubs. They formed associations to be able to talk about what happened.

These profoundly shocking events, and just picking up from what Jim said a moment ago. What happened here a year ago and we're still really at the beginning of an investigation that will go on some time. It's very coordinated action that was essentially coordinated from Syria. We've seen a shift in the tactics moving on to the 14th of July where one man rented a truck of course and plowed it into a crowd of people.

We've seen the change, people inspired by what they've seen on the Internet and carrying out attacks either with knives or with trucks. But the sort of coordinated attacks that we saw here were really a thing of the past. It's been a year now. And that seems to be behind us, that sense that Paris was turned into a war zone for one night. Those who lived it firsthand still one year on talk about how traumatic the events were and how difficult it is for them to feel safe, for them to feel secure in their own country in their capital.

ALLEN: We certainly understand that, and we just continue to hope for the safety of Paris. Such a wonderful place.

Melissa Bell and our Jim Bittermann, thanks so much.

HOWELL: Thank you.

ALLEN: In Iraq the battle to drive ISIS from Mosul rages on. Iraqi forces say they are dropping hundreds of thousands of leaflets again on the city. The leaflets tell Mosul's residents to be ready to attack ISIS. They also described victories by Iraqi forces.

HOWELL: Iraqi civilians have been caught in the crossfire as that battle for Mosul continues. ISIS is known to use civilians as human shields. The United Nations says that ISIS militants have also executed civilians accused of aiding Iraqi forces.

ALLEN: A Donald Trump presidency has many Muslims on edge. We'll hear from an American Muslim living abroad who is worried about returning to her country coming ahead here.

HOWELL: Plus the president of Colombia is hoping a new peace deal with the FARC rebels will hold. We'll have details on what's next. We are live from Atlanta broadcasting across the United States and around the world this hour. You're watching CNN NEWSROOM.


[05:28:13] HOWELL: Welcome back. To our viewers here in the United States and around the world, you're watching CNN NEWSROOM. I'm George Howell.

ALLEN: And I'm Natalie Allen. Here are our top stories.

HOWELL: The question of who President-elect Donald Trump may pick to be his chief of staff may soon be answered. Trump's campaign manager says the announcement is imminent. The chair of the Republican National Committee, Reince Priebus, is said to be the frontrunner. Sources say the decision could come as early as Monday.

ALLEN: Police in Portland, Oregon, say at least 19 people were arrested during large anti-Trump protests Saturday night. Portland has been clash point during four straight days of demonstrations opposing Donald Trump's election. Thousands of people also marched against Trump in other cities including New York and Los Angeles.

HOWELL: In Paris marking one year since the terrorist attack that targeted six locations across the city. The attacks left 130 people dead and hundreds more wounded. France is commemorating the victims with plaques at the attack sites.

ALLEN: Four Americans were killed in an attack on the largest U.S. military base in Afghanistan. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the suicide bombing at Bagram Airfield on Saturday. Two of those killed were service members. The other two were contractors. 17 others were wounded.

HOWELL: Back to the questions that many world leaders and many Americans have about what a Trump presidency will look like. We will soon know in the coming months.

ALLEN: CNN's Tom Foreman explains the president-elect has set an ambitious agenda.


TOM FOREMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Item one on President Trump's to-do list could well be the plan that launched his presidency.

TRUMP: We're going to build a wall, folks. We're going to build a wall.

FOREMAN: And he could continue work on sections of such a wall which has already been going on for years on the U.S.-Mexico border.

[05:30:03] But expanding farther for a complete wall would require more money and congressional approval.

Item two, deportation.

TRUMP: Day one, my first hour in office, those people are gone.

FOREMAN: In recent months he suggested he's not going to deport all 11 million undocumented immigrants but only some two million whom he says have committed serious crimes. And yes, he can send them home without getting Congress involved if he can find them. Item three, trade.

TRUMP: At the center of my jobs plan will be fixing out terrible trade deals.

FOREMAN: His election and the Republican sweep of Congress has already killed hopes for the Trans-Pacific Partnership which President Obama wanted and Mr. Trump can pull the U.S. out of NAFTA, although it's not clear what the economic impact would be and legal challenges are sure to follow.

Item four --

TRUMP: The repeal and replace Obamacare act. Fully repeal Obamacare.

FOREMAN: This will be tricky at best. And he certainly can't do it alone. True Republicans hold 51 seats in the Senate but as the rule stand now that is well short of the 60 needed to overcome a Democratic filibuster. He can chew away at key portions of the program by cutting funding but he said he'd also replace parts of Obamacare, although he has not fully answered the question with what.

Item five --

TRUMP: We need a special prosecutor to look into Hillary Clinton.

FOREMAN: He can make such an appointments and his staff suggests the possibility remains on the table. It's just not clear if he will do it.

Item six.

TRUMP: A hiring freeze on all federal employees to reduce federal work force through attrition.

FOREMAN: Again, the complete repercussions are unclear but he has the power if he wants to follow through.

(On camera): And lastly, what about banning all Muslims from entering the United States. Over the past few days that idea has disappeared and reappeared on the Trump Web site. But running mate Mike Pence says that that plan has pretty much been abandoned.

HOWELL: Tom Foreman there for us. Tom, thank you.

Hillary Clinton is also speaking out, placing blame now after her presidential defeat. The Democrats said the letters from the FBI director James Comey were just too much to overcome in the final days of the campaign. Clinton making the comment to some of her donors on a conference call Saturday. Comey announced a renewed investigation into Clinton's private e-mail server just about a week before the election then abruptly announced that there were no wrongdoings just a few days later. Clinton urged her supporters to move forward and to keep fighting for their beliefs.

ALLEN: So again, so many people in the United States and around the world wondering what will he and what will he not do after the campaign. The rhetoric of the campaign, Muslims are uncertain about what will come with a Trump presidency.

HOWELL: As Mohammed Lela reports, many fear what will happen after inauguration day.


MOHAMMAD LELA, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It's bedtime at Bani- Rothman family's house but this isn't like any other night. Tonight there is a new reality, a new president in America.

(On camera): What was your initial reaction when you heard the news?

ESRAA BANI-ROTHMAN, AMERICAN EXPAT IN ABU DHABI: You know the thing is that, with the elections, of course there is no when you heard the news, it's this long, killing me softly process.

LELA (voice-over): Esraa is an American living and working here in Abu Dhabi. We first met her at an election viewing party that we live streamed on Facebook.

(On camera): I just want to play this clip for you so you can see. This is what you were telling us yesterday.

BANI-ROTHAM: I'm hesitant, I'm worried. So I don't know what to expect from the other end.

LELA (voice-over): And this is what she thinks today.

BANI-ROTHAM: I don't know. Like it's -- it's unpredictable. It's as unpredictable as the tweets that come out, like you don't know what's going to come.

LELA: That uncertainty is casting a shadow over Muslims around the world.

During his campaign, Donald Trump proposed a temporary ban on Muslims from entering the United States and he wasn't exactly clear about how or even if he tried to improve relations with the Muslim world. Many are now stunned that Trump was elected.

"In my opinion, this is the worst decision that America has made," this teacher in Baghdad says. "He will get America in to a lot of trouble."

"Trump's policy about Muslims, about immigrants, it's really bad," this tech workers in Indonesia says.

Even here in this remote Syrian refugee camp where people struggle just to survive, the news and the disappointment spread fast.

"We were surprised by the victory of a racist and sectarian president who is against the Syrian revolution. If we had a little hope to go back home, we don't anymore." Hope is what Esraa Bani-Rotham is left clinging to. She's a woman, a

Muslin and an African-American, the very same demographics that voted in large numbers of Hillary Clinton.

[05:35:06] Now she wonders if people like her still have a place in President-elect Trump's America.

(On camera): Are you worried about going back now?

BANI-ROTHAM: I am. Most obviously, the feeling of a displaced refugee.

LELA: Is that how you are feeling.

BANI-ROTHAM: I absolutely feel like a displaced refugee because --

LELA: In your own country.

BANI-ROTHAM: Absolutely.

LELA (voice-over): And as she puts her 1-year-old son to bed, her hope is that Donald Trump, the president, will be different from Donald Trump the candidate.

Mohammad Lela, CNN, Abu Dhabi.


ALLEN: Australia says it will transfer hundreds of refugees in controversial offshore detention centers to the United States. Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull calls it a one-off deal that prioritizes women, children and families. He says it won't apply to refugees trying to reach Australia in the future.

CNN has reported in the past refugees arriving in Australia by boat have been transferred to centers in Nauru and Papua New Guinea. In a scathing report last month Amnesty International accused Australia of making Nauru an open air prison.

HOWELL: The president of Columbia is urging his country to give peace a second chance. The government signed a revised peace deal Saturday with FARC rebels to end over 50 years of brutal fighting.

ALLEN: Colombians rejected the initial peace agreement in a referendum last month. Critics saying it was too lenient toward the rebels from the Revolution Armed Forces.

Our Rafael Romo has more.


RAFAEL ROMO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The first peace agreement between the Colombian government and the FARC guerilla group took nearly five years to be reached. The new and revised agreement was put together in only six weeks beginning with the agreement was held in Havana where the official announcement happened Saturday afternoon. Representatives of both the FARC guerrilla group and the Colombian government attended the ceremony.

In an address to fellow Colombians Saturday night in Bogota, President Juan Manuel Santos said the new deal will build a broader, deeper peace. Among the new stipulations are reparations for victims which will come from FARC's assets and money, Santos said. FARC can still form a political party under the new agreement but will not be given seats in the Colombian Congress automatically as the previous deals stated.

JOSE MANUEL SANTOS, COLOMBIAN PRESIDENT (Through Translator): I am invite all Colombians, including those who promoted both the yes and the no vote to give peace a chance with this new agreement. That's what the Colombian people are asking from us and that's also what the international committee is asking for.

ROMO: The new agreement even with the changes faces opposition. Former Colombian president Alvaro Uribe, the main promoter of the no vote, warned President Santos not to call the new agreement definitive or final before consulting with the Colombian people. Meanwhile, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry issued a statement saying, I want to congratulate the government and people of Colombia on achieving a revised peace agreement.

Rafael Romo, CNN, Atlanta.


HOWELL: Rafael, thank you.

Still ahead here on NEWSROOM, the super moon that lit up the night sky in October. It is about to make an encore appearance. There it is. We'll tell you why this will be the biggest and brightest full moon in more than 60 years.

ALLEN: We like to see the moon. Plus from immigrant to model to the White House. We'll look at the life of America's next first lady.


[05:41:56] The moon is taking over this newscast. Beginning Sunday night the full moon will be bigger and brighter than it has since Harry Truman was president of the U.S. Folks, that was 68 years ago.

HOWELL: This is amazing, isn't it? Just so cool to look back at that.

ALLEN: We have it right there.

HOWELL: Yes. It is the second of three consecutive super moons this year. The next is in December.

Our Jennifer Gray explains what makes a super moon different from other moons.

(BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) JENNIFER GRAY, AMS METEOROLOGIST (voice-over): One of the more notable moons, the Harvest moon. This is because the fields have already been harvested and this is when animals needed to be killed and stored because winter is coming soon.

There's also what's known as the Supermoon, where the moon can be as much as 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter. This occurs during the closest approach the moon makes to the earth on its orbit.

Every now and then, we get a couple of bonus moons. You see the lunar calendar is roughly 29 days, but our monthly calendar is mostly 30 to 31 days. So every now and then, you will get two full moons in one calendar month. When you have two full moons in a calendar month, the second one is called the Blue Moon. And when you have two new moons in a calendar month, the second moon is called the Black Moon which is pretty much the only moon that matches its name because it's invisible to us on earth, appearing black.


HOWELL: Jennifer Gray, thank you.

ALLEN: It's cool. Derek is here with more about it.

DEREK VAN DAM, AMS METEOROLOGIST: You know, we've had fires recently that's drifted a lot of smoke into the metro Atlanta area where CNN is located and smoke and haze can actually make the appearance of this Supermoon even larger and even shades of red darker because it all has to do with aerosols from the smoke that settled in over the atmosphere and the wavelengths that gets bent and refracted. I won't get into the details but it could make for a more magnificent moon -- Supermoon for us.

ALLEN: We'll take it.

VAN DAM: And really the other thing I want to talk to you guys about because we've been seeing some interesting things taking place on the southern tip of Britain actually, want to take you there, because we have seen the erosion of the chalk cliffs. These are limestone cliffs that are found there. You may have seen these in some movies perhaps. There's are also the Dover cliffs that are just to the east of Sussex County.

And what normally happens is that these cliffs typically recede. About three to six centimeters per year but a recent study, and I have been looking at this closely because it's tied in with climate change, they've seen that they've receded that in accelerated pace. We're talking 22 to 32 centimeters per year. So you can imagine the livelihoods that are impacted by this. Because it's not just a local phenomenon, this is a worldwide phenomenon.

Think about 40 percent of the world's population lives within 100 kilometers of the coastline. So you can imagine that surface erosion, coastal erosion impacts you, me, anyone who lives close to water.

[05:45:08] We see larger waves thanks to stronger storms. The impacts and the finger prints of climate change written all of that. The warming of our planet, the ability to hold more moisture in the atmosphere, more intense thunderstorms, more frequent rainfall, that saturates into the environment and the ground. And that allows for that coastal erosion. Just to be really exacerbated. Then you take into consideration the wind that occurs with the strong storms that move through and we see that coastal erosion get even greater.


VAN DAM: So I'll leave it on a brighter note. A beautiful photo coming out of the Red Square in Central Moscow. People navigating snow mounds there because of all the recent snow that they've experienced.

ALLEN: How high is that?

VAN DAM: That's at least a meter, three feet perhaps.


VAN DAM: You can imagine what that's like. We haven't seen that in Atlanta before but I come from Michigan and I'm --


HOWELL: You are used to snow.

ALLEN: I never predicted.


HOWELL: That's a beautiful thing in Moscow. Derek, thank you so much.

VAN DAM: Thanks, guys.

HOWELL: All right. From fashion model to Pennsylvania Avenue, Melania Trump will soon be first lady of the United States.

ALLEN: And there's never been one like her. Jeanne Moos has a closer look at the former model ahead here.




[05:51:09] ALLEN: The electoral defeat of Hillary Clinton really bugged many. That's especially true for one polling expert who predicted Donald Trump would never get more than 240 votes.

HOWELL: Poor Sam Wang. OK. So he promised that he would eat a bug if that happened. It takes 270 electoral votes to win. And Trump got 290.

CNN's Michael Smerconish reminded Wang about that vow and here is what happened before and after the election.


SAM WANG, PROFESSOR, PRINCETON ELECTION CONSORTIUM: What I said in that tweet was that Trump was unlikely to break 240 electoral votes and I think that's pretty much the same. Honestly this race is the most stable statistically speaking since Eisenhower beat Stevenson.

Now, Mike, you really want me to do this? Yes, you do. OK.

MICHAEL SMERCONISH, CNN ANCHOR, "SMERCONISH": I kind of would. You know, let's like put it to bed once and for all.

WANG: Sure. OK. So like John the Baptist in the wilderness, he ate locusts and honey, and so I regard myself as being in the wilderness a little bit because after all I was wrong. A lot of people were wrong but nobody else made the promise I did and I'm hoping that we can get back to data and thinking thoughtfully about policy and issues and having said that, and saying good morning to everyone out there on both sides, see this? Here it goes. OK.

SMERCONISH: You're a man of your word, Dr. Wang. I appreciate -- how was it, by the way?

WANG: Kind of mostly honey-ish, a little nutty but, you know, if it's good enough for a snake --


ALLEN: He didn't chew it. He's like get rid of this.

HOWELL: He was not able to worm out of that one.


HOWELL: I couldn't help it.

ALLEN: I knew that was coming from you, George.

All right. Moving on here, Melania Trump, well, she's got to fill the role of First Lady Michelle Obama who's been very popular, in fact more popular than her husband or the next president.

HOWELL: And while Melania was a professional model Michelle is on the cover of this week's "Vogue" magazine. The cover read the first lady that the world fell in love with.

ALLEN: So will the world fall for Melania Trump? Here's Jeanne Moos.


JEANNE MOOS, CNN SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): She's been a model. She's done commercials. She may seem like an odd duck for a first lady. But Melania Trump is just like us.

At least on first glance at her Facebook where she posts videos of beautiful beaches. And that great Aerosmith concert she attended, as well as, "The fun night with my two boys," Donald J. Trump and their son Barron. The Donald is driving. His son riding shotgun.

Unlike her husband, Melania is not addicted to Twitter. But some of her older tweeted photos are fun. Melania is Batwoman for Halloween. Wearing a cat suit, teasing her husband, "Honey, see you soon."

And there's this oldie but goodie, the Clintons at the Trump's wedding. OK, maybe she's not just like us.


MOOS: Not everyone has fans.

M. TRUMP: Hi, fans. I'm going to Metropolitan Gala.

MOOS: And not everyone goes to galas in the designer gowns.

M. TRUMP: Christian Siriano did for me. And I thank you, Christian, beautiful job. Fantastic job.

MOOS: You can't say Melania hasn't had plenty of training for all those state dinners she and President Trump will be hosting.

(On camera): Almost instantly after the election, Melania updated her Instagram.

(Voice-over): At RealMelaniaTrump became @firstladymelaniatrump. On Thursday, she chronicled her trip to Washington, writing, "Such an honor to visit the White House." Little did she know this would end up being her home back when she tweeted this photo captioned, "At home with my husband."

[05:55:01] Don't worry, Melania. There is a piano in the White House should you feel the urge to recline.

Jeanne Moos, CNN, New York.


ALLEN: We wish her well. She certainly is elegant.

HOWELL: The new first lady of the U.S.

And we close the show speaking about "Saturday Night Live." It's a show that's known for cracking jokes especially around election time. But this week's show, the first since Donald Trump won the White House went to a very different direction.

ALLEN: In lieu of an opening skit "Saturday Night Live's" Kate McKinnon as Hillary Clinton performed a sobering tribute to musician Leonard Cohen who died this week.


KATE MCKINNON, "SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE": (Singing) I did my best. I couldn't feel so I tried to touch. I told the truth. I didn't come to fool you. And even though it all went wrong I'll stand before with nothing on my tongue but hallelujah. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.

I'm not giving up and neither should you. And live from New York, it's "Saturday Night."


HOWELL: A beautiful song.

ALLEN: A very nice way to put a button on the little Hillary Clinton saga.


ALLEN: That we watched and live on "SNL." Thanks for watching us. I'm Natalie Allen.

HOWELL: And I'm George Howell. CNN's "NEW DAY" is next. Stay with us.