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Italian PM Renzi to Resign after Referendum; Austrian Voters Reject Far-Right Candidate; 11 Dead, 75 Injured in Pakistan Hotel Fire; 33 Confirmed Dead in Oakland Warehouse Fire; Trump Preparing to Shake Up U.S./China Relations; U.S. Army Blocks Dakota Access Pipeline Route. Aired 2-3a ET

Aired December 16, 2016 - 02:00   ET




[02:00:39] ROSEMARY CHURCH, CNN ANCHOR: Hello, and welcome to our viewers here in the United States and all around the world. I'm Rosemary Church.

CYRIL VANIER, CNN ANCHOR: I'm Cyril Vanier. You're watching CNN NEWSROOM.

We have a very busy hour ahead. First, in that vote in Italy, the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi losing a constitutional referendum in a landslide.

CHURCH: Supporters of European populism see it as a big win.

But the populist movement was shot down in Austria. Voters there rejecting a far-right candidate in their presidential election.

VANIER: We have reporters in Milan and Vienna covering these big political developments for us. We'll get to both in just a moment.

Let's start in Italy. Matteo Renzi had hoped to narrow the size and power of Italy's Senate in that constitutional referendum. Instead, it was a decisive loss. About 60 percent of voters went against him.

CHURCH: Now, the countries faces an uncertain future. But Mr. Renzi sent well wishes to those who opposed him.


MATTEO RENZI, ITALIAN PRIME MINSITER (through translation): The "no" vote won in a very convincing manner. I sent my congratulations to the leaders of the "no" campaign. I hope they work well in the interest of our country, Italy and Italians.


VANIER: "CNN Money's" Europe editor, Nina del Santos, joins us live from Milan. Let's look, Nina, at the economic consequences and the political

consequences. Start with the economy. I know the banks are vulnerable. What do you think might be happening over the hours and days to come?

NINA DEL SANTOS, CNN MONEY EUROPE EDITOR: Outside Milan's stock exchange, which is where I'm joining you from, there's about an hour to go before trading gets underway. People are expecting a very torrid session here.

You mentioned the banks. Some of the banks actually have board meetings today to try and assess the situation and where they go from here because the risk profile of the loans that they have on their books can change from here. They may have to pay more for debt to finance the loans they've extended to clients across this country. Some really nervous times for a lot of the heads of the financial institutions. If you take a look at how the economy has fared across Italy -- Matteo Renzi had, by the way, called this referendum on constitutional changed to try and empower any party that got into power in Italy with the tools to try to kick-start the economy and solve the banking crisis this country has. But he hasn't managed to pass that. It was a resounding "no" from the Italian people. The turnout was high, higher, by the way, than in some general elections that I've covered in this country. As such, he has fallen on his sword, much like in the way David Cameron fell on his sword after calling the referendum on Brexit in summer in the United Kingdom. So again, it's a return to political instability across this region that has investors not just across Europe but across the rest of the world worried.

We saw markets fall in the overnight session in Asia. And when it comes to the Euro, that's down to a 20-month low. And later on this week, we have the ECB having a meeting on Thursday. And before that, later today, the Eurozone finance ministers will also get together to discuss the events that have happened in Austria and Italy over the weekend.

VANIER: Tell us about the political landscape and how that's affected, in particular, Grilo (ph), the leadership of the anti- establishment Five Star movement.

DEL SANTOS: Yeah. A lot of people in Italy can't escape the irony that just a few hours before we saw the results of this referendum come clear across this country, across the border in Austria, it seemed as though people had rejected populism, only for it to bounce back in force here across this country.'

And you mentioned Grilo (ph), who is the leader of the Five Star populist movement. He wants another referendum, not on constitutional change. He lobbied very hard and spent a lot of money through his big media machine to try to convince his supporters and the rest of the Italian people to reject Matteo Renzi's proposals. He wants a referendum on the Eurozone. He wants to take to take Italy out of the single currency area. Across this part of northeast Italy, what we also have is separatist movements, like the Northern League, that also advocate similar things. They would like to see Italy -- some of them would like to see Italy cleaved into two, to separate Rome from the north and give more autonomy to this part of Italy, which is richer so it can spend and manage its own budget.

From here, we head into a period of probably political turmoil, a lot more populist voices like Grilo (ph). By the way, I should point out, he has ruled himself out of ever becoming the next prime minister. He has a criminal report and he's gone on the record and talked about that that many times in the past. He said he wants to see fresh elections within a week. That is unlikely to happen. Most political analysts will say we're not likely to see snap elections from here because the next election is set to take place in 2018. What we could see is a caretaker government and, yet again, that could be more uncertainty and more economic inertia for Italy from here.

[02:05:56] VANIER: "CNN Money" Europe editor, Nina del Santos, reporting live from Milan, thank you very much.

CHURCH: As we've mentioned, voters in Austria rejected the wave of European populism, electing left wing candidate, Alexander Van der Bellon as their next president.

CNN international correspondent, Atika Shubert, joins us live from Vienna with more.

Atika, Austrians apparently bucked Europe's move to the right, rejecting populism. Why did we see that happen, do you think?

ATIKA SHUBERT, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRSPONDENT: You know, the numbers have come in and the state broadcaster had a really interesting break down in their exit polls, and they showed that while a majority of voters say that Hofer, the far-right candidate, was more relatable as a person, it was Van der Bellon that they felt was better representative of Austria to the rest of the world.


SHUBERT (voice-over): The first time far-right candidate, Norbert- Hofer, ran for Austria's presidency in May, he lost by just 31,000 vote. This time, it was a clear defeat that could not be contested.

Alexander Van der Bellon, a 72-year-old economist, backed by the Green Party, beat him again by a decisive margin. Exit polls showed 53 percent for Van der Bellon and 47 percent for Hofer.

(on camera): Behind me now, you can see both candidates, Norbert Hofer, and Alexander Van der Bellon, giving interviews to state broadcaster, ORF, explaining exactly why they believe voters chose the way they did.

ALEXANDER VAN DER BELLON, AUSTRIAN PRESIDENT-ELECT: I think it's a historic day for Austria for several reasons. From the first time, a presidential election has to be repeated. And it was not just a repetition. In fact, it was a new election. Because, you know, conditions changed. The world around us has changed. We had the Brexit vote in Great Britain in the United Kingdom. We had the election of Donald Trump in the United States, and so on. In six months, many things happened.

SHUBERT: Voters were worried and anxious, but not just about immigration, which Hofer railed against, but also Austria's place in the E.U. And fears that the so-called Trump bump would bring populist and isolationist parties into power. It seems to have pushed voters the other way.

"My gut tells me to be worried," this woman said. "I fear that my daughter won't have the same opportunities as I did."


SHUBERT: This man told us, "I am worried about Austria and I hope it doesn't go the way of the U.S. or the U.K., and that it will be an E.U. for us all, and continues to be that way and not destroyed by some people."

Immediately after the polls, a resigned Hofer insisted that he was working to unify Austria after a divisive and prolonged campaign season.

NORBERT HOFER, AUSTRIAN FAR-RIGHT PRESIDENTIAL CANDIATE: I don't want to divide the country. Now it's to me and Mr. Van der Bellon to tell the people who supported us that it is important to see that we are one country. We are all Austria. And we have to work together.

SHUBERT (on camera): Does this put an end to this sort of populist nationalist surge we've seen in Europe?

HOFER: I can -- always I have to say the same thing. I'm not a populist. I don't want to be a populist. I'm a pretty normal guy, a level-minded man. And I want you to believe me, I'm not really -- I'm right, but not extreme right. I'm middle right. It's important for me to show that I'm not an extreme man.

SHUBERT (voice-over): The Austrian presidency is a ceremonial but highly symbolic role. Hofer's loss has dealt Europe's populist surge a blow. And now, Van der Bellon, a self-described child of refugees, is being hailed as defender of an open liberal Europe, but Austria is just the first of a string of election challenges in the year ahead.


[02:10:14] SHUBERT: In the polls, in the run up to the election, said it was too close to call, both candidates were neck and neck. But it was a decisive victory. It look like women, in particular, is what pushed the victory to Van der Bellon. More than 62 percent of the women here voted for him.

CHURCH: All right. Our Atika Shubert bringing us that live report from Vienna, Austria, where it is 8:10 in the morning. Many thanks to you.

VANIER: At least 11 people are dead after a hotel fire in Karachi, Pakistan. It happened at the Regent Plaza Hotel. An official said the blaze has now been contained. A doctor at a nearby hospital says the victims were killed by suffocation. 75 people were also injured. Authorities are saying the fire swept through the hotel with very little warning.

A short time ago, we spoke to CNN producer, Sophia Saifi, in Islamabad.


SOPHIA SAIFI, CNN PRODUCER (voice-over): We know that the mayor was speaking to the press overnight and he said there were absolutely no fire exits. There was no fire alarm to alert the people in the hotel that there was an actual fire going on. A lot of the people who died, all of them actually have died of suffocation. The 75 injured have also suffered from breathing issues. Even though the fire has been contained, it's still unknown as to what the cause of the fire itself was.


VANIER: At least 33 people are now confirmed dead in Oakland, California, after a fire tore through a warehouse. These images show the building before Friday night's blaze. It was known as the Ghost Ship. It housed artist studios. Authorities say it did not have permits for people to live inside and the building's owners had been notified of hazardous trash and debris violations.

VANIER: As officials comb through what's left of the building, Oakland's fire chief described the blaze as one of the worst in city's history.

Here is what Oakland's mayor is said is being done to recover victim's remains and comfort their loved ones.


LIBBY SCHAAF, OAKLAND MAYOR: But it is with so much grief and so much compassion that we, as your city family, share with you this horrific news. And as this tragedy continues to unfold, I want to again reassure you of what our priorities are as the city of Oakland. Our first priority is the imminent and compassionate removal of the victims of this tragedy. And I want to assure you that we are continuing to operate a 24/7 recovery operation to effectuate that removal. Secondly, we're focusing on supporting the families and the loved ones, some who are coming from very far away.


VANIER: The mayor of Oakland speaking there.

CNN's Stephanie Elam is on site with more on the tragedy.


STEPHANIE ELAM, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The officials here saying it is two ugly of what caused the fire. But what they have said is they've gone through the building and broken it up into quadrants. They say they found victims in all four of the quadrants of this building. There was no one place that the victims were found. They're also saying some of the people that lost their lives were juveniles, 17 year olds, some young adults in their early 20s and some 30-plus.

They're also saying that they're in touch with embassies for people who are people who were from other countries that also lost their lives in the fire.

At this point, they had reached out to some of the families, but they're still working to identify some of the people who died here. They say some people, it's evident who they are. If they had their I.D. on them they can match it with fingerprints. But for others, where there is nothing there to identify them, they're having to get some source of DNA. So, they're asking family members, if you think you lost someone here, to preserve a toothbrush or hair brush and put it into a clean paper bag and hold on to it so that they can get to them.

But at this point, they're saying they would not be surprised if they actually do expect that the number of people who died here in this Oakland fire will increase.


VANIER: Coming up, Chinese leaders are facing a new assault on their policies from Donald Trump on Twitter. We'll go live to Hong Kong and Beijing for the latest.

[02:14:41] CHURCH: Plus, the U.S. Army's new decision on whether a controversial pipeline can be built near a Native American reservation. We'll have more on that on the other side of the break.

Stay with us.




CHURCH: Welcome back everyone. U.S. President-elect Donald Trump may be preparing to shake up U.S./China relations when he takes office in January. First, he set off a diplomatic earthquake Friday by speaking directly to the Taiwan leader, ignoring nearly 40 years of sensitive diplomacy. Now he's going after Beijing's trade and military policies.

VANIER: On Sunday, this is what he tweeted, "Did China ask us if it was OK to devalue their currency, making it hard for our companies to compete? Heavily tax our products going into their country. The U.S. doesn't tax them. Or to build a massive military complex in the middle of the South China Sea. I don't think so," end tweet.

CNN's Alexandra Field in in Beijing and Andrew Stevens is in Hong Kong.

Alexandra, let me begin with you.

It's looking more and more like Donald Trump is ready to take his hard stance on China to the White House.

ALEXANDRA FIELD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Right. We heard some tough talk aimed at Beijing from President-elect Donald Trump was Candidate Trump on the campaign trail. Those words played swell to his base. And now he's echoing those same sentiments on Twitter, going after Beijing again for alleged currency manipulation and bringing up the issue of China's interest in the South China Sea. So, these are issues that he has addressed before but he sends out these tweets on the heels of that phone call with Taiwan's president, which had broken some 40 years of protocol. It has sent waves of concern toward Beijing and throughout the rest of the world. And then he follows up with the tweets. So, what position does that leave officials in Beijing in now? That's something they've got to work out. Because this is truly unprecedented territory.

[02:20:30] Candidate Trump promised that his foreign policy would be unpredictable and he certainly seems to be acting that way, in terms of going on Twitter to seemingly espouse his foreign policy views. This is not nothing countries have had to deal with in the past, a U.S. president-elect seemingly sending out signals on his potential foreign policy on Twitter.

So is this just the sort of rhetoric that you're use to from Donald Trump or is it a sign of how he could change the relationship between China and the U.S. once he takes office. That's for everyone to see.

State media had opined before Candidate Trump won the election and became president elect, they said they predicted he would bash China in the initial stages of his presidency, and that would be designed to bolster his authority back at home. They saw him as somebody who is an isolationist facing a divided nation who would have domestic agenda that he would be primarily concerned with. In an op-ed that was published in a state newspaper last night, they write, "China should understand Trump has two faces. On the one and, he's bluffing and unpredictable. On the other hand, he has no plan to overturn international relationships and will focus on U.S. internal affairs to make America great again." That was the take away after the phone call with Taiwan's leader.

Beijing did launch an official complaint with Washington for the breach of protocol. But beyond that, there were messages in state news mostly saying that President-elect Trump needs to respect this long-standing relationship between U.S. and China, the policies that have governed that relationship. And this op-ed went on to advise that officials in Beijing should engage in constructive conversations with the president-elect.

So far, as of today, there has been no official response to the tweets that the president-elect sent out, however, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is holding a briefing right now. It's something they will be asked about. We'll all be watching to see how seriously they take these tweets and what kind of response they could have at this point -- Cyril? VANIER: Alexandra Field, reporting live from Beijing, thank you very


CHURCH: Donald Trump's tweets made some bold allegations.

Andrew Stevens has been examining them for accuracy.

Andrew, let's fact check what Trump has to say about China. Is it a currency manipulator as he suggested in his tweets?

ANDREW STEVENS, CNN ASIA-PACIFIC EDITOR: Well, broadly, China probably is a currency manipulator, but if you look at how it's manipulating the currency, certainly in the last months, Rosemary, it would be manipulating the currency in the U.S.'s favor, because it's actually trying to keep a lid on the yuan plunging. China is a different position than most foreign currencies. They peg their currency. They don't let the markets decide what the value of that currency should be. But they're trying to introduce more and more sort of market movers for the currency, so it can be more fairly valued.

I've been speaking to economist and they say, broadly, it probably is probably fairly valued. But there's no doubt it has been falling against the U.S. dollar.

Take a look at these numbers here. It shows you what's been happening. The yuan is down 1.8l percent against the U.S. dollar since the election. But if you look at the other big currencies like the E.U. and Japan, the Japanese yen is 9 percent down. That's four times more than the yuan. So, China actually has been making sure the currency doesn't fall as much as it should, because any analysts will tell you, the yuan should fall much more than it actually is falling.

So is it a currency manipulator? Probably, yes, it is. But the real key though is this is something that we've heard from Donald Trump time and time again. It usually follows a threat to impose big sanctions on Chinese exports to balance the playing field, if you would like. If Donald Trump follows through on that, and we're talking about 45 percent taxes on Chinese goods going into the U.S., it doesn't take a big stretch to see China retaliating, a trade war being sparked, and losers on both sides.

CHURCH: That's the worry. But Trump also saying that the devaluation of its currency makes it hard for U.S. companies to compete. He said Beijing heavily taxes U.S. products going into the country, while the U.S. does not tax the Chinese products. True or false?

[02:24:59] STEVENS: This is a little more opaque, this one, because we've been we've been looking at this and trying to find out where China taxes U.S. goods and the U.S. government doesn't apply the same taxes. There is a value-added tax, a VAT tax, that applies to everything that goes into China and everything that is made within China, they are subject to 17 percent value added tax, which includes U.S. goods. Now, the U.S. doesn't have this tax. So, he could be talking about that. He could be talking about tariffs. But if he's talking about tariffs, yes, China does impose average 5 percent taxes on goods going into China. But the U.S. imposes average 3 percent tariffs on goods going into the U.S. So, what he's specifically talking about here, it's unclear at this stage, Rosemary.

But it's all circles back to that central point I was talking about before. If this is President-elect Trump preparing the way for President Trump to act, it is going to be a very, very difficult relationship between the world's two biggest powerhouses, economic powerhouses. And a problematic relationship with those two may well lead to a problematic global economic picture. Because they're just so powerful now, if they do spark a trade war between the two, there's going to be a lot of collateral damage outside those two economies.

CHURCH: Certainly has the international community on edge as we watch what may happen going forward in January.

Andrew Stevens bringing that report from Hong Kong, where it is nearly 3:30 in the afternoon. Many thanks to you.

VANIER: In the U.S., construction is stopping, at least for now, on a controversial pipeline project in the state of North Dakota.

VANIER: The line is finished, except for a segment that was originally planned to run under a lake that sits near tribal land. The Standing Rock Sioux tribe and supporters have protested the project for months now.

Sara Sidner reports.


SARA SIDNER, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Celebrations, tears of joy, chanting, and drumming, that's what was the initial reaction when the folks here found out that the Army Corps of Engineer was going to stop this pipeline by asking the Dakota Access Pipeline to be re-routed from the thing that has caused the flash point, rerouted and kept from going underneath the Missouri River.

It is a very big victory for the Standing Rock Sioux and all of the people who have been here for many months trying to stop this pipeline from potentially going under the water and one day leaking.

However, what we have also heard from the tribe is that they are concerned this may not be permanent, depending on which administration is in place, and worried about Donald Trump's role in all of this when he takes the presidency.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Today's decision from the Army Corps of Engineers to not allow the pipeline company to drill underneath the river and violate our treaty rights to put our children's health from cancerous waters is a victory. But it's a short-lived victory, one that we need to dissect, one that we need to analyze. We need to make sure that President-elect Trump can't override this decision here today when he takes office.


SIDNER: We're hearing that from other members from the tribe that even though this is truly a victory and people feel relief, there is also worry about what happens next. Right now, this camp is filling up. No one seems to be leaving.


CHURCH: Sara Sidner reporting there.

And the company building the pipeline says it remains committed to seeing the project through to completion without re-routing.

VANIER: A man who says he went to a Washington restaurant with an assault rifle to investigate a conspiracy theory is under arrest. Police took the 28-year-old into custody on Sunday. They say he went to a pizza restaurant at the center of fake news stories involving Hillary Clinton and a child sex ring.

CHURCH: The theories sprang up last month online. The store's owner and employees say they have been receiving threats.

Still to come here on CNN NEWSROOM, how the leader of France's far- right party is using Italy's referendum vote to empower her supporters.

Plus, rebels in Aleppo, Syria, are withering under a crushing government assault. CNN's Fred Pleitgen goes inside the embattled city. That's all coming up.


[02:30:04] JOHN VAUSE, CNN ANCHOR: Welcome back, everybody. You're watching CNN NEWSROOM live from Los Angeles. I'm John Vause, with the headlines this hour.


VAUSE: Traces of explosives have been found on bodies from the EguptAir plane that crashed last may killing all 66 people on board. Authorities are still working to piece together what caused the plane to go down. Egyptian officials have said it would be terror or technical failures. Audio from the flight recordings mention a fire on board and attempts to put it out before the plane crashed.

CNN's safety analyst and former federal inspector, David Soucie, joins us now from Denver, Colorado.

David, thanks for being with us.

EgyptAir crash investigators have a reputation for being slow, not especially transparent, but even by their standards, it seems odd they're making this announcement now. The plane went down back in May.

DAVID SOUCIE, CNN SAFETY ANALYST: It does, particularly because about six months before that, if you recall, there was an accident on a flight from Sharm-a-Sheikh that crashed and killed everyone on board and that, indeed, was a bomb. They noticed and they found the explosive residue on the bodies. Just within really two days after that accident, they found that. So, six months later makes me very suspicious about it. And it's really cautious -- we'll proceed with caution on this part.

VAUSE: The implication here is that maybe a bomb had been planted on board, which would indicate some kind of act of terrorism. But in the eight months since the crash, there hasn't been a claim of responsibility.

SOUCIE: There has not, and that's suspect as well. The other thing that concerns me a little bit about the thought of a bomb at this point is that the Acars, the aircraft information that has been transmitted from the airplane at the time and been verified and validated by the voice recorders, is that there was a fire on board. Typically, if there's an explosive or incendiary device on board an aircraft at that stage of flight, it will explode and rupture of the aircraft itself, not just start a fire and cause smoke, and those kinds of reports that we got from Acar system and from the voice recorder saying that they were trying to fight a fire. So it is very suspicious to me that we have these bombs. If you are recall, on flight 800, when it crashed, they found explosive residue there. And that was actually later determined to be from the fact that the aircraft carried military personnel who just left a military live base and they tracked in the explosive materials. So, it's too early to tell at this point, I am waiting for more information.

VAUSE: I mean, the Egyptians were more transparent, we would have that information so we wouldn't have to speculate it.

If there was a small ball maybe in the forward lavatory, I think, where there was a report of smoke, there was a powerful, small directed blast, would that have had enough impact to bring down the plane?

SOUCIE: It could. In that area, it definitely could have brought down the plane because you are right over the top of the avionics bay. But going back to the Acars reports, the first Acars report that happened was windshield overheat, which came from the cockpit. The smoke and any other reports that came from it were subsequent to that, so it indicates to me that -- and those validated the flight data recorder as well that they were accurate reports. So, it tells me that whatever started would have had to start in the cockpit. So, the thought that someone brought an incendiary device into the cockpit and started it there, there's many other vulnerability points that would have been much easier to get an incendiary device on the airplane, in the back of the aircraft and in the lavatory, but the lavatory reports of smoking came after the overheat of the windshield. So, again, it is just a lot of things that make me very hesitant to think a bomb at this point. VAUSE: Again, if we are talking an explosive device of some kind, I guess we have to look at the route that the plane had taken before the explosion. It led to Cairo to Tunis, then to Charles de Gaulle in Paris. Could some kind of device made it onto the plane at any one of those points during the Airbus's flight?

[02:35:20] SOUCIE: It most certainly could have. In fact, the flight I had mentioned before, that airplane had also gone through those areas. And each time the aircraft lands, it goes through security check, but it may not be good enough to find out if there was something on previous flights and that it set often and would have them timed to go off at a certain time. Those types of bombs are uncommon. But most of the bombs we have encountered in the last five to 10 years have been those that encounter altitude so that they are assured that the bomb will go off at a higher altitude, which is where the aircraft is most vulnerable. So, the fact that they have timing that could have been on the aircraft long before this actual accident happened from some of these other locations is unlikely, but it certainly is possible, yes.

VAUSE: Just basically raised more questions than answers from the Egyptians.

SOUCIE: Yes, it is.

VAUSE: But, David, thank you so much.

SOUCIE: All right, thank you, John.

VAUSE: We'll take a short break. Back in a moment.

VAUSE: Well, back now to our top story. The threat of retaliation from the U.S. president over alleged Russian hacking during the U.S. presidential election. Mr. Obama made that threat just a few hours ago.

And in Tokyo, the Russian President Vladimir Putin has just finished a joint news conference with the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

CNN's Andrew Stevens was there. He joins us on the line right now.

So, Andrew, no one actually asked the president about the threat coming from Barack Obama?

ANDREW STEVENS, CNN ASIA-PACIFIC EDITOR (voice-over): This was a very tightly controlled, very tightly choreographed news conference in Tokyo, John. The Russian media were allowed to ask two questions and the Japanese news media were allowed to ask two questions, and none of the questions were taken up to that. So, no one raised the subject about retaliation or about the fact that the White House is now suggesting that Vladimir Putin was directly involved in the hacking operation, which was interfering with U.S. elections. That was no raised at all. We only mildly -- the only issue of international significance, apart from the tires between Russia and Japan. Putin was asked about Aleppo, and he spoke briefly about that. He said, not surprisingly, that he always expected the Syrian forces, back by Russia, would be successful and that they would continue to control and occupy Aleppo. And that there are thousands of Syrians now able to go back Aleppo. No mention at all about the carnage of the human catastrophe that is eastern Aleppo, John.

[02:40:00] But most of the press conference was taken up explaining Japanese and Russians -- the new counter -- warming ties, if you like, and dealing with the thorny issue of ownership islands. The Russian president not giving an inch on ownership, that it's Russia's at the end of the Second World War. And gave no indication they'll give them back. Although there is going to be more joint economic efforts on those islands. So, there is some type of agreement there.

But on the key question about hacking, we heard nothing.

VAUSE: Just going back to the issue of Aleppo, I understand Mr. Putin said that the time was now right for a nationwide ceasefire and that talks would continue with the opposition group, and that those talks would be held at a yet-to-be-determined date in the capitol of Kazakhstan.

STEVENS: Yes, he did mention that there had been talks already with opposition leaders and, indeed, the capitol of Kazakhstan would be the preferred choice for a gathering to discuss the path in Syria. He said he has to thank President Erdogan in Turkey who made that suggestions to the president. And we assume the president has also agreed with that. It was -- he didn't dwell on Aleppo at all, other than to say it was time for peace talks to begin, something he has said before, John. And the fact that security forces, government forces now control Aleppo and would stay in control of Aleppo.

VAUSE: OK, Andrew, the fact that you're talking quietly seems to me a good indication that we should let you go.

Andrew Stevens on the line at the end of that news conference that just wrapped up. We appreciate that update.

The killing in Syria has been indiscriminate. Parents have lost children. Children have been left orphaned. And the children that have lost everything, all they want now is a chance to grow up, to have a normal life, a life which has been denied by war.

Hear now, the pleas of the orphans of Aleppo.






VAUSE: You're watching CNN NEWSROOM from Los Angeles. I'm John Vause.

"World Sport" is up next.

Then, at the top of the hour, the news continues with George Howell and Natalie Allen.




[03:00:09] GEORGE HOWELL, CNN ANCHOR: Syrians finally evacuate East Aleppo, leaving behind a living hell.