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CNN Newsroom

U.S. Judge Rules Trump's Travel Ban Stays on Hold; Senate Intel Committee to Hold 1st Public Hearing on Russia Meddling; U.K. Kicks Off Brexit from E.U.; Tillerson Visiting Turkey with Focus on Defeating ISIS; Russia Promises Crackdown after Large Anti-Corruption Protests; Bodies of 2 Missing U.N. Workers Found in Congo; U.S. Lawmakers Voted to Repeal Internet Privacy Protections Safeguarding Consumer Data; Samsung Unveils New Phones. Aired 2-3a ET

Aired March 30, 2017 - 02:00   ET



[02:00:23] JOHN VAUSE, CNN ANCHOR: Hello, everybody. Great to have you with us. I'm John Vause, and this is the third hour of NEWSROOM L.A.

U.S. President Trump's travel ban will remain on hold indefinitely. A federal judge in Hawaii extended his temporary restraining order late Wednesday saying changes from the president's original executive order did not go far enough. The ruling applies to the entire U.S. the ban covers travel from six Muslim-majority countries, Iran Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

CNN's Don Lemon spoke with Hawaii's attorney general.


DOUGLAS CHIN, HAWAII ATTORNEY GENERAL (voice-over): This is a great win for religious freedom. Judge Watson here in Hawaii made a ruling that upheld the First Amendment rights against disfavoring people based on their religion and we now have preliminary injunctions.

DON LEMON, CNN ANCHOR: So you have a preliminary injunction but, until this goes to trial, it means the Justice Department can appeal this ruling to the Ninth Circuit, should it choose to do so. Take us through what happens next with this.

CHIN: In all likelihood, the U.S. government will appeal. That's pretty much expected.

And I think what is significant about this order is that the federal judge here has also enjoined what's known as Section VI of the executive order and that's the part of the order that extends refugee admission. That means is that Judge Watson's order keeps the refugee program intact. It keeps the status quo the way it is. This order in Maryland only had talked to Section II, but this order enjoined Section II and Section VI.

LEMON: So each time they put this ban or try to get this ban put into place, someone puts a hold on it. What does this say to you about the underlying principle of this ban?

CHIN: Ultimately, I think what is happening is, time after time, in the court, they're pushing back and saying that the Constitution is something that you have to look at. And that was one of the points that we actually made in court today, was that there was a statement where Donald Trump talked about how Muslims are pouring into the country, and Syrian refugees are converting our children to ISIS and we have to put a stop to that. And one of the statements then he made is, quote, "I refuse to be politically correct." And the statement that he made is that -- we're not actually criticizing Mr. Trump for being politically incorrect. We're criticizing him for being constitutionally incorrect. He is just not -- he is not making statements or instituting policy that is in line with the Constitution.


VAUSE: The Trump administration says the ban is necessary because those six countries can't adequately screen travelers for possible ties to terrorism.

Meantime, the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee is promising to get to the bottom of Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election. With the House investigation at a partisan roadblock, the Senate will hold its first public hearings on Thursday.

CNN's Jessica Schneider reports.


JESSICA SCHNEIDER, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Tonight, the top Democrat and Republican on the Intelligence Committee are pouring through thousands of intelligence documents as part of its bipartisan investigation into Russian meddling during the election.

SEN. RICHARD BURR, (R-NC), CHAIRMAN, SENATE INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE: This is in one of the biggest investigations that the Hill has seen in my tenure here.

SCHNEIDER: Standing in stark contrast to the House inquiry stalled by finger pointing, the Senate chair and ranking Democrat stress they're working together closely.

REP. MARK WARNER, (D-VA), RANKING MEMBER, SENATE INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEEE: We're, together with the members of our committee, are going to get to the bottom of this.

SCHNEIDER: The Senate committee saying it is getting unprecedented access to intelligence and will hold its first public hearing tomorrow.

WARNER: Obviously, there's a lot of drama. It is important for all of us, all of us here, to remember to not lose sight about what this investigation is about, an outside foreign adversary affectively sought to hijack out most democratic process, the election of president. SCHNEIDER: The committee has asked 20 people to testify so far.

BURR: I think it's safe to say we've had conversations with a lot of people and you would think less of us if General Flynn wasn't in that list.

[02:05:11] SCHNEIDER: But General Flynn's lawyer tells CNN the committee has not interviewed Flynn and has only spoken to his attorneys.

Former Trump campaign chair, Paul Manafort, will talk to the committee.

And Jared Kushner has extended the same offer.

Questions have been mounting about Kushner's meeting in December with the chairman of the state-sponsored Russian bank, VEB, Sergey Gorkoff (ph).

BURR: The committee will conduct interview with Mr. Kushner when the committee decides it's time to set a day because we know exactly the scope what needs to be asked of Mr. Kushner.

SCHNEIDER: Sources tell CNN the committee wants to also hear from Christopher Steele, the former British intelligence operative who compiled a dozier alleging collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

BURR: We will not get into the names on the list but I can assure you it's lengthy. Mark and I have agreed that we're willing to issue subpoenas. It's tough to make a subpoena go outside of the United States so we understand the limitations. But I'll only say this, that he and are tapping into everything we can to understand how we increase our reach.

SCHNEIDER: The House Intel Committee, meanwhile, at a standstill. All hearings this week were cancelled.

At least one House Republican says the Senate should take over.

REP. CHARLIE DENT, (R), PENNSYLVANIA: It sounds like they're getting into a stalemate position, a bit paralyzed. I think we will have to rely on Senate for this report on Russian meddling.

SCHNEIDER: Democrats continue to call for Chairman Devin Nunes' recusal.

REP. ADAM SCHIFF, (D-CA), RANKING MEMBER, HOUSE INTELLIENCE COMMITTEEE: I think investigation would be best going forward if someone else on the committee were to lead it. We need to get it back on track. I think the majority can start out by rescheduling this hearing. We've urged them to that, but we have yet to hear back.

SCHNEIDER: But Nunes says he is committed to staying put.

The White House, meanwhile, trying to stay out of the public fight. SEAN SPICER, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: I don't think there's any

proof or sustaining allegation about anything that's done. I mentioned this yesterday, if you look at what Chairman Nunes has done, he has met with people who are cleared to discuss classified information regarding a review he's conducting. That's how it's supposed to work.

SCHNEIDER: Still not offering answers how Nunes got on to the White House grounds to view classified documents or who provided those documents.

SPICER: I don't have anything on that at this time.


SPICER: I have asked some preliminary questions. I haven't gotten answers yet.


VAUSE: Thanks to Jessica Schneider for that report.

Let's go to Moscow now. Senior international correspondent, Matthew Chance, is live this hour.

Matthew, sources told CNN when Jared Kushner testifies, to describe his interactions with Russia during the transition simply as a point man looking for the right person to engage with Russia, nothing more than that, so what do we know about his connections to Russia? Why do so many people believe there's something suspicious here?

MATTHEW CHANCE, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRSEPONDENT: First of all, there's that point you just raised, John, the issue of why this meeting was held with the head of the state development bank of Russia. The White House saying it is part of normal business of the transition team. In other words, this was Jared Kushner meeting figures who could put him in contact with world leaders, in this case Vladimir Putin. But that's not what the bank itself said. We have been in contact with them in Moscow. They say this meeting was all about business, that Jared Kushner was met as the head of Kushner companies, as they describe it, the Kushner Corporation, along with, or at the same time as during a trip to the United States where other business leaders were met by executives of the bank. One of the first issues the Senate Intelligence hearing is going to get to is what was discussed. Was it diplomacy or private business of Jared Kushner? At the moment, there's discrepancy in the accounts of the White House and the actual bank.

VAUSE: What's the reaction from Russian officials to the fact the meeting with the Trump campaign are now being investigated?

CHANCE: I think there's a high degree of frustration that this Russia issue has become so poison and toxic in the United States. The Kremlin has called it a witch hunt. Donald Trump, calling it a witch hunt. They often use similar language describing the political situation in the United States at the moment. But the Russians, it has become all the more disappointing because they believed the Trump administration was going to deliver a much better relationship between Moscow and Washington than existed before. Remember, Donald Trump as candidate spoke about the idea of recognizing Crimea, for example, of being a legitimate part of Russia after it was annexed in 2014, of working with Russia over international terrorism in war zones like Syria. But none of that has come to pass. In fact, the relationship, if anything, between the United States and Russia has got much, much worse.

[02:10:33] VAUSE: Yeah, of course, early days of the Trump administration, day 70 we're at right now. So where that heads will obviously depend on what comes out of these investigations.

Matthew, thank you for being with us. Matthew Chance, live from Moscow.

We're also hearing from FBI Director James Comey. He's defending his agency's fairness. He spoke at a dinner outside Washington on Wednesday.


JAMES COMEY, FBI DIRECTOR: I've never been prouder of the FBI. What makes it easy is we're not on anybody's side, ever. We're not considering whose ox will be gored by this action or that action, whose fortunes will be helped by this or that. We just don't care. And we can't care. We only ask, what are the facts, what's the law, what's the right thing to do here.


VAUSE: Comey says he knows when he makes a hard decision, a storm is sure to follow.

Well, as one of the first steps in the Brexit process, the British government will publish a report on its so-called great repeal bill on Thursday. This will allow Britain to choose which E.U. laws it wants to keep or get rid of as this divorce moves forward.

Nic Robertson looks back on the historic day that set all of us in motion.


THERESA MAY, BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: The United Kingdom is leaving the European Union.


NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: With these words, Prime Minister Theresa May beginning Britain's divorce from the European Union, a 44-year embrace, over.

MAY: Leaving the European Union presents us with a unique opportunity. It is this generation's chance to shape a brighter future for our country.


ROBERTSON: In the minutes before Britain's representative to the E.U. handing over the former letter of departure to the E.U. Council president. His vision of separation less rosy than Mays.

DONALD TUSK, EUROPEAN COUNCIL PRESIDENT: There is nothing to win in this process. I'm talking about both sides. In essence, this is about damage control.

ROBERTSON: The six-page letter he received, signed by May, under the watchful gaze of Robert Wemple (ph), Britain's first prime minister, outlines Britain's desires for "constructive engagement, respectful and sincere cooperation, put citizens first, secure a comprehensive agreement, minimize disruption and give certainty, pay attention to the U.K./Ireland relationship and the peace process in northern Ireland, protect shared European values, begin technical talks on detailed policy as soon as possible."

MAY: And I have been clear that we should seek to agree to the terms of the future partnership alongside of our withdrawal within the next two years.

ROBERTSON: But even on approach, both sides at odds. The E.U. demanding withdrawal first, only then to discuss the future partnership.

TUSK: There's no reason to pretend that this is a happy day, not in Brussels nor in London. After all, most Europeans, including almost half of the British voters, wish we would stay together, not drift apart.

NICOLA STURGEON, SCOTTISH FIRST MINISTER: Scotland's future should be in Scotland's hands.

ROBERTSON: May's woes won't end with the E.U. Scotland's first minister lambasting her for Scotland's 62 percent vote to remain and calls for independence, tweeting, "Today, the P.M. will take the U.K. over a cliff with no idea of the landing place. Scotland didn't vote for it and our voice is being ignored.

MAY: We are one great union of people and nations with a proud history and bright future.


MAY: And now that the decision to leave has been made and the process is under way, it is time to come together.


MAY: For this great national moment needs a great national effort, an effort to shape a stronger future for Britain."

ROBERTSON (on camera): And now comes the long, hard slog to deliver on that promised deal for all, a brighter future. May's own future and her place in history depend on the outcome.

Nic Robertson, CNN, London.


[02:15:03] VAUSE: We'll take a short break. When we come back, the U.S. secretary of state's diplomatic skills will be put to the test like never before. Rex Tillerson is in Turkey trying to find common ground on how to defeat ISIS.


VAUSE: Well, the offensive to retake the Syrian city of Raqqa from ISIS appears to be imminent. U.S. military equipment has been seen traveling across northern Syria. The militant's self-proclaimed capitol is mostly cut off now from the rest of the territory under its control. The U.S.-backed Syrian defense forces captured an air base on Sunday. They're still fighting to retake the Euphrates damn.

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is in Ankara where he will meet with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the coming hours. The fight in Iraq and Syria will top the agenda. But Tillerson could have a tough time trying to persuade Turkey that its long-time enemy, the Kurds, will be a crucial element to defeat the terror group.

Let's go to CNN's Muhammad Lila. He's live this hour in Istanbul.

This meeting sounds like it will be tough considering the strained relationship right now between Ankara and Washington.

MUHAMMAD LILA, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, John, this is going to be key test for the secretary of state. Arguably his most important foreign visit since being appointed. It comes at a crucial time not just because what's going on in Syria with the battle to dislodge ISIS from its capital of Raqqa, but also because of the strained relationships between the U.S. and Turkey. The U.S. has chosen to partner on the ground with the Kurdish forces to help push ISIS out of its stronghold. Turkey strongly opposes that. So there's a delicate balance that the United States will have to play because Turkey is a key U.S. ally in the battle against ISIS. The United States uses an air base in Turkey for bombing runs. It will be a question how will Tillerson manage to keep Turkey as an ally but not alienate them while moving forward in the fight against ISIS.

VAUSE: Muhammad, there's also a controversy about a phone call made from the U.S. embassy?

LILA: This just came up few days ago. Last year, Turkey went through a failed military coupe, hundreds were killed. Turkey blames an exiled religion cleric, who now lives in the United States, Fethullah Gulen, and his movement for being behind the coupe. And Turkey is living in the aftermath of that coupe. Turkey identified an officer in the air force that they believe was a Gulenist, that he was part of that movement, and they were able to identify a phone call made to the officer just after the coupe. That phone call was made from the United States embassy. So Turkey wanted more information and basically came out and said, why was the United States embassy in Ankara calling this person who is accused of being behind the coup. The United States embassy came out in response and said it was simply a visa issue. His visa had been cancelled at the request of Turkish officials, and they called him to let him know the visa was cancelled. This is just another example how the United States relationship with Turkey is continuing to go through that tension. We don't know whether that phone call will be discussed by the secretary of state when he meets with Erdogan and its foreign minister.

[02:20:38] VAUSE: One last issue, Muhammad. Coming up in Turkey, the referendum some say is a power grab. Many countries are concerned about this, and the U.S. is one of them.

LILA: Well, that's right. You can say this is increasing tension, not with just the United States but European leaders. There's concern particularly in the West as this referendum is scheduled on April 14th. If approved by the majority of the Turkish people, it will mean that Erdogan could be in power for another 14 years. That's a long time for one person to be in power in Turkey. Given the instability in the region and the fight against ISIS and increased tensions, that's something a lot of Western leaders are concerned about. What we don't know is we haven't seen any official position on this from the new Trump administration, but clearly, it's causing friction between Turkey and Europe and, potentially, the U.S.

VAUSE: Muhammad Lila, thank you.

To South Korea where a judge is deciding whether to issue an arrest warrant for ousted President Park Geun-hye. She's in court as prosecutors continue to outline their case. Park was removed from office earlier this month. She was impeached after prosecutors say she abused her power and mishandled information, but she denies she did anything wrong.

The Kremlin is serving notice is will not tolerate the kind of anti- corruption protests which erupted in Russia on Sunday. The demonstrations were the largest in Russia in six years. Hundreds were arrested.

Here's CNN's Fred Pleitgen reporting in from Moscow.



FRED PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): They were some of the largest demonstrations Russia has seen in years.


PLEITGEN: Thousands coming out across the country, hundreds detained in Moscow alone.

OLGA LOZENA (ph), ARRESTED PROTESTER: I was traumatized mentally.

PLEITGEN: One of them, Olga Lozena (ph). This picture of her arrest going viral on the web.

LOZENA (ph): It was like nightmare. I couldn't believe my eyes. The police officer mentioned me and he grabbed me by the hands. But two men helped me and pulled me back to the crowd. I wasn't hurt but I was traumatized.



PLEITGEN: This video shows her arrest. Olga tells CNN she was at the scene with her mother and sister, both taken into custody by Russian police.

Olga says she supported the organizer of the protest who was arrested himself.

LOZENA (ph): I support him and I am totally on his side because corruption, we all know that Russia is corrupted.


PLEITGEN: Russia's government has criticized the anti-corruption demonstrations held this past weekend. Even claiming some of the protesters were offered money if they got arrested, something the organizers deny.

SERGEY PROVA (ph), PROTESTER: Nothing will change.

PLEITGEN: Sergey Prova (ph) was also detained by authorities, he says, for singing Russia's national anthem at the protest.

PROVA (ph) (through translation): We started singing the national anthem, and sang two verses, and just as we got to the free country part, we were taken by police and thrown in the bus.


PLEITGEN: Video of his arrest also surfaced on social media. He said he wanted to go to the demonstration to protest widespread corruption and inequality in Russia.

PROVA (ph): People are tired of having nothing to eat and no place to live. They're tired of living below the poverty line while the people they pay to rule wisely are swimming in gold.


PLEITGEN: Many others had the same message for Russia's government but it's not clear whether those in power were listening.


PLEITGEN: This week, authorities have warned they would take an even harder line against unauthorized protests in the future.

Fred Pleitgen, CNN, Moscow.


[02:25:00] VAUSE: Well, communities in London were treated to an impromptu gig by singer, John Legend.




VAUSE: The award-winner played a 10-minute set of some of his biggest hits, including "All of Me." He created buzz for the main concert with a tweet, saying he will arrive at the London train station on the Euro Star.

Internet users are pushing back after U.S. lawmakers voted to repeal privacy protections that safeguarded consumer's data. Activists want Donald Trump to veto the measure. More on that when we come back.


VAUSE: Welcome back, everybody. You're watching CNN NEWSROOM, live from Los Angeles. I'm John Vause, with the headlines this hour.


[02:30:13] VAUSE: The U.N. is investigating the deaths of two of its workers found in a shallow grave this week. They were looking into human rights violations in the Democratic Republic of Congo. They disappeared earlier this month.

CNN's Ferai Sinjerry (ph) reports.


FERAI SINJERRY (ph), CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: They set out to investigate violence and human rights abuses in the Democratic Republic of Congo, but became victims themselves.

Members of the U.N. group of experts, American Michael Sharpe and his Swedish colleague, Zada Catalan (ph), were found in a shallow grave with their Congolese interpreter. They had been missing for two weeks.

Michael Sharpe had been working in the DRC for five years. Friends said he worked to understand the local community and they seemed to get him. Seen here giving a thumb's up to the children.

His colleague, Zada Catalan (ph) had worked for Sweden's Green Party before turning to issues in the West Bank, Afghanistan, and what would be the last assignment to the Democratic Republic of Congo.

He and Sharpe were investigating the province where rebellion has been brewing against the Congolese government. Reuters reports mass graves recently discovered which over the first glimpse into the scale of deaths in this region. The exact number of bodies in the graves could not be determined.


SINJERRY (ph): And this video surfaced just weeks ago appearing to show Congolese soldiers shooting at militia members.

Congolese authorities say they are investigating and they have arrested seven and charged seven of their own soldiers.

The region also has seen the recent beheading of dozens of police officers, authorities say, by rebels.

This is a country larger than western Europe that has long be riven by factions and religions fighting for power. Some 27,000 U.N. troops makes up one of the world's largest peacekeeping forces here. But it has not been enough to stem the bloodshed.

Now these two U.N. investigators are the latest victims of a conflict they had hopes to end.

Ferai Sinjerry (ph), CNN, Nairobi.


VAUSE: Think about this. In the U.S., your Internet browsing history, all of the websites you go to, could be up for sale to highest bidder. A closer look, coming up.


VAUSE: There is a push on now for President Donald Trump to veto a bill which will allow Internet providers to sell customers' private date. The bill repealed Internet privacy protections put in the place in the final days of the Obama administration. Without those protections, Internet service providers could mine its customers' data and sell it to advertisers or pretty much anyone, something companies like Facebook and Google are already doing. The measures were intended to give users control over Internet browsing, app use and geolocation to prevent it from going to the highest bidder. Republicans say a repeal would actually increase competition in the industry. Democrats say all companies should face similar restrictions.


UNIDENTIFIED REPUBLICAN CONGRESSMAN: The ability to provide consumer data drives the digital advertising market. The Federal Communications Commission's privacy rule arbitrarily treat the Internet service providers different from the rest of the Internet, amounting to government intervention in the free market.

UNIDENTIFIED DEMOCRATIC CONGRESSWOMAN: It wipes out, it totally wipes out privacy protections for consumers on the Internet. That's what IT DOES. (END VIDEO CLIP)

VAUSE: The advocacy group, Keep our Net Free, took out full-page ads in Wednesday's "New York Times" encouraging Trump to veto the measure. It read, "Dear Mr. President, you just got spied on, big league. You know what it's like. You really do. Don't subject all of us to these same. This is your chance to prove if you're with the money or with the people."

Internet security analyst, Hemu Nigum, is with us to talk more about this.

Hemu, let's start with the basics. Explain why browsing data is so important, what could happen after it's sold.

HENU NIGAM, INTERNET SECURITY ANALYST, SPP BLUE: What's great about browsing data from an advertiser perspective is they think about people in buckets. These people like skiing. These people like to take a trip to the east coast during the winter. This person loves cat videos. They look for buckets of history and advertising history hopes to have that bucket and AT&T says I can give it as a cost it's what people call targeted advertising something that google and Facebook and others are doing, what you have here behind the scenes is AT&T and Comcast and these types of Internet service providers are saying we build the house people use to get to different places like google and Facebook why doesn't the house get money why only google.

VAUSE: Isn't there a dark side to this? If this information gets out it is not just about, like, cat videos, I like skiing that kind of stuff, there is potential problems.

NIGAM: The advocates are saying what if I am searching for something very personal to me and now an advertiser knows. And the reality though is, advertisers truly don't care about an individual, law enforcement might care but the law is about search warrants and subpoenas are already there to protect that.

VAUSE: We are hearing a lot about activist is should be concerned.

NIGAM: You know what is positive about this Chairman Pike said FCC doesn't want to deal with privacy regulations that's the FTC, Federal Trade Commission's job and they are really good at it and they have been for years enforcing privacy violations by major providers so if the AT&T or other companies violate their own privacy policy or the self-principles they have self-imposed the FCC will come after them and they are really hard when it comes to privacy protections.

VAUSE: You mentioned FCC, the Federal Communications Commission. This is the former Democratic head of the FCC wrote in "The New York Times," "Here's one perverse result of this action. When you make a voice call on your Smartphone, the information is protected. Your phone company can't see it by the fact that you're calling dealerships to others who want to sell you a car. But if the same device and the same network are used to contact car dealers through the Internet, that information, the same information, can be captured and sold by the network. So if you are worried about this, if you're a consumer, what's the best course of action.

NIGAM: Best course is don't go online.

VAUSE: That's not really good advice.


NIGAM: But the reality is, companies already have pressure from consumers. Their consumers are already saying, I care about my privacy, and if you don't care about my privacy, you don't care about me. I think what will happen is the market force frankly this is what president is talking about the market forces will start governing this and can companies will say when I make that move the consumers don't trust me. They think I'm violating privacy so I better roll it back so it will even out.

VAUSE: What we're looking at is a situation where the big companies will be double dipping they'll sell you the network and make money in the second go around when they sell your information as well.

NIGAM: Yes, this will have a revenue impact. If you are buying stocks, this is the time to buy.

[02:40:08] VAUSE: Let's talk about the figures.

NIGAM: We're talking about billions and billions of dollars. Advertisers are looking for ways to online advertise even more, going away from television into the online environment. These companies have television stations and those types of things and they're saying there's a whole world here growing but we're not taking advantage of it but we built the platform people are growing on.

VAUSE: Given how much younger folks already share online, everything is out there, to say this matter, at the end of the day, the best way to protect yourself is not go online but that's not the advice young people want to hear.

NIGAM: No, they don't but other ways. Get a VPN, virtual private network. It encrypts your data and hides it from your Internet service provider and hides it from places you go to. And people are going to move that.

VAUSE: Sounds like way too much trouble.

Hemu, good to see you. Thanks for coming in.

NIGAM: You, too.

VAUSE: Finally, Samsung is unveiling the latest edition of Galaxy phone series, the S8 and S8 Plus. The phones come with new features, including what the software company is hoping for a better result than the Galaxy Note 7 that kept bursting into flames. Samsung had to cancel production, order a global recall. It cost the company billions of dollars. Here's Samuel Burke has more.


SAMUEL BURKE, CNN DIGITAL CORRSPONDENT: Samsung has to get this roll out perfect. They're in absolutely no margin for error. Samsung has incredible brand loyalty from Android users but a company can only get things wrong once. They cannot screw it up twice.

We don't know how much the S8 or S8 Plus will cost. We do know all of the specks, the smaller model will be 5.8 inches, the larger model 6.2 inches. There's a much smaller frame around the phone so the screen will feel as if it fills the home fun. No more home button, that will be part of the screen, so the fingerprint scanner moves to the back. There's iris scanner so you can use eyeballs to access the phone. Front facing camera and rear facing and virtual assistant known Bixby to compete with Siri and Alexa. Samsung has gone to great lengths to detail how they'll have more safety checks on this phone. One would hope many more than the Note 7. They all say, you never really know until they're in the hands of the consumers.


VAUSE: Thank you for watching CNN NEWSROOM, live from Los Angeles. I'm John Vause.

"World Sport" is up next.

You're watching CNN.



[03:00:10] MAX FOSTER, CNN ANCHOR: Intelligence investigation in Washington. We are just hours away from the U.S. Senate's first --