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President Trump Unleashing Fresh Weekend Twitter Storm; Representative Adam Schiff Did Have Meeting with the President; A Showdown is Brewing on Capitol Hill Over Supreme Court Nominee; Selfie of a 23-year-Old Undocumented Immigrant Holding Her Federal Income Tax Return; Death of Dozens of Civilians Following Airstrikes in Mosul. Aired 4-5p ET

Aired April 01, 2017 - 16:00   ET


[16:00:00] ANA CABRERA, CNN ANCHOR: Meet Meet Jennifer Maddux.


JENNIFER MADDUX, CNN HERO: We are in a state of emergency here in the city of Chicago. The shooting, the killing. Five, six, 7-year-olds, they are losing people they love and care about. I'm a law enforcement officer, but I'm also a mother and a member of this community. We can't arrest our way out of this. Once I saw there was another side to policing, I thought that I could do more.


CABRERA: You are in the CNN NEWSROOM. Thanks for rolling into your weekend with us. I'm Ana Cabrera in New York.

We began with President Trump and his time to turn to social media when surrounded by negative news. We may be witnessing it once again as we wrap up the week that is seeing more stunning developments in the Russian investigation.

Hours ago, the President fired off dramatic new tweets from surveillance and his Presidential campaign once again who source of cable news, FOX News in this case, and he is quoting a report that CNN has not verified.

And that is not the only thing the president is tweeting about that is raising eyebrows today. He also suggested that he may just work with Democrats on health care.

I want to bring in CNN's Ryan Nobles at the White House.

Ryan, let's begin with the Russia investigation, the latest there. What are you hearing about this meeting apparently last night between the ranking member of the house intelligence committee, Adam Schiff, and the President himself?

RYAN NOBLES, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: This is a pretty significant development, Ana because Adam Schiff has been very critical of the way the chairman of the house intel committee Devin Nunes has conducted business when he received this new bit of information that Nunes thought to a certain extent backed up Donald Trump's claim from a couple weeks ago on twitter that he was under surveillance by the prior administration.

Well, Schiff came here to the White House grounds Friday night and was told that he reviewed the same exact material that Nunes did. He seems to have a different impression of that material than Nunes has. Listen to the statement he put out last night.

He said quote "it was represented to me that these are precisely the same materials that were provided to the chairman over a week ago. Nothing I can see today warranted a departure from the normal review procedures. And these materials should now be provided to the full membership of both committees. The White House has yet to explain why senior White House staff apparently shared these materials with but one member of either committee, only for their contents to be briefed back to the White House.

And as you mentioned, Ana, Schiff did have a meeting with the President. We are told it was very short, but both sides are describing it as cordial. Obviously, the result of this meeting could have a very big impact on how this house intel investigation moves forward. There is already great concern that it has become too politicized -- Ana.

CABRERA: Indeed. And Ryan, team Trump is also turning up the heat in this war on the house freedom caucus. Tell us more about that.

NOBLES: Yes, the President, in particular, has been very critical about how the freedom caucus conducted business during this battle over the repeal and replacement of Obamacare, really laying a lot of the blame on their feet for it not being pushed through. And he has done it through twitter and publicly criticizing specific members of that caucus. They giving bailed threats that perhaps he may put a primary challenge against them.

Well, today a member of his administration officially put someone on notice. And that is Justin Amash, a congressman from Michigan. Dan Scovino who is in-charge of social here at the White House tweeting this today, that Donald Trump is bringing back jobs and plants back to Michigan and Justin Amash is a big liability.

Then, this is the important part. He says Trump train defeat him in a primary. So calling out and looking for someone mount a primary challenge with Amash in 2018.

And Ana, Justin Amash has never been a fan of Donald Trump's. Did not vote for him during the general election. But the idea that this early on into their tenure, that this administration could be calling on primary challenges to members of their own party is pretty astounding. And it shows where we are right now in terms of the opportunity for some sort of replacement and repeal of Obamacare to happen any time soon.

CABRERA: Ryan Nobles reporting at the White House, thank you.

Let's talk more about this with our panel. Joining me now CNN political commentator and former chief of staff to Reince Priebus at the Republican National Committee, Mike Shields. White House correspondent for the "Washington Examiner," Sarah Westwood and former Philadelphia mayor, Michael Nutter.

All right. Sarah, to you first. Can President Trump change the subject and maybe control the intelligence narrative fighting unverified reports, picking fights on twitter, et cetera. I mean, how do you view what is happening?

SARAH WESTWOOD, WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT, WASHINGTON EXAMINER: The best thing President Trump can do is allow this investigation to proceed as quickly and smoothly as possible. The quicker that it is over with, the quicker he can move on to other parts of his agenda. But it is clear that Democrats, in particular, are not going to let this Russia narrative go until the investigation is completed. It doesn't matter that it hasn't turned up any evidence of collusion to date.

Any time the White House is in a position where they even give the appearance of resisting the investigation, they are wandering into new controversial territory. So the more that they can make witnesses available for interview, the more they can provide documents to as many investigators as possible, the more they can start to just put a period on this whole Russia situation.

[16:05:34] CABRERA: And yet, mayor, the White House continues to say that this is simply a witch hunt.

MICHAEL NUTTER, CNN POLITICAL CONTRIBUTOR: Well, you can't forget that they brought some of this on themselves. You know, it was the President who talked about being under surveillance. You have got numerous agencies, both the executive branch and the congressional committees doing multiple investigations. So this is a massive self- inflicted wound that he brought on himself. You know, as we say, if you lay down with dogs, you are going to wake up with fleas. He can't complain if he and his team are talking to Russians who may be under surveillance. You can't complain that your conversations may get picked up. The question is, what were you talking to him about in the first place?

CABRERA: Mike Shields, we just heard Ryan, our reporter, talk about the back and forth between team Trump, the White House, the house freedom caucus in the GOP there, given President Trump's approval rating right now in the mid-30s or so, do you see that getting a little more leverage to those than he has been going after in his own party?

MIKE SHIELDS, CNN DELEGATE ANALYST: No, I don't. I mean, look, here is what we know. Almost every single person in the Republican Party, including the President, wants to repeal Obamacare. We had a bill to repeal Obamacare. And at the last minute, the house freedom caucus broke their deal, some of them had agreed to vote for it and they said they weren't going to vote for it anymore. And I think the President realized that the math equation in the house is, that you can't - that that's not going to work, not just on health care but on tax reform, on a spending bill, on many things. And so he is calling out the members of the freedom caucus saying,

look, there's got to be something I want to work with. And there are members of the freedom caucus that they do work with at the White House. But there are some they are frankly going to disagree with. And I think the President is pretty clear.

Look, here's the thing. This is not about ideology. This is about tactics and this is about some members who really just want to keep moving the goalpost and not even get anything done. And they were so used to getting anything done under President Obama because they correctly were saying no to the Obama administration. It's almost like they have not figured out we have a Republican President. We need to work with him. We need to maybe not go for perfection, but get things done that we know that we get done like repealing and replacing Obamacare.

And so, I think the President is correctly laying out, look, he is the President. This is his agenda and he is going to work with members that want to work with him. And the ones that don't, he is going to make sure they are held accountable.

CABRERA: Sarah, does President Trump have any leverage with Republicans if he's threatening to work with Democrats?

WESTWOOD: Well, it's -- he always runs the risk, right, of alienating conservative lawmakers who should be key allies on a number of other legislative priorities. Beyond just the health care fight, he will have to pass immigration reform. He will have to pass tax reform package, and number of other things that will require conservative cooperation that Democrats would never dream of getting on board with.

So he has to be careful that this health care battle doesn't have a long-standing implications for the rest of his legislative agenda. And that Democrats aren't going to be willing to sign on to the kind of changes that President Trump promised on the campaign trail. So it might be a negotiating tactic, but it doesn't make a lot of sense practically speaking to have Democrats be the ones trying to get the changes through.

CABRERA: Mayor, would Democrats want to work with the President on a host of issues that he has said are priorities to him, tax reform. Obviously, there's this health care outstanding issue, but we also know that he has talked about infrastructure spending, for example.

NUTTER: Well, first and foremost, you know, it was funny to listen to a spin on why the Republicans couldn't get a bill passed through the majority of the Republican house, let alone whatever was happening in the Senate. I mean, it is just further evidence of the incompetence of the White House and the inexperience, particularly of the President, not to understand that you actually have to work with a lot of different people. And that less than 90 days is already threatening people in their political careers.

Assured, there will be things Democrats want to work on, including many Democrats know that there are some things that could be done to improve Obamacare. But, you know, language actually matters. And so long as the President or others are talking about repeal and replace, you probably are not going to get much cooperation. If you want to talk about restructuring, fixing, making better and stop some of the vitriol, then you may get some cooperation.

Infrastructure, housing, you know, they may want to put some dollars back in the CBDT line item that the President's budget zeroes out completely. So, you know, you introduce a budget that is devastating to cities and mayors all across the country. And then say, hey, by the way, I just got my butt kick in the last effort, could we work together? I mean -- that is not exactly the best way to start off.

[16:10:23] CABRERA: Yes. That is simply far-fetched.

NUTTER: Just a little.

CABRERA: Mike, I know you obviously have a relationship with Reince Priebus. And we saw the first White House shake-up earlier this week when his deputy chief of staff, Katie Walsh, she said she is going to be leaving. She is going to go work in the private sector outside the White House do. Now, do you see this as a sign of maybe deeper turmoil within the White House?

SHIELDS: Well, no. This is the deputy chief of staff leaving to go run an outside group to help further the President's agenda. And I think you'll see that she's still going to work very close with the administration in making sure that the goals and objectives of President Trump are enacted. And what happened during the last fight that we had over Obamacare was there wasn't a sufficient outside cover. And so it just makes sense that both Jared Kushner and Steve Bannon and Reince Priebus all said, my God, we need help on the outside. We need someone who can go and do this. And they detailed Katie to go do that. And she has got a tremendous amount of experience doing that very thing.

You know, Jared Kushner said she was the unsung hero of the campaign. Last fall she was the chief of staff of the RNC working for Reince. She actually worked out of Trump tower almost the entire campaign, working alongside Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway on the Trump campaign. And so, they have seen her work. They know this is what she's good at. They know she's very effective at getting donors to give to a cause and helping get a message out. And so this is really a reaction to what happened on the Obamacare fight. And is saying, we are not going to give up. We are going to keep fighting and we are going to send someone out that we know can be effective in marshaling the troops.

There's a tremendous amount of support for the President across the country. And there's a tremendous amount of support for his policies. And we have to make sure that a lot of the other members of Congress, especially the Democrats who don't agree with him, feel that back home and have grass roots people calling them to tell them they want to support the President. So an outside group is the perfect place to do that and they detailed Katie to do that. She's an excellent choice to for that.

CABRERA: Mike, have you seen Reince Priebus' hands on anything that the President has actually accomplished so far? I mean, do you look at something and say, that has Reince written all over it?

SHIELDS: Well, of course, absolutely. He is the chief of staff. So first of all, it's a team. He worked with Steve Bannon. He works with Jared Kushner. We have the cabinet, the transition was run smoothly. We have the excellent cabinet that has come in. Look at the executive orders that the president has done. He has slashed regulations. If you look where Wall Street is right now, the national association manufacturers just came in the White House and said they have a tremendously high incompetence index amongst manufacturers because we are creating manufacturing jobs.

I mean, there is a -- it's not covered as much as it should be, but there's been a tremendous amount of success in the first 60 days in the White House. And Reince, of course, is in a piece of all of that success in creating jobs and confidence amongst investors and people that want to create jobs in this economy that will moving in the right direction. The economy is starting to turn around. And that is absolutely because of the policy that President Trump and especially the executive orders he assigned that have been slashing regulations, that haven crashing job growth in this country. And so, as a part of the team, of course, Reince Priebus, Steve Bannon, and Jared Kushner, they are all the leaders in the White House that are working with President Trump. So, of course, Reince deserves a tremendous amount of credit for that.

CABRERA: All right. We have to leave it there, guys. I appreciate your time.

Mike Shields, Sarah Westwood, Michael Nutter, thank you very much.

NUTTER: Thank you.

CABRERA: Up next, a dangerous new threat to commercial flights. A new kind of explosive device that would-be terrorists could use to devastating effects. We will talk about the threat and what officials are doing to keep the U.S. safe.

You are live in the CNN NEWSROOM.


[16:18:06] CABRERA: CNN is learning new information that may impact the next commercial flight you take or the next airport you use. It's about terrorists, ISIS and other groups who may have found a way to get bombs onto airplanes, even though the most sophisticated screening equipment.

Let's discuss with the CNN aviation analyst and former inspector general at the U.S. transportation department, Mary Schiavo.

Mary, this sounds scary, the FBI apparently finding that these terror groups might actually have in their possession the same type of explosive screening technology used by the TSA to find bombs. How alarming is this to you?

MARY SCHIAVO, CNN AVIATION ANALYST: Well, it's very alarming. And, I guess, the good news about the bad news is the FBI and TSA and others are reacting.

You know, we learned so many lessons in the September 11, 2001, litigation and poring over the evidence. I mean, I spent 13 years of my life doing that. And it was really important to react forcibly and immediately. And so since they have uncovered this, and they have uncovered the really key part here in the testing.

What we learned in the 9/11 investigation is that the hijackers and terrorists tested over and over again. It was throughout U.S. airports testing the system years before the attack. And they trained for it for, in some cases, five to ten years. And so, it is really important that they have surfaced this threat and that they are reacting hard and effectively. And I don't think enough. I think it has to expand.

CABRERA: So how do you see the TSA tightening screening? What could they do?

SCHIAVO: Well, I think the TSA is going to tighten screening, not only on the flights coming into the U.S. to make sure that those airports have complied with what we are requesting for nonstop flights into the U.S., but I would anticipate the TSA really taking a very hard look at electronics and anything in the U.S. Because remember, terrorist plots are a lot like what they say about ants. The part that you see, the part that intelligence picks up, there's always more behind it. And I was inspector general when project Bojinca was uncovered, which was the plot out of the Philippines to blow up 10 or 12 U.S. aircraft up over the ocean. And we responded to that one, but we were busy looking for bombings when 9/11 happened. And we had projected, the United States government projected, that Osama bin Laden would take out a 737. And we projected this in July before the September attacks, but we didn't anticipate big enough. So that there would be four planes or jets in the U.S.

So what the TSA has to do is be very, very proactive. And I think this laptop ban will be expanded. And we still can't forget about the soda can pop bombing in 2014 and of course the laptop bombing in 2016. So I think we are in for much more strict standards. And I flew out of London last week. I got the full bag dump and the full check. So I think other airports and other countries understand the seriousness of this as well.

[16:20:06] CABRERA: Is it enough to restrict the laptops from going through, again, the carry-on side of things versus restricting laptops altogether? Because if a laptop were in somebody's luggage that is actually checked, does that not still pose a threat?

SCHIAVO: Well, it can. What they are looking at is some of the previous attacks, just not the Somali bombing in 2016 on the jet liner, but there was a plot, a Korean plot, North Korean plot a number of years ago, probably 20 years ago, and the key is the positioning of the explosives. In that case, they were aiming for the wing spars or wing roots of the plane. But in this case, they were aiming for what is called the stressed wall of the plane wall to be decompressed.

And so, they are counting on random assortment, if you will, in the luggage hold. If they have one or two or several laptops that won't be together in the luggage hold. And that the explosion would be somewhat contained. However, we should note, we do not have hardened luggage containers in the cargo holds.

CABRERA: How sensitive is this technology that is believed to be in the hands of these terror groups when it comes to the screening technology that they may be using for testing?

SCHIAVO: It depends what generation of screening equipment they got. What we had on September 11th, 2001, was ridiculously abysmal. You couldn't pick up a bomb if you wanted to. But it got good in a hurry. And so if they got some of the best equipment, they will know exactly what it will find and what it won't. So it just depends on which generation of screening equipment they have got. The stuff that we have now is quite good.

CABRERA: We don't know where they got this equipment or how they got their hands on it? So that is obviously a big question. And it could impact what you just referenced, which is the sophistication of the equipment. But how closely controlled is this equipment? Do scanners ever go missing or are stolen?

SCHIAVO: Sure. We wanted the whole world to be covered in this because most, you know, flights eventually end up here. I mean, we are the aviation nation and we have treaties with over 100 other countries to allow their fights here and ours there. And so we who are behind the push to get this equipment worldwide so everyone will be safe.

CABRERA: And do you know if it's possible that this stuff goes missing very frequently? I mean, we never hear about it, obviously. This is all news to us.

SCHIAVO: I don't know the answer to that.

CABRERA: Mary Schiavo, we appreciate your insight and expertise. Thank you.

SCHIAVO: Thank you.

CABRERA: Still to come, a showdown over President Trump's Supreme Court nominee. Democrats and Republicans digging in for the battle ahead and a vote expected this coming week.

You are live in the CNN NEWSROOM.


[16:28:05] CABRERA: A showdown is brewing on Capitol Hill over President Trump's Supreme Court nominee. It could be a nuclear war over Judge Neil Gorsuch. Democrats threatening a filibuster. Republicans threatening to invoke the so-called nuclear option to get him confirmed. And the fallout over the battle could last for years.

Let's talk it over with David Axelrod, President Obama's long-time political guru, his podcast the X-files with David Axelrod makes its TV debuts tonight at 9:00 p.m. right here on CNN.

So David, you are a Democrat, obviously. This week President Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Judge Gorsuch, is expected to get a vote. Many Dems want payback from Republicans for stonewalling President Obama's Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland. So if you are advising Senate Democrats, what would you tell them, filibuster or stand down on this one?

DAVID AXELROD, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: It's a really tough call because I know that there's a great deal of anger about what happened last year. As you remember, Justice Scalia died early in the year. The President nominated President Obama, Merrick Garland, who is one of the most perhaps the most respected jurists below the Supreme Court level in the country, and could not, not only did he not get a vote, he didn't get a meeting from a lot of these senators on the order of Senator McConnell, the majority leader.

And so there is a great deal of anger in this. And the question is, should that then result in a filibuster as essentially a statement about how or what went down last year. You know, My concern is that you get into this, you know, you are in this war, this started when the Republicans tried to block all of President Obama's or most of his judicial appointments below the Supreme Court. Harry Reid went half nuclear and said, rather than a filibuster, you could approve them with a simple majority.

[16:30:09] CABRERA: So the Democrats did open that door, Republicans would argue.

AXELROD: And Republicans would point that out. Senator McConnell took it a whole other level last year by refusing to hear the Garland nomination. And there were people like Senator Cruz who said if Hillary Clinton had won, that he wouldn't -- that perhaps the Republican Party shouldn't see the Supreme Court justice for four more years. And the question is, where does this end?

CABRERA: Right, where does it get you?

AXELROD: So, you know, I have very mixed feelings about it. I think Judge Gorsuch is clearly qualified for the Supreme Court. I think members of the Senate should vote based on what or how they feel about his qualifications to the court. But what is clear is if Democrats press the filibuster, then Senator McConnell probably will take the nuclear option. He will be under enormous pressure from his base, just as democratic senators are under the pressure from their base to do the filibuster. At the end of the day, you may get a simple majority for the Supreme Court lifetime appointment for the most important court in the country. And Democrats ought to think about whether this is the nomination on which they want to have this show down.

CABRERA: David Axelrod, he has a popular podcast tonight. "The Axe Files with David Axelrod" coming to CNN. Be sure to catch the premier, a special conversation with Senator John McCain. A CNN special which airs tonight at 9:00 eastern. Up next, can one photo change the mind of Americans when it comes to

illegal immigrants and their contribution to the United States? Up next, I will speak to a woman who took the chance and showing her face and her taxes to make a powerful point.

You are live in the CNN NEWSROOM.


[16:36:02] CABRERA: Trending online right now, a selfie of a 23-year- old undocumented immigrant holding her federal income tax return. Belen Sisa wanted to show that she does pay taxes and to dispel the myth about undocumented immigrants. And she also included a verbal jab at President Trump. Her Facebook post went viral. Reactions ranging from support of messages, angry backlash even death threats.

Belen Sisa, joining us now.

Thanks for coming on. You are a student at Arizona State University. I know you have some protections under President Obama's deferred actions for childhood arrival or DACA program. But first, I want you to read us part of your Facebook post.

BELEN SISA, UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANT: I'm going to kind of give you a little bit of a summery since don't have it in front of me. But I wanted to recently just bust the myth that undocumented immigrants don't pay taxes and contribute to this country. I personally do not benefit from any financial for school and he reduce health care. I will never be able to receive unemployment or Social Security. And so, I really wanted people to know that, to bust that myth, that we have been in this country and we contribute into the system. But we will never receive any type of benefit for it.

So instead of getting angry at me, I really want people to reflect and to think, you know, the wealthiest people in this country are stealing from you every single day. Why are you blaming immigrants? How about we start asking our own President to be transparent and show us his tax returns.

CABRERA: Let me read some of your words that got people kind of fired up. It says, myth buster, I'm an undocumented immigrant, just filed my taxes and paid $300 to the state of Arizona. I cannot receive financial aid from state or federal government for school. I cannot benefit from unemployment or reduce health care plan or a retirement fund. I think I am a pretty good citizen. And there are millions just like who tame to a system, they will never receive anything from.

Now, this is the part that I assume some people are commenting on who don't like what you posted. It says, want to tell me again how I should be deported, contribute nothing and only leech off this country while the one percent wealthiest people in this country steal from you every day? How about you show me yours, Donald J. Trump? #heretostay. What was your going through your mind when you posted this?

SISA: What was going through my mind was that I wanted to show people that we are here and that we come from all over the world and that we contribute more than people think that we do.

CABRERA: Was there something specific that kind of just made you throw it all out there on Facebook right then and there?

SISA: Yes. I mean, I have been paying taxes for the past four years. And I think that in the moment we are right now, historically and politically, we need to start standing up more than ever. We are in danger. We don't know if tomorrow we can still be here, especially with deferred action. The DACA program, it could be taken away.

And our President needs to start showing us who he is. He is running this country. We deserve to know. He needs to stop scapegoating immigrants and showing us that we are the problem and just start fixing problems and stop being xenophobic and promoting racism.

CABRERA: Did you anticipate the big reaction that you got or is this something you thought maybe just to a few of your friends?

SISA: I did not expect it to go viral at all. That was not my intention. My intention was to start awareness and start a conversation. I think that many people in this country have no idea what immigrants are going through at this time. And it needed to be said. It needed to be heard. I was telling the truth. And the people who didn't like it just could not handle it. I have challenged everything they have ever known. And that is the reason why it sparked such controversy, I think.

CABRERA: Do you regret putting yourself out there? Or do you worry about possible repercussions, given we have seen some dreamers being taken in by ICE officials.

[16:40:00] SISA: Well, I will not let myself live in fear. That's what the people who sent me these messages wanted. And they want me to shut up and sit down and not continue to stand up for the rights of immigrants or people living in fear every single day. And I won't allow them to do that. I think it's important, more than ever, now for people who feel empowered to try to empower others, bring unity for us to continue to resist this presidency.

CABRERA: How did you end up in the U.S.?

SISA: I was brought here when I was six years old. I came with my parents. We had a visitor's visa. And they just wanted to give me a better life. They wanted to allow me to have the opportunities that they wished they had. And so that's how I ended up coming. And I have lived in Arizona for my whole life. I have gone to elementary school, junior high, high school and now college here.

CABRERA: Beyond DACA, if you were to be given some path to legal status, what do you think is fair?

SISA: I think that we need to come together and come with a humane and inclusive solution. And I think that immigration reform is something that has been extremely needed for way longer than I have been advocating for it. We need a permanent solution. There are 11- plus million people in this country who are going to continue to be here. And we can't just brush this problem under the rug. We need to come together and think humanly, think these are not just people who we call illegal. But we are not just a statistic. We are not just a stereo type. We are human beings and we contribute to this country and we need a fair solution to this problem.

CABRERA: Belen Sisa, thank you for joining us.

SISA: Thank you.

CABRERA: Coming up, President Theodore C. Roosevelt has a bully pulpit, President Trump has twitter. But is he using the tool too much when trying to get his message to the people? We asked some of his supporters for their take. That is next live in the CNN NEWSROOM.

But first, in living 100, Dr. Sanjay Gupta explains how every person can benefit from medication.


DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: I think I have been a person who likes to meditate for some time, but was never quite sure that I was doing it right. It became a pretty big deal because I was going to be interviewing the Dalai Lama and was going to meditate with the Dalai Lama. And I was not sure I was going to be very good at it. So I needed to learn as much as I could about meditation so that I can to show up.

I think when you think about meditation, there can be all different types, but they do have some things in common. Finding a quiet location, sitting in some sort of comfortable posture, having a good attitude. And really being able to focus your attention.

There's a lot of health benefits. Some of them have been more well- documented when it comes to overall reducing objective measures of stress, whether it be your cortisol levels, whether be your blood pressure, your heart rate, being able to control your breathing, they have been able to look inside your brain using functional MRIs. Some people are meditating in seeing how the brain changes.

I think there's nobody who could not potentially benefit from meditation, simply getting to the practice of finding the quiet location, having the comfortable posture and really focusing on something for a while can make a huge difference and help you live to 100.



[16:47:47] CABRERA: President Trump twitter havoc habit is again in the spotlight today as he fires off more tweets about Obamacare and Russian surveillance. So how do his supporters feel about his tendency to vent through social media?

CNN's Bryn Gingras sat down with Trump voters and got their reaction.


BRYN GINRAS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: How many of you know about the President's tweets or follow them through some sort of media?

Everyone in this room in eastern Pennsylvania voted for Donald Trump.

EMMA LEACH, VOTED FOR TRUMP: Seeing more people involved, it is like a modern day constituent letter. They are tweeting out the President. They are voicing their opinion and they are more politically involved.

ILENE WOOD, VOTED FOR TRUMP: He feels that people are editorializing his commentary. So therefore it is his way of assuring that his message is going direct to the public.

DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I don't like tweeting. I have other things I could be doing, but I get very dishonest media.

GINRAS: But nearly everyone in this group wants the President to stop tweeting about things like TV ratings at his inauguration and Arnold Schwarzenegger's departure from "the Apprentice."

RAY STAMER, VOTED FOR TRUMP: What Donald Trump is doing is he is reacting immediately. He's not taking -- it's a knee-jerk reaction.

GINRAS: So does that concern you as the President?

STAMER: Absolutely. He needs to tone it down and forget about Snoop Dogg and forget about Arnold Schwarzenegger. We don't really care about them, do we?

SCOTT MCCOMMONS, VOTED FOR TRUMP: I don't. If you want to be the press, step down. Let somebody else care about the country. He needs to be Presidential, plain and simple.

STAMER: Sometimes he overreacts and doesn't have the facts before he tweets.

GINRAS: Like this tweet, how low has President Obama gone to tap my phones during the very sacred election process? This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad or sick guy! An accusation that is false.

MARK HANNA, VOTED FOR TRUMP: I did see an automation news channel network and I remember the first thing I said to my significant other was, I don't believe he just tweeted that. Even if he felt that way, I don't think he should have tweeted it.

LEACH: I don't like those tweets, I really don't.

GINRAS: He is using this as a medium because he doesn't trust the media. However, if you use that medium and lie on it, where does that put us?

WOOD: It makes you know better than the journalist that you are sailing.

MCCOMMONS: Show us the proof, don't tweet it. Nobody got in that building and set up wiretaps in that building. He knows it. He won't admit it. That's the kind of stuff that angers me. That's un- presidential.

[16:50:06] GINRAS: Lifelong Democrat Scott McCommons said he went to two Trump rallies and was so inspired, he crossed party lines this election.

TRUMP: Thank you.

GINRAS: McCommons said he now regrets his vote, even tweeting Trump, your twitter rants are out of control. I voted for you to make America great again. Run the country, sir.

MCCOMMONS: I will jump back on his wagon if he starts telling the truth and being honest with the American people.

GINRAS: Do you trust the President?


GINRAS: In general. It's a simple question.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It is a simple question.

STAMER: At this particular moment, I said I will trust him even though he comes out half-cocked sometimes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm thinking Trump 20.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm not good in forecasting that.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I am. I already am.

GINRAS: Bryn Gingras, CNN, Eastern Pennsylvania.

CABRERA: Coming up, heartbreaking images out of the war-torn Iraqi city of Mosul. This little girl, one of the victims injured in an air strike that left more than 100 people dead. CNN's Arwa Damon has a report for you, you will not want to miss. It is incredible, next.


[16:55:42] CABRERA: Now to an incredible personal story by the war- tore Iraqi city of Mosul, in the area where the U.S. is investigating death of dozens of civilians following airstrikes. One hundred forty one bodies have been pulled from the rubble.

CNN's Arwa Damon spoke with those who are still fighting to survive. And we have to warn you, some of what you are about to see is disturbing.


ARWA DAMON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The bodies are rolled down the street past the rubble of homes where children used to run and laugh. And a five-daytime frame, hundreds of civilians were killed in western Mosul. And we went to a hospital in Irbil to look for some of the survivors.

(INAUDIBLE) was cradling her granddaughter (INAUDIBLE) who was just four-and-a-half years old.


DAMON: It was March 17th, which the main day under investigation by both the U.S. and Iraqi governments. (INAUDIBLE) father Allah (ph) drew their street for us showing us where the ISIS fighters were on the corner. There were multiple explosions. Hoda (ph) was in a home down the road with her mother and two relatives. They were baking bread when the airstrike started. (INAUDIBLE) father ran towards the house.


DAMON: His daughter's little body was black. It was barely recognizable. After Hala (ph) pulled her out of the rubble, he begged the ISIS fighters to be allowed leave just for the sake of saving his little girl.


DAMON: On a different day, Mohammad stuck his head out the front door when the airstrike came out to take out a suicide bomb. Now he has shrapnel launched in his head, he can't talk and has lost his memory.

Down the hall in another ward, we found a bunch of children. Fatima, she is just 16. She lived in an apartment block and was on the second floor.


DAMON: Her back is broken. She probably won't ever walk again but nobody has the heart to tell her. She still has dreams of being a doctor. She is here with her sister whose son was also injured.

Much of western Mosul has been physically destroyed. People are dying every day. Coalition airstrikes, mortars, sniper shots, ISIS explosions. Deaths that don't make headlines. The population is emotionally shattered. And they are haunted by the ghosts of those who are gone.

Hola (ph) doesn't know her mother's dead. She still has shrapnel in her eye. She may never see again.

Don't say you're sorry, her father told us. Sorry doesn't help. It's not going to bring her mother back.

Arwa Damon, CNN, Iraq.


[17:00:03] CABRERA: You're in the CNN NEWSROOM. I'm Ana Cabrera in New York. Thank you for being with us.