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Undisclosed Meeting; Piece of Puzzle Added to Trump Junior's Meeting; An Untimely Death; Not Accepted Fashion; Defector Back in Home Miraculously; Unclear Reports About al-Baghdadi; Empowering Women in England. Aired 3-4a ET

Aired July 19, 2017 - 03:00   ET



[03:00:00] ROSEMARY CHURCH, HOST, CNN: We have learned that U.S. President Trump and Russian President Putin had a nearly hour-long one on one meeting at the G20 that was previously unreported. People want to know what was said.

Plus, mystery in Minnesota, police shoot and kill an Australian woman and now one of the officers is not talking.

And later, the British rock band Radiohead will perform in Tel Aviv in just a matter of hours despite calls for them to boycott Israel.

Hello and welcome to our viewers joining us from all around the world. I'm Rosemary Church, and this is CNN Newsroom.

The White House says it never tried to hide a second meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin at the G20 summit in Germany earlier this month. An aide says the men spoke for about an hour at the end of a dinner for G20 leaders and their spouses.

Mr. Trump tweeted this. "Fake news story of secret dinner with Putin is sick. All G20 leaders and spouses were invited by the chancellor of Germany. Press knew! The fake news is becoming more and more dishonest. Even a dinner arranged for top 20 leaders in Germany is made to look sinister."

So, let's head to Moscow and CNN's Ivan Watson. So, Ivan, the U.S. President and the White House say they never tried to hide this second meeting between Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin earlier this month.

Is it -- is too much being made of this, do you think, or is it fair to ask why the White House is not more aware of the need to be transparent when it comes to relations with Russia?

IVAN WATSON, SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT, CNN: Rosemary, what's striking about this is it's not just that the White House didn't really talk about this or disclose it during a very heavily scrutinized G20 meeting and summit, but also that the Kremlin didn't talk very much about this either.

And this was closely monitored and reported on not just by the U.S. press and the internationaal press, but also very closely watched here in Russia. There were newspapers that had frame by frame analysis of the encounter that was on camera between the two presidents.

So, the fact that this was largely left out and the details and the length of this second encounter that this was not really mentioned either by White House or Kremlin officials, that is something that makes you kind of raise your eyebrows.

So, what do we know? Well, now a week-and-a-half after the G20 meeting, you had not a secret dinner, but a meeting of all of the heads of state from the G20, according to the White House, President Trump was seated next to the Japanese prime minister. He had a translator who spoke Japanese and at some point around dessert, he got up and sat down next to President Vladimir Putin.

And then they conducted what the White House described as a, quote, "brief conversation at the end of a dinner." Now, later a White House official, senior White House official has told CNN that this conversation lasted nearly an hour, and it would have used a Russian translator, Russian official translator rather than a U.S. translator since the translator -- the interpreter accompanying President Trump spoke Japanese and not Russian.

We have looked back, and it appears that on July 9th, two days after this encounter took place, this dinner, the Kremlin spokesman Dmity Peskov mentioned briefly in a Russian television interview that the two leaders, quote, "had the opportunity to continue their conversation during dinner. A protocol event that was later the same day."

"Therefore, in fact, as they say, things have moved forward." But that was about the extent of it. Only now we are learning about the second substantial round of discussions between these two heads of state. Rosemary?

CHURCH: And, Ivan, you mentioned the translator. As you say, it appears Mr. Trump relied upon Mr. Putin's translator during the course of their one-hour chat. Does that run the risk of giving the Russian president the upper hand here and breach protocol perhaps?

WATSON: Well, a number of diplomats have come forward and said that this is unusual. And as a result of this, that only Russia has an official transcript or document or notes of the encounter.

Former State Department Spokesman James Kirby pointed out that as a result of this, again, that there wouldn't be an official document aside from what President Trump himself would have said to his administration and his aides after this encounter.

[03:05:05] So, there is a question then about kind of an official record of this unusual encounter. We do have to point out that at dinners like this, the heads of state were circulating. Their spouses were there. There are conversations.

This was not the only -- there were other encounters between the Russian and American presidents at other venues. You know, these leaders were gathering for photo ops and things like that. But I think, again, what is a bit surprising here is the length of

this conversation, Rosemary, which according to a senior White House official, lasted about an hour. And, again, none of us are really hearing about this until a week-and-a-half after the event. Rosemary?

CHURCH: Yes. Lasted an hour, but the White House calling that a brief meeting, which is very interesting in itself. Ivan Watson joining us there from Moscow. Many thanks to you.

So, let's talk more about this with CNN global affairs analyst, David Rohde who joins me from New York. He's also the online director for the New Yorker. Thanks so much for being with us. It was always good to talk to you.


CHURCH: So two stories to cover with you. First, of course, I want to get your reaction to this previously undisclosed one hour meeting between President Trump and Russian President Putin. Why are we only hearing about this now and what might the ramifications be, do you think?

ROHDE: Well, that is the question sort of here in the United States. And I can understand internationally maybe it would not seem unusual to have two leaders talk for so long, but there is this drum beat, the drip, drip, drip of stories about, you know, not disclosed meetings or communications between President Trump or President Trump's family or his campaign and Russian officials.

So, it's not clear that anything improper went on in this meeting. It's, again, the fact that it wasn't, you know, described publicly that, you know, just continues this suspicion about Trump and Russia.

And again, to be fair to President Trump, there is no clear evidence of collusion at this point between him or his campaign and Russia regarding the presidential election here in the U.S. But this scandal just continues day after day.

CHURCH: Yes, it's more the fact that we're just learning this now, isn't it?

Let's move, then, to the other big foreign policy story. New non- nuclear sanctions against 18 Iranian individuals, groups that has enraged Iran. Now we know that U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson think Iran is complying with the Iran nuclear deal.

But apparently, President Trump doesn't agree. Let's listen to what Deputy White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders had to say on the matter.


SARAH HUCKABEE-SANDERS, DEPUTY WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: His opinions and his feelings on this deal have certainly not changed. He's still very much -- thinks it's a really bad deal. And that the Iranians have not been fully compliant, and we're going to continue through this process.


CHURCH: So, why are Rex Tillerson and President Trump not on the same page with regard to the Iran nuclear deal? Why is President Trump distancing himself, certainly appearing to, from the deal and what does that signal will happen to it long-term?

ROHDE: Well, it's interesting. It's not just, you know, Secretary of State Tillerson, you know, President Trump's national security advisor, you know, believes that Iran is in compliance with the deal -- the chairman in general -- sorry, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the top military American officer also recommended that basically said the Iranians are abiding by the deal.

So, President Trump is actually very isolated on this issue. I don't know exactly what's going on internally or what his, you know, own thinking is. Politically, he could be sort of appealing to his political base. He ran, you know, describing this as a terrible deal. He vowed to tear it up, you know, as soon as he got in office. That has not happened.

And under the agreement every 90 days, President Trump has to certify that Iran is in compliance with the agreement. He did that. These sanctions against the 18 individuals allow him to sort of show that he's being tough on Iran.

But you know, the reality is they are in compliance, according to the -- you know, President Trump's top aides, top national security and foreign policy aides.

CHURCH: Now, of course, this Iran deal involves other nations. If the U.S. has a problem with it in three months from now, you mentioned those 90 days, is there any appetite on the part of other countries to renegotiate the deal?

ROHDE: No, there is very little. I mean, major, you know, European powers a part of this deal. Russia is part of this deal. They, you know, they agree with Trump's top advisors that it is being enforced and it's working. It doesn't solve every problem regarding Iran's behavior in the Middle East.

Clearly, they are being very aggressive in Syria and other places.

[03:09:56] So -- but it's an interesting moment. I think that, you know, the president withdrew from the Paris climate accord. President Trump, that very much upset United States allies if he were to unilaterally withdraw from the Iran accord, that would also upset European allies.

So, you know, the president is isolated on this, again, he could be posturing politically to sound like he's being tough on Iran. But it's not clear, you know, where he goes from here.

CHURCH: David Rohde, always good to speak with you. Thank you so much. ROHDE: Thank you.

CHURCH: Well, we now know the identity of the eighth person at that meeting between Donald Trump, Jr. and a Russian attorney last year where the Trump campaign was promised dirt on Hillary Clinton. He is a Russian-born real estate developer who works for a Russian oligarch.

CNN's Pamela Brown has the details.

PAMELA BROWN, INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT, CNN: This exclusive video obtained by CNN appears to show Ike Kaveladze in the background right next to Donald Trump in Las Vegas in June of 2013. Kaveladze has now been thrust into the spotlight as the mystery eighth person at the Trump Tower meeting with Donald Trump, Jr. Former campaign manager Paul Manafort, and top advisor Jared Kushner.

His attorney says he was there acting as a representative of Aras and Emin Agalarov, along with their publicist Rob Goldstone who had promised in an e-mail to Don Junior before the meeting, quote, "Some official documents and information that would incriminate hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father."

In an interview for a Russian web portal in 2016, Kaveladze said he has a long history of working for the Agalarov family and the real estate company Krokus International.


IKE KAVELADZE, ATTENDED DON JUNIOR'S MEETING (through translator): I have been working with this company since 1989 when I was just a little boy doing my 5th year at Moscow Finance Institute. I arrived and since then I've worked there.


BROWN: Kavaladze personal web site says he, quote, "holds responsibility for multiple elements of the company's Russian development project including a Russian 24-hour super store."

In 2000, he was linked to U.S. bank accounts that came under congressional investigation for possible money laundering tied to Russian brokers. At the time he denied any wrongdoing, calling it a witch hunt.

His Facebook page says he was born in the Soviet Union, studied in Moscow before receiving an MBA from the University of New Haven. His attorney says he is now a U.S. citizen and works in the United States.


KAVALADZE (through translator): We actively representative Krokus's interests in the USA, a lot of goods, construction equipment was purchased in the U.S.

(END VIDEO CLIP) BROWN: Kavaladze attended the meeting with Russian-American lobbyist

Rinat Akhmetshin, translator Anatoli Samachornov along with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya. That meeting now under scrutiny by special counsel Robert Mueller.

Kavaladze's attorney says his client is fully cooperating with investigators who have already reached out and he said his client has never had anything to do with the Russian government.

An attorney for Kavaladze Scott Balber said that his client didn't really know much about the meeting at Trump Tower beforehand. That he thought it was about adoption. He said that he went to the meeting because he thought he would be need as a translator for the Russian attorney. He said he didn't find out that he wouldn't be needed as a translator until he arrived at that meeting. All of this according to his attorney.

Pamela Brown, CNN, Washington.

CHURCH: President Trump is blaming democrats for the failure of a Senate bill to overhaul the U.S. healthcare system even though republicans control both Houses of Congress. Republican leader Mitch McConnell says he still will hold a vote next week to repeal Obamacare, even though he doesn't have enough votes.

Mr. Trump says he would rather let Obamacare fail, potentially leaving millions of Americans without health insurance.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Disappointed. Very disappointed. I'm certainly disappointed for seven years I've been hearing repeal and replace from Congress and I've been hearing it loud and strong, and then when we finally get chance to repeal and replace they don't take advantage of it so that's disappointing.

So, I'm very -- I would say I'm disappointed in what took place.


CHURCH: Some republicans are extremely critical of the president's lack of leadership. One says Mr. Trump was playing with a fire truck while the bill was collapsing. That was part of the president's made in America event at the White House on Monday.

Well, it's not clear why police killed an Australian woman living in Minneapolis. Justine Ruszczyk called police over a weekend to report a possible sexual assault near her home. One of the two officers who arrived on the scene shot her in the abdomen. But authorities are giving little information about how it all happened.

[03:15:01] Here's our Ryan Young.

RYAN YOUNG, NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT, CNN: So, for the last few days there's been a lot of conversation in this community and around the world about exactly what happened in the alley way that led to this woman being shot. Justine Ruszczyk, she called 911 to report what she thought was a possible sexual assault in the alley way but she ended up getting shot and killed.

An investigator did talk to one of the officers in the car. That officer said they were driving in an alley way, they heard a loud noise and then all of a sudden, Ruszczyk popped up on the side of the window. And that officer is indicating that his partner, Muhammad Noor fired a shot across him, hitting her once.

They both got out and tried to provide lifesaving measures to save her life, but it was too late. At this point, though, investigators are still asking questions, trying to interview Noor. He decided to decline comment and that's something that has upset the city's mayor.


BETSY HODGES, MAYOR OF MINNEAPOLIS: We do have more information now, though, it's frustrating to have some of the picture, but not all of it. We cannot compel Officer Noor to make a statement. I wish we could. I wish that he -- I wish that he would make a statement is what I want to say. We can't compel him by law, but I wish that he would make that statement.


YOUNG: So, the big question has been, why has it taken so long for police or officials to talk about this investigation. What we learned obviously is that an outside agency is investigating this shooting.

Today they started releasing details after interviewing one of the officers in the car. There's still a lot of questions about the body camera and the dash cam that were inside the car that were not activated. The police department has said they're going to dig a little deeper to try to figure out if they need to change policies here as well.

Ryan Young, CNN, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

CHURCH: Back home in Australia, Justine Ruszczyk's death has come as a shock. The Daily Telegraph called it an "American Nightmare" on its front page. Another outlet quoted an activist calling Minneapolis a police state run by out of control officers.

Many tried to say good-bye to Ruszczyk at this beach side vigil. She was supposed to get married next month. Besides her family, many are calling for answers, including Australia's prime minister.


MALCOLM TURNBULL, PRIME MINISTER OF AUSTRALIA: Our consul general is supporting the family and we are seeking answers to this. This is a shocking killing. It's inexplicable. Our hearts go out to her family.

I mean, how can a woman out in the street in her pajamas seeking assistance from the police be shot like that? It is a shocking killing. (END VIDEO CLIP)

CHURCH: And it's worth noting this Australian woman's shooting was just the latest involving U.S. law enforcement. So far this year, 543 people have been shot and killed by U.S. police officers. That is according to a study conducted by the Washington Post.

We'll take a short break here. But still to come, a crop top and a short skirt have landed this woman in trouble with police. We will tell you why and where this video is so controversial. We'll be right back.


CHURCH: Welcome back, everyone. Well, passengers flying from Mexico to the United States are being asked to show up at the airport three hours before departure. The U.S. is imposing new security checks on electronic devices in the coming hours. Any device bigger than a cell phone will have to be out of its cover and will be subject to inspection separate from any other luggage.

Well, meanwhile, the electronics ban imposed in March for U.S.-bound flights is coming to an end. Nine of the ten airports affected have already had the restrictions lifted. And the airport in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia is expected to be next.

The U.S. Homeland Security Department says the airports have enhanced security measures to comply with U.S. standards.

Well, South Korean authorities are investigating how a famous defector ended up back in North Korea. Over the weekend, Jeon Hye Sung was shown in a propaganda video released by Pyongyang. Tearfully describing how hard her life had been in the south. It's unclear how she got back to the North after defecting more than three years ago.

David McKenzie has more.

DAVID MCKENZIE, INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT, CNN: A North Korean celebrity confessing in a propaganda video on a government-sponsored web site. She looks shell shocked, even scared.


LIM JI-HYUN, NORTH KOREAN DEFECTOR (through translator): In South Korea everything was about money. As a woman who defected, I betrayed my father land. Was only met with physical and mental pain.


MCKENZIE: In fact, Lim Ji-hyun as she was known in the South, appeared on reality TV and talk shows telling what her life was like in the North. She defected in 2014. Lin's many fans are shocked that she went back to the repressive country. Fellow guests on the show said she was happy and successful in the South.


(through translator): She didn't seem distressed at all, he says, when I met her because she was doing well and she was becoming famous on television.


MCKENZIE: It's very rare for defectors to go back to North Korea, which is ruled with an iron fist. To friends and fans speculating that she was pressured to go, or even abducted.


JI-HYUN (through translator): I went to the people around me that I wanted to return home, they said that I would be executed by a firing squad. As soon as I set afoot there. But I wanted to return home and see my parents, even if it meant death.


MCKENZIE: South Korean authorities are now investigating the mystery of Lin Ji-Hyun.

David McKenzie, CNN, Seoul.

CHURCH: A woman in Saudi Arabia had been detained over what the kingdom's religious police are calling offensive clothing. She is seen in a social media video wearing a short skirt and crop top which violates Saudi Arabia's strict dress code.

Our Becky Anderson reports.

BECKY ANDERSON, HOST, CNN: This video lasting just six seconds sparking massive outrage, it looks normal enough this young woman wearing a short skirt and a crop top, strolling through the empty but bakingly hot streets of an historic town.

The town, though, is in Saudi Arabia. The birth place of the kingdom's ultra-conservative Wahhabi school of Islamic thought. Saudi women have to wear loose fitting clothing and to cover their hair. The authorities then snapping into action, tracking the woman down and taking her in for questioning.

Releasing this statement, quote, "She admitted to visiting the site in question with a male guardian. And that the viral videos were published by an account attributed to her without her knowledge," end quote.

The clip sparked a heated debate on social media. One Twitter user writing, quote, "People who don't respect the kingdom's rules don't deserve to live in it." Others, though, jumping to the young woman's defense. Some women writes activists writing that if she were from the west, people would be falling head over heels for her.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) NAJAH ALOTAIBI, SAUDI JOURNALIST: Women now are strong. They feel empowered. They feel that they want to voice their demands, they want to take actions. And I think this is because they feel that the new government and the new leadership is inspiring them because in the last few years, the government, they made a progressive steps to empowered women.


ANDERSON: Under the leadership of young Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman, Saudi Arabia is undergoing major change introducing an ambitious plan for social, economic and cultural reform called Saudi vision 2030.

[03:24:59] The government also rolled back some of the powers at its religious beliefs, not letting them detain people they think who have broken extremely strict standards of moral conduct. But long held beliefs by conservative segments in Saudi Arabia will take longer to change.


ALOTAIBI: The officials, they talk about reform openly. So, a lot of women, they feel empowered to make an action and to help themselves. But, of course, I think also the government, they have to be consistent. If they want to make a change.


ANDERSON: In a country where the leadership is spending billions and years working towards the future, all it seems to take is 6 seconds to press reset.

Becky Anderson, CNN, Abu Dhabi.

CHURCH: And this new controversy is raising questions about how western women are free to decide how they dress in Saudi Arabia. They are not held to the same strict guidelines as Saudi women are. Some activists pointed to the recent trip by the U.S. first family, but Melania and Ivanka Trump chose not to cover their hair.

We are sorting through conflicting reports about the leader of ISIS. Abu Bark al-Baghdadi has been seen only rarely since he proclaimed the ISIS caliphate in 2014. But is he dead or alive?

CNN's Brian Todd has been looking at the evidence.

BRIAN TODD, CORRESPONDENT, CNN: The shadowy leader of ISIS tonight remains elusive, whether he's dead or alive. Reports on the fate of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi remain contradictory. A top official with Kurdish intelligence tells Reuters, quote, "Baghdadi is definitely alive. He is not dead. We have information that he is alive. We believe 99 percent he is alive."

Lahur Talabani says Kurdish intelligence believes Baghdadi is in hiding somewhere south of the self-declared ISIS capital of Raqqa, Syria, which is increasingly being choked off by Syrian, Arab and Kurdish forces. But last week the top U.S. Commander in the fight against ISIS left some doubt.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't have a reason to believe that he's alive. Don't have proof of life, you know.


TODD: Last month Russian officials said they were investigating reports that Baghdadi was killed in a Russian airstrike. But CNN has learned U.S. intelligence has concluded Baghdadi was not at the location cited by the Russians. If he's alive, how could the world's most wanted terrorist be eluding this manhunt?


TARA MALLER, RESEARCH FELLOW, INTERNATIONAL SECURITY PROGRAM: He could be hiding in a safe house. He could be hiding almost in plain sight in many cases if he changed the physical appearance, for example, and had members of ISIS aiding or abetting him in some way.


TODD: Abu Bark al-Baghdadi has been called the invisible sheikh because of his obsessions with his own security. Analyst say he's been said to cover his face even when meeting with his trusted lieutenants and makes them play cell phones in a lot lying box. But they say he's also got an Achilles heel.


MICHAEL WEISS, CONTRIBUTOR, CNN: His personal proclivities I've heard from various sources might give the game away. For instance, Baghdadi has kept a consortium of sex slaves, one of whom at least has escaped his clutches as his own personal chattel.


TODD: If he's alive, the ISIS leader could be running out of places to hide. CNN has recently reported firsthand from Raqqa and Mosul of the devastation left behind as ISIS has abandoned key positions in those cities.

Tonight, U.S. military and counterterrorism officials tell CNN there's more pressure on ISIS's safe havens than ever before. Another key question, if he's still alive, is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi actually commanding ISIS forces. Pentagon officials tell us Baghdadi is not involved in any day to day decision making or command and control that they can see.

And in speaking with me, one Pentagon official slipped in a jab saying, quote, "We know he's not fighting on the front lines of Raqqa or Mosul. He left his followers to fight that war and took off.

Brian Todd, CNN, Washington.

CHURCH: In just a few hours, British Prime Minister Theresa May and her top opponent will go head to head during questions in parliament. She will likely have to defend how she has handled Brexit negotiations. We'll take a closer look at that when we come back.


CHURCH: A very warm welcome back to our viewers joining us from all around the world. I'm Rosemary Church. I want to update you now on the main stories we've been following this hour.

The White House is defending a previously undisclosed conversation between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin at the G20 summit. An aide says the men spoke for nearly an hour after dinner. The White House calls it a brief conversation and rejects any notion it tried to hide the meeting.

Anger in Venezuela over the plans of President Nicolas Maduro to rewrite the Constitution. Anti-Maduro protesters and the National Guard clashed on Tuesday. Venezuelan government is denouncing and mocking the U.S. for threatening economic sanctions if President Maduro carries through his plans.

A judge is handing down verdict in Thailand's largest human trafficking trial ever. It involves more than 100 defendants including police officers, politicians and a Thai army general. They are accused of smuggling and trafficking migrants along the Thai-Malaysian border. Some of the victims' bodies were found in shallow graves.

British Prime Minister Theresa May will probably be on offensive, defensive, I should say, when she faces questions in parliament in just a few hours from now. Opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn will likely criticize Mrs. May over how her government is handling ongoing Brexit negotiations.

Earlier, the prime minister warned her cabinet to show unity and stop the leaks after reports of infighting over terms of the divorce from the European Union. Meanwhile, people and businesses in the U.K. are feeling very uncertain.

Nina dos Santos has more now from London.

NINA DOS SANTOS, CORRESPPONDENT, CNN: Londoners have always known business such thing is a free lunch. Full inflation may have soften this month. Prices are still rising faster than wages. And the uncertainty surrounding Brexit is becoming increasingly hard to swallow.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: People are angry. People aren't getting paid enough. People are being cut. The wrong things are being cut. It's all backwards in my opinion. Everything is rolling backwards and not forwards like it should be.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, we're happy to survive.


DOS SANTOS: Such angst caused Prime Minister Theresa May her majority. Allowing Jeremy Corbyn to pitch his Labour Party as a government in waiting. One which he promised Brussels will be more conciliatory in exit negotiations.

Even the man who spearheaded the leave campaign now thinks Brexit is a bad idea. With the government so ill prepared, its representatives appear to come empty-handed to this month's E.U. talks.

For May, making friends further afield isn't going to plan either. Britain May being quick to offer Donald Trump a state visit, that amidst (Inaudible) a debate pro E.U. leaders like Merkel and Macron wasted no time in welcoming the U.S. President themselves.

So, where does this leave the U.K.? Well, increasingly isolated and in London home to a quarter of nation's GDP, businesses are becoming increasingly skeptical. The Brexit will be done and dusted by 2019.


[03:35:02] SADIQ KHAN, MAYOR OF LONDON: The article 50 served was supposed to negotiate an exit in two years. I want the government now is talking about and I welcome this, is a transitional period of two years to give people certainty before we enter the new arrangement with the European Union.


DOS SANTOS: Meanwhile, banks are accelerating their contingency plans and looking for alternative European headquarters. But Paris and Frankfurt making audacious bids for their business. Moves which could leave the whole of Britain paying a hefty price before Brexit has even begun.

Nina Dos Santos, CNN, London.

CHURCH: In about an hour from now, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will head to Germany from Poland. The British royals started a five day tour of the countries by getting a taste of local culture at a street festival in Gdansk.

Once Prince William and his wife make it to Berlin, they will meet Chancellor Angela Merkel. Some view the trip as a bit of soft diplomacy during Brexit negotiations.

Our CNN's Atika Shubert joins me now from berlin. She's been covering this. So, Atika, as we mention some do say, this might be an act of diplomacy in the midst of Brexit negotiations. Is that what's happening here?

ATIKA SHUBERT, CHIEF INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT, CNN: Well, what we know is that the royal couple were invited here by the foreign office at the request of the foreign office. So, this is clearly part of a British diplomatic push and in the context of the E.U.

And Germany that certainly means Brexit. You might be wondering why they are coming here to Germany or their previous trip to Poland. Well, frankly, Poland has the most foreign nationals in the U.K., it's the second most spoken language there. And there has been a lot of concern about E.U. nationals, Polish nationals and what will happen after Brexit.

Germany, of course, is the power house of Europe. It's the strongest economy in the E.U. and that's probably why one of the first things they're going to be doing is meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel for lunch.

They have a whole series of other events, but this is all part of the effort to show friendship, reaffirm that friendship and goodwill, even if Brexit negotiations do get a little tough, Rosemary.

CHURCH: Indeed. And what is expected out of that meeting with Angela Merkel and, of course, where will they go after this? What is planned for the royals?

SHUBERT: Well, they won't be getting into the nitty-gritty of Brexit negotiations. This is really a courtesy meeting. It's really again, about reaffirming that friendship. After they meet with the chancellor they are actually coming through here, Berlin's famous Brandenburg Gate.

This of course has stood several wars. The Berlin Wall ran through here. And so, it's really become very important symbol for national unity. After that, they will also be visiting the Holocaust Memorial which is quite nearby here as well. And it's not just Berlin, they are going to Heidelberg and Hamburg.

They will be visiting several charities. They'll be having an evening at the Hamburg's new Philharmonic. And there is even a boat race scheduled in which the Duke and Duchess will each lead a boat of rowers each to see who wins. So there is quite a bit of events happening there. We'll see how the trip goes.

CHURCH: We certainly shall. Our Atika Shubert joining us there from Berlin. Many thanks.

We'll take a short break here. But still to come, Radiohead is said to defy calls from other artists to cancel its concert in Israel. That story in just a moment.


CHURCH: These were the scenes outside the presidential palace in Poland where thousands of people protested Tuesday night against controversial reforms to the judicial system. Parliament has passed a law shortening the terms of judges on Poland's national council of the judiciary. Opposition parties say that is unconstitutional.

Well, the Palestinian Fatah Party is calling for a day of rage to protest new Israeli security measures in Jerusalem's old city. Several Palestinians were injured Tuesday in clashes with police. That's according to Palestinian medical officials.

Tensions have been high after Israel installed metal detectors at the Temple Mount also known as the noble sanctuary. Arab Israeli gunmen killed two Israeli police officers near the site last week.

Ian Lee is in Jerusalem. He joins us now with more. So, Ian, what's expected to happen at this plan day of rage to protest these new security measures?

IAN LEE, INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT, CNN: We are expecting, Rosemary, to see protests in the old city in Jerusalem, around Jerusalem, and also in the West Bank. And these calls for protest have been growing since last Friday when that deadly attack against two Israeli police officers took place.

Now, they did install new security measures leading into the Temple Mount, also known as the noble sanctuary for Muslims. But the walk, the Jordanian walk which administers the religious sites on top of that complex say that these new security measures are an encroachment by Israeli authorities trying to have more authority over that area.

And they have rejected that, they say that they need to go back to the status quo. They are refusing to go through those metal detectors and that's where we're seeing these protests and this anger coming from, saying that as long as those metal detectors exist, that they're going to keep protesting and they will not enter that complex, Rosemary.

CHURCH: And Ian, I wanted to talk to you about the rock band Radiohead. It is set to play in Israel despite calls to cancel their performance. Why is the band are so determined to go ahead with this?

LEE: Yes. There has been a growing chorus of voices against Radiohead playing here, but they've been very defiant for a number of reasons. But the main one is they say that they don't want to build borders, they want to cross them. And they say the show must go on.


LEE: One could say Radiohead owes a lot to Israel. While their breakthrough song "Creep" initially struggled in the U.K. charts, it dominated in Israel. But 25 years later as the band gears up for a concert in Tel Aviv, some are telling Radiohead they don't belong here. Leading that call, a Palestinian-led boycott movement known as BDS.

OMAR BARGHOUTI, FOUNDER, BDS: Radiohead in particular, they claim to be a progressive group. Indeed they have advocated human rights in the Tibet and many other causes. Why not Palestinian rights? It's the double standard that made us focus on Radiohead.

LEE: BDS stands for Boycott Divestment and Sanctions. The group aim to put pressure on Israel for Palestinian rights. Among the choir of voices, Pink Floyd, Roger Waters who boycott Israel and recently spoke about Radiohead on Facebook.

ROGER WATERS, MUSICIAN: We should observe the picket line. First, anybody who is tempted to do that, like our friends in Radiohead. If only they would actually educate themselves.

LEE: Radiohead lead singer Thom Yorke rejects that call. At a concert in Glasgow, he appears to give fans waving Palestinian flags the middle finger, while repeating (muted).

Yorke expressed his frustration against the BDS controversy in a Rolling Stone interview, saying "It's really upsetting that artists I respect think we are not capable of making a moral decision ourselves."

[03:45:02] Radiohead isn't without its support. REM's front man Michael Stipe posted on Instagram. "I stand with Radiohead and their decision to perform. Let's hope a dialogue continues, hoping to bring the occupation to an end and lead to a peaceful solution."

CNN reached out to Israeli officials. They have yet to comment on the story. The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu focused on BDS in a 2014 speech.

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER: But the BDS movement is not about legitimate criticism. It's about making Israel illegitimate. It presents a distorted and twisted picture of Israel to the naive and to the ignorant. BDS is nothing but a farce.

LEE: Netanyahu declared BDS defeated a year ago. But the movement insists they're on the right side of history.

BARGHOUTI: In one of the song, Radiohead songs, they have a lyric that says "some things cost more than you realize." I think this will cost Radiohead more than they realize.

LEE: That cost has yet to be seen by other acts targeted by BDS like Lady Gaga, Elton John, and the Rolling Stones. All who ignored the call to boycott too little or no effect.


LEE: Now, Rosemary, BDS does target Israel and a number of areas. You have arts, academia and the economy. And while they have been successful in some of these areas, again, when it comes to bands playing here, popular bands, that effect, they say that call for boycott and the pressure to be put on them after they play here, well, they just really haven't seen it.

The other bands also have recently performed here this summer. We have Brittney Spears, you have Justin Bieber and all these bands come here. They have their concerts. And really that's the last you hear of this controversy until the next time these bands are scheduled to play here. Rosemary?

CHURCH: Yes. Interesting. Our Ian Lee bringing us up to date on the situation there from Jerusalem where it is nearly 11 in the morning. Many thanks.

Turning to the weather now, severe storms in Turkey and the United Kingdom have been causing a mess in the region. Our meteorologist Pedram Javaheri joins us now from the International Weather Center with more. So, what is happening with these storms, Pedram?

PEDRAM JAVAHERI, METEOROLOGIST, CNN: Yes, you know, the heart of summer here, we're seeing some active weather, Rosemary. Look at this footage right here behind me coming out of Istanbul, at one of the subway systems, the metro area across this region where you are having water literally rush down the train tracks across this region causing widespread disruption, frankly, as well on the roadways and some disruptions as well at the airport locally.

You can see some of the images coming out of this region outside of that metro and how the water essentially funneled its way down into that particular region. Tremendous thunderstorms associated with this front that has pushed on in towards the Armenian plateau.

Look out back towards the west, the storm door is wide open, my friend. Almost resembles a little bit of what you would say in the winter months here with just active weather pattern coming in one after another. And we do have a severe weather threat on a probable scale. Meaning on a scale of 1 to 3 it is a 2 across the Benelux region.

In the Netherlands, in particular a high risk here for some of these storms to not only produce large hail and damaging winds. But also some isolated tornadoes. And important to note, when you look at the Netherlands, an small area of land we're talking. They average 35 tornadoes per year.

Between them and also the U.K. at 50 tornadoes per year, among the highest density of tornadoes anywhere on earth given the small land area. Now you compare the land area of the continental United States, about 10 million square kilometers. About the exact same size of the land area of Europe.

Fatalities in the U.S. are far greater. Over 70 people per year lose their lives versus 5 when it comes to tornadoes. Of course, tornadoes across Europe they're typically far smaller. But important to note, we've had some very strong storms some of which could be tornadic.

And look at this out of the areas of the southwest of the U.K. there, strong storms causing some disruption and damage on some of the roadways here buckling as well with a lot of the rainfall they've seen in this region.

Tropical storm Don that has weakened it is now just a remnant feature across the Atlantic Ocean at this hour. Something interesting that a lot of people have been talking about, we have a trio of storms lined up into the Pacific.

And of course there is a tropical storm in the works that would be Hillary developing right around the region where hurricane Fernando and tropical storm Greg are in place.

So a lot of people had fun with the dueling storms sitting in place across multiple oceans, a story that we followed here in the past 24 hours. I want to touch on something here and show you a really fascinating

finding by the National Climate Data Center. Looking at the temperatures around the world, we know it's been warming up of course significantly in recent years.

But now June 2017 comes in as the third warmest June in recorded history, over 138 Junes have been kept since the 1880s. We're talking about now 2016 hottest, 2015, the second hottest, 2017 the third hottest.

And Rosemary, what's really important and interesting with this as well, we are going on 41 consecutive Junes now where they have been above the average for the month of June in general.

[03:50:00] If you look at January through June of just this year, it's the second hottest January through June on record. And you look for any month on earth, that was below average in the temperature department, you'd have to go back 390 months which would take you to January of 1985, the last time our planet had a month that was cooler than normal. So, a lot of stats favoring heat pretty impressive to see all this come in every month.

CHURCH: Yes, appears to show a clear pattern, doesn't it?

JAVAHERI: Absolutely.

CHURCH: Thanks, Pedram. Appreciate it.

JAVAHERI: Thanks for having me.

CHURCH: We'll take a short break. But still to come, a portrait of the great novelist, Jane Austen goes on wide display. Why women's groups, women's rights groups are celebrating her financial posh. We'll take a look at that when we return.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Painted peacocks, his on the right and the left is his sister.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And the person with the critical brow?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That is his good friend Mr. Darcy.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He looks miserable.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Miserable he may be, but he is certainly not.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Probably 10,000 a year and he earns about (Inaudible).

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So miserable her.

(END VIDEO CLIP) CHURCH: Mr. Darcy, a scene from the movie "Pride and Prejudice" with the Bennett sisters are talking about the wealth of the infamous Mr. Darcy. Jane Austen's classic story deals with not only love, but also money.

And now 200 years after the author's death, Jane Austen might love the fact she is now on the money. The new face on Britain's 10 pound note, thanks to a campaign that demanded more female representation on the currency. The governor of the Bank of England Mark Carney said a 10 bound note was particularly fitting for Jane Austen.


MARK CARNEY, GOVERNOR, BANK OF ENGLAND: Ten pounds would have meant a lot to Jane Austen. About the same as a thousand pounds would mean to us today. Ten pounds was half the annual allowance she received from her father while he was alive. And a ten pound note might have had symbolic meaning as well as it was the amount that she was paid for or paid by her publishers, Crosby and Co for her first novel, "Susan," and the experts will know eventually through some reworking became "Northanger Abbey."


CHURCH: And this is believed to be the first statue in the world of the acclaimed novelist. It was unveiled near Jane Austen's birth place in Southern England. So important times there for Jane Austen.

Let's talk more about all this with Devoney Looser. She joins me now live from Cambria, Australia. Thank you so much for being with us. So, I mean, this is very significant, isn't it, for the author? It's been hard long fight, but talk to us about the significance of this. Jane Austen now on the ten pound British note.

DEVONEY LOOSER, AUTHOR: Well, she's the first female writer to be on a bank note in England. So, I think that in itself is significant. But she would not have been chosen had there comes a point where there were no women. Elizabeth Fry was taken off a bill and replaced by Winston Churchill.

And as you say, activists stepped in to say there ought to be other women other than the queen who is on the English bank notes.

[03:54:54] CHURCH: And of course, we're talking about this fight has gone on what, since 2013 and it has been quite nasty. Tell us about what has been said as these discussions have worked toward this eventual putting Jane Austen on the 10 pound note.

LOOSER: Right. Well, Caroline Criado-Perez was one of the activists who came under fire on Twitter and received terrible threats of violence, grave and death threats as a result of her work on this which, you know, I think Jane Austen would have found unthinkable. I certainly find unthinkable. But received a great deal of press coverage. Obviously Criado-Perez won out and we now have the bill.

CHURCH: Why do you think there was so much resistance? LOOSER: That's a very good question. I don't know if it's anything

particular to do with Jane Austen. But perhaps just this idea that activists would seek to have female representation specifically on a bank note struck some people as unfair or wrongheaded. I mean, I had a hard time speaking to what would bring up that kind of hatred.

CHURCH: And what about Jane Austen herself? Of course, she never would have imagined such a thing would occur, but if you were able to put yourself in her position, what do you think she would be thinking right now?

LOOSER: Well, I think she would love the fact that she ended up on a bank note, especially because her brother Henry Austen was a failed banker in her lifetime. And the idea that she would end up on a bank note seems especially, you know, ripe for comedy and fun. And I think she would love that part.

CHURCH: And do you think we will see more women on the British currency and perhaps even other global currencies?

LOOSER: I believe so, and I believe in the United States there is movement afoot to do so as well. So, I see this as a very positive thing. Not just for Jane Austen, but for female representation on all sorts of currency worldwide, yes.

CHURCH: All right. Devoney Looser, thank you so much for joining us. We appreciate it.

LOOSER: Thank you very much.

CHURCH: And thanks to you for your company this hour. I'm Rosemary Church. Remember to connect with me any time on Twitter. The news continues with our Max Foster in London. You're watching CNN. Have yourselves a great day.


MAX FOSTER, HOST, CNN: Not one meeting, but two. The White House comments on the second face-to-face between President Trump and President Putin.

[03:59:59] The eighth person reported to be at Donald Trump, Jr.'s meeting has a name. What we know about Ike Kaveladze.