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All Florida Keys Residents Allowed Back Home Today; Model Uses Skin Disorder to Launch Career; Celebrating TV's Best Emmys; Protest Against Cop Acquittal Turned Violent; Aired 2-3p ET

Aired September 17, 2017 - 14:00   ET



FREDRICKA WHITFIELD, CNN ANCHOR, (voice-over): Happening now in the "Newsroom," was the president's fire and fury remark an empty threat?


H.R. MCMASTER, U.S. NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR: We have to make sure all options are under development to ensure that this regime cannot threaten the world with a nuclear weapon.

REX TILLERSON, U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: If our diplomatic failed though, our military option will be the only one left.

WHITFIELD (voice-over): The diplomatic pressure intensifies against North Korea.

HALEY: If North Korea keeps on with this reckless behavior, if the United States has to defend itself or defend its allies in any way, North Korea will be destroyed.

WHITFIELD (voice-over): And all eyes are on the U.S. president as he arrives in New York for his first United Nations General Assembly.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Disperse immediately.

WHITFIELD (voice-over): St. Louis is cleaning up after a second night of protest over the acquittal of a white policeman who shot a black motorist.

And three named storms now in the Atlantic. Maria is strengthening and so far on a similar path to Irma. Just as residents of the Florida Keys return home.

"CNN Newsroom" starts now.


WIHTFIELD: Hello, everyone and thank you so much for joining us this Sunday. I'm Fredricka Whitfield. The stakes are high as President Trump prepares for his first appearance at the United Nations General Assembly going into the much anticipated gathering.

The president's administration is ratcheting up a pressure and rhetoric on North Korea.


HALEY: I think we all know that basically if North Korea keeps on with this reckless behavior, if the United States has to defend itself or defend its allies in any way, North Korea will be destroyed and we all know that and none of us want that. None of us want war.

But we also have to look at the fact that you are dealing with someone who is being reckless, irresponsible, and it's continuing to give threats not only to the United States, but to all of their allies. So something is going to have to be done.


WHITFIELD (voice-over): This morning, the president alluded to recent sanctions placed on the rogue nation and took a swipe of the North Korean dictator in this tweet saying, I spoke with President Moon of South Korea last night, asked him how rocket man is doing. Long gas lines forming in North Korea. Too bad.

CNN White House correspondent Athena Jones is with the president in New Jersey. So, Athena, the president has been very critical of the U.N. in the past. So, what can we expect when he speaks to the General Assembly this week?

ATHENA JONES, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Hi, Fred. You're right. The president has been quite a skeptic of the United Nations. He had some harsh criticism for the organization on the campaign trail last year.

He said the organization was utterly weak and incompetent and it was no friend of democracy and no friend of freedom and no friend even to the United States.

I think we can probably expect him to sing at least a somewhat different tune at the U.N. General Assembly this week. This is the president's first turn on the most high profile stage in the world. We're talking about 193 member nations who are taking part in this General Assembly.

The president's national security adviser, H.R. McMaster gave us a little of a preview of what to expect in his address on Tuesday before the General Assembly. He was speaking on Fox earlier today. Watch.


MCMASTER: Well, he thinks the speech is a tremendous opportunity obviously to reach so many world leaders at the same time and to emphasize really three themes. First is to protect the American people. The second is to promote American prosperity. And the third is really to help promote accountability and sovereignty.


JONES: So you heard General McMaster call this speech on Tuesday a tremendous opportunity for the president. It's also a chance for world leaders to hear from President Trump on how he plans to promote his America first agenda before this meeting of a global organization that is aimed at solving global challenges together.

We should mention that of course the president is going to have a series of meetings and events. He's hosting luncheons and receptions and has a working dinner at one point and there is a long list of global challenges that will be on his agenda. Everything from North Korea and Syria to ISIS and Venezuela among others. Fred.

WHITFIELD: All right. Athena Jones, thanks so much in New Jersey.

So administration officials took to the Sunday morning talk shows to make the point that if diplomatic efforts fail with North Korea, a military option may be the only thing left. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson laid out the U.S. strategy.


TILLERSON: Our strategy has been to undertake this peaceful pressure campaign we call it, enabled by the four nos --


TILLERSON: -- the four nos being that we do not seek regime change, we do not seek a regime collapse, we do not seek an accelerated reunification of the Peninsula and we do not seek a reason to send in our forces North to the demilitarized zone.

So the peaceful pressure campaign is built around and putting together the largest and strongest international coalition we can to send the same message to North Korea and to North Korea's neighbors China and Russia that this is the policy of the rest of the world. And you're seeing expressed that in two unanimous Security Council resolutions to impose the strictest sanctions ever.

All of that designed to bring North Korea to the table for constructive, productive dialogue. If our diplomatic efforts fail though, our military option will be the only one left.

All right. Joining me right now, CNN global affairs correspondent, Elise Labott.

So, Elise, a lot of messaging coming from the White House this morning. How is this mixed messaging ahead likely being received ahead of this U.N. speech?

ELISE LABOTT, CNN GLOBAL AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT: Well, Fred, obviously Secretary of State Tillerson, the chief diplomat of the United States, emphasizing that diplomatic options. But as he said, those diplomatic options are running out. H.R. McMaster, the National Security Advisor saying today that because North Korea is advancing, because there's -- you can't kick the can down the road anymore. There's no more road left. I think that's why you hear a lot of people emphasizing that military option.

Take a listen to U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley talking about the U.S. strategy to CNN's Dana Bash on "State of the Union" this morning.


HALEY: What we were doing was being responsible, where North Korea is being irresponsible and reckless. We were being responsible by trying to use every diplomatic possibility that we could possibly do. We have pretty exhausted all the things that we could do at the Security Council this point.

Now -- I said yesterday, I'm perfectly happy kicking this over to General Mattis, because he has plenty of military option.

So I think that the fire and fury while he said this is what we can do to North Korea, we wanted to be responsible and go through all diplomatic mens to get their attention first. If that doesn't work, General Mattis will take care of it.


LABOTT: So, Fred, I think what you have is Ambassador Haley and others trying to emphasize that military option, as a deterrent to North Korea. Don't even think about taking this to the brink, because you will not survive. The problem is, Fred, and military officials have told our Pentagon team that they really don't know what that deterrent is going to be. What is it that it's going to scare North Korea and Kim Jong-Un enough to stand down?

WHITFIELD: All right. Elise Labott, thanks so much. We'll leave it there.

And by the way, Elise has an in-depth profile of U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley and you can read it in CNN's digital magazine. You just visit

All right. Sovereignty is the word that two of President Trump's top advisers mentioned when asked what the president will focus on while at the United Nations.


MCMASTER: The president's Tuesday morning speech to the General Assembly will emphasize the need for states to promote peace and prosperity while upholding sovereignty and accountability. As indispensable foundations of international order.

KELLYANNE CONWAY, COUNSELOR TO THE PRESIDENT TRUMP: This country wants a leader who is tough on terrorism, he's not going to caudle him, he's not going to apologize for America around the world. And you're going to see that through President Trump's leadership at the United Nation General Assembly this week as well, where he will be promoting peace. He will be promoting prosperity and the president will be promoting sovereignty and accountability.


WHITFIELD: All right. So, what does the administration mean when it talks about sovereignty?

Joining me right now is CNN political analyst Margaret Talev, who is Bloomberg's senior White House correspondent. Michael Allen, who served in George W. Bush's White House for seven years and was also the majority staff director for the House Intelligence Committee. And CNN global affairs analyst David Rohde. He is also an online news director for the "New Yorker." Good to see all of you.

All right. So, David, you first. So, what is meant behind Kellyanne Conway and H.R. McMaster using this word sovereignty?

DAVID ROHDE, CNN GLOBAL AFFAIRS ANALYST: I think it's clear what the talking points are, which are peace, prosperity, and sovereignty and I think -- others can please it, but I think it's again a play to his domestic political base.

Sovereignty to an American audience at the U.N. plays on this idea that international agreements are bad for the United States. We're being taken advantage of by other countries, the Paris Peace Accord punishes us --


ROHDE: -- doesn't help us. They're sounding the same sort of note that, I guess, helps them with their base, but it says to the rest of the world, we're not interested in partnership. We're not hearing the word partnership, we're hearing sovereignty and I think that's the message here.

WHITFIELD: So then, Michael, is that a potential mistake? We're talking about 193 member nations there who want to hear about a global message and what they want to hear from the president on a mostly American first type.

MICHAEL ALLEN, FOMER MAJORITY STAFF DIRECTOR FOR THE HOUSE INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE: Yes. It's going to be a discorded message because if you kind of go back to America firstism here in the U.N. General Assembly, at the same time, we're seeking progress from Latin American leaders on Venezuela. We're clearly going to be doing business on Iran. I expect North Korea will be the centerpiece of his big speech at the U.N. General Assembly. So it does leave people a little bit confused about all right, I get it, America is first in your mind, but you also need us do all these different things in order to succeed. So I think there's a little of a discorded message there.

WHITFIELD: Margaret, how do you see the potential message of the president being received by these world leaders? MARGARET TALEV, CNN POLITICAL ANALYST: I think we're going to see will see what he does mean when he's talking about sovereignty. Part of it may be a messaging to the base. Part of it maybe the president trying to actually do what we're all talking about here to use the U.N. and format that it is supposed to be used to bring people together around the cause.

And I think we'll see what he means about sovereignty when we hear about his meetings with the Ukrainian leader. Notably Russia's leader. Mr. Putin will not be participating in these talks. Perhaps in some of this discussions with Afghanistan, vis-a-vis, government control inside that country.

And I think it is important now that he's sort of championing this U.N. reform mission to see whether the president uses this week to slightly modify the way he's talked about the U.N. in the past to potentially even embrace or get behind what the U.N. can do in whatever terms he wants to catch that in.

WHITFIELD: And so, David, the message from the president will, of course, be important no matter what is said. At the same time, they are sideline meetings that will also be taking place. Will they be congruent or is there a likelihood that the messaging will be different on the sidelines?

ROHDE: Frankly, I hope they are different. I think one of the most important meetings is his meetings with the leaders of South Korea and Japan. Yes, there's a military option of North Korea and yes, President Trump is correct. This is a problem that has been left to him. It's been neglected for too long, but any American use of military force risks tens of thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands of lives in South Korea and Japan. So that meeting is critical and it's important that President Xi of china which is such a key player in all this isn't going to be in New York. So I hope the messaging is very different private.

WHITFIELD: Michael, we know that the president have had his comments about the United Nations in the past and here's just one example.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The utter weakness and incompetence of the United Nations. The United Nations is not a friend of democracy. It's not a friend to freedom. It's not a friend even to the United States of America where as you know, it has its home. And it surely is not a friend to Israel.


WHITFIELD: So is this the moment that many nations will say, was that campaign Trump or is that really Mr. Trump?

ALLEN: I think that they understand that in the United States there's been historically some opposition, especially on the right to the sort of globalist UN message. On the other hand, we need the U.N. for the purposes of its Security Council resolutions, vis-a-vis sanctions, so that other countries around the world like they were in the Iran case, feel compelled legally under their obligations to the U.N. charter to impose sanctions.

And so we like to bash the U.N. when it makes mistakes particularly on the U.N. human rights and occasionally they overreach and try to fault the United States for this and that which is, of course, ridiculous.

But on the other hand, we need them occasionally for peace keeping and we really need them for sanctions enforcement on North Korea which is our biggest issue today.

WHITFIELD: And on Iran, Margaret, will this be an opportunity where perhaps the president will either solidify his position on the Iran deal or if there will be any re-modifications on his position?

TALEV: Certainly, it is an opportunity for him to spend a lot of time talking to other nations, including --


TALEV: -- some of the other territories in the P5 Plus One.

The administration, as you know, is using the next couple of weeks before this sort of mid-October deadline to figure out precisely how he may try to continue the U.S. participation while signaling some of his frustrations with the deal.

And so on two fronts. Both on Iran and on North Korea, there's going to be the president's messaging to the world at the U.N. There's going also be the administration's internal debate and some of his own decision making kind of unfolding and very much shaped by some of these private meetings behind closed doors.

WHITFIELD: All right. Margaret, Michael, David, stick around. We've got more to talk about.

Meantime, there has been a second arrest in connection with the London train bombing.

Still ahead, the latest on the investigation and why the official terror threat level is changing.



WHITFIELD: All right. It's breaking news out of Marseille, France where four female American tourists were injured in an acid attack at a train station. Two of the women were taken to the hospital.

Melissa Bell joins us now from Paris with the very latest on this. Melissa, what have you learned about this? MELISSA BELL, CNN PARIS CORRESPONDENT: Well, details still for the time being, Fredricka, is fairly sketchy. It was at 11:00 a.m. this morning, just before lunchtime and these four young American women. We know that they were all in their 20s, but not a great deal else about their identity or where specifically they were from within the United States.

These four American tourists were attacked by a woman that we're now being told was deranged. So this is not being investigated as a terror attack.

We've learned within the last hour or so French prosecutor speaking to the French media that confirmed that this not terror-related, apparently.

A 41-year-old woman, we're told has been taken into custody. A woman who was -- we're told mentally deranged rather than acting in the name of any particular cause who threw acid in the faces of at least two of these women who were hospitalized and possibly having injuries to her eyes.

Particularly a horrible attack, but not one that it's terror-related. And I think one of the questions that we're waiting to get answers too, Fredricka is whether or not these were specifically targeted because they were American or why this deranged woman found herself in this state transition carrying acid. And what her plan had been that she said.

There's still a lot of questions about this attack. For the time being, those four women we know were hospitalized, two of them were shocked. You could imagine what they'd witnessed, two of them for the actual injuries cause by the acid.

But for the time being, not a great deal else. We're learning about the identify of this woman, this 41-year-old woman who attacked them today. They want to know why she acted as she did.

WHITFIELD: All right. Melissa Bell. Thank you so much from Paris.

All right. London police have made a second arrest in connection with Friday's train bombing. A 21-year-old man. Police have also searched a house in a suburb west of London and an 18-year-old man arrested Saturday remains in custody.

The terror threat level has now been downgraded from critical to severe. But that still means a new attack is considered highly likely. Thirty people were injured when a bomb partially detonated in a train during rush hour Friday morning.

President Trump continues to tweet about the attack in London. This morning, in fact saying, "Loser terrorists must be dealt with in a much tougher manner. The internet is their main recruitment tool which we must cut off and use better." Trump also tweeted shortly after the bombings suggesting the attackers were known to British police. And that prompted this reaction from the British prime minister. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

THERESA MAY, BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: Well, I don't think it's helpful for anyone to speculate on what is an ongoing investigation.


WHITFIELD: I want to bring back our panel now to talk all of this over. Margaret Talev, Michael Allen, and David Rohde. Welcome back.

All right. Margaret, you first. British Prime Minister Theresa May has already said such speculation is not helpful in terms of what the president had said about Scotland Yard knowing. This isn't the first time Trump ruffled her feathers on matters like this.

So, in general, are world leaders like May growing more reluctant to even trust Trump with sensitive information?

TALEV: Well, it's a really interesting question that you raise and this is something that H.R. McMaster, the National Security Advisor was asked about in the briefing that U.N. briefing on Friday and he really tried to tamp it down and say no, no, the president just meant that Scotland Yard, sort of much like FBI would be involved and have awareness on something.

But behind the scenes, there's more concern and it's most acute in places that have so much intelligence sharing like between the U.K. and the U.S. And of course the problem is that if Scotland Yard shares something with or the British intelligence shares information with U.S. intelligence or law enforcement, and of course the president is going to get briefed, the last thing any country wants is the president prematurely or inadvertently sharing information with the public that is supposed to remain between the two agencies.

So think this is -- this is a matter that has sort of come up before and May continue again. I'm not sure what the answer is.

WHITFIELD: So David, if --


WHITFIELD: -- say Trump's message this week at the U.N. could potentially mend relations, if not with May then perhaps even other leaders who have some reluctance. It can't be helpful that he continues to tweet even today about that matter in his ideas about how to control terrorism or recruitment.

ROHDE: Yes. I mean, it's the sense that I think he's using these attacks to score political points, to be blunt about it and he reference immediately the ban that he's been trying to enact against visitors from probably Muslim countries. And I personally think that's absolutely the wrong approach that plays into ISIS' hands that somehow we're going to discriminate against Muslims and this is a war with Islam.

And he keeps throwing out these sort of vague distractive ideas. He wants to tweet about whatever he says but then he said the internet, just this morning, should be controlled and we should limit speech.

There's no coherent strategy here. To be fair on North Korea inherited terrible problem. They're talking about military options and have a think a much clearer strategy in North Korea. But this administration so far on terrorism, it' sort of empty platitudes calling these people losers. That is not going to stop terrorist attacks.


ALLEN: Well, look, I think the president in this case, is correct. There is a lot of online recruitment of Islamic extremists across the country and across the world.

But look, this is going to be an ongoing contest and I think the American people and the people around the world need to be prepared that this is not going away any time soon.

The ISIS conflagration in Syria and Iraq and elsewhere has caused the migration of 40,000 foreign fighters, as many as 6,000 back to Europe.

So the bombing that we saw on the subway on Friday and perhaps again we'll have copycat type things around Europe and maybe even the United States. This is going to continue. But you're right. We need a comprehensive strategy that deals with the means of recruitment the way these people talk to each other. And above all, we need to keep spending a lot of money on intelligence and to keep our intelligence secret.

WHITFIELD: And we see there has been an established preference by the president that he does sent his messages via Twitter. Whether it'd be the message there on recruitment or even the latest one that came this morning where he retweeted an image of him playing golf and then the golf ball hitting Hillary Clinton as she enters a plane there.

And so, Margaret, one has to wonder, he is about to be on this huge stage sending what would one would believe to be very serious messages to the global audience. That would be a message that he wants to send.

Who would be offended by that in your view, Margaret? Does that exemplify the big thinking that the global stage wants to see?

TALEV: Yes. And you have to remember that the UNGA for so many years, kind of operated at the same time as the Clinton Global Initiatives, so the Clintons have long been part of the UN, given years where they were off to the side and many of the leaders or spouses of the leaders who participated in the U.N. General Assembly every year would also have a role over at CGIs.

So at a time when she is launching her own, sort of book/publicity tour and along UNGA where you could sort of particular residents for Clinton land.

But look, the president's previous foreign trip so far has given certainly key U.S. allies and many other leaders as well a sense of how he can use these summits both to sort of shock or galvanize the moment or to try to reset relations and forge personal relationships with people.

This is just on a much larger stage. It's essentially the entire world. And so many leaders and countries haven't yet had that opportunity one on one to engage. And I think this week will give them a taste up close and personal of the possibilities whether the Twitter activity was a prelude to that or just completely off to the side. I think we have yet to see, but we'll see some clues when he welcomes folks and when he gives his big speech on Tuesday.

WHITFIELD: All right. All great points. Touches a lot of corners on that topic. Margaret Talev, Michael Allen, David Rohde, thanks to all of you. Appreciate it.

All right. Still ahead, a tropical triple threat. Three storms, three named storms spinning --


WHITFIELD: -- in the Atlantic with one of them tracking the same areas devastated by Hurricane Irma already.

The brand new forecast just in from the National Hurricane Center.


[14:33:14] FREDRICKA WHITFIELD, CNN ANCHOR: As residents return to the Florida Keys, many for the first time since Irma, another storm is threatening to follow Irma's same destructive path.

We are keeping a close eye on Tropical Storm Maria which will likely strengthen into a hurricane sometime today. Meteorologist Julie Martin joins us now.

So Maria is just one of three named storms, named storms, that are churning in the Atlantic. Tell us more.

JULIE MARTIN, AMS METEOROLOGIST: You're right, Fred. No lack of action in the tropics whatsoever. We have Maria here, our tropical storm. Jose a category 1 hurricane. Both things to watch in terms of the U.S. and potential impact. Lee, now a tropical depression, expected to weaken.

But let's hone in now on Maria. Right now the latest advisory, still winds at 65 miles per hour so it is still a tropical storm. It is expected to turn into a hurricane later on today and eventually a major hurricane as it heads towards some of those same islands that were just battered so hard during Irma.

Some new things here to report. A hurricane warning now in effect for Monserat, Guadalupe, and Dominica. Also Martin Leek now under a tropical storm warning, which means those conditions are expected within 36 hours. The rest of these areas including Antigua, Barbuda, hit so hard during Irma are also under hurricane watches, and unfortunately it does look like this storm will be taking a very similar path, at least in the short-term.

So here's what we can expect out of Maria. An 85-mile-per-hour category 1 hurricane as it does hit the lower Leeward Island. And that as it approaches, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico expecting to strengthen into a major hurricane, a category 3 storm with winds up around 125 miles per hour.

We look at the models and they have been shifting a little bit more with this latest run back off to the east. So the European model in blue actually takes it back squarely over Bermuda. This would be Monday afternoon.

[14:35:05] The GSS still posted it a little closer to the U.S. coast. Again the jury is still a little bit out on any impacts here to the U.S. stateside. And then we have our Hurricane Jose which is sitting out here in the Atlantic right now, moving off to the north at around 9:00. Those winds at 90. So it's a healthy category 1 hurricane expected to move to the north and not expected at this point to make a direct hit on the U.S., but certainly bringing some very rough weather including rip currents to the eastern U.S. -- Fred.

WHITFIELD: All right. Julie Martin, keep us posted. Thanks so much.

All right. And as we track those threats, many are seeing the wrath of Irma for the very first time since the hurricane hit a week ago. People who evacuated the lower Florida Keys are now allowed to return home today to survey the damage to their homes, but it comes with a warning from officials. The Keys are not as you left them.

The concern now another potential crisis as many residents find that they have no power, no water, and for many, they don't have a place to live.

Martin Savidge is on Little Torch Key, roughly 30 miles away from Key West. And just looking behind you, it took a significant blow as well.

MARTIN SAVIDGE, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: It did indeed. In fact this house is not just one. There are a lot of houses that look just like this or worse. This was an area that took the real blunt end, you could say, of the force that was coming from Hurricane Irma which was, you know, category 4. And it just really devastated this area. People have been coming back but not necessarily in the numbers you might think.

They're not cars in every driveway here. There is more life than usual. And people are coming back to a mixed, kind of message. Some of them are finding that their homes are gone. A lot of those people knew, though, because there are ways to look at your home now. Satellite imagery, aerial images, that have come in. Then there are others who thought their houses were OK. I just watched as this vehicle comes up. Their house, they thought was ok, and then they got inside and they realized they got three to four feet of storm damage inside of that house.

So those are the ones who were, like, oh my gosh, and it turns into a nightmare. Some people this is a second home. Let me just show you more of the street. For other people this is their primary home. I talked to one gentleman. He said not only did he -- his home suffered greatly, but then on top of that he doesn't have a job because of where he worked has also been severely damaged.

And that is something that's going to be repeated over and over. Housing is the most crucial question right now.

As you bring up, Fred, what are you going to do? It's estimated that there are about 11,000 homes in the Florida Keys that have been damaged or destroyed to a point where they're not livable. Where do you put all those folks? The Florida Keys just doesn't have that kind of space to erect a FEMA trailer park, like they have done in the past. They are looking for hotel rooms, many of the hotel rooms have been damaged. And those that are open are now still housing first responders.

They do have a serious problem down here. Most folks we've talked to have said this was just a day trip. To assess it, to understand it, and then they're going to go back home and deal with it. Then a lot of people are going to have trouble dealing with it mentally.


SAVIDGE: More so than just the physical repair.

WHITFIELD: Yes, the recovery is a long road indeed. All right. Thanks so much. Martin Savidge there in Little Torch Key.

All right. Nine arrests in St. Louis during a second night of protests.

And as shop owners and residents now clean up today the city braces for a possible third day of protest following the acquittal of a white police officer accused of shooting a black man.

All right. Now for this week's "Turning Points" with CNN's chief medical correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta.


DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Curtis McDaniel is breaking down stereotypes as a 22-year-old model. But he didn't always want to be in front of the camera. At 11 he was diagnosed with Vitiligo. That's a disorder that causes patches of his skin to lose color.

CURTIS MCDANIEL, MODEL WITH VITILIGO: School was rough. People made comments. I got in a few fights because of it. People used to call me zebra, burnt lips. More people would say I was ugly. I actually believed them.

GUPTA: But at 16 McDaniel's dad helped him find a new path before he passed away.

MCDANIEL: My father, he was struggling with certain, you know, addictions and so he sat me down one day and he's like no, I want you to be better than me.

GUPTA: McDaniel found strength through religion and started to see his skin as a gift, not a curse.

MCDANIEL: That's when everything changed. I started to establish self-confidence. Before when people used to -- wanted to take pictures with me, I was like no. Now I don't mind taking these pictures.

GUPTA: He was discovered in 2015 after posting a selfie.

MCDANIEL: I look at my phone, I see my Instagram was just going -- just crazy. And from that, photographers started to hit me up.

GUPTA: Now he's a model and a student at Rutgers University.

[14:40:02] MCDANIEL: This is who I am. This is a part of my purpose. I wouldn't be where I am now if it was not for my Vitiligo.

GUPTA: Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN, reporting.



WHITFIELD: TV's biggest night, the Emmy Awards, airing tonight with HBO coming into the big night with more nominations that any other network and the shows, "SNL" and "West World" both leading with 22 nominations.

CNN's Stephanie Elam has a preview.


ALEC BALDWIN, ACTOR, "SNL": I won the election fair and square and everyone knows that. OK.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, Mr. President. You say that literally all the time.

STEPHANIE ELAM, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The 69th Annual Prime Time Emmy Awards will celebrate the best of the small screen.

MELISSA MCCARTHY, ACTRESS, "SNL": I would like to begin by apologizing on behalf of you to me.

[14:45:06] ELAM: And with politics refueling its satirical engine this year it's all about "Saturday Night Live."

DEBRA BIRNBAUM, EXECUTIVE TV EDITOR, VARIETY: This was a tremendous year for "SNL." It got tied for the most nominations this year, and I think it was just because it was a great political year. They were on fire.

ELAM: With a late start, "Game of Thrones" is ineligible this year so it's the robot cowboys of "West World" nominating the drama category. The sci-fi saga is up for 22 trophies including Best Drama. It will

face off with "Better Call Saul," "The Crown," "The Handmaid's Tale," "House of Cards," "Stranger Things," and ratings sensation, "This is Us."




CHILDREN: Big three.

BIRNBAUM: I think it's a popular hit. I think everyone loves it. So I'd be surprised if "This is Us" doesn't take the Best Drama trophy.

JULIA LOUIS-DREYFUS, ACTRESS, "THE VEEP": We need to reform. We need to reaffirm the third R.

ELAM: The White House high genes of "Veep" laughed up 17 nominations including Best Comedy Series. The HBO main stay is up against "Atlanta," "Blackish," Master of None," "Modern Family," "Silicon Valley" and "Unbreakable Kimmie Schmidt."

STEPHEN COLBERT, HOST, EMMY AWARDS: I've memorized the categories. Outstanding Comedy Series. Outstanding Supporting Garments. Outstanding Mixed Martial Arts Fighters.

ELAM: Stephen Colbert will host the show, almost a guarantee that politics will take center stage.

BIRNBAUM: I think the choice of Stephen Colbert and certainly the reason he's done so well in the ratings reflect how much he's talked about Donald Trump. Donald Trump is the biggest TV story of the year and so his name is going to get mentioned and it's going to get mentioned a lot on Emmy night.

ELAM: Much like politics of late, expect the Emmys to serve up plenty of surprises.

Stephanie Elam, CNN, Hollywood.


WHITFIELD: And we'll be right back.


[14:51:36] WHITFIELD: St. Louis is bracing for possibly a third day of protest after the acquittal of an ex-cop. Overnight protests turned violent leading to nine arrests.

The night started peacefully but then tensions quickly boiled over with some demonstrators refusing to disperse and confronting police directly.

CNN's Ryan Young is live for us now in St. Louis.

So, Ryan, how are things looking today? What are the expectations?

RYAN YOUNG, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Fred, we're all kind of waiting to see what happens next. This was a tough night last night. Look, we've walked over nine miles with these protesters over the last few days but what happened last night just got out of hand.

We first want to show you the video from a mall, though. Yesterday protesters were trying to do this peacefully. They went to malls. Three malls around the area and they were chanting in each of the malls for about 30 minutes. They would leave peacefully. And I think what happened there, no arrests were made in those protests.

Last night we marched for over three miles, though. Everything was calm once again. The protest organizers even told everyone to go home, but a group of about 40 to 50 people decided to stay around. And that's why we have to shift this video. We have to show you this because in about a split second, someone started tossing things toward officers. They started tossing bottles full of paint, gasoline, rocks towards the officers, and then someone started breaking windows.

At some point there was a stampede down the road. We saw people picking up hammers and trash cans and throwing them into the business windows. And that was really shocking. People were getting trampled in the street, cars were driving wildly, we even have stuff bounce off our heads as we were trying to get to safety. And this is what protest organizers said they did not want.

Finally police decided to respond. They made several arrests. They did not use tear gas. There was a lot of restraint from police officers last night considering how much abuse they took from the small group of protesters who stayed around. In the area, Del Mar Loop where this all happened, there's something amazing happening right now. And that's a lot of people are showing up to help the businesses clean up.

They are shocked by what they witnessed. There is another protest today at 3:00, but, Fred, when I tell you about this, the protests during the day are great. There are all these people who are mixed together. That's what they're allowed to do. It's the nighttime protest, the people who were left over, who decided violence and lawlessness is what they're going to do and that's the part that gets scary.

Amazing last night that more people weren't injured. We watched several people got arrested. I think 12 arrests were made in total. But that's the part that gets scary here. What could happen next? And that's what everyone is waiting to see, how today will progress.

WHITFIELD: And then Ryan reportedly yesterday part of the motivation behind some of the demonstrations and the locations that were selected. It was a, you know, no justice-no profits kind of campaign. That was the motivation to try and, you know, hit people in the pocketbooks. So did that message resonate, what came from that campaign attached to some of the protests? YOUNG: You know, the sad part about this is one of the things we hear

over and over, they wanted to go into the suburbs so people could hear more of their voices because they wanted to create a coalition so they can maybe change some of the laws that are here on the books. But like one woman said last night, how do you create a coalition with lawlessness and violence? And that's something that was very interesting.

[17:55:01] We've watched people pick up large trash cans and tossed them into windows. And at the end of the day, it was kind of interesting to hear someone say this, if you want people to be employed and be a part of the system, how do you do that by destroying things? And that was part of the conversation that was ongoing out there. So it's just interesting to see how many young people were involved in this last night and hopefully they won't get tied into this later on.

WHITFIELD: All right. Ryan Young, thanks so much in St. Louis.

All right. The next hour of the NEWSROOM starts right after this.


WHITFIELD: All right. Hello, again, everyone, and thank you so much for being with me this Sunday. I'm Fredricka Whitfield. The stakes are high as President Trump prepares to deliver his first speech at the United Nations General Assembly.