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CNN Newsroom

More Men Being Drag by Sexual Misconduct; Manhattan Attacker Inspired by ISIS Propaganda Online; Manafort and Gates Heavily Guarded; Trump With Different Tone on Terror Attacks; Molenbeek Rising Up Through Technology; Tech Companies Grilled by Senate; Fake News in Italy Not Accepted. Aired 3-4a ET

Aired November 02, 2017 - 03:00   ET



[03:00:00] ROSEMARY CHURCH, HOST, CNN: The man who mowed people down on a busy New York street is talking. What he's telling police about how he planned the terror attack.

A sexual harassment scandal reaches the highest levels of British government. The U.K.'s defence secretary resigns after an allegation of inappropriate behavior.

Houston we have a championship. The Astros win a ha-fought World Series for the first time in franchise history!

Hello and welcome to our viewers from all around the world. I'm Rosemary Church and this is CNN Newsroom.

A second man is being questioned in connection to Tuesday's terror attack in New York. It's not clear what his role might have been but he's thought to have been an associate of this man, the main Sayfullo Saipov shown on the day of the attack.

The photo taken in New Jersey where he rented a truck then drove to Manhattan and rammed it through a cycling path killing eight people. He's been charged with two federal crimes including providing material support to a terrorist group ISIS.


JOON H. KIM, ACTING U.S. ATTORNEY, SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK: A search of cell phones found in a bag that he was carrying, a search conducted pursuant to court authorized wiretaps revealed thousands of ISIS-related images and 90 videos -- about 90 videos depicting among other things ISIS fighters killing prisoners by running over them with a tank, beheading them and shooting them in the face.


CHURCH: Saipov has offered plenty of details on his plan. While talking t police he says he specifically targeted Halloween to try and maximize casualties and intended to head to the Brooklyn Bridge next to hit more pedestrians. While the investigation continues the victims' loved ones are in

mourning. Vigils were held for the five Argentinian victims in their hometown of Rosario. They were part of a group of friends celebrating the 30th anniversary of their high school graduation.

New York's consul general of Argentina spoke emotionally about the tragedy.


MATEO ESTREME, CONSUL GENERAL OF ARGENTINA: They are completely devastated. It has been a blow that is to explain and the sadness, the difficulties that they are facing is something that undescriptable. We need to assure the well-being of the family the privacy and to respect their wishes in terms of what they would like to do with victims that are their relatives.


CHURCH: Saipov was not on any terror watch list and at least at the moment it doesn't seem like anyone knew this was coming.

Our Drew Griffin takes a closer look now at who this man is and what led to Tuesday's attack.

DREW GRIFFIN, SENIOR INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER, CNN: His relatives are refusing to say much at all. From inside her Brooklyn apartment building a person believed to be the suspect's mother-in-law told CNN off-camera she was in shock, couldn't believe it. Eventually slamming the door shut.

New York City police officers came and went from her building.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Can we talk to her in (Inaudible)?


GRIFFIN: But the main law enforcement focus is the suspect's home in Patterson, New Jersey.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The truck been here for about three weeks on and off.


GRIFFIN: What we know is the suspect grew up in Uzbekistan, neighbors there say he lived a normal, peaceful life in this home. The suspect moved to the U.S. in 2010, got married. And a man who knew him here in the U.S. found him entirely different.

(Inaudible) said he was a young aggressive man, telling CNN they were monsters inside his mind. Muminof (Ph) hired the suspect for his trucking business but said he had to fire the terror suspect vaguely referring to a customer quality issue.

The 29-year-old truck driver has a long list of serious traffic violations in several states. He was even arrested for failing to appear in court. Somehow even after that he was able to become an Uber driver in New Jersey. Uber saying he passed their security screening.

The suspect also lived for a while in Tampa, Florida. Neighbors say he and his family kept to themselves.

[03:04:57] New York and federal officials tell CNN it appears the radicalization took place online and for the past two weeks the suspect had been planning his ISIS inspired attack.


JOHN MILLER, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, NEW YORK POLICE DEPARTMENT: He appeared toave followed almost exactly to a tee the instructions that ISIS has put out in its social media channels before with instructions to their followers on how to carry out such an attack.


CHURCH: So let's talk more about the investigation. Art Roderick is a former assistant director at the U.S. Marshall's Office, he's also a CNN law enforcement analyst. Thank you so much for joining us.

ART RODERICK, LAW ENFORCEMENT ANALYST, CNN: No problem, Rosemary. Thanks for having me.

CHURCH: So we do want to start by taking a look at this map.


CHURCH: And it shows all the terror attacks involving vehicles carried out since 2014. Ten incidents across the globe, six of them just this year. Is this the new method of attack, and how do authorities protect against this form of attack on soft targets? Is that even possible?

RODERICK: This is a new method of attack for those that are either inspired or directed. So what you're talking about is a very unsophisticated attack. Somebody that has rented a vehicle is able to plow through people at a very soft target.

It's almost impossible to stop if that individual is willing to die to commit that particular act. Now if you look at these incidences that have occurred around the world there is a discernible difference here. And I think that discernable difference you can see the European attacks that we've seen over the past couple of years and I'm talking about Nice, Barcelona, you know, going all the way back to Paris.

Those involved sophisticated attacks. In other words, it was a cell actually carrying, carrying that particular act out. Or there was more of a planning involved that we had in Nice and Barcelona.

When you look at the attacks over here in the U.S. they're very unsophisticated. They're inspired through ISIS they grab what they can locally, whether it's a vehicle, a knife or a handgun and commit an act.

So these are very, very unsophisticated acts. They're very difficult to stop unless there's some precursor. In other words, there's some individual out there talking about what they want to do or how they want to do it.

And in this particular case this we're finding out now, this individual was on social media a lot talking about wanting to commit these acts and also you know, pledging his fidelity towards ISIS. So you know I think this is the new thing that we're seeing out there now. But they're very unsophisticated here in the states.

CHURCH: And you know, with that in mind why do you think we haven't heard from ISIS yet despite the suspect writing a note saying he acted in the name of ISIS?

RODERICK: Yes, it's kind of odd to me because this individual claimed right away. I mean, they found a note right by him pledging allegiance to ISIS. So I think probably in the next day or two we're going to hear something from that group claiming this individual did it in the name of their particular group.

But it is, you know, when we look back at some of these attacks that we've had just very recently, I mean, we still don't know why the Las Vegas shooter committed his act. We don't have a motive there. But we're fairly sure we're on to this particular individual. And it's just starting. This investigation is just beginning.

CHURCH: Yes. And what do you think is the significance of the suspect being from Uzbekistan given four terror attacks have been carried out by Uzbeks in the past year? What do you make of that changing face of ISIS and how might this help investigators stop future attacks certainly from that particular group?

RODERICK: Right. I mean, when you look at this individual's particular profile he fits the profile of what we've seen in the past. He's sort of disenfranchised, he has a minor criminal story. He obviously from -- he's an Uzbek, you know, prior national.

But I think what we got here is an individual that was never on the target of the FBI or on a terror list. But he associated with individuals. So what you're going to see now is this investigation link out from those individuals that he had contact with. He moves to the center and now we're looking at all the contacts that he made to other individuals while he's been here in the U.S. for the past seven years.

So this is going to expand out quite a bit. And even this indictment today which actually is a complaint -- we could see an indictment come out in the next 10 days that details even more of the information that we had.

[22:10:05] But I can see this just expanding out into spider webs of contacting other people and seeing who he made contact with. His social contacts to me are the key. I mean, what he's been doing on the internet and the contact information off his phone has been key to getting us to this point at this particular time.

CHURCH: And from what you've learned so far about this attacker and of course these contacts he's made, do you think we're dealing with a lone wolf here or do you think he may very well have links to some form of a terror cell?

RODERICK: Well, I mean, the lone wolf thing, I mean, we've been talking about that the past couple days and you know, we look at lone wolf in a law enforcement sense is that it's not a cell. But now we're seeing this loose lone wolf become a wolf pack in a nebula sense that although that they're not connected and they're not taking direction they're following instructions from ISIS.

And I think we have to look at this in a different -- in a different way at this particular point and time. And then that's going to be the key to us finding out who else is looking at the same information.

But to me, you know, we have the joint terrorism task forces here in the United States that are investigating this particular case headed by the FBI.

Leads are going out all over the U.S. and internationally of everybody that his individual has contacted in the past seven years. And I think we're going to find out a lot more information here in the next couple weeks, next month before this individual goes to trial here in a year or a year and a half here in the U.S.

CHURCH: Yes. And of course the main question people want answered is will there be another attack like this? We don't know at this point. We're going to learn so much more in this investigation.

RODERICK: Exactly.

CHURCH: But Art Roderick, thank you so much for joining us.

RODERICK: Thank you, Rosemary.

CHURCH: I appreciate it.


CHURCH: And as we've been telling you the 29-year-old suspect in the New York terror attack came from Uzbekistan. So it raises the question could that have played any part in what happened?

Our Nick Paton Walsh takes a look.

NICK PATON WALSH, INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT, CNN: Radicalized domestically, associated with ISIS left Uzbekistan seven years ago. So why is his distant homeland whose president offered Donald Trump help by quote "all forces and means necessary in the spotlight at all?"

Because Uzbekistan sits at a crossroads between ISIS's recruiting rounds and its targets. Troubled Central Asia its burden Fergana Valley spanning three nations of many poor and angry, home to either failing or brutally repressive states.

Uzbekistan is the latter where 16 years ago Washington overlooks reports of the state boiling their political opponents alive so they could open a vital air base for Afghanistan operations. Since then radicalism has spread specially under the spathic (Ph) Islam Karimov.

Fueled by anger at daily repression and poverty Afghanistan's endless war was too close not to bleed radicalism over the border. Yet many Uzbeks traveled further to carry out their jihad, making up the ranks of many extremists and then ISIS brigades in Iraq and Syria.

Many died there as ISIS lost ground. One Uzbek man killing four in an April truck attack in Stockholm, and another killing over 30 in the Istanbul Reina nightclub attack. Both in the name of ISIS, both brutal and both by Uzbeks. It's still unclear what links if any Saipov retains to his homeland that has long been clear the radicalism born of repression in his homeland has traveled far and wide.

Nick Paton Walsh, CNN, London.

CHURCH: And we'll have much more on the White House response to this attack later this hour.

Onto another big story we're following U.K. Defence Secretary Michael Fallon resigned after an allegation of inappropriate conduct, saying his behavior may have fallen short. But he also says some accusations made against him are false.

Earlier this week, Fallon apologized for repeatedly touching a journalist's knee some 15 years ago. Fallon was a key member of Theresa May's cabinet and his departure comes at a politically fragile time for the prime minister.

Our Fred Pleitgen joins us now from 10 Downing Street with more on this. So Fred, what impact is this likely to have and what impact is it having so far on Theresa May's leadership and her government?

FREDERIK PLEITGEN, SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT, CNN: Yes. Hi, Rosemary. Well, it certainly does bring a degree of instability to this government. And you're absolutely right. It's one of the last things that Theresa May needs at this point in time.

And it is a sort of bizarre situation that you see here around this resignation of Michael Fallon. The accuser herself coming out and saying look, she really thinks that this over the top for him to resign.

[03:15:01] And she also have said that she doesn't believe that the incident in question where he allegedly touch her knee on repeated occasions and was in robust by her she doesn't believe that that is really the only reason why he's now resigning.

However, Michael Fallon did come out and he said that he believed on his occasion his behavior fell short of what is expected for someone who leads the armed forces of this country. He's obviously also a member of the government of this country.

I want to listen in real quick to some of the things that Michael Fallon had to say yesterday in an interview.


MICHAEL FALLON, FORMER U.K. DEFENCE SECRETARY: I realize that in the past I may have fallen below the high standards that we require of the armed forces that I have the honor to represent. I have reflected now on my position in government and I am therefore resigning as defence secretary.


PLEITGEN: Now Theresa May herself accepted his resignation. I want to read a little bit about her reasoning and one of the things that she said and this is from a letter that she wrote. And I quote. "I appreciate the characteristically serious manner in which you" -- obviously referring to Fallon -- "have considered yourself position and the particular example you wish to set to servicemen and women and others."

Obviously talking about the fact that he is the head of the military here, the defence minister. But she certainly does have a big issue on her hand now. He isn't the only one who has allegations against him. There's two cabinet ministers who are currently under investigation. One of those investigations launched yesterday.

And then of course, you have this larger complex of allege inappropriate behavior at Westminster that Theresa May is currently dealing with. And she came out yesterday and said look, there need to be investigations into all this, there needs to be a mechanism to make sure that people who have experienced such things are able to come forward and don't need to fear retribution.

There are obviously a lot of people here in the city and here in this country who feel that the political culture in parliament needs to change. That's one of the tasks that she has on her hands right now.

There are some allegations also from the opposition that maybe in the past these sort of things weren't taken seriously enough. So certainly this is a big task at hand, at the same time you obviously have the fact that the last thing that this country needs right now is any sort of instability.

Especially if you look at this Brexit negotiations that are going on where obviously Britain is trying to have a very strong posture in the face of some of the things that they're dealing with the European Union. So it comes really at a politically in aperture time a very difficult situation and one that the prime minister is going to be dealing with not just for the rest of this week but certainly if we look at it for the weeks to come as well, Rosemary.

CHURCH: Yes. Certainly we'll be watching to see how big this gets. It is 7.17 in the morning there at 10 Downing Street where our Fred Pleitgen joins us live. Many thanks. Well, director and producer Brett Ratner whose films include the Oscar

winner "The Revenant" is the latest Hollywood figure accused of sexual misconduct. The Los Angeles Times reports six women including actresses Olivia Munn and Natasha Henstridge accuse Ratner of allegations ranging from harassment to sexual assault. He has denied the allegations.

Madrid summons Catalan's former government to court, why the ousted president is not showing up.

U.S. lawmakers are laying part of the blame for Russian meddling in the election on tech leaders. The pointed questions that were asked. That still to come. We're back in a moment.


CHURCH: Members of Catalan's former government are ordered to appear in court in just a few hours to face charges over their push for independence. That includes ousted leader Carles Puigdemont but he's in Belgium.

He dismissed the charges of rebellion sedition and called the trial political.

Meanwhile, two former parliament members are in Madrid to attend the hearing in the Supreme Court. They're expected to testify about their role in declaring Catalonia's independence.

I want to turn now to U.S. politics and we are getting a deeper look now at the special counsel's case against former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort. New court filings offer details on why prosecutors believe Manafort and his associates Rick Gates might flee the country.

Jessica Schneider has the details.

JESSICA SCHNEIDER, CORRESPONDENT, CNN: Three passports of fake names and dozens of banks accounts are revealed in court documents. Special counsel Robert Mueller calling it all a history of deceptive and misleading conduct on the part of Donald Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort and former Manafort deputy Rick Gates.

The two are under house arrest after a federal court judge agreed with the government that both men are flight risks. Manafort currently has three U.S. passports, each of them under a different number. This alone however is not illegal. The prosecutor said he has submitted 10 passport application and roughly the last 10 last years.

This year Manafort has traveled to Mexico, Ecuador, and China with a phone and e-mail account registered under a fake name. Also over the past year he traveled to Tokyo, Shanghai, Dubai, Madrid, Havana, Grand Cayman Island, Cancun, and Panama City. And both Manafort and Gates were travelers to Cyprus.

Manafort wrote in financial documents that his assets worth between $19 million in April 2012 and $136 million in May 2016. But in some months like when was serving as Trump's national campaign chairman in August 2016, Manafort said his assets were worth $28 million, but then wrote he had 63 million in assets on a different application.

Meanwhile, Gates frequently change banks and open and closed bank accounts prosecutor said. In all Gates had 55 accounts with 13 different financial institutions. Some accounts were in England and Cyprus where he held more than $10 million from 2010 to 2013.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Mr. Manafort, when was the last time you spoke to the president?

SCHNEIDER: CNN spotted Manafort coming home to his Alexandria Virginia condo Tuesday. Manafort and Gates can only leave their homes to meet with lawyers appear in court or for medical or religious reasons and they must check in with authorities daily.

The new details are prompting some to question if the Trump campaign properly vetted Manafort in the first place.


JACKIE SPEIER, (D) UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE: Paul Manafort a long reputation working on campaigns, on presidential campaigns but the fact that he is an outlaw to the extent that he's been this close so far is deeply concerning I think to all of us. And I'm beginning to wonder if he wasn't an agent of Russia.


SCHNEIDER: Manafort's attorney told reporters on Monday his client was not guilty. Gates has also pleaded not guilty.


KEVIN DOWNING, PAUL MANAFORT's ATTORNEY: There no evidence that Mr. Manafort or the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government.


SCHNEIDER: There's also new information tonight about the Trump campaign meeting in March 2016 where George Papadopoulos sat just feet from then candidate Donald Trump. A source in the room said that Trump did not dismiss Papadopoulos's idea of arranging a meeting with President Putin.

An official telling CNN quote, "He didn't say yes and he didn't say no." But then Senator Jeff Sessions shut the idea down. And while the White House said it was the only meeting that Papadopoulos attended.


SARAH HUCKABEE-SANDERS, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: It was a brief meeting that took place quite some time ago. It was the one time that group ever met.

(END VIDEO CLIP) SCHNEIDER: CNN is told he attended another campaign policy meeting.

Trump was not in attendance but Sessions was and sat next to Papadopoulos.

CHURCH: Jessica Schneider there. And our Oren Liebermann joins us now from Moscow. So, Oren, let's start with the reaction in Russia to Manafort and Gates indictments. They've been very dismissive. What all are they saying about this?

[03:25:05] OREN LIEBERMANN, CORRESPONDENT, CNN: Well, they are very dismissive from the very beginning from a number of different perspectives, one coming from the spokeswoman for the foreign ministry who pointed to a factual mistake about a former Ukrainian politician and basically said, look, if this isn't right of a basic fact isn't right then we're going to dismiss the entire thing.

They also point out and this comes from the Kremlin and the foreign ministry that the indictment itself against Manafort and Gates doesn't really have anything to do with Russia. It's about their relationship with Ukraine and Ukrainian politicians who are viewed as pro-Russian but not a connection with Russia itself.

And in that sense they're right. There's no direct line between Manafort and Trump drawn with Russia in that indictment. But there's something else here that is no come under scrutiny. And that's Manafort's relationship with a Russian oligarch, Oleg Deripaska.

They worked together in previous years, especially about a decade ago when they said it was a business and personal relationship. Deripaska once described it is about investment consulting services.

But we also know that Manafort wanted to continue this or at least relationship up until fairly recently. We've learned from the Washington Post that Manafort reached out to those who knew Deripaska and said he'd be happy to brief him on politics just a couple of weeks before President Donald Trump accepted what was then his nomination for the presidency.

So that relationship is seen continued up until the present but how far does it go and until how recently and how deeply does it go? Because we know Deripaska is considered very close to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Now it is important to note, Rosemary, that there's nothing about this in the indictments. Even if it is under scrutiny there's nothing at least that has come from the special investigation that is criminal here. And there the Kremlin is once again dismissive of any allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians.

CHURCH: And Russia had a similar response, isn't it, to the George Papadopoulos guilty plea. What's Moscow saying about that? And what more might we learn about that part of the story?

LIEBERMANN: It's interesting because they're just as dismissive of the Papadopoulos guilty plea even though Russia is very much mentioned in connection to Russian nationals is very much mentioned in that guilty plea.

Part of it he's here is they say Papadopoulos was essentially overplaying his hand making up connections he didn't actually have. The guilty plea says he was connected to Russian nationals who he believed were connected to the Kremlin and the ministry of foreign affairs as well to other Russian officials.

And this is where the Kremlin says look, he simply didn't have these connections and there was nothing there. That denial which we've seen now for months will simply continue. Russia saying this whole investigation is a symptom of a Russophobic hysteria and is something that Russia has very much accuses the U.S. of recently.

CHURCH: All right. Our live report from Moscow. It is nearly 10.30 in the morning. Oren Liebermann, many thanks to you.

We'll take a short break here, but coming up after a break President Trump responds to Tuesday's terror attack in New York by tweeting his opinion about the suspect's guilt and the punishment that should be handed down. We'll take a look at that.


ROSEMARY CHURCH, HOST, CNN: A very warm welcome back. I'm Rosemary Church. I want to update you now on the main stories we've been following this hour.

The suspect in the New York terror attack has been charged with federal terrorism crimes. Sayfullo Saipov is chatged with providing material support to ISIS. Investigators initially said he appeared to have acted alone but they have since questioned a second individual whose possible connection is still unknown.

U.K. Defence Secretary Michael Fallon has resigned after an allegation of inappropriate conduct saying his behavior may have fallen short. But he also said some accusations made against him are false. Earlier this week, Fallon apologized for repeatedly touching a journalists' knee some 15 years ago.

Fourteen members of the former Catalan government including the dismissed president have been ordered to appear in court Thursday. They are facing charges of rebellion and sedition over Catalonia's declaration of independence last week.

The U.S. president responded to Tuesday's terror attack in New York by calling for the suspect's execution even before a trial. He tweeted this. "New York City terrorist was happy as he asked to hang ISIS flag in his hospital room. He killed eight people badly injured 12 should get death penalty."

Well, for more on the president's reaction here's Jim Acosta.

JIM ACOSTA, SENIOR WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT, CNN: Less than one day after the terror attack in New York President Trump described the U.S. justice system a cornerstone of American democracy as a farce.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We also have to come up with punishment that's far quicker and far greater than the punishment these animals are getting right now. They'll go through court for yes. At the end they'll be -- who knows what happens.

We need quick justice and we need strong justice, much quicker and much stronger than we have right now. Because what we have right now is a joke and it's a laughing stock. And no wonder so much of this stuff takes place.


ACOSTA: Questioned about that White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders asked the public to ignore the words coming out of the president's mouth.


ACOSTA: Why did the president call the U.S. justice system a joke and a laughing stock during his comment in...



ACOSTA: He said that the system of justice in this country is a joke.

SANDERS: He said the process. He said the process has people calling us a joke and calling us a laughing stock.


ACOSTA: Noting the Manhattan suspect came to the U.S. from Uzbekistan the also called for changes to immigration laws.


TRUMP: So we want to immediately work with Congress on the Diversity Lottery program terminating it, getting rid of it. We want a merit- based program where people come into our country based on merit. And we want to get rid of chain migration.

This man that came in or whatever you want to call him brought in with him other people. And he was a -- he was the point of contact, the primary point of contact for -- and this is preliminarily -- 23 people that came in or potentially came in with him.


ACOSTA: The administration official saying the suspect in New York entered the country using that Diversity Lottery immigration system seven years ago. The president was seizing on the program earlier in the day dubbing it on Twitter as a Chuck Schumer beauty. I want merit- based. Mr. Trump neglected to mention the program was signed into law by

President George H.W. Bush. And while Senator Schumer supported the program he later tried to eliminate it, so says Senator Jeff Flake who tweeted, "Actually the gang of eight including Senator Schumer did a wait with the Diversity Visa Program as part of broader reform. I know I was there.


CHUCK SCHUMER, (D) UNITED STATES SENATOR: The president ought to stop tweeting and start leading.


ACOSTA: Schumer said the president would be better of emulating former President George W. Bush.


GEORGE W. BUSH, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I can hear you. The rest of the world hears you and the people...


... and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon.



ACOSTA: Who rallied the U.S. shortly after the 9/11 attacks.


[03:35:01] SCHUMER: New Yorkers and all of us compare President Bush right after 9/11, and President Trump right after this horrible terrorist attack. President Bush united us. He had us in the White House the next day saying how can we work together?

All President Trump does is take advantage, horrible advantage of a tragedy and try to politicalize and divide.


ACOSTA: The president's swift demands for new laws after this week's attack in New York stand in contrast with his reaction after the mass shooting in Las Vegas where he suggested the public way to talk about gun control.


TRUMP: Look, we have a tragedy we're going to do -- and what happened in Las Vegas is in many ways a miracle. The police department has done such an incredible job and we'll be talking about gun laws as time goes by. (END VIDEO CLIP)

ACOSTA: The president said he would consider sending the terror suspect in New York to the detention center at Guantanamo, he also speculated that the suspect's relatives may pose a national security threat, but like so many assertions from the president he did not off for any information to back that up.

Jim Acosta, CNN, the White House.

CHURCH: Leslie Vinjamuri teaches international relations at the University of London, she joins us now from our London bureau. Thank you so much for being with us.


CHURCH: So let's start with President Trump's reaction to the New York terror attack. He didn't reach out to the New York governor or the city's mayor and he immediately jumped to the issue of immigration. What did you make of his initial reaction?

VINJAMURI: No, it's very disturbing of course in the aftermath of any kind of attack of this nature. The most important thing undoubtedly is of course to recognize the tragedy, to recognize the victims, their families, their friends. And of course, remember this was Halloween afternoon in New York City. There were a lot of people out. It was tremendously upsetting.

And so showing recognition to that to support and having a unified response, right, where you pull the country together is absolutely crucial. So the fact that this president chose to be intensely partisan to use it to advance his agenda on questions of immigration on extreme vetting, a nativist agenda, a very disturbing, and of course, we have move very quickly into a very small highly political debate which is taking the eye off the ball.

Remember that the president also in his budget has proposed cutting anti-terrorist funding by half a billion dollars, right, and that is really going to be crucial to having the money for New York for the country to respond to these sorts of incidents is far more important than the measures proposed that have been proposed in the extreme vetting problem in terms of responding to this kind of problem.

CHURCH: Now President Trump's reaction to this terror attack in New York was immediate as we saw. Whereas, he took very much a wait and see approach to the shooting attack in Las Vegas early last month, didn't he? Why do you think there was so much disparity in Mr. Trump's responses to those two attacks particularly?

VINJAMURI: Well, I think for several reasons of course. The president has demonstrated over the last several months and throughout his campaign that his number one concern or his style of doing politics is about sewing division, it's about separating out America from the rest of the world. And it's about countering and really focusing among the target of radical Islamic terrorism. And so, this recent attack plays into his ability I think to foment

that division to really put forward his agenda of focusing on terrorism and foreigners. And of course, if you look back to what happened in Las Vegas extraordinary tragedy but it requires the president to talk about things that he simply doesn't want to talk about which is gun control and the problem of guns in America.

And of course that cuts across very differently when you think about who his base is and who he's been really trying to court on Twitter and politically. So it's a very different issue for him.

And unfortunately, rather than taking the stance of thinking about the tremendous tragedy in both situations a very different but very significant tragedies, he's thinking very much about the politics and what it means for his base and for his supporters.

CHURCH: And just looking at the those two tragedies of course, and the aftermath of the Las Vegas shooting we have seen no move to control access to bump stocks any form of gun control, and yet we see Mr. Trump move so very quickly on immigration in the wake of the New York terror attack, why?

VINJAMURI: Again, he's very concerned with focusing -- I think for President Trump he sees this as a mechanism for really rallying people around him if he can frame an external threat in a way that advances his agenda and secures his popularity.

[03:40:04] Or perhaps he sees this as a way of really bolstering -- remember his approval ratings are very low right now. He's under attack. He sees himself as under attack when it comes to the Russia investigations, the recent announcements and he has very serious problems to deal with in terms of pushing forward his legislative agenda. He's about to leave for Asia for 12 days.

So this is a president that's trying to rally as it were and the focus on immigration, the focus on terrorism, the focus on vetting has really been core to his agenda. He seems to think that it will really secure his support but I think it's looking like it's not having that effect.

To rate, to talk about and to even say, you know, this person should have the death penalty for a president to comment on a case when it's ongoing of course is very -- it's not appropriate politically, morally or legally. And to talk about returning to -- sending someone who Guantanamo we've never sent -- you don't send somebody arrested on American soil to Guantanamo.

It's been tremendously contentious for us politically, legally, internationally and nobody has been sent there since 2008. So this is just a very disturbing response on the part of the president.

CHURCH: Leslie Vinjamuri, always good to get your analysis, joining us there from London, where it is 7.41 in the morning. We appreciate it.

VINJAMURI: Thank you. CHURCH: Well, in just a moment we will look at how tech companies can

do their part to help protect people from radicalization by terror groups like ISIS. But first we remember the eight people killed in Tuesday's attack.

CNN's Anderson Cooper tells us all about them.

ANDERSON COOPER, HOST, CNN: It was a reunion of old friends who'd attended the same polytechnic high school in Argentina. They were celebrating their 30th reunion with a trip to New York City and a bike ride along the Hudson River.

"That's it, champion," one of the men exclaims, they're biking along the same path as Tuesday's tragedy a few miles north of where the attack happened. The man believed to be filming this, Ariel Benvenuto would survive. Five of his friends did not.

In this photo taken before they boarded their plane to America the Argentinian victims are pictured standing arm in arm with their classmates. Libra printed on their t-shirts, Spanish for free.

Hernan Ferruchi, Alejandro Pagnucco, Ariel Erlij, Hernan Mendoza, and Diego Angelini were all killed. And Ariel Benvenuto gather for a group photo before their trip to New York City.

Nicholas Cleves was the only Native New Yorker to have died in Tuesday's attack. According to social media accounts he attended Elisabeth Irwin High School in Lower Manhattan before heading to Skidmore College upstate.

He just graduated last year with a degree in computer science who just returned to New York City to start a job as a software engineer. His life was just getting started. Nicholas Cleves was 23 years old.

Darren Drake was the other American killed in the attack, a 32-year- old project manager who worked at 7 World Trade Center. He was on a bike ride in between meetings when he was hit by the truck, according to his father who described him as the perfect son.


JIMMY DRAKE, DARREN DRAKE'S FATHER: I'm not even angry. I'm not. I'm not angry at all. Hurt. I'm absolutely hurt.


COOPER: Drake was from nearby New Milford, New Jersey. He graduated from Rutgers in 2007 with a degree in political science and went on for a master's in business administration from Fairleigh Dickinson University. He was well on his way to his second master's in science when he was killed.

Drake had also served as his local school board president. The superintendent of the district called his death senseless, saying "Darren was a good man with a soft touch and huge heart." The eighth and final victim was 31-year-old Belgian, Ann-Laure Decadt. In a statement her husband called her "a fantastic wife and the most beautiful mom to our two sons of three months and three years old." He said this loss is unbearable.


CHURCH: Welcome back, everyone. Myanmar's de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi is in Rakhine state for the first time since a mass Rohingya exodus. More than half a million members of Myanmar's persecuted Muslim minority fled after an outbreak of violence in August. It was triggered by alleged attacks on government troops by Rohingya militants.

Suu Kyi is facing international criticism for how she has handled this crisis. A government spokesman said she's in the state capital for a one-day visit.

We are saying how internet technology played a key role in the New York terror attack. The suspect, Sayfullo Saipov had at least two cell phones, they held thousands of ISIS images and about 90 videos depicting ISIS fighters. Saipov admitted to being inspired by the videos.

When the Paris attacks two years ago led police on a manhunt to Belgium the spotlight fell on the town of Molenbeek. A local entrepreneur hated seeing it labeled jihadi central so now he's offering disillusioned young people a different opportunity with technology.

Samuel Burke has his story.

SAMUEL BURKE, CORRESPONDENT, CNN: It was a night that's painfully hard to forget terror on the streets of Paris. A series of attacks across the city of lights the most gruesome the massacre at the Bataclan Theater where 90 people lost their lives.

The manhunt led investigators to the Brussels suburb of Molenbeek between the tree-lined streets and low-rise apartments three of the Paris attackers lived here.


IBRAHIM OUASSARI, MOLENBEEK ENTREPRENEUR: I never think these people can do something like that. Never. So I start some reflection.


BURKE: Ibrahim Oussari was born in Molenbeek to Moroccan parents. He knows how much of a struggle it is for young people in this area. So he decided to teach what he knows how to do best - coding. Opening a community center called MolenGeek. There's just one requirement he looks for in applicants.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) OUASSARI: We don't need people with a lot of skills. We need people who want to share who want to be a real part of this community, they want to learn want to change something in their life.


BURKE: There's nothing old-school about the lessons taught here. All the instruction is done in small groups and one-on-one training. When Belgium's vice prime minister heard about the program he immediately asked Ibrahim to come to his office. A week after their meeting the Belgian government began supporting MolenGeek.


ALEXANDER DE CROO, BELGIAN VICE PRIME MINISTER: This is someone who has grown up himself in Molenbeek, who that -- those young kids really look up to him and see him as an example, really as a role model.

BURKE: What are the measures of success for Molenbeek, how do you know that it's working? Is it working?

DE CROO: One of the measures is just to see how many people are part of that community and we have seen that month after month more people are coming there.

BURKE: They've had to even turn down people who want to join the program?

DE CROO: Exactly. So that shows that there's a definitely an attraction to what they're doing. We see that there's projects that are being brought outside as well, and that are starting to try to be businesses.

BURKE: Has anybody gone on and created their own app their own company?

OUASSARI: Quick lyric is an application downloaded more than half a million time.

BURKE: And what does the app do?

OUASSARI: It gives you the lyric of the music.


BURKE: Money hasn't just come in from the government. Big tech companies like Google have helped on the school, a Samsung executive who has overseen that company's investment in MolenGeek said what's key for them is to actually remain hands off.


[03:50:06] LUKAS SCHMEINK, VICE PRESIDENT OPERATIONS, SAMSUNG: We entered this strongly from a corporate social responsibility perspective and that perspective we stay loyal. And so, otherwise, you starting moving around and it becomes blurry what you came to do here. (END VIDEO CLIP)

BURKE: Ibrahim was even asked to speak at the U.N. where he shared best practices for public/private partnerships. His biggest problem now isn't getting neighbors to finish the program. He faces the biggest hurdle any successful start-up does.


OUASSARI: Scale up and to have more support because we have a lot of request.

BURKE: And there's so much demand.

OUASSARI: Yes, we have so much demand.


BURKE: Now he's looking for ways to replicate his neighborhood coding school around the world. The only regret? That it couldn't have been done sooner.

Samuel Burke, CNN, Molenbeek, Belgium.

CHURCH: U.S. lawmakers are holding tech leaders' feet to the fire on Russian meddling in last year's election. They grilled lawyers for Facebook, Twitter, and Google over their failure to filter foreign information from their platforms.

The House intelligence committee released a sample of ads that came from a Russian troll farm known as the Internet Research Agency. Experts say the Russian goals included creating discord and inciting violence.

One example Russian trolls created two ads, one for an account called heart of Texas and one for an account called United Muslims of America. It led to two opposing events at the same time and place in Texas.


RICHARD BURR, (D) UNITED STATES SENATOR: The pictures you see on the third boarder from the streets in front of the Islamic center in Houston, Texas. What neither side could have known is that Russia trolls were encouraging both sides to battle in the streets and create divisions between real Americans.

Ironically one person who attended stated the heart of Texas promoted this event but we didn't see one of them. We now know why. It's hard to attend an event in Houston, Texas when you're trolling from a site in St. Petersburg, Russia. Establishing these two competing groups paying for the ads and causing this disruptive event in Houston, cost Russia about $200.

(END VIDEO CLIP) CHURCH: And one senator told the tech leaders if they don't do something about cyber warfare on their sites Congress will. As lawmakers in the U.S. warn against the influence of fake news Italy has been taking action of its own especially in its classrooms. There's a big push to make teens more aware of the stories they're consuming and sharing.

Christiane Amanpour reports.

CHRISTIANE AMANPOUR, HOST, CNN: It's education Italian style. Not more math or English but classes on how to tackle fake news for the most impressionable.


AMANPOUR: Laura Boldrini, president of the lower house of parliament is spearheading the initiative.


LAURA BOLDRINI, PRESIDENT, CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF ITALY: It's a project aimed at giving our students the tools. The tools to defend themselves from fake news. Fake news are like drops of poison. And we drink water the infected water every day but we don't even realize that we are, you know, becoming ourselves infected by that poison.


AMANPOUR: The cause highlights the danger that fake news poses to society and democracy. And it aims to give students 10 tips on how to protect themselves from the virus.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Naturally I both get my news from some web site or some newspaper like (Inaudible) or la Repubblica, but especially I take it from the social networks like Facebook. And especially in this case it's very important for teenagers to be able to recognize the fake news.


AMANPOUR: Like sharing only verified stories and not being afraid to fact-check, cross-check and double-check every story they click on. If a story sounds too good to be true it probably is. And none other than Facebook itself is working with the ministry of education.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think this information is a key priority for Facebook simply because our objective is actually to make sure that people have access to information that is relevant to them. We shouldn't be working on this alone. It's very important that all stakeholders that are involved in the fight against fake news actually work together on it.


AMANPOUR: Italy joins a global fight that knows no borders.

Christiane Amanpour, CNN, London.


CHURCH: Welcome back, everyone. For the first time in the team's history the Houston Astros have won the World Series. They beat the Dodgers 5 to 1.

CNN's Paul Vercammen watched it all and he's outside Dodgers stadium in Los Angeles.

PAUL VERCAMMEN, CORRESPONDENT, CNN: This will go down as one of the greatest World Series of all time. Seven games but the home team did not emerge victorious. Dodgers' fans quiet and forlorn after but Astro fans absolutely euphoric. Their team finally did it after never having won a World Series.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Teachers if you're watching this they have the orange fever. So dismiss them please!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We have a lot of close friends and family that were impacted by the hurricane. We were fortunate enough to not have anything, you know, major but I mean, it means the world to the city. I mean, this is everything. This is huge.


VERCAMMEN: The post-games ceremony not only included the crowning of the Astros but they named George Springer the MVP. He has deep roots in and around the Caribbean. His mother from Puerto Rico, his grandfather from Panama. George Springer admired by so many because he had a life-long stutter and he had the courage to go and be interviewed many times even though he feared, perhaps he might slip up when talking to reporters.

Springer hit five home runs. There were 25 home runs hit in all during the World Series. That's a record. So consider that George Springer hit 20 percent or a fifth of those home runs.

Another poignant moment, Carlos Correa the Astros shortstop proposed and he got a yes for an answer. Just absolute glory for Houston Astros and their fans all around here at Dodgers Stadium.

Reporting from Dodgers Stadium, I'm Paul Vercammen. Now back to you.

CHURCH: Thanks for that, Paul. And I'm Rosemary Church. Remember to connect with me anytime on Twitter. The news continues now with Max Foster in London. Have a great day.