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Trump's Asia Trip; Roy Moore Refutes Accusations; U.S. Opioid Crisis; New Delhi Air Hazardous. Aired 5-6a ET

Aired November 12, 2017 - 05:00   ET




NATALIE ALLEN, CNN ANCHOR (voice-over): The U.S. president says he believes U.S. intelligence agencies but stops short of pointing the finger at President Putin over Russian meddling. Comments he made in Hanoi, Vietnam. And we'll have a live report about it this hour.

GEORGE HOWELL, CNN ANCHOR (voice-over): Plus protests in Manila, as President Trump arrives for the ASEAN summit. What we might see when he finally meets with the controversial Philippine leader, Rodrigo Duterte. A live report from the Philippines ahead.

Live from CNN World Headquarters in Atlanta, we want to welcome our viewers in the United States and around the world.

ALLEN (voice-over): And I'm Natalie Allen. CNN NEWSROOM starts right now.


ALLEN: All eyes on the Philippines right now because U.S. President Donald Trump has just landed in Manila. And this is the fifth and final stop of his nearly two-week Asia trip.

While there, he will attend summits with Southeast Asian and East Asian leaders and meet with Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte.

HOWELL: Some headlines made earlier in Hanoi, Mr. Trump says he wants to move on with talks from the Russian election meddling, wants to move on from that. Only hours before he called intelligence officials who had concluded that Russia did meddle, called them political hacks. Mr. Trump was asked if he believes the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, was responsible and he had this to say.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: What I said, I'm not surprised there is any conflict on this. What I said there is that I believe he believes that. And it's very important for somebody to believe.

I believe that he feels that he and Russia did not meddle in the election. As to whether I believe it or not, I'm with our agencies, especially as currently constituted with their leadership.

I believe in our intel agencies, our intelligence agencies. I've worked with them very strongly. There weren't 17 as was previously reported. There were actually four. But they were saying there were 17, there were actually four. But as currently led by fine people, I believe very much in our intelligence agencies.


HOWELL: A lot to cover here and our CNN correspondents are on all angles of this presidential visit. CNN senior White House correspondent Jeff Zeleny, live in Hanoi, Vietnam. Our senior international correspondent, Fred Pleitgen, coverage the story from Moscow and CNN's Matt Rivers on deck in Manila, again, where the president has just landed.

ALLEN: Let's begin with Jeff Zeleny. He's live for us in Hanoi.

We heard those comments, Jeff, from President Trump, when he was speaking before reporters in Hanoi. It's interesting that, that trip, when he kind of met with the Russian president, that he made another strange connection, kind of aligning himself with Vladimir Putin and then kind of stepping back from that.

What was that about?

JEFF ZELENY, CNN SR. WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT: Natalie, there's no question that President Trump would like to move on from the questions of --


ZELENY: -- Russian meddling in the 2016 election. He has gone a little step -- he inched closer to that earlier today by saying he actually agrees with his intelligence officials, whose agencies has said there was Russian meddling. But then he says that President Vladimir Putin believes what he believes.

And so the issue here is that President Trump has been a bit hamstrung by his own doing on this because, from the very beginning of this year, he has not wanted to accept the idea that there was meddling in the election because he believes that that would help invalidate the fact that he became president and beat Hillary Clinton a year ago.

The reality here is many Republicans in Washington and his own administration included wish he would have taken a harder line on that, to set it off the table, so he could go forward with this.

But again, a bit of a muddled response from the president on this Russian meddling, which still hangs over him wherever he goes and certainly his administration back in Washington.

ALLEN: So this trip, a very long trip, has got him away from Washington, looking for things to take back to the U.S.

Big picture, what has he gained? He has asked for better trade deals that favor America first and, at the same time, demanding a united front from the region on North Korea.

How has that been viewed?

ZELENY: Look, I think he has made his case as he has traveled across this journey for more than a week now. He has certainly measured his tone generally on North Korea. He's tried to enlist the help from China and other partners in the region against confronting North Korea.

He's strengthened his relationship with leaders in this region, no question. But at the end of the day, what he has gotten out of it, I'm not sure we know the answer to that yet.

In many respects he's been flattered along the way. World leaders here are taking cues from other world leaders and they are definitely warming him up and flattering him. We saw that in China more than anything else.

But we do not know if there will be any tangible evidence or, you know, outtake from this. The reality here is this America first agenda is leaving the U.S. behind in issues of trade and other areas here. So we cannot yet call this visit a success, because we'll see if there's anything that actually comes from it beyond the pictures and pomp and pageantry.


ALLEN: He's on his final stop right now. Jeff Zeleny for us there in Hanoi.

Thank you, Jeff.

HOWELL: Let's now bring in Fred Pleitgen, following the story from Moscow.

Fred, certainly Russia looking on at what's happening here. President Trump saying that he wants to move on from the questions of Russian meddling and, as Jeff just described it, giving a muddled response on that, to say the least.

But trying to pivot, saying that he is in a better position to make that happen. I want you to listen to Mr. Trump, something that he said on this, and we can talk about it here on the other side.


TRUMP: Hillary Clinton had the reset button. She wanted to get back together with Russia. She even spelled reset wrong. That's how it started. And then it got worse. President Obama wanted to get along with Russia but the chemistry wasn't there.

Getting along with other nations is a good thing. Not a bad thing. Believe me. It's a good thing. Not a bad thing. (END VIDEO CLIP)

HOWELL: OK, but the reality, Fred, here in the United States, there are investigations ongoing, digging into questions about whether there was collusion, whether there was any meddling in the 2016 U.S. election.

So, from the Russian point of view, given this president's statement just a moment ago, saying that he's the person to help make for better relations, is there a sense that there is a chance for that to happen?

FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, I certainly think that the Russians, George, are grasping onto a chance, whether it's there or not. Even listening to that sound bite we heard earlier from President Trump, talking about whether he believes President Putin or the intelligence services there in Hanoi as well, that was really music to the Russians' ears.

You can see that by the way that the Russians are interpreting what happened there in Da Nang at the APEC summit. They're saying there was no formal meeting between President Trump and President Putin.

However, the informal meetings made up for that. So that's perfectly fine. They point to that common declaration on Syria as being major progress and a sign that these two leaders do see eye to eye on certain questions.

Then you have that question, whether or not President Trump actually believes his intelligence services or the president on Russia on whether or not there was Russian meddling in the U.S. election.

I want to read you from the TASS news service. They say, "When asked to comment about his own statements about Putin, Trump said that though he relies on U.S. intelligence services, he considers it necessary to get along with Russia and China."

So the bottom line here is that Russian media, Russian politicians as well are saying the president, the U.S. president clearly wants better relations with Russia. They say they're ready for it. They say they want it as well. They obviously feel that there are a lot of forces in Washington that are trying --


PLEITGEN: -- to impede all of that. But they certainly are grasping onto this and certainly some of the things that they've heard at the APEC summit, that they've heard this morning in Hanoi as well -- and the Russians have been very, very active on social media and in the media this Sunday morning here in Moscow. It's something that they wanted to hear and certainly what they believe, that there is a possible chance, maybe not to overcome the big problems that are there but maybe to make some inroads, at least, toward a was forward -- George.

HOWELL: Russia certainly looking on at what happens here, Fred Pleitgen with the reporting, thanks, Fred. ALLEN: And as we mentioned, the president has just arrived in the Philippines. His plane touched down about 10 minutes ago. That's his next stop. Matt Rivers is here to cover that part of the story.

And the big question is, how does the U.S. president approach the strongman leader of the Philippines, who has been condemned for his human rights practices?

MATT RIVERS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, this is certainly going to be the meeting that attracts the most attention during President Trump's time in Manila. We're of course talking about his meeting with Philippine President Duterte, an extremely controversial figure that has really exploded on the world state, in large part due to his ongoing war against drugs.

For our viewers who don't know, over the last year or so, here in the Philippines, the Duterte administration has waged a merciless war against drugs, not only the people who deal them but also the people who use those drugs. Filipino jails are far overcrowded with people that have been put in jail.

And there has also been extra-judicial killings and human rights groups around the world have universally condemned the Duterte administration for those extrajudicial killings and not following due process here in the Philippines.

That's led to the loss of thousands and thousands of lives. In terms of how the Trump administration deals with the Duterte administration, we do know from a senior administration official that Donald Trump does plan to bring up the human rights issue with President Duterte.

But on the flip side of that, we're also hearing from the White House that both men enjoy a warm rapport. And so how does that affect the overall relationship?

President Duterte has even said himself that President Trump has praised him for his fight against drugs. So the big concern here for human rights groups is that, if the President of the United States does not strongly condemn or even bring up this issue with the president of the Philippines, then that, in essence, gives the president of the Philippines a pass to continue to do what he's doing.

We know the president of the Philippines is extremely sensitive to people bringing up this controversy, criticizing him.

So will President Trump do that?

The White House says he will.

But how strongly he will do that and take on the Duterte administration remains to be seen.

ALLEN: And what would the Duterte administration's response be?

We'll wait and see, Matt Rivers will be coverage it for us there in the Philippines. Thank you, Matt. Again, of all the countries Mr. Trump visited, the one getting the most attention is the one he did not visit, North Korea.

President Trump traded insults with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un Saturday, tweeting, "Why would Kim Jong-un insult me by calling me old when I would never call him short and fat?"

He adds, "I try so hard to be his friend. Maybe that will happen."

Mr. Trump elaborated on that a bit while in Vietnam.


TRUMP: Strange things happen in life. That might be a strange thing to happen. But it's certainly a possibility. If that did happen, it would be a good thing for, I can tell you, for North Korea. But it would also be good for lots of other places and it would be good for the world.

So certainly it is something that could happen. I don't know that it will but it would very, very nice if it did.

(END VIDEO CLIP) HOWELL: The president had a lot to say during this trip, the longest presidential visit since the 1990s to this region and it's put him in front of many world leaders in that part of the world.

Going forward, though, the question now, will this improve Mr. Trump's standing within the region?

Let's bring in Daniel Pinkston, professor of international relations at Troy University, live via Skype in Seoul, South Korea. Good to have you with us this hour. Daniel, first a broad view here. The U.S. president focused on resetting the stage with these nations, resetting it with bilateral trade agreements --


HOWELL: -- seeking greater support regarding North Korea.

On these fronts, has the president had success?

DANIEL PINKSTON, TROY UNIVERSITY: Well, I'll tackle the North Korea question first. In Northeast Asia, the constraints that are operating on all actors, they're very robust. No one can change the status quo unilaterally. Everyone is constrained, although everyone is dissatisfied. Everyone's unhappy with North Korean behavior.

So that's going to continue, regardless of what President Trump says. On the trade issue, the bilateral approach the president is pursuing, I think, is wrongheaded and ill-conceived. It's something that might have worked in the 1970s or 1980s; 35 years ago, most countries in the region, their greatest trade partner was the United States.

But now that has changed. Most of their trade and investment is with China. And in fact, most of their trade is embedded in supply chains. So they need that multi-lateral agreement, so that they can maintain their economic relationship. They don't need the U.S. So I think that's going to be a failed approach.

HOWELL: But one place where some of the nations do rely on the United States is to be a counterweight against China. One of those nations, Vietnam, for sure, with regard to the South China Sea -- and we heard an instance where President Trump offered to help in a way. Let's listen. We can talk about it on the other side.


TRUMP: South China Sea, we're looking at, we're looking at together. Please let me know. We've had a dispute quite a while with China. If I can help if any way, I'm a very good mediator and arbitrator. I have done plenty of it from both sides, so if I can help you, let me know.


HOWELL: And that is part of his style. He is a president who will pat himself on the back with his abilities, especially as a businessman. He says he's a good mediator, able to help with this.

The way that it was offered and the offer itself, what are your thoughts?

PINKSTON: Oh, it's difficult to react. I see it as gaslighting and incoherent blather. There is a process for settling international maritime disputes. There's United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea, there's a process for that. It's not set by one individual, the head of state of one country.

The best approach would be for the United States Senate to ratify en classe and have a seat in the U.N. to demarcate and delineate lines in the sea that are contested. So there's a process for doing that. You know, Trump saying he's going to do this, I'm kind of speechless, actually.

HOWELL: Let me ask you, though, from the perspective of many voters in the U.S., who elected Donald Trump to do just that, to take a different approach, which we've seen here on the U.S. stage when it comes to politics and now seeing President Trump make an offer that did seem out of the norms for what we've seen from predecessors.

Do you get a sense that this could be something that would be a welcome or open to world leaders?

Or is this something, as you point out, is just out of the norm?

PINKSTON: Well, it's difficult for me to make sense of his statements regarding international affairs and foreign policy. The only way I can make sense of it is that it's directed at his domestic audience of supporters, an uninformed audience. Those at the international level hear this and it's obvious that his lack of expertise and knowledge in international affairs, it's glaringly obvious and it makes the President and the United States look very weak. HOWELL: Daniel Pinkston, live for us in Seoul, South Korea, with perspective and analysis, we appreciate your time today.

PINKSTON: My pleasure.

HOWELL: Still ahead here on CNN NEWSROOM, the Republican candidate for an empty U.S. Senate seat is confronted by serious allegations of sexual misconduct from decades ago. We'll discuss how that might affect Roy Moore's chances. Stay with us.





ALLEN: Welcome back.

The church where a man carried out the deadliest mass shooting ever in Texas will reopen as a memorial on Sunday. The First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs is thanking volunteers and donors for helping restore the sanctuary there; 25 people and an unborn child were shot to death a week ago.

HOWELL: In the meantime, the ex-wife of the suspected shooter says he constantly threatened her and that she lived in fear. Devin Kelley acquired guns legally after the U.S. Air Force failed to report that he'd been convicted of domestic assault.

It is a sad reality in the United States but many people go to places of worship fearing that they could also become targets of another mass shooting.

ALLEN: Kaylee Hartung reports, more religious leaders and worshippers are kind of taking it upon themselves now to protect their churches.


WILL CHADWICK, GATEKEEPERS SECURITY SERVICES: So you smack it in there one time now.

KAYLEE HARTUNG, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Will Chadwick is training me, like he has hundreds of others.

You need to embrace the advantage of being better than the bad guy.

HARTUNG: So, are you carrying a gun on Sunday?

BRIAN ULCH, PASTOR, TRINITY LIGHTHOUSE CHURCH: Absolutely. If I'm on property, I will always have a gun.

HARTUNG: Pastor Brian Ulch is a gatekeeper, a volunteer trained, licensed and insured to protect his church by the Chadwick's family Christian security institute. ULCH: We have a responsibility to every single member that walks into a safe hive and that walks in to a place of worship and warning a place of phase to provide the protection.

HARTUNG: Will and his dad Chuck created the gatekeeper program more than a decade ago just outside of Dallas.

CHADWICK: It is so hard in those early years to get somebody to spend $20 on subscriptions of our Web site. Now, we have thousands and thousands of churches that are part of our national organization.

HARTUNG: And in the last week, following the deadliest shooting in the U.S. house of worship, their phones have been ringing off the hook. From New York to Hawaii, churches called wanting to learn how to protect themselves.

CHADWICK: We take people that have absolutely no experience and we pride ourselves on really being able to hone these skills.

HARTUNG: In the six day course, they say volunteers are taught defensive tactics more around professional security and law enforcement standards. But tailor to challenges the church ministry could face like how to interact with an unruly parishioners

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And take that in, OK.

HARTUNG: And how to use a gun against an act of shooter.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Being able to place your mind in there and see how you are going to react is important.

HARTUNG: There is a psychological evaluation and a background check, too.

Pastor Ulch, like many other gatekeepers, did not have any prior security training. Seven years ago his church in Texas discussed hiring a private security company but they needed more.

ULCH: When you look at the outside private security sector, they have dynamic resources but they don't know your congregation. They don't know the heartbeat of your ministry. But when you look at bringing your volunteers through, they not only know your campus, know your community, know your members, they can identify --


ULCH: -- things that don't look right.

HARTUNG: How do you believe the events at First Baptist Church could have been different if they had a gatekeeper?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, one I really absorb that I was going. I sure wish they had a gatekeeper.

HARTUNG (voice-over): Kaylee Hartung, CNN, Dallas, Texas.


ALLEN: The Alabama Republican running to fill the U.S. Senate seat of Jeff Sessions has hit a major stumbling block over allegations of sexual misconduct from decades ago.

On Saturday, Judge Roy Moore publicly spoke to supporters about the disturbing accusations against him. Here's what he had to say.


JUDGE ROY MOORE (R), ALABAMA SENATORIAL CANDIDATE: "The Washington Post" established or published, rather, yet another attack on my character and reputation in a desperate attempt to stop my political campaign for the United States Senate. These attacks involve a minor and they are completely false and untrue.

My opponent is 11 points behind. That came out just days before this article came out. They're desperate. This article is a prime example of fake news. We do not intend to let the Democrats or the established Republicans or anybody else behind this story stop this campaign.

My opponent is 11 points behind. That came out just days before this article came out. They are desperate. This article is a prime example of fake news. We do not intend to let the Democrats or the establishment Republicans or anybody else behind this story stop this campaign.


ALLEN: Smear campaign or not?

Or was it women finally saying what they know about this man?

We'll have the developments in the story coming up for you right after this.





ALLEN: And welcome back to our viewers here in the United States and around the world. You're watching CNN NEWSROOM. I'm Natalie Allen.

HOWELL: And I'm George Howell with the headlines we're following for you this hour.


HOWELL: In Iraq, a number of mass graves have been discovered in Kirkuk province. They contain the remains of at least 400 civilians believed executed by ISIS. The governor of Kirkuk is calling on Iraqi government and the U.N. Commission on Human Rights to conduct DNA tests to identify the victims.

Here in the United States, the Senate candidate, Roy Moore of Alabama, is again slamming allegations of sexual misconduct against him almost 40 years ago. The Republican judge calls it a desperate attempt to stop the campaign.

ALLEN: But at least one of Moore's former colleagues says it was common knowledge back then that he dated high school girls. We get the latest from CNN's Alex Marquardt in Alabama.


ALEXANDER MARQUARDT, CNN SENIOR NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Roy Moore has come out swinging in his first set of public remarks since these allegations were made, striking a defiant tone, issuing a full- throated rejection of these allegations, saying that they are completely untrue, that there was never any sort of sexual misconduct.

He said that it is completely unbelievable that they're coming out now, just a few weeks before the special election and almost 40 years after the fact. Take a listen.

ROY MOORE, ALABAMA SENATE CANDIDATE: I've been investigated more than any other person in this country. To think that grown women would wait 40 years to come before, right before an election, to bring charges, is absolutely unbelievable.


That is the refrain, the question that we keep hearing from the candidate, the campaign and his many supporters.

Is this part of a smear campaign by these women, just a few weeks before the election?

Is it being backed up by Democrats?

By establishment Republicans?

They don't know but they see a conspiracy theory here. They say they don't see any proof and until they do, they want Moore to stay in this race and they believe that he can win.

Now we have been digging more into his past and speaking with people who knew Judge Roy Moore around this era, specifically one woman, Theresa Jones, who worked alongside Roy Moore in the late '70s and early '80s, when he was a young assistant district attorney.

She was a deputy district attorney and she tells today "It was common knowledge that Roy dated high school girls. Everyone we knew though it was weird. We wondered why someone his age would hang out at high school football games and at the mall. But you really wouldn't say anything to someone like that."

MARQUARDT: Common knowledge, meaning that other people knew and if they come forward, this could pose a huge problem for the Moore campaign -- back to you.


ALLEN: That election in one month.

For analysis of the political impact in the allegations against Moore, we're joined by Brian Klaas, a fellow in comparative politics at the London School of Economics and the author of "The Despot's Accomplice."

Brian, thanks for being with us.


ALLEN: Let's first start with this judge. Judge Moore goes back decades in controversial rulings; as a judge on gays, for example, he has said their lifestyle is criminal and he's implied that gay people are child predators. And now he's accused of being a child predator and has no plans to quit in his pursuit to be a U.S. senator, defying calls from Washington Republicans for him to bow out.

How might this end?

KLAAS: Well, Roy Moore is --


KLAAS: -- unfit to be senator. That's clear. It was clear before the allegations came out as well. He called to criminalize homosexuality. And he also talked about how Muslims should not be allowed to serve in Congress, which is antithetical to what the country is founded on, religious freedom.

This so is obviously a huge disaster for the Republican Party. It shows the intellectual and moral rot at the core of Trump's Republican Party. And it's a liability for them because if he loses, it means that the Democrats pick up a seat in a place that should be a safe seat for the Republicans. If he wins, it could signal a much more aggressive backlash against Republicans in 2018 in the midterm elections.

ALLEN: Alabama is the most conservative state in the country. Democrats don't find victory there.

But is Moore's thumbing his nose at Washington here another sign of the erosion of powerful Washington-based institutions?

KLAAS: It's the erosion of trust in institutions and the toxic pull of polarization because the idea that people simply don't believe newspaper reports and they just trust their instincts or who they like, based on partisan motivation, is something that's really damaging to American democracy.

It's what's called motivated reasoning, where you simply fit the facts to fit your narrative. And in this situation, it's a well-sourced, credible report by several women coming forward. And there's no reason to really doubt it.

So I think, in this instance, it's clear that he already was unfit. He is even more unfit after these allegations and I hope that the voters of Alabama will not make this a partisan issue but make this about basic human principles and reject Roy Moore at the ballot box.

ALLEN: We'll wait and see. So if Moore does get in -- and Alabama is very conservative -- he may still win.

Where does that leave Republicans?

They desperately need the seat in the Senate but many have indicated they don't want him to serve in the Senate.

Well, there's two layers to this. One is the immediate political cost of this. There's going to be a much harder push for things like tax reform, tax cuts if you have a 51-49 margin for the Republicans in the Senate as opposed to 52-48. It makes the wiggle room that much closer.

Beyond that, though, this is just a stunning turn of events of an awful week for the Republican Party.

On Tuesday, there was a mass repudiation of Trumpism at the ballot box as Democrats swept most races. Then we had a story about Trump's former national security adviser being investigated for a plot to kidnap somebody for $15 million.

Trump's tweets calling the president of North Korea short and fat and asking him why he wouldn't be friends with him. And then now Roy Moore, bigots, with these awful allegations poised to be defeated in one of the safest seats for Republicans.

So Trump's destruction of the Republican Party is ongoing and this is just an absolutely disastrous week for them on all fronts.

ALLEN: We'll wait and follow the developments there in Alabama certainly. Brian Klaas, thank you for joining us.

KLAAS: Thanks for having me.

HOWELL: They didn't know their adult children, addicted to opioids, were still alive until they saw a report here on CNN about them. Next, what a father is doing until his daughter gets help.





HOWELL: Welcome back to NEWSROOM. For the last week now, we've been reporting on the opioid epidemic in

the United States, a problem so bad that the U.S. president called it a public health emergency.

ALLEN: Had he declared it a national emergency, it would have made more funds available. But we've been tracking this stain that's come to the United States. CNN's Gary Tuchman went back to Boston to follow up with two heroin addicts he met on the streets.


GARY TUCHMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Last time we saw Billy Donovan, he was trying to find a vein for his needle.

BILLY DONOVAN, OPIOID ADDICT: I'm a junky. I have been shooting heroin for 16 years. I am homeless and live on the sidewalk. This is my life.

TUCHMAN: We met Meghan DiGiacomo in the same neighborhood just South of downtown Boston. She is also a heroin addict.

MEGHAN DIGIACOMO, OPIOID ADDICT: I lost the love of my life because of overdose. (INAUDIBLE).

TUCHMAN: Are you afraid you are going to die from this?

DONOVAN: I know I'm going to die from this.

TUCHMAN: Are you afraid you are going to die from this?

M. DIGIACOMO: Not really afraid. Honestly, sometimes it just death seems easier.

JULIE CHANDLER, MEGHAN DIGIACOMO'S MOTHER: I'm never giving up on Meghan. She won't die. She can't.

TUCHMAN: This is Julie Chandler, Meghan's mother. Until she saw our story she didn't know where her daughter was, a daughter who she says was always a happy go lucky little girl. She didn't know for sure if Meghan was alive.

Remarkably, the same goes for Billy, until his mother also saw our story, she didn't know for sure where her son was. The little boy she says who was always kind and friendly and she too feared the worse.

KRISTINA BARBOZA, BILLY DONOVAN'S MOTHER: If my son were to die I just don't know how I would go on.

TUCHMAN: Both Meghan and Billy have gone through treatment many times but they have always relapsed. Two weeks after we first met I went back to find Meghan. It is nice to see you again. How are you?

M. DIGIACOMO: I'm good.

TUCHMAN: and I found her dad, too. Paul DiGiacomo, Megan's father saw our story, located his daughter and is now living in the streets with her, refusing to leave until she gets help. He brought Meghan's dog along, too.

M. DIGIACOMO: I was like literally sleeping here. And I woke up to my dog licking my face and my dad is like, we all moved in. I'm like, what are you doing here? He's like I'm not leaving until you get help or go to the hospital.

PAUL DIGIACOMO, MEGHAN DIGIACOMO'S FATHER: My kids are everything to me. They really are.

TUCHMAN: Is she breaking your heart?

P. DIGIACOMO: Of course, she is. Of course, she is.

M. DIGIACOMO: And for me like I feel all right with myself sleeping on the street. I'm like, I check on him 100 times during the night and see...

TUCHMAN: Isn't that the irony, you check in on him and but you're the one how really needs the help.

M. DIGIACOMO: That's how I am. I always take care of other people before I take care of myself.

P. DIGIACOMO: She wants to help others before she will help herself.

TUCHMAN: As Paul tries to convince his daughter to leave the streets and seek treatment, Billy's mother walks out of her house with some of her son's personal and sentimental belongings for a special delivery.

Billy has decided to get treatment. Some of Billy's friends who saw our original story found Billy and convinced him to go to this Detox Center in Fall River, Massachusetts.

Kristina Barboza is making the delivery to her son at the facility and hopes that this time, treatment for Billy works. She talked to him on the phone for the first time in many months the night before. What did you say to Billy when he called?

BARBOZA: I told him that I loved him and he said I know and he said I love you, too.

TUCHMAN: How did that make you feel?

BARBOZA: Like I was dancing on top of the moon.

TUCHMAN: Meanwhile, Meghan remained on the street among the dozens of other heroin addicts in this neighborhood. She loves her father and wants him not to worry anymore. Can you go in for treatment?

M. DIGIACOMO: Yes, I want to.

TUCHMAN: So why don't you go? Am I being too simplistic?

M. DIGIACOMO: No, I don't -- I don't know like one moment I really want it and the next, you know, I'm like I will go later. I'm a procrastinator. TUCHMAN: We say good bye to Meghan. And she, her father and her dog

prepare to spend another night outdoors sleeping on plastic bags in the mud -- Gary Tuchman, CNN, Boston.






HOWELL: A dangerous situation that we're following in New Delhi. The air quality there has reached hazardous levels. In fact, breathing that air is the equivalent of smoking 44 cigarettes a day. Doctors are seeing a surge --


HOWELL: -- of patients with chest pains, breathlessness and burning eyes.

ALLEN: The government's trying to tackle the pollution but it has closed schools. It has suspended construction projects and banned trucks from entering the city. Nikhil Kumar has the latest for us from the streets of New Delhi.


NIKHIL KUMAR, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): This is India Gate, one of Delhi's most famous landmarks. It's about 42 meters high and here's what it looks like on a summer's date. So, how do you make it disappear?

Well, just wait for winter.

(on camera): I'm standing just a few hundred meters from the monument and as you can see, nothing. Trust me, it's right there, behind the thick, dense and dirty haze and it's been like this pretty much all week, as air quality in Delhi fell to hazardous levels.

And right across from India Gate is a presidential palace, another famous Delhi monument. It's massive, more than 300 rooms. Again, you can barely see anything.

And it's not just what you can and can't see. You can actually taste the filth that's hanging in the air. It hits your throat and it makes you feel ill.

(voice-over): Just ask Shir Singh (ph), a traffic cop who's been on duty all week, working 12-hour days in the population.

It makes our eyes burn and it's difficult to breath, he says.

The smog comes every year where the temperature drops, wind speeds fall and a mix of dangerous pollutants settles over the city.

Nineteen-year-old Kishur (ph) also spends his days on Delhi's congested roads. He's a street hawker. For him pollution means watery eyes, but also a way to make more money.

Me and my friends, we used to sell balloons, he says, but the pollution is so bad that we switched to selling masks. Two days, we got a thousand pieces. We already sold 700.

But it's not easy. Kishur works at one of the busiest and most polluted traffic junctions in the city.

By the time I get home, my throat and my eyes hurt. Everything, he says, smells of smoke.

(on camera): Now, believe it or not, this isn't the worst it's been this week. At one point, the level of pollutants in Delhi's air was almost 40 times what the World Health Organization deemed safe. Now, I'm in a busy market in the center of town. And I've got a portable meter with me that tells me how bad the air really is.

Blue is good. Purple is hazardous. And look, we're still hazardous -- Nikhil Kumar, CNN, New Delhi.



ALLEN: How about that?

They were selling balloons, now they're selling masks.

Despite the smog crisis there in New Delhi, India on the whole is on track to meet the goals of the Paris climate change agreement, that according to a recent carbon emissions report.

HOWELL: This comes as environmental activist and former Vice President Al Gore attends U.N. talks on climate change in Germany. U.S. President Donald Trump said the United States will withdraw from the Paris accord but Gore says American businesses remain committed to that agreement.


AL GORE, FORMER VP OF THE U.S.: The leading experts in the United States are telling us that the U.S. is on track to meet and exceed the Paris commitments, regardless of what tweets or statements come from the White House, partly because all of these companies -- here are 110 companies -- that have announced a commitment to 100 percent renewable energy.


ALLEN: Now that Syria has pledged to sign the peace agreement, the U.S. will be the only country not to.



ALLEN: Thank you all for watching CNN NEWSROOM. I'm Natalie Allen.

HOWELL: And I'm George Howell. For viewers here in the United States, "NEW DAY" is next. For other viewers around the world, Erin Burnett "OUTFRONT" is ahead. Thanks for watching CNN NEWSROOM, the world's news leader.

ALLEN: See you later.