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Former Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa Is Set To Be Sworn In As The New Zimbabwe President; Donald Trump's Former National Security Adviser Cuts Ties With The U.S. President's Legal Team; U.S. Shoppers Are Out In Full Force Ready To Spend Lots Of Green On This Black Friday. Aired 4-5a ET

Aired November 24, 2017 - 04:00   ET


MAX FOSTER, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: New Day for Zimbabwe, former Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa is set to be sworn in as the new President. We are live for you in the capital, Harare, straight ahead.

And Donald Trump's former National Security adviser cuts ties with the U.S. President's legal team. We'll talk about what it could mean in the ongoing Russia investigation.

For some it is the desserts after Thanksgiving feast. U.S. shoppers are out in full force ready to spend lots of green on this Black Friday.

Hello and welcome to our viewers in the United States and around the world, I'm Max Foster in London. This is CNN NEWSROOM.

Our top story then this hour, after 37 years of increasingly authoritarian rule by Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe is about to turn the page. This man, Emmerson Mnangagwa is about to be sworn in as interim President. He is already well known to Zimbabweans as Mugabe's right- hand man over the many decades, and many wonder if the country's new chapter will be much different from the last.

Mugabe fired him as his deputy just a couple of weeks ago that may have triggered a political backlash with the Zimbabwean military eventually compelling Mugabe to resign.

Mnangagwa who was briefly outside the country had fled there is now back and promising to lead Zimbabwe into a new unfolding democracy. Let's go to David McKenzie live from Zimbabwe's capital. Has he arrived yet?

Okay, we've got some technical problems with David there as we to fix them. We're going to show you live pictures of the scene there at the inauguration. You can see all the dignitaries arriving there, the cameras surrounding them. We know the leader of the opposition, Morgan Tsvangirai has already arrived, and there they are, sort of building up to the big moment.

David, hopefully you can hear us now. It looks like a pretty upbeat atmosphere there, and he is gone again. Well, it can speak for him, I think when the picture speaks a thousand words. Everyone very excited about this moment in modern Zimbabwe's history.

The longtime opposition leader there, Morgan Tsvangirai amongst those then warning that the new interim President may be no better than his predecessor. He spoke to CNN's Christiane Amanpour.


MORGAN TSVANGIRAI, ZIMBABWEAN OPPOSITION LEADER: At the same time, he knows that he cannot continue on the same path Mugabe has traveled and is still expect the population to respect him.

The constitutional elections can be held no later than August, and I hope that Emmerson Mnangagwa completing the term of Mugabe will stick to this constitutional path.


FOSTER: Well, that was Zimbabwe's former Prime Minister and longtime opposition leader speaking to CNN's Christiane Amanpour. Stay with us. We will be following the swearing in ceremony for you and we'll hear from CNN's Farai Sevenzo as well about how ordinary Zimbabweans see their future without Mugabe.

Now in the last hour, South Africa's Supreme Court has more than doubled the prison sentence of the blade runner, Oscar Pistorius to 13 years and five months.

The prosecution has appealed against the original sentence of six years imprisonment, as too lenient for a conviction of murder. Pistorius shot and killed his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp on Valentine's Day, 2013. He has maintained he mistook her for an intruder.

Thursday was Thanksgiving in the United States and President Donald Trump said Americans have a lot to be thankful for including the service and sacrifice of their military. The Commander-in-Chief visited Coast Guard members thanking them for their efforts after hurricanes in Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico.

[04:05:01] FOSTER: He also spoke to troops serving abroad, telling them his administration is on their side.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We're being talked about again as an Armed Forces. Were really winning. We know how to win. We have to let you win. We weren't letting you win before. We're doing well at home. The economy is doing really great. When you come back you're going to see with the jobs and companies coming back into our country and the stock market just hit a record high, unemployment is the lowest it has been in 17 years. So you're fighting for something real, you're fighting for something good.


FOSTER: Well, the President was also on Twitter telling Americans that the country is starting to do very well. Mr. Trump's legal team is dealing meanwhile, with new developments in the Russia investigation.

CNN has learned that Michael Flynn's lawyers have told other defense teams including Donald Trump's, they will no longer share information about the probe. This could indicate that the fired National Security adviser is now cooperating with a Special Counsel's Office or he may be negotiating a deal.

A member of Mr. Trump's legal team says that decision isn't entirely unexpected. Flynn's attorney -- the team declined to comment.

Meanwhile, Washington grappling with a series of recent harassment allegations. Democratic senator Al Franken apologized on Thursday over accusations that he groped a woman at a State Fair. He said recent accounts made him realize he has crossed the line for some women. He added he is sorry and wants to make sure it never happens again.

Meanwhile, a lawyer for John Conyers says the Democratic Representative won't resign over allegations that he sexually harassed and discriminated against some of his staff, and that he denies the allegations.

The House Ethics Committee is investigating those claims. Let's get more in the state of U.S. politics. Scott Lucas is the Professor of International Politics at the University of Birmingham in the U.K. He is also founder and editor at "E.A. World View." He joins us via Skype from Birmingham.

Thanks for joining us. First of all on Flynn. What does this say about the Russia investigation, do you think? He is obviously -- or the suggestion is he is moving more to the side of the investigators and away from the White House on this?

SCOTT LUCAS, PROFESSOR OF INTERNATIONAL POLITICS, UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM, U.K. (via Skype): It says generally that the investigation contrary to what the White House has said is expanding rather than contracting. This could be a sign because Flynn's lawyers have said they will no longer speak with Trump's lawyers, that Michael Flynn is now cooperating with Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his team.

And if he is providing evidence, that means the investigation goes higher up, for example, there could be evidence about Jared Kushner, Donald Trump's son-in-law. There could be evidence about Jeff Sessions, the Attorney General. There could even be evidence about Donald Trump himself.

We won't know that of course, because it will be some time if Flynn is cooperating for all of that information to be collected and assessed by the team.

I think beyond this, what this means is that we now have seen one Trump campaign staffer who has pled guilty, George Papadopoulos. We have seen two who have been indicted, including campaign manager Paul Manafort. We have seen expanding questions about the foreign contacts between Trump and Russian officials and about possible collusion. Let's use the word over the campaign.

It will take months to establish this, but this will be an investigation, which will go into 2018 with significant political implications, including possibly the future of Donald Trump.

FOSTER: No surprise then that he's out in front of the troops praising his work so far in the White House.

LUCAS: Oh, absolutely. I mean, even if it wasn't for Trump and Russia, the fact is, is that first and foremost, Donald Trump likes to talk about winning for Donald Trump, and, of course, losing for Barack Obama.

So the message yesterday on Thanksgiving, it was very pointed and it was under the Obama administration, you couldn't win, now, you can.

Well, we can talk about the complexity of the ongoing conflict in the Middle East beyond the Islamic State. We can talk about the ongoing issues in Afghanistan. We could even talk about facing up to Russia, for example, over the Ukraine, but that's not what Donald Trump wants to talk, about the reality. He simply wants to give the image that he is a Commander-in-Chief who everybody respects and adores, including his own military, despite the fact that his military commanders have some questions about him.

FOSTER: In terms of his accomplishments, though, what can we -- what can he really point to here in terms of something substantive, and, you know, what can he get done by the end of the year to prove that he is living up to his word?

LUCAS: He can really only point to the image of having accomplished something and hope you buy it. There have been zero major legislative accomplishments since January.

The immediate question is whether the administration can get tax cuts through. Now they have passed the House, but that $1.5 trillion package has to get through the Senate and they're just facing difficulties.

But also watch out for something else, because the supplemental funding for the government emergency funding, if you will, expires on December 11th and there's still no sign that we have a government budget, which is prepared to be adopted.

So if that's true, Congress has to convene urgently to talk about more emergency funding and indeed breaking the debt ceiling. So I think it's going to be ongoing as it were uncertain waters for the Trump administration, rather than a clear cut one.

[04:10:24] FOSTER: Okay, Professor Lucas in Birmingham, thank you very much, indeed.

In the U.S. and around the world, Black Friday is underway, of course. It's the start of a holiday shopping season, crucial to struggling retailers. Huge crowds gathered outside department store, Macy's in New York on Thursday evening.

The National Retail Federation expects shoppers to spend more than ever, but for the first time, more of that money will be spent online than in store. The impact of online shopping has been huge on stores and malls.

One research company estimates store closures have more than tripled this year. Even so, these shoppers were lured to line up outside a mall in Texas on Thursday afternoon. Black Friday shoppers were also queuing for bargains in California ahead of the mega sales.

You're watching CNN NEWSROOM. Still to come, we all head back to Harare in Zimbabwe, as we get to see the swearing in of the next President.

Plus, the search for the Argentinian submarine, San Juan enters a critical phase and the airspace could be an important battlefield in the conflict between North and South Korea. We will get you an incredible look from inside an F-16 fighter jet.



[04:15:25] FOSTER: Back to our top story this hour. After 37 years of increasingly authoritarian rule Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe is about to turn the page.

Let's go to David McKenzie live from Zimbabwe's capital where the inauguration is taking place and the atmosphere looks pretty electric -- David.

DAVID MCKENZIE, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, that's right, Max. Certainly, there is a sense of anticipation like none other here in Zimbabwe for 37 years as you say.

They've lived under the rule of Robert Mugabe. Now, a new leader is coming in who is closely associated with Mugabe, but a lot of people I'm speaking to you in the stands say they hope for a new Zimbabwe. Take a listen to ridges who I spoke to just about earlier.


MCKENZIE: Why did you come out here today?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I am here to celebrate the new President, comrade Emmerson Mnangagwa.

MCKENZIE: And were you happy that Robert Mugabe has stepped down as President?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When things are over for someone, it's over for him. Let's put something to upgrade everything in Zimbabwe.

MCKENZIE: So you need an upgrade. And what are the big things facing Zimbabweans? Do they need jobs? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's mining and farming, and education --

everything. What I am saying, we should upgrade everything. Upgrading the overall wage for the many things.

MCKENZIE: Do you think Mnangagwa can do that? Will he upgrade this country?



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He's got the potential.

MCKENZIE: Potential.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, to do that. And so I am with him.


MCKENZIE: And so you still have people streaming in behind me. They're combing it a bit fine, Max, because we know that Emmerson Mnangagwa is here, as well as several African heads of state and the leader of the opposition.

You know, people here just hoping for a fresh break here in Zimbabwe, something new, something to be hopeful for and despite the fact that the military orchestrated this hand over, there, at least for now, hoping that this will be a fresh start for themselves and for the economy of Zimbabwe -- Max.

FOSTER: Any knowledge of Mugabe and his movements today?

MCKENZIE: What we did hear earlier, he might be attending, and then state media said, you know, he's had, quote, "a hectic week," which is a bit of an understatement, since he was pushed out of power by military moving onto the streets, and then held in detention.

And for several days was negotiating with the military rulers of this country, the temporary rulers, and we do know that he got immunity, that he's being kept safe. No sign of him yet. So maybe he won't come.

And certainly it's an ignominious end for a liberation hero, who led this country to independence. But now for many people, I've been speaking to today and throughout the week Max, he has kind of lost that glow.

They said he ruined this country in their words. They want something new, whether it's Mnangagwa who brings in that new dispensation, he isn't even sworn in yet, so we'll have to wait and see -- Max.

FOSTER: He is only been sworn in as an interim, isn't he? So I know the leader of the opposition has been speaking to CNN saying there has to be this election very soon. We need to get that timetable, don't we for the stability to remain in the country? MCKENZIE: I think both for stability, Max and also for

international involvement and assistance. I've been speaking to diplomats and others, the U.S. Ambassador, I spoke to him just yesterday, and he said that really what they need to see is a timetable put in soon that Zimbabwe needs to hold that election.

And once they do, and it's free and fair game, they can maybe talk. It's worth remembering that Emmerson Mnangagwa is under sanctions, personally from the U.S. for his involvement in previous disputed elections and allegations of abuse and human rights abuse.

So this is not a man coming into this job squeaky clean or anything, but he does come in with a considerable amount of power, and a great deal of goodwill from the Zimbabwean people who see him as the man who pushed Mugabe out.

FOSTER: Okay, David, thank you. Back with you later on as we reach the climax of today, which will be the swearing in.

[04:20:03] FOSTER: Papa New Guinea police say more than 300 refugees and asylum seekers have been removed from a detention center and taken to a new campus. Officers entered the Manus Island facility for a second day on Friday.

At least one man alleged officers beat the detainees with sticks. The police deny any force was used. The center was set up by Australia to hold refugees who tried to reach Australia by boat.

Authorities have declared the center closed, but detainees were refusing to move out saying the facility they were being moved to isn't safe.

A critical clue in the search for that missing Argentine Navy submarine. The Argentine Navy has confirmed a noise detected near the last known location of the ARA San Juan is consistent with an explosion.

Family members of the crew have been devastated by the news and gathered at the Navy base praying for a miracle. For more, here is Stefano Pozzebon in Argentina.

STEFANO POZZEBON, JOURNALIST: The search is still on for the missing Argentinean submarine that has been missing for over a week now and the Argentinean Navy is urging relatives and fellow Argentineans to keep hopes alive saying that they're still hopeful to locate and rescue the San Juan and its 44 crew members.

But this morning, we received the Argentina Navy confirm the news that a noise was detected in the area where the San Juan last made contact with its home base here in Mar del Plata in that area on that particular morning when the San Juan last made contact with the home base.

There was detected noise that the Navy said it was consistent with an explosion that was enough to cause tragic reaction and panic among the relatives who are here in Mar del Plata and we're confident and hopefully to be able to welcome those crew members back home again.

In particular, we will were able to speak with a couple of them and here is what they had to say this morning.


JESSICA GOPAR, WIFE OF ARA SAN JUAN CREW MEMBER (through translator): We don't have any saint left to pray. We have no one left to ask. I don't know if there is a designated fate for each of us. There are people who don't believe in that, but they did not come back and they will never come back again.

I don't know if their bodies will come back, that is what hurts the most.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): The bosses steal the money, that's why this happened. That is why they are sons of [bleep]. They killed my brother because they sent them out there. I was in the Navy. They are sons of [bleep].


POZZEBON: So very, very strong words, strong accusations against the Argentina Navy saying that they were not communicating as they should have.

Meanwhile, the Argentinean Navy confirms that the noise has been detected but rejects to cancel any of the option as it still says that they're putting on their best effort possible to locate those 44 crew members.

From Mar del Plata, Argentina, for CNN, Stefano Pozzebon.

FOSTER: Well, the U.S. Navy says it has given up the search for three sailors lost in the Philippines Sea. They were on board a plane that came down southwest of the Japanese island of Okinawa.

The crash happened on Wednesday as the plane was approaching an aircraft carrier. Eight of those on board were rescued unharmed. The search for the missing three was led by the U.S. Navy carrier Ronald Reagan.

U.S. fighter pilots train every day in the skies of South Korea for potential conflict with the North. They practice battles in the air attacking targets on the ground in defending Kunsan Air Base, which would be critical if -- as an operation center.

Our CNN's Alexandra Field climbed into an F-16 to get the very best view of the training.


ALEXANDRA FIELD, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): In a few seconds we're fully vertical. U.S. Air Force Captain Kyle Miller call-sign "Diesel" takes us straight up to 13,000 feet. I'm strapped in the back straining to stay conscious feeling the gravity and the weight of it all.

That's the commander of the Eighth Fighter Wing, Colonel David Shoemaker and this happens every day, a practice face-off with North Korea.


COL. DAVID SHOEMAKER, COMMANDER, U.S. EIGHTH FIGHTER WING: We practice just some of the basic maneuvers for air to air or some of the basic bombing patterns or bombing maneuvers. We also practice the ability to survive and operate on the ground.


FIELD (voice over): Kunsan is the southernmost U.S. Air Base in South Korea. It's home to two us F-16 fighter jet squadrons, flying time to North Korea, 12 minutes.


FIELD (on camera): What do the first few hours of a conflict look like here at Kunsan?

SHOEMAKER: Time isn't measured on the clock. It's measured in casualties and the faster that we can get on the job, the less casualties that we will see particularly in Seoul in the opening volley of that that work.


[04:25:01] FIELD (voice over): In wartime, Kunsan could expand to up to four times the number of servicemen and women currently serving here, an essential seat of U.S. and South Korean operations and a prime target.


SHOEMAKER: We expect that North Korea is going to target you know any of our military bases that are here in the South.

FIELD (on camera): What kind of threat could North Korea present to the base here?

SHOEMAKER: So we worry about their short range ballistic missiles here, and we know that they have chemical weapons at their disposal.


FIELD (voice over): They stay ready to fend off a ground invasion from North Korean Special Forces and to take the fight north from the air.


SHOEMAKER: Obviously having that air to surface capability, being able to take out the long range artillery that would be bombarding Seoul.


FIELD (voice over): This is the third tour at Kunsan for Colonel Shoemaker. It's undeniably different.


FIELD (on camera): We know that North Korea has advanced in its nuclear capabilities and its missile capabilities. Have you changed the way that you do things at all?

SHOEMAKER: It is a mindset shift of why it is so important and the seriousness with which all of the airmen and soldiers here at Kunsan Air Base take our exercises and our training.


FIELD (on camera): This is Diesel's third flight in two days. He puts us on the ground as the sunsets, the supersonic jet now quiet, its pilot always ready. Alexandra Field, CNN, Kunsan Air Base, South Korea.


FOSTER: Stay with us, we are moments away from watching Zimbabwe turn a page in it's modern history. The question now: Can Emmerson Mnangagwa win the hearts of ordinary Zimbabweans to stay in power or will its interim Presidency be the end of his political career?


[04:30:00] FOSTER: Welcome back to our viewers in the United States and around the world, I'm Max Foster in London. A momentous day in Zimbabwe, Emmerson Mnangagwa, known in Zimbabwe as the "Crocodile" is being sworn in as interim President. You're looking at pictures here from the capital, Harare.

Mnangagwa's career was almost entirely hitched to his predecessor, Robert Mugabe. Under Mugabe, a once prosperous nation though, was led into economic ruin.

The new President has a strong backing from the country's elites and the military, but ultimately it's up to the people of Zimbabwe, whether he will stay in power after next year's election.

Now under Mugabe's long lasting regime, dissent was punished with violence. Since his resignation, there has been jubilation on the streets of the capital. Our Farai Sevenzo visited parts of Harare. There's reveling in this newfound freedom.


FARAI SEVENZO, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): This is Highfields, one of Harare's oldest townships. Robert Mugabe and Joshua Nkomo, the Founding Fathers of the ruling ZANU-PF have lived here.

Now, it is the stronghold for Morgan Tsvangirai's opposition party, the Movement for Democratic Change, and life here is about survival.

The jobs are informal -- mechanics, market women, barbers and a great deal of an employed youths hustling.


SEVENZO (on camera): It is now a traditionally opposition area, Highfields. This is -- remember -- where Robert Mugabe's people did their Operation Murambatsvina, which means clear out the filth and they raided people's houses on the pretext that they didn't have planning permission. But the aim really was to smash the newly formed Movement for Democratic Change, the opposition's support base, which is all over here.


SEVENZO (voice over): Maxwell is one of those who had his home destroyed in 2005. The father of three used to be a bank manager. Now, he, like so many others, has no job.


MAXWELL TANDARE, HIGHFIELDS RESIDENT: We have actually suffered enough. All of these years. I have been working in the bank for 19 years as a manager. I've got two degrees, but I've got nothing. I am looking around.


SEVENZo (voice over): He is desperate for a chance to vote for change -- freely and fairly.


TANDARE: We must have both of them -- Mnangagwa and Tsvangirai. They must come together. And together, bring the reforms for election. For a proper election to be done. If the election is held now, it's unfair.


SEVENZO (voice over): Unfair because people are so euphoric that right now incoming President Emmerson Mnangagwa has the edge.

The boys at the barbershop are optimistic. In fact, Nyasha, George, Mayesa and Artlo can't even believe they are allowed to speak to us.


SEVENZO (on camera): He is saying to me, he is saying in the Mugabe era, if they would be seen like this, they would have been beaten up for talking to us.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's only that people wanted change. So it's their view that things will change because people wanted change.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You know what? Living in Zimbabwe right now seems to be a bit simpler. Why? You just correct the mistakes of this old man.


SEVENZO: Then everything is back to normal.



SEVENZO (voice over): These school girls tell us they also believe the future is suddenly brighter with Robert Mugabe's departure.

Still, it's in areas like these poor, ignored and proud where the real test of change will be measured.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's time for election, we choose a new President who will make things real good. Yes. I think it's okay that way. But in the meantime, viva Zimbabwe.


SEVENZO (voice over): Farai Sevenzo, CNN, Highfields, Harare.


FOSTER: Well, the climax of this whole process is about to take place in Harare, where Mnangagwa will be sworn in as President and this is the process of an inauguration. We will take you live there as that process happens and also for the speech he is expected to make which many people are keen to hear. What's his plan for the future of Zimbabwe?

Now, it's been a deadly holiday for U.S. law enforcement. In Texas, a suspect has been arrested after the fatal shooting of a State Trooper.

Authorities say, 41-year-old Damon Allen was killed after he pulled a driver over South of Dallas on Thursday. They say Allen was returning to his patrol vehicle when the suspect fired several shots with a rifle.

And in Michigan, the Sheriff's Office says one of its deputies was killed when a driver fleeing from police deliberately drove into him.

Officer Eric Overall had just deployed tire spikes to slow the suspect's car and was hit when the driver swerved. A 22-year-old man was arrested at the scene.

You're watching CNN NEWSROOM. Still to come, the crackdown on dissent in China that is increasingly targeting lawyers and activists. We will bring you some of their stories, next. (COMMERCIAL BREAK)

[04:37:58] FOSTER: A truly momentous day in Zimbabwe, Emmerson Mnangagwa is being sworn as interim President. You're looking like pictures from the capital, Harare. David Mackenzie is there for us, as well. Take us through the process -- David.

MCKENZIE: So you hear the cheers. Let's listen for a second, Max. There you have Emmerson Mnangagwa walking along the stage. He is set to go to the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe who will swear him in as the interim President of this country after 37 years under Robert Mugabe.

The stadium is packed behind me. You really get an electric sense of the atmosphere here. Many people I've been speaking to, Max, say that this is a day they would never miss.

They've been coming in buses, moving in on foot and coming into the stadium here, the National Stadium here in Zimbabwe, and coming to witness history as you awaits -- as we await Emmerson Mnangagwa to swear in. Let's take a look.

LUKE MALABA, ZIMBABWEAN CHIEF JUSTICE: ... ninety six, Subsection 1 of the Constitution. The formal President of the Republic of Zimbabwe by written notice must notify the Speaker of Parliament of his resignation from Office of the President.

[04:40:06] MALABA: And whereas in terms of Paragraph 14, Subparagraph 4B of the set schedule of the Constitution, if vacancy in the office of the President must be filled by a nominee of the political party, which the former President represented.

And whereas in terms of Paragraph 14, Subparagraph 5 of the set schedule, the ruling party ZANU-PF has nominated Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa as the candidate -- as the party's candidate to assume the office of the President.

And whereas in terms of Section 94 of the Constitution, the President must take before the Chief Justice, the oath of President in the form set out in the said schedule.

Now, therefore, I, Luke Malaba, Chief Justice of the Republic of Zimbabwe, do hereby call upon you, Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa to take the Oath of President.

EMMERSON DAMBUDZO MNANGAGWA, ZIMBABWEAN PRESIDENT: I, Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa swear that as President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, I will be faithful to Zimbabwe and obey, uphold and defend the Constitution and all other laws of Zimbabwe, and that I will promote whatever will advance and oppose whatever may harm Zimbabwe.

That I will protect and promote the rise of the people of Zimbabwe.

That I will discharge my duties with all my strength to the best of my knowledge and ability and the true predicates of my constituency and that I will devote myself to the wellbeing of Zimbabwe and his people. So, help me God.

(Cheering and Applause)

[04:45:11] MCKENZIE: So Max, from here, you saw that historic moment here in the National Stadium in Zimbabwe, shaking the hands of the Chief Justice. The crowd cheering in wild celebration as Emmerson Mnangagwa had been sworn in as only the second leader Zimbabwe has ever known.

He read through that solemn Oath of Office with the Chief Justice. He just signed that Oath and throughout Zimbabwe and throughout the millions of Zimbabweans across the world as you know, they are watching this moment in history.

So people, a couple of weeks ago would never have imagined that you would have this apparent thing in this country pushing out Robert Mugabe, the 93-year-old leader that ended in a peaceful transition that was completed just moments ago here in Harare.

It will be a day of celebration and then perhaps a day of reckoning for the new interim President. Here is a country hopefully to journey into a new direction.

He was the right-hand man of Robert Mugabe, but he has promised to unite Zimbabweans to bring back the economy of the people and to bring jobs -- jobs, jobs -- as he put it to this country.

What an incredible moment. Cheers with some trepidation, but certainly, Max, everyone here in the stadium is elated to see a new ruler be sworn in here in Zimbabwe, Max.

FOSTER: It's really an extraordinary moment, isn't it? Listening to the sound coming from that stadium, as each moment of this process plays out in front of that huge audience and the world, of course.

I mean, we're watching it here. All our viewers are watching it on CNN all around the world.

What might confuse some people though, is how this is so defining when this was Mugabe's right-hand man for so many decades. I mean, is that really a huge difference here in policy?

MCKENZIE: Well, that's a great question. But we cannot overestimate how Zimbabweans feel about the moment when Robert Mugabe voluntarily resigned though under immense pressure, I'd have to say from the military.

Because you saw those crowds that we were right inside with that celebration when Mugabe stepped down. That was genuine emotion.

As the crowd cheers because as you will see on your television sets, the sash of the President put on Emmerson Mnangagwa, that moment was genuine where they saw the back of Robert Mugabe and this country still riding on that emotion, I think. Though this man is painted by the politics of Robert Mugabe, to many

people here, they just want a clean break. They say 37 years under Mugabe couldn't get any worse, so they are hoping that perhaps now, there will be something better for them and their families in Zimbabwe -- Max.

FOSTER: He is going to have to differentiate himself, isn't he on that basis from Mugabe and the previous regime. So a huge amounts of pressure now, on the speech we're expecting him to make in the next half an hour or so.

MCKENZIE: Well, that's right. Everyone looking within Zimbabwe and all the international community will be looking at the speech, because they want to hear a message of inclusiveness and a new direction from Emmerson Mnangagwa.

As you say, he is the right-hand man or was the right-hand man of Mugabe. People will be watching this speech extremely closely, because if he talks about any direction, if he welcomes all Zimbabweans to join to lead this country out of the mess that it is in, they might get pause and say, "Well, perhaps it's worth giving this man a moment, and giving him a chance, despite his checkered history, to lead this country in that new direction."

Also, the international community might be hoping he'll say something about elections that might be optimistic, but he is required by the Constitution to hold -- to call for elections before August next year.

If there is a free and fair elections, then perhaps the blockade on certain individuals, including this man who has just sworn in as President might be looked at. He is under U.S. sanctions and I spoke to the Ambassador here who said, "Well, if Mnangagwa holds those free elections. If he is someone who opens up the rule at least, a discussion to the opposition, then perhaps they will partner with him."

I can tell you, there'll be a lot of goodwill, and a lot of money coming in if he can prove to the world and to Zimbabweans (AUDIO GAP) if he is just another Mugabe by another name -- Max.

[04:50:00] FOSTER: Yes, what sort of conditions of the opposition attaching to all of this because they're allowing, you know, an unelected leader to take control of the country over the next few months.

Presumably, they need that guarantee of free and fair elections or they're not going to continue supporting this man that we're seeing second to the top job right now.

MCKENZIE: I think it might be too strong to say they are actively supporting him, they are giving him a chance. They are kind of giving him space to be sworn in and then see how he will act. That is the big question.

The opposition has very little power at this moment because ZANU-PF, the ruling party, they have purged through this coup and we shouldn't forget that. Not just Mugabe, but all his allies, as we listen to the crowd cheer as they have a view of the generals who helped push through this coup.

They will have to really give him some space, I think because ZANU-PF is revitalized at this moment and the opposition pushed aside. We expect that speech might be coming soon.

And Max, because of that, it's really about Mnangagwa and the ruling party and what they do, less about what the opposition does at this moment.

FOSTER: So Mnangagwa, the new President or the interim president, at least of Zimbabwe. He has just been sworn in, about to make a speech, which will have the world's attention justifiably because he is marking an end to decades of rule -- authoritarian ruled effectively by President Robert Mugabe, his predecessor.

He is looking forward to a future and that's going to have to be a fair and free future, David, I'm a right if, you know, the neighboring countries are going to allow this process to play out as much as the opposition.

MCKENZIE: That's right. They will. They will get some space. And you hear the cheering because Emerson Mnangagwa, the new interim President is getting a handshake and a salute from the military leaders.

And I can't overstate how critical the military was in all of this. This was a coup. This was a coup that then was followed up by kind of a near Constitutional handover. And after the Military came in and said that they would push through and purge the criminal elements as they called it Max of the ruling Party, they then kind of kicked off this series of events that could have been a very nasty impeachment of Robert Mugabe, but the end of that being a resignation.

We also know that the military, Max, had negotiated immunity for Robert Mugabe. This man that presided over such a collapse of this economy and is accused of so many human rights abuses. There will be people who will question that decision who wanted to see Robert Mugabe and his couture prosecuted, but of course, one key member of that group was Emmerson Mnangagwa.

So by getting that immunity, they ensure that Mugabe left the scene willingly and they can install their new man as President, but this is as much as much a Family Feud within ZANU-PF as it is an apparent coup -- Max.

FOSTER: Yes, so a very symbolic moment there watching the military go up and effectively relinquish control to Mnangagwa. They engineered this whole process, didn't they? And the priority seem to be not allowing Robert Mugabe's wife take the position that Mnangagwa was destined for.

MCKENZIE: Well, that's absolutely right. This is all about pushing the aspirations of Grace Mugabe aside and the man who is speaking -- who will be speaking is the man who really was orchestrating this military coup from the headquarters of the military here in Zimbabwe and what we've heard from Mnangagwa interestingly, is that he was in constant contact with these military leaders, with the generals during this process.

We know from opposition sources that for a long time, even several years, there were discussions going on about this eventuality, this possibility that they'd have to push Mugabe aside if he was unwilling to go.

Ultimately, it was Grace Mugabe, the First Lady who seemed to reach too high to have aspirations to the presidency and by they say, orchestrating the styling of the Vice President that kicked off this extraordinary series of events, that is what brought us to this moments in this stadium, in the capital of Mnangagwa being sworn in as only the second leader that this nation has ever known.

[04:55:04] FOSTER: So we're expecting the speech any moment now. We'll bring that to the viewers as we receive it. The other big test people will be looking for from Mnangagwa and the speech coming up is, you know, a commitment really to dismantle the Mugabe power structure, right, within ZANU-PF and the government.

MCKENZIE: Well, that's right. There seems like he signed on the dotted line again. From the cheers of the crowd, it seems like it is signed and sealed and we'll be hearing from the interim President soon.

Look, we don't know how Mnangagwa is going to deal with the military in the next few weeks and months and we do know though that there will be immense pressure for him to make a clean break from Mugabe.

But I think he'll first consolidate his power within the ruling ZANU- PF, Max before he makes any kind of moves, obviously towards the opposition's challenge, Max.

FOSTER: Quick question on the government he may form, well, do you expects ZANU-PF to continue governing on their own, or do you think Mnangagwa might bring in the opposition to form some sort of coalition to really show his commitment to reform?

MCKENZIE: I don't think you'll see a coalition in the short term. Again, I might be proven wrong on that. But what you might see is that he does some perhaps symbolic decisions about the Cabinet to bring in an opposition member or a popular minster or two that might have been sacked by the Mugabe regime.

So we don't know just yet. This is all unchartered territory for Zimbabwe and you know, it's interesting to see rulers from around the continent, Max, coming here to witness this moment. The African Union members, regional bloc, they are compelled to move in and intervene if there is a coup, but it seems like everyone has been surprisingly letting this unfold and to see whether they can sort of move through this moment -- Max.

FOSTER: David, thank you. David there in the heart of a real moment in modern African history as Mnangagwa takes over from decades of authoritarian rule by Robert Mugabe, whom he used to work with very closely.

Now, he has to prove his reform. We are going to test that in the speech come out from him and we'll bring that to you live.

I'm Max Foster in London. Thanks for joining us this hour. For our viewers in the U.S., "Early Start" is coming up for you. The rest of you, we will have more from Harare and the inauguration and address of President of Emmerson Mnangagwa.


ANNOUNCER: This is CNN Breaking News.

FOSTER: I'm Max Foster in London. Moments away from hearing from Zimbabwe's new President, Emmerson Mnangagwa. He was sworn just a few minutes ago. He is expected to make his inaugural address as President of the people of Zimbabwe any moment now.

So a big, big moment there. David McKenzie is live for us in the stadium.

The atmosphere just seems electric, David.

MCKENZIE: That's right. The atmosphere have been electric and while we were going through break, what you missed was the heads of the various security services signing effectively their allegiance to the interim President. A very telling moment.

You had the Police Commissioner get up who was roundly booed by the crowd and then screaming in unison, "Let him go. Let him go." Because the police were seen as a --
