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Amtrak Train Derailment In Washington Causes Multiple Fatalities; Antoine Griezmann "Sorry For Blackface Photo"; Froome Calls Adverse Drug Test Horrible Situation. Aired 2-3a ET

Aired December 19, 2017 - 02:00   ET


ISHA SESAY, CNN ANCHOR: This is CNN Newsroom live from Los Angeles ahead this hour a deadly derailment. An Amtrak passenger train on an inaugural route in Washington state flies off the track. Plus Trump's doctor and the U.S. President and his American Press close in into an official national security strategy, and the worsening humanitarian crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo, why more than 5,000 people are fleeing their homes each and every day.

Hello on to our viewers all around the world I am Isha Sesay and Newsroom LA starts right now. U.S. Federal Investigators are trying to figure out what caused a deadly train derailment in Washington State. At least three people were killed and more than one hundred others injured when an Amtrak train careened off the track Monday.

Thirteen of the train's fourteen cars derailed, some of them plunging off an overpass onto a busy highway. The train was making its first trip on a new route, and investigators from the NTSB were looking very closely at the track, railroad signals, and at how fast the train was going, more now from CNN's Kyung Lah.

KYUNG LAH, CNN CORRESPONDANT: On its very first day, on its very first run this Amtrak train derails nearly every single passenger car came off the track onto interstate 5 below. Passengers described the chaos. They were traveling they think at 70 to 80 miles per hour and then suddenly the crash happened and they were flying. You can hear the panic as the first emergency went out.

UNIDENTIFIED: Amtrak 501, emergency, emergency, emergency. We are on the ground. We were coming around the corner to take the bridge over I5 there right north into Squally and we went on the ground.

UNIDENTIFIED: OK, are you - is everybody OK?

UNIDENTIFIED: I'm still figuring that out, we've got cars everywhere and down onto the highway.

LAH: And what you're look at are warning signs. There are a number of these posted all along the railroad tracks because they're trying to warn drivers that a new train line is running through this community. This is an idea that was fought by at least one local mayor who said it was simply too dangerous to let Amtrak trains run at this rate of speed through this community. Kyung Lah, CNN, Tacoma, Washington. SESAY: Daniel Konzelman was in his car when the train derailed. He

jumped out to help people trapped on the train. He joins us now from DuPont in Washington State. Daniel take us through that moment when you realized something had gone so terribly wrong.

DANIEL KONZELMAN, TRAIN DERAILMENT WITNESS: Yes, I was headed South on the Interstate parallel to the tracks and I saw the train go by us at a high rate of speed and when we came to the sort of the traffic congestion underneath the train bridge it took me a second to realize that it was a train that was hanging off of the bridge and it was at that moment that I realized that it was train and I assessed sort of the gravity of the situation.

And it was pretty surreal, but I guess within a couple seconds I was able to collect myself and do my best to get to the site of action and do what I could to help the passengers who were affected.

SESAY: So, Daniel tell me about that. You - it's remarkable and commendable that you were able to like you said pull yourself together. You got out of the car, you headed over to the actual crash site. Tell me what you did first.

KONZELMAN: Yes, so we actually we were able to get off the interstate and drive around to the bluff overlooking the tracks and kind of climb down the ravines to the tracks so that we could access the bridge because the bridge was kind of blocked off. And at first there was a couple people that had gotten out of the train with head injuries and in shock.

And Alisha Hoverson and I - she was with me, just started doing what first responders do. Just sort of assessing the injuries and trying to lead people down to the roads so that when the aid arrived they could be treated and then working our way through the train cars one at a time trying to find injured passengers or anybody who might need help.

SESAY: Daniel tell me about from what you just heard if I heard correctly you actually got inside a train car, is that correct?

KONZELMAN: Yes, Isha. I went through probably seven of the fourteen train cars. Some of them were upside down. Some of them had, not exploded, but been pretty mangled and torn apart. We found people in conditions anywhere from uninjured and able to walk out to pinned underneath the cars and you know to deceased. One of the train cars I came into there's, I think, 33 people that deceased. And three that were pinned underneath it so it was pretty critical situation and unfortunately, it was, the accident was so large that it took the first, even after, the first responders got there, the medics, it took them a while to collect themselves and figure out where people needed the most attention because there were so many train cars. And then, there were involved too.

I think it was really helpful to have people who have been there on the, on the scene for a few minutes to kind of direct the first responders. Like hey, this is where most serious injuries are, this is where we need to place the most attention. SESAY: So (Daniel), just for our viewer and me, from also curiously, do you have any medical training? I mean, obviously you're retelling the story now and you had a few hours and you're calm but it does sound as you tell that you were pretty calm while you were attending to those who were wounded and just in a such a desperate situation.

KONZELMAN: Sure. I was, I grew up as Boy Scouts, I'm an Eagle Scout and I've done a lot of mountaineering and I guess, been in a lot of situations where it pays to stay calm and I know that. So, going into this, I had pretty good idea of what I was, potentially, walking into. So, I kind of mentally prepared myself for the worse while hooping for the best. And, I saw both but yeah, I contribute a lot of, I guess, my experience today to just what I've learned in Boys Scouts through emergency response and First Aid and all those kinds of things that they teach you.

How to stay calm, how to communicate with people who are injured and victims of some sort of accident like this, just sort of regulating the situation, the environment, leading and directing as needed. And then, when (adorize), kind of letting them take over. But, I felt that it was my responsibility until they, they showed up to sort of lead the situation when nobody else really knew how or understood what needed to be done.

SESAY: Well, you did a good thing, you did a good thing. And, many people are grateful to you and we're grateful that you were such a good, a good scout.

Daniel, thank you, thank you for taking the time out just to share your experiences. We are all appreciate it, thank you. Daniel Konzelman joining us there.

SESAY: A remarkable young man.

Well the U.S. President unveils his new national security strategy, calling for quote, a great reawakening of America. In a speech Monday, Donald Trump acknowledged global threats the U.S. faces but didn't mention election meddling.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We face rogue regime that threaten the United States and allies. We face terrorist organizations Krans (ph) national criminal networks and others who spread violence and evil around the globe.


SESAY: Meantime, President Trump is days away from his first legislative victory. The U.S. House is expected to vote on the compromised tax reform bill later Tuesday while the Senate is set to vote soon afterwards. The final vote could come Tuesday or Wednesday.

SESAY: Joining us here in L.A. (ph), CNN Commentator, democratic strategist, Dave Jacobson and a Republican Consultant, John Thomas and Jessica Levinson, Professor and Law Governess at the Loyola Law School. Welcome to you all, glad to have you with us.

Do you have any reason to believe that this tax bill, given everything that we know now, this point and time, will not be voted on in the next couple of days and the President have it on his desk to sign before Christmas?

JOHN THOMAS, CNN REPUBLICAN CONSULTANT: I don't, I mean, they have to get this done immediately, especially what happened in Alabama. There's shifting in the Senate so they have to get this done. McCain has been a bit of a wild card. He went back to Arizona due to health issues but I don't see any reason why this won't pass. And, as Jim McCrossin (ph) pointed out that they got the Vice President there for belt suspenders. SESAY: Dave, how surprised are you to hear that the low and hold out

(ph) in the Senate last time, Bob Corker has changed his position. He's doing switcheroo and despite being a defecate hawk (ph) now first, he's going to go for this because it's a progess (ph) bill?

DAVE JACOBSON, CNN COMMENTATOR AND DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: I don't think you can count his vote until the final vote is ultimately--

SESAY: Do you think that he might still--

JACOBSON: Well look, I think we should expect the unexpected, the Republicans and Donald Trump thought that the ACA repeal and the GOP House Bill to repeal and replace Obamacare and institute their own plan was going to pass. They felt confident of that, they had that big press conference at The Rose Garden and then it crumbled in the Senate and so at the end of the day you've got Susan Collins who hasn't come out and forcefully said guaranteed you got my vote, I'm moving forward. Thad Cochran and is also out on health issues and so I think this is up in the air. I think Republicans are likely to pass this, but at the end of the day until they do, we can't really count this--

THOMAS: I think it's just a lot easier for Republicans to agree on tax reform than it is on the repeal and replacement of Obamacare.

SESAY: Yes I think that that's clearly the case and John a Wall Street Journal, NBC poll release in November had only 25 percent of Americans stating that they thought this bill was a good idea. For a lot of people the message war has been lost with this tax bill, a lot of ordinary Americans think that this is a bill that basically is a give away to rich people and corporations. Is this going to be something that helps Republicans come 2018?

THOMAS: Well first of all the low approval numbers of the bill is not surprising to me because the person who pushes the bill has been President Trump. His approval ratings are low so when he's saying believe me--

SESAY: It's lower than the president's because the last one had them at 32--

THOMAS: Well no that's true but I'm just saying I wouldn't expect it to be high and then of course a lot of Americans don't even pay taxes so I wouldn't -- they're not looking for tax cuts because they don't pay taxes. But I think at the end of the day, this tax bill is going to be a huge boon to the Republicans and to the Trump brand because as we fully anticipated when we saw the New York Fed release estimates today that we might be hitting four percent GDP in the next quarter. If that hits and the economy does take off in part because of this bill and the Middle Class Americans, despite the rhetoric from Democrats, see a tax break this is something on in the mid-terms.

SESAY: You know what I hear a lot of; if, if, if, if, if, if and that's the whole point with this tax bill. But it's not paying for itself, it's predicated on lots of ifs, on the infrastructure bill passing, it's predicated on this growth in the economy. And then what -- I mean you can't say for certain that it's going to pay for itself on these unknowns, Dave.

JACOBSON: Well and here's the other issue and I think I've said this before but trickledown economics hasn't worked in the past, clearly Donald Trump we just showed a couple of minutes didn't support the 1980 tax cut, it didn't work during the Bush Administration, it's not going to work this time around. The fact of the matter is this is a massive handout to Wall Street fat cats and millionaires and billionaires on the backs of working families. This represents a bold transfer of wealth from poor and working class folks to the wealthiest individuals in this country.

It gives away permit tax cuts to big corporations and creates a sunset on taxes on middle class families. That -- and then it raises taxes on folks, like one-tenth of the country lives in the State of California, taxes are going up in California; taxes are going up in New York and New Jersey.

THOMAS: And it cuts taxes on middle class Americans in those fly-over states that voted for Donald Trump.

JACOBSON: And it adds $1.5 trillion to the deficit.

SESAY: OK as your both glaring at each other, I'm going to move away from this and I'm going to bring in Jessica Levinson now who's been sitting there patiently because I do want to turn our attention to this whole Mueller investigation, Jessica. It's being reported that the president is expecting this investigation -- the special counsel investigation to wrap up pretty swiftly and receive a letter of full exoneration; however, this is what The Washington Post is reporting, I want to put it up on screen. It says this in a publication a short time ago:

"People with knowledge of the investigation said it could last at least another year - pointing to ongoing cooperation from witnesses such as former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos and former national security adviser Michael Flynn, as well as a possible trial of two former Trump campaign officials. The special counsel's office has continued to request new documents related to the campaign, and members of Mueller's team have told others they expect to be working through much of 2018, at a minimum."

So I guess the question is where do you stand on these timelines, these opposing timelines, Jessica?

JESSICA LEVINSON, PROFESSOR, LOYOLA LAW SCHOOL: Well I mean it's the holiday season and a lot of people want to believe in Santa Claus and a lot of people want to believe that this Mueller investigation is going to wrap up really quickly but I have some terrible news for them. I don't think this is going to wrap up quickly for exactly the reasons that The Washington Post article detailed; one this is a big investigation and it's important to note, we say the Russia investigation, but I think that there are actually a number of different cases against a number of different individuals that we're really talking about and the important thing that the article mentions which I think is absolutely true, is that they're still in the information gathering phase.

So they're still getting information both from individuals and despite their efforts to kind of undermine the integrity of the Mueller investigation by saying that they're improperly obtaining documents dealing with the transition team, they're also obtaining a number of documents so again when you say a big and complicated investigation such as this one, and I don't want to make it sound like this is a normal investigation that we do every day, but when you see a big and complicated investigation such as this one and I don't want to make it sound like this is a normal investigation that we do everyday, but when you see a big and complicated investigation, it is easy for that to continue for years and it doesn't mean the investigators are dragging their feet, it means they're methodically going through a lot of testimony and a lot of evidence.

SESAY: I want to bring up one of those e-mails that you mentioned because that is nearly a bone of contention, if you will, between the Trump Administration and Mueller's team.

They're saying that e-mails obtained from the transition, so before the President, when he was President-elect Trump, had been handed over to Mueller. They are saying that was illegally done. I do want to put up Mueller's spokesman's quote, what he said on Sunday.

He said, when we have obtained e-mails in the course of our ongoing criminal investigation, we have secured either the account owners consent or appropriate criminal process. And as you look at the situation with what we know right now, do you see, sense, suspect illegality on the part of Mueller's team as is alleged by some on the Trump side?

LEVINSON: I don't and I think it's really important for us to separate two things. One, is a political effort from the opponents of the Mueller investigation to undermine the integrity of the investigation and there's just been a very concerted effort and a very specific narrative where they're calling into question those who are doing the investigation and their tactics in terms of how they're investigating.

Such as, for instance, obtaining e-mails from the transition team. Now with respect to the legal claim, I think what's important to remember is, that we're talking about e-mails in which the end of the e-mail address is .gov, in which it's been reported that the transition team was told, if law enforcement asked for this information we will give it over.

Now in both of those instances, it's very difficult to contend that you have an expectation of privacy. I understand that President Trump's attorney for the transition has sited to an old statute and an old case to show that he thinks these transitions teams are not public documents, that they're actually private. I think the better legal argument, really, is it's very difficult to claim there's an expectation of privacy.

And again, let's thing of who's doing this investigation. It's Robert Mueller who's leading the best known, best watched investigation in the country. This would be a huge and surprising misstep if he really illegally obtained this information.

SESAY: Some great perspective there Jessica. We thank you. I want to turn to the gentlemen with me in the studio, quickly. John, conservative commentators, law makers seem to be going all out to discredit Mueller and his team, but the question has to be asked, if the President did go ahead and fire Mueller, I mean just speculating, wouldn't that just cause way more problems for him?

THOMAS: No, not a massive problem. I think that's even why President Trump is putting to rest the rumors and that's all they were, by democratic law makers this last weekend, that he's looking to fire Mueller. Because I think he -- the President understands and advisors close to the President say that his main mistake in office was firing Comey.

I think the President recognizes that, as much as he would like this whole investigation to go away because it certainly is a cloud on his administration, he realizes that it's on it's way and hopefully it ends soon. But, I don't think he's going to take action.

JACOBSON: Well, can I also just say that like the President can't fire Bob Mueller, it's Rob Rosenstein, who's the Deputy Attorney General, who's overseeing these Special Counsel in the investigation.

SESAY: But he could fire Rob Rosenstein--

JACOBSON: If he doesn't follow through.

SESAY: --the General then could then come in and then Robert Mueller--

JACOBSON: Correct. And then it's like a Saturday night massacre, right? Like what we saw with Nixon administration. So, I think that's the bigger issue. But look, I think optically, like Republicans, Fox News channel, which is the propaganda arm of the Trump administration, they're trying to muddy the waters and discredit Mueller, obviously, because they want this to look like a partisan investigation rather than a law and order one.

But the fact of the matter is, Bob Mueller served under two terms of President Bush and under Barack Obama. This guy was the head of the FBI. He's got a master integrity-- THOMAS: It's true. It's true, but Mueller's not the issue, it's actually the deputies that are doing the investigation like Peter Strzok or anti-Trump and pro-Hillary, that's the contention--

SESAY: --can go down that rabbit hole. So John Thomas, Dave Jacobson and Jessica Levinson also with us. My thanks to all of you. Thank you.

Well coming up, South African's ruling party has a new leader and he could become the countries next president. Details ahead. And still to come, a look at the worsening humanitarian situation in Congo. Why some are calling it a mega crisis.


SESAY: Hello everyone South Africa's ruling party has elected a new leader. The African National Congress has chosen 65 year old Cyril Ramaphosa to replace Jacob Zuma. Zuma remains president of South Africa for now, but he's being severely weakened by corruption scandals. Ramaphosa who has called for reforms will be the ANC's presidential candidate in the 2019 election and he's widely expected to win.

Well know where have more people been driven from their homes in the first six months of this year then in the democratic republic of Congo. The internal displacement monitoring census says more than one point seven million people have been displaced by violence.

Congo was thrown (inaudible) after it's president refused to step down at the end of this second term last December that's what busy protest in places and government forces have been fighting in sergeants since August, triggering fears of wide spread conflict. Well Ulrika Blom joins us now from the city of Goma (ph) in eastern Congo near Rwanda and she is a country director and spokeswoman for the Norwegian Refugee Council. Ulrika thank you so much for being with us.

As we have said the UN Refugee Agency and its partners have upgraded the situation in DRC to level three. The highest level of emergency. Can you describe for us how this crisis is playing out on the ground, what you are seeing?

ULRIKA BLOM, SPOKESWOMAN, NORWEGIAN REFUGEE COUNCIL : Well in terms of what, what is this crisis? It is an extreme number of newly displaced that has occurred during the last two years. Reaching one point seven million newly displaced this year. It is also a very underfunded crisis. Meaning that many of the persons displaced are not assisted in the way they should and we see now that food (ph) and security hence they just - and protection cases are increasing.

And that is very worrying.

SESAY: And what is remarkable about the crisis in DRC is that we are seeing people flee form multiple regions in the country. And when you say that people aren't getting the level of assistance that they should be getting. What are they getting right now? I mean set the bar for us. BLOM: Yes you can say that - one way of looking at it is that it is

only - half of the planned response that has been funded. It's less than 50% of the humanitarian response plan that actually was funded in 2017. And that mean that many displaced are not assisted and we see in the newly - the areas that had been newly displaced and included in conflict, that there are multiple displacement places and areas where there is no response at all.

And that people are leaving and there very dire situation.

SESAY: Wow. So there are areas where their not getting any assistance at all. What are we hearing in terms of loss of life? What are we hearing in terms of types of diseases that are springing up in these kinds of conditions? How are people coping?

BLOM: You know of course it is a very difficult situation and we want to, to, to [alert] on that. We know for example in Tangonista (ph) that in some areas, there hasn't been any assistance since displacement occurred in June. But we can also say on a global level that the food and security has (ph) during 2017, increased with (ph) 30 percent and corn and rye (ph) (inaudible) is also spreading in the country.

And this is the result of lack of assistance and lack of getting access to food. When people are displaced in massive numbers, they are not able to -- to plant and they cannot ensure their own food security and are really (ph) dependent on assistance from the humanitarian response. And when we are not able to do that and reach them, the food and security and (ph) malnutrition, of course, increases.

And in the end, if this is not addressed, people will of course die.

SESAY: Ulrika, how much is this displacement across multiple parts of the country -- just to stress that for our viewers at home -- how much is this being driven by the political instability surrounding the president and his -- and his refusal to hold elections?

BLOM: Well, it's very difficult to -- to -- to say for me what -- what is the root causes on the conflict. What we can say is that it is spreading and its multiple reasons for the displacement. And there are inter-communal conflicts. And the consequences is now that we have already 7.3 million in need of assistance in 2017 and we are expecting an increase in 2018 of over 50 percent in terms of need -- persons that are in need of assistance.

SESAY: My goodness. Those are staggering numbers. It has been described as a mega crisis. It's -- it is hard to wrap our heads around it. Ulrika Blom, we appreciate you joining us to give us some perspective on what it happening in DRC. We're going to continue to follow this story very, very closely. So we want to thank you for joining us. Much appreciated.

BLOM: Thanks. Thanks. (ph)

SESAY: Wow. Now, rival powers. U.S. President Donald Trump put a new label on Russia and China in his national security speech and many are trying to figure out what that might mean. We're going to be taking a closer look when we come back.


[02:30:06] SESAY: You're watching CNN NEWSROOM live from Los Angeles. I am Issa Sesay. The headlines this hour, investigations will try to determine if speed or other factors caused Monday's deadly derailment of an Amtrak's passenger train. Three people were killed and more than 100 suffered injuries, 113 of the train's 14 cars jumped the truck in Washington State. The train was traveling a new route. Many of the cars fell off an overpass onto a busy highway.

U.S. President Trump extended his populous campaign message to his National Security special speech. He highlighted U.S. economic growth and called Russia and China rival powers who are challenging America's influence in wealth. One thing he didn't mention accusations that Russia was involved in U.S. election meddling. Well, let's take a closer look at Mr. Trump's National Security speech. We're joined in Hong Kong by Kristie Lu Stout. And here in Los Angeles the CNN's National Security Analyst Gayle Tzemach Lemmon who is also a Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. Kristie, welcome to you both ladies. Kristie, to you first. How is the president's speech and specifically those comments and the highlighted, pointed tone regarding China, how is that going over where you are?

KRISTIE LU STOUT, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Yes. We're still awaiting official comment from Ministry of Foreign Affairs here in Beijing. That comment got out just a couple of hours. Now we'll be closely monitoring that. But it's safe to say that the already complicated relationship between U.S. and China just got a lot more complicated on the back of this new security plan issued by Donald Trump and which he calls out China along with Russia is a major power that is challenging America's interest overseas across multiple domains, political, economic and military. And Isha it comes and starts contrast to that warm cordial meeting that we witnessed just a month ago in Beijing where we saw the two presidents Xi Jinping and Donald Trump showcasing that warm personal bond.

Now, since that we've seen a hardening of Trump's China stands recalling his anti-China weather from the campaign trail. Keep in mind after that meeting in Beijing when he was at the Apex Summit in Vietnam, Donald Trump said that he will not tolerate chronic trade abuses by any other countries. (INAUDIBLE) revealed reference that he made to China. And now we have this new strategic plan. Again we're waiting calling from China but ahead of this report we did hear from the spokesperson of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hua Chunying. And she offered this measured response and anticipation of this hawkish report that was going to be due out by Donald Trump. And she chose to emphasize corporation over competition. And we've also monitoring reaction in state-run media in China from the China Daily out today in Op-Ed saying this, "There is clearly room for the two sides to work closely together not least on issues of common concern such as the nuclear weapons program of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. However, with Trump promoting economic strength is being indispensable

for National Security there are likely to be exacerbated frictions over trade where the two countries are already at odds with U.S. following in all-for-itself path and China advocating further global trade and investment liberalization for the benefit for all." So that's the China Daily there Isha saying expect a rocky road ahead. Again we're waiting fresh comment from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China and also let's be frank here we're awaiting any actual policy to come out of the Trump administration on the back of this report. Back to you.

SESAY: Uh-hmm. Kristie, I appreciate the insight. Thank you so much. Turning to you Gayle with me here in the studio. I think Kristie said something really striking. The fact that this (INAUDIBLE) Regarding this harsh tone from Trump regarding China today is in contrast to what we saw when President Trump was in Asia. Well, it brings up the point about this document where you know -- what is the gap between what is said and what is done.

GAYLE TZEMACH LEMMON, CNN CONTRIBUTOR: Yes. And I think there are words on a page and there are facts on the ground. And the truth is this is the president who has wanted to have a fairly cordial relationship certainly in person with both Chinese and Russian leaders, right? And yet when you look at what's on the page both China and Russia are singled out. And we see a shift in tone from the Obama era talk of cooperation to real talk about competition. And what is also surprising is that in this administration which has been known for up-ending a lot of what we think of is conventional politics. This is a pretty conventional foreign policy document, right? And it is the earliest and longest National Security strategy. Right.

SESAY: That's right. That's right. Six to eight pages. I think the little five pages longer than Obama's.

LEMMON: And actually the first president who wanted to actually get his out in the first year of his administration. So I think in some ways people are surprised by just how conventional this leader who we've now come to know as really a disrupter or somebody up in a lot of what we think is conventional with truly is when it comes to the form policy outlook based on that page.

SESAY: To talk about Russia for a second the point has been made but I also want to get your thoughts on it that even though the document itself specifically in more languages -- more language references. Russia using tools to undermine democracy.

[02:35:12] The lines in the document that the president doesn't actually explicitly reference 2016 interference and what we are to make of that. Clearly again it is again that the discord if you will between the president's own views and this National Security establishment.

LEMMON: Pardon. There's always a gap between what is written and what is said but here it does seem particularly striking and I do think you see a lot of people trying to figure which version should we follow?

SESAY: That's right. LEMMON: Right. Which version is administrative --

SESAY: Especially he seems very clear on that gap.

LEMMON: Yes. Then I think -- look -- in every administration has that gap, right? But this one is particularly when you see the language about Russia in this document it does not necessarily mirror the language that you've heard from the president which is who had a fairly cordial exchange of words with Vladimir Putin while the National Security establishment has been far more concerned and far more vocal about what it sees as Russia's role both in 2016 and certainly now going forward.

SESAY: Obviously this was a expansion of America first, a recalibration of Russia first in the context of National Security. But it was about how -- the question was always how would he navigate America first in this context where, you know, for National Security we're still talking about allies and partnerships. How did he do in terms of squaring that?

LEMMON: Well it's fascinating because this document was written by two really experienced hands inside the National Security establishment who worked very hard to get this through. A real labyrinth process in Washington which could make your eyes glaze over honestly just talking about it. But what they did was really bringing this document in that is pretty mainstream conservative, you know, conservative center-right to foreign policy. And he really talked about this is where America's priorities are and they tried to redefine what America first is. Right. And they really did work to use that definition to put America still inside a rules-based order that it helped to create post-world war II. And whether they're able to maintain that going forward is the big question, right because will reality completely up end once more what the words are on the page.

SESAY: Actually I mean it's a frustrating conversation as to whether it's an endorsement to multilateralism at the end of the day. But we're out of time. And Gayle, always great to talk to you, your insight. And Kristie Lu Stout there in Hong Kong. My thanks to both you fine ladies. Thank you. Quick break here on CNN's exclusive report on a slave auction grabbed the world's attention. Now one country is leading the charge to do something about it. We'll tell you where it's happening next.


SESAY: Hello everyone. France is giving dozens of African migrants a shot at a new life.

[02:40:01] The country stepped up to help after CNN's exclusive report on slavery in Libya. It was this video of young men being sold as little as 400 dollars that spot global outrage. France's has organized safe passage flights for dozens of prescreened migrants. 25 of them arrived early Tuesday and moved from Libya taken to Niger and flew to Paris. Also, the international organization from migration plans repatriate 15,000 migrants from Libya by the end of this month. And CNN's Melissa Bell joins us now from Charles de Gaulle in Paris. Melissa, good to see you once again. What do we know about what is happening with these newly arrived refugees? And what's the process? Have they left the airport now? Are they on their way to their new hometown?

MELISSA BELL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: They have Isha. They're on their way to that new life having been given breakfast here. They've been bussed towards Eastern France where they're going to be housed within fairly modest convents for the first few months four in all during which time they'll be given much needed psychological support. We're talking about people who fled war and very dangerous situations, they have been to Libya since this group were evacuated from Libya before being fast-tracked through Niger to Paris. They'll be given French lessons, they'll be given help in trying to prepare for what will be their new life in France. Now, as you mentioned that crucial figure, there's 15,000 refugees, migrants that the IOM is hoping to evacuate from Libya over the course of the next few weeks.

It is a staggering figure, Isha when you consider that 15,000 migrants were evacuated from Libya so far this year. So they're hoping to do that again with that same number 15,000 more over the course of the next few weeks. And this of course in the wake of the report that we've been talking so much about. It is the power of images that have really led to people trying to do all they can to get those most at risk out of Libya and then to try and figure out what should be done for them. And what France has gone here is this new settled policy. That's what we've seen in action here -- what I see this morning at Charles de Gaulle airport. Emannuel Macron wants those being evacuated from Libya to be given the possibility of applying for asylum in countries like France in a third country. So it is a resettlement program and that is what those 25 people who have landed here this morning have benefitted from. We spoke a little earlier to the head of the UNHCR in France about what that resettlement program meant.

RALF GRUENERT, UNHCR, HEAD OF SERVICE: Resettlement provides an opportunity for those who would otherwise not arrive in safe countries such as in Europe. So arriving here is certainly a solution for many of refugees who have -- who are now in Niger who have been evacuated from a very difficult -- from a very difficult situation in Libya. So it is solution for many refugees and we also hope that many other countries will follow the example France is setting with the resettlement here.

BELL: Now that call for action from other countries is crucial, Isha because it is important to remember that the 25 who arrived here this morning that are part of a wider group of 55 themselves part of a wider 3,000 that Emmanuel Macron hopes to give a refuge to here in France as a result of that resettlement program, they really are the lucky ones. If you look just at Chad, the International Office of Migration records there are 80000 migrants currently there and at risk and vulnerable and in urgent need of resettlement. The figure for Niger is over 10,000 so while France is doing all it can it is also looking to other countries in the hope that they too will follow that lead.

SESAY: That certainly is going to require a global response. Melissa Bell is joining us there from Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris. Melissa, I appreciate it. Thank you. Now, while some of us are scrambling to mail out Christmas cards to really some of you. And the British royals are sharing there the week before the holiday. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge along with their two children used this family photo for their Christmas cards and 2018 will be a big year for them. They're expecting their third child in April. And Princess Charlotte will attend nursery school starting in January. Meanwhile, her grandfather Prince Charles and his wife Camilla released this photo of their Christmas card. Happy times. And thank you for watching CNN Newsroom live from Los Angeles. I'm Isha Sesay stay tuned now for world sport. You're watching CNN.


[02:46:11] KATE RILEY, CNN INTERNATIONAL SPORTS ANCHOR: Welcome along to WORLD SPORT. I'm Kate Riley at CNN Center. Fans of the English premier league side Everton must be happy with the decision to make Sam Allardyce their new boss. They are in excellent form right now after winning three of their last four games. The trophies were looking to capitalize on that, on Monday. As they hosted Swansea to Goodison Park we go Everton on the chance to equalize on (INAUDIBLE)

Wayne Rooney, missing a penalty, but the youngster dominated Calvert- Lewin with the rebound regains some time to the (INAUDIBLE) to go level. Come in the second half, Rooney fed the ball to the Gylfi Sigurdsson, who put his team in front to score against his old club Swansea. When Everton were rewarded, the penalty Rooney, stepped up again putting away the disappointment of the 4-4, Everton said. 3-1 it ends to Everton there in ninth.

And here's a look at the table for you then, at the bottom there, Swansea, they need a Christmas miracle if they're to survive. Although the Swans did manage to make it last campaign even though, they were bottom at Christmas back then too. Can lightning strike twice though?

Elsewhere and police in Manchester investigating claims of an attack and racial abuse of the England striker Ryan Sterling. There are reports that the alleged incident happened at city's training ground on Saturday morning.

Meanwhile, the Ford went on to score twice in that day in the Michigan, Scotland. His two goals came late on against the Spurs on Monday. A report was made to the police and it was confirmed an investigation is underway. (INAUDIBLE) the police say they're treating this as a hate crime.

Well, other football news, Antoine Griezmann, the Atletico Madrid star is in hot water after his ill-judged fancy dress costume. The Instagram having it on weekend when footballer decided to dress up as a Harlem Globetrotter basketball player. Well, the La Liga star said, sorry, after a wave of criticism on social media, you can see that he painted his face black there. When it first happened, the footballer are initially tried to defend his post calling people to calm down. Well, eventually that was deleted and he did issue an apology to anyone that he offended. Now, secret of cycling, It had it doping problems, everyone knows about the American rider Lance Armstrong cheating his way to seven Tour de France titles. The custodian of cycling would have us believe their sport is now clean. But recent developments involving Chris Froome are also very troubling. As a four-time Tour de France champion, Froome is very much the figurehead of his sport. However, he's now facing what he described as a horrible situation after he was found to have double the amount of the permitted asthma medication in his system.

Froome does suffer from the condition, and legally he's allowed to take Salbutamol which helps to open up his lungs. He's not supposed to take that much of it, though. The Britain is facing a six-month ban, the loss of his Tour of Spain title, and of course, his reputation would be tarnished too.

This has also brought to the -- for the problem of TUE, Therapeutic Use Exemptions. With some athletes, they can be abused by those with medical condition. Well, earlier our Don Ridell spoke with the Phil Southerland, he's a cycling team boss with a twist, all his riders need TUE's because they're all diabetic. He's hoping to get on the Tour de France by 2021, which would mark the centenary of insolent treatment. Don, started by asking him if cycling can root out the cheats no matter how famous they are.


[02:49:46] PHIL SOUTHERLAND, CEO, TEAM NOVO NORDISK: It seems that it doesn't matter who you are, if you are cheating then, eventually, you will get caught. So, now, the thing that, you know, concerns with me is just with TUE's and people using TUE's and marshal games. And then, maybe pushing those a little bit too far in the gray area, ultimately something like this happens and then there's a huge negative perception on the sport. You know, the reputation of the athletes and then the effect of athletes who have, you know, a vital need for long-term TUE's brings all that into question. So it's never good, but the fact that the tests are working, I think it's proof that, you know, you can begin to trust cycling again.

DON RIDDELL, CNN SPORTS ANCHOR: The acronym TUE is one that of course people within the sports community are very familiar with. Many of our viewers are suspect won know anything about TUE's. So, can you explain for us, what are they and why are they so important?

SOUTHERLAND: Yes, of the TUE's stands for a Therapeutic Use Exemption. So, for example, if you have asthma and you need to take medication then, you just have to get it approved. And this, you know, it's -- we met with all our riders this past week and we have to educate them year after year.

If you go to a doctor and you get to prescription, you have to run it through our doctor first to make sure it's not on the ban list. Or if it is that we get through the proper approvals and procedures so that, you know, it's documented. And that the UCI is aware, that the governing bodies are aware. These athletes, they really, you know, take a look at everything that they're putting in their bodies and their very careful and very sweetness, about what it is? You know, all Athletes, you know, Team Novo Nordisk, all diabetic professional cycling team. Every single one of our athletes has a Therapeutic Use Exemption to use insulin because if we didn't use insulin, we would die.

And, you know, it's a process that we respected the rules, we used to get one-year exemptions for the use of insulin. The UCI is now -- and the world of anti-doping association has given us four years and even eight-year approvals for insulin. And, Team Novo Nordisk has really driven kind of the awareness of diabetes in sport. But if there are, ye, there's a need for them. It takes treat an illness, treat a sickness. It's not -- they're not intended, and they should never be intended to improve performance.

RIDELL: What is the story behind your team, Phil, your project?

SOUTHERLAND: Imagine it's not a coincidence could everybody on the team is diabetic? And agency line.

RIDELL: What are you hoping to achieve?

SOUTHERLAND: Yes, we're hoping to deliver hope to the 425 million people in the world who lived with diabetes and their families. Now, there's 1.2 billion people each and every day who were affected by diabetes. And you know, what we found with our team and our athletes is that exercise is the billion-dollar drug that never gets prescribed.

And so, you know, our athletes are out there to prove that, with diabetes, if you take control, if you live a healthy life you can go out and pursue your dreams. Our mission is to inspire, educate and empower everyone affected by diabetes. And my personal dream now having lived with diabetes 35 years. But an avid cycling fan and racer for, 23 years, since I was 12 years old, is that we get this team to the Tour de France. So that we can really can take our world. So that's the dream, we're working towards it, and we're glad to have more fans each and every day.

RILEY: All right, coming up on the show, back in October, one NFL star had such a bad injury, they thought he might lose a leg. But on Monday, something miraculous happened, we'll show you what that might mean in just a moments time.


[02:55:35] RILEY: Welcome back to the show. Justin Rose has confirmed that his victory at the Indonesian Masters will his last golf tournament of 2017 although a small part of him may want another event (INAUDIBLE) because right now he's on such a hot streak. This was his third win in seven weeks and was also a record-breaking one. Rose finished eight strokes clear of the field on Jakarta on Sunday. The largest margin of a victory year on the Asian Tour this year and the biggest, Rose's illustrious career as well. The 2013 U.S. Open champ, he was runner-up at the mostly like an April ending this tournament how he began with a 10 under par round at 62.

All right, then we'll back in October you may remember, we covered the gruesome injury inflicted upon one of the Chicago best players. Many branded the incident on Titan, the Zach Miller, is one of the worst in the NFL. It was a sickening what happened to his leg against the saints at the time, right before Halloween.

Well, at one point it was thought that they might even have to amputate his leg. But then we saw this on Monday, Miller, taking to social media posting a video of him walking unaided once again -- him walking again so quickly is the result of eight different surgeries. He says he's feeling like a billion bucks, yes, but don't blame him.

All right, we finish with news from the Volvo Ocean Race where despite having a whole ocean to sail in, it hasn't stopped the teams from getting too close to comforts on summer (INAUDIBLE) on the (INAUDIBLE) seas.

Right now, Cruz are on the third leg of the competition, the tough now, is navigating from Cape Town to Melbourne in Australia. They have more than 5,000 nautical miles left before they reach land and the teams are over halfway to their destination now. The front two are neck and neck. And on Monday, we saw Maffrey, having to ease their sails to avoid crashing into their rivals. (INAUDIBLE) the crews are in one of the planet's more isolated places and yet these two, from China, the crews are in one of the planet were isolated places in their seems to look inseparable.

All right, that's it that bring this edition of WORLD SPORT to (INAUDIBLE), thanks for watching. The news is next.