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CNN Newsroom

Benjamin Netanyahu Faces Party Leadership Challenge; GOP Senator Offers First Public Criticism Of Impeachment Strategy; Typhoon Phanfone Kills At Least 16; Royal Family Attends Annual Christmas Day Church Service; Boeing's Public Relations Push To Salvage 737 MAX Jets; Top Nine Trending Entertainment Stories of 2019. Aired 2-2:30a ET

Aired December 26, 2017 - 02:00   ET




JOHN VAUSE, CNN ANCHOR (voice-over): Hello and welcome to our viewers in the United States and around the world. I'm John Vause, live from Studio 7 at CNN World Headquarters.

Coming up on CNN NEWSROOM, with looming criminal indictments and failing to form a government twice, Israel's longest serving prime minister is facing his first serious leadership challenge.

Christmas misery for the Philippines after a deadly typhoon toppled one small island after another, destroying homes and buildings, uprooting trees and flipping cars.

Well, a rift between the royals is being dragged into Brexit politics to a sex scandal involving Prince Andrew, 2019 could go down as Annus Horribilis: The Sequel for Britain's Queen Elizabeth.


VAUSE: First the security scare for the Israeli prime minister rushed from the stage of a campaign rally and surrounded by bodyguards. He was taken to a nearby bomb shelter. With Israel about to vote in its third national election in 12 months, Benjamin Netanyahu was on the stump of the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon when air raid sirens warned of an incoming rocket fired by Gaza.

Netanyahu returned to the stage just a few minutes later after confirmation the rocket had been intercepted by the Iron Dome defense system.

Meanwhile Netanyahu is staring down the serious challenge to his leadership of the conservative Likud Party. The man long considered Likud leader in waiting, Gideon Sa'ar, has openly challenged Netanyahu and in the coming hours thousands of party members are expected to vote in a leadership ballot that Netanyahu is expected to win.

The question is by how much? CNN's Oren Liebermann reports from Jerusalem.


OREN LIEBERMANN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces a serious challenge for the leadership of the Likud, the political party he has led for more than a decade.

His challenger, hardline right wing hardcore politician Gideon Sa'ar, a former minister of education. Whoever wins this race becomes the leader of the Likud Party and will be Likud's candidate for prime minister in the election in March. If Netanyahu win, the political map doesn't really change that much.

But if Sa'ar wins, it could effectively be the end of Netanyahu. He remains prime minister until someone else forms a government after the next elections. The 70-year-old Israeli leader has pretty much ignored Sa'ar during the short campaign, instead focusing on his own accomplishments as prime minister.

Meanwhile Sa'ar promises to succeed where Netanyahu has failed and break Israel's political deadlock. Political analysts expect Netanyahu to win, he's won all the last leadership races for the Likud in a big way. No other challenger has gotten even 30 percent of the vote in more than a decade.

What about this time?

Netanyahu faces a much more difficult situation. After the two last national elections, he failed to form a government. Now he faces criminal indictment on charges of bribery and fraud and breach of trust in separate corruption investigations. He says he's innocent but it's one more bump in the road for him and his race.

Netanyahu wants to win and win big. If he takes this leadership race, something like 80-20, it cements his control of the Likud Party and shows the strong loyalty that the party has to its longtime leader.

But if this is a close race, for example 55- 45 or something along those lines, it will be seen as a major blow to Netanyahu. He may have won but if he doesn't win big, it's a sign that the party might be shifting away from him and in a different direction.

That could do a damage to Netanyahu in the upcoming election in March. We expect results of the leadership race sometime in the early hours of Friday morning local time -- Oren Liebermann, CNN, Jerusalem.


VAUSE: in the U.S., while Democrats and Republicans dig in over procedural matters for the upcoming impeachment trial of Donald Trump, one Republican senator has appeared to side with Democrats, overtly criticizing Senate leader Mitch McConnell, who said the trial would be in total coordination with the White House defense team.

Senator Lisa Murkowski says those remarks are disturbing. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

SEN. LISA MURKOWSKI (R-AK): To me it means that we have to take that step back from being hand in glove with the defense. And so, I heard what leader McConnell had said, I happen to think that that has further confused the process.


VAUSE: U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has delayed sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate until leader Mitch McConnell announces the rules for the upcoming president's trial.


VAUSE: And that includes whether or not witnesses will be called.

Authorities in Chile believe arsonists are responsible for wildfires which have spread to the outskirts of the city of Valparaiso. Many residents were celebrating Christmas Eve when hills erupted in flames. At least 200 houses have been damaged or destroyed, leaving families homeless. Tens of thousands of residents are without power but so far no lives have been lost and no one has been seriously hurt.

A powerful typhoon has claimed at least five lives in the Philippines. Phanfone made landfall, bringing strong winds, heavy rains and storm surges. Early reports indicate some areas received as much as 20 centimeters of rain. That's a lot.


VAUSE: Well, thousands have lined the streets of Algeria's capital for the funeral procession of the once all-powerful chief. Ahmed Gaid Saleh died in a military hospital after suffering a heart attack on Monday.

It's widely believed he assumed the role of the de facto leader after nationwide anti-government protests forced out the longtime president Abdelaziz.

In his annual Christmas message at the Vatican, Pope Francis has highlighted conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Venezuela and Ukraine and called for an end to war and injustice.


POPE FRANCIS, PONTIFF, ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH (through translator): May Christ bring his light to the many children suffering from war and conflicts in the Middle East and in various countries of the world.

May he bring comfort to the beloved Syrian people, who still see no end to the hostilities that have wrecked their country over the last decade.

May he stir the consciences of men and women of goodwill. May he inspire governments and the international community to find solutions to allow the peoples of that region to live together in peace and security and put an end to their suffering.


VAUSE: In Bethlehem, Christian pilgrims and worshippers filled the pews for a Christmas mass at the Church of the Nativity, which is built over the cave where Jesus is said to have been born.

During her annual Christmas message, Queen Elizabeth reflected on a turbulent 2019. But for the royal family, the year ended with some good news. The queen's husband, Prince Philip, was discharged from the hospital in time to spend Christmas with family. But he was unable to attend church services on Wednesday at Sandringham.

Instead, the queen was joined by Prince Charles and wife, Camilla, as well as William and Kate and two of their three children. But Prince Harry and wife, Meghan, were on vacation in Canada.

Later, during a televised message, Her Majesty talked about the need for reconciliation and urged everyone to follow the example of Jesus.


ELIZABETH II, QUEEN OF ENGLAND: Many of us already try to follow in his footsteps. The path, of course, is not always smooth and may at times this year have felt quite bumpy.

But small steps can make a world of difference. And as we all look forward to the start of a new decade, it's worth remembering that it is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting change.


VAUSE: Like most families, the royals had their highs and lows in 2019. They celebrated the birth of baby Archie to Harry and Meghan.


VAUSE: They agonized over the very public sex scandal involving Prince Andrew. Last month he announced that he was stepping back from public duties and on Wednesday he quietly slipped into Sandringham for that private church service with the family. Max Foster has more about the royal year in review.



MAX FOSTER, CNN LONDON CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It's been a tumultuous and unsettling year for the British royal family with three senior members stepping back from public life. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex did so voluntarily but only temporarily after a series of run-ins with the media.

In March, CNN revealed that palace staff had to beef up their social media operation amid a rise in racist abuse targeting the Duchess. Then in October, the couple revealed in a documentary with ITV how

difficult they were finding life in the spotlight.

"I never thought that this would be easy but I thought that it would be fair," the duchess said.

They also went on the offensive over what Harry described as a "tabloid campaign" against Meghan that mirrored the treatment meted out to his mother, Princess Diana. The Duchess sued "The Mail" on Sunday alleging that it illegally published a private letter to her father.

The Duke launched his own legal proceedings against the "Daily Mirror" and "The Sun" over alleged phone hacking.


FOSTER (voice-over): All the publications deny all the charges and have vowed to fight them vigorously.

The queen's second son, Prince Andrew, also retreated from public life at the end of the year. But this may be longer term. It followed an interview he did with the BBC and the media backlash that followed it in which he talked about his association with the convicted pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein.

Epstein had allegedly trafficked Virginia Giuffre when she was 17 years old and forced her to have sex with the Duke of York and others. He said he had no recollection of ever meeting her but failed to express sympathy for Epstein's victims in the interview or any regret for his relationship with the disgraced financier.

He only did so in a follow-up statement, in which he said, "I continue to unequivocally regret my ill-judged association with Jeffrey Epstein. His suicide has left many unanswered questions, particularly for his victims and I deeply sympathize with everyone who's been affected and wants some form of closure."

CNN understands that Andrew decided to step back from his public roles after a meeting with his mother. The queen remains firmly in charge of the family, we're told, and has no intention of stepping back from public life herself, despite heading into her 94th year -- Max Foster, CNN, London.


VAUSE: Coming up, the movies we loved, the songs that topped the charts, the shows we binged on and the celebrities who made the headlines. The top entertainment stories of the year in just a moment.



[02:15:00] (MUSIC PLAYING)

VAUSE: Keep a close eye on the number in the red. That's Vladimir Putin showing off his incredible skills on the ice in Moscow's Red Square on Wednesday night. The 67 year old Russian president teamed up with his defense minister and a number of hockey legends for the game, which is held each year before the orthodox Christmas.

The game was started back in 2011 after Mr. Putin's urging to support the sport in Russia. That night he scored eight goals in an exhibition which led to his team (INAUDIBLE). No word on how he fared this time around but I think I can guess. I think they won. He scored 20.

2019 has been a record breaking year at the box office and a bonanza for the music industry. Millions have binge watched their favorite shows on streaming services and there have been plenty of celebrity scandals and losses. CNN's Stephanie Elam has a look back at the year in entertainment.


STEPHANIE ELAM, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): Winter came and went, the final battle for the Iron Throne, Avengers pack a punch at the box office and Lizzo storms the airwaves with her juice. Here's a look at the top entertainment news in 2019.

Number nine, "Jeopardy!" host Alex Trebek's courageous battle against pancreatic cancer.

ALEX TREBEK, "JEOPARDY!" HOST: I have some news to share with all of you.

ELAM (voice over): Trebek announced his stage 4 diagnosis in March and vowed to aggressively fight the disease. He underwent intense chemotherapy and resurfaced just five months later to announce he was on the mend.

TREBEK: I'm happy to report I'm still here.

ELAM (voice over): And ready to return to "Jeopardy!" for its 36th season. In a touching moment like Trebek choked up during a very special final "Jeopardy!" round.

TREBEK: What is - we love you, that's very kind. Thank you.

ELAM (voice over): A TV star embroiled in a hate crime scandal is number eight, "Empire" actor Jussie Smollett who is gay and black claimed to have been the target of a racist and homophobic attack. Police say Smollett staged the attack to gain attention.

EDDIE JOHNSON, FORMER CHICAGO POLICE SUPERINTENDENT: Jussie Smollett took advantage of the pain and anger of racism to promote his career.

ELAM (voice over): Smaller was indicted on 16 felony counts, but prosecutors later dropped all the charges. Smollett maintains his innocence.

JUSSIE SMOLLETT, ACTOR: I would not be my mother's son if I was capable of doing what I was accused of.

ELAM (voice over): He didn't return for the show's sixth and final season.

A new type of battle brings us to number seven, the fight for your streaming views and subscription dollars. Joining heavy hitters Netflix and Hulu are the new kids on the block Apple TV+, Disney+ and soon Peacock and HBO Max. Netflix is still the king with over 150 million subscribers. But industry insiders are watching the impact these new platforms will have against their established rivals.

FRANK PALLOTTA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Content is arguably at the core of any streaming service. That's why we've seen record setting production and licensing deals over the last few years.

ELAM (voice over): Oprah, Reese Witherspoon and J.J. Abrams are just some of the names behind original content coming out soon.

At number six, a sad farewell to a 90210 legend and a beloved rapper.

NIPSEY HUSSLE, RAPPER: Once again prevail.

ELAM (voice over): In March, Nipsey Hussle was shot and killed near a clothing store he owned in Los Angeles.

HUSSLE: That's why he follow me ...

ELAM (voice over): The Grammy nominated rapper collaborated with dozens of artists including Snoop Dogg, Kendrick Lamar and Drake. He embraced his role as an activist. Hussle had been scheduled to meet with city officials the next day to discuss ways to stop gang violence.

Actor Luke Perry was meant to join his original "Beverly Hills, 90210" classmates for a reboot of the show, but sadly the 52-year-old died of a massive stroke in March. Perry was best known for playing 90s bad boy Dylan McKay on "90210."

But his most recent role on TV's "Riverdale" introduced him to a new generation of fans. Both shows a tribute to the actor they knew and loved.

Number five, Lil Nas X breaks the music charts with "Old Town Road."

LIL NAS X, RAPPER: I got the horses in the back. Horse tack is attached...

ELAM (voice over): The country rapper has jammed with Billy Ray Cyrus topped the Billboard Hot 100 for a record 19 weeks. Just a year ago Lil Nas X was flying under the radar, but that all changed when he self-released "Old Town Road" on iTunes, SoundCloud and YouTube.

But it was a viral TikTok meme that turned his new beat into a banger. LIL NAS X: Yes, I'm going to take my horse to the old town road...


ELAM (voice over): The song hit a bump in the road when Billboard pulled it from the country charts, generating cries of racism. But the rapper turned it around and hit a string of personal and professional triumphs. He came out over the summer. His single went Triple Platinum and it reached Diamond status.

LIZZETTE MARTINEZ, SURVIVOR: I never really recovered from it.

ELAM (voice over): At number four, Lifetime's bombshell documentary "Surviving R. Kelly."

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A development now involving R&B singer R. Kelly, the district attorney in Fulton County, Georgia, is apparently now conducting an investigation following the release of that Lifetime docuseries called "Surviving R. Kelly."

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right, good morning.

ELAM (voice over): The embattled singer, spent his year in and out of court defending himself against sexual misconduct charges dating back 20 years. The R&B star was charged on 18 federal accounts in Illinois and New York.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Free you R. Kelly they go and free you.

ELAM (voice over): He has denied any wrongdoing.

R. KELLY, SINGER: I promise you, we're going to straighten all this stuff out. That's all I can say right now.

ELAM (voice over): Kelly remains jailed without bond.

BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH, ACTOR: We're in the end game now.

ELAM (voice over): And number three, "Avengers: Endgame" knocked out an epic win at the box office, becoming the highest-grossing film of all time.

Diehard MCU fans packed theaters to the tune of $2.8 billion worldwide. "Endgame" surpassed James Cameron's "Avatar," which held the previous global box office record for 10 years.

CHRIS HEMSWORTH, ACTOR: I like this one.

ELAM: "Endgame" caps an 11-year buildup in the Marvel Universe, which began with "Iron Man" in 2008. From "Captain Marvel" to "Black Panther" to "Thor" and "Guardians of the Galaxy," the Infinity Saga netted over $22.5 billion.

Coming in at number two, the final episode of HBO's "Game of Thrones".

LENA HEADEY, ACTOR, "CERSEI LANNISTER": When you play the "Game of Thrones," you win.

ELAM (voice over): The series finale capped off a nine-year television and pop-culture phenomenon. Making it one of the most anticipated endings in television history. The build-up through season eight had viewers anticipating an epic ending for the future of Westeros.

The finale titled "The Iron Throne" brought in a series record of 19.3 million viewers.

LIZZO, SINGER: I'd be waiting for this one. Turn it up.

ELAM (voice over): There's a new goddess on the popping hip-hop scene. Lizzo's meteoric rise makes her number one on our list. She's fierce, unapologetic and her music is an anthem for self-love and body positivity. Lizzo turned her 2016 mainstream music debut into global success in 2019.

"Truth Hurts" topped the Billboard Top 100 chart for seven weeks. The music video has over 162 million YouTube views and she makes the splash with her confident message everywhere she goes.

2020 will be another big year for some of the newsmakers on our list. Lizzo is nominated for eight Grammy Awards and watch for phase four of the Marvel movies to begin. "Black Widow" opens in May -- Stephanie Elam, CNN, Hollywood.


VAUSE: Still to come, he grew up near an airport in Ghana and had dreamed of flying high. Now he's moved on to NASA and his creations have made it (INAUDIBLE).





VAUSE: Thank you for watching CNN NEWSROOM. I'm John Vause. Your headlines are up next.