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Crazy Parents Charged of Torture; President Trump the Most Controversial American president; Missile Alert Corrected in Hawaii; Pope Francis Visits Chile; Olympic Doctor's Career Ends in Court. Aired 3-4a ET

Aired January 16, 2018 - 03:00   ET



[03:00:00] ROSEMARY CHURCH HOST CNN: Police say this California couple held their 13 children captive in their home. Some chained up and shackled to beds. The youngest just 2 years old.

Plus, candidate Donald Trump launched his presidential campaign with an attack against Mexicans. Now one year into his presidency he's on the defensive for vulgar comments about African countries.

And later, we remember the lead singer of the Irish band the Cranberries after Dolores O'Riordan's sudden unexpected death.

Hello and welcome to our viewers joining us from all around the world. I'm Rosemary Church. And this is CNN Newsroom.

A California couple faces torture charges after police rescued 12 of their children held captive in a filthy home. Police say more than half of these victims are adults but they were so severely malnourished they looked like children. Neighbors made similar observations.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The older kids I thought they were like 12 because they looked so malnourished so pale. So because of that I thought that they were much younger than what they were.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They were very, very pale skinned almost like they've never seen the sun. But I've seen a couple older ones that they all -- and it was mostly girls and then kind of small framed I'd say kind of tiny almost looked a little malnutritioned.


CHURCH: Now state authorities are investigating the disturbing situation.

CNN's Stephanie Elam tells us how police discovered it.

STEPHANIE ELAM, CORRESPONDENT, CNN: What we are learning as early Sunday morning when a 17-year-old was able to grab a cellular device and escape from the hope. She called 911 and told authorities that she and her 12 brothers and sisters were being held captive by their patients.

When police responded to the house they did find 12 children ages 2 through 29 who were living in filthy conditions inside the home and some of the children were chained and padlocked to beds.

The parents David and Louise Turpin were arrested. They are being held on bail of $9 million each. And as we look into more about this couple we do know that they did file for bankruptcy in 2011. Their bankruptcy lawyer telling CNN that they were nice people who spoke lovingly of their children.

We were also able to get in touch with the mother of David Turpin in West Virginia and she said that she spoke to the family just Saturday evening. She also said that the couple was always taking the kids on vacation and that the one thing that she did find odd is that she all -- they dressed the children alike when they went out.

And there are images of the couple with their children out and about on social media. They even seemed to renew their vows more than once in Las Vegas. And in one of videos you can see that the children are present there.

What is not clear however, is why here in this neighborhood in this house right here why they were holding their children in such a fashion. And that's the mystery that everyone still wants to know the answer to.

Stephanie Elam, CNN, Perris, California.

CHURCH: Donald Trump is facing new challenges at home and abroad as he nears his first full year in office. For decades, Mr. Trump has been accused of racially insensitive comments dating back to his time as a New York real estate developer. Well, now his latest remarks are casting a shadow over his presidency.

CNN's Pamela Brown reports.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I'm not a racist. I am the least racist person you have ever interviewed. That I can tell you.


PAMELA BROWN, JUSTICE CORRESPONDENT, CNN: Tonight, President Trump is responding to charges he's a racist. Amid the fallout over his disparaging comments about African nations and Haiti two republican senators who attended the Oval Office meeting last week Tom Cotton and David Purdue say they didn't hear the president use the word s-hole.


TOM COTTON, (R) UNITED STATES SENATOR: I didn't hear it and I was sitting no farther away from Donald Trump than Dick Durbin was.

DAVID PERDUE, (R) UNITED STATES SENATOR: I'm telling you he did not use that word.


BROWN: But Illinois democratic Senator Dick Durbin says he did.

DICK DURBIN, (D) UNITED STATES SENATOR: I know what happened I stand behind every word that I said in terms of that meeting.


BROWN: Senator Lindsey Graham who was also in the Oval Office meeting confirmed to a fellow senator Trump used the term and told the Post and Courier in South Carolina today, quote, "My memory hasn't evolved," Graham said. "I know what was said and I know what I said."

But a senior GOP source familiar with the matter says instead of hearing the president say that word some republicans actually heard the word s-house.


DURBIN: I don't know that changing the word from hole to house changes the impact which this has.

[03:05:02] LINDSEY GRAHAM, (R) UNITED STATES SENATOR: The discourse right now is pretty low is pretty embarrassing when you have to take your children out of the room just to report the news.


BROWN: The controversial comments have cast a shadow over a potential deal on DACA. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have said they want a bipartisan DACA fix before Friday's government funding deadline.


CHRIS COONS, (D) UNITED STATES SENATOR: It's going to get even harder now for us to come together and reach any sort of agreement on DACA. We've got a federal government that shuts down this coming week this Friday if we can't come to an agreement. It's getting harder when we have a president who rather than a tamping down our distances and disagreements fans them and inflames them.


BROWN: Senator Graham said lawmakers need do more to work together.


GRAHAM: Mr. President close the deal. Eighty percent of Americans want to give the DACA kids a better life and 80 percent of Americans want to secure our border and change our broken immigration system. It's going to take you, Mr. President, working with republicans and democrats to get this done. It's not going to be done on Twitter by tweeting. It's going to be done by talking and understanding.


BROWN: The president is trying to blame democrats for standing in the way of a deal.


TRUMP: I don't think the democrats want to make a deal. I think they talked about DACA. But they don't want to help the DACA people. I think you have a lot of sticking points but they're all democrat sticking points. Because we are ready, willing and able to make a deal. But they don't want to.


BROWN: Even as House Speaker Paul Ryan says there won't be a government shutdown some democrats are insisting they will oppose a government funding vote if there's no deal on DACA.


JOHN LEWIS, (D) UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE: Well, I, for one, will not vote for government funding until we get a deal on DACA.


BROWN: The war over immigration has turned into a war over government funding and who would be to blame if the government shuts down.

One White House official told me today that the blame would be squarely on the democrats if that did happen. And that it would be unfathomable for them to withhold critical funding for national security over DACA. However, that could be a tough sell if it comes down to it because republicans control Congress.

Pamela Brown, CNN, the White House.

CHURCH: Joining me now from England is Scott Lucas, professor of international politics at the University of Birmingham. Thanks for being with us.

So let's start with the vulgar comment made by the U.S. president in references to African nations Haiti and El Salvador. We now know that some republicans are arguing over which vulgarity was used by the president. Does changing the vulgarity from hole to house offer a defense of any sort for the president? Does it change anything?

SCOTT LUCAS, POLITICS PROFESSOR, UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM: So let's see. What being said here is. Well, you know, Donald Trump didn't say this particular what might be construed as a racist comment. He said this particular comment which could be construed as racist. So, therefore it's OK. No, absolutely not.

I mean, this is absolutely ridiculous that two republican senators, in particular, simply tried to cover all of this up by saying they didn't hear anything initially and then one of them says, of course, he didn't use that exact phrase that was in the media. The bottom line is that Donald Trump did make remarks that were

disparaging of people from Africa from Central America from the Caribbean. What is more important I think now beyond it is the significant of those comments because what Trump is saying when he talks about those people is I don't want any of them in the United States.

And the risk here is not only does he want any of them in the United States shutting down immigration, but of course the implied threat is that those people who are already in the United States. For example, the DREAMers they aren't real Americans either. And so we face this possible showdown over DACA with 800,000 young undocumented immigrants being held as hostages.

CHURCH: Yes. And we'll get to DACA in just a moment. But I do want to ask you this. The president's vulgar comments about African nations and other parts of the world have many calling him a racist. But Mr. Trump says he's the least racist person you'll ever meet. Is he right or is he wrong?

LUCAS: Well, you know I grew up in the American south, and I knew some people who had very interesting attitudes on race who they would tell me some of my best friends are or of course I'm not racist. You know, I quite like so and so.

Look, when you have to say I'm the least racist person and repeatedly say it as he has done over the past couple of years there's probably an issue there. It doesn't matter whether or not he says he's the least racist person. What matters is the specific comments on a day to day or week by week basis.

This is a president who said all Haitians have AIDS, that Africans should or don't want to go back to their mud huts, that all Mexicans are rapists or criminals.

[03:10:02] So, no, I'm afraid there's a track record here that defies Donald Trump now protesting why I love everybody.

CHURCH: And Scott, the president says democratic Senator Dick Durbin totally misrepresented his comments in that Oval Office meeting and he blames Durbin and other democrats for failing to come up with a deal on DACA, the immigration program for DREAMers. Who is at fault? And can a deal be made amid all this acrimonious, particularly as we're seeing people deported while the politicians fight?

LUCAS: Apologies for the dropped, the dropped earwig. Look, the fact is that Donald Trump is preparing to step away from or threatening to step away from the deal that he said he would make six months ago.

He said he was going to settle this long-running issue about the status of the DREAMers. Now six months later he decides I'm only going to do that deal if I get full funding for my wall, if I get an end to individuals being able to bring family members across.

In other words, he's taking a hard line or supporting a hard line GOP attitude on immigration and saying if you don't accept this then I'm going to take my ball and go home.

So, of course, he blames the democrats for this. But now let's be very clear, it is Donald Trump who is threatening to scrap the type of negotiation that we need to get resolution. And with that he's also threatening that there may be a shutdown of government funding on Friday because it is linked to trying to get a DACA settlement.

CHURCH: Scott Lucas, thank you so much for joining us. We always appreciate chatting with you.

LUCAS: Thank you.

CHURCH: Well, officials from 20 nations will meet in Vancouver to consider ways to pressure North Korea into halting its nuclear program.

The United States and Canada are co-hosting Tuesday's summit. U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Defense Secretary James Mattis are attending. One area of focus will be maritime security and how to prevent banned goods from reaching North Korea. The country's largest trading partner China will not be at that summit.

Well, Hawaii is making immediate changes in its procedures to prevent another false missile alert. Tourists and residents panicked Saturday morning when they received a warning of incoming missiles. Offices took 38 minutes to correct that mistake. Hawaii's governor outlined the new measures.


DAVID IGE, GOVERNOR OF HAWAII: We have created and implemented an immediate process with a pre-scripted cancellation and false alert message. We imposed a two-step, two-person rule for all TV, radio, and wireless activation. And we established better protocols and lines of communication across our emergency management network.


CHURCH: And those safeguards could be critical given the short amount of time the U.S. has to react to a missile launch from North Korea.

Brian Todd has our report.

BRIAN TODD, CORRESPONDENT, CNN: For hundreds of thousands of people in Hawaii a gut wrenching 38 minutes.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The U.S. Pacific command has detected a missile threat to Hawaii. A missile may impact on land or sea within minutes.


TODD: Alerts were sent to TVs and cell phones. This is not a drill, sending people all over the islands running for cover. Now, new warnings from nuclear experts that other scares like Saturday's false alarm could prompt American or North Korean leaders to take measures that could take us on a path to war.


DARYL KIMBALL, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, ARMS CONTROL ASSOCIATION: You've heard of the fog of war. Well, the fog of nuclear war is even thicker. So we have to be aware that these tensions will and can get out of control.


TODD: CNN is told President Trump was briefed within just a few minutes of the initial alert in Hawaii that it was a false alarm. But if somehow it had become unclear whether a North Korean missile was really flying toward the U.S. or not and the president felt he had to act, he have a frighteningly short time to respond.


BRUCE BLAIR, FORMER NUCLEAR MISSILE LAUNCH OFFICER: The president has five or six minutes to make a decision. There will be three or four minutes to implement that decision by the war room in the Pentagon. One additional minute if the underground crews to fire their missiles, and another 15 minutes for submarine crews to fire their weapons.


TODD: At that point, nuclear tipped missiles are flying at four miles per second. Analysts now warn of what could happen in the coming months during this period of what one expert calls the Wild West of ballistic missile testing.

The North Koreans may take the next major step in their weapons program and test a nuclear tipped missile over the Pacific.


KIMBALL: Instead of sending it high over the earth's atmosphere and almost straight down, they could send it almost all the way across the Pacific Ocean. That would look like a missile intended to hit a target in the United States.

[03:15:02] The United States would not know whether that missile is armed with a nuclear warhead or a dummy warhead. So, in that event we might have a U.S. reaction that then could lead to a kinetic response on the part of the North Koreans.

TODD: Bruce Blair a nuclear launch officer at the height of the Cold War says Kim Jong-un's regime will soon have its weapons on launch ready alert like the U.S. does now.

BLAIR: In the future if they deploy weapons on high alert then they are going to be susceptible to false alarms. And we're going to be vulnerable to mistakes made by the North Korean military and Kim Jong- un.

(END VIDEO CLIP) TODD: Another dangerous component to all this the personal attacks

between the president and Kim Jong-un. Experts warn a misinterpreted tweet from the president could lead Kim to think that an attack on North Korea is imminent and then he could launch against the U.S.

They point out the young North Korean doesn't have the long experience with brinksmanship that the Americans do.

Brian Rodd, CNN, Washington.

CHURCH: Syria, Turkey, and Russia are blasting a new plan by the U.S. for a border patrol army. The U.S.-led coalition says the Kurdish-led force will be up to 30,000 strong and patrol the border between Turkey and Syria. The Syrians are no fans of the Kurds which are the largest minority in Syria.

The Syrian Arab army now wants the U.S. out of the country to in its words, preserve its sovereignty. Syrian officials the coalition move would destabilize the region. Meanwhile, Turkey says it doesn't want the Kurds there either. The president explains why.


RECEP TAYYIP ERDOGAN, TURKISH PRESIDENT (through translator): A country that we call our ally insists on forming a terror army along our border despite all our objections, warnings, and well-meaning advice. Do you think a terrorist organization form along the Turkish border has target other than Turkey?


CHURCH: Russia's foreign minister accuses the U.S. of having an ulterior motive.


SERGEY LAVROV, RUSSIAN FOREIGN MINISTER (through translator): The announcement that this zone will be controlled by U.S.-backed groups by a force up to 30,000 people. This is a very serious issue which causes concerns that of course was set with our partition of Syria.


CHURCH: We'll take a short break here. But still to come, a move by Palestinians could end what cooperation is left between them and Israel. The details after this break.

Plus, Pope Francis is being welcomed in Chile with cheers and admiration but he is also facing threats and protests. We will explain when we welcome back.


CHURCH: Welcome back, everyone. Police in Venezuela have killed the fugitive pilot accused of stealing a helicopter to attack the country's Supreme Court in June. That is according to a government official.

[03:19:58] We want to warn you we're about to show video you may find disturbing. It was posted online on Monday. You see the pilot Oscar Perez with what appears to be blood on his face. He says his group was under attack for trying to negotiate with police.

President Nicolas Maduro told lawmakers Perez was part of a group that was preparing to attack an embassy.

In the Middle East, Palestinian leaders say the PLO should suspend its recognition of Israel. This follows the Trump admirations' decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital. The PLO's Central Council says the suspension should only be lifted when Israel recognizes the state of Palestine revokes its decision to annex east Jerusalem and fixes building settlements.

So let's get more on the details from Ian Lee, he's standing by in Jerusalem. Ian, good to see you. So how likely is it that the PLO would go ahead and suspend its recognition of Israel and if it does that what could be the ramifications of just such a move?

IAN LEE, INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT, CNN: Rosemary, a lot came out of that late night central council meeting. This is a meeting that took place over the course of two days. Those are just some of the things you said that were discussed in this meeting.

Now the central council they come out, they make these recommendations. It's up to the executive committee of the PLO to implement any of these decisions and any of these commendations that were made. We also had them say that they want the U.N. to help bring about any sort of movement in the peace process essentially sidelining the United States.

But again, it's the executive committee that actually has to implement these decisions. Now we can go back to 2015 when the central council said that they should, the Palestinians should stop having security coordination with the Israelis. The executive council didn't actually implement that. And to this say that is one of the closest cooperation between the Palestinians and the Israelis.

Now if they were to abandon that, if they were to really cut ties with Israel there could be some serious ramifications. You could have an increase in tension, possibly increase in violence, especially if security coordination is halted and that is something that the central -- the central council did call for again this time.

So, if the executive committee does want to go forward with that you could expect to have this increase in tension.

CHURCH: And so, Ian, how is Israel responding to discussion on these sorts of recommendations?

LEE: Rosemary, it was late night meeting and when all this came out and we haven't heard from any Israeli officials yet. But just yesterday we did hear from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He was talking about Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' speech. A very fiery speech where he condemned the United States, Israel, the international community, and some Arab countries although not by name.

And he also said that, he still said the Palestinians should have a peaceful resistance movement. But after that we heard from the prime minister and he said that President Abbas had revealed the truth that he had torn off his mask and shown the public simple truth that he has been working to instill for many years, and essentially the root of the conflict he accused the president of being the fact that the Palestinians won't recognize Israel as a Jewish state.

So there is some strong condemnation coming from the Israelis against the Palestinians against the Palestinian president and we'll just have to wait to see what today brings and the Israeli reaction to these latest announcements from the PLO Central Council.

CHURCH: Yes, indeed, we shall. Ian Lee, joining us from Jerusalem, where it is nearly 10.30 in the morning with that live report. Many thanks.

Well, Olympic gymnast Simone Biles has come forward to say a former USA gymnastics team doctor sexually abused her too. Larry Nassar faces sentencing Tuesday after pleading guilty to seven counts of criminal sexual conduct.

He was the team doctor for USA gymnastics through four Olympics. More than 140 female athletes including Biles have accused Nassar of abuse. In a Twitter statement she called out USA gymnastics for its allege role in allowing him to prey in young girls.

[03:25:03] Saying this, "For far too long I've asked myself was I too naive, was it my fault? I know now the answer to those questions, no, no, it was not my fault. No, I will not and should not carry the guilt that belongs to Larry Nassar USAG and others."

USA Gymnastics release a statement saying it supports Biles and all athletes who came forward to share their experiences.

Well, Pope Francis is visiting Chile during a trip that will also take him to Peru. Chilean President Michelle Bachelet welcomed the pope in the capital Santiago. The last time the pope visited Chile the country was under a dictatorship.

Pope Francis is facing threats and protests. Many in Chile are furious over how the Vatican has dealt with scandals of child sex abuse.

And we are getting to see firsthand what traveling with Pope Francis involves. Our Rosa Flores filed this report as she boarded the papal plane headed to Chile.


ROSA FLORES, CORRESPONDENT, CNN: This is a behind-the-scenes log at boarding the papal plane. I am ready to go. I've got my Vatican credentials. Here is my ticket with my passport, on my bag our tag. You can see that we've got to have tags on our bags. After a quick checking then we get a packet that's actually all embargo, so I can't share that with you. And we on jump on the bus because you got all the journalists they're here already. And after a short ride, here we are just outside the papal plane. Now the pope will board the plane from the front part of the aircraft. The journalist we board from the backside.

Now here is the challenge. Once we get on the flight we have to choose a seat because we don't have assigned seats. The good thing is that we normally have god friends on the flight. And my friend Anna here so she actually helped me find a seat.

Thank you so much, Anna. And once we get on it's really a race against time because we have a very little time. If you take a look around you, you see all the journalists are trying to find a seat.

Now the photographers are actually the lucky ones. They get assigned seats towards the front only because they will be taking video of the pope. The journalists travel on the back side of the plane. And so for all intents and purposes you can see that this is a regular commercial airliner.

There's a couple of perks that we do. We do get a tour package because this is 16-hour flight. We get a nice map that tells us where we're going. The only little difference is that the leader of the Catholic Church to be traveling of the front of the plane.

On the papal plane, Rosa Flores, CNN.


CHURCH: Donald Trump's first year in office has had its ups and downs from day one until now.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If he said what he said about the other countries when you get upset you say things sometimes in heat of passion that you should not say.



CHURCH: We'll go into the heart of Trump country and see if views there have change over last 12 months. Plus, the new U.S. embassy is opening its doors to the public in London. Why the building is shrouded in controversy. Thanks to President Trump.

And you really do have to see it to belie it. The amazing perch where that flying car came to a stop. Back in a moment.


[03:31:05] ROSEMARY CHURCH, CNN SHOW HOST: Welcome back to CNN Newsroom I am Rosemary Church. I want to update you now on the main stories we had been following this hour. Police has charge a California couple with torture after finding all of their children helped captive in a filthy harms some shekels to bed. A teenager escaped and told authorities that her siblings were in the house please save the victims range in age from 2-29 years old, they was so malnourished that even the adults like children, child of adult with welfare authorities are investigating.

Donald Trump says a top Democrat totally misrepresented his comments during an Oval Office meeting on immigration. The president is back in the White House insisting he is not a racist, Senator Dick Durbin say Mr. Trump use vulgar language to describe African countries. Fake media says Syrians army wants the U.S. out of the country, this after the U.S. announced plans to build a Kurdish led border patrol army. The army says is a threat to Syria's sovereignty and will destabilize the area. Turkey meanwhile accuses the U.S. of building an army of terror.

On the new U.S. Embassy in London is opening its doors to the public President Trump said he was canceling his trip to the U.K. over the building blaming his predecessor Barack Obama for moving the embassy. CNN Erin McLaughlin is live in London. Erin what's the story behind this controversy of the new U.S. Embassy building and why is President Trump so opposed to it?

ERIN MCLAUGHLIN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Rosemary the brand new billion dollar U.S. embassy open this morning very little (inaudible) perhaps unsurprising given what President Trump had to say about the embassy on Twitter late last week saying that it was a product of a bad deal made by the Obama administrations, he was therefore cancelling his trip here to London worth noting that the decision to move the embassy from the old site to this location was actually made by the Bush administration. Nevertheless the tweet put the U.S ambassador to the U.K. Woody Johnson, the awkward position of having to defend the new sites that she did in an op-ed piece that appeared in the London Standard in which she said this was the most secure most environmentally friendly U.S. embassy ever built and that it was bigger and better than the old location and he also built, constructed at the cost of $1 billion that was not - did not cost actually the U.S. tax payer a single cent if was funded entirely by the proceeds of the sale on the other property. Really from his description HANKS: is found to be that deal at all and in fact British politicians are saying it had nothing to do with the deal. President Trump in fact cancel his trip to London, because of lack of popularity here, the prospect of mass protest nevertheless Downing Street names and that state invitation the indications for statement profound (inaudible).

CHURCH: You mentioned the security aspect, their a few concerns, how secure is this in you location and how is it better than the previous?

MCLAUGHLIN: Well the decision to move on the old location which again was made under the Bush administrations with actually due primarily to security concerns in the post 9/11 environment it was deemed that site was insecure. There are new requirements in place that requires perimeter to be set up around U.S. embassy and around the world and so they decided to constructed entirely new embassy here with the appropriate security perimeter is actually a water feature surrounding the embassy for security reasons not only that it is also incredibly environmentally friendly according to the U.S. embassy website so environmentally friendly that was able to power itself not only ourselves but also the surrounding area, Rosemary.

[03:35:23] CHURCH: All right Erin McLaughlin live in London with just after 8:30 in the morning and just behind the new U.S. Embassy. After nearly a year on the President Trump Republican seem to be showing a bit more confidence in the country at least that's according to a new Gallup poll, some 61 percent of Republicans say they are very satisfied or somewhat satisfied with the direction of the U.S. when you include all of the parties while things aren't quite as sunny overrule only 29 percent of Americans are satisfied and when they pole just Democrats 92 percent said they were very dissatisfied or somewhat dissatisfied with the direction of the country.

Well that is a snapshot by the numbers, but what about face-to-face. (inaudible) went to the heart of Trump country to gauge the president support after a year in office and he is what he found when she spoke with a group of supporters in rural Georgia.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Glass Cox County Georgia this small rural community of Gibson and Americans deep down into the heritage house. The haters the after church around here Donald Trump is a hero almost 90 percent of voters cast ballots for the president in 2016 today Felton Ladd is running the family business.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Everyone in this county for the most part is Trump supporter. Not everyone but for most part.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Almost one year to the day since the president was inaugurated, what did Trump supporters in this part of America think of their president. Westcott County Sheriff Jeremy Kelly.

JEREMY KELLY, WESTCOTT COUNTY SHERIFF: I am a god fearing Christian. You know what the bible tells us that the greatest command was love. Love our neighbors as ourselves. This will we have to do as not necessarily as a countryman but as a humanity as a whole. Just love and respect each other and I am glad to see a President of the United States has his own you know deemed for one another.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I will be honest with you, the perception from the outside it is not a not at all and he very divisive, he is insulting entire continent when you call you know the s-hole word for Africa et cetera. That is where some people watching that outside the U.S. would say a charity what you're describing sounds great, but that's not what we see in the president at all how would you respond to them?

KELLY: Well and this one thing. I am a malignant position as well and things that I would say or I might do my only perceived as the way it was intended, I don't the context around those comments ever made.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Elizabeth is the matriarch of the family that runs the heritage house.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think he truly loves our country and this is what we've got half of the states of America, somebody that truly cares and after a lot of power, the man didn't go in for money the many power he thought he truly has shown me that he loves America and he wants to change and go back the way it used to be.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: For Linda was the president Trump may be the most powerful man in America, but she still thinks he's being treated unfairly.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think of the things that he has said I think, you know don't say that. If he said what he said about the other countries when you say it you say things sometimes and in heat of passion that you should not say?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But Elizabeth one of the things I hear often living abroad as people believe that the president is unpredictable that he's probably a reckless and not maybe very stable when it comes to his reaction, he reacts a lot in a heated long. They are worried you know that in a heat of passion you'll start a war with North Korea or you'll do something dangerous for the whole world what would you say to people outside the U.S. about the president, because clearly you don't think they should be concerned about this.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I do not. I think no sovereign thing is the proof is in the tweeting. I would say, give him a chance, some of this stuff fits this just get along so out of proportion.

[03:40:11] UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: President Trump seems to me like not necessarily the most obvious choice for a God-fearing Christian person to support why, because of some of the things he said because of some of the issues surrounding Access Hollywood tape where he brags about touching women and things like that it seems to me like that necessarily logically the candidate you'd support. Can you explain to me why?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The things that they will support only to judge what they the judge but like Donald Trump like she said loves America.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you think there is something to this notion and there's an investigation going on now that the campaign of the president when he was a candidate that help from Russia or colluded with Russia. Do you believe any of that?



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well I just I just think that that would be (inaudible) the man has gone out into more in his trying to get elected and he just - you could tell it was going his way most of the year the title things that would just make you so mad you will hit him. But the next day, I mean wow he is very intelligent.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The fact is the president said when he was a candidate, to build a wall Mexico is going to pay for the wall.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don't know how many times, dozens possibly hundred. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But the walls aren't built yet.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Not only that and the president asking for the money from Congress which means he is asking for money for all of you tax payers. Is that a broken promise?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have to get to where America is our personal agenda and I want to see that from whether it be Donald Trump, or Barack Obama will be whoever. I mean if she's elected president as long as her personal agenda is America and she worked for that, more power for her.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Here the America resonates more than ever an attacks against the president no stick. One year on no sign of a shift in opinion in this Trump heartland. Hala Gorani, Georgia.


CHURCH: Evacuations are under way on the island of Luzon in the Philippines the Mayon volcano has begun erupting again. That school officials declaring an 11 km danger zone around the volcano. Michael Holmes has the details.

MICHAEL HOLMES, CNN ANCHOR AND CORRESPONDENT: It is one of the most active volcano in the world and Mayon located on the Philippine island of Luzon is erupting once again. Steam eruptions visible by day, and the glow of lava by night and prompted officials to raise the volcano warning label to three indicating that lava flow has been detected. This video taken by resident of Legaspi city shows lava flowing Sunday night so far there has not been an explosive eruption, but volcanologist say that could change.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (TRANSLATOR): We can expect the magmatic phase of lava flow with magma as the source magnetic corruptions can happen which have hazards such as pyroclastic flows.

HOLMES: Mayon has erupted 47 times in the past 400 years, the volcano's most devastating eruption took place in 1814 killing 1200 people in 2014, thousands were ordered to evacuate.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (TRANSLATOR): We are scared of course, it is the experienced the last eruption of the Mayon volcano. We lived through it was really scary.

HOLMES: The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology recommended an 11 km danger zone around the volcano and at least 900 families had been evacuated from the area. Michael Holmes CNN.


CHURCH: After this break a tribute to the life and music of Dolores O'Riordan lead singer of the rock band the Cranberries.

(COMMERCIAL BREAK) [03:47:2] CHURCH: Fans of Dolores O'Riordan remembering the Irish

singer, her voice for many was a defining part of 90's. The Cranberries lead singer dies suddenly in London on Monday at the age of 46. CNN Amara Walker has this looked back at her music and part of an interviews CNN did with the band just last year.


AMARA WALKER, CNN NTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Dolores O'Riordan was the voice of Irish alternative rock and unmistakably unique and powerful sound of music and her band the cranberries resonated worldwide. With hit like Zombie and Linger, the band from Ireland sold more than 40 million albums worldwide with the biggest hits coming in the mid-1990s, last year the cranberries released something else an album featuring their classic songs remakes with an orchestra. O'Riordan told CNN she was really excited to go on tour.

DOLORES O'RIORDAN, LEAD SINGER, THE CRANBERRIES: You know you like to have a really good time. And together released from their daily stresses and burdens just able to let go and just enjoy the hour and a half, that is it, you know.

WALKER: But the band canceled many of their tour dates citing O'Riordan back problems as the reason. As a youngest of seven children O'Riordan explain she grew up with a wide range of musical influences.

O'RIORDAN: Also the church music the argument church so I was glorying and no one else - the theory and unusual cards and hard sequences in that music you know what I like to rock.

The Beatles, Crosby's, Frank Sinatra all that kind of stuff and I presence and I listened to everything from you know, State of (inaudible), English bands like that or all that stuff.

WALKER: The Cranberries formed in 1990 when O'Riordan became the singer of the band started by Nolan and Mike Hogan.

O'RIORDAN: But when we came together we were all teenagers, Mike was 16 I was 18 we are all between 16 and 18 and at that time we are all smith fans. And offshore fan and were always eminently time you know we all grew up 90 influences we were just at that time where you know it was like you got your room and shut the door and just listen and say this is how I feel. You know the Cure, this is how bad I feel about (inaudible).

[03:50:21] WALKER: Musicians around the world have reacted with shock to the news of her death in the president of Ireland said in a statement, to all those who follow and support Irish music Irish musicians and the performing arts for death will be a big vast.


CHURCH: Incredible voice and such a lost. It is time now for break when we come back it was a terrifying choice when it was no other way out coming out life-saving heroic of some firefighters. Plus Donald Trump on the world stage the highs and lows of the U.S. presidents first year in office. We are back in just a moment.


CHURCH: it is the sort of accident but when you see the outcome you can't imagine how it happened. Police found a white sedan with a passenger still inside waged into the second floor of a dental office. Yes the second floor it was a near miss for passing boss its dash cam can capture the moment the car the hit the raise center median and went airborne nearby surveillance video shows the crash from another angle the driver admitted to using narcotics and was taken to the hospital. Incredible.

An apartment fire force an Atlanta family to make a choice out of desperation as flames closed in two children were thrown out and firefighters with air to make the life-saving catches. Lynda Kinkade has the story.


LYNDA KINKADE, CONNECT THE WORLD, CNN: It was a moment that would take any parents breath away. A five year old toss from the third level of the burning apartment by his father.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: See how the flames really hovering right above them gaining momentum and it was really hot.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No doubt that the family was so desperately an option I had was just for to throw that child out of the apartment.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She initially had some reservations about dropping his child as any parent would, but he needed to get down a ladder for us that was our game-winning catch.

KINKADE: Moments earlier a baby sibling was thrown down wrap in a blanket, he throw it half way of the ladder.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I was saying, o h god don't drop it.

KINKADE: the family and their neighbor are lucky to escape. Thanks to this mother of triplets and her colleagues

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That family must feel absolutely so grateful that she with their on the scene.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: they are just truly thankful that the firefighters with the right place at the right time.

KINKADE: his father suffered burns to his back and receive treatment at hospital at and suffered minor smoke inhalation. Neighbors set up a donation dropped a healthy 50 people displaced by the file, because of the blaze is under investigation. Lynda Kinkade CNN.

CHURCH: Saturday marks one year since Donald Trump's inauguration and a couple of international magazines of featuring the anniversary only covers the Dylan publication Dale Spiegel shows a cartoon depicting Mr. Trump as less involved in a caveman with the caption the age of fire and fury and economist shows the president in a baby carriage with the headline one year old is the Trump presidency really this bad?

[03:55:16] Mr. Trump has had his share of gaps during his first year in office and missteps on the world stage. Remember the NATO summit in Brussels back in May when he appeared to shove the Prime Minister Montenegrin out of his way the reviews of President Trump have not been all bad.


TRUMP: It is a great honor to have President Erdogan from Turkey here.

Thank you everybody - so we see what we do.

Doesn't sound too optimistic.

Wiretapping I guess this past administration at least we have something in common perhaps.

Justin is doing a spectacular job in Canada. Everybody loves him and they love him for a reason.

My feelings toward you is an incredibly warm one as we said there is great chemistry.


CHURCH: there you go. Thanks for your company this hour. I am rosemary Church, remember to connect with me anytime on twitter. The news continues now with Max Foster in London, you are watching CNN. Have a great day.